USB Safely Remove 4.0 Beta 5 serial key or number

USB Safely Remove 4.0 Beta 5 serial key or number

USB Safely Remove 4.0 Beta 5 serial key or number

USB Safely Remove 4.0 Beta 5 serial key or number

Android 11 Compatibility Definition

1. Introduction

This document enumerates the requirements that must be met in order for devices to be compatible with Android

The use of “MUST”, “MUST NOT”, “REQUIRED”, “SHALL”, “SHALL NOT”, “SHOULD”, “SHOULD NOT”, “RECOMMENDED”, “MAY”, and “OPTIONAL” is per the IETF standard defined in RFC

As used in this document, a “device implementer” or “implementer” is a person or organization developing a hardware/software solution running Android A “device implementation” or “implementation" is the hardware/software solution so developed.

To be considered compatible with Android 11, device implementations MUST meet the requirements presented in this Compatibility Definition, including any documents incorporated via reference.

Where this definition or the software tests described in section 10 is silent, ambiguous, or incomplete, it is the responsibility of the device implementer to ensure compatibility with existing implementations.

For this reason, the Android Open Source Project is both the reference and preferred implementation of Android. Device implementers are STRONGLY RECOMMENDED to base their implementations to the greatest extent possible on the “upstream” source code available from the Android Open Source Project. While some components can hypothetically be replaced with alternate implementations, it is STRONGLY RECOMMENDED to not follow this practice, as passing the software tests will become substantially more difficult. It is the implementer’s responsibility to ensure full behavioral compatibility with the standard Android implementation, including and beyond the Compatibility Test Suite. Finally, note that certain component substitutions and modifications are explicitly forbidden by this document.

Many of the resources linked to in this document are derived directly or indirectly from the Android SDK and will be functionally identical to the information in that SDK’s documentation. In any cases where this Compatibility Definition or the Compatibility Test Suite disagrees with the SDK documentation, the SDK documentation is considered authoritative. Any technical details provided in the linked resources throughout this document are considered by inclusion to be part of this Compatibility Definition.

Document Structure

Requirements by Device Type

Section 2 contains all of the requirements that apply to a specific device type. Each subsection of Section 2 is dedicated to a specific device type.

All the other requirements, that universally apply to any Android device implementations, are listed in the sections after Section 2. These requirements are referenced as "Core Requirements" in this document.

Requirement ID

Requirement ID is assigned for MUST requirements.

  • The ID is assigned for MUST requirements only.
  • STRONGLY RECOMMENDED requirements are marked as [SR] but ID is not assigned.
  • The ID consists of : Device Type ID - Condition ID - Requirement ID (e.g. C).

Each ID is defined as below:

  • Device Type ID (see more in 2. Device Types)
    • C: Core (Requirements that are applied to any Android device implementations)
    • H: Android Handheld device
    • T: Android Television device
    • A: Android Automotive implementation
    • W: Android Watch implementation
    • Tab: Android Tablet implementation
  • Condition ID
    • When the requirement is unconditional, this ID is set as 0.
    • When the requirement is conditional, 1 is assigned for the 1st condition and the number increments by 1 within the same section and the same device type.
  • Requirement ID
    • This ID starts from 1 and increments by 1 within the same section and the same condition.

Requirement ID in Section 2

The Requirement ID in Section 2 starts with the corresponding section ID that is followed by the Requirement ID described above.

  • The ID in Section 2 consists of : Section ID / Device Type ID - Condition ID - Requirement ID (e.g. /A).

2. Device Types

While the Android Open Source Project provides a software stack that can be used for a variety of device types and form factors, there are a few device types that have a relatively better established application distribution ecosystem.

This section describes those device types, and additional requirements and recommendations applicable for each device type.

All Android device implementations that do not fit into any of the described device types MUST still meet all requirements in the other sections of this Compatibility Definition.

Device Configurations

For the major differences in hardware configuration by device type, see the device-specific requirements that follow in this section.

Handheld Requirements

An Android Handheld device refers to an Android device implementation that is typically used by holding it in the hand, such as an mp3 player, phone, or tablet.

Android device implementations are classified as a Handheld if they meet all the following criteria:

  • Have a power source that provides mobility, such as a battery.
  • Have a physical diagonal screen size in the range of inches (or inches for devices which launched on an API level earlier than Android 11) to 8 inches.

The additional requirements in the rest of this section are specific to Android Handheld device implementations.

Note: Requirements that do not apply to Android Tablet devices are marked with an *.


Handheld device implementations:

  • [/H] MUST have at least one Android-compatible display that meets all requirements described on this document.
  • [/H-SR] Are STRONGLY RECOMMENDED to provide users an affordance to change the display size (screen density).

If Handheld device implementations support software screen rotation, they:

  • [/H]* MUST make the logical screen that is made available for third party applications be at least 2 inches on the short edge(s) and inches on the long edge(s). Devices which launched on an API level earlier than that of this document are exempted from this requirement.

If Handheld device implementations do not support software screen rotation, they:

  • [/H]* MUST make the logical screen that is made available for third party applications be at least inches on the short edge(s). Devices which launched on an API level earlier than that of this document are exempted from this requirement.

If Handheld device implementations claim support for high dynamic range displays through , they:

  • [/H] MUST advertise support for the , , , , and extensions.

Handheld device implementations:

  • [/H] MUST report whether the device supports the GPU profiling capability via a system property .

If Handheld device implementations declare support via a system property , they:

Handheld device implementations:

  • [/H] MUST include support for legacy application compatibility mode as implemented by the upstream Android open source code. That is, device implementations MUST NOT alter the triggers or thresholds at which compatibility mode is activated, and MUST NOT alter the behavior of the compatibility mode itself.
  • [/H] MUST include support for third-party Input Method Editor (IME) applications.
  • [/H] MUST provide the Home function on all the Android-compatible displays that provide the home screen.
  • [/H] MUST provide the Back function on all the Android-compatible displays and the Recents function on at least one of the Android-compatible displays.
  • [/H] MUST send both the normal and long press event of the Back function () to the foreground application. These events MUST NOT be consumed by the system and CAN be triggered by outside of the Android device (e.g. external hardware keyboard connected to the Android device).
  • [/H] MUST support touchscreen input.
  • [/H-SR] Are STRONGLY RECOMMENDED to launch the user-selected assist app, in other words the app that implements VoiceInteractionService, or an activity handling the on long-press of or if the foreground activity does not handle those long-press events.
  • [/H-SR] Are STRONGLY RECOMMENDED to include a 3-axis accelerometer.

If Handheld device implementations include a 3-axis accelerometer, they:

  • [/H] MUST be able to report events up to a frequency of at least Hz.

If Handheld device implementations include a GPS/GNSS receiver and report the capability to applications through the feature flag, they:

  • [/H] MUST report GNSS measurements, as soon as they are found, even if a location calculated from GPS/GNSS is not yet reported.
  • [/H] MUST report GNSS pseudoranges and pseudorange rates, that, in open-sky conditions after determining the location, while stationary or moving with less than meter per second squared of acceleration, are sufficient to calculate position within 20 meters, and speed within meters per second, at least 95% of the time.

If Handheld device implementations include a 3-axis gyroscope, they:

  • [/H] MUST be able to report events up to a frequency of at least Hz.
  • [/H] MUST be capable of measuring orientation changes up to degrees per second.

Handheld device implementations that can make a voice call and indicate any value other than in :

  • [/H] SHOULD include a proximity sensor.

Handheld device implementations:

  • [/H-SR] Are RECOMMENDED to support pose sensor with 6 degrees of freedom.
  • [/H] SHOULD include support for Bluetooth and Bluetooth LE.

If Handheld device implementations include a metered connection, they:

  • [/H] MUST provide the data saver mode.

If Handheld device implementations include a logical camera device that lists capabilities using , they:

  • [/H] MUST have normal field of view (FOV) by default and it MUST be between 50 and 90 degrees.

Handheld device implementations:

  • [/H] MUST have at least 4 GB of non-volatile storage available for application private data (a.k.a. "/data" partition).
  • [/H] MUST return “true” for when there is less than 1GB of memory available to the kernel and userspace.

If Handheld device implementations declare support of only a bit ABI:

  • [/H] The memory available to the kernel and userspace MUST be at least MB if the default display uses framebuffer resolutions up to qHD (e.g. FWVGA).

  • [/H] The memory available to the kernel and userspace MUST be at least MB if the default display uses framebuffer resolutions up to HD+ (e.g. HD, WSVGA).

  • [/H] The memory available to the kernel and userspace MUST be at least MB if the default display uses framebuffer resolutions up to FHD (e.g. WSXGA+).

  • [/H] The memory available to the kernel and userspace MUST be at least MB if the default display uses framebuffer resolutions up to QHD (e.g. QWXGA).

If Handheld device implementations declare support of bit and bit ABIs:

  • [/H] The memory available to the kernel and userspace MUST be at least MB if the default display uses framebuffer resolutions up to qHD (e.g. FWVGA).

  • [/H] The memory available to the kernel and userspace MUST be at least MB if the default display uses framebuffer resolutions up to HD+ (e.g. HD, WSVGA).

  • [/H] The memory available to the kernel and userspace MUST be at least MB if the default display uses framebuffer resolutions up to FHD (e.g. WSXGA+).

  • [/H] The memory available to the kernel and userspace MUST be at least MB if the default display uses framebuffer resolutions up to QHD (e.g. QWXGA).

Note that the "memory available to the kernel and userspace" above refers to the memory space provided in addition to any memory already dedicated to hardware components such as radio, video, and so on that are not under the kernel’s control on device implementations.

If Handheld device implementations include less than or equal to 1GB of memory available to the kernel and userspace, they:

  • [/H] MUST declare the feature flag .
  • [/H] MUST have at least GB of non-volatile storage for application private data (a.k.a. "/data" partition).

If Handheld device implementations include more than 1GB of memory available to the kernel and userspace, they:

  • [/H] MUST have at least 4GB of non-volatile storage available for application private data (a.k.a. "/data" partition).
  • SHOULD declare the feature flag .

Handheld device implementations:

  • [/H] MUST NOT provide an application shared storage smaller than 1 GiB.
  • [/H] SHOULD include a USB port supporting peripheral mode.

If handheld device implementations include a USB port supporting peripheral mode, they:

  • [/H] MUST implement the Android Open Accessory (AOA) API.

If Handheld device implementations include a USB port supporting host mode, they:

  • [/H] MUST implement the USB audio class as documented in the Android SDK documentation.

Handheld device implementations:

  • [/H] MUST include a microphone.
  • [/H] MUST have an audio output and declare .

If Handheld device implementations are capable of meeting all the performance requirements for supporting VR mode and include support for it, they:

  • [/H] MUST declare the feature flag.
  • [/H] MUST include an application implementing that can be enabled by VR applications via .

If Handheld device implementations include one or more USB-C port(s) in host mode and implement (USB audio class), in addition to requirements in section , they:

  • [/H] MUST provide the following software mapping of HID codes:
Function Mappings Context Behavior
A HID usage page: 0x0C
HID usage: 0x0CD
Kernel key:
Android key:
Media playback Input: Short press
Output: Play or pause
Input: Long press
Output: Launch voice command
Sends: if the device is locked or its screen is off. Sends otherwise
Incoming call Input: Short press
Output: Accept call
Input: Long press
Output: Reject call
Ongoing call Input: Short press
Output: End call
Input: Long press
Output: Mute or unmute microphone
B HID usage page: 0x0C
HID usage: 0x0E9
Kernel key:
Android key:
Media playback, Ongoing call Input: Short or long press
Output: Increases the system or headset volume
C HID usage page: 0x0C
HID usage: 0x0EA
Kernel key:
Android key:
Media playback, Ongoing call Input: Short or long press
Output: Decreases the system or headset volume
D HID usage page: 0x0C
HID usage: 0x0CF
Kernel key:
Android key:
All. Can be triggered in any instance. Input: Short or long press
Output: Launch voice command
  • [/H] MUST trigger ACTION_HEADSET_PLUG upon a plug insert, but only after the USB audio interfaces and endpoints have been properly enumerated in order to identify the type of terminal connected.

When the USB audio terminal types 0x is detected, they:

  • [/H] MUST broadcast Intent ACTION_HEADSET_PLUG with "microphone" extra set to 0.

When the USB audio terminal types 0x is detected, they:

  • [/H] MUST broadcast Intent ACTION_HEADSET_PLUG with "microphone" extra set to 1.

When API manicapital.comices() is called while the USB peripheral is connected they:

  • [/H] MUST list a device of type manicapital.com_USB_HEADSET and role isSink() if the USB audio terminal type field is 0x

  • [/H] MUST list a device of type manicapital.com_USB_HEADSET and role isSink() if the USB audio terminal type field is 0x

  • [/H] MUST list a device of type manicapital.com_USB_HEADSET and role isSource() if the USB audio terminal type field is 0x

  • [/H] MUST list a device of type manicapital.com_USB_DEVICE and role isSink() if the USB audio terminal type field is 0x

  • [/H] MUST list a device of type manicapital.com_USB_DEVICE and role isSource() if the USB audio terminal type field is 0x

  • [/H] MUST list a device of type manicapital.com_USB_DEVICE and role isSink() if the USB audio terminal type field is 0x

  • [/H] MUST list a device of type manicapital.com_USB_DEVICE and role isSource() if the USB audio terminal type field is 0x

  • [/H-SR] Are STRONGLY RECOMMENDED upon connection of a USB-C audio peripheral, to perform enumeration of USB descriptors, identify terminal types and broadcast Intent ACTION_HEADSET_PLUG in less than milliseconds.

If Handheld device implementations include at least one haptic actuator, they:

  • [/H-SR]* Are STRONGLY RECOMMENDED NOT to use an eccentric rotating mass (ERM) haptic actuator(vibrator).
  • [/H]* SHOULD position the placement of the actuator near the location where the device is typically held or touched by hands.
  • [/H-SR]* Are STRONGLY RECOMMENDED to implement all public constants for clear haptics in manicapital.comionEffect namely (EFFECT_TICK, EFFECT_CLICK, EFFECT_HEAVY_CLICK and EFFECT_DOUBLE_CLICK) and all public constants for rich haptics in manicapital.comition namely (PRIMITIVE_CLICK and PRIMITIVE_TICK).
  • [/H-SR]* Are STRONGLY RECOMMENDED to use these linked haptic constants mappings.
  • [/H-SR]* Are STRONGLY RECOMMENDED to follow quality assessment for createOneShot() and createWaveform() API's.
  • [/H-SR]* Are STRONGLY RECOMMENDED to verify the capabilities for amplitude scalability by running manicapital.comlitudeControl().

Linear resonant actuator (LRA) is a single mass spring system which has a dominant resonant frequency where the mass translates in the direction of desired motion.

If Handheld device implementations include at least one linear resonant actuator, they:

  • [/H]* SHOULD move the haptic actuator in the X-axis of portrait orientation.

If Handheld device implementations have a haptic actuator which is X-axis Linear resonant actuator (LRA), they:

  • [/H-SR]* Are STRONGLY RECOMMENDED to have the resonant frequency of the X-axis LRA be under Hz.

If handheld device implementations follow haptic constants mapping, they:


Handheld device implementations MUST support the following audio encoding and decoding formats and make them available to third-party applications:

  • [/H] AMR-NB
  • [/H] AMR-WB
  • [/H] MPEG-4 AAC Profile (AAC LC)
  • [/H] MPEG-4 HE AAC Profile (AAC+)
  • [/H] AAC ELD (enhanced low delay AAC)

Handheld device implementations MUST support the following video encoding formats and make them available to third-party applications:

  • [/H] H AVC
  • [/H] VP8

Handheld device implementations MUST support the following video decoding formats and make them available to third-party applications:

  • [/H] H AVC
  • [/H] H HEVC
  • [/H] MPEG-4 SP
  • [/H] VP8
  • [/H] VP9


Handheld device implementations:

  • [/H] MUST have an application that handles the , , , and intents as described in the SDK documents, and provide the user affordance to access the document provider data by using API.
  • [/H]* MUST preload one or more applications or service components with an intent handler, for all the public intent filter patterns defined by the following application intents listed here.
  • [/H-SR] Are STRONGLY RECOMMENDED to preload an email application which can handle ACTION_SENDTO or ACTION_SEND or ACTION_SEND_MULTIPLE intents to send an email.
  • [/H] MUST provide a complete implementation of the API.
  • [/H] MUST include a standalone Browser application for general user web browsing.
  • [/H-SR] Are STRONGLY RECOMMENDED to implement a default launcher that supports in-app pinning of shortcuts, widgets and widgetFeatures.
  • [/H-SR] Are STRONGLY RECOMMENDED to implement a default launcher that provides quick access to the additional shortcuts provided by third-party apps through the ShortcutManager API.
  • [/H-SR] Are STRONGLY RECOMMENDED to include a default launcher app that shows badges for the app icons.
  • [/H-SR] Are STRONGLY RECOMMENDED to support third-party app widgets.
  • [/H] MUST allow third-party apps to notify users of notable events through the and API classes.
  • [/H] MUST support rich notifications.
  • [/H] MUST support heads-up notifications.
  • [/H] MUST include a notification shade, providing the user the ability to directly control (e.g. reply, snooze, dismiss, block) the notifications through user affordance such as action buttons or the control panel as implemented in the AOSP.
  • [/H] MUST display the choices provided through in the notification shade.
  • [/H-SR] Are STRONGLY RECOMMENDED to display the first choice provided through in the notification shade without additional user interaction.
  • [/H-SR] Are STRONGLY RECOMMENDED to display all the choices provided through in the notification shade when the user expands all notifications in the notification shade.
  • [/H-SR] Are STRONGLY RECOMMENDED to display actions for which is set as in-line with the replies displayed by .
  • [/H-SR] Are STRONGLY RECOMMENDED to implement an assistant on the device to handle the Assist action.

If Handheld device implementations support Assist action, they:

  • [/H-SR] Are STRONGLY RECOMMENDED to use long press on key as the designated interaction to launch the assist app as described in section MUST launch the user-selected assist app, in other words the app that implements , or an activity handling the intent.

If Handheld device implementations support and group them into a separate section from alerting and silent non-conversation notifications, they:

  • [/H]* MUST display conversation notifications ahead of non conversation notifications with the exception of ongoing foreground service notifications and importance:high notifications.

If Android Handheld device implementations support a lock screen, they:

  • [/H] MUST display the Lock screen Notifications including the Media Notification Template.

If Handheld device implementations support a secure lock screen, they:

  • [/H] MUST implement the full range of device administration policies defined in the Android SDK documentation.
  • [/H] MUST declare the support of managed profiles via the feature flag, except when the device is configured so that it would report itself as a low RAM device or so that it allocates internal (non-removable) storage as shared storage.

If Handheld device implementations include support for and APIs and allow third-party applications to publish , then they:

  • [/H] MUST declare the feature flag and set it to .
  • [/H] MUST provide a user affordance with the ability to add, edit, select, and operate the user’s favorite device controls from the controls registered by the third-party applications through the and the APIs.
  • [/H] MUST provide access to this user affordance within three interactions from a default Launcher.
  • [/H] MUST accurately render in this user affordance the name and icon of each third-party app that provides controls via the API as well as any specified fields provided by the APIs.

Conversely, If Handheld device implementations do not implement such controls, they:

Handheld device implementations:

  • [/H] MUST support third-party accessibility services.
  • [/H-SR] Are STRONGLY RECOMMENDED to preload accessibility services on the device comparable with or exceeding functionality of the Switch Access and TalkBack (for languages supported by the preinstalled Text-to-speech engine) accessibility services as provided in the talkback open source project.
  • [/H] MUST support installation of third-party TTS engines.
  • [/H-SR] Are STRONGLY RECOMMENDED to include a TTS engine supporting the languages available on the device.
  • [/H-SR] Are STRONGLY RECOMMENDED to include a Quick Settings UI component.

If Android handheld device implementations declare or support, they:

  • [/H] MUST support the companion device pairing feature.

If the navigation function is provided as an on-screen, gesture-based action:

  • [/H] The gesture recognition zone for the Home function SHOULD be no higher than 32 dp in height from the bottom of the screen.

If Handheld device implementations provide a navigation function as a gesture from anywhere on the left and right edges of the screen:

  • [/H] The navigation function's gesture area MUST be less than 40 dp in width on each side. The gesture area SHOULD be 24 dp in width by default.

Performance and Power

  • [/H] Consistent frame latency. Inconsistent frame latency or a delay to render frames MUST NOT happen more often than 5 frames in a second, and SHOULD be below 1 frames in a second.
  • [/H] User interface latency. Device implementations MUST ensure low latency user experience by scrolling a list of 10K list entries as defined by the Android Compatibility Test Suite (CTS) in less than 36 secs.
  • [/H] Task switching. When multiple applications have been launched, re-launching an already-running application after it has been launched MUST take less than 1 second.

Handheld device implementations:

  • [/H] MUST ensure a sequential write performance of at least 5 MB/s.
  • [/H] MUST ensure a random write performance of at least MB/s.
  • [/H] MUST ensure a sequential read performance of at least 15 MB/s.
  • [/H] MUST ensure a random read performance of at least MB/s.

If Handheld device implementations include features to improve device power management that are included in AOSP or extend the features that are included in AOSP, they:

  • [/H] MUST provide user affordance to enable and disable the battery saver feature.
  • [/H] MUST provide user affordance to display all apps that are exempted from App Standby and Doze power-saving modes.

Handheld device implementations:

  • [/H] MUST provide a per-component power profile that defines the current consumption value for each hardware component and the approximate battery drain caused by the components over time as documented in the Android Open Source Project site.
  • [/H] MUST report all power consumption values in milliampere hours (mAh).
  • [/H] MUST report CPU power consumption per each process's UID. The Android Open Source Project meets the requirement through the kernel module implementation.
  • [/H] MUST make this power usage available via the shell command to the app developer.
  • [/H] SHOULD be attributed to the hardware component itself if unable to attribute hardware component power usage to an application.

If Handheld device implementations include a screen or video output, they:

Security Model

Handheld device implementations:

  • [/H] MUST allow third-party apps to access the usage statistics via the permission and provide a user-accessible mechanism to grant or revoke access to such apps in response to the intent.

Handheld device implementations (* Not applicable for Tablet):

  • [/H]* MUST back up the keystore implementation with an isolated execution environment.
  • [/H]* MUST have implementations of RSA, AES, ECDSA, and HMAC cryptographic algorithms and MD5, SHA1, and SHA-2 family hash functions to properly support the Android Keystore system's supported algorithms in an area that is securely isolated from the code running on the kernel and above. Secure isolation MUST block all potential mechanisms by which kernel or userspace code might access the internal state of the isolated environment, including DMA. The upstream Android Open Source Project (AOSP) meets this requirement by using the Trusty implementation, but another ARM TrustZone-based solution or a third-party reviewed secure implementation of a proper hypervisor-based isolation are alternative options.
  • [/H]* MUST perform the lock screen authentication in the isolated execution environment and only when successful, allow the authentication-bound keys to be used. Lock screen credentials MUST be stored in a way that allows only the isolated execution environment to perform lock screen authentication. The upstream Android Open Source Project provides the Gatekeeper Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL) and Trusty, which can be used to satisfy this requirement.
  • [/H]* MUST support key attestation where the attestation signing key is protected by secure hardware and signing is performed in secure hardware. The attestation signing keys MUST be shared across large enough number of devices to prevent the keys from being used as device identifiers. One way of meeting this requirement is to share the same attestation key unless at least , units of a given SKU are produced. If more than , units of an SKU are produced, a different key MAY be used for each , units.

Note that if a device implementation is already launched on an earlier Android version, such a device is exempted from the requirement to have a keystore backed by an isolated execution environment and support the key attestation, unless it declares the feature which requires a keystore backed by an isolated execution environment.

When Handheld device implementations support a secure lock screen, they:

  • [/H] MUST allow the user to choose the shortest sleep timeout, that is a transition time from the unlocked to the locked state, as 15 seconds or less.
  • [/H] MUST provide user affordance to hide notifications and disable all forms of authentication except for the primary authentication described in Secure Lock Screen. The AOSP meets the requirement as lockdown mode.

Developer Tools and Options Compatibility

Handheld device implementations (* Not applicable for Tablet):

  • [/H]* MUST support the shell command .

Handheld device implementations (* Not applicable for Tablet):

  • Perfetto
    • [/H]* MUST expose a binary to the shell user which cmdline complies with the perfetto documentation.
    • [/H]* The perfetto binary MUST accept as input a protobuf config that complies with the schema defined in the perfetto documentation.
    • [/H]* The perfetto binary MUST write as output a protobuf trace that complies with the schema defined in the perfetto documentation.
    • [/H]* MUST provide, through the perfetto binary, at least the data sources described in the perfetto documentation.
    • [/H]* The perfetto traced daemon MUST be enabled by default (system property ).

Television Requirements

An Android Television device refers to an Android device implementation that is an entertainment interface for consuming digital media, movies, games, apps, and/or live TV for users sitting about ten feet away (a “lean back” or “foot user interface”).

Android device implementations are classified as a Television if they meet all the following criteria:

  • Have provided a mechanism to remotely control the rendered user interface on the display that might sit ten feet away from the user.
  • Have an embedded screen display with the diagonal length larger than 24 inches OR include a video output port, such as VGA, HDMI, DisplayPort, or a wireless port for display.

The additional requirements in the rest of this section are specific to Android Television device implementations.


Television device implementations:

  • [/T] MUST support D-pad.
  • [/T] MUST provide the Home and Back functions.
  • [/T] MUST send both the normal and long press event of the Back function () to the foreground application.
  • [/T] MUST include support for game controllers and declare the feature flag.
  • [/T] SHOULD provide a remote control from which users can access non-touch navigation and core navigation keys inputs.

If Television device implementations include a 3-axis gyroscope, they:

  • [/T] MUST be able to report events up to a frequency of at least Hz.
  • [/T] MUST be capable of measuring orientation changes up to degrees per second.

Television device implementations:

  • [/T] MUST support Bluetooth and Bluetooth LE.
  • [/T] MUST have at least 4 GB of non-volatile storage available for application private data (a.k.a. "/data" partition).

If Television device implementations include a USB port that supports host mode, they:

  • [/T] MUST include support for an external camera that connects through this USB port but is not necessarily always connected.

If TV device implementations are bit:

  • [/T] The memory available to the kernel and userspace MUST be at least MB if any of the following densities are used:

    • dpi or higher on small/normal screens
    • xhdpi or higher on large screens
    • tvdpi or higher on extra large screens

If TV device implementations are bit:

  • [/T] The memory available to the kernel and userspace MUST be at least MB if any of the following densities are used:

    • dpi or higher on small/normal screens
    • xhdpi or higher on large screens
    • tvdpi or higher on extra large screens

Note that the "memory available to the kernel and userspace" above refers to the memory space provided in addition to any memory already dedicated to hardware components such as radio, video, and so on that are not under the kernel’s control on device implementations.

Television device implementations:

  • [/T] SHOULD include a microphone.
  • [/T] MUST have an audio output and declare .


Television device implementations MUST support the following audio encoding and decoding formats and make them available to third-party applications:

  • [/T] MPEG-4 AAC Profile (AAC LC)
  • [/T] MPEG-4 HE AAC Profile (AAC+)
  • [/T] AAC ELD (enhanced low delay AAC)

Television device implementations MUST support the following video encoding formats and make them available to third-party applications:

  • [/T] H
  • [/T] VP8

Television device implementations:

  • [/T-SR] Are STRONGLY RECOMMENDED to support H encoding of p and p resolution videos at 30 frames per second.

Television device implementations MUST support the following video decoding formats and make them available to third-party applications:

Television device implementations MUST support MPEG-2 decoding, as detailed in Section , at standard video frame rates and resolutions up to and including:

  • [/T] HD p at frames per second with Main Profile High Level.
  • [/T] HD i at frames per second with Main Profile High Level. They MUST deinterlace interlaced MPEG-2 video to its progressive equivalent (e.g. from i at frames per second to p at frames per second) and make it available to third-party applications.

Television device implementations MUST support H decoding, as detailed in Section , at standard video frame rates and resolutions up to and including:

  • [/T] HD p at 60 frames per second with Baseline Profile
  • [/T] HD p at 60 frames per second with Main Profile
  • [/T] HD p at 60 frames per second with High Profile Level

Television device implementations with H hardware decoders MUST support H decoding, as detailed in Section , at standard video frame rates and resolutions up to and including:

  • [/T] HD p at 60 frames per second with Main Profile Level

If Television device implementations with H hardware decoders support H decoding and the UHD decoding profile, they:

  • [/T] MUST support UHD p at 60 frames per second with Main10 Level 5 Main Tier profile

Television device implementations MUST support VP8 decoding, as detailed in Section , at standard video frame rates and resolutions up to and including:

  • [/T] HD p at 60 frames per second decoding profile

Television device implementations with VP9 hardware decoders MUST support VP9 decoding, as detailed in Section , at standard video frame rates and resolutions up to and including:

  • [/T] HD p at 60 frames per second with profile 0 (8 bit color depth)

If Television device implementations with VP9 hardware decoders support VP9 decoding and the UHD decoding profile, they:

  • [/T] MUST support UHD p at 60 frames per second with profile 0 (8 bit color depth).
  • [/T] Are STRONGLY RECOMMENDED to support UHD p at 60 frames per second with profile 2 (10 bit color depth).

Television device implementations:

  • [/T] MUST include support for system Master Volume and digital audio output volume attenuation on supported outputs, except for compressed audio passthrough output (where no audio decoding is done on the device).

If Television device implementations do not have a built in display, but instead support an external display connected via HDMI, they:

  • [/T] MUST set the HDMI output mode to select the maximum resolution that can be supported with either a 50Hz or 60Hz refresh rate.
  • [/T-SR] Are STRONGLY RECOMMENDED to provide a user configurable HDMI refresh rate selector.
  • [] SHOULD set the HDMI output mode refresh rate to either 50Hz or 60Hz, depending on the video refresh rate for the region the device is sold in.

If Television device implementations do not have a built in display, but instead support an external display connected via HDMI, they:

  • [/T] MUST support HDCP

If Television device implementations do not support UHD decoding, but instead support an external display connected via HDMI, they:

  • [/T] MUST support HDCP


Television device implementations:

  • [3/T] MUST declare the features and .
  • [/T] MUST preload one or more applications or service components with an intent handler, for all the public intent filter patterns defined by the following application intents listed here.
  • [/T] MUST provide a complete implementation of the API.

If Android Television device implementations support a lock screen,they:

  • [/T] MUST display the Lock screen Notifications including the Media Notification Template.

Television device implementations:

  • [/T-SR] Are STRONGLY RECOMMENDED to support picture-in-picture (PIP) mode multi-window.
  • [/T] MUST support third-party accessibility services.
  • [/T-SR] Are STRONGLY RECOMMENDED to preload accessibility services on the device comparable with or exceeding functionality of the Switch Access and TalkBack (for languages supported by the preinstalled Text-to-speech engine) accessibility services as provided in the talkback open source project.

If Television device implementations report the feature , they:

  • [/T-SR] Are STRONGLY RECOMMENDED to include a TTS engine supporting the languages available on the device.
  • [/T] MUST support installation of third-party TTS engines.

Television device implementations:

  • [/T] MUST support TV Input Framework.

Performance and Power

  • [/T] Consistent frame latency. Inconsistent frame latency or a delay to render frames MUST NOT happen more often than 5 frames in a second, and SHOULD be below 1 frames in a second.
  • [/T] MUST ensure a sequential write performance of at least 5MB/s.
  • [/T] MUST ensure a random write performance of at least MB/s.
  • [/T] MUST ensure a sequential read performance of at least 15MB/s.
  • [/T] MUST ensure a random read performance of at least MB/s.

If Television device implementations include features to improve device power management that are included in AOSP or extend the features that are included in AOSP, they:

  • [/T] MUST provide user affordance to enable and disable the battery saver feature.

If Television device implementations do not have a battery they:

If Television device implementations have a battery they:

  • [/T] MUST provide user affordance to display all apps that are exempted from App Standby and Doze power-saving modes.

Television device implementations:

  • [/T] MUST provide a per-component power profile that defines the current consumption value for each hardware component and the approximate battery drain caused by the components over time as documented in the Android Open Source Project site.
  • [/T] MUST report all power consumption values in milliampere hours (mAh).
  • [/T] MUST report CPU power consumption per each process's UID. The Android Open Source Project meets the requirement through the kernel module implementation.
  • [/T] SHOULD be attributed to the hardware component itself if unable to attribute hardware component power usage to an application.
  • [/T] MUST make this power usage available via the shell command to the app developer.

Security Model

Television device implementations:

  • [/T] MUST back up the keystore implementation with an isolated execution environment.
  • [/T] MUST have implementations of RSA, AES, ECDSA and HMAC cryptographic algorithms and MD5, SHA1, and SHA-2 family hash functions to properly support the Android Keystore system's supported algorithms in an area that is securely isolated from the code running on the kernel and above. Secure isolation MUST block all potential mechanisms by which kernel or userspace code might access the internal state of the isolated environment, including DMA. The upstream Android Open Source Project (AOSP) meets this requirement by using the Trusty implementation, but another ARM TrustZone-based solution or a third-party reviewed secure implementation of a proper hypervisor-based isolation are alternative options.
  • [/T] MUST perform the lock screen authentication in the isolated execution environment and only when successful, allow the authentication-bound keys to be used. Lock screen credentials MUST be stored in a way that allows only the isolated execution environment to perform lock screen authentication. The upstream Android Open Source Project provides the Gatekeeper Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL) and Trusty, which can be used to satisfy this requirement.
  • [/T] MUST support key attestation where the attestation signing key is protected by secure hardware and signing is performed in secure hardware. The attestation signing keys MUST be shared across large enough number of devices to prevent the keys from being used as device identifiers. One way of meeting this requirement is to share the same attestation key unless at least , units of a given SKU are produced. If more than , units of an SKU are produced, a different key MAY be used for each , units.

Note that if a device implementation is already launched on an earlier Android version, such a device is exempted from the requirement to have a keystore backed by an isolated execution environment and support the key attestation, unless it declares the feature which requires a keystore backed by an isolated execution environment.

If Television device implementations support a secure lock screen, they:

  • [/T] MUST allow the user to choose the Sleep timeout for transition from the unlocked to the locked state, with a minimum allowable timeout up to 15 seconds or less.

Developer Tools and Options Compatibility

Television device implementations:

Источник: []
, USB Safely Remove 4.0 Beta 5 serial key or number

Download Teensyduino, Version

from wiring.h, allowing faster compile for most C++ code

precompile Arduino.h, allows some speedup of rebuild all

update core library, Wire, Audio, Bounce to use precompile Arduino.h

Reduce startup delay from ms to ms

fix teensy_serialmon asser of DTR on Windows, fixes (bool)Serial

(bool)Serial to use DTR only, fixes Serail remaining true after serial monitor close

fix truncated usbmodem names in Ports menu on Macintosh

Verbose info log now uses high res time on Windows 8 & 10

Verbose info log users 1ms res time on Windows XP & 7 (was 16 ms & 10 ms)

Fix Verbose info random order for same timestamp events - now always chronological

Add numbering of non-loader verbose logging instances

Trim excessive verbose logging of status communication

Updates to audio library documentation

Add Teensy Loader about dialog icon (was generic info icon)

Teensy now supports use of K RAM

EthernetClient fix for forced connection close

Small speedup to analogWrite for DAC pins

Fix DMAChannel transferSize() on Teensy LC

Fix FTM_CONF register bitfield defs

Update ADC library (Pedro Villanueva)

Audio: Add freeverb mono & stereo

Audio: Granular pitch shift & freeze effects (Bleep Labs)

Audio: envelope status functions

Audio: Fixes to waveform object

Audio: Add variable triangle waveform

Audio: Add modulated waveform, support for freq & phase modulation

Audio: Add simple amp/switch object

Audio: Add PDM input

PS2Keyboard: add UK & Spanish layouts

TimeAlarms: minor fixes

USBHost_t Joystick fixes (KurtE)

Macintosh build now uses 64 bits

Fix Teensy stack address (thanks Frank)

Better detection of Teensy model in Ports menu

Audio: fix WM input select

Improve multiple instance check in teensy_ports

Add -L option to teensy_ports (intended for PlatformIO)

Treat "narrowing conversion" as compiler warnings, not errors

Fix product ID for Flightsim+Joystick USB type

Audio: allow WAV files with extra/junk sections before "fmt" info

Ethernet: document in all examples

OctoWS Fix timing problem on Teensy

USBHost_t Fix clobbering of pipe config on endpoint size change

USBHost_t Improve enumeration of Multi-TT hubs

Handle attempt to reopen serial port, clicking button while Arduino compiles

Windows: teensy_serialmon detect orphaned from Arduino IDE condition

Avoid unnecessary delays when upload can't find any board

Print more informative messages about selecting board in Tools > Ports

Added ARM 64 bit experimental installer


Add IntervalTimer update()

Ethernet fix socket receive state caching bug

Ethernet improve handling of unexpected remote server disconnect

SD fix timeouts

SPI pin changes kept in sync with AVR SPI emulation

SPI avoid interfere with pin 45

Wire force recovery from stuck slave devices

Wire improve detection of arbitration loss to other bus masters

Add AudioConnection disconnect() (thanks b0rg3rt)

Update for compatibility with Arduino beta

Fix serial stall if higher than maximum baud rate configured

Improve delayMicroseconds on Teensy (Graham)

Fix SERIAL_8N2 mode on Teensy LC

Update sample Makefile

Add abort() function, needed for Pozyx library

Update keywords for Serial formats & USB Keyboard special keys

Improve AVR SPI register emulation, speed bits

Fix tone() issue when 0 Hz requested, minimum is 1 Hz

Fix Teensy LC DMAChannel bug (thanks kbob)

Audio add ADAT output (thanks Ernstjan Freriks)

Audio fix RMS analysis when no data

Audio ToneSweep improvements (thanks Pio)

Audio design tool custom name bug fixed (thanks neurofun)

Audio modulated sine amplitude when no mod signal fix (thanks neurofun)

Audio library documentation updated, several minor errors fixed

FastLED updated to support WSSerial

Time library minor updates & fixes

i2c_t3 library updated

OctoWS fix on Teensy

OctoWS remove unnecessary delay

OctoWS improve setPixel speed (thanks sgorsh)

USBHost_t36 support for CDC-ACM, PL & CH serial (thanks KurtE)

USBHost_t36 support for RawHID (thanks KurtE)

USBHost_t36 support for Xbox One controller (thanks KurtE)

USBHost_t36 improve keyboard & joystick support (thanks KurtE)

USBHost_t36 fix USB MIDI fast data input

USBHost_t36 Ant+ wireless adaptor support (adapted from Michael McElligott)

USBHost_t36 access to device ID and name (thanks KurtE)

XPT_Touchscreen detect touch by interrupts (thanks Donziboy2 & Defragster)

Accept String in Stream find() and findUntil()

Update LedDisplay library

USBHost_t36 Fix device status functions usage in polling loops

USBHost_t36 Clean up bandwidth usage info when deleting a pipe

USB MIDI support for virtual cables (select from Tools > USB Type menu)

USB MIDI updated with most functions of Arduino MIDI lib

USB MIDI getType() now returns same as MIDI -- NOT BACKWARDS COMPATIBLE

Support for compatibility with Arduino's MIDIUSB.h

Added more examples in File > Examples > Teensy > USB_MIDI

USBHost_t36 MIDI support for virtual cables

USBHost_t36 MIDI updated with most functions of Arduino MIDI lib


USBHost_t36 MIDI fix for devices using interrupt endpoints

USBHost_t36 MIDI workaround for devices sending improperly coded sysex message

XPT_Touchscreen add setRotation()

FreqMeasureMulti fixed on Teensy LC (thanks Manitou)

USB MIDI & USBHost_t36 MIDI pitch bend using signed integer -- NOT BACKWARDS COMPATIBLE

USB MIDI & USBHost_t36 Fix receiving some MIDI sysex messages

USB MIDI add Interface_3x3 example

USBHost_t36 fix MIDI getType for note off messages

USBHost_t36 add MIDI Interface_16x16 example

Adafruit_SSD uses kHz in I2C mode

USBHost_t36 Joystick improvements, More Axis, Rumble, LEDs (KurtE)

Libs updated: FastLED, Adafruit_NeoPixel, Adafruit_GFX

Libs removed: NewPing

Add USB MIDI Many_Knobs_Buttons example (oddson)


Support for Arduino

USBHost_t HID parsing, improved Mouse driver, new Joystick driver, hub driver fixes, idVendor() & idProduct() functions, keyboard improvements (Kurt)

Audio: fix stereo DAC right channel bug, fix DAC clipping overflow issue, fix FFT with LTO optimize (Frank)

Updated: Snooze, FastCRC, i2c_t3, TinyGPS, TeensyThreads

Fix systick hang when yield() overridden

Show warning for certain counterfeit boards, but still allow upload

Linux Teensy Loader now uses udev to find USB devices

Fix delay when uploading on Linux

Fix missing upload error messages in newer Arduino

Fix race condition causing "Teensy Loader is unable to read your compiled sketch (r)"


Fix IntervalTimer compile error on Teensy LC

Use gnu++11 on Teensy (was c++11)

Stream find functions now take const pointers on Teensy

Update Print class for Teensy

Don't redefined BYTE (for ancient Arduino compatibility) if already defined

Add pgmspace.h (no avr prefix) for ESP compatibility

Support AVR pgm_read_ptr() on Teensy LC & 3.x

Fix srandom conflict

Updated libs: Adafruit_NeoPixel, openGLCD, Snooze, TFT_ILIC

Fix compiler warnings & improved error messages: EEPROM, Adafruit_CC, Adafruit_GFX, Adafruit_ILI, Adafruit_ILI, Adafruit_RA, ADC, FastCRC, FrequencyTimer2, i2c_t3, ILI_t3, IRremote, Keypad, ks, LowPower, OctoWS, OneWire, openGLCD, OSC, PulsePosition, RA, SerialFlash, SoftPWM, ssd, ST, Talkie, Time, TimerOne, TinyGPS, Tlc, x10

Raspberry Pi builds with jessie (previous builds were on wheezy)


Support for Arduino

Use C++14 on 32 bit Teensy boards

Fix Wire lib with fastest optimize and > MHz CPU speed

Wire emulate AVR twi_writeTo - for Adafruit compatibility

Wire1 support pins on Teensy & SD socket (if not using SD card)

Fix install problem on Arduino

Fix analogReadAveraging with ADC1

Allow more memory for audio library on Teensy &

Fix audio library delay effect on Teensy &

Audio I2S uses 64 bit frame, improve compatibility with I2S mics

Fix OctoWS seldom-used color conversion options

Add pure code choices in Tools > Optimization

USBHost_t36 improved handling of error & pipe stall

fix for disable of SD on Teensy & (Frank)

manicapital.comer(readbuf, writebuf, size) (KurtE)

Added TeensyThreads library (Fernando Trias)

Fixed Adafruit_CC on Teensy 3.x

Audio envelope graceful handling of noteOn while gain > 0

Improved FreqMeasureMulti countToNanoseconds

[Experimental] EventResponder

[Experimental] MillisTimer

[Experimental] SPI async using DMA & EventResponder (KurtE)

Remove second wait in

USBHost_t36 mouser driver (wwatson)

Update Adafruit_CC, AccelStepper, Adafruit_GFX, Adafruit_SSD, FastLED, IRremote, Keypad, MFRC, SoftPWM, SPIFlash

Symbol table and disassembly listing are placed in temp build folder

Fix audio memory usage stats when more than blocks allocated

Fix USB audio transmit with null data

Audio library support for external delay with CY15B (FrankB)


Support for Arduino

Drop Arduino & support

Fix SD library larger than 64K read/write

SPI lib - unified SPIClass, constexpr

Wire lib - constexpr

Use gnu++11 for 32 bit Teensy

MTP fixes

add MTP Disk to USB Type menu

Print, Stream, Serial, Serial# use constexpr

analogWriteResolution returns prior setting

add missing kinetis.h register defines

availableForWrite & flush in Print class

map() improvements - now works with float & double

fix exp10 and stricmp

Audio: improved envelope, added TDM, Waveshaper, PWM Synth, CS, fix I2S slave

FastLED fixes

Update MIDI to latest version

Fix PS2Keyboard

Tlc fixes

XPT_Touchscreen interrupt fix on non-Teensy boards

Fix auto-reboot on Windows 10 rev (Creator's Update)

Fix FastLED with OctoWS on Teensy

Improve min() max() for C++ compatibility (tni)

Fix analogWrite to DAC with LTO (tni)

Fix DMAChannel repeated transferCount (KurtE)

Fix DMAChannel alignment on Teensy LC (tni)

Fixes to OctoWS, solve "first pixel" issue on Teensy

Fix SPI SCK (pin 13) drive strength (KurtE)

Increase USB wait for serial monitor

Fix Audio SD WAV play status with LTO optimization

Teensy Loader window movable by clicking in center area

Support "Clear output" button in Arduino serial monitor


Support for Arduino

Update ARM toolchain to gcc

Add more optimization choices (including LTO) to Tools > Optimize

Ethernet socketBeginMulticast (manitou)

Fix IntervalTimer on Teensy

Wire library supports Wire1, Wire2

Wire library timeouts for error conditions

Libraries updated: AccelStepper, ADC, Audio, FastLED, LedDisplay, RadioHead, ShiftPWM, Snooze, SPI, TouchScreen, Wire

Libraries added: USBHost_t36

Minor improvements to AVR emulation

Hardware serial write() compatibility fix

Fix pin config on Serial6

Add extreme joystick, disabled by default, edit usb_desc.h

Fix String test as boolean

Faster installation, especially on Mac

Optimize manicapital.comer(buffer, length) (KurtE)

Fix USB audio on Macs & improve PassThroughUSB example

Start USB sooner

Add volume() function to AudioInputUSB

Fix rare memcpy issue (Frank B)

Fix 9 bit mode on Serial1 & Serial2 on Teensy LC (gecko)

Fix to dtostrf for small numbers (LAtimes2) waits up to 1 second for serial monitor open

analogWriteFrequency minimum on Teensy LC

Fixes in ADC library (KurtE)

Fixes in RadioHead library (KurtE)


Support for Arduino

Improve buildin SD card startup on Teensy & after uploading

Fix SD card clock speed on Teensy &

Fixes to Serial5 and Serial6 on Teensy &

Fix string length check on readString() and readStringUntil()

Libraries update: Audio, FlexCAN, OctoWS,

Fix compiler warnings in USB Disk with Teensy


Support for Arduino

Add Tools > Optimize menu, add "Faster" (-O2)

Fix driver install/update on Windows 7 & 8

Prevent "might not have installed correctly" message on Windows

Fix Teensy Loader "Illegal Instruction" on Windows 10 restart

Anti-alias font fix for Arduino on Windows

Fixes for compiler warnings

Libraries updated: Adafruit_RA, Adafruit_ST, Adafruit_STMPE, Artnet, Bounce2, FastCRC, FlexCAN, NewPing, OSC, ShiftPWM, UTFT


Fix first-use communication error between Arduino & Teensy Loader

Teensy Loader Verbose Info now logs time with milliseconds

More logging in (tempdir)/

Teensy Loader GUI toolkit updated (now using wxWidgets )

Mac version now requires OSX (Lion) or later

Libraries updated: Audio, Tlc, SPIFlash


Add support for Arduino

Serial monitor shows status in title bar, Arduino only

Ethernet library now supports W chip

Fix SD library with old SD cards on Teensy &

Fix IntervalTimer start/stop bug

Fix Audio library SPI hogging with Teensy / build in SD card (Frank B)

Libraries updated: Snooze, Time, TimerThree, Audio, UTFT

Libraries added: EasyTransfer, ResponsiveAnalogRead

Improved sync between Arduino IDE and Teensy Loader

Arduino IDE Tools > Ports menu labels ports as "Teensy"

Fix Arduino Verify starting upload when Teensy already in bootloader mode

Teensy Loader wrong chip dialog is now nonblocking.

pinMode supports INPUT_DISABLE on 32 bit Teensy boards

attachInterrupt supports uninitialized pins

Serial RTS watermarks scale with buffer size (Frank B)

Optimized Adafruit_ST improved & renamed to ST_t3

Ethernet library optimizations &

Improve audio library usage with smaller block sizes


Add support for Arduino

Arduino SD library support 4 bit SDIO on Teensy & (special thanks WMXZ)

Fix EEPROM on Teensy with CPU speed > MHz (special thanks Defragster)

Update FlexCAN library for CAN1 on Teensy (Pawelsky)

Update OctoWS to support Teensy &

Fix USB serial number on Teensy with CPU speed > MHz

Fix audio I2S output on Teensy with CPU speed > MHz when also using I2S input

Support Teensy & on older versons of Arduino

Fix SPI1 default SCK1 pin (KurtE)

Optimize attachInterrupt (tni)

Improve USB stability on Teensy with CPU or MHz

Add USB MIDI custom name example

Fix Adafruit_ST on Teensy & (MichaelMeissner)

Many library metadata files updated for PlatformIO

Fix Ethernet library socket receive bug (thanks ElOtroMateo)

Fix compiler warnings, eg: kinetis_hsrun_enable unused

Serial buffer sizes override from command line (Frank B)

Stream find functions use const for pointers

Add AudioOutputAnalogStereo and AudioInputAnalogStereo

Add Audio reverb effect (Joao Rossi Filho)

Add Audio waterfall spectrum example (Nathaniel Quillin)

Fix USB Audio on Windows when used with USB Serial

Fix auto-reboot for newer USB types

Fix serial monitor for newer non-serial USB types

Many ILI_t3 improvements (Frank B, Kurt E, Softegg)

SerialFlash allows other SPI ports (Martino Facchin)

Teensy Loader shows correct images for Teensy &

Improved handling of float INF & NAN (Frank B)

Bundle libpng12 & libusb10 libraries, missing from some Linux distros.


Add support for Arduino and

Add support for Teensy and (still beta)

Improve USB audio - optional Mac workaround

Libraries updated: Audio, OctoWS, ADC, i2c_t3, IRremote, SPI, FastLED

Optimize analogRead


Add support for Arduino

Add support for running on Raspberry Pi (Linux ARM)

Drop support for Arduino and

USB Keyboard improved media keys, now Windows compatible

Add USB Touchscreen (up to 10 fingers)

Add USB Audio

USB Mouse adds horizontal scroll

More combinations in Tools > USB Type adds open drain option

Libraries updated: Audio, FastCRC, FreqMeasureMulti, PS2Keyboard, SerialFlash, FreqCount, LedDisplay, SerialFlash, Talkie, TFT_ILIC, FastLED, ADC, TimeAlarms, TimerOne, TimerThree

SPI setMOSI, setMISO, setCLK work after

Serial1 setTX, setRX support pins 24 & 25 on Teensy LC

Port to Teensy3 (thanks KurtE)

Port digitalWriteFast & digitalReadFast to Teensy2 (thanks KurtE)

Port Arduino's AVR Serial1 optimization to Teensy2 (thanks KurtE)

Add missing hardware register defs (thanks Duff)

Fix undocumented flightsim callback (thanks jbliesener)

Fix Servo library compile issue on Arduino

Fix WCharacter and ctype functions

Allow SPI setMOSI, setMISO, setCLK after

Document flash security lock in mk20dxc

Support more F_BUS overclock speeds

Fix pulseIn on Teensy LC (thanks KurtE)


Support for Arduino

Ethernet library rewrite & performance improvement

Serial1, Serial2, Serial3 setTX(pin) setRX(pin)

Wire setSDA(pin) & setSCL(pin) & end()


USB Mouse supports MOUSE_BACK & MOUSE_FORWARD buttons (thanks Xenoamor)

manicapital.comnterrupt supports IntervalTimer

Add libraries: MFRC, Bounce2, RA

Update LiquidCrystal, Adafruit_GFX, Adafruit_NeoPixel, AltSoftSerial, Audio, CapacitiveSensor, DSRTC, Encoder, i2c_t3, ILI_t3, OctoWS, OneWire, SerialFlash, ShiftPWM, Snooze, TFT_ILIC, Time, TimerOne, TimerThree, Adafruit_SSD, ADC, OctoWS

Added CMP register defs (thanks Duff)

Convert all built-in library from "legacy" format

Fix serial monitor transmit in non-Serial modes

Fix small error in IntervalTimer floating point init

Fix momentary wrong board display in Teensy Loader during "Reboot OK"

Fix back button in installer when an error is detected (easier to retry)

Remove ARDUINO_ARCH_AVR from non-AVR Teensy boards

Add IPAddress fromString()

Fix E2END to always represent actual EEPROM size

Fix to disable alternate pins, if used

Installer name changed from "teensyduino" to "TeensyduinoInstall" (runs as admin on Windows)


Add support for Arduino

Updates to Ethernet, Wire and XPT_Touchscreen libraries.

Add Note Frequency detection to Audio (thanks Colin Duffy)

Fix attachRTS on Serial2 & Serial3 on Teensy 3.x

Add RA library, optimized for Teensy 3.x (thanks Sumotoy)

Other minor fixes and improvements


Add support for Arduino

Fix USB Serial on Macintosh El Capitan

Partially fix Mac signatures (still must run Arduino once before installing)

AnalogWriteFrequency supports extremely low speeds (thanks Theremingenieur)

Improve tone() changing frequency while running

manicapital.comRts() and manicapital.comCts()

Update libraries: AltSoftSerial, FastLED, ILI_t3

Add XPT_Touchscreen library

Improve Ethernet library W reset handling

Update SD library examples

Add I2S 2-port register bitfield names

Initial work on MTP Disk (incomplete)


Add support for Arduino r5

Detect Windows 10 serial driver during install, avoid adding Teensy's INF.
If you installed a previous version on Windows 10, you can remove Teensy's unneeded serial driver.

Drop support for Arduino , due to this bug

Update Adafruit_GFX, FastLED, ILI_t3 (added fonts)

Audio lib: play from SerialFlash (thanks Wyatt Olson), ext mem delay, bitchusher (thanks Pensive)

Floating point constants are now single precision on Teensy LC, ,

SD root dir bug and other minor fixes

SD Teensy3 optimized (not enabled by default) has improved caching

Servo library easier to edit for more than 16 motors

Remove dedicated AVR toolchain (was only needed for Arduino )

Avoid interfering with new Arduino color scheme

Serial flow control functions (C only for now)

XPlaneRefs with names >58 chars (thanks jbliesener)

USB MIDI Time code (thanks Karg)

Installer detects Windows 10, skips driver install

Installer looks in more places on Windows to auto-find Arduino


Support for Arduino

Optimize and micros() on Teensy-LC

Update Snooze, ADC and i2c_t3 libraries

Several very minor bug fixes


Support for Arduino

Improve Wire library, handle Lidar Lite issues

Add SerialFlash library

Optimize SD library for Teensy 3.x (SD_t3.h, disabled by default)

Default Systick interrupt to priority level 32

Fix 24 MHz speed on Teensy

Fix RawHID on Teensy with newer Arduino version

Update Time library

Update i2c_t3 library, adds support for Teensy-LC

Update OSC library

analogWriteFrequency() now allow precise sub-1 Hz input

Fix SPI FIFO bug in ILI_t3

Fix delay() and micros() bug at startup on Teensy-LC


Support Arduino and

Update EEPROM and OneWire libraries

Add ADC and i2c_t3 libraries

Fix USB flightsim on Teensy-LC

Fix manicapital.comer16 & support SPI1 on Teensy-LC

Fix String(unsigned char) on Teensy

Add manicapital.combleForWrite() on Teensy

Fix printing of long integers on Teensy

Improve USBtoSerial example

Fix harmless but annoying compiler warnings


Support for Teensy-LC

Support Arduino and

Keep Arduino Serial Monitor window open during Upload (Arduino , , )

Improve Arduino Serial Monitor efficiency & memory usage (Arduino )


Tools > CPU Speed menu supports speed vs size optimized (Teensy & LC)

Update sample Makefile for non-Arduino usage

Simplify usb_desc.h for creating custom USB devices

Libraries added: Adafruit_VS, FastCRC, openGLCD, Snooze, TFT_ILIC

Libraries updated: Adafruit_CC, Adafruit_NeoPixel, Adafruit_SSD, Adafruit_ST, FastLED, FreqCount, FreqMeasure, ILI_t3, IRremote, MsTimer2, OctoWS, OneWire, PS2Keyboard, PulsePosition, Time, TimerOne, TimerThree, TinyGPS

Upgrade ARM Toolchain from to

Various minor bug fixes


Support Arduino

Add libraries: Audio, FlexCAN, Adafruit_CC, SPIFlash, RadioHead, FastLED, Adafruit_ILI, ILI_t3, Artnet

Update libraries: Adafruit_NeoPixel, OctoWS, Time, Adafruit_SSD, Adafruit_ST, ShiftPWM

Libraries ported to Teensy 3.x: AltSoftSerial, CapacitiveSensor, FlexiTimer2, FreqCount, FreqMeasure, FrequencyTimer2, MsTimer2, ShiftPWM, TimerOne, TimerThree, Tlc

Libraries ported to use SPI transactions: SD, Ethernet, Adafruit_CC, Adafruit_ILI, Adafruit_STMPE, RadioHead

Add SPI Transactions

Add DMAChannel & DMASetting objects

Add serialEvent (usb serial) & serialEvent# (hardware serial)

Add manicapital.combleForWrite() & Serial#.availableForWrite()

Use Serial2 FIFO on Teensy

Add transmitterEnable() on Serial2 & Serial3

Fix analogWriteFrequency on Teensy pins 25 & 32

Add Installer Directory Help Button

Fix strncpy_P on Teensy 3.x

Add Czech keyboard layout to menu

Add yield() function on Teensy

Add IntervalTimer priority()

Don't mix CPU speed setting switching from Teensy to 3.x

Add FASTRUN, for functions in RAM on Teensy 3.x

Interrupt vector table moved to RAM for Teensy 3.x

Add attachInterruptVector()

Optimize Teensy 3.x hardware register definitions

Serial port names added to pins_arduino.h

Fix ARM toolchain linker & zlib issue (thanks to Andrew Kroll)

Add AVR emulation for util/parity.h


Add support for 72 MHz on Teensy

Fix relative positioning on Teensy 3.x USB mouse (now has hybrid relative+absolute)

Add more AVR emulation on Teensy 3.x: wdt.h, crch, sleep.h, EMISK

Fix USB Serial break on Teensy3 (needed by some Labview applications)

Fix USB endpoint read with no data (thanks nox)

Add USB MIDI SysEx callback (thanks pcbeard)

Workaround for auto-reboot problems on Teensy when using watchdog

Fix initialization of local static vars from non-const data on Teensy 3.x

Make all Teensy HardwareSerial functions virtual (fixes issue with pointers to objects)

Add extra zero to USB serial number, works around a Macintosh CDC driver bug
If previous versions have been used, Windows will detect a "new" device, "install" the driver again, and assign a new COM port number.

Add Kinetis register definitions: DMA bits, VREF bit, ADC PGA, DMA priority registers

Fix IRQ_PRIORITY hard-coding in Serial3

Fix lockup in AVR emulation of manicapital.comaMode(SPI_MODE0)

Fix lockup in AVR emulation of TWBR when running at 24 MHz

Fix rare lockup in repeated on Teensy

Update DS library with workaround Arduino Due names.

Update Entropy library, now fully compatible with Teensy 3.x.

Add Teensy slow clock options, 2, 4, 8 & 16 MHz thanks for all the help Duff

Add overclocking code (not enabled by default) for Teensy 3.x at , & MHz

Minor Makefile improvement (Matthias Lohr)

Aesthetic source code cleanup

Drop Teensy support


Fix compile errors in several Arduino libraries with Teensy

Fix OctoWS on Teensy

Keep unused native SPI chip selects high (disabled), Teensy &

Speed up SD library

Fix upload > k on Teensy

Update Windows driver, fix Serial+Keyboard on Windows 8

Fix __cxa_guard errors on Teensy

Add missing DMA & PGA & other register definitions for Teensy

Add manicapital.comitterEnable(pin) for RS applications

Fix startup issue impacting Neopixel library on Teensy

Fix analogRead(39) (V ref) on Teensy

Improve Teensy3 early startup hook, thanks to Anbroz Bizjak

Fix Arduino IDE library conflicts, Adafruit_GFX vs Robot libs

Mouse wheel support for scrolling long menus in Arduino IDE on Windows & Linux

Teensyduino version can be seen in Arduino's Help > About screen


Support for Teensy

Ethernet library support for W chip

Print speedup for Teensy2

analogRead is now thread safe on Teensy3

Keep USB & serial working in Teensy3 fault condition

Support interrupt priority levels on Teensy3

Serial1 on Teensy3 to transmit even if interrupt blocked

Fix Teensy3 USB buffer memory leak with re-enumeration

USB Mouse on Teensy3 now uses absolute cursor positioning,, y) and manicapital.comSize(width, height)

USB Keyboard on Teensy3 supports media keys (Mac & Linux only)

Add missing AVR string _P functions on Teensy3

Add missing AVR eeprom functions on Teensy3

Improve Serial1, Serial2, Serial3 buffer size configuration on Teensy3

Fix to Teensy3 Makefile

USB MIDI example improved

Stream printf, eg:

Add missing new/delete

Add digitalPinToInterrupt

Added SPIFIFO for Teensy3

Ethernet library speedup (using SPIFIFO)

Hardware serial support for other data formats, 7E1, 8N2, etc

9 bit serial format (not enabled by default)

Czech keyboard layout (not enabled by default)

Fix manicapital.comeAll() on Teensy3

Fix USB MIDI setHandlePitchChange on Teensy2

Fix arm math lib warnings

Fix digital signatures for Windows exe files

Removed ancient Arduino support

Windows USB Serial driver signature (should now install on Windows 8 without reboot)

Windows Installer signature

Windows Installer tries to find Arduino and automatically select its location


SPI library can assign alternate Teensy3 pins: setMOSI, setMISO, setSCK.

Reduce Teensy power consumption while not uploading.

Improve Teensy upload on Macintosh.

Avoid erasing EEPROM during Teensy upload.


Fixed Serial2 and Serial3 regression on Teensy

Fixed USB MIDI sendProgramChange on Teensy

Add ARM math library for Teensy

Teensy Loader now recognizes ARM elf format, will not accidentally program Teensy code to a pre board.

Teensy Loader version number is now in sync with Teensyduino version.

Fix stall when connected to a Raspberry Pi that reboots

Add float number support to String

Add String remove()

String now formats unsigned char as a number, same as Print.

Add AVR pin number constants

Added open source license to Teensy3 core library files

Updated Firmata library

Fix USB product name customization header

Reduce USB memory usage

Emulate AVR's TWBR register on Teensy

Fix single-quote key for USB Keyboard on German and French Canadian layouts


Updated Time library. "atime_t" on Teensy changed back to "time_t". Date strings fixed on Teensy NTP and GPS sync examples updated for Arduino Many other fixes and improvements to the Time library examples.

Added DSRTC and TimeAlarms libraries (companions to Time library).

Linux select-paste supported (Arduino and later, Linux only)

Added "Copy To Clipboard" button for compile errors (Arduino and later)

Turkish keyboard layout special keys supported for USB keyboard.

Fixed Ethernet DNS client bug on Teensy

KEY_MENU name added for the menu key.

Memory tuning parameters (heap_start, heap_end, malloc_margin) supported on Teensy

Fix compile error on Teensy with ps2dev library.

Fix F() macro "const" when used with newer versions of avr-gcc.

Added DDR registers and pullup resistors to AVR port register emulation on Teensy

Optimized, length) on Teensy

Added IntervalTimer to Teensy - Thanks to Daniel Gilbert

Added compiler defines to example makefile, for compatibility with Arduino libraries

Added cxa_guard_acquire / cxa_guard_release needed for some Ethernet library applications

Fixed brief glitch at the beginning of analogWrite()

Round analogWriteFrequency() to the nearest possible frequency

Fix micros() bug on Teensy when read while interrupts disabled.

Fix IPaddress Printable usage on Teensy

Fix Serial1 on Teensy when more than 8 bytes written with interrupts disabled.

Optimize Serial1 FIFO handling on Teensy , for dramatically less CPU time per byte.

Convert tone() on Teensy to use IntervalTimer.

Use serial number for all USB types on Teensy

Remove MIDI message names which conflict with MIDI library.

Allow override of USB manufacturer, product and serial strings on Teensy See usb_names.h.

Add makeWord() to Teensy

Fix buffer overflow in String + long integer concatenation on Teensy

Update AccelStepper library.

Update Encoder library - now supports interrupts on all Teensy pins.

Update PS2Keyboard library - French keymap, readUnicode() function, Teensy interrupt support.

Update TinyGPS library

Support for Arduino

Optimize manicapital.comtes(), both Teensy and

Optimize manicapital.comble() on Teensy

Added IntervalTimer destructor.

Added String c_str() function.

Removed ArdOSC library.

DmxSimple library support for Teensy and (previously only Teensy++ worked)

Fixed FastSPI compile problem on Teensy and Teensy++

Update MIDI library to version

Fixed error highlighting when using Teensy

Improved recompile speed when Arduino is installed in a location with space in the pathname.

Improved automatic initialization of the Teensy RTC, when a kHz crystal is present.

Fix SD + Ethernet library compatibility on Teensy

All 4 IntervalTimer objects usable on Teensy

Fix off-by-one bug in delay() on Teensy

Enable I/O after wakeup from lowest power stop mode on Teensy

Fix analogInputToDigitalPin() on Teensy++

Added OSC (Open Sound Control) library

Updated VirtualWire library to and support Teensy

Updated SoftPWM library to and support Teensy

Updated XBee library to

Added partial SoftwareSerial for Teensy If the pins match one of the real serial ports, hardware serial is used. This allows use of libraries that are hard-coded for SoftwareSerial. If non-serial pins are specified, only transmit works. Software-based receive is not yet supported (but planned for a future release)


Support for Arduino


Turkish keyboard layout (Teensy )

Fix while(!Serial)

Fixes for ST library (Teensy )

Add OctoWS library

Update libraries: Keypad, Metro, OneWire, Ping, ST


Support for Teensy


Support for Arduino

Fix French keyboard layout


Support for Arduino

Fix error message line number bug.

Add Teensy files (arm-none-eabi toolchain is not yet in the installer, use this copy for Teensy ).


Support for Arduino & manicapital.come(), for compatibility with Leonardo sketches

Add descriptions for most included libraries.

Fix USB Mouse Buttons example.


Support for Arduino rc2

Add Flight Sim Controls USB Type

Add function keys F13 to F24 to USB Keyboard

Add Canadian Multilingual keyboard layout

Add libraries AccelStepper, AltSoftSerial, Encoder, FlexiTimer2, LowPower, Ping, ShiftPWM

Minor fixes and changes for compatibility with libraries


Serial + Keyboard + Mouse + Joystick type

Raw HID available() function

Fix Ethernet library UDP support on &

Windows installer: faster detection of serial driver already installed


Support for Arduino

German Mac keyboard layout

(experimental) Raw HID USB type


Add media keys. See File > Examples > Teensy > USB_Keyboard > MediaButtons

Improve elapsedMillis & elapsedMicros.

Fix small delayMicroseconds at 1 & 2 MHz clock.


Add elapsedMillis & elapsedMicros.

Fix slight timekeeping error in millis().

Fix errors with avr-gcc on Fedora 15 (thanks to Ward Wouts).


Support Arduino

More minor fixes in Print

MIDI improvements, thanks to Sebastian Tomczak & Dave Sorlien


Minor fixes in Print

Support CapacitiveSensor library


Support Arduino rc2

Fix pulseIn

Fix printing negative floats

Improve Disk claim/release, add pause/resume API

Add compatibility functions for Leonardo Mouse API

Improve serial emulation on Linux


Fix obscure bug in pinMode

Fix slow memory leak on Linux


Support Arduino rc1

Add more keyboard mappings

Add pushbutton examples using Bounce library


Fix Ethernet on beta4

Fix slow startup of serial monitor in Mac

Fix compile speedups for Mac and Windows


Support Arduino beta4, drop old &

Fix stall of compile/upload when auto-launching Teensy Loader

Many small fixes


USB Joystick type

Improved keyword coloring

(not working yet) to allow using SD library with USB Disk type

Serial using Stream class

MIDI library included

Try to avoid stalling millis() with USB Disk and heavy PC access

Several minor bug fixes


Installs 3rd Party Arduino Libraries

Installs Teensy Loader

More Examples, in File > Examples > Teensy


Support for Arduino version

USB MIDI type added

International USB Keyboard layouts

String class bug fixes

Rework menu syntax (requested by Arduino devs, issue #)

Fixed Ethernet with &


Support for Arduino versions and

USB Disk type added, supporting both SD Flash and internal flash

Fix Arduino bugs #29, #78, #, #

Emulate Arduino reboot behavior with Serial Monitor window is opened

Windows - directory drop-down now says "[all drives]", instead of just blank space

Compatibility with , String class, improved delay(), stream class, shiftIn()

Compatibility with , Tone() and noTone()

USB Serial: ignore break signal (some buggy programs send it, eg winbatch)

Windows - Teensyduino installer now included Serial driver install

USB Type and CPU Speed menus added inside Tools menu

Version B

Fix rare digitalWrite and digitalRead interference bug

Add A0, A1, A for analogRead(A0) - Arduino compatibility


Add support for Teensy++

Add support for Arduino

Fix ethernet library

Add - shuts off and disconnects USB, saves power!

Automatically shut down USB when possible attempts to wait until PC/Mac has initialized USB


Remove Teensy_Firmata - StandardFirmata branch now supports Teensy

Optimize most functions

Minor bug fixes


Better error checking when installing files

Do not require rxtx lib on linux, which is removed on 64 bit systems

Fix USB Keyboard/Mouse on Teensy

Support 8, 4, 2, 1 MHz if specified in

Use ADC in high speed mode, makes analogRead() twice as fast

Use lower power idle mode inside delay()

Minor bugs fixed


Add Keyboard and Mouse board types

Add support for Teensy (ATMEGA32U4 chip)

Add support for


Add Firmata example

Add USB serial extensions to Serial

Add support for

Fix manicapital.comble()

Fix HardwareSerial()

Check Arduino version, do not install onto wrong version!


Library fixes included, compatible with Sanguino

Add support for

Update core with improvements and bug fixes from to

Many small improvements


Version adds support for the Teensy++.

Pin names are now defined automatically. PIN_B0, PIN_C7, etc.

Add support for ( on linux because was never released on linux).


Change API to use to talk to USB.

Fix pinout

Many bugs fixed


Initial release

Known Issues

All: If the serial monitor is opened immediately after an upload, the Teensy may not have been detected by the operating system yet, and the serial monitor is unable to open the device. Future versions will retry for several seconds to solve this issue.

All: Serial + Keyboard + Mouse + Joystick requires Mac OS X Lion, or Windows XP SP3, Vista SP1, or Windows 7, or Linux or later. Mac Snow Leopard and Windows XP SP2 do not support Serial when combined with other types.

Windows & Linux: When using the Serial Monitor with the USB Keyboard/Mouse option, sometimes a "teensy gateway communication error" can occur. Close and reopen the serial monitor to regain communication.

Windows: You may need to run the Teensyduino installer as administrator for it to install all files. Some anti-virus programs can also interfere with installation and must be temporarily disabled. A Norton AntiVirus Workaround was sent by Carl B.

All: The Upload button can only work if your Teensy is running a previously loaded sketch. If your board can not be rebooted automatically, a message will ask you to press the reset button.

Mac OS X: When you run Arduino after installing Teensyduino, the Leopard's firewall will recognize the program has changed and will ask again if you wish to allow internet connection (Arduino checks for updates). Teensyduino does not "phone home", but Arduino does! TODO: is this still an issue with recent versions of Arduino??

Linux: By default, the manicapital.com32 and manicapital.com64 files will not have execute permission enabled when saved by most web browsers. Use a file manager or type "chmod manicapital.com32" in a terminal to make the file executable. Then you can run it. In a terminal, type "./manicapital.com32". Replace "32" with "64" if using the 64 bit version, or "arm" if using the ARM (Raspberry Pi) version.

Linux: Teensyduino only works with Arduino from The modified version provided by Ubuntu is not (yet) supported.

Linux (especially Gentoo): Arduino uses the AVR toolchain provided by your system. As of December , Gentoo's avr-gcc is horribly broken. Some newer Fedora (avr-gcc x) also have trouble. Faulty AVR toolchains are a persistent problem on Linux.

Please report bugs to


The Teensyduino installer is based in part on the work of the FLTK project (

Numerous files covered by various open source licenses are installed by Teensyduino. Nearly all are provided in source code form. Please refer to the comments within each file for copyright and licensing information.

Files installed in compiled binary format that are based on code licensed under the GNU General Public License have their corresponding source code installed in a "src" directory. On Macintosh, use control-click on Arduino and select "Show Package Contents" from the menu.

The ARM toolchain source code (with PJRC's patches) is available on GitHub.

Источник: []
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Источник: []

What’s New in the USB Safely Remove 4.0 Beta 5 serial key or number?

Screen Shot

System Requirements for USB Safely Remove 4.0 Beta 5 serial key or number

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