Swap & Fall 1.0 serial key or number

Swap & Fall 1.0 serial key or number

Swap & Fall 1.0 serial key or number

Swap & Fall 1.0 serial key or number

Partition does not start on physical sector boundary?

For your new HDD, first create partitions using gparted as per your wish.

Then, access your HDD using sudo fdisk device_name. m command in fdisk will print help menu.

npcompete@npcompete-desktop:~$ sudo fdisk /dev/sda The device presents a logical sector size that is smaller than the physical sector size. Aligning to a physical sector (or optimal I/O) size boundary is recommended, or performance may be impacted. Command (m for help): p Disk /dev/sda: 1000.2 GB, 1000204886016 bytes 255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 121601 cylinders, total 1953525168 sectors Units = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 4096 bytes I/O size (minimum/optimal): 4096 bytes / 4096 bytes Disk identifier: 0x0008e009 Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System /dev/sda1 2048 209717247 104857600 83 Linux /dev/sda2 209717248 1953525167 871903960 5 Extended /dev/sda5 600349113 795667319 97659103+ 83 Linux Partition 5 does not start on physical sector boundary. /dev/sda6 795667383 990985589 97659103+ 83 Linux Partition 6 does not start on physical sector boundary. /dev/sda7 990985653 1953520064 481267206 83 Linux Partition 7 does not start on physical sector boundary. /dev/sda8 209719296 600349112 195314908+ 83 Linux Partition table entries are not in disk order Command (m for help): d Partition number (1-8): 5 Command (m for help): p Disk /dev/sda: 1000.2 GB, 1000204886016 bytes 255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 121601 cylinders, total 1953525168 sectors Units = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 4096 bytes I/O size (minimum/optimal): 4096 bytes / 4096 bytes Disk identifier: 0x0008e009 Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System /dev/sda1 2048 209717247 104857600 83 Linux /dev/sda2 209717248 1953525167 871903960 5 Extended /dev/sda5 795667383 990985589 97659103+ 83 Linux Partition 5 does not start on physical sector boundary. /dev/sda6 990985653 1953520064 481267206 83 Linux Partition 6 does not start on physical sector boundary. /dev/sda7 209719296 600349112 195314908+ 83 Linux Partition table entries are not in disk order Command (m for help): w The partition table has been altered! Calling ioctl() to re-read partition table. Syncing disks. npcompete@npcompete-desktop:~$ sudo fdisk /dev/sda The device presents a logical sector size that is smaller than the physical sector size. Aligning to a physical sector (or optimal I/O) size boundary is recommended, or performance may be impacted. Command (m for help): n Partition type: p primary (1 primary, 1 extended, 2 free) l logical (numbered from 5) Select (default p): l Adding logical partition 8 First sector (600351161-1953525167, default 600352768): Using default value 600352768 Last sector, +sectors or +size{K,M,G} (600352768-795667382, default 795667382): Using default value 795667382 Command (m for help): p Disk /dev/sda: 1000.2 GB, 1000204886016 bytes 255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 121601 cylinders, total 1953525168 sectors Units = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 4096 bytes I/O size (minimum/optimal): 4096 bytes / 4096 bytes Disk identifier: 0x0008e009 Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System /dev/sda1 2048 209717247 104857600 83 Linux /dev/sda2 209717248 1953525167 871903960 5 Extended /dev/sda5 795667383 990985589 97659103+ 83 Linux Partition 5 does not start on physical sector boundary. /dev/sda6 990985653 1953520064 481267206 83 Linux Partition 6 does not start on physical sector boundary. /dev/sda7 209719296 600349112 195314908+ 83 Linux /dev/sda8 600352768 795667382 97657307+ 83 Linux Partition table entries are not in disk order Command (m for help): w The partition table has been altered! Calling ioctl() to re-read partition table. Syncing disks.

Now delete the partition which gives warning using d option in fdisk.

First Command d, then the partition number (mentioned in the warning).

Now write the changes to the disk using w command. It will exit from the fdisk.

Second time access your HDD using sudo fdisk device_name.

Now create a new partition using the free space(previously we have deleted a partition, that will be the free space or unallocated space) using n command in fdisk.

In New partition command don't enter any value for First and Last Sector, just press Enter. it will take the default value.

Now write the changes to the disk using w command. It will exit from the fdisk.

Do the above steps for all the partitions. After finishing this format your newly created partitions, using gparted. (That's what I did worked for me. No warnings in fdisk -l output.)

Источник: [https://torrent-igruha.org/3551-portal.html]
, Swap & Fall 1.0 serial key or number

Cloud config examples¶

Including users and groups¶

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#cloud-config# Add groups to the system# The following example adds the ubuntu group with members 'root' and 'sys'# and the empty group cloud-users.groups:-ubuntu:[root,sys]-cloud-users# Add users to the system. Users are added after groups are added.# Note: Most of these configuration options will not be honored if the user# already exists. Following options are the exceptions and they are# applicable on already-existing users:# - 'plain_text_passwd', 'hashed_passwd', 'lock_passwd', 'sudo',# 'ssh_authorized_keys', 'ssh_redirect_user'.users:-default-name:foobargecos:Foo B. Barprimary_group:foobargroups:usersselinux_user:staff_uexpiredate:2012-09-01ssh_import_id:foobarlock_passwd:falsepasswd:$6$j212wezy$7H/1LT4f9/N3wpgNunhsIqtMj62OKiS3nyNwuizouQc3u7MbYCarYeAHWYPYb2FT.lbioDm2RrkJPb9BZMN1O/-name:barfoogecos:Bar B. Foosudo:ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALLgroups:users, adminssh_import_id:Nonelock_passwd:truessh_authorized_keys:-<ssh pub key 1>-<ssh pub key 2>-name:cloudygecos:Magic Cloud App Daemon Userinactive:truesystem:true-name:fizzbuzzsudo:Falsessh_authorized_keys:-<ssh pub key 1>-<ssh pub key 2>-snapuser:joe@joeuser.io-name:nosshloginsssh_redirect_user:true# Valid Values:# name: The user's login name# gecos: The user name's real name, i.e. "Bob B. Smith"# homedir: Optional. Set to the local path you want to use. Defaults to# /home/<username># primary_group: define the primary group. Defaults to a new group created# named after the user.# groups: Optional. Additional groups to add the user to. Defaults to none# selinux_user: Optional. The SELinux user for the user's login, such as# "staff_u". When this is omitted the system will select the default# SELinux user.# lock_passwd: Defaults to true. Lock the password to disable password login# inactive: Create the user as inactive# passwd: The hash -- not the password itself -- of the password you want# to use for this user. You can generate a safe hash via:# mkpasswd --method=SHA-512 --rounds=4096# (the above command would create from stdin an SHA-512 password hash# with 4096 salt rounds)## Please note: while the use of a hashed password is better than# plain text, the use of this feature is not ideal. Also,# using a high number of salting rounds will help, but it should# not be relied upon.## To highlight this risk, running John the Ripper against the# example hash above, with a readily available wordlist, revealed# the true password in 12 seconds on a i7-2620QM.## In other words, this feature is a potential security risk and is# provided for your convenience only. If you do not fully trust the# medium over which your cloud-config will be transmitted, then you# should use SSH authentication only.## You have thus been warned.# no_create_home: When set to true, do not create home directory.# no_user_group: When set to true, do not create a group named after the user.# no_log_init: When set to true, do not initialize lastlog and faillog database.# ssh_import_id: Optional. Import SSH ids# ssh_authorized_keys: Optional. [list] Add keys to user's authorized keys file# ssh_redirect_user: Optional. [bool] Set true to block ssh logins for cloud# ssh public keys and emit a message redirecting logins to# use <default_username> instead. This option only disables cloud# provided public-keys. An error will be raised if ssh_authorized_keys# or ssh_import_id is provided for the same user.## ssh_authorized_keys.# sudo: Defaults to none. Accepts a sudo rule string, a list of sudo rule# strings or False to explicitly deny sudo usage. Examples:## Allow a user unrestricted sudo access.# sudo: ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL## Adding multiple sudo rule strings.# sudo:# - ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:/bin/mysql# - ALL=(ALL) ALL## Prevent sudo access for a user.# sudo: False## Note: Please double check your syntax and make sure it is valid.# cloud-init does not parse/check the syntax of the sudo# directive.# system: Create the user as a system user. This means no home directory.# snapuser: Create a Snappy (Ubuntu-Core) user via the snap create-user# command available on Ubuntu systems. If the user has an account# on the Ubuntu SSO, specifying the email will allow snap to# request a username and any public ssh keys and will import# these into the system with username specifed by SSO account.# If 'username' is not set in SSO, then username will be the# shortname before the email domain.## Default user creation:## Unless you define users, you will get a 'ubuntu' user on ubuntu systems with the# legacy permission (no password sudo, locked user, etc). If however, you want# to have the 'ubuntu' user in addition to other users, you need to instruct# cloud-init that you also want the default user. To do this use the following# syntax:# users:# - default# - bob# - ....# foobar: ...## users[0] (the first user in users) overrides the user directive.## The 'default' user above references the distro's config:# system_info:# default_user:# name: Ubuntu# plain_text_passwd: 'ubuntu'# home: /home/ubuntu# shell: /bin/bash# lock_passwd: True# gecos: Ubuntu# groups: [adm, audio, cdrom, dialout, floppy, video, plugdev, dip, netdev]

Writing out arbitrary files¶

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#cloud-config# vim: syntax=yaml## This is the configuration syntax that the write_files module# will know how to understand. encoding can be given b64 or gzip or (gz+b64).# The content will be decoded accordingly and then written to the path that is# provided. ## Note: Content strings here are truncated for example purposes.write_files:-encoding:b64content:CiMgVGhpcyBmaWxlIGNvbnRyb2xzIHRoZSBzdGF0ZSBvZiBTRUxpbnV4...owner:root:rootpath:/etc/sysconfig/selinuxpermissions:'0644'-content:|# My new /etc/sysconfig/samba fileSMBDOPTIONS="-D"path:/etc/sysconfig/samba-content:!!binary|f0VMRgIBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAIAPgABAAAAwARAAAAAAABAAAAAAAAAAJAVAAAAAAAAAAAAAEAAOAAIAEAAHgAdAAYAAAAFAAAAQAAAAAAAAABAAEAAAAAAAEAAQAAAAAAAwAEAAAAAAADAAQAAAAAAAAgAAAAAAAAAAwAAAAQAAAAAAgAAAAAAAAACQAAAAAAAAAJAAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAAABwAAAAAAAAAAQAA....path:/bin/archpermissions:'0555'-encoding:gzipcontent:!!binary|H4sIAIDb/U8C/1NW1E/KzNMvzuBKTc7IV8hIzcnJVyjPL8pJ4QIA6N+MVxsAAAA=path:/usr/bin/hellopermissions:'0755'

Adding a yum repository¶

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#cloud-config# vim: syntax=yaml## Add yum repository configuration to the system## The following example adds the file /etc/yum.repos.d/epel_testing.repo# which can then subsequently be used by yum for later operations.yum_repos:# The name of the repositoryepel-testing:# Any repository configuration options# See: man yum.conf## This one is required!baseurl:http://download.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/testing/5/$basearchenabled:falsefailovermethod:prioritygpgcheck:truegpgkey:file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-EPELname:Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux 5 - Testing

Configure an instances trusted CA certificates¶

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#cloud-config## This is an example file to configure an instance's trusted CA certificates# system-wide for SSL/TLS trust establishment when the instance boots for the# first time.## Make sure that this file is valid yaml before starting instances.# It should be passed as user-data when starting the instance.ca-certs:# If present and set to True, the 'remove-defaults' parameter will remove# all the default trusted CA certificates that are normally shipped with# Ubuntu.# This is mainly for paranoid admins - most users will not need this# functionality.remove-defaults:true# If present, the 'trusted' parameter should contain a certificate (or list# of certificates) to add to the system as trusted CA certificates.# Pay close attention to the YAML multiline list syntax. The example shown# here is for a list of multiline certificates.trusted:-|-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----YOUR-ORGS-TRUSTED-CA-CERT-HERE-----END CERTIFICATE------|-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----YOUR-ORGS-TRUSTED-CA-CERT-HERE-----END CERTIFICATE-----

Configure an instances resolv.conf¶

Note: when using a config drive and a RHEL like system resolv.conf will also be managed ‘automatically’ due to the available information provided for dns servers in the config drive network format. For those that wish to have different settings use this module.

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#cloud-config## This is an example file to automatically configure resolv.conf when the# instance boots for the first time.## Ensure that your yaml is valid and pass this as user-data when starting# the instance. Also be sure that your cloud.cfg file includes this# configuration module in the appropriate section.#manage_resolv_conf:trueresolv_conf:nameservers:['','']searchdomains:-foo.example.com-bar.example.comdomain:example.comoptions:rotate:truetimeout:1

Install and run chef recipes¶

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#cloud-config## This is an example file to automatically install chef-client and run a# list of recipes when the instance boots for the first time.# Make sure that this file is valid yaml before starting instances.# It should be passed as user-data when starting the instance.## This example assumes the instance is 16.04 (xenial)# The default is to install from packages.# Key from https://packages.chef.io/chef.ascapt:sources:source1:source:"debhttp://packages.chef.io/repos/apt/stable$RELEASEmain"key:|-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (Darwin)Comment: GPGTools - http://gpgtools.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=IxPr-----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----chef:# Valid values are 'accept' and 'accept-no-persist'chef_license:"accept"# Valid values are 'gems' and 'packages' and 'omnibus'install_type:"packages"# Boolean: run 'install_type' code even if chef-client# appears already installed.force_install:false# Chef settingsserver_url:"https://chef.yourorg.com"# Node Name# Defaults to the instance-id if not presentnode_name:"your-node-name"# Environment# Defaults to '_default' if not presentenvironment:"production"# Default validation name is chef-validatorvalidation_name:"yourorg-validator"# if validation_cert's value is "system" then it is expected# that the file already exists on the system.validation_cert:|-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----YOUR-ORGS-VALIDATION-KEY-HERE-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----# A run list for a first boot json, an example (not required)run_list:-"recipe[apache2]"-"role[db]"# Specify a list of initial attributes used by the cookbooksinitial_attributes:apache:prefork:maxclients:100keepalive:"off"# if install_type is 'omnibus', change the url to downloadomnibus_url:"https://www.chef.io/chef/install.sh"# if install_type is 'omnibus', pass pinned version string# to the install scriptomnibus_version:"12.3.0"# If encrypted data bags are used, the client needs to have a secrets file# configured to decrypt themencrypted_data_bag_secret:"/etc/chef/encrypted_data_bag_secret"# Capture all subprocess output into a logfile# Useful for troubleshooting cloud-init issuesoutput:{all:'|tee-a/var/log/cloud-init-output.log'}

Setup and run puppet¶

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#cloud-config## This is an example file to automatically setup and run puppetd# when the instance boots for the first time.# Make sure that this file is valid yaml before starting instances.# It should be passed as user-data when starting the instance.puppet:# Every key present in the conf object will be added to puppet.conf:# [name]# subkey=value## For example the configuration below will have the following section# added to puppet.conf:# [puppetd]# server=puppetmaster.example.org# certname=i-0123456.ip-X-Y-Z.cloud.internal## The puppmaster ca certificate will be available in # /var/lib/puppet/ssl/certs/ca.pemconf:agent:server:"puppetmaster.example.org"# certname supports substitutions at runtime:# %i: instanceid # Example: i-0123456# %f: fqdn of the machine# Example: ip-X-Y-Z.cloud.internal## NB: the certname will automatically be lowercased as required by puppetcertname:"%i.%f"# ca_cert is a special case. It won't be added to puppet.conf.# It holds the puppetmaster certificate in pem format. # It should be a multi-line string (using the | yaml notation for # multi-line strings).# The puppetmaster certificate is located in # /var/lib/puppet/ssl/ca/ca_crt.pem on the puppetmaster host.#ca_cert:|-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----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-----END CERTIFICATE-----

Add primary apt repositories¶

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#cloud-config# Add primary apt repositories## To add 3rd party repositories, see cloud-config-apt.txt or the# Additional apt configuration and repositories section.### Default: auto select based on cloud metadata# in ec2, the default is <region>.archive.ubuntu.com# apt:# primary:# - arches [default]# uri:# use the provided mirror# search:# search the list for the first mirror.# this is currently very limited, only verifying that# the mirror is dns resolvable or an IP address## if neither mirror is set (the default)# then use the mirror provided by the DataSource found.# In EC2, that means using <region>.ec2.archive.ubuntu.com## if no mirror is provided by the DataSource, but 'search_dns' is# true, then search for dns names '<distro>-mirror' in each of# - fqdn of this host per cloud metadata# - localdomain# - no domain (which would search domains listed in /etc/resolv.conf)# If there is a dns entry for <distro>-mirror, then it is assumed that there# is a distro mirror at http://<distro>-mirror.<domain>/<distro>## That gives the cloud provider the opportunity to set mirrors of a distro# up and expose them only by creating dns entries.## if none of that is found, then the default distro mirror is usedapt:primary:-arches:[default]uri:http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/# orapt:primary:-arches:[default]search:-http://local-mirror.mydomain-http://archive.ubuntu.com# orapt:primary:-arches:[default]search_dns:True

Run commands on first boot¶

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#cloud-config# boot commands# default: none# this is very similar to runcmd, but commands run very early# in the boot process, only slightly after a 'boothook' would run.# bootcmd should really only be used for things that could not be# done later in the boot process. bootcmd is very much like# boothook, but possibly with more friendly.# - bootcmd will run on every boot# - the INSTANCE_ID variable will be set to the current instance id.# - you can use 'cloud-init-per' command to help only run oncebootcmd:-echo us.archive.ubuntu.com >> /etc/hosts-[cloud-init-per,once,mymkfs,mkfs,/dev/vdb]
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#cloud-config# run commands# default: none# runcmd contains a list of either lists or a string# each item will be executed in order at rc.local like level with# output to the console# - runcmd only runs during the first boot# - if the item is a list, the items will be properly executed as if# passed to execve(3) (with the first arg as the command).# - if the item is a string, it will be simply written to the file and# will be interpreted by 'sh'## Note, that the list has to be proper yaml, so you have to quote# any characters yaml would eat (':' can be problematic)runcmd:-[ls,-l,/]-[sh,-xc,"echo$(date)':helloworld!'"]-[sh,-c,echo "=========hello world'========="]-ls -l /root# Note: Don't write files to /tmp from cloud-init use /run/somedir instead.# Early boot environments can race systemd-tmpfiles-clean LP: #1707222.-mkdir /run/mydir-[wget,"http://slashdot.org",-O,/run/mydir/index.html]

Alter the completion message¶

#cloud-config# final_message# default: cloud-init boot finished at $TIMESTAMP. Up $UPTIME seconds# this message is written by cloud-final when the system is finished# its first bootfinal_message:"Thesystemisfinallyup,after$UPTIMEseconds"

Install arbitrary packages¶

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#cloud-config# Install additional packages on first boot## Default: none## if packages are specified, this apt_update will be set to true## packages may be supplied as a single package name or as a list# with the format [<package>, <version>] wherein the specifc# package version will be installed.packages:-pwgen-pastebinit-[libpython2.7,2.7.3-0ubuntu3.1]

Update apt database on first boot¶

#cloud-config# Update apt database on first boot (run 'apt-get update').# Note, if packages are given, or package_upgrade is true, then# update will be done independent of this setting.## Default: false# Aliases: apt_updatepackage_update:true

Run apt or yum upgrade¶

#cloud-config# Upgrade the instance on first boot# (ie run apt-get upgrade)## Default: false# Aliases: apt_upgradepackage_upgrade:true

Adjust mount points mounted¶

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#cloud-config# set up mount points# 'mounts' contains a list of lists# the inner list are entries for an /etc/fstab line# ie : [ fs_spec, fs_file, fs_vfstype, fs_mntops, fs-freq, fs_passno ]## default:# mounts:# - [ ephemeral0, /mnt ]# - [ swap, none, swap, sw, 0, 0 ]## in order to remove a previously listed mount (ie, one from defaults)# list only the fs_spec. For example, to override the default, of# mounting swap:# - [ swap ]# or# - [ swap, null ]## - if a device does not exist at the time, an entry will still be# written to /etc/fstab.# - '/dev' can be ommitted for device names that begin with: xvd, sd, hd, vd# - if an entry does not have all 6 fields, they will be filled in# with values from 'mount_default_fields' below.## Note, that you should set 'nofail' (see man fstab) for volumes that may not# be attached at instance boot (or reboot).#mounts:-[ephemeral0,/mnt,auto,"defaults,noexec"]-[sdc,/opt/data]-[xvdh,/opt/data,"auto","defaults,nofail","0","0"]-[dd,/dev/zero]# mount_default_fields# These values are used to fill in any entries in 'mounts' that are not# complete. This must be an array, and must have 6 fields.mount_default_fields:[None,None,"auto","defaults,nofail","0","2"]# swap can also be set up by the 'mounts' module# default is to not create any swap files, because 'size' is set to 0swap:filename:/swap.imgsize:"auto"# or size in bytesmaxsize:size in bytes

Call a url when finished¶

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#cloud-config# phone_home: if this dictionary is present, then the phone_home# cloud-config module will post specified data back to the given# url# default: none# phone_home:# url: http://my.foo.bar/$INSTANCE/# post: all# tries: 10#phone_home:url:http://my.example.com/$INSTANCE_ID/post:[pub_key_dsa,pub_key_rsa,pub_key_ecdsa,instance_id]

Reboot/poweroff when finished¶

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#cloud-config## poweroff or reboot system after finished# default: none## power_state can be used to make the system shutdown, reboot or# halt after boot is finished. This same thing can be acheived by# user-data scripts or by runcmd by simply invoking 'shutdown'.# # Doing it this way ensures that cloud-init is entirely finished with# modules that would be executed, and avoids any error/log messages# that may go to the console as a result of system services like# syslog being taken down while cloud-init is running.## If you delay '+5' (5 minutes) and have a timeout of# 120 (2 minutes), then the max time until shutdown will be 7 minutes.# cloud-init will invoke 'shutdown +5' after the process finishes, or# when 'timeout' seconds have elapsed.## delay: form accepted by shutdown. default is 'now'. other format# accepted is +m (m in minutes)# mode: required. must be one of 'poweroff', 'halt', 'reboot'# message: provided as the message argument to 'shutdown'. default is none.# timeout: the amount of time to give the cloud-init process to finish# before executing shutdown.# condition: apply state change only if condition is met.# May be boolean True (always met), or False (never met),# or a command string or list to be executed.# command's exit code indicates:# 0: condition met# 1: condition not met# other exit codes will result in 'not met', but are reserved# for future use.#power_state:delay:"+30"mode:poweroffmessage:Bye Byetimeout:30condition:True

Configure instances SSH keys¶

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#cloud-config# add each entry to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys for the configured user or the# first user defined in the user definition directive.ssh_authorized_keys:-ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAGEA3FSyQwBI6Z+nCSjUUk8EEAnnkhXlukKoUPND/RRClWz2s5TCzIkd3Ou5+Cyz71X0XmazM3l5WgeErvtIwQMyT1KjNoMhoJMrJnWqQPOt5Q8zWd9qG7PBl9+eiH5qV7NZ mykey@host-ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEA3I7VUf2l5gSn5uavROsc5HRDpZdQueUq5ozemNSj8T7enqKHOEaFoU2VoPgGEWC9RyzSQVeyD6s7APMcE82EtmW4skVEgEGSbDc1pvxzxtchBj78hJP6Cf5TCMFSXw+Fz5rF1dR23QDbN1mkHs7adr8GW4kSWqU7Q7NDwfIrJJtO7Hi42GyXtvEONHbiRPOe8stqUly7MvUoN+5kfjBM8Qqpfl2+FNhTYWpMfYdPUnE7u536WqzFmsaqJctz3gBxH9Ex7dFtrxR4qiqEr9Qtlu3xGn7Bw07/+i1D+ey3ONkZLN+LQ714cgj8fRS4Hj29SCmXp5Kt5/82cD/VN3NtHw== smoser@brickies# Send pre-generated SSH private keys to the server# If these are present, they will be written to /etc/ssh and# new random keys will not be generated# in addition to 'rsa' and 'dsa' as shown below, 'ecdsa' is also supportedssh_keys:rsa_private:|-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----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-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----rsa_public:ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAGEAoPRhIfLvedSDKw7XdewmZ3h8eIXJD7TRHtVW7aJX1ByifYtlL/HVzJ09nilCl+MSFrpbFnqjxyL8Rr/DSf7QcY/BrGUQbZn2Kc22PemAWthxHO18QJvWPocKJtlsDNi3 smoser@localhostdsa_private:|-----BEGIN DSA PRIVATE KEY-----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-----END DSA PRIVATE KEY-----dsa_public:ssh-dss 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 smoser@localhost

Additional apt configuration and repositories¶

#cloud-config# apt_pipelining (configure Acquire::http::Pipeline-Depth)# Default: disables HTTP pipelining. Certain web servers, such# as S3 do not pipeline properly (LP: #948461).# Valid options:# False/default: Disables pipelining for APT# None/Unchanged: Use OS default# Number: Set pipelining to some number (not recommended)apt_pipelining:False## apt config via system_info:# under the 'system_info', you can customize cloud-init's interaction# with apt.# system_info:# apt_get_command: [command, argument, argument]# apt_get_upgrade_subcommand: dist-upgrade## apt_get_command:# To specify a different 'apt-get' command, set 'apt_get_command'.# This must be a list, and the subcommand (update, upgrade) is appended to it.# default is:# ['apt-get', '--option=Dpkg::Options::=--force-confold',# '--option=Dpkg::options::=--force-unsafe-io', '--assume-yes', '--quiet']## apt_get_upgrade_subcommand: "dist-upgrade"# Specify a different subcommand for 'upgrade. The default is 'dist-upgrade'.# This is the subcommand that is invoked for package_upgrade.## apt_get_wrapper:# command: eatmydata# enabled: [True, False, "auto"]## Install additional packages on first boot## Default: none## if packages are specified, this apt_update will be set to truepackages:['pastebinit']apt:# The apt config consists of two major "areas".## On one hand there is the global configuration for the apt feature.## On one hand (down in this file) there is the source dictionary which allows# to define various entries to be considered by apt.############################################################################### Section 1: global apt configuration## The following examples number the top keys to ease identification in# discussions.# 1.1 preserve_sources_list## Preserves the existing /etc/apt/sources.list# Default: false - do overwrite sources_list. If set to true then any# "mirrors" configuration will have no effect.# Set to true to avoid affecting sources.list. In that case only# "extra" source specifications will be written into# /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*preserve_sources_list:true# 1.2 disable_suites## This is an empty list by default, so nothing is disabled.## If given, those suites are removed from sources.list after all other# modifications have been made.# Suites are even disabled if no other modification was made,# but not if is preserve_sources_list is active.# There is a special alias "$RELEASE" as in the sources that will be replace# by the matching release.## To ease configuration and improve readability the following common ubuntu# suites will be automatically mapped to their full definition.# updates => $RELEASE-updates# backports => $RELEASE-backports# security => $RELEASE-security# proposed => $RELEASE-proposed# release => $RELEASE## There is no harm in specifying a suite to be disabled that is not found in# the source.list file (just a no-op then)## Note: Lines don't get deleted, but disabled by being converted to a comment.# The following example disables all usual defaults except $RELEASE-security.# On top it disables a custom suite called "mysuite"disable_suites:[$RELEASE-updates,backports,$RELEASE,mysuite]# 1.3 primary/security archives## Default: none - instead it is auto select based on cloud metadata# so if neither "uri" nor "search", nor "search_dns" is set (the default)# then use the mirror provided by the DataSource found.# In EC2, that means using <region>.ec2.archive.ubuntu.com## define a custom (e.g. localized) mirror that will be used in sources.list# and any custom sources entries for deb / deb-src lines.## One can set primary and security mirror to different uri's# the child elements to the keys primary and secondary are equivalentprimary:# arches is list of architectures the following config applies to# the special keyword "default" applies to any architecture not explicitly# listed.-arches:[amd64,i386,default]# uri is just defining the target as-isuri:http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu## via search one can define lists that are tried one by one.# The first with a working DNS resolution (or if it is an IP) will be# picked. That way one can keep one configuration for multiple# subenvironments that select the working one.search:-http://cool.but-sometimes-unreachable.com/ubuntu-http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu# if no mirror is provided by uri or search but 'search_dns' is# true, then search for dns names '<distro>-mirror' in each of# - fqdn of this host per cloud metadata# - localdomain# - no domain (which would search domains listed in /etc/resolv.conf)# If there is a dns entry for <distro>-mirror, then it is assumed that# there is a distro mirror at http://<distro>-mirror.<domain>/<distro>## That gives the cloud provider the opportunity to set mirrors of a distro# up and expose them only by creating dns entries.## if none of that is found, then the default distro mirror is usedsearch_dns:true## If multiple of a category are given# 1. uri# 2. search# 3. search_dns# the first defining a valid mirror wins (in the order as defined here,# not the order as listed in the config).#-arches:[s390x,arm64]# as above, allowing to have one config for different per arch mirrors# security is optional, if not defined it is set to the same value as primarysecurity:-uri:http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu# If search_dns is set for security the searched pattern is:# <distro>-security-mirror# if no mirrors are specified at all, or all lookups fail it will try# to get them from the cloud datasource and if those neither provide one fall# back to:# primary: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu# security: http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu# 1.4 sources_list## Provide a custom template for rendering sources.list# without one provided cloud-init uses builtin templates for# ubuntu and debian.# Within these sources.list templates you can use the following replacement# variables (all have sane Ubuntu defaults, but mirrors can be overwritten# as needed (see above)):# => $RELEASE, $MIRROR, $PRIMARY, $SECURITYsources_list:|# written by cloud-init custom templatedeb $MIRROR $RELEASE main restricteddeb-src $MIRROR $RELEASE main restricteddeb $PRIMARY $RELEASE universe restricteddeb $SECURITY $RELEASE-security multiverse# 1.5 conf## Any apt config string that will be made available to apt# see the APT.CONF(5) man page for details what can be specifiedconf:|# APT configAPT {Get {Assume-Yes "true";Fix-Broken "true";};};# 1.6 (http_|ftp_|https_)proxy## Proxies are the most common apt.conf option, so that for simplified use# there is a shortcut for those. Those get automatically translated into the# correct Acquire::*::Proxy statements.## note: proxy actually being a short synonym to http_proxyproxy:http://[[user][:pass]@]host[:port]/http_proxy:http://[[user][:pass]@]host[:port]/ftp_proxy:ftp://[[user][:pass]@]host[:port]/https_proxy:https://[[user][:pass]@]host[:port]/# 1.7 add_apt_repo_match## 'source' entries in apt-sources that match this python regex# expression will be passed to add-apt-repository# The following example is also the builtin default if nothing is specifiedadd_apt_repo_match:'^[\w-]+:\w'############################################################################### Section 2: source list entries## This is a dictionary (unlike most block/net which are lists)## The key of each source entry is the filename and will be prepended by# /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ if it doesn't start with a '/'.# If it doesn't end with .list it will be appended so that apt picks up it's# configuration.## Whenever there is no content to be written into such a file, the key is# not used as filename - yet it can still be used as index for merging# configuration.## The values inside the entries consost of the following optional entries:# 'source': a sources.list entry (some variable replacements apply)# 'keyid': providing a key to import via shortid or fingerprint# 'key': providing a raw PGP key# 'keyserver': specify an alternate keyserver to pull keys from that# were specified by keyid# This allows merging between multiple input files than a list like:# cloud-config1# sources:# s1: {'key': 'key1', 'source': 'source1'}# cloud-config2# sources:# s2: {'key': 'key2'}# s1: {'keyserver': 'foo'}# This would be merged to# sources:# s1:# keyserver: foo# key: key1# source: source1# s2:# key: key2## The following examples number the subfeatures per sources entry to ease# identification in discussions.sources:curtin-dev-ppa.list:# 2.1 source## Creates a file in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ for the sources list entry# based on the key: "/etc/apt/sources.list.d/curtin-dev-ppa.list"source:"debhttp://ppa.launchpad.net/curtin-dev/test-archive/ubuntuxenialmain"# 2.2 keyid## Importing a gpg key for a given key id. Used keyserver defaults to# keyserver.ubuntu.comkeyid:F430BBA5# GPG key ID published on a key serverignored1:# 2.3 PPA shortcut## Setup correct apt sources.list line and Auto-Import the signing key# from LP## See https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA for more information# this requires 'add-apt-repository'. This will create a file in# /etc/apt/sources.list.d automatically, therefore the key here is# ignored as filename in those cases.source:"ppa:curtin-dev/test-archive"# Quote the stringmy-repo2.list:# 2.4 replacement variables## sources can use $MIRROR, $PRIMARY, $SECURITY and $RELEASE replacement# variables.# They will be replaced with the default or specified mirrors and the# running release.# The entry below would be possibly turned into:# source: deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial multiversesource:deb $MIRROR $RELEASE multiversemy-repo3.list:# this would have the same end effect as 'ppa:curtin-dev/test-archive'source:"debhttp://ppa.launchpad.net/curtin-dev/test-archive/ubuntuxenialmain"keyid:F430BBA5# GPG key ID published on the key serverfilename:curtin-dev-ppa.listignored2:# 2.5 key only## this would only import the key without adding a ppa or other source spec# since this doesn't generate a source.list file the filename key is ignoredkeyid:F430BBA5# GPG key ID published on a key serverignored3:# 2.6 key id alternatives## Keyid's can also be specified via their long fingerprintskeyid:B59D 5F15 97A5 04B7 E230 6DCA 0620 BBCF 0368 3F77ignored4:# 2.7 alternative keyservers## One can also specify alternative keyservers to fetch keys from.keyid:B59D 5F15 97A5 04B7 E230 6DCA 0620 BBCF 0368 3F77keyserver:pgp.mit.edumy-repo4.list:# 2.8 raw key## The apt signing key can also be specified by providing a pgp public key# block. Providing the PGP key this way is the most robust method for# specifying a key, as it removes dependency on a remote key server.## As with keyid's this can be specified with or without some actual source# content.key:|# The value needs to start with -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----------BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----Version: SKS 1.0.10mI0ESpA3UQEEALdZKVIMq0j6qWAXAyxSlF63SvPVIgxHPb9Nk0DZUixn+akqytxG4zKCONz6qLjoBBfHnynyVLfT4ihg9an1PqxRnTO+JKQxl8NgKGz6Pon569GtAOdWNKw15XKinJTDLjnj9y96ljJqRcpV9t/WsIcdJPcKFR5voHTEoABE2aEXABEBAAG0GUxhdW5jaHBhZCBQUEEgZm9yIEFsZXN0aWOItgQTAQIAIAUCSpA3UQIbAwYLCQgHAwIEFQIIAwQWAgMBAh4BAheAAAoJEA7H5Qi+CcVxWZ8D/1MyYvfj3FJPZUm2Yo1zZsQ657vHI9+pPouqflWOayRR9jbiyUFIn0VdQBrPt0FwvnOFArUovUWoKAEdqR8hPy3M3APUZjl5K4cMZR/xaMQeQRZ5CHpS4DBKURKAHC0ltS5ouBJKQOZm5iltJp15cgyIkBkGe8Mx18VFyVglAZey=Y2oI-----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----

Disk setup¶

#cloud-config# Cloud-init supports the creation of simple partition tables and file systems# on devices.# Default disk definitions for AWS# --------------------------------# (Not implemented yet, but provided for future documentation)disk_setup:ephmeral0:table_type:'mbr'layout:Trueoverwrite:Falsefs_setup:-label:None,filesystem:ext3device:ephemeral0partition:auto# Default disk definitions for Microsoft Azure# ------------------------------------------device_aliases:{'ephemeral0':'/dev/sdb'}disk_setup:ephemeral0:table_type:mbrlayout:Trueoverwrite:Falsefs_setup:-label:ephemeral0filesystem:ext4device:ephemeral0.1replace_fs:ntfs# Data disks definitions for Microsoft Azure# ------------------------------------------disk_setup:/dev/disk/azure/scsi1/lun0:table_type:gptlayout:Trueoverwrite:Truefs_setup:-device:/dev/disk/azure/scsi1/lun0partition:1filesystem:ext4
Источник: [https://torrent-igruha.org/3551-portal.html]
Swap & Fall 1.0 serial key or number

Netdna-ssl. comwp-contentuploads201701story-of-seasons-trio-of-towns-600x300. jpg"pWhile Stardew Valley got all the love last year, the longest-running farming and life sim series it was inspired from will celebrate its 20th anniversary this year with a new title.

 Story of Seasons: Trio of Towns is coming to North America on February 28 for Nintendo 3DS.


What’s New in the Swap & Fall 1.0 serial key or number?

Screen Shot

System Requirements for Swap & Fall 1.0 serial key or number

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