HS Clean Disk Pro 5.10 serial key or number

HS Clean Disk Pro 5.10 serial key or number

HS Clean Disk Pro 5.10 serial key or number

HS Clean Disk Pro 5.10 serial key or number

Android 11 Compatibility Definition

1. Introduction

This document enumerates the requirements that must be met in order for devices to be compatible with Android 11.

The use of “MUST”, “MUST NOT”, “REQUIRED”, “SHALL”, “SHALL NOT”, “SHOULD”, “SHOULD NOT”, “RECOMMENDED”, “MAY”, and “OPTIONAL” is per the IETF standard defined in RFC2119.

As used in this document, a “device implementer” or “implementer” is a person or organization developing a hardware/software solution running Android 11. A “device implementation” or “implementation" is the hardware/software solution so developed.

To be considered compatible with Android 11, device implementations MUST meet the requirements presented in this Compatibility Definition, including any documents incorporated via reference.

Where this definition or the software tests described in section 10 is silent, ambiguous, or incomplete, it is the responsibility of the device implementer to ensure compatibility with existing implementations.

For this reason, the Android Open Source Project is both the reference and preferred implementation of Android. Device implementers are STRONGLY RECOMMENDED to base their implementations to the greatest extent possible on the “upstream” source code available from the Android Open Source Project. While some components can hypothetically be replaced with alternate implementations, it is STRONGLY RECOMMENDED to not follow this practice, as passing the software tests will become substantially more difficult. It is the implementer’s responsibility to ensure full behavioral compatibility with the standard Android implementation, including and beyond the Compatibility Test Suite. Finally, note that certain component substitutions and modifications are explicitly forbidden by this document.

Many of the resources linked to in this document are derived directly or indirectly from the Android SDK and will be functionally identical to the information in that SDK’s documentation. In any cases where this Compatibility Definition or the Compatibility Test Suite disagrees with the SDK documentation, the SDK documentation is considered authoritative. Any technical details provided in the linked resources throughout this document are considered by inclusion to be part of this Compatibility Definition.

1.1 Document Structure

1.1.1. Requirements by Device Type

Section 2 contains all of the requirements that apply to a specific device type. Each subsection of Section 2 is dedicated to a specific device type.

All the other requirements, that universally apply to any Android device implementations, are listed in the sections after Section 2. These requirements are referenced as "Core Requirements" in this document.

1.1.2. Requirement ID

Requirement ID is assigned for MUST requirements.

  • The ID is assigned for MUST requirements only.
  • STRONGLY RECOMMENDED requirements are marked as [SR] but ID is not assigned.
  • The ID consists of : Device Type ID - Condition ID - Requirement ID (e.g. C-0-1).

Each ID is defined as below:

  • Device Type ID (see more in 2. Device Types)
    • C: Core (Requirements that are applied to any Android device implementations)
    • H: Android Handheld device
    • T: Android Television device
    • A: Android Automotive implementation
    • W: Android Watch implementation
    • Tab: Android Tablet implementation
  • Condition ID
    • When the requirement is unconditional, this ID is set as 0.
    • When the requirement is conditional, 1 is assigned for the 1st condition and the number increments by 1 within the same section and the same device type.
  • Requirement ID
    • This ID starts from 1 and increments by 1 within the same section and the same condition.

1.1.3. Requirement ID in Section 2

The Requirement ID in Section 2 starts with the corresponding section ID that is followed by the Requirement ID described above.

  • The ID in Section 2 consists of : Section ID / Device Type ID - Condition ID - Requirement ID (e.g. 7.4.3/A-0-1).

2. Device Types

While the Android Open Source Project provides a software stack that can be used for a variety of device types and form factors, there are a few device types that have a relatively better established application distribution ecosystem.

This section describes those device types, and additional requirements and recommendations applicable for each device type.

All Android device implementations that do not fit into any of the described device types MUST still meet all requirements in the other sections of this Compatibility Definition.

2.1 Device Configurations

For the major differences in hardware configuration by device type, see the device-specific requirements that follow in this section.

2.2. Handheld Requirements

An Android Handheld device refers to an Android device implementation that is typically used by holding it in the hand, such as an mp3 player, phone, or tablet.

Android device implementations are classified as a Handheld if they meet all the following criteria:

  • Have a power source that provides mobility, such as a battery.
  • Have a physical diagonal screen size in the range of 3.3 inches (or 2.5 inches for devices which launched on an API level earlier than Android 11) to 8 inches.

The additional requirements in the rest of this section are specific to Android Handheld device implementations.

Note: Requirements that do not apply to Android Tablet devices are marked with an *.

2.2.1. Hardware

Handheld device implementations:

  • [] MUST have at least one Android-compatible display that meets all requirements described on this document.
  • [] Are STRONGLY RECOMMENDED to provide users an affordance to change the display size (screen density).

If Handheld device implementations support software screen rotation, they:

  • []* MUST make the logical screen that is made available for third party applications be at least 2 inches on the short edge(s) and 2.7 inches on the long edge(s). Devices which launched on an API level earlier than that of this document are exempted from this requirement.

If Handheld device implementations do not support software screen rotation, they:

  • []* MUST make the logical screen that is made available for third party applications be at least 2.7 inches on the short edge(s). Devices which launched on an API level earlier than that of this document are exempted from this requirement.

If Handheld device implementations claim support for high dynamic range displays through , they:

  • [] MUST advertise support for the , , , , and extensions.

Handheld device implementations:

  • [] MUST report whether the device supports the GPU profiling capability via a system property .

If Handheld device implementations declare support via a system property , they:

Handheld device implementations:

  • [7.1.5/H-0-1] MUST include support for legacy application compatibility mode as implemented by the upstream Android open source code. That is, device implementations MUST NOT alter the triggers or thresholds at which compatibility mode is activated, and MUST NOT alter the behavior of the compatibility mode itself.
  • [7.2.1/H-0-1] MUST include support for third-party Input Method Editor (IME) applications.
  • [7.2.3/H-0-3] MUST provide the Home function on all the Android-compatible displays that provide the home screen.
  • [7.2.3/H-0-4] MUST provide the Back function on all the Android-compatible displays and the Recents function on at least one of the Android-compatible displays.
  • [7.2.3/H-0-2] MUST send both the normal and long press event of the Back function () to the foreground application. These events MUST NOT be consumed by the system and CAN be triggered by outside of the Android device (e.g. external hardware keyboard connected to the Android device).
  • [7.2.4/H-0-1] MUST support touchscreen input.
  • [7.2.4/H-SR] Are STRONGLY RECOMMENDED to launch the user-selected assist app, in other words the app that implements VoiceInteractionService, or an activity handling the on long-press of or if the foreground activity does not handle those long-press events.
  • [7.3.1/H-SR] Are STRONGLY RECOMMENDED to include a 3-axis accelerometer.

If Handheld device implementations include a 3-axis accelerometer, they:

  • [7.3.1/H-1-1] MUST be able to report events up to a frequency of at least 100 Hz.

If Handheld device implementations include a GPS/GNSS receiver and report the capability to applications through the feature flag, they:

  • [7.3.3/H-2-1] MUST report GNSS measurements, as soon as they are found, even if a location calculated from GPS/GNSS is not yet reported.
  • [7.3.3/H-2-2] MUST report GNSS pseudoranges and pseudorange rates, that, in open-sky conditions after determining the location, while stationary or moving with less than 0.2 meter per second squared of acceleration, are sufficient to calculate position within 20 meters, and speed within 0.2 meters per second, at least 95% of the time.

If Handheld device implementations include a 3-axis gyroscope, they:

  • [7.3.4/H-3-1] MUST be able to report events up to a frequency of at least 100 Hz.
  • [7.3.4/H-3-2] MUST be capable of measuring orientation changes up to 1000 degrees per second.

Handheld device implementations that can make a voice call and indicate any value other than in :

  • [7.3.8/H] SHOULD include a proximity sensor.

Handheld device implementations:

  • [7.3.11/H-SR] Are RECOMMENDED to support pose sensor with 6 degrees of freedom.
  • [7.4.3/H] SHOULD include support for Bluetooth and Bluetooth LE.

If Handheld device implementations include a metered connection, they:

  • [7.4.7/H-1-1] MUST provide the data saver mode.

If Handheld device implementations include a logical camera device that lists capabilities using , they:

  • [7.5.4/H-1-1] MUST have normal field of view (FOV) by default and it MUST be between 50 and 90 degrees.

Handheld device implementations:

  • [7.6.1/H-0-1] MUST have at least 4 GB of non-volatile storage available for application private data (a.k.a. "/data" partition).
  • [7.6.1/H-0-2] MUST return “true” for when there is less than 1GB of memory available to the kernel and userspace.

If Handheld device implementations declare support of only a 32-bit ABI:

  • [7.6.1/H-1-1] The memory available to the kernel and userspace MUST be at least 416MB if the default display uses framebuffer resolutions up to qHD (e.g. FWVGA).

  • [7.6.1/H-2-1] The memory available to the kernel and userspace MUST be at least 592MB if the default display uses framebuffer resolutions up to HD+ (e.g. HD, WSVGA).

  • [7.6.1/H-3-1] The memory available to the kernel and userspace MUST be at least 896MB if the default display uses framebuffer resolutions up to FHD (e.g. WSXGA+).

  • [7.6.1/H-4-1] The memory available to the kernel and userspace MUST be at least 1344MB if the default display uses framebuffer resolutions up to QHD (e.g. QWXGA).

If Handheld device implementations declare support of 32-bit and 64-bit ABIs:

  • [7.6.1/H-5-1] The memory available to the kernel and userspace MUST be at least 816MB if the default display uses framebuffer resolutions up to qHD (e.g. FWVGA).

  • [7.6.1/H-6-1] The memory available to the kernel and userspace MUST be at least 944MB if the default display uses framebuffer resolutions up to HD+ (e.g. HD, WSVGA).

  • [7.6.1/H-7-1] The memory available to the kernel and userspace MUST be at least 1280MB if the default display uses framebuffer resolutions up to FHD (e.g. WSXGA+).

  • [7.6.1/H-8-1] The memory available to the kernel and userspace MUST be at least 1824MB if the default display uses framebuffer resolutions up to QHD (e.g. QWXGA).

Note that the "memory available to the kernel and userspace" above refers to the memory space provided in addition to any memory already dedicated to hardware components such as radio, video, and so on that are not under the kernel’s control on device implementations.

If Handheld device implementations include less than or equal to 1GB of memory available to the kernel and userspace, they:

  • [7.6.1/H-9-1] MUST declare the feature flag .
  • [7.6.1/H-9-2] MUST have at least 1.1 GB of non-volatile storage for application private data (a.k.a. "/data" partition).

If Handheld device implementations include more than 1GB of memory available to the kernel and userspace, they:

  • [7.6.1/H-10-1] MUST have at least 4GB of non-volatile storage available for application private data (a.k.a. "/data" partition).
  • SHOULD declare the feature flag .

Handheld device implementations:

  • [7.6.2/H-0-1] MUST NOT provide an application shared storage smaller than 1 GiB.
  • [7.7.1/H] SHOULD include a USB port supporting peripheral mode.

If handheld device implementations include a USB port supporting peripheral mode, they:

  • [7.7.1/H-1-1] MUST implement the Android Open Accessory (AOA) API.

If Handheld device implementations include a USB port supporting host mode, they:

  • [7.7.2/H-1-1] MUST implement the USB audio class as documented in the Android SDK documentation.

Handheld device implementations:

  • [7.8.1/H-0-1] MUST include a microphone.
  • [7.8.2/H-0-1] MUST have an audio output and declare .

If Handheld device implementations are capable of meeting all the performance requirements for supporting VR mode and include support for it, they:

  • [7.9.1/H-1-1] MUST declare the feature flag.
  • [7.9.1/H-1-2] MUST include an application implementing that can be enabled by VR applications via .

If Handheld device implementations include one or more USB-C port(s) in host mode and implement (USB audio class), in addition to requirements in section 7.7.2, they:

  • [] MUST provide the following software mapping of HID codes:
Function Mappings Context Behavior
A HID usage page: 0x0C
HID usage: 0x0CD
Kernel key:
Android key:
Media playback Input: Short press
Output: Play or pause
Input: Long press
Output: Launch voice command
Sends: if the device is locked or its screen is off. Sends otherwise
Incoming call Input: Short press
Output: Accept call
Input: Long press
Output: Reject call
Ongoing call Input: Short press
Output: End call
Input: Long press
Output: Mute or unmute microphone
B HID usage page: 0x0C
HID usage: 0x0E9
Kernel key:
Android key:
Media playback, Ongoing call Input: Short or long press
Output: Increases the system or headset volume
C HID usage page: 0x0C
HID usage: 0x0EA
Kernel key:
Android key:
Media playback, Ongoing call Input: Short or long press
Output: Decreases the system or headset volume
D HID usage page: 0x0C
HID usage: 0x0CF
Kernel key:
Android key:
All. Can be triggered in any instance. Input: Short or long press
Output: Launch voice command
  • [] MUST trigger ACTION_HEADSET_PLUG upon a plug insert, but only after the USB audio interfaces and endpoints have been properly enumerated in order to identify the type of terminal connected.

When the USB audio terminal types 0x0302 is detected, they:

  • [] MUST broadcast Intent ACTION_HEADSET_PLUG with "microphone" extra set to 0.

When the USB audio terminal types 0x0402 is detected, they:

  • [] MUST broadcast Intent ACTION_HEADSET_PLUG with "microphone" extra set to 1.

When API AudioManager.getDevices() is called while the USB peripheral is connected they:

  • [] MUST list a device of type AudioDeviceInfo.TYPE_USB_HEADSET and role isSink() if the USB audio terminal type field is 0x0302.

  • [] MUST list a device of type AudioDeviceInfo.TYPE_USB_HEADSET and role isSink() if the USB audio terminal type field is 0x0402.

  • [] MUST list a device of type AudioDeviceInfo.TYPE_USB_HEADSET and role isSource() if the USB audio terminal type field is 0x0402.

  • [] MUST list a device of type AudioDeviceInfo.TYPE_USB_DEVICE and role isSink() if the USB audio terminal type field is 0x603.

  • [] MUST list a device of type AudioDeviceInfo.TYPE_USB_DEVICE and role isSource() if the USB audio terminal type field is 0x604.

  • [] MUST list a device of type AudioDeviceInfo.TYPE_USB_DEVICE and role isSink() if the USB audio terminal type field is 0x400.

  • [] MUST list a device of type AudioDeviceInfo.TYPE_USB_DEVICE and role isSource() if the USB audio terminal type field is 0x400.

  • [] Are STRONGLY RECOMMENDED upon connection of a USB-C audio peripheral, to perform enumeration of USB descriptors, identify terminal types and broadcast Intent ACTION_HEADSET_PLUG in less than 1000 milliseconds.

If Handheld device implementations include at least one haptic actuator, they:

  • [7.10/H-SR]* Are STRONGLY RECOMMENDED NOT to use an eccentric rotating mass (ERM) haptic actuator(vibrator).
  • [7.10/H]* SHOULD position the placement of the actuator near the location where the device is typically held or touched by hands.
  • [7.10/H-SR]* Are STRONGLY RECOMMENDED to implement all public constants for clear haptics in android.os.VibrationEffect namely (EFFECT_TICK, EFFECT_CLICK, EFFECT_HEAVY_CLICK and EFFECT_DOUBLE_CLICK) and all public constants for rich haptics in android.os.VibrationEffect.Composition namely (PRIMITIVE_CLICK and PRIMITIVE_TICK).
  • [7.10/H-SR]* Are STRONGLY RECOMMENDED to use these linked haptic constants mappings.
  • [7.10/H-SR]* Are STRONGLY RECOMMENDED to follow quality assessment for createOneShot() and createWaveform() API's.
  • [7.10/H-SR]* Are STRONGLY RECOMMENDED to verify the capabilities for amplitude scalability by running android.os.Vibrator.hasAmplitudeControl().

Linear resonant actuator (LRA) is a single mass spring system which has a dominant resonant frequency where the mass translates in the direction of desired motion.

If Handheld device implementations include at least one linear resonant actuator, they:

  • [7.10/H]* SHOULD move the haptic actuator in the X-axis of portrait orientation.

If Handheld device implementations have a haptic actuator which is X-axis Linear resonant actuator (LRA), they:

  • [7.10/H-SR]* Are STRONGLY RECOMMENDED to have the resonant frequency of the X-axis LRA be under 200 Hz.

If handheld device implementations follow haptic constants mapping, they:

2.2.2. Multimedia

Handheld device implementations MUST support the following audio encoding and decoding formats and make them available to third-party applications:

  • [5.1/H-0-1] AMR-NB
  • [5.1/H-0-2] AMR-WB
  • [5.1/H-0-3] MPEG-4 AAC Profile (AAC LC)
  • [5.1/H-0-4] MPEG-4 HE AAC Profile (AAC+)
  • [5.1/H-0-5] AAC ELD (enhanced low delay AAC)

Handheld device implementations MUST support the following video encoding formats and make them available to third-party applications:

  • [5.2/H-0-1] H.264 AVC
  • [5.2/H-0-2] VP8

Handheld device implementations MUST support the following video decoding formats and make them available to third-party applications:

  • [5.3/H-0-1] H.264 AVC
  • [5.3/H-0-2] H.265 HEVC
  • [5.3/H-0-3] MPEG-4 SP
  • [5.3/H-0-4] VP8
  • [5.3/H-0-5] VP9

2.2.3. Software

Handheld device implementations:

  • [] MUST have an application that handles the , , , and intents as described in the SDK documents, and provide the user affordance to access the document provider data by using API.
  • []* MUST preload one or more applications or service components with an intent handler, for all the public intent filter patterns defined by the following application intents listed here.
  • [] Are STRONGLY RECOMMENDED to preload an email application which can handle ACTION_SENDTO or ACTION_SEND or ACTION_SEND_MULTIPLE intents to send an email.
  • [3.4.1/H-0-1] MUST provide a complete implementation of the API.
  • [3.4.2/H-0-1] MUST include a standalone Browser application for general user web browsing.
  • [3.8.1/H-SR] Are STRONGLY RECOMMENDED to implement a default launcher that supports in-app pinning of shortcuts, widgets and widgetFeatures.
  • [3.8.1/H-SR] Are STRONGLY RECOMMENDED to implement a default launcher that provides quick access to the additional shortcuts provided by third-party apps through the ShortcutManager API.
  • [3.8.1/H-SR] Are STRONGLY RECOMMENDED to include a default launcher app that shows badges for the app icons.
  • [3.8.2/H-SR] Are STRONGLY RECOMMENDED to support third-party app widgets.
  • [3.8.3/H-0-1] MUST allow third-party apps to notify users of notable events through the and API classes.
  • [3.8.3/H-0-2] MUST support rich notifications.
  • [3.8.3/H-0-3] MUST support heads-up notifications.
  • [3.8.3/H-0-4] MUST include a notification shade, providing the user the ability to directly control (e.g. reply, snooze, dismiss, block) the notifications through user affordance such as action buttons or the control panel as implemented in the AOSP.
  • [3.8.3/H-0-5] MUST display the choices provided through in the notification shade.
  • [3.8.3/H-SR] Are STRONGLY RECOMMENDED to display the first choice provided through in the notification shade without additional user interaction.
  • [3.8.3/H-SR] Are STRONGLY RECOMMENDED to display all the choices provided through in the notification shade when the user expands all notifications in the notification shade.
  • [] Are STRONGLY RECOMMENDED to display actions for which is set as in-line with the replies displayed by .
  • [3.8.4/H-SR] Are STRONGLY RECOMMENDED to implement an assistant on the device to handle the Assist action.

If Handheld device implementations support Assist action, they:

  • [3.8.4/H-SR] Are STRONGLY RECOMMENDED to use long press on key as the designated interaction to launch the assist app as described in section 7.2.3. MUST launch the user-selected assist app, in other words the app that implements , or an activity handling the intent.

If Handheld device implementations support and group them into a separate section from alerting and silent non-conversation notifications, they:

  • [3.8.4/H-1-1]* MUST display conversation notifications ahead of non conversation notifications with the exception of ongoing foreground service notifications and importance:high notifications.

If Android Handheld device implementations support a lock screen, they:

  • [3.8.10/H-1-1] MUST display the Lock screen Notifications including the Media Notification Template.

If Handheld device implementations support a secure lock screen, they:

  • [3.9/H-1-1] MUST implement the full range of device administration policies defined in the Android SDK documentation.
  • [3.9/H-1-2] MUST declare the support of managed profiles via the feature flag, except when the device is configured so that it would report itself as a low RAM device or so that it allocates internal (non-removable) storage as shared storage.

If Handheld device implementations include support for and APIs and allow third-party applications to publish , then they:

  • [3.8.16/H-1-1] MUST declare the feature flag and set it to .
  • [3.8.16/H-1-2] MUST provide a user affordance with the ability to add, edit, select, and operate the user’s favorite device controls from the controls registered by the third-party applications through the and the APIs.
  • [3.8.16/H-1-3] MUST provide access to this user affordance within three interactions from a default Launcher.
  • [3.8.16/H-1-4] MUST accurately render in this user affordance the name and icon of each third-party app that provides controls via the API as well as any specified fields provided by the APIs.

Conversely, If Handheld device implementations do not implement such controls, they:

Handheld device implementations:

  • [3.10/H-0-1] MUST support third-party accessibility services.
  • [3.10/H-SR] Are STRONGLY RECOMMENDED to preload accessibility services on the device comparable with or exceeding functionality of the Switch Access and TalkBack (for languages supported by the preinstalled Text-to-speech engine) accessibility services as provided in the talkback open source project.
  • [3.11/H-0-1] MUST support installation of third-party TTS engines.
  • [3.11/H-SR] Are STRONGLY RECOMMENDED to include a TTS engine supporting the languages available on the device.
  • [3.13/H-SR] Are STRONGLY RECOMMENDED to include a Quick Settings UI component.

If Android handheld device implementations declare or support, they:

  • [3.16/H-1-1] MUST support the companion device pairing feature.

If the navigation function is provided as an on-screen, gesture-based action:

  • [7.2.3/H] The gesture recognition zone for the Home function SHOULD be no higher than 32 dp in height from the bottom of the screen.

If Handheld device implementations provide a navigation function as a gesture from anywhere on the left and right edges of the screen:

  • [7.2.3/H-0-1] The navigation function's gesture area MUST be less than 40 dp in width on each side. The gesture area SHOULD be 24 dp in width by default.

2.2.4. Performance and Power

  • [8.1/H-0-1] Consistent frame latency. Inconsistent frame latency or a delay to render frames MUST NOT happen more often than 5 frames in a second, and SHOULD be below 1 frames in a second.
  • [8.1/H-0-2] User interface latency. Device implementations MUST ensure low latency user experience by scrolling a list of 10K list entries as defined by the Android Compatibility Test Suite (CTS) in less than 36 secs.
  • [8.1/H-0-3] Task switching. When multiple applications have been launched, re-launching an already-running application after it has been launched MUST take less than 1 second.

Handheld device implementations:

  • [8.2/H-0-1] MUST ensure a sequential write performance of at least 5 MB/s.
  • [8.2/H-0-2] MUST ensure a random write performance of at least 0.5 MB/s.
  • [8.2/H-0-3] MUST ensure a sequential read performance of at least 15 MB/s.
  • [8.2/H-0-4] MUST ensure a random read performance of at least 3.5 MB/s.

If Handheld device implementations include features to improve device power management that are included in AOSP or extend the features that are included in AOSP, they:

  • [8.3/H-1-1] MUST provide user affordance to enable and disable the battery saver feature.
  • [8.3/H-1-2] MUST provide user affordance to display all apps that are exempted from App Standby and Doze power-saving modes.

Handheld device implementations:

  • [8.4/H-0-1] MUST provide a per-component power profile that defines the current consumption value for each hardware component and the approximate battery drain caused by the components over time as documented in the Android Open Source Project site.
  • [8.4/H-0-2] MUST report all power consumption values in milliampere hours (mAh).
  • [8.4/H-0-3] MUST report CPU power consumption per each process's UID. The Android Open Source Project meets the requirement through the kernel module implementation.
  • [8.4/H-0-4] MUST make this power usage available via the shell command to the app developer.
  • [8.4/H] SHOULD be attributed to the hardware component itself if unable to attribute hardware component power usage to an application.

If Handheld device implementations include a screen or video output, they:

2.2.5. Security Model

Handheld device implementations:

  • [9.1/H-0-1] MUST allow third-party apps to access the usage statistics via the permission and provide a user-accessible mechanism to grant or revoke access to such apps in response to the intent.

Handheld device implementations (* Not applicable for Tablet):

  • [9.11/H-0-2]* MUST back up the keystore implementation with an isolated execution environment.
  • [9.11/H-0-3]* MUST have implementations of RSA, AES, ECDSA, and HMAC cryptographic algorithms and MD5, SHA1, and SHA-2 family hash functions to properly support the Android Keystore system's supported algorithms in an area that is securely isolated from the code running on the kernel and above. Secure isolation MUST block all potential mechanisms by which kernel or userspace code might access the internal state of the isolated environment, including DMA. The upstream Android Open Source Project (AOSP) meets this requirement by using the Trusty implementation, but another ARM TrustZone-based solution or a third-party reviewed secure implementation of a proper hypervisor-based isolation are alternative options.
  • [9.11/H-0-4]* MUST perform the lock screen authentication in the isolated execution environment and only when successful, allow the authentication-bound keys to be used. Lock screen credentials MUST be stored in a way that allows only the isolated execution environment to perform lock screen authentication. The upstream Android Open Source Project provides the Gatekeeper Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL) and Trusty, which can be used to satisfy this requirement.
  • [9.11/H-0-5]* MUST support key attestation where the attestation signing key is protected by secure hardware and signing is performed in secure hardware. The attestation signing keys MUST be shared across large enough number of devices to prevent the keys from being used as device identifiers. One way of meeting this requirement is to share the same attestation key unless at least 100,000 units of a given SKU are produced. If more than 100,000 units of an SKU are produced, a different key MAY be used for each 100,000 units.

Note that if a device implementation is already launched on an earlier Android version, such a device is exempted from the requirement to have a keystore backed by an isolated execution environment and support the key attestation, unless it declares the feature which requires a keystore backed by an isolated execution environment.

When Handheld device implementations support a secure lock screen, they:

  • [9.11/H-1-1] MUST allow the user to choose the shortest sleep timeout, that is a transition time from the unlocked to the locked state, as 15 seconds or less.
  • [9.11/H-1-2] MUST provide user affordance to hide notifications and disable all forms of authentication except for the primary authentication described in 9.11.1 Secure Lock Screen. The AOSP meets the requirement as lockdown mode.

2.2.6. Developer Tools and Options Compatibility

Handheld device implementations (* Not applicable for Tablet):

  • [6.1/H-0-1]* MUST support the shell command .

Handheld device implementations (* Not applicable for Tablet):

  • Perfetto
    • [6.1/H-0-2]* MUST expose a binary to the shell user which cmdline complies with the perfetto documentation.
    • [6.1/H-0-3]* The perfetto binary MUST accept as input a protobuf config that complies with the schema defined in the perfetto documentation.
    • [6.1/H-0-4]* The perfetto binary MUST write as output a protobuf trace that complies with the schema defined in the perfetto documentation.
    • [6.1/H-0-5]* MUST provide, through the perfetto binary, at least the data sources described in the perfetto documentation.
    • [6.1/H-0-6]* The perfetto traced daemon MUST be enabled by default (system property ).

2.3. Television Requirements

An Android Television device refers to an Android device implementation that is an entertainment interface for consuming digital media, movies, games, apps, and/or live TV for users sitting about ten feet away (a “lean back” or “10-foot user interface”).

Android device implementations are classified as a Television if they meet all the following criteria:

  • Have provided a mechanism to remotely control the rendered user interface on the display that might sit ten feet away from the user.
  • Have an embedded screen display with the diagonal length larger than 24 inches OR include a video output port, such as VGA, HDMI, DisplayPort, or a wireless port for display.

The additional requirements in the rest of this section are specific to Android Television device implementations.

2.3.1. Hardware

Television device implementations:

  • [7.2.2/T-0-1] MUST support D-pad.
  • [7.2.3/T-0-1] MUST provide the Home and Back functions.
  • [7.2.3/T-0-2] MUST send both the normal and long press event of the Back function () to the foreground application.
  • [] MUST include support for game controllers and declare the feature flag.
  • [7.2.7/T] SHOULD provide a remote control from which users can access non-touch navigation and core navigation keys inputs.

If Television device implementations include a 3-axis gyroscope, they:

  • [7.3.4/T-1-1] MUST be able to report events up to a frequency of at least 100 Hz.
  • [7.3.4/T-1-2] MUST be capable of measuring orientation changes up to 1000 degrees per second.

Television device implementations:

  • [7.4.3/T-0-1] MUST support Bluetooth and Bluetooth LE.
  • [7.6.1/T-0-1] MUST have at least 4 GB of non-volatile storage available for application private data (a.k.a. "/data" partition).

If Television device implementations include a USB port that supports host mode, they:

  • [7.5.3/T-1-1] MUST include support for an external camera that connects through this USB port but is not necessarily always connected.

If TV device implementations are 32-bit:

  • [7.6.1/T-1-1] The memory available to the kernel and userspace MUST be at least 896MB if any of the following densities are used:

    • 400dpi or higher on small/normal screens
    • xhdpi or higher on large screens
    • tvdpi or higher on extra large screens

If TV device implementations are 64-bit:

  • [7.6.1/T-2-1] The memory available to the kernel and userspace MUST be at least 1280MB if any of the following densities are used:

    • 400dpi or higher on small/normal screens
    • xhdpi or higher on large screens
    • tvdpi or higher on extra large screens

Note that the "memory available to the kernel and userspace" above refers to the memory space provided in addition to any memory already dedicated to hardware components such as radio, video, and so on that are not under the kernel’s control on device implementations.

Television device implementations:

  • [7.8.1/T] SHOULD include a microphone.
  • [7.8.2/T-0-1] MUST have an audio output and declare .

2.3.2. Multimedia

Television device implementations MUST support the following audio encoding and decoding formats and make them available to third-party applications:

  • [5.1/T-0-1] MPEG-4 AAC Profile (AAC LC)
  • [5.1/T-0-2] MPEG-4 HE AAC Profile (AAC+)
  • [5.1/T-0-3] AAC ELD (enhanced low delay AAC)

Television device implementations MUST support the following video encoding formats and make them available to third-party applications:

  • [5.2/T-0-1] H.264
  • [5.2/T-0-2] VP8

Television device implementations:

  • [5.2.2/T-SR] Are STRONGLY RECOMMENDED to support H.264 encoding of 720p and 1080p resolution videos at 30 frames per second.

Television device implementations MUST support the following video decoding formats and make them available to third-party applications:

Television device implementations MUST support MPEG-2 decoding, as detailed in Section 5.3.1, at standard video frame rates and resolutions up to and including:

  • [5.3.1/T-1-1] HD 1080p at 59.94 frames per second with Main Profile High Level.
  • [5.3.1/T-1-2] HD 1080i at 59.94 frames per second with Main Profile High Level. They MUST deinterlace interlaced MPEG-2 video to its progressive equivalent (e.g. from 1080i at 59.94 frames per second to 1080p at 29.97 frames per second) and make it available to third-party applications.

Television device implementations MUST support H.264 decoding, as detailed in Section 5.3.4, at standard video frame rates and resolutions up to and including:

  • [5.3.4/T-1-1] HD 1080p at 60 frames per second with Baseline Profile
  • [5.3.4/T-1-2] HD 1080p at 60 frames per second with Main Profile
  • [5.3.4/T-1-3] HD 1080p at 60 frames per second with High Profile Level 4.2

Television device implementations with H.265 hardware decoders MUST support H.265 decoding, as detailed in Section 5.3.5, at standard video frame rates and resolutions up to and including:

  • [5.3.5/T-1-1] HD 1080p at 60 frames per second with Main Profile Level 4.1

If Television device implementations with H.265 hardware decoders support H.265 decoding and the UHD decoding profile, they:

  • [5.3.5/T-2-1] MUST support UHD 3480p at 60 frames per second with Main10 Level 5 Main Tier profile

Television device implementations MUST support VP8 decoding, as detailed in Section 5.3.6, at standard video frame rates and resolutions up to and including:

  • [5.3.6/T-1-1] HD 1080p at 60 frames per second decoding profile

Television device implementations with VP9 hardware decoders MUST support VP9 decoding, as detailed in Section 5.3.7, at standard video frame rates and resolutions up to and including:

  • [5.3.7/T-1-1] HD 1080p at 60 frames per second with profile 0 (8 bit color depth)

If Television device implementations with VP9 hardware decoders support VP9 decoding and the UHD decoding profile, they:

  • [5.3.7/T-2-1] MUST support UHD 3480p at 60 frames per second with profile 0 (8 bit color depth).
  • [5.3.7/T-2-1] Are STRONGLY RECOMMENDED to support UHD 3480p at 60 frames per second with profile 2 (10 bit color depth).

Television device implementations:

  • [5.5/T-0-1] MUST include support for system Master Volume and digital audio output volume attenuation on supported outputs, except for compressed audio passthrough output (where no audio decoding is done on the device).

If Television device implementations do not have a built in display, but instead support an external display connected via HDMI, they:

  • [5.8/T-0-1] MUST set the HDMI output mode to select the maximum resolution that can be supported with either a 50Hz or 60Hz refresh rate.
  • [5.8/T-SR] Are STRONGLY RECOMMENDED to provide a user configurable HDMI refresh rate selector.
  • [5.8] SHOULD set the HDMI output mode refresh rate to either 50Hz or 60Hz, depending on the video refresh rate for the region the device is sold in.

If Television device implementations do not have a built in display, but instead support an external display connected via HDMI, they:

  • [5.8/T-1-1] MUST support HDCP 2.2.

If Television device implementations do not support UHD decoding, but instead support an external display connected via HDMI, they:

  • [5.8/T-2-1] MUST support HDCP 1.4

2.3.3. Software

Television device implementations:

  • [3/T-0-1] MUST declare the features and .
  • [] MUST preload one or more applications or service components with an intent handler, for all the public intent filter patterns defined by the following application intents listed here.
  • [3.4.1/T-0-1] MUST provide a complete implementation of the API.

If Android Television device implementations support a lock screen,they:

  • [3.8.10/T-1-1] MUST display the Lock screen Notifications including the Media Notification Template.

Television device implementations:

  • [3.8.14/T-SR] Are STRONGLY RECOMMENDED to support picture-in-picture (PIP) mode multi-window.
  • [3.10/T-0-1] MUST support third-party accessibility services.
  • [3.10/T-SR] Are STRONGLY RECOMMENDED to preload accessibility services on the device comparable with or exceeding functionality of the Switch Access and TalkBack (for languages supported by the preinstalled Text-to-speech engine) accessibility services as provided in the talkback open source project.

If Television device implementations report the feature , they:

  • [3.11/T-SR] Are STRONGLY RECOMMENDED to include a TTS engine supporting the languages available on the device.
  • [3.11/T-1-1] MUST support installation of third-party TTS engines.

Television device implementations:

  • [3.12/T-0-1] MUST support TV Input Framework.

2.3.4. Performance and Power

  • [8.1/T-0-1] Consistent frame latency. Inconsistent frame latency or a delay to render frames MUST NOT happen more often than 5 frames in a second, and SHOULD be below 1 frames in a second.
  • [8.2/T-0-1] MUST ensure a sequential write performance of at least 5MB/s.
  • [8.2/T-0-2] MUST ensure a random write performance of at least 0.5MB/s.
  • [8.2/T-0-3] MUST ensure a sequential read performance of at least 15MB/s.
  • [8.2/T-0-4] MUST ensure a random read performance of at least 3.5MB/s.

If Television device implementations include features to improve device power management that are included in AOSP or extend the features that are included in AOSP, they:

  • [8.3/T-1-1] MUST provide user affordance to enable and disable the battery saver feature.

If Television device implementations do not have a battery they:

If Television device implementations have a battery they:

  • [8.3/T-1-3] MUST provide user affordance to display all apps that are exempted from App Standby and Doze power-saving modes.

Television device implementations:

  • [8.4/T-0-1] MUST provide a per-component power profile that defines the current consumption value for each hardware component and the approximate battery drain caused by the components over time as documented in the Android Open Source Project site.
  • [8.4/T-0-2] MUST report all power consumption values in milliampere hours (mAh).
  • [8.4/T-0-3] MUST report CPU power consumption per each process's UID. The Android Open Source Project meets the requirement through the kernel module implementation.
  • [8.4/T] SHOULD be attributed to the hardware component itself if unable to attribute hardware component power usage to an application.
  • [8.4/T-0-4] MUST make this power usage available via the shell command to the app developer.

2.3.5. Security Model

Television device implementations:

  • [9.11/T-0-1] MUST back up the keystore implementation with an isolated execution environment.
  • [9.11/T-0-2] MUST have implementations of RSA, AES, ECDSA and HMAC cryptographic algorithms and MD5, SHA1, and SHA-2 family hash functions to properly support the Android Keystore system's supported algorithms in an area that is securely isolated from the code running on the kernel and above. Secure isolation MUST block all potential mechanisms by which kernel or userspace code might access the internal state of the isolated environment, including DMA. The upstream Android Open Source Project (AOSP) meets this requirement by using the Trusty implementation, but another ARM TrustZone-based solution or a third-party reviewed secure implementation of a proper hypervisor-based isolation are alternative options.
  • [9.11/T-0-3] MUST perform the lock screen authentication in the isolated execution environment and only when successful, allow the authentication-bound keys to be used. Lock screen credentials MUST be stored in a way that allows only the isolated execution environment to perform lock screen authentication. The upstream Android Open Source Project provides the Gatekeeper Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL) and Trusty, which can be used to satisfy this requirement.
  • [9.11/T-0-4] MUST support key attestation where the attestation signing key is protected by secure hardware and signing is performed in secure hardware. The attestation signing keys MUST be shared across large enough number of devices to prevent the keys from being used as device identifiers. One way of meeting this requirement is to share the same attestation key unless at least 100,000 units of a given SKU are produced. If more than 100,000 units of an SKU are produced, a different key MAY be used for each 100,000 units.

Note that if a device implementation is already launched on an earlier Android version, such a device is exempted from the requirement to have a keystore backed by an isolated execution environment and support the key attestation, unless it declares the feature which requires a keystore backed by an isolated execution environment.

If Television device implementations support a secure lock screen, they:

  • [9.11/T-1-1] MUST allow the user to choose the Sleep timeout for transition from the unlocked to the locked state, with a minimum allowable timeout up to 15 seconds or less.

2.3.6. Developer Tools and Options Compatibility

Television device implementations:

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St3000dm001 Firmware Fix

Learn , iMovie , iPhoto , iTunes, Logic Studio , OSX Desktop and Software setup. I don't generally update bios in a system that is running without a problem unless installing new hardware becomes an issue. Before Christmas I purchased a 3 TB Barracuda. Failed Seagate ST3000DM001 Last week, my 3TB workhorse just failed. OFS: クラスタグループの作成 現在Win2008EE(x64)にてMSFCを2ノードにて構成しております. Ask for further instructions. I am passing through a Nivdia GT710 to a Windows 10 Client. Check the board number on your hard drive, make sure it is "100532367". fs_uuid 097dfdab-fe72-4ff8-812e-b93431852573 root hd2,msdos5. 46 replaces last week's faulty 4. Provides steps to fix an update compatibility hold and receiving error: inbox storage driver iastora. Sure, they’ve had some issues with firmware bugs in the past, but that is behind them and generally speaking their hard drives are some of the best around. Or you can edit the “AppleGraphicsDevicePolicy. Was more the early 2000s when Seagate really had things figured out. 4 Start_Stop_Count 0x0032 100 100 020 Old_age Always - 28. There was no Seagate Knowledge Base article about how to fix the problem. Sleeps and wakes just fine on SSDs. Having the latest firmware can improve performance and or reliability of your product. Instead of waiting for a fix that would never come, I ended up upgrading to all SSD RAID 1 system (2x4TB Samsung SSDs) and use single, large drives (10TB) in a SATA enclosure for backup purposes. Remarks: If your HDD firmware, date code and site code is different. Don't mess with it if you need the data on the drive. Firmware corruptions and other issues; Stuck Spindle; Bent Spindle; Through our involvement in the formation of the Global Data Recovery Alliance we have access to over 100 years of data recovery Seagate experience online every day. 14 ST3000DM001 3TB 7200 RPM 64MB Cache SATA 6. Firmware: CC26. Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Seagate Desktop ST3000DM001 internal hard drive 3TB (8. Newegg shopping upgraded ™. - GPU tests include: six 3D game simulations. Read more Issue with Intel® Optane™ memory enabled systems with Intel Rapid Storage Technology (RST) 16. So I switched USB ports (from 1 to 2) and I. I moved to Toshiba. All of these files will have a. 6 GB” of space: From reading the Alt-F forums I knew the admin UI had issues running the standard disk utils on large drives ( see forum instructions here ), so I. A little help please with disk replacement procedure for TS-QVH12L/R6 (Firmware 1. No hard drive is included! Due to large PCB quantity available, actual PCB received may slightly vary from the one pictured. 38 * presets String with vendor-specific attribute ('-v') and firmware: 39 * bug fix ('-F') options. Nov 7, 2016 - www. Hello, my server dies when copying lots of data to it over nfs. Learn , iMovie , iPhoto , iTunes, Logic Studio , OSX Desktop and Software setup. The drive contained video …. Seagate ST3000DM001 Data Recovery / Loss Warning. Firmware corruptions and other issues; Stuck Spindle; Bent Spindle; Through our involvement in the formation of the Global Data Recovery Alliance we have access to over 100 years of data recovery Seagate experience online every day. Device Model: ST3000DM001-9YN166 Serial Number: W1F0BSKF LU WWN Device Id: 5 000c50 04a685323 Firmware Version: CC4B User Capacity: 3,000,592,982,016 bytes [3. Buy Seagate BarraCuda 3TB Internal Hard Drive HDD – 3. Don't use fix my usb key if it breaks yours, I have a flash drive like that too. Hello all, I'm having some issues with my Proxmox host. The orginal firmware has SATA II (3. 94 (Old Model) Seagate Barracuda 3TB SATA 6Gb/s7200RPM 64MB Cache 3. You need to fix this first before even thinking about high level stuff like filesystems, MergerFS, Snapraid or whatever else distracting topic has been brought up here. TD2u Update (version 1. 99: ST2000DM001: 2TB: $105. Board number is begin with "100*** ". 9, to maintain compatibility with DLink firmware, in case the user want to revert back to DLink firmware. Pre-opened HDD This week CDR – Manchester Data Recovery Services – received a 3TB HDD from a media company based in Sale, Cheshire. LUA-L21_C328B102_Firmware_Middle East_Western Africa_Northern Africa_Eastern and Southern Africa_Channel-Others_05021YSH. Due to COVID-19 pandemic, Outsource Data Recovery lab and recovery services are operating at full capacity. The other drive has 17,000 hours and 1,584 bad sectors. By updating Firmware files you will get new features on mobile device. Ask for further instructions. Hard Drive Hard Drive # 1 Corsair Force Series 3 CSSD-F480GB3-BK 2. That's a very big number. Firmware update information for Barracuda Serial ATA drives with the 1TB/disk platform. Phone redmi 4x. 00 St3000dm001, 1e6166-570, Sc48, Wu, W1f4 Seagate Sata 3tb 14206 Canon Powershot - $229. Update Driver Software to update the driver of the selected USB controller. Before Christmas I purchased a 3 TB Barracuda. ZFS is an advanced filesystem created by Sun Microsystems (now owned by Oracle) and released for OpenSolaris in November 2005. Help! How To Find Model and Serial Numbers. The form factor! – It is in fact an Ultra Micro Tower. 14 drive (ST3000DM001) for use on one of my CustoMacs. 22, RAID 5). 86GB issue relates to a corrupted firmware and is a professional job to fix, but are there any other tests or options I could try before officially declaring it a paperweight? Thanks. If the utility cannot automatically reboot your system, you must reboot the system yourself. Apache httpd kommer förinstallerad på LS220. 4pda → Rx 580 8gb driver → How to fix → Mt6580 driver usb windows 10 → St3000dm001 1ch166. Free download the best partition manager freeware to manage hard disk partition in Windows 10, Windows 8. * firmware patch. The good news is, all of the important files (~14 years worth of family photos) were backed up to a personal cloud storage. 14 (AF) === START OF INFORMATION SECTION === Model Family: Seagate Barracuda 7200. no fix schedule. 20090709 Hit any key to stop autoboot: 0 Reset IDE: Bus 0: OK Bus 1: not available Device 0: Model: ST3000DM001-9YN166 Firm: CC9D Ser#: S1F06WKW Type: Hard Disk Supports 48-bit. Seagate Barracuda 3. Check here to see if an update is available. The resolution is to upgrade VM hardware version to 10 (ESXi 5. Having the latest firmware can improve performance and or reliability of your product. Seagate ST3000DM001 Hard Drive PCB 100724095; 100724095 Seagate PCB "Firmware Transfer" In most cases, when we want to swap the PCB. Vertex impress touch firmware. com: intel drivers pour chipsets Note: right-click "Run as Administrator" to open a command prompt window. However it turns out that the drive that I bought, despite being an ST3000DM001 model is a different part number (1CH166 rather than 9YN166) and: It occasionally freezes for 30 seconds; It's running firmware CC24; No firmware update is available for it (the installer refuses as it's not a 9YN166 drive). The company is also offering new Sector 5 (dual-channel). Both had been running flawlessly for the entire time since the system was built. You can confirm this is the case by reviewing the documentation included with the firmware or by consulting with our Technical Support team. 33GHz dualcore - 1GB RAM)Firmware: DSM 6. Skill FM-25S2S-100GBP1 MLC Sandforce MASTER 100G SATA 3Gb/s PHOENIX Firmware 4. The hard drive is a Seagate Barracuda ST3000DM001. Head Replacement Tools. 1RAID1: 3 x WD Red 4TB (WD40EFRX. 1 Mp Digital Camera Gray New Unused. This tutorial applies to DM series: ST1000DM003, ST2000DM001, ST3000DM001, ST4000DM000, as well SV35 series This is supposed to fix the random "Chirp", "Click" noise and stop SMART C1 Load Cycle Count from increasing fast. 99 Canon Powershot Elph 520 Ixus 500 Hs 10. 6 GB” of space: From reading the Alt-F forums I knew the admin UI had issues running the standard disk utils on large drives ( see forum instructions here ), so I. This PCB is not guaranteed to fix your HDD. Here's what I've tried: Checked serial number and firmware revision with 'Drive Detect' which can be downloaded from Seagate - Determine Drive Configuration. I downloaded the latest firmware udpate I could find from LaCie's site (LFU 1. We also do upgrades to CPU, RAM and HDD Upgrades fix Slow Computers and Printer Repair. Easily portable. Listing is for a hard drive circuit board (PCB, Logic board) ONLY. Check out our video on identifying common hard drive failures. So I have a late-2013 27" iMac that Apple say isn't covered by the replacement program, but it has the st3000dm001 model Seagate drive that Backblaze were having trouble with. ST3000DM001-1CH166 Partial Sector Access Data Recovery Steps WD10EARS-00MVWB0 Head Swap and Firmware Repair Steps Data Recovery Training Courses for Dolphin Chile and Srilanka Users. It reports that the Quadra's firmware version is currently "10:29:17 Jun 21 2011" and can be updated to "09:25:36 Jan 25 2012". 5-inch hard drives made in Thailand, suffer from a firmware issue that bricks the HDDs after a short period of time. FirmwareTablesView is a simple tool for Windows that displays a list of firmware tables (ACPI, SMBIOS) stored on your system. Msi b250m vdh driver. 00 Seagate St3000dm001 Fw Sc47 Pn 1e6166-570 Tk Z1f 3tb St3000dm001, 1e6166-570, - $258. How does the design and operation of the ST3000DM001 differ from the WD/HGST/Samsung/Toshiba drives? Are there any particular 'sub-models' of the ST3000DM001 (e. In this condition, your HDD will not be recognized by BIOS at POST moment. Discussion in 'Storage Drives' started by Shad, Sep 14, 2013. I have a HP-490 MediaSmart Server running Windows Home Server 2011. 07 is also showing issues. The fact that the St3000dm001-9yn166 drives failed in huge numbers while competitor drives did not could be evidence st3000dm001-9yn166 a defect across the entire product st3000dm001-9yn166, or it could simply mean that the other consumer drives st3000dm001-9yn166. E messenger 112 driver windows 7. Both had been running flawlessly for the entire time since the system was built. 227593] usb 3-3: Product: GoFlex Desk [ 22. The phenomenon of disk failure is not limited only to drives, but also applies to other types of magnetic media. 99: ST2000DM001: 2TB: $105. Much Googling proceeded that lead to many questions – is it a firmware issue? Is it my drive’s PCB? I found there was a firmware update available, from CC34 to CC35; perhaps that would fix it I thought. x driver, or ignore (change settings manual after limited connection or try create connection with same name before connect), or use proxy and manually pick certificate. I just installed a Seagate ST3000DM001 3TB SATA drive in place of a 1. Skill FM-25S2S-100GBP1 MLC Sandforce MASTER 100G SATA 3Gb/s PHOENIX Firmware 4. Back in the days of 40Gb drives, their Barracuda series drives were some of the fastest and most reliable on the market. 5 Inch - WD30EFRX with fast shipping and top-rated customer service. I just added a 3TB Seagate drive to my 2008 3,1 Mac Pro with no problems. 70 (14 sepember 2018) En del av Buffalo LS220 – BAMP – Buffalo Apache MySQL PHP. 3 GB, 2000398934016 bytes 255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 243201 cylinders, total 3907029168 sectors Units = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes Disk identifier: 0x00000000. You should do an smartctl -x /dev/sdc and have a look at attribute 199. How to Fix Oreo Firmware Installation Issue. 99 Canon Powershot Elph 520 Ixus 500 Hs 10. Seagate Desktop HDD ST3000DM001 - hard drive - 3 TB - SATA 6Gb/s overview and full product specs on CNET. The orginal firmware has SATA II (3. There are fifteen 3 TB Seagate Barracuda ST3000DM001 drives. 22, RAID 5). Seagate Firmware brick Fix Kit. Fix firmware samsung. I did solve my issue but it involved having to purchase Seagate's data recovery software (which recognized my seagate 3tb drive), a 2nd 3tb HDD, and dumping the 'recovered' data onto the 2nd 3tb HDD. Seagate Barracuda 3. And Seagate guarantee not good service to replace. I have ten of the 2TB drives, nine of which are 1CH164 models and are on CC24, CC26 or CC43 and will get the update to CC29/CC49, and one is a 9YN164 and is on CC4B and will get the update to CC4H. Msi b250m vdh driver. I thought the msftres issue only happened with newer firmware. Hey guys! Finally I found a fix for my useless gopro!! I ran into the same “Press 3″ issue as stated above, dig a bit more digging online and found that if once you get to the “press one” screen you do a double click of the power button it should install the firmware just fine!!!. I understood that the Windows 7 SP1, 32-bit cu. T617 zte firmware. ai Digital Transformation Institute – Stories May 2020. Here we see a device ata-ST3000DM001-1CH166_Z1F3WXSM that has been offline'd in a pool configuration and will be reintroduced as a replacement device for ata-ST3000DM001-9YN166_Z1F11382 which exists in a separate vdev. Once the firmware update is complete, the utility will exit and reboot your system. The consol will still apear but won't accept any entered keys, SSH and the GUI also don't work. 20090709 Hit any key to stop autoboot: 0 Reset IDE: Bus 0: OK Bus 1: not available Device 0: Model: ST3000DM001-9YN166 Firm: CC9D Ser#: S1F06WKW Type: Hard Disk Supports 48-bit. So I switched USB ports (from 1 to 2) and I. Nokia Firmware PRODUCT CODE is very sensitive, typically using uppercase letters. well, I never had an SSD disk, but just "to put more firewood in the bonfire" I want to share my HDs data: DiskMark 6 using default settings 1) previous setup. This process can take a few minutes. The Build Buying Advice Deals of the Day Desktop Compatibility General Hardware Discussion Golden Builds User Builds Installation. The resolution is to upgrade VM hardware version to 10 (ESXi 5. The GIT repository (CVS is deprecated) also includes a control unit application to control W- Bus capable devices, a W- Bus compatible heater unit firmware application and a heater simulator for testing purposes. Fix PCB board 100532367 for Seagate HDD ST3000DM001. It has a capacity of 3 terabytes (TB) and a spindle speed of 7200 rpm. Seagate has long been a go-to brand for quality hard drives. Fix Phone with the software for all device galaxy rom-root-frp-pit-efs. Hp laserjet 4100 driver. Head replacement tools (Head Combs) are a safe and easy way to change heads on hard disk drives. They were designed to fail. Firmware lg 190. If we haven’t yet encountered a similar problem to yours, we can very quickly speak with someone else who has. 321674] [drm] GART: num cpu pages 262144, num gpu pages 262144 [ 1. 342314] [drm] PCIE GART of 1024M enabled (table at 0x00000000002E8000). New firmware version: CC4H You can verify the proper firmware revision for your drive model and serial number using the Drive Detect software. Somebody talk me out of it and show me a better alternative. After using many ST3000DM001 drives for nearly a year it's obvious that quality at Seagate has dropped in line with the price. Hello again! I now got 4 of Seagate's ST3000DM001-1CH166 drives with CC24 firmware but i cant find a upgrade to CC43 so i just wanted to know if any of you guys/gals use ST3000DM001-1CH166 cc24 in a raid array with a LSI controller? to bad Seagate do not hand out a changelog. Step 1: Find a replacement PCB To find a matching replacement PCB for Seagate HDDs, we need to make sure the "Board Number" on the PCB is the same. Qnap shutdown Qnap shutdown. Official firmware samsung galaxy s6. At one time it's all I would buy for my personal use, as I've never been a big fan of Western Digital products. I thought this was the. They were designed to fail. How to download and update st3000dm001 1ch166 firmware One of the most popular mobile phones brands on the market are HTC phones, therefore when it get dated it is important to know how to update android firmware on HTC. particular type of firmware/number of platters/case design/9YN166 vs. Seagate ST500DM002 SATA Hard Disk Controller PCB 100535704 Rev. 33GHz dualcore - 1GB RAM)Firmware: DSM 6. ST3000DM001: 3TB: $179. 227593] usb 3-3: Product: GoFlex Desk [ 22. exe" is included with the ME firmware update package at station-drivers. Samsung ps43e450a1w firmware download. Computer Service and Support of IT Devices from PC and MAC to Android and iOS. Uninstall to uninstall the driver. 70 (14 sepember 2018) En del av Buffalo LS220 – BAMP – Buffalo Apache MySQL PHP. The rest are usually recoverable with some firmware tweaks using PC3000. Procedure. Seagate St318416n 9n2004-001 18. Ok, the short story is, some of zfs file systems on this pool have permanent errors, including the root zfs filesystem, which means I'v lost the whole pool, about 2TB data. 5EU-IT(残り1個) 37EU-IT 37. tomshardware seagate firmware 2018年 01月 12日. 46 replaces last week's faulty 4. According to iUpdate and Reddit, the 2D27 firmware may have reduced and possibly eliminated most problems people were. ===== [環境] OS :Windows 2008 Server EE(x64) 機能:Failover Cluster DB :Oracle 10g Standard. Discussion in 'Storage Drives' started by Shad, Sep 14, 2013. ST3000DM001 1CH166-501 CC24 1332 C 100687658 REV B 3. Model Firmware Family Serial Date Head Number Size Download A list of files; ST3000DM001: AP15: Grenada: W1F2KB69: 2018-07-11: 11. We are operational. Sleeps and wakes just fine on SSDs. Arriva con firmware CC26 che risulta non aggiornabile in quanto non è disponibile una versione più nuova. SEAGATE ST3000DM001 Barracuda 3TB 7200 RPM 64MB Cache SATA 6. 1 GNU ld (Sourcery G++ Lite 2009q3-67) 2. Mine is ST3000DM001 also in the list with firmware CC24, older than the so called CC4G? I only connect this from time to time to sync my D and E drives. com ST3000DM001 board WD10EURX-73C57Y0 BOARD MK1031GAS board HTS541660J9SA00 board. 02 in - LinkStation™ 210 8. Nov 7, 2016 - www. System Requirements This utility works on Windows 10/8/7/Vista/2008. If this is a match, then we can make a clone of your board. Model ST3000DM001-1ER166 with Firmware CC25. Our firmware helps you fix software-related issues in your mobile devices ranging from boot loop issues (stuck on boot logo), forgotten password (phone lock), unknown baseband, invalid or null IMEI, Network issues, FRP, privacy protection password (anti-theft) and others. 0 Build 1125P www. Pre-Clear unRAID Disk ##### Device Model: WDC WD20EARS-00J2GB0 Serial Number: WD-WCAYYXXXXXXX Firmware Version: 80. The company is also offering new Sector 5 (dual-channel). DfS is com. 5), add a SATA controller (limited to HW v10), add the raw device map to the SATA controller rather than the default LSI SAS. Seagate has updated firmware that may help stabilize the drives. This release might cause HDD detecting issue while rebooting the NAS. Once I updated the firmware the device wouldn’t recognize my external 3TB Seagate hard drive! It was also very buggy - worked when it wanted to work. no fix schedule. At one time it's all I would buy for my personal use, as I've never been a big fan of Western Digital products. PCB Specification: Model: ST3000DM001 Part Number: 9YN166-306 Firmware: CC4H PCB Sticker: 5011 H PCB Number: 100664987 REV B. Check here to see if an update is available. Hp laserjet 4100 driver. Model ST3000DM001-1ER166 with Firmware CC25. 70 (14 sepember 2018) En del av Buffalo LS220 – BAMP – Buffalo Apache MySQL PHP. i have a 3tb seagate st3000dm001-1ch166 with CC29 firmware it's take long time to read drive. ai, Microsoft, and leading universities launch C3. A bookmark, open a tab, anything. 0MB and 0 sectors. 5-inch hard drives made in Thailand, suffer from a firmware issue that bricks the. Vertex impress touch firmware. 100645422 Seagate PCB: Board Number Finding a donor Seagate PCB board is easy, you just need to open the hard drive and find the board number like “100*** on the board. 5 inch), 7200rpm, 64MB cache, SATA III) at Amazon. E messenger 112 driver windows 7. tomshardware seagate firmware 2018年 01月 12日. There are fifteen 3 TB Seagate Barracuda ST3000DM001 drives. Seagate recommended updating the firmware but if you can't get it to show up in Bios you can't attempt to scan and fix bad sectors or upgrade the firmware. 2) - Mandatory Update: Critical bug fix: The TD2u now properly handles destination hard drives that are formatted with an unrecognized partition type. Board number is begin with “100*** “. After 6 months it too has died. Seagate Barracuda 3. Basically you just confirm that you want to install the bew firmware and the camera does the rest! Among the functions the firmware hack makes available are: Enables Custom functions menu. When it comes to my builds,,each has Asus boards and relatively the same software programs so my issues are usually the same over each build. Sony issues fix for broken PlayStation 3 firmware PS3 firmware version 4. 14 drive (ST3000DM001) for use on one of my CustoMacs. 364580] nuvoton-cir 00:01: [io 0x03e0-0x03e7] [ 3016. How to find the correct donor board 2. Ok, the short story is, some of zfs file systems on this pool have permanent errors, including the root zfs filesystem, which means I'v lost the whole pool, about 2TB data. Download HDD / SSD / NAS / USB Flash drivers for Windows, firmware, bios, tools, utilities. One died in June, 2014 - About 11,000 hours. To fix this turn printer on, press (X) button when all three leds on front illuminate, login as admin, clean entire disk and reload firmware from USB stick. I purchased two ST3000DM001-9YN166 drives in August 2012. 00 Seagate St3000dm001 Fw Sc47 Pn 1e6166-570 Tk Z1f 3tb St3000dm001, 1e6166-570, - $258. The rest are usually recoverable with some firmware tweaks using PC3000. Avoid This Hard Drive. Step 1: Find a replacement PCB To find a matching replacement PCB for Seagate HDDs, we need to make sure the "Board Number" on the PCB is the same. com is one of the best rated firmware website, serving 100% original firmware. OFS: クラスタグループの作成 現在Win2008EE(x64)にてMSFCを2ノードにて構成しております. Acknowledgement sent to Gerald Turner : New Bug report received and forwarded. Maybe somebody has an idea to fix the drive? That GOFLEX Home is like a freaking insulated hotbox, but maybe the firmware got screwed up or something. With no information on the size or scope of the problem, most publications publicly yanked their previous Deskstar endorsements. Check out our video on identifying common hard drive failures. zip [ 10498 Downloads ] AP_N920CXXU3CQC7_CL10809520_QB12837480_REV00_user_low_ship_meta. It sounds like the USB 3. Firmware update information for Barracuda Serial ATA drives with the 1TB/disk platform. ===== [環境] OS :Windows 2008 Server EE(x64) 機能:Failover Cluster DB :Oracle 10g Standard. General information: Scanning for devices. Keys for auslogics driver updater license key. 09 No single issue. I recently purchased 2 x 3TB hard drives (internal), made by Seagate, with the idea of using them with the Asrock N68-VSX (or equivalent) Main Board. ServeTheHome is the IT professional's guide to servers, storage, networking, and high-end workstation hardware, plus great open source projects. 5TB 7200RPM HDD Hard Drive $ 60. FWIW: I replaced a pair of older 1TB WD drives configured as RAID-0 with the new 3TB Seagate. exe firmware upgrade for the Seagate 80-GB (Model Number ST980412AS), 160-GB (Model Number ST9160412AS), and 250-GB (Model Number ST9250410AS) from HP. 0 serial: UEFI: American Megatrends v: 1. There appears to be some difference between manufacturers firmware and how the 512b sector emulation works. Safe mode is much slower to start up and run than normal, with limited graphics performance , and some things won’t work at all, including sound output and Wi. shows in bios but made my pc boot very slow during post no clicking sound and its spinning. This video is a step by step tutorial on how to repair the common firmware issue of Seagate HDDs using the DfS (Diagnostics for Seagate) tool kit. You can, of course, avoid rolling shutter effects by using the mechanical shutter for stills. C0 date: 09/24/2019 CPU: Topology: 6-Core model: AMD Ryzen 5 3600 bits: 64 type: MT MCP L2 cache: 3072 KiB Speed: 3600 MHz min/max: N/A. 227595] usb 3-3: Manufacturer: Seagate [ 22. Hard Drive Hard Drive # 1 Corsair Force Series 3 CSSD-F480GB3-BK 2. 99: ST1000DM003: 1TB: $71. Firmware nissan juke your own hands. I just added a 3TB Seagate drive to my 2008 3,1 Mac Pro with no problems. Hello, my server dies when copying lots of data to it over nfs. ===== [環境] OS :Windows 2008 Server EE(x64) 機能:Failover Cluster DB :Oracle 10g Standard. Don't mess with it if you need the data on the drive. Seagate St3000dm001 - $259. 5EU-IT 42EU-IT. I chose the Seagate Barracuda (ST3000DM001) SATA3 64MB-cache versions, which I was going to run as a mirror for redundancy. Newegg shopping upgraded ™. There are two common errors on Seagate 7200. ID Project Category View Status Date Submitted Last Update; 0009464: CentOS-7: kernel: public: 2015-09-14 22:23: 2015-09-14 22:23: Reporter: alexseys Priority: normal. 0 Standards: Used: unknown (minor revision code 0x0029) Supported: 8 7 6 5 Likely used: 8 Configuration: Logical max current cylinders 16383 16383 heads 16 16 sectors/track 63 63 -- CHS current. Sony issues fix for broken PlayStation 3 firmware PS3 firmware version 4. Seagate has long been a go-to brand for quality hard drives. A 17-page thread about this firmware failure problem is going strong on a Seagate forum. Seagate has updated firmware that may help stabilize the drives. 5 Inch - WD30EFRX with fast shipping and top-rated customer service. Avoid This Hard Drive. com Tutorial: how to fix hard drive by swap the PCB board 1. Redmi note 5 plus firmware. It sounds like the USB 3. watching something so it can apply a firmware update. Download driver san francisco dlc. Upgrades are frequently released by the manufacture but it only happens when particular model of a phone gets older. There was no Seagate Knowledge Base article about how to fix the problem. What gives? thomsirveaux. GBR-User level 4,384. Listing is for a hard drive circuit board (PCB, Logic board) ONLY. 227587] usb 3-3: New USB device found, idVendor=0bc2, idProduct=50a5 [ 22. System Requirements This utility works on Windows 10/8/7/Vista/2008. The firmware can be downloaded at the USA Seagate site by searching the site for "Firmware ST3000DM001". Features of ZFS include: pooled storage (integrated volume management – zpool), Copy-on-write, snapshots, data integrity verification and automatic repair (scrubbing), RAID-Z, a maximum 16 Exabyte file size, and a maximum 256 Quadrillion Zettabytes storage with no. Head Replacement Tools. Right out of the box I had problems with my WD TV Live Streaming Media Player. Update Driver Software to update the driver of the selected USB controller. 5EU-IT 35EU-IT 35. kext” to fix “Boot to Black Screen” issue 2. 2013 from Dell and connected to back USB 3. does not work with Cisco wireless, drop connections, Cisco firmware fix not due until Jun/Jul certificate does not work with 15. I can't recommend these drives for any critical data and definitely aren't suitable for use in a NAS or any RAID 0/5/6 configuration. This particular drive model was reported to have unusually high [quantify] failure rates. Linus Media Group is not associated with these services. Who would bother writing a positive user review of a hdd. 5 Inch SATA 6Gb/s 5400 RPM 256MB Cache for Computer Desktop PC – Frustration Free Packaging (ST3000DM007): Internal Hard Drives - Amazon. Download and install 7zip from the links provided above. Once I updated the firmware the device wouldn’t recognize my external 3TB Seagate hard drive! It was also very buggy - worked when it wanted to work. 0-12-generic x86_64 bits: 64 Desktop: Cinnamon 4. St3000dm001-9yn166 3TB failure data as of Backblaze st3000dm001-9yn166 that st3000dm001-9yn166 failure rates of the STDM did not follow a bathtub st3000dm001-9yn166 typically followed by hard disk drive failure rates, instead having 2. Apple enabled SATA III (6. The 64-bit Intel ME firmware version checker "MEInfoWin64. md5 extension. The drive contained video …. 1RAID1: 3 x WD Red 4TB (WD40EFRX)Network: Netgear GS724T-300Backup: Sharkoon SATA Quick Deck Pro USB3 Seagate Barracuda 7200. 70 (14 sepember 2018) En del av Buffalo LS220 – BAMP – Buffalo Apache MySQL PHP. I updated it, but nope, same deal. If this is a match, then we can make a clone of your board. In the late 1990s, Iomega's 100-megabyte Zip disks used in Zip drives were affected by the click of death, called so because the drives endlessly clicked when accessed, indicating the impending failure. This PCB is not guaranteed to fix your HDD. OracleFailSafeをインストールし. Lately though, they have had some issues with their 3TB series in particular the ST3000DM001, 000 and 002 suffixes. The 3TB Seagate (ST3000DM001) wasn't in the main table because it had a 28%/year failure rate and they've all been retired. If the utility cannot automatically reboot your system, you must reboot the system yourself. 4gb 7200 Rpm Scsi Disk Drive 50pin Firmware 0010. Firmware mi 2. Before Christmas I purchased a 3 TB Barracuda. I can't recommend these drives for any critical data and definitely aren't suitable for use in a NAS or any RAID 0/5/6 configuration. shows in bios but made my pc boot very slow during post no clicking sound and its spinning. Med 9 5 10 interchangeability firmware. Their firmware had some bugs which would stall all transfers on the whole backplane (not just the one disk) for about 30 seconds when there was a lot of activity. 129 Comments. Phone redmi 4x. 07 is also showing issues. This is clearly a bug that AMD needs to fix in its chipset firmware/drivers/other. By updating Firmware files you will get new features on mobile device. Telefon / laptopjának begyűjtöm a mac címét, beteszem őket egy "terembe" időzítés és szűrés beállítás. Apple enabled SATA III (6. 227596] usb 3-3: SerialNumber: NA0LXH3R [ 22. 1RAID1: 3 x WD Red 4TB (WD40EFRX. This tutorial applies to DM series: ST1000DM003, ST2000DM001, ST3000DM001, ST4000DM000, as well SV35 series This is supposed to fix the random "Chirp", "Click" noise and stop SMART C1 Load Cycle Count from increasing fast. i7-3770K + Thermalright Silver Arrow SBE SE + Coollaboratory Liquid Pro • Asus Sabertooth Z77 • EVGA GeForce GTX 660 Ti FTW Signature 2 • Corsair Vengeance 8GB • Enermax Modu 87+ 700W, EMG700AWT • Soundblaster Z • Samsung 850 Pro 250GB SSD + Seagate Barracuda 7200. Read more Issue with Intel® Optane™ memory enabled systems with Intel Rapid Storage Technology (RST) 16. 5-inch hard drives made in Thailand, suffer from a firmware issue that bricks the. 5" SATA HARD DRIVE HDD 3TB 3000GB ST3000DM001 For $ 75. However it turns out that the drive that I bought, despite being an ST3000DM001 model is a different part number (1CH166 rather than 9YN166) and: It occasionally freezes for 30 seconds; It's running firmware CC24; No firmware update is available for it (the installer refuses as it's not a 9YN166 drive). He followed the suggestion, but it makes no sense at all, because DLink firmware does not supports 3TB disks, and, worse, RAID metadata 0. Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Seagate Desktop ST3000DM001 internal hard drive 3TB (8. We also supply Computer Parts, Desktops, Laptops, Tablets, Gaming computers. Their first few models of barracuda with the FDB spindle motors were excellent. * firmware patch. 227587] usb 3-3: New USB device found, idVendor=0bc2, idProduct=50a5 [ 22. I had a zpool which was running on 2 mirrored 3TB disks. 364580] nuvoton-cir 00:01: [io 0x03e0-0x03e7] [ 3016. It reports that the Quadra's firmware version is currently "10:29:17 Jun 21 2011" and can be updated to "09:25:36 Jan 25 2012". 5EU-IT 35EU-IT 35. There are plenty of in-depth articles about hard drive size limitations, as well as GPT etc etc, so no need to discuss these here. ; Run F-S7000-V11W. Dd wrt download firmware. 0) Samsung SyncMaster 757DFX Jetbalance JB-331. No hard drive is included! Due to large PCB quantity available, actual PCB received may slightly vary from the one pictured. TD2u Update (version 1. Ab Sata 3 5 Pcb 2 5 Ide Hard Drive Pcb 5 Ide Hard Drive Pcb Circuit Ide Hard Drive Pcb Circuit Board Rev A Ide 3 5 Pcb Ide 2 5 Pcb Free Service Aa Sata 3 5 Pcb Pcb Tested With Warranty Pz5 3 5 Sata Hard Drive Pcb Ac Wd Sata 3 5 Pcb Ac Sata 3 5 Pcb Aa Wd Sata 3 5 Pcb Ac Sata 3 5 Pcb Service Pcb Board For Maxtor Diamondmax 10 Af Wd Ag Wd Bios Copy +Fw Pcb +Bios Copy +Fw Pcb+Bios Copy+Fw Ab Sata. Two of them are Segate HDDs which have potential problem known as "Deathgate". You can confirm this is the case by reviewing the documentation included with the firmware or by consulting with our Technical Support team. 3 GB, 2000398934016 bytes 255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 243201 cylinders, total 3907029168 sectors Units = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes Disk identifier: 0x00000000. 5-inch floppy disks can also fall victim to disk failure. Main Controller IC: B69002V0 (Both IC is compatible with each other) HDD Motor Combo IC: SMOOTH (Both IC is compatible with each other) Board Number: 100687658 (Please make sure your original PCB board number is same as our PCB) Remarks: If your HDD firmware, date code and site code is different. The company's first product, the 5-megabyte ST-506, was released in 1980. The Seagate Desktop HDD is the one drive for every desktop system need, supported by 30 years of trusted performance, reliability and simplicity. ai Digital Transformation Institute – Stories May 2020. fs_uuid 097dfdab-fe72-4ff8-812e-b93431852573 root hd2,msdos5. Testad upp till firmware 1. 9 were all generally excellent. There are two common errors on Seagate 7200. So re-fix it with the hp tool, the run the flash tool option1 and point it at the attached archive. 6 Ghz Motherboard: GIGABYTE GA-Z97-HD3 Audio: ALC 887 Network: Realtek 8111F-VL Network Card: 4 Antennas 802. 12 (Apr 18 2012 - 23:08:20) Seagate GoFlexNet arm-none-linux-gnueabi-gcc (Sourcery G++ Lite 2009q3-67) 4. All Internet articles say "Update the firmware", so I followed them. 33GHz dualcore - 1GB RAM)Firmware: DSM 6. One died in June, 2014 - About 11,000 hours. Firmware problem, if confirmed, might be easy to fix to someone with decent tools (PC-3000) and decent know how. 5), add a SATA controller (limited to HW v10), add the raw device map to the SATA controller rather than the default LSI SAS. The 100645422 Seagate PCB repair process can usually be divided into 2 steps: find a replacement PCB and firmware transfer. Sony issues fix for broken PlayStation 3 firmware PS3 firmware version 4. 14 drive (ST3000DM001) for use on one of my CustoMacs. Fix PCB board 100532367 for Seagate HDD ST3000DM001 Step 1: Find a replacement PCB To find a matching replacement PCB for Seagate HDDs, we need to make sure the “ Board Step 2: Order replacement PCB Online Then search with the board number “ 100532367 ” and/or the HDD model “ ST3000DM001 Step. 02 in - LinkStation™ 220: Weight: 2. I've got a NV+v2 with 4 3TB ST3000DM001-9YN166 disks in it, firmware CCH4 (the latest). Acer 3650 driver. This method will use a utility called idle3ctl to alter the firmware value for the idle3 timer on WD hard drives (similar to wdidle3. Here we see a device ata-ST3000DM001-1CH166_Z1F3WXSM that has been offline'd in a pool configuration and will be reintroduced as a replacement device for ata-ST3000DM001-9YN166_Z1F11382 which exists in a separate vdev. This process can take a few minutes. 2) - Mandatory Update: Critical bug fix: The TD2u now properly handles destination hard drives that are formatted with an unrecognized partition type. Model: ST3000DM001 PN: 9YN166-570 FW: CC9F I'm seeing a lot of suggestions online that flashing the latest firmware to the drive may help, but I don't want to do that if it will reduce the chances of recovery. Turn on your computer and remove the firmware CD to allow your system to boot normally into your operating system. So I have a late-2013 27" iMac that Apple say isn't covered by the replacement program, but it has the st3000dm001 model Seagate drive that Backblaze were having trouble with. This tutorial applies to DM series: ST1000DM003, ST2000DM001, ST3000DM001, ST4000DM000, as well SV35 series This is supposed to fix the random "Chirp", "Click" noise and stop SMART C1 Load Cycle Count from increasing fast. Testad upp till firmware 1. The reg fix does work for some but not everyone ,others need different ''fixes'' which I think it all comes down to how the computer is setup and what all has been installed. A little help please with disk replacement procedure for TS-QVH12L/R6 (Firmware 1. 5 PCB | eBay. Ethernet driver free download. Same syntax as in smartctl command: 40 * line. Code: Select all System: Host: rickpc Kernel: 5. Testad upp till firmware 1. I have a selection of drives that aren't running current firmware and my SAN server software is recommending they be updated. Maybe somebody has an idea to fix the drive? That GOFLEX Home is like a freaking insulated hotbox, but maybe the firmware got screwed up or something. I quit of this brand. com Tutorial: how to fix hard drive by swap the PCB board 1. By updating Firmware files you will get new features on mobile device. Please make sure to pay attention to your model series , and in some cases, the display size (SJ4000 Series), and the batch of production (SJ5000+, SJ4000). The only time you should consider an upgrade is if you are experiencing a problem with the device, and you have confirmed that the firmware addresses this problem. Don't use fix my usb key if it breaks yours, I have a flash drive like that too. Find manuals, software, and firmware for your Seagate drive. Linus Media Group is not associated with these services. Skip down to the ST3000DM001 and look at the first value. I suggested him to add instructions for using RAID metadata version 0. I can't recommend these drives for any critical data and definitely aren't suitable for use in a NAS or any RAID 0/5/6 configuration. 364625] nuvoton-cir 00:01: [irq 10]. This tutorial applies to DM series: ST1000DM003, ST2000DM001, ST3000DM001, ST4000DM000, as well SV35 series This is supposed to fix the random "Chirp", "Click" noise and stop SMART C1 Load Cycle Count from increasing fast. 100645422 Seagate PCB: Board Number Finding a donor Seagate PCB board is easy, you just need to open the hard drive and find the board number like “100*** on the board. Call +86 18620518087. The camera recognizes the firmware update file on the CF card and displays messages on the rear LCD screen which tell you how to proceed. Firmware problem, if confirmed, might be easy to fix to someone with decent tools (PC-3000) and decent know how. iso format See Document ID: 004989 for instructions on updating your firmware in Windows using this. 14 SATA III 6Gb/s drives (models: ST3000DM001, ST2500DM001, ST2000DM001 and ST1000DM003) running firmware CC4G (or earlier). See Document ID: 004301 for instructions on updating your firmware in. i have a 3tb seagate st3000dm001-1ch166 with CC29 firmware it's take long time to read drive. 2013 from Dell and connected to back USB 3. Msi b250m vdh driver. 9 or earlier, or if a firmware password is set, or if the startup volume is a software RAID, you can’t do this. The firmware can be downloaded at the USA Seagate site by searching the site for "Firmware ST3000DM001". After three to five months of normal operation these. Hard Drive Logic / Circuit Board for Data Recovery (How to fix a dead hard drive) Specifications: Seagate 3. Hello, My goal was to show the GRUB menu at startup because I have Fedora on a SSD and Windows on another SSD. The company is also offering new Sector 5 (dual-channel). More from this seller. Hi, sorry if this has been discussed already, all i could find are topics about upgrading the firmware on these drives. Having the latest firmware can improve performance and or reliability of your product. I can't find one. Instead of waiting for a fix that would never come, I ended up upgrading to all SSD RAID 1 system (2x4TB Samsung SSDs) and use single, large drives (10TB) in a SATA enclosure for backup purposes. 99: ST1000DM003: 1TB: $71. C Firmware HP73. Hi, sorry if this has been discussed already, all i could find are topics about upgrading the firmware on these drives. Skill FM-25S2S-100GBP1 MLC Sandforce MASTER 100G SATA 3Gb/s PHOENIX Firmware 4. Some early versions of 3. 0 hub you have is using old firmware. I’ve executed commands : sudo grub2-editenv - unset menu_auto_hide sudo grub2-mkconfig -o /etc/grub2. 0MB and 0 sectors. Firmware mi 2. Product Code. Based on the information posted in the company's forums here, select Seagate Barracuda 7200. com: intel drivers pour chipsets Note: right-click "Run as Administrator" to open a command prompt window. This tutorial applies to DM series: ST1000DM003, ST2000DM001, ST3000DM001, ST4000DM000, as well SV35 series This is supposed to fix the random "Chirp", "Click" noise and stop SMART C1 Load Cycle Count from increasing fast. So I have a late-2013 27" iMac that Apple say isn't covered by the replacement program, but it has the st3000dm001 model Seagate drive that Backblaze were having trouble with. shows in bios but made my pc boot very slow during post no clicking sound and its spinning. You can try to fix uninitialized disks with this free tool. 11 drives affected by a faulty firmware which caused the drive to lock up and fail to be detected by the BIOS. It's not that they bought a small number of them - they ripped them out - I've been doing the same. How to find the correct donor board 2. The ST3000DM001 is a hard disk drive released by Seagate Technology in 2011 as part of the Seagate Barracuda series. ST3000DM001-1E6166-xxx49VAH Firmware : SC48 That would be the only difference you notice. Same syntax as in smartctl command: 40 * line. 99 Canon Powershot Elph 520 Ixus 500 Hs 10. Seagate Barracuda 3. Solution 1: Fix uninitialized disks in Disk Utility. 2x Seagate Barracuda ST3000DM001 SATA III hard drives with each 3TB (7200rpm, 64MB Cache) 1x USB thumb drive (found one in the drawer…) The main pros of this server are: It includes a cheap but fine hardware hd controller, a HP Smart Array B120i with a throughput of 91. 5EU-IT 35EU-IT 35. You can find older kernel/firmware releases here: or just a fix with the newer kernel. 3 offers from CDN$124. Aggiornamento: ho riverificato adesso, con disco mezzo pieno, la velocità di copia di un file da 5GB da disco ad SSD per verificare le prestazioni reali ed ho ottenuto una velocità di lettura effettiva di 206 MB/s. Driver stylus EPSON 235 download. How does the design and operation of the ST3000DM001 differ from the WD/HGST/Samsung/Toshiba drives? Are there any particular 'sub-models' of the ST3000DM001 (e. 5), add a SATA controller (limited to HW v10), add the raw device map to the SATA controller rather than the default LSI SAS. Device Model: ST3000DM001-9YN166 Serial Number: W1F0BSKF LU WWN Device Id: 5 000c50 04a685323 Firmware Version: CC4B User Capacity: 3,000,592,982,016 bytes [3. 5 inch), 7200rpm, 64MB cache, SATA III) at Amazon. Direct link to firmware update:. Update Driver Software to update the driver of the selected USB controller. You can confirm this is the case by reviewing the documentation included with the firmware or by consulting with our Technical Support team. Run AGDP-fix. 33GHz dualcore - 1GB RAM)Firmware: DSM 6. ST1000DM003 ST2000DM001 ST3000DM001. lxd: Add clustering_fix_raft_address_zero patch to fix node with "0" as address Revert "lxd/storage: Fix block volume migration" lxd/resources: Use udev model data if available. 99: ST1000DM003: 1TB: $71. I bought 3 of this model and 2 die or has failed SMART Status after 15 hours of use. From the videos, music and documents that we share with friends and family on social networks, to servers that form the backbone of enterprise data centres and cloud-based computing, to desktop and notebook computers. in firmware generally do not require firmware transfer. The consol will still apear but won't accept any entered keys, SSH and the GUI also don't work. Seagate ST3000DM001 Hard Drive PCB 100724095; 100724095 Seagate PCB "Firmware Transfer" In most cases, when we want to swap the PCB. Seagate Barracuda 3. This morning, I got a warning from Malwarebytes saying there was an outbound request to a domain known as istatic. New firmware version: CC4H You can verify the proper firmware revision for your drive model and serial number using the Drive Detect software. This release includes firmware updates for the Tableau TD2u and T35689iu/Ultrabay 3d models. The resolution is to upgrade VM hardware version to 10 (ESXi 5. Ask for further instructions. firmware → Dvr acv gx9000 firmware → Keys for driver fix xiaomi dvr → Seagate st3000dm001 where in. 0 serial: UEFI: American Megatrends v: 1. These tools ensure a non-contact head replacement. Hi, sorry if this has been discussed already, all i could find are topics about upgrading the firmware on these drives. They have been reported as having random failures in RAID arrays. C0 date: 09/24/2019 CPU: Topology: 6-Core model: AMD Ryzen 5 3600 bits: 64 type: MT MCP L2 cache: 3072 KiB Speed: 3600 MHz min/max: N/A. This process can take a few minutes. 22, RAID 5). Why the PCB board firmware (BIOS) transfer. Head Replacement Tools. Been busy and almost forgot I posted here. See Document ID: 004301 for instructions on updating your firmware in. Update Driver Software to update the driver of the selected USB controller. Don't mess with it if you need the data on the drive. 00 Seagate St3000dm001 Fw Sc47 Pn 1e6166-570 Tk Z1f 3tb St3000dm001, 1e6166-570, - $258. However, as a USB 2. Easily portable. Riktigt kasst konfigurerad, och är tänkt att bara användas för webguiet. seagate released a firmware fix. Okay guys a bit of a late update. He followed the suggestion, but it makes no sense at all, because DLink firmware does not supports 3TB disks, and, worse, RAID metadata 0. Somebody talk me out of it and show me a better alternative. The seagates worked well for me for a long time when they were directly attached to SATA ports, until I got a chassis with a SAS backplane. It’s possible to boot from a 3TB+ hard drive with a GUID Partition Table (GPT) if you have 64 bit Windows 7 and a computer that supports UEFI (UEFI replaces BIOS). Details about Repair For ST3000DM001, 1CH166-571, CC43, 1332 E, Seagate SATA 3. Fastboot gadget driver download windows 10. FirmwareTablesView is a simple tool for Windows that displays a list of firmware tables (ACPI, SMBIOS) stored on your system. 4gb 7200 Rpm Scsi Disk Drive 50pin Firmware 0010. I succeeded to show the GRUB menu. 1/8, Windows 7, Vista, and XP (32/64-bit). ST3000DM001 CC4H 3000 6 TS-869 Pro 3. Much Googling proceeded that lead to many questions – is it a firmware issue? Is it my drive’s PCB? I found there was a firmware update available, from CC34 to CC35; perhaps that would fix it I thought. The new firmware download, version. The camera recognizes the firmware update file on the CF card and displays messages on the rear LCD screen which tell you how to proceed. High Definition Audio Device Driver Windows 7 64 Bit Mario Kart Wii How To Unlock Dry Bowser 3 Methods to Root with Seagate St3000dm001 Top 7 Ways to Root for Konica Minolta Bizhub 4422 Iris 510 Unlock Sim Bypass Any Samsung Google Verify Account Only By Gsmideazone Guide: How to Backup for Bmw F10 Map Twrp Invalid Zip File Format Fix The. I know there are miracle workers though. Step 1: Find a replacement PCB. Sure, they’ve had some issues with firmware bugs in the past, but that is behind them and generally speaking their hard drives are some of the best around. until seagate release a fix for. Frustrated users have complained that postings and threads have been removed by moderators. Same syntax as in smartctl command: 40 * line. Extract the downloaded firmware zip file and you will now have 5 files named AP, BL, CP, CSC_OXM, and HOME_CSC_OXM. Features of ZFS include: pooled storage (integrated volume management – zpool), Copy-on-write, snapshots, data integrity verification and automatic repair (scrubbing), RAID-Z, a maximum 16 Exabyte file size, and a maximum 256 Quadrillion Zettabytes storage with no. The company is also offering new Sector 5 (dual-channel). 227591] usb 3-3: New USB device strings: Mfr=2, Product=3, SerialNumber=1 [ 22. 00 Seagate St3000dm001 Fw Sc47 Pn 1e6166-570 Tk Z1f 3tb St3000dm001, 1e6166-570, - $258. A 17-page thread about this firmware failure problem is going strong on a Seagate forum. 02 in - LinkStation™ 210 8. The company's first product, the 5-megabyte ST-506, was released in 1980. This PCB is not guaranteed to fix your HDD. I understood that the Windows 7 SP1, 32-bit cu. ZFS is an advanced filesystem created by Sun Microsystems (now owned by Oracle) and released for OpenSolaris in November 2005. Nokia Firmware PRODUCT CODE is very sensitive, typically using uppercase letters. Please make sure to pay attention to your model series , and in some cases, the display size (SJ4000 Series), and the batch of production (SJ5000+, SJ4000). Get access to helpful solutions, how-to guides, owners' manuals, and product specifications for your LED Monitor (SD300 Series) from Samsung US Support. Wow, thanks! I looked through a bunch of other forum posts on how to fix this problem and none of them were this simple. This tutorial applies to DM series: ST1000DM003, ST2000DM001, ST3000DM001, ST4000DM000, as well SV35 series This is supposed to fix the random "Chirp", "Click" noise and stop SMART C1 Load Cycle Count from increasing fast. ROM must be transferred onto this PCB in order for your hard drive to properly function. 43 lbs - LinkStation™ 210. How does the design and operation of the ST3000DM001 differ from the WD/HGST/Samsung/Toshiba drives? Are there any particular 'sub-models' of the ST3000DM001 (e.
Источник: [https://torrent-igruha.org/3551-portal.html]
HS Clean Disk Pro 5.10 serial key or number

Yeah I saw the features listed, but maybe it wasn't important enough to mention. Just checking :DppBecause I've been searching for the past 2 days looking for such a program. I remember I had such a program many many years ago (when I was using the new Windows XP system). For the life of me, I can't remember the name or what the interface looked like.


What’s New in the HS Clean Disk Pro 5.10 serial key or number?

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System Requirements for HS Clean Disk Pro 5.10 serial key or number

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