1st SMTP Server v2.8 serial key or number

1st SMTP Server v2.8 serial key or number

1st SMTP Server v2.8 serial key or number

1st SMTP Server v2.8 serial key or number

How To Use Google's SMTP Server


A little-known feature about Gmail and Google Apps email is Google's portable SMTP server. Instead of having to manage your own outgoing mail server on your DigitalOcean VPS, you can simply configure Google's SMTP server settings into whatever script or program you wish to send email from. All you need is either a (i) free Gmail account or (ii) paid Google Apps account.


You have the option of having Google store and index the emails you send via its SMTP server, so all your sent emails will be searchable and backed-up on Google's servers. If you elect to use your Gmail or Google Apps account for your incoming email as well, you'll have all your email in one convenient place. Also, since Google's SMTP server does not use Port 25, you'll reduce the probability that an ISP might block your email or flag it as SPAM.


Google's SMTP server requires authentication, so here's how to set it up:

NOTE: Before you begin, consider investigating your mail client or application’s security rating, according to Google. If you are using a program that Google does not consider secure, your usage will be blocked unless you enable less secure applications (a security setting that Google does not recommend). For more information see this link to determine the best approach for your mail client or application.

  1. SMTP server (i.e., outgoing mail): manicapital.com
  2. SMTP username: Your full Gmail or Google Apps email address (e.g. example@manicapital.com or example@manicapital.com)
  3. SMTP password: Your Gmail or Google Apps email password
  4. SMTP port:
  5. SMTP TLS/SSL required: yes
  6. In order to store a copy of outgoing emails in your Gmail or Google Apps Sent folder, log into your Gmail or Google Apps email Settings and:
  7. Click on the Forwarding/IMAP tab and scroll down to the IMAP Access section: IMAP must be enabled in order for emails to be properly copied to your sent folder.

NOTE: Google automatically rewrites the From line of any email you send via its SMTP server to the default Send mail as email address in your Gmail or Google Apps email account Settings. You need to be aware of this nuance because it affects the presentation of your email, from the point of view of the recipient, and it may also affect the Reply-To setting of some programs.

Workaround: In your Google email Settings, go to the Accounts tab/section and make "default" an account other than your Gmail/Google Apps account. This will cause Google's SMTP server to re-write the From field with whatever address you enabled as the default Send mail as address.

Sending Limits

Google limits the amount of mail a user can send, via its portable SMTP server. This limit restricts the number of messages sent per day to 99 emails; and the restriction is automatically removed within 24 hours after the limit was reached.

Источник: [manicapital.com]
, 1st SMTP Server v2.8 serial key or number

OTRS can send out emails via Sendmail, Postfix, Qmail or Exim. The default configuration is to use Sendmail and should work out-of-the-box.

You can configure the sendmail settings via the graphical configuration frontend ().

Before sending, OTRS will queue all emails and let a Daemon task asynchronously handle them in due time. On a normal installation, the emails will be sent out every minute by the OTRS Daemon.

To check the status of email sending, you can use the console command with switch.

shell> cd /opt/otrs/ shell> bin/manicapital.com Maint::Email::MailQueue --list +++++++++ | ID | ArticleID | Attempts | Sender | Recipient | Due Time | Last SMTP Code | Last SMTP Message | +++++++++ | 28 | | 0 | otrs@localhost | marketing@manicapital.com | - | - | - | | 29 | | 0 | otrs@localhost | feedbac@manicapital.com | - | - | - | +++++++++ Mail queue contains 2 message(s)

In order to filter the table, you can use argument, for example with ID of the send job.

shell> bin/manicapital.com Maint::Email::MailQueue --list --filter ID +++++++++ | ID | ArticleID | Attempts | Sender | Recipient | Due Time | Last SMTP Code | Last SMTP Message | +++++++++ | 28 | | 0 | otrs@localhost | marketing@manicapital.com | - | - | - | +++++++++ Mail queue contains 1 message(s) Done.

To delete emails queued for sending, specify either switch, or with some filter active.

shell> bin/manicapital.com Maint::Email::MailQueue --delete --filter ID Deleted messages from mail queue. Done.

You can also manually send email without waiting for OTRS Daemon task to kick in. Simply specify the switch.

shell> bin/manicapital.com Maint::Email::MailQueue --send 1 message(s) successfully sent! Done.
Mail Accounts Configured via the OTRS GUI

OTRS is able to receive emails from POP3, POP3S, IMAP and IMAPS mail accounts.

Configure your mail accounts via the PostMaster Mail Accounts link on the Admin page.

If a new mail account is to be created (see figure below), then its mail server name, login name and password must be specified. Also, you need to select the mail server type, which can be POP3, POP3S, IMAP or IMAPS. If you don't see your server type available as an option, the required Perl modules are missing on your system. In that case, please refer to Installation of Perl modules required for OTRS for instructions.

Figure  Adding a mail account

If you select Yes for the value of the Trusted option, any X-OTRS headers attached to an incoming message are evaluated and executed. Because the X-OTRS header can execute some actions in the ticket system, you should set the Trusted option to Yes only for known senders. X-OTRS-Headers are used by the filter module in OTRS. The X-OTRS headers are explained in this table in more detail. Any postmaster filter rules created are executed, irrespective of the Trusted option's setting.

The distribution of incoming messages can be controlled if they need to be sorted by queue or by the content of the To: field. For the Dispatching field, if Dispatching by selected queue is selected, all incoming messages will be sorted into the specified queue. The address where the mail was sent to is disregarded in this case. If Dispatching by email To: field is selected, the system checks if a queue is linked with the address in the To: field of the incoming mail. You can link an address to a queue in the E-mail address management section of the Admin page. If the address in the To: field is linked with a queue, the new message will be sorted into the linked queue. If no link is found between the address in the To: field and any queue, then the message flows into the Raw queue in the system, which is the PostmasterDefaultQueue after a default installation.

All data for the mail accounts are saved in the OTRS database. The command uses the settings in the database and fetches the mail. You can execute it manually to check if all your mail settings are working properly.

On a normal installation, the mail will be fetched every 10 minutes by the OTRS Daemon.


When fetching mail, OTRS deletes the mail from the POP or IMAP server. There is no option to also keep a copy on the server. If you want to retain a copy on the server, you should create forwarding rules on your mail server. Please consult your mail server documentation for details.

Via Command Line Program and Procmail ()

If you cannot use mail accounts to get the email into OTRS, the command line program might be a way around the problem. It takes the mails via STDIN and pipes them directly into OTRS. That means email will be available in your OTRS system if the MDA (mail delivery agent, e.g. procmail) executes this program.

To test without an MDA, execute the command of the following script.

linux:/opt/otrs# cd bin linux:/opt/otrs/bin# cat ../doc/sample_mails/test-emailbox | ./manicapital.com Maint::PostMaster::Read linux:/opt/otrs/bin#

Script: Testing PostMaster without the MDA.

If the email is shown in the QueueView, then your setup is working.

Example  Routing via Procmail Using

In order to route mails in a specific queue using use the following example.

| $SYS_HOME/bin/manicapital.com Maint::PostMaster::Read --target-queue=QUEUENAME

When sorting to a subqueue, you must separate the parent and child queue with a .

| $SYS_HOME/bin/manicapital.com Maint::PostMaster::Read --target-queue=QUEUENAME::SUBQUEUE

Procmail is a very common e-mail filter in Linux environments. It is installed on most systems. If not, have a look at the procmail homepage.

To configure procmail for OTRS (based upon a procmail configured MTA such as sendmail, postfix, exim or qmail), use the file and copy it to and add the lines of the script below.

SYS_HOME=$HOME PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin # -- # Pipe all email into the PostMaster process. # -- :0 : | $SYS_HOME/bin/manicapital.com Maint::PostMaster::Read

Script: Configuring procmail for OTRS.

All email sent to the local OTRS user will be piped into and then shown in your QueueView.

Fetching emails via POP3 or IMAP and fetchmail for

In order to get email from your mail server, via a POP3 or IMAP mailbox, to the OTRS machine/local OTRS account and to procmail, use fetchmail.


A working SMTP configuration on the OTRS machine is required.

You can use the in the home directory of OTRS and copy it to . Modfiy/change it for your needs (see the Example below).


#poll (mailserver) protocol POP3 user (user) password (password) is (localuser) poll manicapital.com protocol POP3 user joe password mama is otrs

Don't forget to set the to (chmod .fetchmailrc)!

With the from the Example above, all email will be forwarded to the local OTRS account, if the command fetchmail -a is executed. Set up a cronjob with this command if you want to fetch the mails regularly.

Filtering/Dispatching by OTRS/PostMaster Modules (for More Complex Dispatching)

If you use the or method, you can insert or modify X-OTRS header entries with the PostMaster filter modules. With the X-OTRS headers, the ticket system can execute some actions on incoming mails, sort them into a specific queue, change the priority or change the customer ID, for example. More information about the X-OTRS headers are available in the section about adding mail accounts from the OTRS Admin page.

There are some default filter modules:


The job name (e.g. $Self->{'PostMaster::PreFilterModule'}->{'JobName'}) needs to be unique!

is a default module to match on some email header (e.g. From, To, Subject, ). It can set new email headers (e.g. X-OTRS-Ignore: yes or X-OTRS-Queue: spam) if a filter rule matches. The jobs of the Example below can be inserted in .

Example  Example jobs for the filter module

# Job Name: 1-Match # (block/ignore all spam email with From: noreply@) $Self->{'PostMaster::PreFilterModule'}->{'1-Match'} = { Module => 'Kernel::System::PostMaster::Filter::Match', Match => { From => 'noreply@', }, Set => { 'X-OTRS-Ignore' => 'yes', }, }; # Job Name: 2-Match # (sort emails with From: sales@manicapital.com and Subject: **ORDER** # into queue 'Order') $Self->{'PostMaster::PreFilterModule'}->{'2-Match'} = { Module => 'Kernel::System::PostMaster::Filter::Match', Match => { To => 'sales@manicapital.com', Subject => '**ORDER**', }, Set => { 'X-OTRS-Queue' => 'Order', }, };

is a default module to pipe the email into an external command. The output is given to STDOUT and if the result is true, then set new email header (e.g. X-OTRS-Ignore: yes or X-OTRS-Queue: spam). The Example below can be used in .

Example  Example job for the filter module Kernel::System::PostMaster::Filter::CMD

# Job Name: 5-SpamAssassin # (SpamAssassin example setup, ignore spam emails) $Self->{'PostMaster::PreFilterModule'}->{'5-SpamAssassin'} = { Module => 'Kernel::System::PostMaster::Filter::CMD', CMD => '/usr/bin/spamassassin | grep -i "X-Spam-Status: yes"', Set => { 'X-OTRS-Ignore' => 'yes', }, };

is a default module that adds the possibility to parse external identifiers, in the email subject, the body or both using regular expressions. It then stores this value in a defined dynamic field. When an email comes in, OTRS will first search for an external identifier and when it finds one, query OTRS on the pre-defined dynamic field. If it finds an existing ticket, it will update this ticket, otherwise it will create a new ticket with the external reference number in the separate field.

OTRS SysConfig already provide 4 different settings to setup different external ticket numbers. If more settings are needed they need to be added manually. The following example can be used in to extend SysConfig settings.

Example   Example job for the filter module

# Job Name: ExternalTicketNumberRecognition # External Ticket Number Reconition, check for Incident-<number> in incoming mails subject and # body from the addeesses <sender>@manicapital.com, if number is found it will be stored in # the dynamic field 'ExternalNumber' (that need to be setup in the Admin Panel). $Self->{'PostMaster::PreFilterModule'}->{'ExternalTicketNumberRecognition'} = { 'FromAddressRegExp' => '\\s*@manicapital.com', 'NumberRegExp' => 'Incident-(\\d.*)', 'SearchInSubject' => '1', 'SearchInBody' => '1', 'TicketStateTypes' => 'new;open' 'DynamicFieldName' => 'ExternalNumber', 'Module' => 'Kernel::System::PostMaster::Filter::ExternalTicketNumberRecognition', 'Name' => 'Test External Ticket Number', 'SenderType' => 'system', };

Configuration Options

  • This is an optional setting. Only mails matching this From: address will be considered for this filter. You can adjust this setting to the sender address your external system uses for outgoing mails. In case this address can differ, you can set this option to empty. OTRS will in that case not check the sender address.

  • This is a mandatory setting. This setting contains the regular expression OTRS will use to extract the ticket number out of the subject and/or ticket body. The default regular expression will match occurrences of for example 'Incident' and will put the part between parentheses in the dynamic field field, in this case ''.

  • If this is set to '1', the email subject is searched for a ticket number.

  • If this is set to '1', the email body is searched for a ticket number.

  • This is an optional setting. If given, it will search OTRS only for open external tickets of given state types. The state types are separated with semicolons.

  • This is a required setting. It defines the dynamic filed that is used to store the external number (the field name must exist in the system and has to be valid).

  • This defines the sender type used for the articles created in OTRS.

is a default module that is capable to decrypt an encrypted incoming email message (S/MIME or PGP) placing the unencrypted message body in the email header X-OTRS-BodyDecrypted to be processed later. Additionally it can also update the email body to the unencrypted version.

In order to decrypt the emails the system needs to be properly configured for S/MIME and/or PGP and have the needed private keys to decrypt the information.

This module is disabled by default and it can be configured directly in the System Configuration in the Admin Panel.

Configuration Options

  • Set this option to "1" to update the email body to the unencrypted version if the decryption was successful. Be aware that using this the emails will be stored unencrypted and there is no possible way to revert this action.

Of course it's also possible to develop your own PostMaster filter modules.

Troubleshooting Email Filtering

This section shows some common issues and things to consider when troubleshooting Postmaster filters.

  • The filters are worked in order of their alphabetically sorted filter names. The last filter wins for a certain field to be set, when the criteria match twice.

  • Stop After Match can prevent a second match.

  • Make sure the regular expression is valid.

  • Headers can be set as to control OTRS, but are not written in the mail itself.

  • When matching one From, CC, TO, use EMAILADDRESS: <your@address>

  • The Mailbox must be trusted.

  • The match criteria are AND conditions.

  • Ticket properties can not be matched by the postmaster filter.


Details about Postmaster filter processing are also present in communication logs. Make sure to check Communication Log in the Admin area.

Источник: [manicapital.com]
1st SMTP Server v2.8 serial key or number

Installation and Configuration Guide



The amount of instances of SOGo that will be spawned to handle multiple requests simultaneously. When started from the init script, that amount is overriden by the value in or . A value of 3 is a reasonable default for low usage. The maximum value depends on the CPU and IO power provided by your machine: a value set too high will actually decrease performances under high load.

Defaults to 1 when unset.



This parameter controls the backlog size of the socket listen queue. For large-scale deployments, this value must be adjusted in case all workers are busy and the parent processes receives lots of incoming connections.

Defaults to 5 when unset.



The TCP listening address and port used by the SOGo daemon. The format is .

Defaults to when unset.



The file path where to log messages. Specify to log to the console.

Defaults to .



The file path where the parent process id will be written.

Defaults to .



This parameter specifies the number of minutes after which a busy child process will be killed by the parent process.

Defaults to 10 (minutes).

Do not set this too low as child processes replying to clients on a slow internet connection could be killed prematurely.



Parameter used to set the maximum allowed size for content being sent to SOGo using a PUT or a POST call. This can also limit the file attachment size being uploaded to SOGo when composing a mail. The value is in kilobytes. By default, the value is 0, or disabled so no limit will be set.



Parameter used to set the maximum allowed email message size when composing a mail. The value is in kilobytes. By default, the value is 0, or disabled so no limit will be set.



Parameter used to set the maximum amount of memory (in megabytes) that a child can use. Reaching that value will force children processes to restart, in order to preserve system memory.



Parameter used to set the hostname and optionally the port of the memcached server.

A path can also be used if the server must be reached via a Unix socket.

See for details on the syntax.



Parameter used to set the expiration (in seconds) of each object in the cache.



Parameter used to define the way by which users will be authenticated. For C.A.S., specify . For SAML2, specify . For anything else, leave that value empty.



Parameter used to set whether HTTP username should be trusted.

Defaults to when unset.



Parameter used to define a key to encrypt the passwords of remote Web calendars when SOGoTrustProxyAuthentication is enabled.



When using C.A.S. authentication, this specifies the base url for reaching the C.A.S. service. This will be used by SOGo to deduce the proper login page as well as the other C.A.S. services that SOGo will use.



Boolean value indicating whether the "Logout" link is enabled when using C.A.S. as authentication mechanism.

The "Logout" link will end up calling SOGoCASServiceURL/logout to terminate the client&#;s single sign-on C.A.S. session.



Parameter controlling WebDAV access to the Contacts collections. This can be used to deny access to these resources from Lightning for example.

Defaults to when unset.



Parameter controlling WebDAV access to the Calendar collections.

This can be used to deny access to these resources from Lightning for example.

Defaults to when unset.



The location of the SSL private key file on the filesystem that is used by SOGo to sign and encrypt communications with the SAML2 identity provider. This file must be generated for each running SOGo service (rather than host). Make sure this file is readable by the SOGo user.



The location of the SSL certificate file. This file must be generated for each running SOGo service. Make sure this file is readable by the SOGo user.



The location of the metadata file that describes the services available on the SAML2 identify provider. The content of this file is usually generated directly by your SAML IdP solution. For example, using SimpleSAMLphp, you can get the metadata directly from https://MYSERVER/simplesaml/saml2/idp/manicapital.com Make sure this file is readable by the SOGo user.



The location of the SSL public key file on the filesystem that is used by SOGo to sign and encrypt communications with the SAML2 identity provider. This file should be part of the setup of your identity provider. Make sure this file is readable by the SOGo user.



The location of the SSL certificate file. This file should be part of the setup of your identity provider. Make sure this file is readable by the SOGo user.



The attribute provided by the IdP to identify the user in SOGo.



Boolean value indicated whether the "Logout" link is enabled when using SAML2 as authentication mechanism. When using this feature, SOGo will invoke the IdP to proceed with the logout procedure. When the user clicks on the logout button, a redirection will be made to the IdP to trigger the logout.



The URL to which redirect the user after the "Logout" link is clicked. SOGoSAML2LogoutEnabled must be set to YES. If unset, the user will be redirected to a blank page.



Mandatory parameter used to set a default time zone for users. The default timezone is set to UTC. The Olson database is a standard database that takes all the time zones around the world into account and represents them along with their history. On GNU/Linux systems, time zone definition files are available under . Listing the available files will give you the name of the available time zones. This could be , , or .

In our example, we set the time zone to .



Parameter used to set the default domain name used by SOGo. SOGo uses this parameter to build the list of valid email addresses for users.

In our example, we set the default domain to .



Parameter used to set whether SOGo sends or not email notifications to meeting participants. Possible values are:

  • - to send notifications

  • - to not send notifications

Defaults to when unset.



Same as above, but the notifications are triggered on the creation of a calendar or an address book.



Same as above, but the notifications are sent to the involved users of a calendar or address book&#;s ACLs.



Parameter used to define the default roles when giving permissions to a user to access a calendar. Defaults roles are ignored for public accesses. Must be an array of up to five strings. Each string defining a role for an event category must begin with one of those values:

And each string must end with one of those values:

The array can also contain one or many of the following strings:


Defaults to no role when unset. Recommended values are and .



Parameter used to define the default roles when giving permissions to a user to access an address book. Defaults roles are ignored for public accesses. Must be an array of one or many of the following strings:

  • ObjectViewer

  • ObjectEditor

  • ObjectCreator

  • ObjectEraser


Defaults to no role when unset.



Parameter used to set which usernames require administrative privileges over all the users tables. For example, this could be used to post events in the users calendar without requiring the user to configure his/her ACLs. In this case you will need to specify those superuser&#;s usernames like this:



Parameter used to set the default language used in the Web interface for SOGo. Possible values are:



Parameter used to set whether SOGo sends or not email receipts when someone changes his/her own calendar. Possible values are:

  • - to send notifications

  • - to not send notifications

Defaults to when unset. User can overwrite this from the calendar properties window.



Parameter used to set whether SOGo sends or not email receipts when a modification is being done to his/her own calendar by someone else. Possible values are:

  • - to send notifications

  • - to not send notifications

Defaults to when unset. User can overwrite this from the calendar properties window.



Parameter used to specify an LDAP attribute that should be displayed when auto-completing user searches.



When set to , this will force all-day events sent over by iPhone OS based devices to be transparent. This means that the all-day events will not be considered during freebusy lookups.

Defaults to when unset.



Parameter used to allow or not your users to share publicly (ie., requiring not authentication) their calendars and address books.

  • - to allow them

  • - to prevent them from doing so

Defaults to when unset.



Parameter used to allow or not users to change their passwords from SOGo.

  • - to allow them

  • - to prevent them from doing so

Defaults to when unset.

For this feature to work properly when authenticating against AD or Samba4, the LDAP connection must use SSL/TLS. Server side restrictions can also cause the password change to fail, in which case SOGo will only log a Constraint violation (0x13) error. These restrictions include password too young, complexity constraints not satisfied, user cannot change password, etc&#;&#; Also note that Samba has a minimum password age of 1 day by default.



Parameter used to configure which languages are available from SOGo&#;s Web interface. Available languages are specified as an array of string.

The default value is:



Parameter used to control if SOGo should hide or not the system email address (UIDFieldName@SOGoMailDomain). This is currently limited to CalDAV (calendar-user-address-set).

Defaults to when unset.



Parameter used to control the minimum length to be used for the search string (attendee completion, address book search, etc.) prior triggering the server-side search operation.

Defaults to when unset - which means a search operation will be triggered on the 3rd typed character.



Parameter used to control the number of failed login attempts required during SOGoMaximumFailedLoginInterval seconds or more. If conditions are met, the account will be blocked for SOGoFailedLoginBlockInterval seconds since the first failed login attempt.

Default value is , or disabled.



Number of seconds, defaults to .



Number of seconds, defaults to (or 5 minutes). Note that SOGoCacheCleanupInterval must be set to a value equal or higher than SOGoFailedLoginBlockInterval.



Parameter used to control the number of email messages a user can send from SOGo&#;s webmail interface, to SOGoMaximumRecipientCount, in SOGoMaximumSubmissionInterval seconds or more. If conditions are met or exceeded, the user won&#;t be able to send mails for SOGoMessageSubmissionBlockInterval seconds.

Default value is , or disabled.



Maximum number of recipients. Default value is , or disabled.



Number of seconds, defaults to .



Number of seconds, default to (or 5 minutes). Note that SOGoCacheCleanupInterval must be set to a value equal or higher than SOGoFailedLoginBlockInterval.



Parameter used to control the number of requests a user can send to the SOGo server in SOGoMaximumRequestInterval seconds or more. If conditions are met or exceeded, the user will not be able to perform requests on the SOGo server for SOGoRequestBlockInterval seconds and will receive HTTP responses for any requests being made. Default value is 0, or disabled



Number of seconds, defaults to .



Number of seconds, defaults to (or 5 minutes). Note that SOGoCacheCleanupInterval must be set to a value equal or higher than SOGoRequestBlockInterval.



Parameter used to enable or not XSRF (also known as CSRF) protection in SOGo. Default value is , or disabled.

Источник: [manicapital.com]

What’s New in the 1st SMTP Server v2.8 serial key or number?

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System Requirements for 1st SMTP Server v2.8 serial key or number

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