SQL Server 2000 Standart serial key or number

SQL Server 2000 Standart serial key or number

SQL Server 2000 Standart serial key or number

SQL Server 2000 Standart serial key or number

SQL SERVER &#; How to Change SQL Server Product Key or License Key?

I try to refrain from talking about licensing related topics because they seem to be complicated and have tons of permutations and combinations. Having said that, in the recent past, I was baffled to see this query land to my Inbox which was interesting and needed some attention from me. I could have easily put it under the rug and forget but this kept haunting me for a long time. So I decided to check with a couple of senior DBA’s who manage ’s of servers and how they manage doing something like this. So I called up, learnt a few tips around licensing and this is what I have assimilated from the discussion. Though this discussion and facts stand true as on date of publication of this blog, some of the nuances might change maybe in the future. That might make some of the licensing terms void. But the process to change license key will always be something useful to you in my opinion.

SQL Server can be purchased via various channels like MSDN, Volume License, Full Packaged Product (FPP) or OEM. Sometimes it may happen that:

  • You have installed SQL Server from MSDN media and later you purchased media via Volume License channel and you want to update the license key used by SQL Server.
  • You have an MSSQL install that was purchased by one department, but now a new department wants to take over the install and want to use their own license.

The steps to update product key is simple. Actually, these are the same steps which are required to upgrade the edition of SQL Server. While changing product key, there is no “real” edition upgrade.

  1. Run manicapital.com from the media.


If you have SQL already installed, then you can also launch “Installation Center” by going to Start->Programs ->Microsoft SQL Server [R2]->Configuration Tools-> SQL Server Installation Center[(bit)].

  1. You would get below screen titled “SQL Server Installation Center”
  2. Go to “Maintenance” and click on “Edition Upgrade” as shown below
  3. Go through the wizard and make sure that new key is entered in below screen.

If you have a requirement to do this on multiple server and going through the setup wizard is not an option, then you can use below command line also.

For Default Instance:

manicapital.com /q /ACTION=EditionUpgrade /INSTANCENAME=MSSQLSERVER /PID=<PID key for new edition>&#; /IACCEPTSQLSERVERLICENSETERMS

For Named Instance:

manicapital.com /q /ACTION=EditionUpgrade /INSTANCENAME=InstanceName /PID=<PID key for new edition>&#; /IACCEPTSQLSERVERLICENSETERMS

Have you ever changed product key? What have you done in the past? What techniques have you used to perform this task? Do let me know about your experiences too.

Reference: Pinal Dave (manicapital.com)

Источник: [manicapital.com]
, SQL Server 2000 Standart serial key or number

Help: SQL Server

Have you came across the scenario where you are performing a version upgrade of SQL Server as per supported path described here but still you are facing below error message during rules check?

Rule "SQL Server R2 Feature" failed.

The specified edition upgrade is not supported. For information about&#; supported upgrade paths, see the SQL Server R2 version&#; and edition upgrade matrix in books online.

If you look at manicapital.com file created by setup, search for “FeatureUpgradeMatrixCheck” and have a closer look at the log. From the highlighted you can easily understand the source and destination version+edition. So as per below log, setup is trying to upgrade from SQL Standard to Evaluation Edition (which is not in the link I provided earlier)

Slp: Init rule target object: manicapital.comradeRule
Slp: &#; SkuUpgradeRule : Rule &#;FeatureUpgradeMatrixCheck&#; looking for previous version upgrade data for feature package &#;sql_as_Cpu32&#;.
Slp: &#; SkuUpgradeRule : Rule &#;FeatureUpgradeMatrixCheck&#; feature package &#;sql_as_Cpu32&#; found no upgrade features.
Slp: &#; SkuUpgradeRule : Rule &#;FeatureUpgradeMatrixCheck&#; looking for previous version upgrade data for feature package &#;sql_engine_core_inst_Cpu32&#;.
Slp: &#; SkuUpgradeRule : Found feature package&#; &#;SqlEnt_Cpu32&#; with SkuValue=STANDARD ProductVersion=
Slp: &#; SkuUpgradeRule : Rule &#;FeatureUpgradeMatrixCheck&#; found sourceVersion and edition STANDARD for feature package &#;sql_engine_core_inst_Cpu32&#;.
Slp: &#; SkuPublicConfigObject : ValidateSkuMatrix checking sku matrix for sourceVersion= sourceEdition=STANDARD sourceArchitecture=X86 targetEdition=EVAL targetArchitecture=X86
Slp: &#; SkuPublicConfigObject : ValidateSkuMatrix source and target architecture match.
Slp: &#; SkuPublicConfigObject : ValidateSkuMatrix did not find a match in sku matrix .
Slp: &#; SkuUpgradeRule : Rule &#;FeatureUpgradeMatrixCheck&#; feature package &#;sql_engine_core_inst_Cpu32&#; is blocking upgrade.
Slp: &#; SkuUpgradeRule : Rule &#;FeatureUpgradeMatrixCheck&#; detection result: IsValidFeatureUpgrade=False
Slp: Evaluating rule&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#; : FeatureUpgradeMatrixCheck
Slp: Rule running on machine: SQLSERVER
Slp: Rule evaluation done&#;&#; : Failed
Slp: Rule evaluation message: The specified edition upgrade is not supported. For information about supported upgrade paths, see the SQL Server R2 version and edition upgrade matrix in Books Online.
Slp: Send result to channel : RulesEngineNotificationChannel
Slp: Initializing rule&#;&#;&#;&#;&#; : Incomplete upgrade
Slp: Rule applied features&#; : SQL;SQLEng

On a side note, Do you know the media difference for Standard and Evaluation edition? Well, there is no difference! Its the PID (Product ID) in below screen which decides the edition to be installed. The value of PID is picked from manicapital.com file located on media. If there is no such file on Media then it would be enterprise evaluation edition of SQL Server.

Here is the little test which would prove the theory. I swear to god that I have not hit cancel while doing the test. Its the same media used for all the screen (Evaluation Media) All I did was change value in Enter the Product Key and hit next> or previous<.


Since I had media for various editions (How? Did I tell you that I work with Microsoft SQL Support team.. lol!), I copied/pasted the PID from manicapital.com file and rest can be seen above.

You might say, Nice to know what’s happening behind the scene but what you need to do if you run into such situation. In my scenario customer informed that they purchased Standard edition of SQL Server R2 still its taking EVAL in targetEdition and there has to be flaw somewhere. Later we found that screen was selecting Enterprise Evaluation by default (not sure why) So once he entered the Product Key, it worked like a charm!

Now, go ahead with the setup and post a comment here if this helped.

Balmukund Lakhani
Twitter @blakhani

Posted in Edition Upgrade, Error, Evaluation, Images, PID, Product Key, Screenshot, SQL Server, Step by Step, Version Upgrade | Tagged: MSDN SQL Server Product Key, SQL License Key, Update SQL Server Product Key | 2 Comments &#;

Источник: [manicapital.com]
SQL Server 2000 Standart serial key or number

how to change the SQL install key

SQL Server Securitymanicapital.com?forum=sqlsecurityQuestion33/25/ PM4/27/ PMAny Security discussions related to SQL Server02


  • text/html3/26/ PMSQLWork0

    On the one hand, I don't think Microsoft is particular concerned which key someone uses to install, but they are very concerned that you have the licenses to cover the installations.  Having said that, with the switch of the software to another company, you probably would still prefer that the license key was replaced.

    The number one safest way is, of course, to reinstall. 

    Having said that, some people have worked around it.  The key is stored in the registry at:

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQLServer\80\Registration

    manicapital.com William Mitchell gave some advice.  In this case, apparently the poster went to the proper place in the directory and updated only the CD_KEY and everything still worked. 

    manicapital.com "ispaleny" gave a solution that involved installing the sofware on another machine, then using regedit to transfer the whole key between machines, which worked for the poster.


All replies

  • text/html3/26/ PMSQLWork0

    On the one hand, I don't think Microsoft is particular concerned which key someone uses to install, but they are very concerned that you have the licenses to cover the installations.  Having said that, with the switch of the software to another company, you probably would still prefer that the license key was replaced.

    The number one safest way is, of course, to reinstall. 

    Having said that, some people have worked around it.  The key is stored in the registry at:

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQLServer\80\Registration

    manicapital.com William Mitchell gave some advice.  In this case, apparently the poster went to the proper place in the directory and updated only the CD_KEY and everything still worked. 

    manicapital.com "ispaleny" gave a solution that involved installing the sofware on another machine, then using regedit to transfer the whole key between machines, which worked for the poster.


Источник: [manicapital.com]

What’s New in the SQL Server 2000 Standart serial key or number?

Screen Shot

System Requirements for SQL Server 2000 Standart serial key or number

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