Module for Perl 5.12 Email 9.1.2 serial key or number

Module for Perl 5.12 Email 9.1.2 serial key or number

Module for Perl 5.12 Email 9.1.2 serial key or number

Module for Perl 5.12 Email 9.1.2 serial key or number


A python library to control OpenFOAM-runs and manipulate OpenFOAM-data. Comes with a number of utilities that should make your life easier if you're not scared by commandlines

Valid versions: works with older versions (but I don't support that)

1 Short description

This Python-library can be used to

  • analyze the logs produced by OpenFoam-solvers
  • execute OpenFoam-solvers and utilities and analyze their output simultaneously
  • manipulate the parameter files and the initial-conditions of a run in a non-destructive manner
  • plots the residuals of OpenFOAM solvers


This library was developed to control OpenFOAM-simulations with a decent (sorry ) scripting language to do parameter-variations and results analysis.

It is an ongoing effort. I add features on an As-Needed basis but am open to suggestions.


This Library tries to be as conservative as possible in the libraries it uses. This means that it tries to use only libraries that are in the standard Python-distribution. Currently it needs at least version of Python but it has been tested on all versions up to Python 3 is currently supported (but currently only is tested)

For plotting support it needs the Numpy-library. It is recommended to use the version that is supplied by the package manager of the distribution (PyFoam does not require a specific version).

It should run on any system with OpenFOAM and python (but some features require at least ). Currently it has been tested on

  • Linux (various flavours)
  • MacOS X

Other material

This presentation "Happy Foaming with Python" from the 4th Workshop gives a short overview of the things that can be done with PyFoam.

There is another presentation on the "Automatization with pyFoam" from the 5th Workshop in Gothenburg avalaible (the material is available at this link).

The presentation PyFoam - the dark, unknown corners about the tools for quantitative analysis, handling cases with version control and the server mechanism held at the PFAU (Austrian User Meeting) at the TU Wien in March

Complementary there is a complete tutorial on "Particles with pyFoam - The air classification test case" available here.

A presentation about automatic solver testing using PyFoam, a feature that was added in PyFoam , and a file with the data described there (rename file appropriately before using)

The presentation held at the 8th OpenFOAM Workshop gives a nice introduction to pyFoam from a user perspective (the first part. The second is a bit more advanced). The material mentioned is available here

The presentation Building Block for Automatization (a HTML5-browser is required) from the OpenSource CFD International Conference gives an overview of newer features of

The Presentation Before and after the case held at the Austrian User Group Metting PFAU demonstrates the use of a new utility to set up cases and interaction with IPython-notebooks. The files to reproduce the presentation are available here.

There was a a basic training about swak4foam and PyFoam at the 9th OpenFOAM Workshop which gives an overview over the work-flow. Updated version of this training from the 10th OpenFOAM Workshop which was updated once more at the 11th OpenFOAM Workshop.

At the 10th OpenFOAM Workshop a comprehensive about the utility was given

At the 11th OpenFOAM Workshop the presentation PyFoam 4 the lazy gives an overview of some utilities that allow processing simulation results (case file for this presentation is found here)

At the PFAU 14 (Austrian User Meeting) the talk Talking to PyFoam (and it talks back) demonstrated two features that have been in PyFoam for some time: the server-process that allows controlling a PyFoam-controlled OpenFOAM-run over the net and hooks: little Python-programs that are executed at the start and the end of an execution

A training about using the PyFoam library to program automatic workflows was File:BernhardGschaider-OFW15

Introductory training for swak4Foam and PyFoam at the 12th International OpenFOAM Workshop. This is a completely new training. An updated version of the Training held at the Workshop in Duisburg. Most recent version File:BernhardGschaider-OFW15

2 Examples

These examples should demonstrate the possible applications of the library. They are enclosed in the source distribution.

Compact output

This example is a wrapper for solvers. For each time-step only one line is output: the time and the initial residuals of the linear solvers (with the name of the solved variable). The complete output of the solver is written to a log-file. The residuals are written to separate files in a special directory in the simulation-directory (for plotting).

&#; import re,sys &#; from manicapital.comeAnalyzerimport LogLineAnalyzer from manicapital.comngLogAnalyzerimport BoundingLogAnalyzer from manicapital.comedRunnerimport AnalyzedRunner &#; class CompactLineAnalyzer(LogLineAnalyzer): def__init__(self): LogLineAnalyzer.__init__(self) &#;"""^(.+): Solving for (.+), Initial residual = (.+), Final residual = (.+), No Iterations (.+)$") &#; def doAnalysis(self,line): m!=None: time=manicapital.come()if time! print"\n t =&#;%6g&#;: "&#;% (float(time)), print"&#;%5s:&#;%6e "&#;% (name,float(resid)), &#; class CompactAnalyzer(BoundingLogAnalyzer): def__init__(self): BoundingLogAnalyzer.__init__(self)manicapital.comlyzer("Compact",CompactLineAnalyzer()) &#; run=AnalyzedRunner(CompactAnalyzer(),silent=True)

Parameter Variation

This example does 10 runs of the same case. For each case a different velocity at the inlet is set. After the simulation has ended the mass flow (with this utility) and the pressure difference (with this utility) are calculated and written to the file . In addition to this the data of the last time-step is saved to a separate directory (for further analysis):

&#; from manicapital.comgenceRunnerimport ConvergenceRunner from manicapital.comyRunnerimport UtilityRunner from manicapital.comngLogAnalyzerimport BoundingLogAnalyzer from manicapital.comonFileimport SolutionFile from manicapital.comonDirectoryimport SolutionDirectory &#; solver="simpleFoam" case="pitzDaily" pCmd="calcPressureDifference" mCmd="calcMassFlow" &#; dire=SolutionDirectory(case,archive="InletVariation") manicapital.comesults() manicapital.comkup("manicapital.come") manicapital.comkup("manicapital.comed") manicapital.comkup("manicapital.comed") manicapital.comkup("manicapital.comed") &#; sol=SolutionFile(manicapital.comlDir(),"U") &#; maximum=1. nr=10 &#; f=manicapital.comle("InflowVariationResults") &#; for i inrange(nr+1): # Set the boundary condition at the inlet val=(maximum*i)/nr print"Inlet velocity:",val manicapital.comeBoundary("inlet","(%f 0 0)"&#;%(val)) &#; # Run the solver run=ConvergenceRunner(BoundingLogAnalyzer(),argv=[solver,".",case],silent=True)"Last Time = ",manicapital.comt() &#; # Get the pressure difference (Using an external utility) pUtil=UtilityRunner(argv=[pCmd,".",case],silent=True,logname="Pressure")"deltaP","Pressure at .* Difference .*\] (.+)") &#;"deltaP")[0] &#; # Get the mass flow mUtil=UtilityRunner(argv=[mCmd,".",case,"-latestTime"],silent=True,logname="MassFlow")"mass","Flux at (.+?) .*\] (.+)",idNr=1) &#;"mass",ID="outlet")[0] &#; # Archive the results manicapital.comArchive("vel=%g"&#;% (val)) &#; # Clear results manicapital.comesults() &#; # Output current stuffprint"Vel: ",val,"DeltaP: ",deltaP,"Mass Flow:",massFlow manicapital.comine((val,deltaP,massFlow)) manicapital.comile()

Manipulating dictionaries

Between Version and the format for the specification of the linear solvers was changed. The following script takes a -file in the old format and rewrites it in the equivalent new format (only works for some solvers, but should work for all the tutorials):

&#; #! /usr/bin/python &#; """Given a pre-OpenFOAM fvSolution file, this script transforms the solvers section into the equivalen format Incomplete, because it doesn't support (B)DCG and GaussSeidl but should work for instance for all the tutorials""" &#; importsys &#; from manicapital.comParameterFileimport ParsedParameterFile &#; iflen(<2: print"I need at least one fvSolution-file to work with" fName[1:]: print"Working on",fName try: f=ParsedParameterFile(fName) sol=f["solvers"]for name,val in manicapital.comems(): iftype(name)!=strortype(val)!=tupleorlen(val)<3: # this is not an old-school entrycontinue solver=val[0] tol=val[1] rTol=val[2]if solver=="ICCG": new=("PCG" , &#;"preconditioner":"DIC"&#;)elif solver=="BICCG": new=("PBiCG" , &#;"preconditioner":"DILU"&#;)elif solver=="AMG": new=("GAMG" , &#;"agglomerator":"faceAreaPair", "nCellsInCoarsestLevel":val[3], "mergeLevels":1, "smoother":"GaussSeidel"&#;)else: print"Unsupported solver",solver continue new[1]["tolerance"]=tol new[1]["relTol"]=rTol sol[name]=new exceptIOError: print"File",fName,"does not exist"exceptKeyError: print"File",fName,"is not a fvSolution-file" &#; try: manicapital.comile()exceptIOError: print"Can't write file. Content would have been:"print f

Of course can read the old format, so this script is not needed. It's only an example.

Setting boundary conditions for walls

This example sets the boundary condition for all patches whose names contain the string "Wall" to zero-velocity:

&#; from manicapital.comParameterFileimport ParsedParameterFile &#; f=ParsedParameterFile("pitzDaily/0/U") &#; for b in f["boundaryField"]: if"Wall"in b: f["boundaryField"][b]["value"]="uniform (0 0 0)" f["boundaryField"][b]["type"]="fixedValue" &#; manicapital.comile()

This can serve as a starting-point for automatically setting up cases where the patches are named after a specific scheme

3 Installation

The easies way to install PyFoam is as root, but it is also possible to do it as a regular user.


To install PyFoam you need (obviously) Python.

The smallest Python-version known to work is but higher versions are better (not all features might be available with smaller versions). Basically the python that is preinstalled with most Linux-versions currently in use should be fine.


PyFoam brings some essential libraries. For plotting and other data handling operations you will need numpy. Use the version provided by the package manager of your distribution.

Some utilities need additional libraries. Once installed you can use the -utility to find out who they are

If one gets a warning message:

Neither numpy nor Numeric python-package installed. Plotting won't work

that can be fixed by installing the necessary package, by running the respective installation command, depending on your Linux Distribution:

  • Debian/Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install python-numpy
  • Fedora/CentOS/RHEL/SL: sudo yum install numpy
  • openSUSE: sudo zypper install python-numpy

Installing with

This is now the preferred way of installing PyFoam.

PyFoam is now available at the Python Package Index. This means that if pip is installed a single command as :

pip install PyFoam


sudo pip install PyFoam

installs PyFoam on the machine. The library numpy is also installed if it is not yet installed on the machine as it is required for plotting

If you can not write to the global Python installation because you don't have administrative rights try

pip install --user PyFoam

but you'l have to make sure that the location the utilities are installed to are in your

An existing installation can be easily upgraded via :

pip install --upgrade PyFoam

Installation as root

This used to be the old way to install PyFoam but now should only be used in emergency cases. If possible use .

  1. Download the latest tar
  2. Untar it, e.g.: tar -xf
  3. Go to the directory (or for whichever version you downloaded): cd PyFoam
  4. Install it with the command: sudo python install

Should step 4 fail one of the most common causes is that some Linux-distributions (usually Debian-based, don't know about Mandrake) don't install the packages that are necessary for . Usually they are in the Developer-package which is installed by running the respective installation command, depending on your Linux Distribution:

  • Debian/Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install python-dev python-setuptools
  • Fedora/CentOS/RHEL/SL: sudo yum install python-devel
  • openSUSE: sudo zypper install python-devel

Installation as a regular user

If you don't want to (or can't) install it as root things are a bit more complicated. Let's assume that you have directory to which you have write access:

  1. Download PyFoam-0.x.x (0.x.x being the current version)
  2. Untar it, e.g.: tar -xf
  3. Go to the directory (or for whichever version you downloaded): cd PyFoam
  4. Add the path to the library to the environment-variable, e.g.: exportPYTHONPATH=$HOME/my_python/lib/python/site-packages:$PYTHONPATH
    • The portion of the path may depend on your Python-version; in that directory there must be a directory named .
  5. Install it with the command python install --prefix=$HOME/my_python
    • After installing, in there should be two directories that contain the shell scripts and the Python libraries for PyFoam: and
  6. If you want to use the scripts distributed with PyFoam extend your path with the following command: exportPATH=$HOME/my_python/bin:$PATH

Installation via RPMs

Источник: []
, Module for Perl 5.12 Email 9.1.2 serial key or number

1. Audio

2. Backup

3. Banking

4. Browser

5. Burning

6. Cluster

7. Compressor

8. Database

9. Development


File sharing

Graphic and photo

Instant messaging








Portable Document Format (PDF)



SPAM and Virus







Last but not least

Audio burner

Mp3roaster (I haven't tried it yet)

A Perl hack for burning audio CDs out of MP3/OGG/FLAC files

Here an extract of the official description:

MP3Roaster is a Perl hack for burning audio CDs out of MP3, Ogg Vorbis and FLAC files. The main highlights of this application are an easy to use command line syntax and automatic volume leveling support for best audio CD quality.

In order to normalize the audio level of all files which will be burned on CDs MP3roaster requires some free hard disk space.

Audio composer

Hydrogen (I haven't tried it yet)

Taken from homepage:

Hydrogen is an advanced drum machine for GNU/Linux. It's main goal is to bring professional yet simple and intuitive pattern-based drum programming.


LilyPond (I haven't tried it yet)

Write music notes.


Rosegarden (I haven't tried it yet)

Taken from homepage:

Rosegarden is a professional audio and MIDI sequencer, score editor, and general-purpose music composition and editing environment.

Rosegarden is an easy-to-learn, attractive application that runs on Linux, ideal for composers, musicians, music students, and small studio or home recording environments.


Audio editor



Audio player


This is a music player for KDE. It seems to be very powerful (download album covers, display text of played music, organize sound with MySQL, )



Reads audio CD.

This tool is contained in gnome-media.

I'm not a fun of this programm, but it's the only that currently provides an applet for gnome (gnome ).


Xmms applet for gnome.

Controls the main functions of xmms without having the corresponding windows opened.


This is the default GNOME music player. In fact, it can be found in the "Multimedia" menu and is called "Music Player".

The current version () does not support editing for info TAG. Use EasyTag for this.



Versatile X audio player that looks like Winamp.

Reads ogg, mp3, wav,

Audio ripper


Gnome CD ripper.


Kaudiocreator (I haven't tried it yet)

CD ripper and audio encoder (GUI).



Graphical mp3/ogg ripper and encoder.

With this tool it's possible to convert audio CDs to mp3 or ogg in a very simple way. Furthermore, it can try to get the informations relative to the CD directly from CDDB, so that you don't have to manually insert the authors and titles.

Audio tag editor


Nice tool (GUI) for viewing and editing tags for mp3, ogg,


Amanda (I haven't tried it yet)

The Advanced Maryland Automatic Network Disk Archiver

AMANDA, the Advanced Maryland Automatic Network Disk Archiver, is a backup system that allows the administrator to set up a single master backup server to back up multiple hosts over network to tape drives/changers or disks or optical media. Amanda uses native dump and/or GNU tar facilities and can back up a large number of workstations running multiple versions of Unix. Amanda uses Samba or Cygwin to back up Microsoft Windows desktops and servers.


Bacula (I haven't tried it yet)

This is a network backup solution supporting differential backups.


Dar (I haven't tried it yet)

Disk Archive

dar is a shell command that backs up directory trees and files. It has been tested under Linux, Windows, Solaris, FreeBSD, NetBSD, MacOS X and several other systems.

Allows differential backups.

A mini howto:



This is a package made by me and is free downloadable at

Kdar (I haven't tried it yet)

KDar is the KDE Disk Archiver.


Konserve (I haven't tried it yet)

Little KDE tool for doing backup in the background.


Mondo (I haven't tried it yet)

Mondo Rescue is a GPL disaster recovery solution. It supports Linux (i, x86_64, ia64) and FreeBSD (i). It's packaged for multiple distributions (RedHat, RHEL, SuSE, SLES, Mandriva, Debian, Gentoo).

It supports tapes, disks, network and CD/DVD as backup media, multiple filesystems, LVM, software and hardware Raid.



Simple backup with GUI allowing differential backups and supporting gnome-vfs.

The installed files are called


for the backup configuration and


to restore.





A browser based on Mozilla, very fast, comfortable, multiplatform, extendible.

For some usefull tricks, click on the Examples link above (sorry, this is an auto generated page!).


Forked from Mozilla.


One, or probably, the first graphical browser available for GNU/Linux.

I don't like it really. I prefere Galeon or Firefox instead.

Mozilla Firebird

An other browser based on Mozilla.

Kexi (I haven't tried it yet)

Something like MS Access.



The default GNOME browser.


The default KDE browser.

I don't know it very well, but it seems to be very valid.



The package j2re provides a SUN Java Virtual Machine.


The flashplugin-nonfree package provides a flashplayer.

Personal Security Manager (PSM)

The mozilla-psm package provides access to SSL sites (https) and IMAP/S mail.

Collection of Mozilla based plugins

Plugins and extensions for Firefox, Galeon, Mozilla,



Completely based on KDE.



Convert audio CD to wav files.


Copy CD on the fly.


A very powerful command line tool for CDs and DVDs.

A lot of graphical tools use this programm to interact with the CDs and DVDs.


A nice and easy to use GUI for CD burning. Unfortunately, it can't do a lot of jobs!

K3b (GUI)

A very complete, nice and user friendly tool for doing all your stuffs with CDs and DVDs.

Gcombust (GUI)

A very powerfull tool for doing a lot of jobs. Not for beginners!!!


Official Gnome tool for burning CD and DVD.



Create ISO filesystems (or if you prefere, ISO images).


Never tried and probably will never try due its license.

Commercial tool for CD/DVD burning. Who has tried it reported that is not better as K3B.

WARNING! This tool is not Free Software!


WebCdWriter (I haven't tried it yet)

Write CD/DVD directly from net.



This is application is window manager independent.



This is a modified Knoppix distro using the OpenMosix kernel.



A very simple cluster, easy to install and configure.

The only disadvantage is that the kernel is not supported yet and patches exist only for vanilla kernels.



The big advantage of this cluster, is that it can configure all the nodes automatically.

Unfortunately, it does not support the kernel.

Currently, it does not exist a Debian package.



The default KDE archive manager.


File roller

The default GNOME archive manager.


p7zip (I haven't tried it yet)

File archiver with highest compression ratio.



FirebirdSQL (I haven't tried it yet)

This is a multi platform database.



A very powerful database, so good as a lot of proprietary databases (or may be also better!).

PostgreSQL (I haven't tried it yet)




A nice GUI to graphically design your database.

It can connect to a DB server, get already existing databases, edit them and restore them to the server.

Druid (I haven't tried it yet)

GUI to simply handle database tables.


Источник: []
Module for Perl 5.12 Email 9.1.2 serial key or number

Symbols & Numbers | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Index: C

extension modules, building: Problem (Perl Cookbook)
writing modules in: Problem (Perl Cookbook)
C, CC backends (Perl compiler): The Perl Compiler (Perl in a Nutshell)
-c (character special) file test: Named Unary and File Test Operators (Programming Perl)
-c (check syntax) command-line switch: Switches (Programming Perl)
How Perl Works (Programming Perl)
Special Variables in Alphabetical Order (Programming Perl)
-C command-line switch: Discussion (Perl Cookbook)
Discussion (Perl Cookbook)
c command (Perl debugger): Debugger Commands (Perl in a Nutshell)
-c file test operator: File Test Operators (Perl in a Nutshell)
C header files, translating with h2ph: Problem (Perl Cookbook)
C<> interior sequence (pod): Interior Sequences (Perl in a Nutshell)
C language: Glossary (Programming Perl)
accesing Perl from enclosing framework: Compiler Backends (Programming Perl)
C code generators: The C Code Generators (Programming Perl)
C stack, storing C variables on: Executing Your Code (Programming Perl)
C-style logical operators: C-Style Logical (Short-Circuit) Operators (Programming Perl)
fcntl.h definitions, loading as Perl constants: Operating System Interfaces (Programming Perl)
header files: Glossary (Programming Perl)
library functions: Functions (Programming Perl)
library, signals triggering core dumps in: Signals (Programming Perl)
operators missing in Perl: C Operators Missing from Perl (Programming Perl)
operators, precedence relationships: 3. Unary and Binary Operators (Programming Perl)
Perl, extending with: Extending Perl (Using C from Perl) (Programming Perl)
creating extensions: Creating Extensions (Programming Perl)
external C library, using functions from: Using Functions from an External C Library (Programming Perl)
XSUBs and XS language: XS and XSUBs (Programming Perl)
Perl extensions and: Internals and Externals (Programming Perl)
Perl functions, wrapping around: XS and XSUBs (Programming Perl)
Perl, running from
Perl stack, manipulating: Fiddling with the Perl Stack from C (Programming Perl)
Perl, using from: Embedding Perl (Using Perl from C) (Programming Perl)
adding Perl interpreter: Adding a Perl Interpreter to Your C Program (Programming Perl)
compiling embedded Perl programs: Compiling Embedded Programs (Programming Perl)
Perl statement, evaluating: Evaluating a Perl Statement from C (Programming Perl)
Perl subroutine, calling from: Calling a Perl Subroutine from C (Programming Perl)
XSUB input and output: XSUB Input and Output (Programming Perl)
preprocessor: Glossary (Programming Perl)
programming, differences from Perl: C Traps (Programming Perl)
structs: pack (Programming Perl)
syslog functions, using in Perl: Operating System Interfaces (Programming Perl)
wrapper programs: Unix Kernel Security Bugs (Programming Perl)
\C, matching single byte in C language: Effects of Character Semantics (Programming Perl)
/c modifier, failed matches, searching past: Progressive Matching (Programming Perl)
-C (native wide characters) command-line switch: Building Character (Programming Perl)
-c option (perlbug): The perlbug Program (Perl in a Nutshell)
-C option (perlcc): The Perl Compiler (Perl in a Nutshell)
/c pattern modifier: The tr/// Operator (Transliteration) (Programming Perl)
C preprocessor: Switches (Programming Perl)
C programming language
DBM files and: Using a DBM Hash (Learning Perl)
operators and: The Ternary Operator, ?: (Learning Perl)
\C wildcard metasymbol: Wildcard Metasymbols (Programming Perl)
cacheout( ): Discussion (Perl Cookbook)
caching: Garbage Collection, Circular References, and Weak References (Programming Perl)
caching open filehandles: Problem (Perl Cookbook)
calc_new_date( ): Solution (Perl Cookbook)
calc_new_date_time( ): Solution (Perl Cookbook)
calculating prime numbers: Program: Calculating Prime Factors (Perl Cookbook)
call( ) (SOAP::Lite): SOAP::Lite Methods (Perl in a Nutshell)
callbacks: Closures (Programming Perl)
Glossary (Programming Perl)
accessing variables: Closures (Learning Perl Objects, References and Modules)
Returning a Subroutine from a Subroutine (Learning Perl Objects, References and Modules)
find( ) function and: Closures (Learning Perl Objects, References and Modules)
Closures (Learning Perl Objects, References and Modules)
invoking subroutines multiple times: Returning a Subroutine from a Subroutine (Learning Perl Objects, References and Modules)
subroutine references and: Callbacks (Learning Perl Objects, References and Modules)
Callbacks (Learning Perl Objects, References and Modules)
callbacks, widget (Perl/Tk): Callbacks (Perl in a Nutshell)
caller( ): 5. Function Reference (Perl in a Nutshell)
Solution (Perl Cookbook)
names of subroutines: Solution (Perl Cookbook)
caller function: Fatal Errors with die (Learning Perl)
caller (Programming Perl)
Perl versions, changes in return value: Previous Perl Traps (Programming Perl)
by reference: Glossary (Programming Perl)
by value: Glossary (Programming Perl)
subroutines indirectly: Syntax (Programming Perl)
Camel book: Why Didn't Larry Just Use Some Other Language? (Learning Perl)
Are There Any Other Kinds of Support? (Learning Perl)
Camel image: Books (Perl in a Nutshell)
can( ): Discussion (Perl Cookbook)
can method: UNIVERSAL: The Ultimate Ancestor Class (Programming Perl)
can method (UNIVERSAL): Testing Your Objects for Good Behavior (Learning Perl Objects, References and Modules)
Testing Your Objects for Good Behavior (Learning Perl Objects, References and Modules)
cancel( ) (Mail::Send): Better Header Control with Mail::Send (Perl in a Nutshell)
CancelConnection( ) (WinNetResource): WinNetResource (Perl in a Nutshell)
can_ok function (Test::More): Writing Tests with Test::More (Learning Perl Objects, References and Modules)
canon( ) (Mail::Address): Mail::Address Reference (Perl in a Nutshell)
canonical decomposition, characters: Standard Unicode properties (Programming Perl)
canonicalization: Glossary (Programming Perl)
characters, information on: Effects of Character Semantics (Programming Perl)
CanonicalizeURL( ) (WinInternet): General Internet Methods (Perl in a Nutshell)
can_read( ): Discussion (Perl Cookbook)
Canvas widget (Perl/Tk): The Canvas Widget (Perl in a Nutshell)
Capini, Aldo: Win32 Modules and Extensions (Perl in a Nutshell)
capitalization: Names (Programming Perl)
uc (Programming Perl)
barewords, problems with: Or Leave the Quotes Out Entirely (Programming Perl)
case-insensitive hashes: Tie Example: Case-Insensitive Hash (Perl Cookbook)
case shifting and: Case Shifting (Learning Perl)
changing: The tr/// Operator (Transliteration) (Programming Perl)
converting case: Problem (Perl Cookbook)
escape sequences for: String Literals (Programming Perl)
honoring locale when matching: Problem (Perl Cookbook)
label names: Loop Statements (Programming Perl)
lc and lcfirst functions: lc (Programming Perl)
method names, tied variables: Tied Variables (Programming Perl)
in module names: Listings by Type (Programming Perl)
module names: Using Modules (Programming Perl)
of titles and headlines: Problem (Perl Cookbook)
package/module names: Programming with Style (Programming Perl)
subroutine names: Syntax (Programming Perl)
uppercase, converting to (\u escape): The s/// Operator (Substitution) (Programming Perl)
vs. lowercase in variable names: Choosing Good Variable Names (Learning Perl)
capturing in patterns: Capturing (Programming Perl)
Glossary (Programming Perl)
suppressing in clustering: Clustering (Programming Perl)
words, alphanumeric: The m// Operator (Matching) (Programming Perl)
caret (^)
in [] construct: Character Classes (Perl in a Nutshell)
grid geometry manager placeholder: The grid Geometry Manager (Perl in a Nutshell)
line boundary: Beginnings: The \A and ^ Assertions (Programming Perl)
regular expression metacharacter: Regular Expression Syntax (Perl in a Nutshell)
XOR bitwise operator: Bitwise Operators (Perl in a Nutshell)
^= (assignment) operator: Assignment Operators (Perl in a Nutshell)
caret anchor (^) indicating beginning of string: Anchors (Learning Perl)
Carp module: Solution (Perl Cookbook)
Carp (Perl in a Nutshell)
Scalar-Tying Methods (Programming Perl)
Warnings and Exceptions (Programming Perl)
Carp (Programming Perl)
carriage returns: Problem (Perl Cookbook)
Newlines (Programming Perl)
(see also newlines)
cascade( ) (Menubutton): Menubutton Methods (Perl in a Nutshell)
cascading menu entries: Discussion (Perl Cookbook)
case-sensitive matching, switching off: When backslashes happen (Programming Perl)
escape sequences for
processing during variable interpolation pass: Metasymbol Tables (Programming Perl)
matching, /i operator: Pattern Modifiers (Programming Perl)
translation operators, using Unicode tables: Effects of Character Semantics (Programming Perl)
case-insensitive matching, /i modifier for: Case-insensitive Matching with /i (Learning Perl)
case sensitivity: The tr/// Operator (Transliteration) (Programming Perl)
capitalizing titles and headlines: Problem (Perl Cookbook)
converting case: Problem (Perl Cookbook)
hashes: Tie Example: Case-Insensitive Hash (Perl Cookbook)
honoring locale when matching: Problem (Perl Cookbook)
/i modifier (case insensitive): Pattern Modifiers (Programming Perl)
case shifting: Case Shifting (Learning Perl)
case statement: Case Structures (Programming Perl)
case structure: Case Structures (Programming Perl)
data types: Glossary (Programming Perl)
strings and: Scalar Values (Programming Perl)
cat command (Unix): Hash-Tying Methods (Programming Perl)
of functions: Perl Functions by Category (Programming Perl)
categories, characters: Standard Unicode properties (Programming Perl)
catfile method (File::Spec): Sample Object-Oriented Interface: File::Spec (Learning Perl Objects, References and Modules)
cbreak mode: Solution (Perl Cookbook)
cbreak option: getc (Programming Perl)
C/C++ languages, static variables: Scoping Issues (Programming Perl)
cc( ) (Mail::Send): Better Header Control with Mail::Send (Perl in a Nutshell)
C_constant function (ExtUtils::Constant module): ExtUtils::Constant (Perl in a Nutshell)
cd command (Unix): Moving Around the Directory Tree (Learning Perl)
Cd( ) (WinInternet): FTP Functions (Perl in a Nutshell)
CDATA, XML: CDATA (Perl Cookbook)
CdataEnd handler (Expat): Expat Handlers (Perl in a Nutshell)
CdataStart handler (Expat): Expat Handlers (Perl in a Nutshell)
cdup( ) (Net::FTP): Net::FTP (Perl in a Nutshell)
ceil( ): Discussion (Perl Cookbook)
centering: Format Variables (Programming Perl)
/cg pattern modifier: The m// Operator (Matching) (Programming Perl)
cget( ) (Perl/Tk): The cget method (Perl in a Nutshell)
Perl modules for: The CPAN modules Directory (Programming Perl)
:cgi, :cgi-lib method groups: Importing Method Groups (Perl in a Nutshell)
CGI module: B The CGI and CGI_Lite Modules (Learning Perl)
B The Common Gateway Interface (CGI) (Learning Perl)
Custom Import Routines (Learning Perl Objects, References and Modules)
World Wide Web (Programming Perl)
managing HTML forms with: CGI (Programming Perl)
CGI modules: CGI (Perl in a Nutshell)
CGI::Apache module: CGI::Apache (Perl in a Nutshell)
CGI::Carp module: CGI::Carp (Perl in a Nutshell)
CGI::Cookie module: CGI::Cookie (Perl in a Nutshell)
CGI::Fast module: CGI::Fast (Perl in a Nutshell)
CGI::Pretty: CGI::Pretty (Perl in a Nutshell)
CGI::Push module: CGI::Push (Perl in a Nutshell)
CGI::Switch module: CGI::Switch (Perl in a Nutshell)
CGI programming: Introduction (Perl Cookbook)
chemiserie program: Program: chemiserie (Perl Cookbook)
cookies: Problem (Perl Cookbook)
debugging raw HTTP exchange: Problem (Perl Cookbook)
fixing server errors: Problem (Perl Cookbook)
form parameters: Discussion (Perl Cookbook)
Discussion (Perl Cookbook)
HTTP methods: Behind the Scenes (Perl Cookbook)
Discussion (Perl Cookbook)
improving efficiency of: Problem (Perl Cookbook)
migrating to mod_perl: Problem (Perl Cookbook)
multiscreen scripts: Problem (Perl Cookbook)
performance: Introduction (Perl Cookbook)
Introduction (Perl Cookbook)
redirecting browsers: Problem (Perl Cookbook)
redirecting error messages: Problem (Perl Cookbook)
saving and mailing HTML forms: Problem (Perl Cookbook)
security and: Security (Perl Cookbook)
Problem (Perl Cookbook)
executing user commands: Problem (Perl Cookbook)
shopping cart application, developing: Problem (Perl Cookbook)
sticky widgets: Problem (Perl Cookbook)
writing scripts: Problem (Perl Cookbook)
CGI programs: 9. CGI Overview (Perl in a Nutshell)
debugging: Debugging (Perl in a Nutshell)
environment variables for: CGI Environment Variables (Perl in a Nutshell)
extra path information: Extra Path Information (Perl in a Nutshell)
maintaining state: Maintaining State (Perl in a Nutshell)
named parameters: Named Parameters (Perl in a Nutshell)
running with mod_perl: Running CGI Scripts with mod_perl (Perl in a Nutshell)
URL encoding: URL Encoding (Perl in a Nutshell)
CGI scripts
input, evaluating (Safe module): Safe examples (Programming Perl)
taint mode, necessity of running under: Handling Insecure Data (Programming Perl)
CGI::Apache module: World Wide Web (Programming Perl)
CGI::Carp module: Solution (Perl Cookbook)
Is the script valid Perl? (Perl Cookbook)
World Wide Web (Programming Perl)
CGI::Carp (Programming Perl)
CGI::Cookie module: Description (Perl Cookbook)
World Wide Web (Programming Perl)
accessing values: Discussion (Perl Cookbook)
CGI::Fast module: World Wide Web (Programming Perl)
CGI_Lite module: B The CGI and CGI_Lite Modules (Learning Perl)
B The Common Gateway Interface (CGI) (Learning Perl) module: Architecture (Perl Cookbook)
9. CGI Overview (Perl in a Nutshell)
The Module (Perl in a Nutshell)
creating sticky widgets: Solution (Perl Cookbook)
debugging scripts: Debugging (Perl in a Nutshell)
generating HTML tags: HTML Tag Generation (Perl in a Nutshell)
HTML helper functions: Solution (Perl Cookbook)
importing method groups: Importing Method Groups (Perl in a Nutshell)
JavaScript features with: Using JavaScript Features (Perl in a Nutshell)
managing cookies: Problem (Perl Cookbook)
named parameters: Named Parameters (Perl in a Nutshell)
writing CGI scripts: Discussion (Perl Cookbook)
CGI::Pretty module: World Wide Web (Programming Perl)
CGI::Push module: World Wide Web (Programming Perl)
Changes file: Looking at the Templates (Learning Perl Objects, References and Modules)
ChangeType( ) (WinOLE::Variant): WinOLE::Variant Methods (Perl in a Nutshell)
Char handler (Expat): Expat Handlers (Perl in a Nutshell)
character classes: Character Classes (Learning Perl)
Character Classes (Perl in a Nutshell)
Regular Expressions (Programming Perl)
Character Classes (Programming Perl)
The Little Engine That /Could(n't)?/ (Programming Perl)
Glossary (Programming Perl)
confusing with array subscripts: Interpolating Array Values (Programming Perl)
custom: Custom Character Classes (Programming Perl)
matching against character properties in Unicode: Effects of Character Semantics (Programming Perl)
metasymbols used within: Metasymbol Tables (Programming Perl)
Perl classic: Defining your own character properties (Programming Perl)
Perl shortcuts for: Classic Perl Character Class Shortcuts (Programming Perl)
POSIX-style: POSIX-Style Character Classes (Programming Perl)
predefined, availability of: Effects of Character Semantics (Programming Perl)
Unicode properties: Unicode Properties (Programming Perl)
wildcard metasymbols and: Wildcard Metasymbols (Programming Perl)
character metasymbols
in character classes: Custom Character Classes (Programming Perl)
character semantics, effects of: Effects of Character Semantics (Programming Perl)
character sets
ordering and ranges of characters in: The tr/// Operator (Transliteration) (Programming Perl)
Unicode: Unicode (Programming Perl)
character sets, portability of: Internationalization (Programming Perl)
characters: Strings (Learning Perl)
Atoms (Programming Perl)
The Little Engine That /Could(n't)?/ (Programming Perl)
Glossary (Programming Perl)
prototype: Prototypes (Programming Perl)
aliases for: Specific Characters (Programming Perl)
bytes vs.: Unicode (Programming Perl)
Functions (Programming Perl)
case of (see capitalization)
case shifting and: Case Shifting (Learning Perl)
converting ASCII to and from HTML: Problem (Perl Cookbook)
converting between fixed 8-bit and variable-length UTF Building Character (Programming Perl)
converting between values: Problem (Perl Cookbook)
converting case: Problem (Perl Cookbook)
decomposition of: Standard Unicode properties (Programming Perl)
deleting: chomp (Programming Perl)
$[ variable: Special Variables in Alphabetical Order (Programming Perl)
escaping: Problem (Perl Cookbook)
in formats: pack (Programming Perl)
funny characters preceding variable names: Tied Variables (Programming Perl)
Glossary (Programming Perl)
getting ASCII values of: ord (Programming Perl)
getting from ASCII values: chr (Programming Perl)
getting from Unicode values: chr (Programming Perl)
hexadecimal (see hexadecimal characters)
l (lowercase) character: Character Classes (Perl in a Nutshell)
length in: length (Programming Perl)
matching letters: Problem (Perl Cookbook)
matching with /s modifier: Matching Any Character with /s (Learning Perl)
metacharacters: The Regular Expression Bestiary (Programming Perl)
octal (see octal characters)
parsing command-line arguments: Problem (Perl Cookbook)
in patterns: The Regular Expression Bestiary (Programming Perl)
processing individually: Problem (Perl Cookbook)
properties: Defining your own character properties (Programming Perl)
Glossary (Programming Perl)
defining your own: Defining your own character properties (Programming Perl)
replacing in strings: The tr/// Operator (Transliteration) (Programming Perl)
reversing: Problem (Perl Cookbook)
single-character input: getc (Programming Perl)
special: The Little Engine That /Could(n't)?/ (Programming Perl)
text color, changing: Problem (Perl Cookbook)
transliterating/counting with tr/// operator: B Transliteration with tr/// (Learning Perl)
u (uppercase) character: Character Classes (Perl in a Nutshell)
wildcard matches for: Wildcard Metasymbols (Programming Perl)
charnames: Discussion (Perl Cookbook)
charnames (Perl in a Nutshell)
charnames::viacode( ): Discussion (Perl Cookbook)
charnames::vianame( ): Discussion (Perl Cookbook)
charnames module: Internationalization and Locale (Programming Perl)
charts, generating: 7. Formats (Programming Perl)
chdir( ): 5. Function Reference (Perl in a Nutshell)
chdir command, calling without argument: Environment Variables (Programming Perl)
chdir function: chdir (Programming Perl)
precedence and: Terms and List Operators (Leftward) (Programming Perl)
chdir operator: Moving Around the Directory Tree (Learning Perl)
CHECK blocks: The Life Cycle of a Perl Program (Programming Perl)
How Perl Works (Programming Perl)
order of running: Avant-Garde Compiler, Retro Interpreter (Programming Perl)
checkbox( ) ( Reference (Perl in a Nutshell)
checkbox_group( ) ( Reference (Perl in a Nutshell)
checkbutton menu entries: Discussion (Perl Cookbook)
checkbutton( ) (Menubutton): Menubutton Methods (Perl in a Nutshell)
Checkbutton widget (Perl/Tk): The Checkbutton Widget (Perl in a Nutshell)
checking, taint: Handling Insecure Data (Programming Perl)
checksums: unpack (Programming Perl)
chemiserie program: Program: chemiserie (Perl Cookbook)
chemistry, Perl modules for: The CPAN modules Directory (Programming Perl)
child processes: wait (Programming Perl)
(see also processes)
ID, returning: fork (Programming Perl)
readable, starting: Anonymous Pipes (Programming Perl)
starting writeable: Anonymous Pipes (Programming Perl)
child processes, managing: Process Management (Learning Perl)
$CHILD_ERROR: Special Variables in Alphabetical Order (Programming Perl)
$CHILD_ERROR ($?) variable: Global Special Variables (Perl in a Nutshell)
children method (XML::Parser::ContentModel): XML::Parser::ContentModel Methods (Perl in a Nutshell)
chmod( ): 5. Function Reference (Perl in a Nutshell)
A Simple Program (Learning Perl)
Modifying Permissions (Learning Perl)
How to Do It (Programming Perl)
chmod (Programming Perl)
Modifying Permissions (Learning Perl)
chomp( ): 5. Function Reference (Perl in a Nutshell)
chomp function: Filehandles (Programming Perl)
chomp (Programming Perl)
chomp operator: The chomp Operator (Learning Perl)
chop( ): 5. Function Reference (Perl in a Nutshell)
chop function: Filehandles (Programming Perl)
chop (Programming Perl)
chop (Programming Perl)
(see also chomp function)
chown( ): 5. Function Reference (Perl in a Nutshell)
chown function: Changing Ownership (Learning Perl)
chown (Programming Perl)
chr( ): 5. Function Reference (Perl in a Nutshell)
Discussion (Perl Cookbook)
Effects of Character Semantics (Programming Perl)
chr (Programming Perl)
Christiansen, Tom: (Perl in a Nutshell)
chroot( ): 5. Function Reference (Perl in a Nutshell)
chroot function: chroot (Programming Perl)
chroot syscall: Restricting namespace access (Programming Perl)
chunk number, die function and: Fatal Errors with die (Learning Perl)
data structures: Problem (Perl Cookbook)
lists: Problem (Perl Cookbook)
circular references: Garbage Collection, Circular References, and Weak References (Programming Perl)
breaking: Garbage Collection with DESTROY Methods (Programming Perl)
overloading, avoiding in: Overloadable Operators (Programming Perl)
circumfix operator: Glossary (Programming Perl)
Clark, James: XML Parsing and Validation (Perl in a Nutshell)
class attributes (see class data)
class data: Problem (Perl Cookbook)
circular data structures: Problem (Perl Cookbook)
class inheritance: Class Inheritance (Programming Perl)
Class::ISA module: Class::ISA (Perl in a Nutshell)
class methods: Methods (Perl Cookbook)
Some Notes on Object Terminology (Perl Cookbook)
Solution (Perl Cookbook)
Object Syntax (Perl in a Nutshell)
Brief Refresher on Object-Oriented Lingo (Programming Perl)
Glossary (Programming Perl)
building instances: How to Build a Horse (Learning Perl Objects, References and Modules)
constructors as: Inheritable Constructors (Programming Perl)
File::Spec module and: Sample Object-Oriented Interface: File::Spec (Learning Perl Objects, References and Modules)
instance methods and: Invoking an Instance Method (Learning Perl Objects, References and Modules)
OO modules and: The Differences Between OO and Non-OO Modules (Learning Perl Objects, References and Modules)
package names as invocants for: Method Invocation (Programming Perl)
restricting to: Restricting a Method to Class-Only or Instance-Only (Learning Perl Objects, References and Modules)
Thread class: The Thread Module (Programming Perl)
-class option
Frame widget: The Frame Widget (Perl in a Nutshell)
toplevel widget: The Toplevel Widget (Perl in a Nutshell)
class variables: Using Class Variables (Learning Perl Objects, References and Modules)
Class::Contract module: Using Closures for Private Objects (Programming Perl)
classes: Under the Hood (Perl Cookbook)
The File::Spec Module (Learning Perl)
Packages (Programming Perl)
Brief Refresher on Object-Oriented Lingo (Programming Perl)
Glossary (Programming Perl)
accessing overridden methods: Problem (Perl Cookbook)
accessors and: Creating Getters and Setters More Easily (Learning Perl Objects, References and Modules)
base (see base classes)
data, managing for: Managing Class Data (Programming Perl)
storing references to class data in object itself: Managing Class Data (Programming Perl)
defined: Introducing the Method Invocation Arrow (Learning Perl Objects, References and Modules)
definitions of
object-oriented modules as: Using Modules (Programming Perl)
derived (see derived classes)
determining subclass membership: Problem (Perl Cookbook)
functions dealing with: Perl Functions by Category (Programming Perl)
generating methods with AUTOLOAD: Methods (Perl Cookbook)
Problem (Perl Cookbook)
generating with Class::Struct module: Generating Classes with Class::Struct (Programming Perl)
generic: Some Notes on Object Terminology (Perl Cookbook)
implementing tie: Tied Variables (Programming Perl)
implementing tied filehandles: Tying Filehandles (Programming Perl)
implementing tied hashes: Tying Hashes (Programming Perl)
inheritance: Inheritance (Perl Cookbook)
Problem (Perl Cookbook)
inheritance among: Class Inheritance (Programming Perl)
base module: Perl Language Extensions and Internals (Programming Perl)
method autoloading: Method Autoloading (Programming Perl)
overridden methods, accessing: Accessing Overridden Methods (Programming Perl)
private methods, avoiding with: Private Methods (Programming Perl)
UNIVERSAL class and: UNIVERSAL: The Ultimate Ancestor Class (Programming Perl)
instances and: A Horse Is a Horse, of Course of Course&#x;or Is It? (Learning Perl Objects, References and Modules)
@ISA array, including with base pragma: Inheritance Through @ISA (Programming Perl)
methods working with: Making a Method Work with Either Classes or Instances (Learning Perl Objects, References and Modules)
modules vs.: Packages (Programming Perl)
objects, giving to: Object Construction (Programming Perl)
package: The Arrow Operator (Programming Perl)
tie (Programming Perl)
untie (Programming Perl)
packages as: Perl's Object System (Programming Perl)
pseudohash implementations of: my (Programming Perl)
quoting packages for: Package-Quoted Classes (Programming Perl)
scalar-tying: Scalar-Tying Methods (Programming Perl)
as structs: Problem (Perl Cookbook)
superclasses: Some Notes on Object Terminology (Perl Cookbook)
UNIVERSAL class and: UNIVERSAL Methods (Learning Perl Objects, References and Modules)
version number, returning: UNIVERSAL: The Ultimate Ancestor Class (Programming Perl)
virtual methods and: A Exercise (Section ) (Learning Perl Objects, References and Modules)
classes, functions for: Perl Functions by Category (Perl in a Nutshell)
classes, Perl: Character Classes (Programming Perl)
Class::MethodMaker module: Creating Getters and Setters More Easily (Learning Perl Objects, References and Modules)
Class::Multimethods module: Accessing Overridden Methods (Programming Perl)
Class::Struct module: Solution (Perl Cookbook)
Data Types (Programming Perl)
Class::Struct (Programming Perl)
Class::Template module: Class::Struct (Perl in a Nutshell)
clean command ( Installing Modules with the CPAN Module (Perl in a Nutshell)
cleaning up after modules: Problem (Perl Cookbook)
Clear( )
WinEventLog module: WinEventlog (Perl in a Nutshell)
clear command, clearing the screen: Solution (Perl Cookbook)
clear( ) (HTTP::Cookies): HTTP::Cookies (Perl in a Nutshell)
clearerr( ): Discussion (Perl Cookbook)
clearing hashes: Hash-Tying Methods (Programming Perl)
clear_label( ) (Mail::Folder): Handle Folders with Mail::Folder (Perl in a Nutshell)
client( ) (Frame widget): Toplevel Methods (Perl in a Nutshell)
client-side socket connections: Client Connections (Perl in a Nutshell)
Client-Side Sockets (Perl in a Nutshell)
clients: Glossary (Programming Perl)
bidirectional: Problem (Perl Cookbook)
FTP: Problem (Perl Cookbook)
TCP: Problem (Perl Cookbook)
UDP, setting up: Problem (Perl Cookbook)
clients, networking
getting name of: Networking Servers (Programming Perl)
clients, TCP: Networking Clients (Programming Perl)
clipboard, manipulating: WinClipboard (Perl in a Nutshell)
cloisters: Cloistered Pattern Modifiers (Programming Perl)
Glossary (Programming Perl)
clone( )
HTTP::Headers module: HTTP::Headers (Perl in a Nutshell)
HTTP::Message module: HTTP::Message (Perl in a Nutshell)
LWP::UserAgent module: LWP::UserAgent (Perl in a Nutshell)
Clone( ) (WinOLE::Enum): WinOLE::Enum Methods (Perl in a Nutshell)
Close( )
WinInternet module: General Internet Methods (Perl in a Nutshell)
WinODBC: ODBC Methods and Properties (Perl in a Nutshell)
WinShortcut module: WinShortcut (Perl in a Nutshell)
close( )
file descriptors: Problem (Perl Cookbook)
file locks: Discussion (Perl Cookbook)
filehandles: I/O Operations (Perl Cookbook)
close function: Anonymous Pipes (Programming Perl)
close (Programming Perl)
close-on-exec flag: Special Variables in Alphabetical Order (Programming Perl)
close operator: Closing a Filehandle (Learning Perl)
closedir( ): 5. Function Reference (Perl in a Nutshell)
closedir( ): Introduction (Perl Cookbook)
closedir function: closedir (Programming Perl)
closedir operator: Directory Handles (Learning Perl)
-closeenough option (Canvas): The Canvas Widget (Perl in a Nutshell)
Resume( ) (WinPipe): WinPipe Methods (Perl in a Nutshell)
server connections (half-close): Networking Clients (Programming Perl)
closing tied filehandles: Filehandle-Tying Methods (Programming Perl)
closure variables: Closure Variables as Static Local Variables (Learning Perl Objects, References and Modules)
closures: Discussion (Perl Cookbook)
Discussion (Perl Cookbook)
Discussion (Perl Cookbook)
B Anonymous Subroutines and Closures (Learning Perl)
Lexically Scoped Variables: my (Programming Perl)
Closures (Programming Perl)
Glossary (Programming Perl)
assigning to glob to define subroutine: Autoloading (Programming Perl)
creating: Syntax (Programming Perl)
as function templates: Closures as function templates (Programming Perl)
functionality: Closures (Learning Perl Objects, References and Modules)
generating accessor methods with: Generating Accessors with Closures (Programming Perl)
lexical variables and: Closure Variables as Inputs (Learning Perl Objects, References and Modules)
nested subroutines, emulating with: Nested subroutines (Programming Perl)
as objects: Problem (Perl Cookbook)
persistence and: Closure Variables as Static Local Variables (Learning Perl Objects, References and Modules)
private objects, using for: Using Closures for Private Objects (Programming Perl)
scope and: Closure Variables as Inputs (Learning Perl Objects, References and Modules)
threads: Thread creation (Programming Perl)
Cls( ) (WinConsole): WinConsole (Perl in a Nutshell)
clustering in patterns: Clustering (Programming Perl)
Glossary (Programming Perl)
without capturing, reasons for: Clustering (Programming Perl)
cmp operator: Review of Sorting (Learning Perl Objects, References and Modules)
Some Numeric and String Comparison Operators (Programming Perl)
sort (Programming Perl)
cmp (three-way comparison operator): Advanced Sorting (Learning Perl)
cmp_ok routine (Test::More): Writing Tests with Test::More (Learning Perl Objects, References and Modules)
code: 8. Introduction to Objects (Learning Perl Objects, References and Modules)
(see also OOP)
compiling: But How Do I Compile Perl? (Learning Perl)
curly braces enclosing: The if Control Structure (Learning Perl)
The while Control Structure (Learning Perl)
decoupling: Dereferencing the Array Reference (Learning Perl Objects, References and Modules)
dynamic loading and: B Dynamic Loading (Learning Perl)
effienciency of: Programmer Efficiency (Programming Perl)
embedding: B Embedding (Learning Perl)
extracting and displaying with debugger: Locating Code (Programming Perl)
insecure, handling: Handling Insecure Code (Programming Perl)
code masquerading as data: Code Masquerading as Data (Programming Perl)
safe compartments for: Safe Compartments (Programming Perl)
safe examples: Safe examples (Programming Perl)
last operator for exiting early: The last Operator (Learning Perl)
mixing character semantics with byte semantics: Building Character (Programming Perl)
reading: Expression Modifiers (Learning Perl)
reusability of: Overriding the Methods (Learning Perl Objects, References and Modules)
Using Modules (Learning Perl Objects, References and Modules)
reusing: Programming with Style (Programming Perl)
testing coverage: Essential Testing (Learning Perl Objects, References and Modules)
used in this book, web site for: Code Examples (Learning Perl)
ways to share: The Cure for the Common Code (Learning Perl Objects, References and Modules)
while control structure for repeating blocks of: The while Control Structure (Learning Perl)
code generation: The Life Cycle of a Perl Program (Programming Perl)
Perl Compiler and Code Generator (Programming Perl)
code generators: Compiler Backends (Programming Perl)
Code Generators (Programming Perl)
Glossary (Programming Perl)
bytecode generator: The Bytecode Generator (Programming Perl)
C Code generators: The C Code Generators (Programming Perl)
code handlers (see handlers)
code( ) (HTTP::Response): HTTP::Response (Perl in a Nutshell)
code points, Unicode: Unicode Support in Perl (Perl Cookbook)
code references
AUTOLOAD method and: Using AUTOLOAD for Accessors (Learning Perl Objects, References and Modules)
overview: Referencing a Named Subroutine (Learning Perl Objects, References and Modules)
code size, library: Introduction (Perl Cookbook)
code subpatterns in regular expressions: Match-time code evaluation (Programming Perl)
Glossary (Programming Perl)
ColAttributes( ) (WinODBC): ODBC Methods and Properties (Perl in a Nutshell)
collating sequence: Glossary (Programming Perl)
collection objects: WinOLE::Enum (Perl in a Nutshell)
collisions, namespace: The Problem of Namespace Collisions (Learning Perl Objects, References and Modules)
Sample Object-Oriented Interface: File::Spec (Learning Perl Objects, References and Modules)
colon (:)
module names: Modules (Perl Cookbook)
package names: Introduction (Perl Cookbook)
Namespaces and Packages (Perl in a Nutshell)
color( ): Discussion (Perl Cookbook)
color of text, changing: Problem (Perl Cookbook)
-colormap option
Frame widget: The Frame Widget (Perl in a Nutshell)
toplevel widget: The Toplevel Widget (Perl in a Nutshell)
colormapwindows( ) (Frame widget): Toplevel Methods (Perl in a Nutshell)
colors, widget: Colors and Fonts (Perl in a Nutshell)
-column option (grid manager): The grid Geometry Manager (Perl in a Nutshell)
arranging du command output: Program: dutree (Perl Cookbook)
outputting text by: Program: words (Perl Cookbook)
parsing data by: Discussion (Perl Cookbook)
wrapping paragraphs by: Problem (Perl Cookbook)
-columnspan option (grid manager): The grid Geometry Manager (Perl in a Nutshell)
CombineURL( ) (WinInternet): General Internet Methods (Perl in a Nutshell)
combining character sequence, matching with \X: Wildcard Metasymbols (Programming Perl)
combining character sequence, \X, matching with: Effects of Character Semantics (Programming Perl)
comma (,)
Hashes. (Programming Perl)
in numbers: Problem (Perl Cookbook)
number legibility without: Numbers (Perl in a Nutshell)
operator: Comma operator (Perl in a Nutshell)
printing lists with: Problem (Perl Cookbook)
comma-separated values (see CSV)
entry, menu items: Discussion (Perl Cookbook)
interpreters: Discussion (Perl Cookbook)
command input operator (see backtick operator)
command line
Источник: []

What’s New in the Module for Perl 5.12 Email 9.1.2 serial key or number?

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System Requirements for Module for Perl 5.12 Email 9.1.2 serial key or number

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