3D Special Effects 1.3 serial key or number

3D Special Effects 1.3 serial key or number

3D Special Effects 1.3 serial key or number

3D Special Effects 1.3 serial key or number

3D film

Film made in three dimensions

3D films are motion pictures made to give an illusion of three-dimensional solidity, usually with the help of special viewing devices (glasses worn by viewers). They have existed in some form since 1915, but had been largely relegated to a niche in the motion picture industry because of the costly hardware and processes required to produce and display a 3D film, and the lack of a standardized format for all segments of the entertainment business. Nonetheless, 3D films were prominently featured in the 1950s in American cinema, and later experienced a worldwide resurgence in the 1980s and 1990s driven by IMAX high-end theaters and Disney-themed venues. 3D films became increasingly successful throughout the 2000s, peaking with the success of 3D presentations of Avatar in December 2009, after which 3D films again decreased in popularity.[1] Certain directors have also taken more experimental approaches to 3D filmmaking, most notably celebrated auteurJean-Luc Godard in his film 3x3D.


Before film[edit]

The basic components of 3D film were introduced separately between 1833 and 1839. Stroboscopic animation was developed by Joseph Plateau in 1832 and published in 1833 in the form of a stroboscopic disc, which he later called the fantascope and became better known as the phénakisticope. Around the very same time (1832/1833), Charles Wheatstone developed the stereoscope, but he didn't really make it public before June 1838. The first practical forms of photography were introduced in January 1839 by Louis Daguerre and Henry Fox Talbot. A combination of these elements into animated stereoscopic photography may have been conceived early on, but for decades it did not become possible to capture motion in real-time photographic recordings due to the long exposure times necessary for the light-sensitive emulsions that were used.

Charles Wheatstone got inventor Henry Fox Talbot to produce some calotype pairs for the stereoscope and received the first results in October 1840. Only a few more experimental stereoscopic photographs were made before David Brewster introduced his stereoscope with lenses in 1849. Wheatstone also approached Joseph Plateau with the suggestion to combine the stereoscope with stereoscopic photography. In 1849, Plateau published about this concept in an article about several improvements made to his fantascope and suggested a stop motion technique that would involve a series of photographs of purpose-made plaster statuettes in different poses.[2] The idea reached Jules Duboscq, an instrument maker who already marketed Plateau's Fantascope as well as the stereoscopes of Wheatstone and Brewster. In November 1852, Duboscq added the concept of his "Stéréoscope-fantascope, ou Bïoscope" to his stereoscope patent. Production of images proved very difficult, since the photographic sequence had to be carefully constructed from separate still images. The bioscope was no success and the only extant disc, without apparatus, is found in the Joseph Plateau collection of the University of Ghent. The disc contains 12 albumen image pairs of a machine in motion.[3]

Most of the other early attempts to create motion pictures also aimed to include the stereoscopic effect.

In November 1851, Antoine Claudet claimed to have created a stereoscope that showed people in motion.[4] The device initially only showed two phases, but during the next two years, Claudet worked on a camera that would record stereoscopic pairs for four different poses (patented in 1853).[5] Claudet found that the stereoscopic effect didn't work properly in this device, but believed the illusion of motion was successful.[6]

Johann Nepomuk Czermak published an article about his Stereophoroskop. His first idea to create animated images in 3D involved sticking pins in a stroboscopic disc in a sequence that would show the pin moving further into the cardboard and back. He also designed a device that would feed the image pairs from two stroboscopic discs into one lenticular stereoscope and a vertical predecessor of the zoetrope.[7]

On 27 February 1860 Peter Hubert Desvignes received British patent no. 537 for 28 monocular and stereoscopic variations of cylindrical stroboscopic devices. This included a version that used an endless band of pictures running between two spools that was intermittently lit by an electric spark.[8] Desvignes' Mimoscope, received an Honourable Mention "for ingenuity of construction" at the 1862 International Exhibition in London.[9] It could "exhibit drawings, models, single or stereoscopic photographs, so as to animate animal movements, or that of machinery, showing various other illusions."[10] Desvignes "employed models, insects and other objects, instead of pictures, with perfect success." The horizontal slits (like in Czermak's Stereophoroskop) allowed a much improved view, with both eyes, of the opposite pictures.[11]

In 1861 American engineer Coleman Sellers II received US patent No. 35,317 for the kinematoscope, a device that exhibited "stereoscopic pictures as to make them represent objects in motion". In his application he stated: "This has frequently been done with plane pictures but has never been, with stereoscopic pictures". He used three sets of stereoscopic photographs in a sequence with some duplicates to regulate the flow of a simple repetitive motion, but also described a system for very large series of pictures of complicated motion.[12][13]

On 11 August 1877, the Daily Alta newspaper announced a project by Eadward Muybridge and Leland Stanford to produce sequences of photographs of a running horse with 12 stereoscopic cameras. Muybridge had much experience with stereo photography and had already made instantaneous pictures of Stanford's horse Occident running at full speed. He eventually managed to shoot the proposed sequences of running horses in June 1878, with stereoscopic cameras. In 1898, Muybridge claimed that he had soon after placed the pictures in two synchronized zoetropes and placed mirrors as in Wheatstone's stereoscope resulting in "a very satisfactory reproduction of an apparently solid miniature horse trotting, and of another galloping".[14]

Thomas Edison demonstrated his phonograph on 29 November 1877, after previous announcements of the device for recording and replaying sound had been published earlier in the year. An article in Scientific American concluded "It is already possible, by ingenious optical contrivances, to throw stereoscopic photographs of people on screens in full view of an audience. Add the talking phonograph to counterfeit their voices and it would be difficult to carry the illusion of real presence much further". Wordsworth Donisthorpe announced in the 24 January 1878 edition of Nature that he would advance that conception: "By combining the phonograph with the kinesigraph I will undertake not only to produce a talking picture of Mr. Gladstone which, with motionless lips and unchanged expression shall positively recite his latest anti-Turkish speech in his own voice and tone. Not only this, but the life size photograph itself shall move and gesticulate precisely as he did when making the speech, the words and gestures corresponding as in real life."[15] A Dr. Phipson repeated this idea in a French photography magazine, but renamed the device "Kinétiscope" to reflect the viewing purpose rather than the recording option. This was picked up in the United States and discussed in an interview with Edison later in the year.[16] Neither Donisthorpe or Edison's later moving picture results were stereoscopic.

Early patents and tests[edit]

In the late 1890s, British film pioneer William Friese-Greene filed a patent for a 3D film process. In his patent, two films were projected side by side on screen. The viewer looked through a stereoscope to converge the two images. Because of the obtrusive mechanics behind this method, theatrical use was not practical.[17]

Frederic Eugene Ives patented his stereo camera rig in 1900. The camera had two lenses coupled together 1​34 inches (4.45 centimeters) apart.[18]

On June 10, 1915, Edwin S. Porter and William E. Waddell presented tests to an audience at the Astor Theater in New York City.[19] In red-green anaglyph, the audience was presented three reels of tests, which included rural scenes, test shots of Marie Doro, a segment of John Mason playing a number of passages from Jim the Penman (a film released by Famous Players-Lasky that year, but not in 3D), Oriental dancers, and a reel of footage of Niagara Falls.[20] However, according to Adolph Zukor in his 1953 autobiography The Public Is Never Wrong: My 50 Years in the Motion Picture Industry, nothing was produced in this process after these tests.

1909–1915: Alabastra and Kinoplastikon[edit]

By 1909 the German film market suffered much from overproduction and too much competition. German film tycoon Oskar Messter had initially gained much financial success with the Tonbild synchronized sound films of his Biophon system since 1903, but the films were losing money by the end of the decade and Messter would stop Tonbild production in 1913. Producers and exhibitors were looking into new film attractions and invested for instance in colorful imagery. The development of stereoscopic cinema seemed a logical step to lure visitors back into the movie theatres.

In 1909, German civil engineer August Engelsmann patented a process that projected filmed performances within a physical decor on an actual stage. Soon after, Messter obtained patents for a very similar process, probably by agreement with Engelsmann, and started marketing it as "Alabastra". Performers were brightly dressed and brightly lit while filmed against a black background, mostly miming their singing or musical skills or dancing to the circa four-minute pre-recorded phonographs. The film recordings would be projected from below, to appear as circa 30 inch figures on a glass pane in front of a small stage, in a setup very similar to the Pepper's ghost illusion that offered a popular stage trick technique since the 1860s. The glass pane was not visible to the audience and the projected figures seemed able to move around freely across the stage in their virtual tangible and lifelike appearance. The brightness of the figures was necessary to avoid see-through spots and made them resemble alabaster sculptures. To adapt to this appearance, several films featured Pierrot or other white clowns, while some films were probably hand-coloured. Although Alabastra was well received by the press, Messter produced few titles, hardly promoted them and abandoned it altogether a few years later. He believed the system to be uneconomical due to its need for special theatres instead of the widely available movie screens, and he didn't like that it seemed only suitable for stage productions and not for "natural" films. Nonetheless, there were numerous imitators in Germany and Messter and Engelsmann still teamed with American swindler Frank J. Goldsoll set up a short-lived variant named "Fantomo" in 1914.[21]

Rather in agreement with Messter or not, Karl Juhasz and Franz Haushofer opened a Kinoplastikon theatre in Vienna in 1911. Their patented system was very similar to Alabaster, but projected life-size figures from the wings of the stage. With much higher ticket prices than standard cinema, it was targeted at middle-class audiences to fill the gap between low-brow films and high-class theatre. Audiences reacted enthusiastically and by 1913 there reportedly were 250 theatres outside Austria, in France, Italy, United Kingdom, Russia and North America. However, the first Kinoplastikon in Paris started in January 1914 and the premiere in New York took place in the Hippodrome in March 1915. In 1913, Walter R. Booth directed 10 films for the U.K. Kinoplastikon, presumably in collaboration with Cecil Hepworth. Theodore Brown, the licensee in the U.K. also patented a variant with front and back projection and reflected decor, and Goldsoll applied for a very similar patent only 10 days later.[21] Further development and exploitation was probably haltered by World War I.

Alabastra and Kinoplastikon were often advertised as stereoscopic and screenless. Although in reality the effect was heavily dependent on glass screen projection and the films were not stereoscopic, the shows seemed truly three-dimensional as the figures were clearly separate from the background and virtually appeared inside the real, three-dimensional stage area without any visible screen.

Eventually, longer (multi-reel) films with story arcs proved to be the way out of the crisis in the movie market and supplanted the previously popular short films that mostly aimed to amuse people with tricks, gags or other brief variety and novelty attractions. Sound film, stereoscopic film and other novel techniques were relatively cumbersome to combine with multiple reels and were abandoned for a while.

Early systems of stereoscopic filmmaking (pre-1952)[edit]

Audience wearing special glasses watch a 3D "stereoscopic film" at the Telekinema on the South Bank in London during the Festival of Britain 1951.

The earliest confirmed 3D film shown to an out-of-house audience was The Power of Love, which premiered at the Ambassador Hotel Theater in Los Angeles on 27 September 1922.[22][23][24] The camera rig was a product of the film's producer, Harry K. Fairall, and cinematographer Robert F. Elder.[17] It was filmed dual-strip in black and white, and single strip color anaglyphic release prints were produced using a color film invented and patented by Harry K. Fairall. A single projector could be used to display the movie but anaglyph glasses were used for viewing. The camera system and special color release print film all received U.S Patent No. 1,784,515 on Dec 9, 1930.[25][26] After a preview for exhibitors and press in New York City, the film dropped out of sight, apparently not booked by exhibitors, and is now considered lost.

Early in December 1922, William Van Doren Kelley, inventor of the Prizma color system, cashed in on the growing interest in 3D films started by Fairall's demonstration and shot footage with a camera system of his own design. Kelley then struck a deal with Samuel "Roxy" Rothafel to premiere the first in his series of "Plasticon" shorts entitled Movies of the Future at the Rivoli Theater in New York City.

Also in December 1922, Laurens Hammond (later inventor of the Hammond organ) premiered his Teleview system, which had been shown to the trade and press in October. Teleview was the first alternating-frame 3D system seen by the public. Using left-eye and right-eye prints and two interlocked projectors, left and right frames were alternately projected, each pair being shown three times to suppress flicker. Viewing devices attached to the armrests of the theater seats had rotary shutters that operated synchronously with the projector shutters, producing a clean and clear stereoscopic result. The only theater known to have installed Teleview was the Selwyn Theater in New York City, and only one show was ever presented with it: a group of short films, an exhibition of live 3D shadows, and M.A.R.S., the only Teleview feature. The show ran for several weeks, apparently doing good business as a novelty (M.A.R.S. itself got poor reviews), but Teleview was never seen again.[27]

In 1922, Frederic Eugene Ives and Jacob Leventhal began releasing their first stereoscopic shorts made over a three-year period. The first film, entitled Plastigrams, was distributed nationally by Educational Pictures in the red-and-blue anaglyph format. Ives and Leventhal then went on to produce the following stereoscopic shorts in the "Stereoscopiks Series" released by Pathé Films in 1925: Zowie (April 10), Luna-cy! (May 18), The Run-Away Taxi (December 17) and Ouch (December 17).[28] On 22 September 1924, Luna-cy! was re-released in the De ForestPhonofilm sound-on-film system.[29]

The late 1920s to early 1930s saw little interest in stereoscopic pictures. In Paris, Louis Lumiere shot footage with his stereoscopic camera in September 1933. The following March he exhibited a remake of his 1895 short film L'Arrivée du Train, this time in anaglyphic 3D, at a meeting of the French Academy of Science.[30]

In 1936, Leventhal and John Norling were hired based on their test footage to film MGM's Audioscopiks series. The prints were by Technicolor in the red-and-green anaglyph format, and were narrated by Pete Smith. The first film, Audioscopiks, premiered January 11, 1936, and The New Audioscopiks premiered January 15, 1938. Audioscopiks was nominated for the Academy Award in the category Best Short Subject, Novelty in 1936.

With the success of the two Audioscopiks films, MGM produced one more short in anaglyph 3D, another Pete Smith Specialty called Third Dimensional Murder (1941). Unlike its predecessors, this short was shot with a studio-built camera rig. Prints were by Technicolor in red-and-blue anaglyph. The short is notable for being one of the few live-action appearances of the Frankenstein Monster as conceived by Jack Pierce for Universal Studios outside of their company.

While many of these films were printed by color systems, none of them was actually in color, and the use of the color printing was only to achieve an anaglyph effect.[31]

Introduction of Polaroid[edit]

While attending Harvard University, Edwin H. Land conceived the idea of reducing glare by polarizing light. He took a leave of absence from Harvard to set up a lab and by 1929 had invented and patented a polarizing sheet.[32] In 1932, he introduced Polaroid J Sheet as a commercial product.[33] While his original intention was to create a filter for reducing glare from car headlights, Land did not underestimate the utility of his newly dubbed Polaroid filters in stereoscopic presentations.

In January 1936, Land gave the first demonstration of Polaroid filters in conjunction with 3D photography at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel.[34][citation needed] The reaction was enthusiastic, and he followed it up with an installation at the New York Museum of Science.[citation needed] It is unknown what film was run for audiences at this exhibition.

Using Polaroid filters meant an entirely new form of projection, however. Two prints, each carrying either the right or left eye view, had to be synced up in projection using an external selsyn motor. Furthermore, polarized light would be largely depolarized by a matte white screen, and only a silver screen or screen made of other reflective material would correctly reflect the separate images.

Later that year, the feature, Nozze Vagabonde appeared in Italy, followed in Germany by Zum Greifen nah (You Can Nearly Touch It), and again in 1939 with Germany's Sechs Mädel rollen ins Wochenend (Six Girls Drive Into the Weekend). The Italian film was made with the Gualtierotti camera; the two German productions with the Zeiss camera and the Vierling shooting system. All of these films were the first exhibited using Polaroid filters. The Zeiss Company in Germany manufactured glasses on a commercial basis commencing in 1936; they were also independently made around the same time in Germany by E. Käsemann and by J. Mahler.[35]

In 1939, John Norling shot In Tune With Tomorrow, the first commercial 3D film using Polaroid in the US[citation needed]. This short premiered at the 1939 New York World's Fair and was created specifically for the Chrysler Motors Pavilion. In it, a full 1939 Chrysler Plymouth is magically put together, set to music. Originally in black and white, the film was so popular that it was re-shot in color for the following year at the fair, under the title New Dimensions.[citation needed] In 1953, it was reissued by RKO as Motor Rhythm.

Another early short that utilized the Polaroid 3D process was 1940's Magic Movies: Thrills For You produced by the Pennsylvania Railroad Co. for the Golden Gate International Exposition.[citation needed] Produced by John Norling, it was filmed by Jacob Leventhal using his own rig. It consisted of shots of various views that could be seen from the Pennsylvania Railroad's trains.

In the 1940s, World War II prioritized military applications of stereoscopic photography and it once again went on the back burner in most producers' minds.

The "golden era" (1952–1954)[edit]

What aficionados consider the "golden era" of 3D began in late 1952 with the release of the first color stereoscopic feature, Bwana Devil, produced, written and directed by Arch Oboler. The film was shot in "Natural Vision", a process that was co-created and controlled by M. L. Gunzberg. Gunzberg, who built the rig with his brother, Julian, and two other associates, shopped it without success to various studios before Oboler used it for this feature, which went into production with the title, The Lions of Gulu.[36] The critically panned film was nevertheless highly successful with audiences due to the novelty of 3D, which increased Hollywood interest in 3D during a period that had seen declining box-office admissions.[37]

As with practically all of the features made during this boom, Bwana Devil was projected dual-strip, with Polaroid filters. During the 1950s, the familiar disposable anaglyph glasses made of cardboard were mainly used for comic books, two shorts by exploitation specialist Dan Sonney, and three shorts produced by Lippert Productions. However, even the Lippert shorts were available in the dual-strip format alternatively.

Because the features utilized two projectors, the capacity limit of film being loaded onto each projector (about 6,000 feet (1,800 m), or an hour's worth of film) meant that an intermission was necessary for every feature-length film. Quite often, intermission points were written into the script at a major plot point.

During Christmas of 1952, producer Sol Lesser quickly premiered the dual-strip showcase called Stereo Techniques in Chicago.[38] Lesser acquired the rights to five dual-strip shorts. Two of them, Now is the Time (to Put On Your Glasses) and Around is Around, were directed by Norman McLaren in 1951 for the National Film Board of Canada. The other three films were produced in Britain for Festival of Britain in 1951 by Raymond Spottiswoode. These were A Solid Explanation, Royal River, and The Black Swan.

James Mage was also an early pioneer in the 3D craze. Using his 16 mm 3D Bolex system, he premiered his Triorama program on February 10, 1953, with his four shorts: Sunday In Stereo, Indian Summer, American Life, and This is Bolex Stereo.[39] This show is considered lost.

Another early 3D film during the boom was the Lippert Productions short, A Day in the Country, narrated by Joe Besser and composed mostly of test footage. Unlike all of the other Lippert shorts, which were available in both dual-strip and anaglyph, this production was released in anaglyph only.

April 1953 saw two groundbreaking features in 3D: Columbia'sMan in the Dark and Warner Bros.House of Wax, the first 3D feature with stereophonic sound. House of Wax, outside of Cinerama, was the first time many American audiences heard recorded stereophonic sound. It was also the film that typecast Vincent Price as a horror star as well as the "King of 3-D" after he became the actor to star in the most 3D features (the others were The Mad Magician, Dangerous Mission, and Son of Sinbad). The success of these two films proved that major studios now had a method of getting filmgoers back into theaters and away from television sets, which were causing a steady decline in attendance.

The Walt Disney Studios entered 3D with its May 28, 1953, release of Melody, which accompanied the first 3D western, Columbia's Fort Ti at its Los Angeles opening. It was later shown at Disneyland's Fantasyland Theater in 1957 as part of a program with Disney's other short Working for Peanuts, entitled, 3-D Jamboree. The show was hosted by the Mousketeers and was in color.

Universal-International released their first 3D feature on May 27, 1953, It Came from Outer Space, with stereophonic sound. Following that was Paramount's first feature, Sangaree with Fernando Lamas and Arlene Dahl.

Columbia released several 3D westerns produced by Sam Katzman and directed by William Castle. Castle would later specialize in various technical in-theater gimmicks for such Columbia and Allied Artists features as 13 Ghosts, House on Haunted Hill, and The Tingler. Columbia also produced the only slapstick comedies conceived for 3D. The Three Stooges starred in Spooks and Pardon My Backfire; dialect comic Harry Mimmo starred in Down the Hatch. Producer Jules White was optimistic about the possibilities of 3D as applied to slapstick (with pies and other projectiles aimed at the audience), but only two of his stereoscopic shorts were shown in 3D. Down the Hatch was released as a conventional, "flat" motion picture. (Columbia has since printed Down the Hatch in 3D for film festivals.)

John Ireland, Joanne Dru and Macdonald Carey starred in the Jack Broder color production Hannah Lee, which premiered June 19, 1953. The film was directed by Ireland, who sued Broder for his salary. Broder counter-sued, claiming that Ireland went over production costs with the film.[citation needed]

Another famous entry in the golden era of 3D was the 3 Dimensional Pictures production of Robot Monster. The film was allegedly scribed in an hour by screenwriter Wyott Ordung and filmed in a period of two weeks on a shoestring budget.[citation needed] Despite these shortcomings and the fact that the crew had no previous experience with the newly built camera rig, luck was on the cinematographer's side, as many find the 3D photography in the film is well shot and aligned. Robot Monster also has a notable score by then up-and-coming composer Elmer Bernstein. The film was released June 24, 1953, and went out with the short Stardust in Your Eyes, which starred nightclub comedian, Slick Slavin.[citation needed]

20th Century Fox produced their only 3D feature, Inferno in 1953, starring Rhonda Fleming. Fleming, who also starred in Those Redheads From Seattle, and Jivaro, shares the spot for being the actress to appear in the most 3D features with Patricia Medina, who starred in Sangaree, Phantom of the Rue Morgue and Drums of Tahiti. Darryl F. Zanuck expressed little interest in stereoscopic systems, and at that point was preparing to premiere the new widescreen film system, CinemaScope.

The first decline in the theatrical 3D craze started in August and September 1953. The factors causing this decline were:

  • Two prints had to be projected simultaneously.[citation needed]
  • The prints had to remain exactly alike after repair, or synchronization would be lost.[citation needed]
  • It sometimes required two projectionists to keep sync working properly.[citation needed]
  • When either prints or shutters became out of sync, even for a single frame, the picture became virtually unwatchable and accounted for headaches and eyestrain.[citation needed]
  • The necessary silver projection screen was very directional and caused sideline seating to be unusable with both 3D and regular films, due to the angular darkening of these screens. Later films that opened in wider-seated venues often premiered flat for that reason (such as Kiss Me Kate at the Radio City Music Hall).[citation needed]
  • A mandatory intermission was needed to properly prepare the theater's projectors for the showing of the second half of the film.[citation needed]

Because projection booth operators were at many times careless, even at preview screenings of 3D films, trade and newspaper critics claimed that certain films were "hard on the eyes."[citation needed]

Sol Lesser attempted to follow up Stereo Techniques with a new showcase, this time five shorts that he himself produced.[citation needed] The project was to be called The 3-D Follies and was to be distributed by RKO.[citation needed] Unfortunately, because of financial difficulties and the general loss of interest in 3D, Lesser canceled the project during the summer of 1953, making it the first 3D film to be aborted in production.[citation needed] Two of the three shorts were shot: Carmenesque, a burlesque number starring exotic dancer Lili St. Cyr, and Fun in the Sun, a sports short directed by famed set designer/director William Cameron Menzies, who also directed the 3D feature The Maze for Allied Artists.

Although it was more expensive to install, the major competing realism process was wide-screen, but two-dimensional, anamorphic, first utilized by Fox with CinemaScope and its September premiere in The Robe. Anamorphic films needed only a single print, so synchronization was not an issue. Cinerama was also a competitor from the start and had better quality control than 3D because it was owned by one company that focused on quality control. However, most of the 3D features past the summer of 1953 were released in the flat widescreen formats ranging from 1.66:1 to 1.85:1. In early studio advertisements and articles about widescreen and 3D formats, widescreen systems were referred to as "3D", causing some confusion among scholars.[citation needed]

There was no single instance of combining CinemaScope with 3D until 1960, with a film called September Storm, and even then, that was a blow-up from a non-anamorphic negative.[citation needed]September Storm also went out with the last dual-strip short, Space Attack, which was actually shot in 1954 under the title The Adventures of Sam Space.

In December 1953, 3D made a comeback with the release of several important 3D films, including MGM's musical Kiss Me, Kate. Kate was the hill over which 3D had to pass to survive. MGM tested it in six theaters: three in 3D and three flat.[citation needed] According to trade ads of the time, the 3D version was so well-received that the film quickly went into a wide stereoscopic release.[citation needed] However, most publications, including Kenneth Macgowan's classic film reference book Behind the Screen, state that the film did much better as a "regular" release. The film, adapted from the popular Cole PorterBroadway musical, starred the MGM songbird team of Howard Keel and Kathryn Grayson as the leads, supported by Ann Miller, Keenan Wynn, Bobby Van, James Whitmore, Kurt Kasznar and Tommy Rall. The film also prominently promoted its use of stereophonic sound.

Several other features that helped put 3D back on the map that month were the John Wayne feature Hondo (distributed by Warner Bros.), Columbia's Miss Sadie Thompson with Rita Hayworth, and Paramount's Money From Home with Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis. Paramount also released the cartoon shorts Boo Moon with Casper, the Friendly Ghost and Popeye, Ace of Space with Popeye the Sailor. Paramount Pictures released a 3D Korean War film Cease Fire filmed on actual Korean locations in 1953.[40]

Top Banana, based on the popular stage musical with Phil Silvers, was brought to the screen with the original cast. Although it was merely a filmed stage production, the idea was that every audience member would feel they would have the best seat in the house through color photography and 3D.[citation needed] Although the film was shot and edited in 3D, United Artists, the distributor, felt the production was uneconomical in stereoscopic form and released the film flat on January 27, 1954.[citation needed] It remains one of two "Golden era" 3D features, along with another United Artists feature, Southwest Passage (with John Ireland and Joanne Dru), that are currently considered lost (although flat versions survive).

A string of successful films filmed in 3D followed the second wave, but many were widely or exclusively shown flat. Some highlights are:

  • The French Line, starring Jane Russell and Gilbert Roland, a Howard Hughes/RKO production. The film became notorious for being released without an MPAA seal of approval, after several suggestive lyrics were included, as well as one of Ms. Russell's particularly revealing costumes.[citation needed] Playing up her sex appeal, one tagline for the film was, "It'll knock both of your eyes out!" The film was later cut and approved by the MPAA for a general flat release, despite having a wide and profitable 3D release.[citation needed]
  • Taza, Son of Cochise, a sequel to 1950s Broken Arrow, which starred Rock Hudson in the title role, Barbara Rush as the love interest, and Rex Reason (billed as Bart Roberts) as his renegade brother. Originally released flat through Universal-International. It was directed by the great stylist Douglas Sirk, and his striking visual sense made the film a huge success when it was "re-premiered" in 3D in 2006 at the Second 3D Expo in Hollywood.
  • Two ape films: Phantom of the Rue Morgue, featuring Karl Malden and Patricia Medina, produced by Warner Bros. and based on Edgar Allan Poe's "The Murders in the Rue Morgue", and Gorilla at Large, a Panoramic Production starring Cameron Mitchell, distributed flat and 3D through Fox.
  • Creature from the Black Lagoon, starring Richard Carlson and Julie Adams, directed by Jack Arnold. Although arguably the most famous 3D film, it was typically seen in 3D only in large urban theaters and shown flat in the many smaller neighborhood theaters.[41] It was the only 3D feature that spawned a 3D sequel, Revenge of the Creature, which was in turn followed by The Creature Walks Among Us, shot flat.
  • Dial M for Murder, directed by Alfred Hitchcock and starring Ray Milland, Robert Cummings, and Grace Kelly, is considered by aficionados of 3D to be one of the best examples of the process. Although available in 3D in 1954, there are no known playdates in 3D,[citation needed] since Warner Bros. had just instated a simultaneous 3D/2D release policy. The film's screening in 3D in February 1980 at the York Theater in San Francisco did so well that Warner Bros. re-released the film in 3D in February 1982. The film is now available on 3D Blu-ray, marking the first time it was released on home video in its 3D presentation.
  • Gog, the last episode in Ivan Tors' Office of Scientific Investigation (OSI) trilogy dealing with realistic science fiction (following The Magnetic Monster and Riders to the Stars). Most theaters showed it flat.
  • The Diamond (released in the United States as The Diamond Wizard), a 1954 British crime film starring Dennis O'Keefe. The only stereoscopic feature shot in Britain, released flat in both the UK and US.
  • Irwin Allen's Dangerous Mission released by RKO in 1954 featuring Allen's trademarks of an all-star cast facing a disaster (a forest fire). Bosley Crowther's New York Times review mentions that it was shown flat.
  • Son of Sinbad, another RKO/Howard Hughes production, starring Dale Robertson, Lili St. Cyr, and Vincent Price. The film was shelved after Hughes ran into difficulty with The French Line, and was not released until 1955, at which time it went out flat, converted to the SuperScope process.

3D's final decline was in the late spring of 1954, for the same reasons as the previous lull, as well as the further success of widescreen formats with theater operators. Even though Polaroid had created a well-designed "Tell-Tale Filter Kit" for the purpose of recognizing and adjusting out of sync and phase 3D,[citation needed] exhibitors still felt uncomfortable with the system and turned their focus instead to processes such as CinemaScope. The last 3D feature to be released in that format during the "Golden era" was Revenge of the Creature, on February 23, 1955. Ironically, the film had a wide release in 3D and was well received at the box office.[42]

Revival (1960–1984) in single strip format[edit]

Stereoscopic films largely remained dormant for the first part of the 1960s, with those that were released usually being anaglyph exploitation films. One film of notoriety was the Beaver-Champion/Warner Bros. production, The Mask (1961). The film was shot in 2-D, but to enhance the bizarre qualities of the dream-world that is induced when the main character puts on a cursed tribal mask, these scenes went to anaglyph 3D. These scenes were printed by Technicolor on their first run in red/green anaglyph.

Although 3D films appeared sparsely during the early 1960s, the true second wave of 3D cinema was set into motion by Arch Oboler, the producer who had started the craze of the 1950s. Using a new technology called Space-Vision 3D. The origin of "Space-Vision 3D" goes back to Colonel Robert Vincent Bernier, a forgotten innovator in the history of stereoscopic motion pictures. His Trioptiscope Space-Vision lens was the gold standard for the production and exhibition of 3-D films for nearly 30 years.[43] "Space-Vision 3D" stereoscopic films were printed with two images, one above the other, in a single academy ratio frame, on a single strip, and needed only one projector fitted with a special lens. This so-called "over and under" technique eliminated the need for dual projector set-ups, and produced widescreen, but darker, less vivid, polarized 3D images. Unlike earlier dual system, it could stay in perfect synchronization, unless improperly spliced in repair.

Arch Oboler once again had the vision for the system that no one else would touch, and put it to use on his film entitled The Bubble, which starred Michael Cole, Deborah Walley, and Johnny Desmond. As with Bwana Devil, the critics panned The Bubble, but audiences flocked to see it, and it became financially sound enough to promote the use of the system to other studios, particularly independents, who did not have the money for expensive dual-strip prints of their productions.

In 1970, Stereovision, a new entity founded by director/inventor Allan Silliphant and optical designer Chris Condon, developed a different 35 mm single-strip format, which printed two images squeezed side by side and used an anamorphic lens to widen the pictures through Polaroid filters. Louis K. Sher (Sherpix) and Stereovision released the softcore sex comedy The Stewardesses (self-rated X, but later re-rated R by the MPAA). The film cost US$100,000 to produce, and ran for months in several markets.[citation needed] eventually earning $27 million in North America, alone ($140 million in constant-2010 dollars) in fewer than 800 theaters, becoming the most profitable 3-Dimensional film to date, and in purely relative terms, one of the most profitable films ever. It was later released in 70 mm 3D. Some 36 films worldwide were made with Stereovision over 25 years, using either a widescreen (above-below), anamorphic (side by side) or 70 mm 3D formats.[citation needed] In 2009 The Stewardesses was remastered by Chris Condon and director Ed Meyer, releasing it in XpanD 3D, RealD Cinema and Dolby 3D.

The quality of the 1970s 3D films was not much more inventive, as many were either softcore and even hardcore adult films, horror films, or a combination of both. Paul Morrisey's Flesh For Frankenstein (aka Andy Warhol's Frankenstein) was a superlative example of such a combination.

Between 1981 and 1983 there was a new Hollywood 3D craze started by the spaghetti western Comin' at Ya!. When Parasite was released it was billed as the first horror film to come out in 3D in over 20 years. Horror films and reissues of 1950s 3D classics (such as Hitchcock's Dial M for Murder) dominated the 3D releases that followed. The second sequel in the Friday the 13th series, Friday the 13th Part III, was released very successfully. Apparently saying "part 3 in 3D" was considered too cumbersome so it was shortened in the titles of Jaws 3-D and Amityville 3-D, which emphasized the screen effects to the point of being annoying at times, especially when flashlights were shone into the eyes of the audience.

The science fiction film Spacehunter: Adventures in the Forbidden Zone was the most expensive 3D film made up to that point with production costs about the same as Star Wars but not nearly the same box office success, causing the craze to fade quickly through spring 1983. Other sci-fi/fantasy films were released as well including Metalstorm: The Destruction of Jared-Syn and Treasure of the Four Crowns, which was widely criticized for poor editing and plot holes, but did feature some truly spectacular closeups.

3D releases after the second craze included The Man Who Wasn't There (1983), Silent Madness and the 1985 animated film Starchaser: The Legend of Orin, whose plot seemed to borrow heavily from Star Wars.

Only Comin' At Ya!, Parasite, and Friday the 13th Part III have been officially released on VHS and/or DVD in 3D in the United States (although Amityville 3D has seen a 3D DVD release in the United Kingdom). Most of the 1980s 3D films and some of the classic 1950s films such as House of Wax were released on the now defunct Video Disc (VHD) format in Japan as part of a system that used shutter glasses. Most of these have been unofficially transferred to DVD and are available on the grey market through sites such as eBay.

Stereoscopic movies were also popular in other parts of the world, such as My Dear Kuttichathan, a Malayalam film which was shot with stereoscopic 3D and released in 1984.

Rebirth of 3D (1985–2003)[edit]

In the mid-1980s, IMAX began producing non-fiction films for its nascent 3D business, starting with We Are Born of Stars (Roman Kroitor, 1985). A key point was that this production, as with all subsequent IMAX productions, emphasized mathematical correctness of the 3D rendition and thus largely eliminated the eye fatigue and pain that resulted from the approximate geometries of previous 3D incarnations. In addition, and in contrast to previous 35mm-based 3D presentations, the very large field of view provided by IMAX allowed a much broader 3D "stage", arguably as important in 3D film as it is theatre.

The Walt Disney Company also began more prominent use of 3D films in special venues to impress audiences with Magic Journeys (1982) and Captain EO (Francis Ford Coppola, 1986, starring Michael Jackson) being notable examples. In the same year, the National Film Board of Canada production Transitions (Colin Low), created for Expo 86 in Vancouver, was the first IMAX presentation using polarized glasses. Echoes of the Sun (Roman Kroitor, 1990) was the first IMAX film to be presented using alternate-eye shutterglass technology, a development required because the dome screen precluded the use of polarized technology.

From 1990 onward, numerous films were produced by all three parties to satisfy the demands of their various high-profile special attractions and IMAX's expanding 3D network. Films of special note during this period include the extremely successful Into the Deep (Graeme Ferguson, 1995) and the first IMAX 3D fiction film Wings of Courage (1996), by director Jean-Jacques Annaud, about the pilot Henri Guillaumet.

Other stereoscopic films produced in this period include:

  • The Last Buffalo (Stephen Low, 1990)
  • Jim Henson's Muppet*Vision 3D (Jim Henson, 1991)
  • Imagine (John Weiley, 1993)
  • Honey, I Shrunk the Audience (Daniel Rustuccio, 1994)
  • Into the Deep (Graeme Ferguson, 1995)
  • Across the Sea of Time (Stephen Low, 1995)
  • Wings of Courage (Jean-Jacques Annaud, 1996)
  • L5, First City in Space (Graeme Ferguson, 1996)
  • T2 3-D: Battle Across Time (James Cameron, 1996)
  • Paint Misbehavin (Roman Kroitor and Peter Stephenson, 1997)
  • IMAX Nutcracker (1997)
  • The Hidden Dimension (1997)
  • T-Rex: Back to the Cretaceous (Brett Leonard, 1998)
  • Mark Twain's America (Stephen Low, 1998)
  • Siegfried & Roy: The Magic Box (Brett Leonard, 1999)
  • Galapagos (Al Giddings and David Clark, 1999)
  • Encounter in the Third Dimension (Ben Stassen, 1999)
  • Alien Adventure (Ben Stassen, 1999)
  • Ultimate G's (2000)
  • Cyberworld (Hugh Murray, 2000)
  • Cirque du Soleil: Journey of Man (Keith Melton, 2000)
  • Haunted Castle (Ben Stassen, 2001)
  • Panda Vision (Ben Stassen, 2001)
  • Space Station 3D (Toni Myers, 2002)
  • SOS Planet (Ben Stassen, 2002)
  • Ocean Wonderland (2003)
  • Falling in Love Again (Munro Ferguson, 2003)
  • Misadventures in 3D (Ben Stassen, 2003)

By 2004, 54% of IMAX theaters (133 of 248) were capable of showing 3D films.[44]

Shortly thereafter, higher quality computer animation, competition from DVDs and other media, digital projection, digital video capture, and the use of sophisticated IMAX 70mm film projectors, created an opportunity for another wave of 3D films.[45][46]

Mainstream resurgence (2003–present)[edit]

In 2003, Ghosts of the Abyss

Источник: [https://torrent-igruha.org/3551-portal.html]
, 3D Special Effects 1.3 serial key or number

           SERIAL KEY 

Walt Disney screensaver for Windows   ==> DSW-30857-2768
Watcom SQL netware NLM for Windows    ==> 31600455
Webauthor v1.0 for MS Word v6.0 /Win  ==> 000-17N-22546
Wildcat BBS v4.0x                     ==> 95-1144
Win Poly Grab                         ==> WPG-01-002336
Winbatch compiler v5.01j for Windows  ==> #/QG017Q3U id/263324
Winbatch v5.0j for Windows            ==> #/LG01FNT9 id/264747
Wincheckit 2.01                       ==> A6-050152
Wincheckit Retail v2.0                ==> B6-019820
Wincom PRO v1.1 for Windows           ==> 37Z59J
Windows 95 (build 490)                ==> 100-1208613
Windows 95 v4.00.950                  ==> 24264-425-4287696-06468
Windows 95 v4.00.950 R2               ==> 875-7215850
Windows 95 v4.00.950 R3/R6            ==> 975-4769754
Windows draw by Micrografx            ==> DV1001LXX10827
Windows for workgroups v3.11          ==> 18016-010-0187302
Winfax PRO for Windows                ==> 1321-2123-7176
Winfax PRO v3.0 for networks Windows  ==> server: 1100-0955-4806
Winfax PRO v3.0 for networks Windows  ==> user: 1152-7632-1646
Winfax PRO v4.0 for networks for Win  ==> server/1101-3405-1357
Winfax PRO v4.0 for networks for Win  ==> user/1154-2501-7095
WinImage 2.10a                        ==> name/Registered Version #/8BDCDD26
Winmaster v1.5 for Windows            ==> 4010625852V01
Winprobe v3.0 for Windows             ==> 00065088DH9
Winprobe v3.1 for Windows             ==> 01497186EH9
Winsleuth gold plus v2.0 for Windows  ==> 240-14256
Winsock for windows (all versions)    ==> name/Me #/39323CC3
Winzip v5.6 for Windows               ==> #/A04C3CCD name/Registered Version
WinZip v6.0                           ==> name/Cracked #/09B9085A
Word crazy for Windows                ==> 942-010-397
Wordperfect v5.2 for Windows          ==> 1WP52XW0820311
Wordperfect v6.1 for Windows          ==> 1WP61XW0166388
Wordscan v3.0 for Windows             ==> BB3921343
Wordstar professional v7.0            ==> 29015146
WAD Author v1.22 : Name: tHATDUDE Comp: PC'96 Reg: 12345 Key: AC-6854E995
WAD Author v1.22 (2) : s/n: AC-5DCD1429
WALLPAPER 1.2 Name: CoKeBoTtLe98 Serial: C4522385
Wallpaper Manager 3.30: 13529
Wallpaper Manager98 v1.0 The Serial # is 787573-77137-025
Wall Street AnaLyst v1.0f for Windows : s/n: EMRQ5ARTK510VF4
Wallaby v4.0 Code: GMA-17195-3112-7687
Wallaby for Windows 4.1 s: GMA-17195-3112-1
Wallaby 5.0 Serial : GMA 17195 3112 Cosmo
Wallaby '95 v5.0 s/n: GMA 17195 3112 1234
Wall Street Explorer v1.13 (32-bit) Name: Reveal s/n: 0000097582
Walt Disney screensaver for Windows : DSW-30857-2768
WarezFTP PRO V4.12 Code: WF-531330
War2Hacker Version 1.0 Name = CRowmAN Address = PC98 City = EFNET State = IRC Zip-Code = 6667 Reg_Code = 1061975
WasteWhacker ver. 2.12 Remove files based on the specifications you choose!
File Specifications (*.tmp, *.bak, etc...)
File Size
File Age
Remove broken shortcut links!
Remove files to Recycle Bin or completely delete them!
Ability to confirm deletions!
Ability to run during Windows 95/NT boot!
Name: The Master DaVinci s/n: 500554744556
WatchDog 3 name:PC97 serial:125151877225030 Code: 71024805
WatchDog v7.02 for Dos/Wondows/Network : s/n: WD702251808
WatchDog v1.55 User Name: Eric Clairvoyant Reg. Key : 31002C16533718132C07051B0D132B01
WatCom Single User SQL : s/n: SW03105280
WatCom SQL NetWare NLM for Windows : s/n: 31600455
Water Falls screen saver Code: murman
Watermarks Enterprise Fax Router v2.0 : s/n: 000-EFR-N-00002-00613
Watermarks Enterprise Image Server v2.1 : s/n: 000-EPP-N-00010-00206
Wavelab V1.6 Code: XFORCE-93BA-182C-BEGH
WaveSurgeon 2.0 Name : Helen Beacher Company : Radium Serial : G-452632632-11776
WavGet v1.3.0 Mail: Aphex Twin [Vandals/RTD] Code: EUGXKYEQAX
WealthBuilder 3.0 : WM416MT63EU
WEB-A-Matic v1.0 Code: kbd2845681
Web-A-Matic V1.60 SERIAL : kbd2845681
Web Bandit 3.2 Serial: 197310 Unlock Code: 972401
WebEdit Pro V2.02 Win95 Last name: PC´96 reg: 71994348G162
Webgenie v2.03 s/n: WP1234-US173-57CN7-12345-WSP0298
Web Hacker 2.5 Name 1: Phrozen Name 2: Crew Code : 1368431568
Webhacker 3.0 ID/Activation : WW2R-QCCB3S-XASBE-Z8M-YMHBJG
Webhacker 3.2 User Name : Swn1997 Company Name : BtW ID/Activation : WW2R-QQLJ7D-XAVK3-ITN-SHB4JG Comments : Only tested on Webwhacker v3.2
Web Weaver 2.5.2 (mac) : F%GD29ifFe82
Web-It! v1.10 (Pro 32bit) : name: MCC s/n: $4BB36158
Web-It! v1.10 (Pro) : name: MCC s/n: $AD3C7BB0
Web-It! v1.10 (standard) : name: MCC s/n: $3249157C
Web-it! v1.10 Professional version : name: PSY/MCC s/n: $61CA5C92
Web-it! v1.10 Standard version : name: PSY/MCC s/n: $FEBF325E
WebAuthor v1.0 by QuarterDeck for MS Word v6.0 : 000-17N-225469
Webauthor v1.0 for MS Word v6.0 /Win : 000-17N-22546
WebBase v4.0 for Win95 : s/n: 548231-2496113
Webber32 v1.5+ Code: 926642-666 Code: 694448-2000 Code: 710708-0 Code: 312325-42
WEB BUDDY V1.1 name: DiTTo Comp: RiP 1998 Reg : 823055-9927 Act : 5K5E-24083F02A3A5-FFFF
WinDelete 2.0c : s/n: W119350 or W139350
Webearly 1.XXX s/n?? 1:) UUMM6 2:) LL005
Webedit Pro 2.03 name: lost soul unlock pass : 8d21777cb3d4 name: crack da warez pass : 845ge6eff279 name: domnar [providence 96] pass :
85b5g561d3b8 name: nemesis pass : 8fcage3g26b7
WebEdit v2.03: name: Steve Hsu s/n: 747316EAG958
WebEdit Pro v2.0.3 Name: Reveals Serial Numbers s/n: 733ECG248622
WebEdit 3.0 Pro Name=CokeBottle98 CODE=FC464DA1DECD
WebEditor Version 2.0 Preview 2 [ English ] Crack
Web Expander v2.19 Name : romeo [d4c] s/n : frkrdr
Web Expander ver. 2.22 Name: The Master DaVinci sn: fe11ax
WebExpert v2.5c  Name for registration: L'Ère Informatique Number for registration: XRDWPB-PJTY5Y-PSH4NM-3C58AL
WebExpress 2.0 Name: Saltine [PC] Key: BCPTFAD
WebExpress 2.03 Name: Freeware Version Code: VWGGYKD
Webexpert 2.5 Nom d'enregistrement: Institut Herzing Numéro d'enregistrement: XMP2VS-7WKZKF-GJXR9Z-E2T6KB
Webexpert V1 Nom: Institut Herzing s/n: IR61DO-7CIBXZ-IR714R-KW4RXZ
WebFactory 3.0b 30 day trial Regfile
Web Page Creator 32 v7.25 During Install Use: Name : SiLicon Surfer [PC] Phone: 800-555-1212 or Name: SiLicon Surfer [PC] Code:
Reveals Serial Numbers - The best place to go(?) if you lost your SN#
WebForms v.2.5b Hot Key/Shift-Ctrl-F4 Pro Reg/2732 Standard Reg/1116
WebGenie Shopping Cart Pro v2.02 Code: SC1111-US173-57CN7-11111
Webgenie v2.03 s/n: WP1234-US173-57CN7-12345-WSP0298
WinImage v3.03.3036 beta pro name: MCVD 1997 s/n : 1B86976
WebFerret Pro s/n: NS-100-002-996 Digital Key: 8782-F0B6
WebGraphic Optimizer Express v2.0 name : romeo company : Plenio Software Solutions city : Eden r/code : WX2-233-737-419-113-0813-9014-292
WEB Graphics Optimizer v3.02 Name: Black Thorne Company: Phrozen Crew City: Buenos Aires Code: WP1-665-757-687-972-0442-6718-812
WebImage name/ED!SON '96 #/wk37t5
WebImage v1.72 for Windows : name: ED!SON '96 s/n: wk37t5 or name: DjPaul [uCF] s/n: xkf975
WebImage 2.11: name: darlong s/n: akwx39
WebImage 95 name/FcKiT! #/f5yf2f
Web Media Publisher Pro 2.09 Name : Eric Hoyle SN : 754508437288
Web Media Publisher Pro 2.0 Name: blizzard   Code: 562434785848
Webpage Creator V5.5 Name: MCVD [ZIPWAREZ] s/n : 8287008367325986642
WebPage Creater Ver5.15: name: jake cwc s/n: 7929516451645164516
WebPainter 2.0 Name : Riz la+ Company: PC97 Serial : 22716866 or Serial : 19683735 Note: This crack will turn your Demo in a fully
unctional version. I haven't seen any differences between the two possible serials so far...
WebPainter V2.0 Name: MiRaMaX Company: TheForceTeam Code: 33825159
WebPen PRO v3.2: name: Steve Hsu s/n: A279675270123STEVE HSU
Webphone serial number: 17VR4856F23743EU password: 0403980006
WebPhone: 4359NJ8PU124T852 747H86552V3453D0
WebPOP 2.0 for win95 sn:102-01-03050-144-05540
WebPosition v1.06.2 Name/Trapped #/000000000091
WebPosition V1.10.1 Registered Name: Mark Martens Edition Ordered: WebPosition Standard Unlock Code: PZN2RI5JP9GFYR
WebSnake v1.23 name:lxpc97 #:11223344 code:B1764A5A31C600
WebSnap 2.0 Code: 69446532
Webspider Code: 594-967-678
WebPosition Analyzer v1.20.4 Pro Name: Evgenios Antoniadis  Code: PY9JKDEB4AXXPG
Web Promotion Spider s/n: 964-411-492
Web Promotion Spider Pro update s/n: CT8504233012453930
Web Promotion Spider Pro v3.8.76 (Standard) Code: GBU507130405066
Web Promotion Spider Pro v3.8.76 (Professional) Code: HO65730330175132029
WebScripter 1.5 Name: The Master DaVinci s/n: 0006-0027-0093
WebSnap ver. 2.1 s/n: 69446532
WebServer v1.0 from QuaterDeck for Windows(95) : s/n: 000-17C-64027
WebStar 5.5 (mac) : WEB*-q76w-98e2-6y7y-78Ue or WEB*-q497-tpP3-yret-yuwr
WebStar v2.0 from Quarterdeck for Win95 : 000-18K-00333 or 000-18K-35191
WebSurveyor v1.0.72 Registration Name: Black Thorne - Phrozen Crew Registration Id: WSB-R059377191F5DB
Web Surveyor v 1.0.73 User Name: Spider]PC98 (no space after the ] ) Registration ID: WSB-R07139B5B1731 (that is a zero)
Web Tabs 1.0 Beta 7 Name: ThE STaRDoGG CHaMPioN Company: Phrozen Crew Serial: 987654321 Code: edb9-87ae-a6e7-1046-97fb-da9c-95cc-b9f5
WebTalk : 001-18d-71316 or 009-18D-53444 or 000-18D-96275
WEB Ticker v3.0 For Last Name: Black Thorne - Phrozen Crew Code: WTW7604B
Web Translator S/N WTSEV7-1.00-102-7392 or WTSEU7-1.00-102-7392
WebTrimmer Lite 1.10a s/n: 6093257
WebTrimmer Lite 1.10a Code: 6093257
WebQuick v1.2 S/N : WQW-182-000-109-5607-077 First name : Heritage Last name : HTG Email : HTG@HTG.COM
Webshots Crack
WebSeeker 3 s/n: WS2R-DWSXPU-7XWEE-E6L-8INWUG
WebVCR V1.04 Code: cnet-7mo4-ha23-kp00
WebVCR for Windows 95/NT Code: cnet-7mo4-ha23-kp68
Web Zip 1.30 User: Killer+Bee [PC'97] SN: 5A2EAC22A95E699
Web Zip 2.0 Name: Reveal s/n: 6A96AC3G22A364A
WebZip 2.01 Crack
WebZip 2.xx Regfile
Weenie - Bang 1/2 : User Name: Compu Terror Company Name: (Anything you Like)
Weenie - Bang 2/2 : Expiry Date: (Leave Blank) Registration Key: 0NWA97HQVVTFU0RZEB1A
Weenie - Bullets User Name: Stephen Silverstein Serial Number: 0JVP32M7HZ1YN068KZK9
Weenie - Critters 1/2 : User Name: Compu Terror Company Name: (Anything uou Like)
Weenie - Critters 2/2 : Expiry Date: (Leave Blank) Registration Key: 0PU2985UT71UCQFT9W7J
Weenie - Spinners 1/2 : User Name: Compu Terror Company Name: (Anything you Like)
Weenie - Spinners 2/2 : Expiry Date: (Leave Blank) Registration Key: 0R2CQPZ16J2F1VMKCT8T
Weenie - Weird Faces 1/2 : User Name: Compu Terror Company Name: (Anything you Like)
Weenie - Weird Faces 2/2 : Expiry Date: (Leave Blank) Registration Key: 0NYB0Z6LDX1TW8MJE68J
Weenie Pack 1/2 : User Name: Compu Terror Company Name: (Anything you Like)
Weenie Pack 2/2 : Expiry Date: (Leave Blank) Registration Key: 0PEUDKRB4V21FMV1KXJU
Weenie Pack name: Compu Terror comp: anythin you wish exp date: leave blank reg: 02ZJ7BJ5R694J7XU5PW
Wemidoda 1.50 n: Cobra 1998  s: W1043-1040-4405
Wetsock ID/Activation: 12345678-1234567 or 8814-0022125
WetSock v3.2 Crack
Wetsock v3.3 Doubleclick on the logo in left corner s/n: 12345678-1234567
Wetsock3.6(build63) .....12345678-1234567
WetSock 3.6 b63 Crack
WetSock 3.7 b72 Regfile
What is This? NAME : Cosmo Cramer SERIAL : 64764939317643439653
What is This 2 0 Name: Phrozen Crew S/N: 416281833828
Wheel Volume 1.1 Crack
Where Am I? v1.1: 110391481A28
WhereIsIt? 1.21 Regfile
WhoHasIt v1.5 for Windows : s/n: A1-UCF-1993
Who's Who Book v1.0 Name: SiG SN#: 987654108-911
Wild 7's ---- # 947631
WildCat BBS v4.0x : s/n: 95-1144 or s/n: 90-0859 or s/n: 90-0892 or s/n: 90-1444 or s/n: 86-0001
Wildcat BBS v4.12 : s/n: 98-2558
Wildcat v4.0 multiline 10 : 87-0406
WildCat! 5.01 16 Nodes for Windows 95/NT : Registration: 03-2084 Line Count: 16 Key: 3a58-2395-1ded-d0e1-c100
Wildcat 5.01 16 node - upgrade to 48 node Key/CD-Key : 3a58-2395-1ded-d0e1-c100 Comments : (16 Nodes) Registration #: 03-2084, Line Count
#: 16, Key #: 3a58-2395-1ded-d0e1-c100
Wild Seven Slots v1.2 Code: 947631
Wild Wizard Slots s/n: 753702
Will Build v1.0 : s/n: 906-4-11801
Willmaker 6.0.7E1: Name: ThE STaRDoGG CHaMPioN [PC] Code: 5952BGS255 or 3572BMS962 or 1932JKW114 or 7932UKF196 or 9622NDJ357
WillowTALK 2.01.001 Crack
Win95 VxV Library and VxDWriter (Ver. 1.0): Reg Name: Hackerjack! serial: 575e-97e8c2cd-b8a6
Win95/NT Sharing password (ReadOnly/FullAccess) decrypter (file)
Win 95 Advisor : s/n: W1-157248
Winamp s/n: 100011-301000-5000
Winamp 2.0 n: Cobra 1998 s: 83923154
Winamp v2.0: name: AlienSoft s/n: 3750965
Winamp 2.0 n: Cobra 1998  s: 83923154
Winamp 2.0 Name: Febe s/n: 37910297  Name: Febe at the Suite s/n: 67613623 Name: Reveal s/n:  40936246 Name: Reveal for President s/n:
Winamp v1.99.xx Your name is: Reveals Serial Numbers (c) tNO Your code is: 50617237
WINAMP 2.01 Winamp 2.01 and click om left/top Name: CoKeBoTtLe98 Code: 78471605
WINAMP 2.02 Name: CoKeBoTtLe98 Reg Code: 78471605
Winamp 2.02 NAME: EL_TORO SERIAL: 28839655
WINAMP 2.03 Name: CoKeBoTtLe98 Reg Code: 78471605
WinApiOblets 1.02 Use this Number: 01A0000-7578937
WinBatch PopMenu 96E: name: jake cwc s/n: 9T63LRSF
WinBatch v4.1E: name: 288635 s/n: sg01kg7r
Winboard V2.15b Crack
WINBOOST98 1.1 Name: CoKeBoTtLe98 Code: 684287765
WinBoost 98 v1.22 Crack
WinBoost 98 v1.22 Name: Sonixx For You Code: 813913247
WinBoot 2.02: name: Steve Hsu reg-num: 58319772. license: 12345.
WinBowl Version 3.0 name : Cosmo Cramer 1997 serial : 24780
WinBowl 3.0: name: Steve Hsu s/n: 21464
WinCat v4.1 93041-27113 TwinHead [TWH/BDC]
WinChanger 1.1 Regfile
WinChanger ver. 2.2 Name: DaVinci sn: 52468
WinCheckIt v5.0 Code: D1-212365
Wind Chimes 1.01 Win95/NT Name: kOUGER! Code: HWWQK
WinCommander 1.0 Crack
WinConfig v1.0 Regfile
WinCraps v4.1 Name: Phrozen Crew S/N: 1536098363 Name: tKC/PC '98 S/N: 934716260078 Press R at the About box to enter Registration #
WinDAC v1.41 *TRACK FIX* Crack
WinDates 3.xx Regfile
WinDIZ V1.07.15 Name: Attitude Code: 114113DA
Windiz 1.50 Name: Bfl No.: AA1CC8C8 Name: Blackflag 1997! No.: FEF9A4A7
WinDiz 1.07 Name: CokeBottle98 Reg Number: 9C79CE82
WinDIZ v1.60 Name: SiG SN#: 715BF281
WinDownload 3.3 for Win95 s/n: 129636651710546165845846
WinDownload 3.41 I have a key.
WinDownload 3.41 s/n: 0596698132208874126509138669
WinDownLoad 3.6: name: Steve Hsu s/n: 052825652680
Windownload 3.6 Enter Username : CDWarez Registration Key : 123324239522
Windownload 3.6 Name: Reveal s/n: 48889051
WinDownload v4.0 Crack
Windownload v4.0 user: A0340146253552080 pass: 74315252366537147
WinDownload v4.01x2 Regfile
WinDownload 4.01 sn: 35049824556115394
Windraft V2.01 Crack
WDumpEvt v1.2 Name: Reveal s/n: BAB5A36
WinDupe RC1.3a - Splash Screen Killer Crack
WinEdit 96w Registration ID: [PC98] Control Number: gg[pkud3
Win-eXpose-I/O v1.x Name=MarQuiS Company=CYC AddrLine1=1 AddrLine2=2 SerialNumber=3 Key=EXPLFA576734
Win-eXpose-I/O v2.x Key: f422c070 (MarQuiS, der Rest gleich 1.x)
Win eXpose I/O v2.0 & Win eXpose Registry v1.0 First, Last name: JAMMER Company name....: uNITED cRACKING fORCE Address line #1.: 1 Address
line #2.: 2 Serial Number...: 960620 Password........: f417aad0
Win Expose-I/O +v2.00 (2) 1/2 : name: TwinHead [uCF] !96 company: United Cracking Force addrLine1: (C)racking 1994-1996
Win Expose-I/O +v2.00 (2) 2/2 : addrLine2: <<< UCF >>> s/n: 1996 key: f41dd7e2
Win Expose-I/O +v2.00 (3) 1/2 : Name=Cracked by ED!SON Company=[X-Force '96] AddrLine1=Stuff For You!
Win Expose-I/O +v2.00 (3) 2/2 : AddrLine2=Meet us in #X-Force s/n: ED!SON Key=EXPLF4AEDB0E
Win Expose-I/O +v2.00 1/2 : name: MarQuiS company: CYC addrLine1: 1
Win Expose-I/O +v2.00 2/2 : addrLine2: 2 s/n: 3 key: EXPLFA576734
Win Expose-I/O v1.x : name: MarQuiS Company: CYC AddrLine1: 1 AddrLine2: 2 SerialNumber: 3 key: EXPLFA576734 .
Win Expose-IO v2.0 and/or Win-eXpose-Reg 1.0 : Serial: DURK Password: f41bc3d4
Win-eXpose-I/O 2.00 n: Cobra  c: 1997  a1: " "  a2: " "  s.: 0815  p: f41e235a
Win-eXpose-Registry 1.00 n: Cobra 1998  c: " "  a1: " "  a2: " "  s: 0815  p: f41e235a
Win-Family v5.01 Keymaker
Winfax PRO for Windows : 1321-2123-7176
Winfax PRO v3.0 for networks Windows : server: 1100-0955-4806
Winfax PRO v3.0 for networks Windows : user: 1152-7632-1646
Winfax PRO v4.0 for networks for Win : server/1101-3405-1357
Winfax PRO v4.0 for networks for Win : user/1154-2501-7095
WinFax Pro V7.0 : 7410-2151-7186
Winfax Pro v7.5 s/n: 1321-2123-7176
WinFax pro. 8.0 for WinNT trial Crack
WINFAX PRO Version 8.02 Crack
WinFlash32 4.0: name: SRegistered User s/n: 196700625
WinFlash Educator ver. 5.1 Name: The Master DaVinci Code: 27D18E87F121
WInfo 2.0 win95 97208164280 :MARQUIS: UCF
WInfo 2.0 win95 serial=209349220464 name=bUrnoUt
WiNfo View v2.0 Name: :MARQUIS: UCF Code: 97208164280
WinGames Inc. Games Crack
WinGenealogic 97 Name : Crashtest Company : Tako Prod 98 Client Number : 0 Serial Number : -1473
WinHacker 2.02 Name: Jan Klaassen Serial: a4f-d8383b Company : Please Leave Empty ! ! !
Winhacker 2.02 Name: Jan Klaassen Serial Number: a4f-d8383b Company : Crack Da Warez
Winhacker 95 v2.02 -= +ALI-BABA =- D4C / 1997 826d-7b7942
WinHacker 95 Version 2.02 Registration Name :RainB()w Company: RainB()w Club Serial : 834c-688bbb
WinHex v7.1 Code1: 49725 Code2: 35780
WinImage 2.10a & 2.25b3 : name/Registered Version #/8BDCDD26
WinImage 2.20 : name/FcKiT! #/51F7E0
WinImage 2.0a á3 3B05ED64 MarQuiS [UCF] (or 4C0806AC)
Winimage 3.0 Name : Cosmo Cramer Serial : 409f4b90
Win Image v.4.00.400 Name:TheForce Team Sn: 3DE63ADB
WinImage 4.00.4007 RegName:Blackflag RegNumber:3e7a090
WinNc 1.5 [HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareWinNC 1.5] "RegisteredOwner"="Cobra 1998" "RegistrationKey"="QnA6IodKfO"
WinPlay3 v.2.0 : 222221-025226-0222 or
Winplay3 2.0 : WINPLAY3 = 100011-301000-5000
Win Poly Grab : s/n: WPG-01-002336
Win Port v4.05 for Windows and DOS : s/n: B306430-HCMJ
Win Port v5.0 2 User Server/Clients : s/n: AAC103427-eefseh
Win Secure-it v2.0 : Serial: DURK Password: dc6144b4
WinASecend : s/n: 8016023 key: EMGIVMH
WinBatch Compiler v5.01j for Windows : id: 263324 s/n: QG017Q3U
WinBatch Compiler v5.0j for Windows : id: 263336 s/n: LG01JCCR
WinBatch Interpreter v5.01j for Windows : id: 265082 s/n: QG018V2J
WinBatch v5.0j for Windows : id: 264747 s/n: LG01FNT9
WinBatch32 for Win95 and Win NT : id: Pantera s/n: 1G344NN2
Winbye 3.0b wombye v3.0b [32bit] name:qq qq reg:1815933
WinCat PRO v4.1 for Windows : name: TwinHead [TWH/BDC] s/n: 93041-27113
WinChanger v3.0 NAME: JUANDA SERIAL: 17476
WinCheck It v4.0 : w4-039707
Wincheckit 2.01 : A6-050152
WinCheckIt 2.03 for Windows : s/n: A6-050152 or s/n: A6-069617
WinCheckIt 4 : s/n: A3-098294
WinCheckIt for Windows 95 : s/n: A6-174510 s/n: A6-135783
WinCheckIt Retail v2.0 for Windows : s/n: B6-019820
WinCheckIt v2.0 for Windows : s/n: A6-021259
WinCom Professional v1.1 for Windows : 37Z59J
WinComm Professional v1.1 for Windows : s/n: 37Z59J
Windate 3.61 Name : Fully Licensed User S/n : 09443249
WinDownload 3.3 for Win95 s/n: 129636651710546165845846
WinDownload 3.6 Username: Reveal Key: 48889051 (keygenerator)
WindoWatch (mac) : 5009545683
Windows 95 Full Version : 15795-OEM-0001
Windows 95 OEM Version  : 13895-OEM-0000716-68627 or 30195-OEM-0005315-51142 or 12496-OEM-0011212-03586
Windows98 v4.10.1998 s/n: V9FKD-BY6B6-9JTJH-YCT3H-CJDX7
Win98 (Upgrade) K4HVD Q9TJ9 6CRX9 C9G68 RQ2D3
Windows NT Workstation 4.0 CD-KEY: 30495-0006276-08164 Name:SNiKkEL s/n: 11995-69580
WIN NT4: 419-0025043 or 419-0045835
Windows NT 4.0 SN:14396-0012434-28129
Windows Commander 3.52 Crack
Windows Draw by Micrografx : s/n: DV1001LXX10827
Windows Enforcer v2.1 SN#: 5434343543435431354
Windows Enforcer v3.0 : 5434343543435431354
Windows Enforcer 3.0b s: 5434343543435431354
Windows Enforcer/32 v4.0 s/n : 5434343543435431354 *by romeo '97*
Windows Enforcer v4.0 S/N : 5434343543435431354
Windows Enforcer 4.1 Use the serial: 5434343543435431354
WinFit v1.5a Name: SiG SN#: B6KUQPG5UXQES4ZoM
Windows Help Designer v1.1.17+ I have a keyfile
Windows Help Designer 2.0.0 Final Release I have a Cra......
Windows Help Designer v2.1.X.X Regfile
Windows Help Designer v2.1.7 Crack
HelpDesigner Professional v2.2.2.1 Crack
Windows for WorkGroups v3.11 : s/n: 18016-010-0187302 or s/n: 19492-020-0028353 or s/n: 511807955
Windows for workgroups v3.11 (2) : 19492-020-0028353
Windows for worlgroups v3.11 SPANISH : 872-0298-300C
Windows Lock v2.2 : 26384094848499
Windows Lotto Pro v4.02 name: LOMAX [DSI] s/n : 49877C05F4611AC0
Windows Lotto Pro v4.03 Name: SiLicon Surfer [PC] Code: 2B829012F0CBC03D
Windows 95 Manager 1.01 User name : Dildo Reg. key : 524-1234-3233080
Windows Multi-Lock v1.1 : 2643985749399
Windows Multi-Lock v1.2 : 2643985749399
Windows Notepad 4.00.950 Crack
Windows NT 4.0 Workstation : 425-1921701
Windows NT Server 4.0 Server : CD-KEY: 427-5632883
Windows NT Workstation 4.0 : CD-KEY: 09496-0009552-77303
Windows Task-Lock v4.0 : single license: 45687897134654084487080 or multi-site: 418117113408700703414174
Windows Task Lock 3.2 s: 6543545735465657712
WinEaze v1.4 for Windows : name: The Olympus Gods s/n: OZ87C51555
WinEdit Pro v3.10 for Windows 95 : id: 281317 s/n: AG01DQUX or id: Pantera s/n: 1G34DJS9
Win-eXpose-Registry Serial : MOMOX CRACKING '97 pw: f3a18e42 You have to write SOMETHING in the other fields, but that can be whatever you
Win-eXpose-Registry v. 1.00 User Name : Aesculapius Company Name : Aesculapius 97 Address Line #1 : Aesculapius 97 Address Line #2 : Aesculapius 97 Serial Number :
AESCULAPIUS Password : f3e39742
Win eXpose-I/O (R) version 2.00 Win eXpose-Registry (R) version 1.00 SN: 123-456 Key: f412c608
Win-eXpose-I/O v. 2.00 User Name : Aesculapius Company Name : Aesculapius 97 Address Line #1 : Aesculapius 97 Address Line #2 : Aesculapius 97 Serial Number :
AESCULAPIUS Password : f3e39742
Win-eXpose-I/O v2.00 s/n: 123123 p/w: f417a344
Wineye 2.01: name:lupin code: 2282812
WinFax Network Server v4.1 : Server No: 1161-3469-8496 User Count No: 1501-9895-6835-8003
WinFax Pro for Windows : s/n: 1321-2123-7176 or s/n: 1331-7470-0001
WinFax Pro 8.0 Trial I have a Cra......
Winfax Pro 7.5 : s/n: 7900-5868-2215
Winfax V8.01 s/n:WFX0W5N0FR80XXX0008691CD0525
WinFax PRO 8.03 Trial Crack
WinFlash Educator ver. 5.1 Name: The Master DaVinci sn: 27D18E87F121
WinFossil/32 v1.04 for Windows 95 (5) : name: Xxx! s/n: 6c47524c or name: tHE riDDLER 1996! s/n: 3f55774e
WinFossil 1.11 Remove this #$%^#%^ reminder WNFOSSIL.CPL 00001C6A: 01->00
WinGate Pro 2.1a Name: SWP Code: B8BE2B7D352EE565C5945D12
Wingate 2.1d for NT License Name: Attitude [Core'98] License Key: 40A5E16CDEADBABE974D6906
WinGO Folder Alias 1.5b Name : Cosmo Cramer Company : Vandelay Industry Serial : 42756-73876252-SP
WinGO 1.5 Name: ThE STaRDoGG CHaMPioN Company: Phrozen Crew Serial: 485867-244174443-YW
Win Groove 0.9e : Pass: ZAAAAAAA userid: BJG7010e Box: anything will do
Win Grove 0.9E : Pass: ZAAAAAAA userid: BJG70109 Box: anything will do
WinGroove 09.E User ID: GIO39482 Password: ZAMYPQRR User Name: <It can be Whatever>
WinHack 1.10 n: Cobra 1998  s: G63-6642-10989
Winhacker 2.0 n: Cobra 1998  s: 13c5-281f7c
WINHACKER95 ver2.02 Name: Febe Company: The Suite Code: 7612-be0dcc Name: Licensed user Company: Notnamed Code: bf54-ef96b3
WinIGC v0.78 32bit name:opx reg:120820338
WinIGC v0.71 Name: Riz la+ @s/n: 188848619
WinIGC v0.71 Name: Registered @s/n: 1646712861
WinImage v4.0 pro name: MCVD 1997 s/n : 1190B2F7
WinImage 4.00 Professional name: McGyver Code : 2B12F0C
WinImage Professionnel v4.0 Name: Aliensoft Serial: 4244ACA
WinJammer v3.0 32-bit Name: Reveals Serial Numbers Company: Outlaw s/n: RE7YB22
Win Manager 2.50: 05529
Reveals Serial Numbers - The best place to go (?) if you lost your sn#
WinMaster v1.5 for Windows : s/n: 4010625852V01
WinNc 1.50 Name: _RudeBoy_ / Phrozen Crew Company: <blank> Reg Code: pOtLWQOc3H
WinNc 1.5 32 bits Crack
WinNc 1.5 [HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareWinNC 1.5]   "RegisteredOwner"="Cobra 1998"   "RegistrationKey"="QnA6IodKfO"
WinNibbles v2.0 s/n : darn this hot smarch weather! *by romeo '97*
WinOnCD To Go! v1.3 for Windows : s/n: 00246-94392401i
WinOnCD To Go! v1.4 for Windows 95 : s/n: 00246-46394903F
WinOnCD To Go! v1.4 for Windows(95) : 00246-46394903F
WinOnCD v2.14 for Windows : s/n: SWFOWIN1-214-30608
WinOnCd v3.0 : 00946-80026090n
WinOnCD 3.0 Code: 00746-46292880o
Win On Cd 3.0: 00646-94014548K
WinOnCD-ToGo 3.0 SN:00646-94192808j
WinOnCD 3.0 s/n: 00746-80914281d
WinOnCD TOGO! 4.0201 s/n: 00646-80582605h
WinOnCD v3.5.277 s/n: 01146-51863460v
WINonCD 3.5 OEM: 01046-51744895d 
WinOnCD 3.0 OEM S/N 00746-51053373W
WinOnCD 3.5 Full S/N 01146-99077920o
WIN PAC MAN 2 Name:Wayne Kerr Code:99198-28732-69791-65148
WinPacman v1.00 Crack
WindPad '95 Name : blastsoft S/N : 3108817
WinPatch 1.1 Name : MrEhRz (case sensitive) Organization : SpeltraniX Reg ID : L&D-0626146485869
WinPGP v4.0 : Name: tHATDUDE! Last Name: Cracker Reg: 273495638
WinPGP v4.1 and v5.0 : name1: Registered name2: Copy s/n: 291191258
Winplay 3 v2.0 : 100011-301000-5000
WinPlay 3 MPEG Audio Player : name: (anything you like) code: 222221-025226-0222
WinPlay MP3 Player v2.0 : Registration Code: 100011-301000-5000
WinPlay3 MPEG Audio Player : name:CracK Da WareZ s/n:222221-025226-0222
WinPlayer 3 v1.0 MPEG Audio Player : s/n: 1234DA75901230
WinPlus v3.06.2 1/2 : user name: GLOU company name: GLOU
WinPlus v3.06.2 2/2 : (Launch WinPlus, In Welcome display box press the Purchase Button)
Winpop Plus V1.0 NAME : CRowmAN REGCODE : 320F4119
WinProbe 95 : 022-18c-96622..
WinProbe v3.0 for Windows 2 : 00087228DH9
WinProbe v3.0 from LandMark for Windows : s/n: 00065088DH9 or s/n: 00087228DH9 or s/n: 37809H9
WinProbe v3.1 for Windows 2 : 65088DH9 (all of these should work)
WinProbe v3.1 for Windows 3 : 0000000000 (I am dead serious)
WinProbe v3.1 from LandMark for Windows : s/n: 01497186EH9 or s/n: 01919565FH9 or s/n: 01826082FH9
WinProbe v4.0 from QuarterDeck for Win 95 : s/n: 006-18C-67974 or s/n: 111-18C-17800 or s/n: 333-18C-05672
WinProbe v4.0 from QuarterDeck for Win 95 (2) : s/n: 999-18C-00147 or s/n: 444-18C-69750 or s/n: 000-18C-67691
WinProbe v4.0 from QuarterDeck for Win 95 (3) : s/n: 555-18C-47779 or s/n: 888-18C-14695 or s/n: 777-18C-45685 or s/n: 666-18C-88645
WinProbe v4.01 from QuarterDeck for Win 95 (4) : s/n: 013-18C-10743
WinProbe v5.0 from QuarterDeck for Win 95 : s/n: 006-18Z-67974 or s/n: 111-18Z-17800 or s/n: 333-18Z-05672
WinProbe v5.0 from QuarterDeck for Win 95 (2) : s/n: 999-18Z-00147 or s/n: 444-18Z-69750 or s/n: 000-18Z-67691
WinProbe v5.0 from QuarterDeck for Win 95 (3) : s/n: 555-18Z-47779 or s/n: 888-18Z-14695 or s/n: 777-18Z-45685 or s/n: 666-18Z-88645
WinProbe 95 SN:022-18C-96622
Winproxy ( any version ) s/n: 1att-revolt-144
WinProxy 2.x s/n: 1001-00000023-383
WinProxy v2.1 s/n: 1960-CCKQCP8Q-076 Name: TheBrabo Email: Brabo@somewhere.com
WinProxy 1.4 update 1 (the crack)
Winproxy Version 2.0R1C S/n : 1001-MH34MH57-041 ISSUED ON: 11/11/2007 FREE UPGRADE THROUGHT: 06/13/2024 UNLIMITED SIMULTANEOUS USERS.
WinQoole v2.50 Crack
Winrar name: tHATDUDE s/n: DC386DF4D854
WinRAR 2.00 beta Name: 96-REGISTERED Serial#: 6C28EEE7D5DFA3
WinRAR v2.00b2 : name: 01-registered s/n: C4BF18BBEB
WinRAR v2.0 Final Name: Sabotage s/n: 1DC7ECA929
WinRAR V2.01 Register Name: 97-DOD-97 Register Key : B13CEFB00A29FE
WinRAR 2.02 for Win 95 Name: Attitude Code: 2AAB3CB9D3EEA1
Win RAR 2.02: name: Steve Hsu s/n: C04FFE5BADC5B6
Winrar 2.03  Name: Attitude Code: 2AAB3CB9D3EEA1
Winrar v2.04 Name: The IceTeaMan code: D26716D3827726AE
Winrar 95 2.05 Crack
WinRescue 95 v6.01 10/16/97 sn:msR3I8aUi9y2E84L
WinRescue 6.02 Code: msR3I8aUi9y2E84L
WIN RESCUE 6.04 s/n: msR3I8aUi9y2E84L
WinRescue 7.03 Code: msR3I8aUi9y2E84L
Winrescue 98 v2.05 use this unlock code: SvetCHRISTA
WinRescue v2.06 SN#: SvetCHRISTA
WinRoute v2.0 name: LOMAX e-mail: LOMAX@DSI.COM s/n : 11111111111 key : 44dfd3f9627d
WinRoute 2.01 Crack
WinSafe v1.5 Crack
WinScreens Selector v2.0.4b Name: SiLicon Surfer [PC] Code: A0C983EFBA
WinScript v1.1 for Windows 95 : name: TwinHead [uCF] !96 compa: uNITED cRACKING fORCE s/n: 100-29692373
Winscript 2.0: Name: Riz la+ Company: Phrozen Crew code: 200-87972300
Win-Secure-it 2.0 Serial: DURK Password: dc6144b4
Win-Secure-It For Windows 95 v2.0 Name: The Brabo S/n: 123456789 P/w: dc4b3f30
WinSense Windows Optimizer : s/n: 720-17944
Win Sensual Jack (32bit) 2.75 Crack
WinSettings 97 2.1 I have a Cra....
WinSettings 97 v2.1.70919 Crack
WinShield v1.0 : s/n: 550836
WinSLam V1.0 Code: 1111111116999510
Reveals Serial Numbers - The best place to go if you lost your Serial#
WinSleuth Gold Plus v2.0 for Windows : s/n: 240-14256 or s/n: 201-1629
WinSplit 3.03 s/n: WIN-SPLIT-3002




X-Men screensaver for Windows         ==> AD3-00670-6681
Xargon                                ==> E20-1-3H
XDiz v1.0e                            ==> name/SoNiC (R) [UCF] #/770
Xtree PRO v1.0                        ==> 115611
Xtree v2.0 for Windows                ==> X711080
Xtreenet v3.0 for Windows             ==> N524420944
XWare xvision v5.6 for Windows        ==> #/040005100D21819 key/18748F03DA00
XAN ISDN Anrufbeantworter n: Cobra 1998   s: 4447261332
Xaos TypeCaster 1.0 (Photoshop Plugin) Code: 100101363575
Xara 3D version 1.02 Regfile
Xara3D 1.04 Crack
XARA 3D v1.04 in 0000E86F and in 0000E998, change 0F 85 into 0F 84  in 0000E883, 0000E89F, 0000E8BB, 0000E8D7, 0000E8F3, 0000E90F and
0000E92B, change 0F84 into 0F85
Xara3D 1.05 Crack x2
Xara 3d 1.06 Crack
XARA 3D 1.07 Crack
Xara3D V2.0 Keymaker
Xara 3D v2.11 Crack
Xara 3D v2.12 s/n: SETKTBQ
Xara 3d 2.12 keymaker (updated)
Xara Webster 2.0 Build 1396 Crack
Xara WebStyle 1.0 - 0.186 Crack
Xara3D 2.0 Mars 8 1998 Crack
Xara3D Version 2.0x Crack
XCell v1.01 Code: 95067-0001
Xchange Software / DT V1.5 Code: 070290044
X-FerIT (mac) : 550035173-2 'anonymous'
XFERPRO 32 version 2.0.0 name/Free Registered Version #/379-2-969
XFERPRO 32 v2.0: name: TRACY s/n: 720-1700-1551
XferPro 32 v. 2.00 User Name : Aesculapius Serial Number : 362-6371-731
X-Forum3 v1.28 : s/n: ESC-SS-000494
X-Forum4 25 users v1.11 : s/n: ESC-SS-000493
X-Mas Lights 1.0 (mac) : 125001751
X-Men screensaver for Windows : AD3-00670-6681
X-Tra Drive : s/n: AABDA-2283045
XarGon : s/n: E20-1-3H
XDiz v1.0e : name: SoNiC (R) [UCF] s/n: 770
XDiz v1.5e : name: DIR&amp;MIR just for fun
XDiz v1.5e (2) : name: Bonejacker #1 s/n: 429398424
XDiz v2.6e : name: DIR&amp;MIR just for fun
XingCD : MPEGcompression v2.0
XingCD: MPEGcompression v2.0 : s/n: XCD 210526
Xing Encoder 2.0 trial Crack
XingMPEG Encoder v2.1 Keymaker
XingMPEG Player v3.30 Regfile
XingMPEG Player v3.21 Crack
XiT +v2.2 for OS/2 : s/n: CUY111111 or s/n: CUY112665 or s/n: RUY111111
XiT +v2.2 for OS/2 (2) : s/n: RUY112665 or s/n: RUY218001 180266 or name: FireHawk / UCF
XL Psychedelic Screensavers v3.9.951 Code: 64222 Code: 15677
X0FZOC V3.05+ Keymaker
Xpire Plus 3.00: Name: Registered User s/n: 132414450
XP PressMarks 1.0.6 (mac) : 1139
XP Print Tools XT 1.0.1 (mac) : 815715147
X-Ray Vision v1.0 s/n: 231921940
Xtree Gold v1.0 for Windows : s/n: X467717
Xtree Pro v1.0 : s/n: 115611
Xtree Tools v1.5 for Netware : s/n: T113179987
Xtree v2.0 for Windows : s/n: X711080
XtreeNet v2.56 for Windows : s/n: N518763227
XtreeNet v3.0 for Windows : s/n: N524420944
XTrkCad v2.01 (16-bit) Crack
XWare Xvision v5.6 for Windows : s/n: 040005100D21819 key: 18748F03DA00
XWOLF200.ZIP Name: free Serial Number: XW-320035



Yamaha softsynth Regfile
Yamaha Visual Arranger for Windows 95 : s/n: 11wa00939875e
Yamaha SoundVQ Player v2.01b1 RC9-1 Crack
YanKees and RedNecks : name: The GuaRDiaN aNGeL bbs: G.!.$ s/n: 32158 or name: TeLLeRBoP bbs: G.!.$ s/n: 4098 .
YanKees and RedNecks (2) : name: You! bbs: G.!.$ s/n: 21762 or name: Me! bbs: G.!.$ s/n: 14807
YanKees and RedNecks (3) : name: 2U! bbs: G.!.$ s/n: 14248 or name: 4U! bbs: G.!.$ s/n: 14272
YanKees and RedNecks (4) : name: SoMeBoDy! bbs: G.!.$ s/n: 4293 or name: NoBoDy! bbs: G.!.$ s/n: 22103
YanKees and RedNecks (5) : name: Xxx! bbs: G.!.$ s/n: 21944 or name: [-NH-] bbs: G.!.$ s/n: 31762
Yats 32 3.6 for Win95 Name: TheForceTeam Code: NKXJ35LC8NJSJA2A8C4VRD44Y
Yats v3.9 User Name : TheBrabo Serial Number : 4LC8F9N6YKT6AQ993KKWSUV5N
YATS (Yet Another Time Synchronizer) v4.2 (32-bit) I have a Cra....
YATS32, v4.3 Name: TheBrabo s/n: 4LC8F9N6YKT6AQ993KKWSUV5N
YATS32, v5.4 NAME: This system really sucks KEY : WCXLEN5SKXAVFTJZ
Yatz32 5.5 Name: This system really sucks Code: WCXLEN5SKXAVFTJZ
YATS v5.8 Crack
YATS32 v6.0 Crack
YATS 6.1 32 bit Crack
YATS 6.4 Crack
Yeah Write v1.13 Crack
Yeah Write Win95 v1.1: name: Thomas Nowak registration number: 10-629.93.1231-NS
YeSir v1.0 by ACER Crack
Yet Another Asteroid Game Crack
Yonowat Amapi Studio 3.0 : S/N YS1459157475
Youseful v3.1 for Delphi/C++ S/N : ohayoo




Zeno graphics superprint v3.10        ==> 400-310-00793
Zipchunker PRO v3.01                  ==> #/ZCP0000000079 name/Steve Voss
Zipzap v9.01                          ==> 991
Zweckform winform PRO v1.0 for Win    ==> WF0440
Z-Archive v1.5 Reg Name: iCEMAN [uCF], Reg Code: 1260-Z-9240
ZIPBrand v1.22á2 ZIPBRAND.EXE /N=TwinHead_[uCF]_!96 /S=zb418ab81d1d0-db
Z-Button v0.1 uNLOCK cODE: "more buttons"
Z-Desk 1.00 Name: ThE STaRDoGG CHaMPioN [PC] Serial: VaT2ORNP <-That's An "O" Not A Zero
Z-Desk n: Cobra 1998  s: Rb422FJ9
Zeno Graphics Superprint v3.10 : s/n: 400-310-00793
Zenographics Superprint 5 s/n: 251-500-12345 (The last 5 numbers are arbitrary AFAIK)
ZephyrPalettes 1.3 (mac) : 2-130-3186163
Zetafax for PC Networks Crack
ZFortune Teller Calendar ver. 1.8c Crack
ZIP 95 v1.02 REG CODE# Z4951 Use any name....
Zip98 Plus v3.0 Name Crowman /98 Serial 4221512D
Zip98 Plus v3.0 Name: TheBrabo S/n: 65086457
Zip98 Crack Enter any name and company s/n: 36AG1483C3
Zip98 2.1 Name : Cheops CU Company: "leave blank" Code : 36AG1483C3
ZIP98 v2.1 (32-bit) s/n: 36AG1483C3
ZIP 98 Regfile
Zip98 Name: TheBrabo S/n: 36AG1483C3
Zip-n-Go 2.01: Z4951
Zip-n-GO v2.5/32bit s: Z4951
ZIP Brand Fast! v1.22+2 : name: TwinHead_[uCF]_!96 s/n: zb418ab81d1d0-db
Zip It v3.0 for Windows 95 : s/n: 40144287
Zip Security Envelope Maker v1.02 : s/n: 189-745-12831
ZipCat Pro v2.0v11 Name: Shareware sucks @Code: 025-521-189747 ZipCat Pro v2.0v11 Name: Riz la+ @Code: 024-061-809942 ZipCat Pro v2.0v11
Name: Registered @Code: 024-118-133400
ZipCat Pro 2.0v13 version Try V2.0V11 sn#´s
Zipchunker PRO v3.01 (2) : s/n: ZCP0000000138 name: Gary D. [UCF]
ZipChunker Pro v3.01 for Dos : s/n: ZCP0000000079 name: Steve Voss or s/n: ZCP0000000138 name: GaRY D. [UCF]
Zip Code Book 97 v4.0 s/n: 555520
ZIPCOMM v3.16 for Windows : s/n: MPU5-02316-311120
Zip Comment Master v1.2 Crack
Zipit V3.0 for Win95 s/n: 40144287
ZipLabel v3.0 Crack
Zip-Magic 32 1.0 I have a Cra.......
ZipPlus v1.0b Name: CORE/escom Code: 4522G.r.19990822
Zip Pro 2.1: name: jake cwc s/n: 1-42-123456-ccd
ZipQuest Pro 1.0 (mac) : s/n:'A 10392' RN/B-143385261
ZipTest32 v.3.06 Name: TheBrabo S/n: 7409326873
ZipTool v2.70 : name: TwinHead [TWH/BDC] or s/n: 3246176350
ZipWorks 2.5 name: blastsoft s/n: 721,*,P37122
ZipWork 2.4: name: jake cwc s/n: 721,*,P37122
ZipZap v9.01 : s/n: 991
ZLock 97: 099022256
ZMover v3.01 Crack
Zmud 4.58: name: Steve Hsu s/n: 838312121202
Zmud 4.62 Crack
ZMud 5.18+ Name: Reveals Serial Numbers s/n:  878006430035
Zoc v1.??-v2.04 1/2 : (push &quot;shift-ctrl-alt-F9&quot;) alias s/n: 12345/23456
Zoc v1.??-v2.04 2/2 : code s/n: 12345/23456/34567 validation s/n: 58750
ZoC v1.??-v2.04 for OS/2 1/2 : (push &quot;shift-ctrl-alt-F9&quot; to register)
ZoC v1.??-v2.04 for OS/2 2/2 : alias s/n: 12345/23456 code s/n: 12345/23456/34567 validation s/n: 58750
ZoC v2.05?-v2.09b for OS/2 1/2 : (push &quot;shift-ctrl-alt-F5&quot; to register)
ZoC v2.05?-v2.09b for OS/2 2/2 : part A s/n: 25938/01024/00034 part B s/n: 36288
Zoc v2.07 for OS/2 1/2 : (push &quot;shift-ctrl-alt-F5&quot;)
Zoc v2.07 for OS/2 2/2 : part A s/n: 25938/01024/00034 part B s/n: 36288
ZoC v2.07-v2.10 for OS/2 1/2 : (push &quot;shift-ctrl-alt-F5&quot; to register)
ZoC v2.07-v2.10 for OS/2 2/2 : part A s/n: 66666/66666/66666 part B s/n: 12344
ZoC v2.11-v2.13 for OS/2 : (push &quot;shift-ctrl-alt-F9&quot; to register)
ZoC v2.11-v2.13 for OS/2 (1) : alias s/n: 00009/04180 code s/n: 24627/40072/01409 validation s/n: 01702
ZoC v2.11-v2.13 for OS/2 (2) : alias s/n: 19345/11436 code s/n: 32804/50313/22348 validation s/n: 39572
ZOC 3.03 Press SCHIFT-CTRL-ALT-F9 klick on Part A/B Part A: '26250/01105/21689' Part B: '04807'
Zoc v.3.00-3.99 Press CTRL-ALT-SHIFT-F5 and type for A: 21874/01026/23346 B: 37373
ZOC v3.08 ZOC.EXE string: 83 78 10 3C 72 32 8B 15 and change on: C7 40 00 00 00 00 EB 2F and string: 83 7D 0C 02 75 45 change on: 83 7D 0C
02 EB 45
ZOC v3.10D Start ZOC, press Ctrl,Shift,Alt, and F9 at the same time. Do an A/B Register (A)= 16434/01165/20785 (B)= 25807
ZOC V3.10 (WIN 95+NT) Crack
ZSplit ver. 1.8b Crack
Zsplit 1.8a Crack
Z-Start V1.00 Name: BLASTSOFT Code: 7QbdT2Ld
Ztreewin s/n: 3858d4
ZTree Win 1.20 s/n: 272714
ZTreeWin v 1.20 Crack
ZtreeWin Version 1.31y Crack
Ztree.Win.v1.40j Keymaker
ZweckForm Winform Professional v1.0 for Windows : s/n: WF0440


0 - 9


007 for Win 32 1.0d Regfile
123zip 2.0 Crack
$tockExchange V2.0 user3w1356
1st CONTACT v1.05.00 Name: TheBrabo Company: Brabo s/n: 6455474253354245
1 Cool Bar v1.2 Regfile
1 Cool Button Tool v1.0.2a Crack
1 Cool Button Tool v1.1 Crack
1 Cool Button Tool v3 Crack
1 Cool Button Tool v3 Crack
1st Note ver. 1.11 Regfile
1-ZIP v2.00.088 Keymaker
123ZIP! ver. 2.0 Crack
1-4-all english version login: psychobit passwd: 035820179101791
1-4-All HTML editor v1.0: User name: dumbo Registration Key: 020210101001011
125%ServiceProviders Marketing Win95 s/n: 14106-124-0145506
1st Contact v1.07 Regfiles
20/20 PC-Install for DOS 4.2 Code: enterprise
20/20 PC-Install for Win95 4.16 Code: focalpoint
20/20 PC-Install for Windows 4.16 Code: foresight
20/20 PC-Install for Windows 5.08 Code: bird7
20/20 Pc-Install Pro 5.08 Code: prov5
20/20 softSENTRY 1.03 Code: nimbus14
20/20 softSENTRY Lite for Win95 1.03 Code: joe88
20/20 softSENTRY Lite for Windows 1.03 Code: westlake16
2X WILD STARS 1.1 Serial: 094133
3ALINE SCREENSAVER Right click on Desktop/Properties/Screensaver/Register Name: CoKeBoTtLe98 number: 34 18 3c 4b 31 0a 26 15 20 0c
57 5d fd
3D Audio v0.99b name: MCVD 1997 s/n : 4a3811dd93d8123
3D-Audio 1.0a Name: Riz la+ Code: 2d112edf7f16117
3D Audio v1.0 name: MCVD [DARK EMPIRE] s/n : c951443fe72c5d7
3D CALAMARI CUBES 1.0 When setup is complete Press Space bar when asked, and hit F2, or click on Enter registration code Type in code with
on-screen buttons: 911376
3D Calendar v2.40 Name : Fully Licensed User # : 6517EC7F
3D Collidascope v1.1 s/n: 550271
3D Diamonds (Ultisoft) 573914
3D Express for Windows 95 s/n: fp079-851-920-960
3D GOLDRUSH SLOTS 1.0 s/n: 785612
3D Hand Clock Screen Saver v1.0 Crack
3D Magic 1.10 Code: 5017-0816-5928
3D Mark 99 Pro Build 100 Name: Archey Bunker Serial: 735PC-PRJ7B-5CEDE
3D OBJECTS ScreenSaver I V3.3 s/n: 08528317
3D Pro Slots (Ultisoft) 719242
3D PULSOID 1.2 s/n: 791938
3D Special Effects 1.3 Name: ACi'98 Code: zx236-476t
3D Stars & Stripes (Ultisoft) 479162
3D Stereo 2.0 Name: Nambulu Code: 605-199-924
3D Studio V4.0 Crack
3D TERRIOD 2.0 s/n: 679128
386 MaX v7.0 : s/n: 40090206002 or s/n: 240-104343
386 MaX v8.0 : s/n: 820604030043 or s/n: 820604033004 or s/n: 820604030430 or s/n: 820600433400 .
386 MaX v8.0 (2) : s/n: 820600430304 or s/n: 820600430043 or s/n: 820600433004 or s/n: 820600430430
3D Audio v0.99b name: MCVD 1997 s/n : 4a3811dd93d8123
3D Audio V.1.0 Name:MCVD [DARK EMPIRE] Sn:c951443fe72c5d7
3DBrickanoid v1.1 s/n: 194206
3D COLLIDASCOPE 1.1 s/n: 550271
3D HOTSLOTS serial # : 374296
3D KeyBoard v2.4 for Windows(95) : s/n: 3DK-W31-20002
3D StudioMAX for Windows 95 : 820-6040-30430
3-D Studio MAX R2.0 S/N: 661-93842762 D-KEY: V13M AUTHORISE: 1039120D or S/N: 660-30003445 D-KEY: z5x7 AUTHORISE: n/a
3D Studio Max R2 SN : 661-93842762 CD KEY: V13M
3DS MAX 1.2 Upgrade Crack
3dmax2.0.0.0. English 1. Run Setup. Choose Typical Installation. 2. For Registration information, use: S/N: 661-93842762 CD KEY: V13M 3.
After Install, start "Authorize 3D Studio MAX R2," and enter the following code: AUTHORIZATION CODE: 1039120D
3d Studio max V2.0 ser#661-93842762 : cd-key v13m : authorization# 1039120d
3D View s/n: 460140
3D Website Builder : s/n: 3DWAE316-000-3549
4D Compiler 2.3 (mac) : 20996169922891
4D Compiler Pro 2.5.1 : 7455FAF5575E7A
4D Developer v3.0.1 and v3.2 (mac) : 34868520554560
4DOS 6.01a Crack
4D Insider 2.0.1 : 11306000000000
4-Net ver. 1.1 Crack
4NT 3.x Crack
4D Online Help 3.0.5 (mac) : 123456400
4D Online Help 3.x.x : 144835511 or 131777221 or 146565601
4D Runtime 2.01 : s/n: S-342590516249 (use over networks) s/n: T-302092506051
4D Runtime 2.01 (2) : s/n: U-302191537161 or s/n: V-302290527273
4D Server NEW! : LIC:82C740E7EB64CCCD SN:92019594 ID:09822727A44E3C8
4D Write 2.1 : s/n:522691 Card: P.040029220455
4DoS v5.00 : s/n: 111209 code: 8VS2PGCK
4FiLes +v3.30 : name: TwinHead s/n: 63459995756 or name: THE KEY s/n: 63349995394
4PLAY s/n: 372961721034
4th Dimension v2.0.11 : s/n: D-205200607255 or D-225490055617 or H-243178434494 or X-242064960694
4th Right : s/n: V-302290527273
4Screens v1.27 Name: SiG Company: Cracked! SN#: 3370776
5-OR-MORE v1.0a Name : romeo '97 s/n : 16135510 Talk about stupid programmers! As long as you use the s/n given, any name will do!
5-Or-More! name: MCVD [DE97] s/n : 16135510
5-Or-More! 2.0 Name: Your name s/n: serial :16135510
6x86 Configuration Control 3.20 Crack
686 Configuration Control Regfile
6x86 Configuration Control 3.21 Crack
8 Ball Deluxe : ZJLFDN5TMAJ
8 Ball Deluxe 1.0.1 : 6267EM11002
8 ball deluxe 2.0 s/n: EZ001114301
8Leg Web Studio : name: LordByte in 1996 organisation: #cracking s/n: 145E6063
9x WebSpider 3.9.13 Code: PVG5747300215539
9X Webspider v3.9.13 (250 Server Crack)
A-10 Attack 1.1 : 1523995795
l3 enc/dec v2.72 s/n: 1234107D90ABCC
l3dec V2.60 ISO/MPEG Audio Layer III Software Only Decoder Name: CDWarez Serial Number: 909GCB0A091E-9
l3enc/l3dec S/n: 1234DA75901230
21Dic 5.0: 21D5TS-FXyH-000293
21 Run Game Suite v1.0 S/N: 051097
98lite v1.3 Files


Источник: [https://torrent-igruha.org/3551-portal.html]
3D Special Effects 1.3 serial key or number



(Sumber : www.novi.tripod.com)

Email : endustong@yaho.com

3D Studio Max R2 Serial : 661-93842762 Key : V13M CODE : 039120D

3D Studio Max R4 Serial : 226-19791979 CD Key : XLSQBQ

ACT! v5.0 Serial : 26E2T-F2NSM-P4PEL-6CQP3

A.D.A.M Interactive Anatomy Serial : AIA16662314915 ou AIA1113334259

Acompanhamento Processual Sintese 2001 BR Serial : 1234 Usuário : ADMIN

Adaptec Easy CD Creator v4.0 Serial : 110010629931

Adaptec Easy CD Creator v4.02 Serial : 110010629931

Adaptec Easy CD Creator v4.02D Serial : 110010629931

Adaptec Easy CD Creator v4.03 Serial : 110010629931

Adobe Acrobat v4.05 Serial : AOW301R7136978-298

Adobe Acrobat v5.0 Serial : KWW500R7150122-128

Adobe Acrobat Capture v3.0 Serial : WCA300K4062001-422

Adobe After Effects Production Brundle v5.5 Serial : EWW470R1001999-030-259

Adobe After Effects v5.0 Serial : EWW470R1001999-030-055

Adobe Acrobat Capture v3.0 Cluster Serial : WJW300R1229020-850

Adobe Font Folio v9.0 Serial : CDW900R7100081-102

Adobe FrameMaker v7.0 Serial : 103012088265345892877077

Adobe GoLive v6.0 Serial : 1033-1127-2515-4365-9787-1611

Adobe Illustrator v9.0 Serial : ABW900R71111141-999-830

Adobe Illustrator v10.0 Serial : 1034-1003-4400-0000-1115-2040

Adobe Image Styler v1.0 Serial : FJW100R7103736-382

Adode InDesign v2.0 Serial : 1037-1206-1879-8486-1803-3172

Adobe Livemotion v1.0 Serial : GDW100R7100002-687

Adobe LiveMotion v2.0 Serial : 1038-1122-4403-2805-2740-1096

Adobe PageMaker v6.5 BR Serial : 03-5004-201500745

Adobe PageMaker v7.0 Serial : 1039-1121-2998-7586-7388-7545

Adobe PhotoShop Elements Serial : 1057-4422-1198-0751-6983-5530

Adobe PhotoShop v5.0 Serial : PWW400R7106337-339

Adobe PhotoShop v5.0 BR Serial : PWW500X7151515-015-430

Adobe PhotoShop v5.5 BR Serial : PWB550E7100088-110

Adobe PhotoShop v6.0 Serial : PWW600R7105467-948

Adobe PhotoShop v6.0 BR Serial : PWW600R7105467-948

Adobe PhotoShop v7.0 Serial : 1045-1209-6738-4668-7696-2783

Adobe Premiere v6.5 Serial : MBE600R7100024-900-960

Adobe Type Manager Deluxe v4.1 Serial : AWW410R7507863-892

Adobe Type Manager Deluxe v4.11 Serial : AWW410R7507863-892

Ahead NeroMix v1.12 Serial : 1200-0000-0065-0000-0000-3882

Alien Skin Splat v1.0 Serial : CHDDEFGHGCFE

Alien Skin Xenofex v1.1 Serial : DILMEEFOHMOC Name : Bad Boy (r) CD

Allaire Cold Fusion v5.0 Serial : CF50ENT-2607200099

Allaire Jrun Enterprise v3.0 Serial : JR300EE-9900-6270-0000

Andromeda ScatterLight Lenses Filter 2002 Serial : 2PF0400031-0183

Aplicativos Comerciais 2001 Serial : 3724128

Aplicativos Comerciais Ordem de Serviços Serial : 1015036

AutoCAD Lite 98 Serial : 160-10598913 CD Key : SS2L

AutoDesk AutoCAD 2000 BR Serial : 112-11111111 CD Key : 5X8NUG

AutoDesk AutoCAD 2000 Serial : 112-11111111 CD Key : 5x8nug

AutoDesk AutoCAD 2000i Serial : 400-12345678 CD Key : T4ED6P

AutoDesk AutoCAD Architectural Desktop R2i Serial : 400-12345678 CD Key : T4ED6P

AutoDesk AutoCAD Architectural Desktop R3.3 Serial : 400-12345678 CD Key : T4ED6P

AutoDesk AutoCAD LT 2000i Serial : 400-12345678 CD Key : T4ED6P

AutoDesk AutoCAD LT 2002 Serial : 400-12345678 CD Key : T4ED6P

AutoDesk AutoCAD MAP 2000i Serial : 400-12345678 CD Key : T4ED6P

Autodesk AutoCAD Overlay 2000i Serial : 400-12345678 CD Key : T4ED6P

AutoDesk Building Mechanical v2.0 Serial : 400-00436865 CD Key: VQVR56

AutoDesk Building Electrical v2.0 Serial : 400-00436865 CD Key: VQVR56

Autodesk Building Mechanical v1.0 Serial : 400-12345678 CD-Key : T4ED6

Autodesk Building Electrical v1.0 Serial : 400-12345678 CD-Key : T4ED6P

AutoDesk Inventor M5 Serial : 112-1234567 CD Key: 123456

AutoDesk Inventor R3 Serial : 202-12345678 CD Key : G4ED6P

Autodesk Inventor R3 Serial : 456-78901234 CD Key : 8QPM2M

AutoDesk Inventor R4 Serial : 202-12345678 CD Key : G4ED6P

AutoDesk Inventor v5.0 Serial : 444-44444444 CD Key : XA2ZDX

AutoDesk Land Desktop R3 Serial : 400-12345678 CD Key : T4ED6P

Autodesk Map Series v5.0 Serial : 400-12345678 CD Key : T4ED6P

AutoDesk Mechanical 2000i Serial : 999-12345679 CD Key : 9XEV61

AutoDesk Mechanical Desktop R5 Serial : 999-12345679 CD Key : 9XEV61

AutoDesk Mechanical Desktop R6 CD-Key : 400-19791979 AuthKey:TLSQBS

AutoDesk QuickCAD v8.0 Serial : 400-43166018 CD Key : 29SN1H

AutoDesk Volo View v2.0 Serial : 400-12345678 CD Key : T4ED6P

Avery Zweckform DesignPro V3.50 Multilanguage Serial: DPDEU-3502930-W123456-V

BackOffice Small Business Serverv4.5 BR Serial : 420-0000007

Balcão eletrônico Serial : 0C7-875 Nome : Compania Brasileira de Telegrafos ID : 33.271.644/0001-73

BioMed : Urology Serial : 0930JNNCL

Boris FX v3.03 For Premiere Serial : RJ9100-5C756I2-61119

Boris FX v6.0 Serial : 123456-123456-12349

Boris Red v2.5 Serial : AG0303-0644777-15M17

Borland C++ Builder v5.0 Serial : 111-111-1111 CD Key : 4eb1-2301 ( Depois tira os 1 )

Borland Delphi v6.0 Enterprise Serial : z9j8-pum4n-c6gzq CD Key : rw2-7jw

Borland Interbase v5.6 ID: 50-55-VAR-10267 CD Key: 4-9-12-0 (Windows)

ID: 30-55-VAR-10268 CD Key: d7-9-12-0 (Solaris)

ID: 60-55-VAR-10269 CD Key: 68-a-1e-0 (Linux)

Borland JBuilder Enterprise v4.0 Serial : xa22-?hrs5-2ubgs Key : f2j-46g

Borland JBuilder Enterprise v6.0 Serial : W9?A-GNMUA2-ES?KCN-HCMD Key: CH4-FAQ

Borland Jbuilder v3.5 Professional Serial : XA33-?2XTT-RPVB9 Code : 5P7-?RZ

Borland Kylix v2.0 Enterprise Serial : x9jr-j24kp-54p6c CD Key : ffp-xmg

Brincando de Microkê com o Daniel Azulay BR Serial : 939CQ-DKVBR

Burn & Go 2001 Serial : ht006-004970-0409f1fcf

Caligari Truespace v6.0 Serial : 8040701010404

Cakewalk Pyro 2003 Serial : CWPY2.00-006173

CakeWalk Plasma 2003 Serial : CWPL1.31-022587

CakeWalk Club Tracks v2.01 Serial : CWCT2.01-006589 CD Key : 428-270396-5034

CakeWalk Home Studio XL Serial : CWHX1.02-002397

Cakewalk Home Studio 2002 Serial : CWHS1.02-002688

Cakewalk Guitar Tracks Pro v2.0 Serial : CWGP2.00-003246 CD key : 10-cwgp2.00-30c

Cakewalk Music Creator 2003 Serial : CWMC1.10-088482

CakeWalk Music Creator 2002 Serial : CWMC1.00-009642 CD Key : 646-107850-4758

Cakewalk Plasma 2002 v1.02 Serial : CWPL1.02-001778

CakeWalk Pyro MP3 CD Maker v1.5 Serial : CPWY1.50-009332

CakeWalk Sonar XL v1.0 Serial : CWSX100-009999 CD Key : 931-100812-0726

CakeWalk Sonar XL v2.0 Serial : CWSX2.00-002841

Caligary TrueSpace Designer v5.0 Serial : 7376830971271

Canvas Pro v8.0 Serial : W121*LXOIK1005162

CD Labeler v2.1 Serial : 972-7967-147

Cebas Final Render Stage v1.0 Serial : TRINITY/CDKEY: 4QPG

Cebas Final Render Stage v1.0 Serial : Trinity CD Key : 4QPG

Central de Cores Brasil BR Serial : CS00004532

Checkit Suite v6.5 Serial : TC-025045

Clarion v5.5 Enterprise Edition Serial : 858992-ANW

Click'N Burn Pro v2.01 Serial : CB20-AB-019652

Cold Fusion v4.5 Serial : CF40E-011328753811 Unlock : 11873583

Compaq Array Visualizer v1.5 Serial : 33206-050-0010743-00007

Connectix Virtual PC v4.0 Serial : VPW4-0451-1439-3481-6241

Cool Edit Pro 2000 Serial : Q17EXF5U Name: MFD Corp.

Corel Bryce v5.0 Serial : BF50CRD-1257022-WDB

Corel Draw v10.0 BR Serial : D10NR-3284253T76

Corel Knockout v2.0 Serial : KO20CRD-0019351-RKU

Corel Painter v7.0 Serial : PF70CRD-2564458-SZH

Corel Draw Graphics Suite v11.0 Serial : DR11CRD-0012082-DGW

Corel WordPerfect Office 2002 Pro Serial : WXPWR-20K2809095

Cria Loja Virtual v2.16 BR Serial : 15055AB34F/1993

Criação de Sites Personal Edition Serial : 8512-W2PEB-079588

Crystal Reports Advanced v9.2 Serial : AVS50-81SG00S-G61002U

Crystal Enterprise Report Application Serv v9.2 Serial : ASM50-G0SS208-DTJ00YS

Crystal Reports v6.0 Serial : 60001-4887137 CD Key : 7000053085

Crystal Reports v7.0 BR Serial : 70001-1110661222467899

Crystal Reports v8.0 Serial : Serial: 6M-000003V-7F58000-000000* (Replace * With Any Number)

Crystal Reports v8.5 Serial : A6A50-8900008-ZE1007S

Cubase VST 32 Multilanguage Serial : 110000000

Curso Prático de 3D Studio Max v2.5 Serial : 113120608 323011361144 1277296

Curso Prático de AutoCAD 2000 Serial : 715150182 44044327256 1944053

Curso Prático de Flash 4 Serial : 540234330 55623255258 5279103

DataCAD X v10.2 Serial : DCXW22222

DataCAD X v10.04 Serial : DCXW11111

DataStage Server/Client v5.2 R1 Serial : 123-456-DSDIR User Limit: 10000 Expiration: 01-01-2020 Auth

Code: e3AzJqlmJNR

Deep Paint 3D v1.61 Serial : 1056731012

Delta Translator 99 Serial : DTR-16206-26378-00281-40

Delta Translator v2.0 Serial : DTR2-29108-84895-00412-18

DesignCAD Express v12.0 Serial : I702-0480-6634

DesignCAD 3000 Serial : H209-0386-3523

Dic Max Michaelis 98 BR v5.0 Serial : CD6BL9805083

Dicionário Eletrônico Houaiss 2002 BR Serial : DHS-21771533

Discreet Plasma v1.0 Serial : 400-04138486 Auth Key : V9TR96

DVD Complete v2.0 Serial : DVD-QQXKTHrO-MHQxRBi

Easy CD Creator v5.0 Platinum Serial : P-7TGQ4-G06CM-N5G1L

Easy CD Creator v5.02 Platinum Serial : G332NB-MGJNH-ZFVPB

Easy Office 2001 Serial : 300-508-687

Electronics Workbench v5.12 Serial : EEW-01-22185-5507

Empresário v3.0 Serial : E3CO-1-CO-065-00-00M10E11

Encyclopedia Brittanica 2003 Serial : C3CA1ACA000

Enciclopedia Britannica 98 Serial : 121981030102

Enciclopédia Master Digital 98 Serial : 43712491957774060760

Encyclopedia Britannica 2001 Deluxe Serial : 350f00043894

Encyclopedia Britannica 2002 Deluxe Serial : 590f00178449

ESRI ARCView v3.3 Serial : 511111111111

FemLAB v2.0 Serial : DTiTANZ-260141408

Finale 2002 Serial : DVDA-002112

Final Draft v5.04A Serial : FDS-000-000-000-000

Final Draft v5.04A Serial : FDS-111-111-111-111

Fix-It Utilities v4.0 Serial : FX44RX-22Z942

Game Programming Starter Kit 2 Serial : 636-5713426

Harrison's Principles Of Internal Medicine 14th Serial : HA-74613

Icon Author v6.0 Serial : D60-0398

iSpeak Via Voice v2.0 Serial : is20-rmn&-&k3s-jzvw-xd60

InstallShield Pro v7.0 Serial : IDPRF8-0700-7020239533

InstallShield Developer v7.03 Serial : ISCSL8-0703-C01175RISE

InstalShield Enterprise v4.0 Serial : 4Lions

JurisSintese Fiscal 2000 BR Serial : SF431-8

JurisSintese Millenium 2001 v4.0 BR Serial : JS164-27

KPT v6.0 Serial : TF60WRD-0022525-UHV

KPT v7.0 Serial : TF70CRD-0018269-JVR

LabView v6i Serial : W88Q43433 / Serial : W01Q1347

LapLink Gold v11.0 Serial : LGD USDR-000000-B00

Lantastic v7.0 Serial : 87070014942 CD Key : 2032-0A38-9019

Life Forms v3.02 Serial : 2345-2412-3424-2229-0069

Macromedia AuthorWare Attain v5.0 Serial : AW500-07539-97009-92400 Name : Bad Boy

Macromedia Authorware v6.0 Serial : APW600-08018-272284-59356

Macromedia ColdFusion MX Server v6.0 Enterprise Serial : CED600-15143-78464-83414

Macromedia Dreamweaver Fireworks 4 Studio Serial : WBW400-06648-47236-27654

Macromedia Dreamweaver Ultradev 4 Serial : UDW400-06066-07241-71420

Macromedia Dreamweaver v3.0 BR Serial : DWW300-08610-27280-95766,HS45EE-5030480010

Macromedia Dreamweaver v4.0 Serial : DWW400-03771-57289-73501

Macromedia Dreamweaver MX v6.0 Serial : DWW600-54622-26755-01760

Macromedia Fireworks v3.0 BR Serial : FWW300-65137-37255-19336

Macromedia Fireworks v4.0 Serial : FWW400-02666-67248-02548

Macromedia Fireworks MX v6.0 Serial : FWW000-00000-00000-00000

Macromedia Flash MX v6.0 BR Serial : FLW600-59739-97340-25714

Macromedia Flash v4.0 BR Serial : FLW400-0266-47245-52407

Macromedia Flash v4.0 Serial : FLW400-16664-27865-12345

Macromedia Flash v5.0 BR Serial : FLW500-03143-77238-80660

Macromedia Flash v5.0 Serial : FLW500-03143-77238-80660

Macromedia Flash MX v6.0 Serial : FLW600-59739-97340-25714

Macromedia GoLive v5.0 Serial : GJW500R4561433-718 oGJW500R5781060-948

Macromedia HomeSite v5.0 Serial : HSW500-03135-17229-93887

Macromedia Sitespring v1.0 Serial : SIW100-05327-77289-09308

Macromedia Studio MX Serial : WSW600-59791-91721-99978

Maple v8.0 Serial : 897300243

Maple v7.0 Serial : 783897735

MathCAD Professional 2001i Serial : RT105112UP0073

MathCAD Professional 2001 Serial : MN100000AY0000

MathWorks MatLab Suite R13.0 With MatLab v6.5 Serial : 13-22955-32678-26249-06848-40366-39620-


MathWorks MatLab Suite R12 Serial : R1212-64223-05656-55232-40443-24472-55074

MathWorks MatLab Suite R12.1 Serial : 12-64042-09547-15401-43505-29671-38658-29723-39869-


MatLab v5.3 Serial : 11-30608-63868-33547-31267-29961-41669

MedSYS v7.0 BR Serial : MEDSYS

MetaCreation Painter v6.0 Serial : PF60WRZ-0015375-WRB

Metacreation Poser v4.0 Serial : XF83WBD-8473803-USE

MetaStage v2.2 R2 Serial : 1-MSEXP / User : 40000Date : 01/01/2500 / Auth. Code : /23d5RPnw99

MetaStage Release v2.1 R3 Serial : 1-MSEXP User 40000 Date 01/01/2500 Code : 123D5RPNW99

MetaStock Pro v7.2 Serial : M97C-66U9-5N46S

MGI Reality Studio V1.0 Serial : 28936 Code : 4V1V00-3883FA-9181A1 Imageserver :


Microsof Office 2000 Premium BR - Disco 1 Serial : GC6J3-GTQ62-FP876-94FBR-D3DX8

Microsof Office 2000 Premium BR - Disco 3 Serial : 112-1111111

Microsoft Frontpage 2000 BR Serial : GC6J3-GTQ62-FP876-94FBR-D3DX8

Microsoft Office XP Professional c FrontPage BR Serial : F6V3K-C6Q2D-W2RC4-237GY-WBHK3

Microsoft Office XP Professional Serial : FM9FY-TMF7Q-KCKCT-V9T29-TBBBG

Microsoft Outlook XP 2002 Serial : dy6wq d3fyg-v89by-8kpg9-8yw9m

Microsoft Publisher 98 BR Serial : 1112-1111111

Microsoft Revisores de Textos 2002 Serial : VJTC6-G9T36-PMDDJ-2CGBG-QCWGQ

Microsoft Small Business Server 2000 Serial : KRJQ8-RQ822-YRMXF-6TTXC-HD2VM

Microsoft Visio 2002 Enterprise Network Tools Serial : dy6wq d3fyg v89by 8kpg9 8yw9m

Microsoft Visual Studio 97 Enterprise Edition Serial : 808-5476481

Microsoft Visual Studio .NET Serial : D64GG-GXY6T-V6FTR-WCPBB-2YDYB

Microsoft Windows 2000 Data Center Server Serial : RM233-2PRQQ-FR4RH-JP89H-46QYB

Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional Upgrade BR Serial : XGH9J-KBPBD-FXDKQ-K36XB-X9J6Y

Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional Serial : RBDC9-VTRC8-D7972-J97JY-PRVMG

Microsoft Windows 2000 Server Full Serial : RBDC9-VTRC8-D7972-J97JY-PRVMG

Microsoft Windows 2000 Server Full Serial : KRJQ8-RQ822-YRMXF-6TTXC-HD2VM

Microsoft Windows 2000 Server Full BR Serial : GFHKY-P34HF-HJ2CF-27JTH-6X2JB

Microsoft Windows 2000 Server Upgrade BR Serial : H6TWT-TQQM8-HXJY6-D69F7-R84VM

Microsoft Windows 2000 Server Serial : RBDC9-VTRC8-D7972-J97JY-PRVMG

Microsoft Windows 95 BR Serial : 30195-0005315-51142

Microsoft Windows 95 Osr2 v4.11 Serial : 05097-0020757-08849

Microsoft Windows 95 Osr2 v4.11 Serial : 19796-0013352-21636

Microsoft Windows 98 Full Serial : FT9CH-XVXW7-7BFCM-RPR49-VDHYD

Microsoft Windows 98 Full 98.6 Serial : K4HVD-Q9TJ9-6CRX9-C9G68-RQ2D3

Microsoft Windows 98 Full BR Serial : PGDWY-767Y4-CP77X-23XFM-299P6

Microsoft Windows 98 Full Second Edition BR Serial : XJ3XX-YR4CJ-TQD6J-76QJR-GJMJB

Microsoft Windows 98 Full Second Edition Serial : W7XTC-2YWFB-K6BPT-GMHMV-B6FDY

Microsoft Windows 98 Upgrade BR Serial : FPJQT-6PGTJ-WQTC3-9XQY2-FCH8G

Microsoft Windows Me Portugues Serial : B6BYC-6T7C3-4PXRW-2XKWB-GYV33

Microsoft Windows.NET RC1 Enterprise Server Serial : CKY24-Q8QRH-X3KMR-C6BCY-T847Y

Microsoft Windows NT v4.0 Server BR Serial : 227-075-320 CD Key : 419-0023493

Microsoft Windows NT Workstation v4.0 BR Serial : 29098-0038235-14647

Microsoft Windows XP 2002 Beta 2 Serial : QB2BW-8PJ2D-9X7JK-BCCRT-D233Y

Microsoft Windows XP Beta 2 (2462) Serial : DW3CF-D7KYR-KMR6C-3X7FX-T8CVM

Microsoft Windows XP Build 2446, 2454 & 2458 Serial : QB2BW-8PJ2D-9X7JK-BCCRT-D233Y

Microsoft Windows XP Build 2469 Serial : Q3R8Y-MP9KD-3M6KB-383YB-7PK9Q

Microsoft Windows XP Build 2474, 2499 Serial : DTWB2-VX8WY-FG8R3-X696T-66Y46

Microsoft Windows XP Build 2502-2505(RC1) Serial : BJXGH-4TG7P-F9PRP-K6FJD-JQMPM

Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition Serial : BQJG2-2MJT7-H7F6K-XW98B-4HQRQ

Microsoft Windows XP Home BR ( Desbloqueado ) Serial : BQJG2-2MJT7-H7F6K-XW98B-4HQRQ

Microsoft Windows XP Home BR ( Bloqueado ) Serial : K8GMG-PRV3M-VG2JH-DJJ48-RY7FV

Microsoft Windows XP SP1 Corporate Edition USA Serial : 3KFB7 X2Q3M 6MWFX W2Y7V C7M9D

Microsoft Windows XP Professional Final Serial : FCKGW-RHQQ2-YXRKT-8TG6W-2B7Q8

Microsoft Windows XP Pro BR ( Desbloqueado ) Serial : BX6HT-MDJKW-H2J4X-BX67W-TVVFG

Microsoft Windows XP RC1 (60 Days Activation) Serial : RK7J8-2PGYQ-P47VV-V6PMB-F6XPQ

Microsoft Windows XP Corporate Edition BR Serial : FCKGW-RHQQ2-YXRKT-8TG6W-2B7Q8

Microsoft Windows XP Corporate Edition Serial : FCKGW-RHQQ2-YXRKT-8TG6W-2B7Q8

Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 1 Serial : K2KB2-BDBGV-KP686-D8T7X-HDMQ8

Microsoft Windows XP Corporate with SP1 Serial : 3KFB7 X2Q3M 6MWFX W2Y7V C7M9D

Microsoft Windows XP Server SE Serial : BJXGH-4TG7P-F9PRP-K6FJD-JQMPM

Microsoft eMbedded Visual C ++ v4.0 Serial : G6K4D-FX9P2-RMHJ9-WR4YV-3GF9B

Mixman Studio v4.0 Serial : 421-2611-00833

Mr Client v2.3 BR Serial : 140151B74D/2975

Mr Manager 2000 BR Serial : 224302

MusicMatch Professional v7.2 Serial : UQQ9R-J9AGK-37G24-2QUL9 Serial DFX : J94584424

NeoDVD Plus v3.01 Serial : Y4YLZ-AQMZ0-11BN1-L913N-X6VZB

Net Objects Fusion MX Serial : NFW-600-R-073-02169-43559

Notas Promissorias 2001 v2.0 Serial : nyhxhy4e

Omnipage Professional Edition v12.0 Serial : 2889A-W00-555555

Omnipage Professional Office v12.0 Serial : E789X-DCN-019066

Omnipage Professional Edition v11.0 BR Serial : 2889A L00 500020

OmniPage Professional Edition v11.0 Serial : SN-2889A-K00-401014

OMNIS Studio v2.0 Serial : D2DYAVYN 502498 15242

One Write Plus v8.01 Serial : 82563826

PC Relocator v4.0 Serial : 57659-77693-70400-48777

Peachtree First Accounting 2003 Serial : 28754173

Pinnacle Express v1.10 Serial : 0000000000

Pinnacle Edition DV v4.02 Serial : EDT45-STD-098079-45H

Pinnacle Studio v8.1 Multilanguage Serial : 4510403407

Pinnacle Studio v8.0 Serial : 1013665318

Pinnacle Studio DV/Studio DV Plus v1.1 BR Serial : 6558798465

Pinnacle Systems Impression DVD Pro v2.2 Serial : IMP2V-PRO-000123-54WKeyCode : 23038332666

PowerDVD XP v4.0 Serial : MV55F17758841285

PowerDVD XP v4.0 Deluxe Serial : dx5936897n425377

Pinnacle Studio v7.11 Serial : 0000000000

Power Business USA 2002 v2.3 Serial : PFC36

PowerQuest Deploy Center v5.0 Serial : DY500K-D10WS-927426

PowerQuest Drive Image v4.0 BR Serial : DP400ENWSCD-11111129

PowerQuest Drive Image v5.0 Serial : DM500EIEU-26701662

PowerQuest Drive Image 2002 *Multi* Serial : DM600FR1-1B0S62

PowerQuest Partition Magic v8.0 Beta Serial : PM800ENSP1-11111131

PowerQuest Partition Magic v3.0 Serial : PM300EMU-032011

PowerQuest Partition Magic v6.01 BR Serial : PM600ENSP1-11111131

PowerQuest Partition Magic v7.0 Serial : PM700ENEU-110965

PowerQuest Products Suite Compilation 3rd Ed Serial : DC300DECD-11111142

Primavera Expedition Express v1.3 Serial : 01406f415539e6ec3506

Print Master Gold v3.0 Serial : PMW10-01YF5-4623NW

Print Master Gold Serial : PMW10-01YF5-4623NW

Print Workshop 2002 Serial : 131100621252

Propellerheads Reason v2.0 Serial : RSN200-0000-000201-ELNJ-6NX2-WU9K

Quark Xpress v5.0 Serial : 39173027QHSKKJF3199PYJX2

Quark Xpress Passport v5.0 Serial : 1111111111

QuickBooks Point of Sale v1.0 Serial : 66666-66666-66605-666662 Code: 66661-5066-66666-6663

ReachOut Enterprise Suite v8.0 Serial : 1031-0355-8001-2595

Rhinoceros 3D v2.0 Serial : RH20-0ETV-H2SQ-6H13

RoboHelp Enterprise 2002 R2 Serial : REF22-C3E40SHK

Roxio Video Wave Movie Creator v1.5 Serial : 1T-1BS52-ZS6ZL-9J82T

Roxio GoBack v3.0 Serial : UK-Q0DH6-GSDNY-B6WWT

Roxio PhotoSuite v4.0 Platinum Edition Serial : NB-UDX3H-QGQNX-SXH4H

Scansoft Omniform Premium v5.0 Serial : 8609A-k00-008469

Shop Control v5.0 BR Serial : 30348-211

SmartDraw Pro v5.02 Serial : SD-00-206000-000A-00000-50-21750

SmartDraw Pro v6.00 Serial : SD-00-000000-0000-0000-00000-00-00000

SolidWorks 2001 Serial : 9940-0826-5674-6593

Sonic DVDiT! PE v2.3 BR Serial : BDD8Z8TKTC4BJUHBQ

Sonic DVDiT! Professional Edition v2.1 Serial : BDD8Z8TKTC4BJUHBQ

Sonic MyDVD Video Suite v3.51 Serial : BDD8Z8TKR2MT4AZBU

Sonic Foundry Acid Pro v3.0 Serial : 7H-G9LMFN-FFP958-7L92LF

Sonic Foundry Acid Music v3.0 Serial : 7H-D74QKK-YQLW3Y-GKB8D5

Sonic Foundry Siren Jukebox v2.0 Serial : ZONETEAMROCKS(C)2001

Sonic Foundry Sound Forge v5.0B Serial : 3B-ZONETEMROCKS(C)2001

Sonic Foundry Sound Forge XP Studio v5.0B Serial : 3B-5NGJSM-JKHYVV-JPQ85F

Sonic Foundry Vegas Video v2.0B Serial : ZONE2342340

Sonic Foundry Video Factory v1.0 Serial : 1111111111

Sound Forge v4.5 / Disco 1 Serial : 105-0005741-354206

Sound Forge v4.5 / Disco 2 Acustic Mirror Serial : 150-0003185-460501

Sound Forge v4.5 / Disco 3 CDArchitect XP Serial : 140-0014716-353204

Sound Forge v4.5 / Disco 4 Acid Plug-In Serial : 210-0004936-227257

Sound Forge v4.5 / Disco 5 Noise Reduction Serial : 110-0007352-394605

Sound Forge v4.5 / Disco 6 Xfx 1 Plug-In Pack Serial : 160-1235394-569558

Sound Forge v4.5 / Disco 7 Xfx 2 Plug-In Pack Serial : 161-0003860-065656

Sound Forge v4.5 / Disco 8 Xfx 3 Plug-In Pack Serial : 162-0001164-344903

SPSS SigmaPlot 2001 v7.0 Serial : 1234567 License Code : 1234567

Statistica AX v5.5 Serial : AX908A290603AL CD Key: RVYW4DD5XC5X6X

Steinberg Cubase SX v1.0 Serial : 110000000

Swarshala v2.0 Serial : SS-3123-C123-0320

Swift 3D Dimensional Vector Graphics Tools Serial : T3DW100-16232-10223-20470

Swift 3D Dimensional Vector Graphics Tools v2.0 Serial : T3DW200-65700-95005-88056

System Architect 2001 Serial : C57W1-DWRNM-CEP2M-QADYX-17P47-3436K

Systran Professional Translator v3.0 Serial : 1-B160000-613

ThinkFree Office v2.0 Serial : TFW120-ER0055139120

ToolBook Instructor v8.1 Serial : 50111234567

TradePower Suite v8.1 Serial : D3D2FJA4H50X2

TronContatos v2.4A BR Serial : 12344321 / User Name : badboycd@hotmail.com

TurboCAD Designer 2D 3D v8.1 Serial ; GP74TH

Ulead Cool 3D v3.5 Serial : 11105-03500-00015967

Ulead MediaStudio Pro v6.5 Serial : 11102-36500-00030506

Ulead MediaStudio Pro v6.5 Multilanguage Serial : 12202-26500-00048114

Ulead DVD MovieFactory v1.0 Serial : 11102-61000-00081685

Ulead DVD Picture Show v1.0 Serial : 11106-11000-00004148

Ulead DVD WorkShop v1.0 Serial : 96302-51072-24530822

Ulead GIF Animator V5.0 Multilingual Serial : 11103-85011-21226004

Ulead Photo Express v4.0 Serial : 11103-54000-00004380

Ulead PhotoImpact v7.0 Serial : 11103-07000-00001531

Ulead Video Studio v5.0 Serial : 11102-85000-00015330

Ulead Video Studio v6.0 Serial : 81102-86000-13939442

Unisíntese Curso de Direito BR Serial : US416-1

Universal Translator 2000 Serial : KRA111464Y3QT

Vecta 3D Serial : IWKS/V3DS-7F9SL1-XAWLEE-39L0D6N

Veritas RecordNow MAX Platinum v4.0 Serial : SGW0C-DW0BZ-EEJWR-P000H-ETPZM


Visio 2000 Professional Edition Serial : 123035-250002

Microsoft Visio 2002 BR Serial : KW77G-TBTQ2-3V7V6-9DWP2-98VDJ

Microsoft Visio 2002 Serial : dy6wq d3fyg v89by 8kpg9 8yw9m

Veritas Volume Manager For Windows 2000 v3.0 Serial : IJPZ-PPRK-NIB3-J6PC-IWG0-4963-P

Veritas Cluster Server v2.0 For Windows 2000 Serial : NJZZ-XCL3-VPZX-E343-FX6P-PNPVisual Cobol

Serial : n953-qnpg-3rj 006205

Vue D´esprit v4.0 Serial : VUE4-32423-R-87283-131 / VUE3-45420-F-47850

Vue D´esprit v4.05 Serial : VUE4-32423-R-87283-131


WinDVD v3.1 Serial : YBHPK6AXK7A8R5D

Xara3D v5.02 Serial : X3D-1128-2800-0030

Xara Webstyle v3.0 Serial : 912565269169

Xara WebStyle v2.0 Serial : 7140-7506-6583

Webtrends Analysis Suite v7.0B Advanced Edition Serial : 70000HC-EGE-4H3632KB-2bM000E

WinTranslator v13.1 Licensee: PARADOX

English German RegCode: 00000xx000000

French German RegCode: 00000xx000000

Spanish German RegCode: 00000xx000000

Italian German RegCode: 00000xx000000

The program will start and will ask for license codes for dictionaries used: License Codes For Dictionaries:

Deutengl/Engldeut: 00000xx000000

Deutspan/Spandeut: 000000xx000000

Deutital/Italdeut: 000000xx000000

Deufranz/Franzdeu: 000000xx000000

ACDSee 2.41 : SpiritMaster, 386701868221327

Adaptec Easy CD Creator 4.0 : 110010629931

Adobe Acrobat 4.0 : AOW301R7136978-298

Adobe Dimensions 3.0 : DJW300R71017-86-723

Adobe Golive 4.0 : GJW400R2100006-625

Adobe Illustrator 8.0/8.0.1 (Upgrade) : ABW800R5311609-760

Adobe Illustrator 8.0/8.0.1 (Upgrade) : ABW800R7119160-874

Adobe Illustrator 8.0/8.0.1 (Upgrade) : ABW800X7102095- 685

Adobe Illustrator 8.0/8.0.1 (Upgrade) : ABW800X7102095-685

Adobe InDesign 1 : IPE100R99999999-364

Adobe Photoshop 5.0 : PWW501R0775586-656

Adobe Photoshop 5.0 : PWW501R4253082-629

Adobe Photoshop 5.0 : PWW501R5711695-809

Adobe Photoshop 5.0 : PWW501R6564142-360

Adobe Photoshop 5.0 : PWW501R8421441-371

Adobe Photoshop 5.0 : PWX501R1282278-119

Adobe Photoshop 5.0 : PWX501R1588743-798

Adobe Photoshop 5.0 : PWX501R3397588-963

Adobe Photoshop 5.0 : PWX501R3539527-536

Adobe Photoshop 5.0 : PWX501R5431808-744

Adobe Photoshop 5.5 : PWW550R0000001-837

Adobe Photoshop 5.5 : PWW550R0099288-998

Adobe Photoshop 5.5 : PWW550R0909444-247

Adobe Photoshop 5.5 : PWW550R1999777-419

Adobe Photoshop 5.5 : PWW550R2001191-482

Adobe Photoshop 5.5 : PWW550R2037105-580

Adobe Photoshop 5.5 : PWW550R4400210-129

Adobe Photoshop 5.5 : PWW550R5500900-549

Adobe Photoshop 5.5 : PWW550R7705501-405

Adobe Photoshop 5.5 : PWW550R7777031-316

Adobe Premiere 5.1 : MXX500R145503-500-448

Adobe Streamline 4.0 : SBW400U7102000-766

Andromeda Shadow : 8P51050073-0351

Anfy 1.4 : N?v: i2k = IMYke2000 - @ - 2001 K?d: yrl-9jajw-hhdjdfglgi+n9ldllhgmih

AstroWorld Suite 3.01c : 891-64469469850EAP

Asynchrophobia : 1472583699

Banner Maker Professional 1.2 : 621210451225

Bio97 1.10 : ASTAGA (D4C), 3273517416

Blade Pro 2.1.2 : 100034

Blade Pro 2.1.2 : 100037

Blade Pro 2.1.4 : 759823

BootMagic 1.0 : PM400ENWDL-003380

Bootmanager Bootstar 5.00 : N?v: i2k = IMYke2000 - @ - 2001 K?d: BM1-F4E0=-EB52I-A701

Bootmanager Bootstar 5.12 : N?v: i2k = IMYke2000 - @ - 2001 K?d: BM1-F4E0=-EB52I-A701

Bootmanager Bootstar 5.23 : N?v: http://chzhy.126.com K?d: BM1-FAD8T-EB01H-A667

Bootmanager Bootstar 5.41 : N?v: i2k = IMYke2000 - @ - 2001 K?d: BM1-F4E0=-EB52I-A701

Bootmanager Bootstar 5.50 : N?v: i2k = IMYke2000 - @ - 2001 K?d: BM1-F4E0=-EB52I-A701

Bootmanager Bootstar 6.10 : N?v: i2k = IMYke2000 - @ - 2001 K?d: BM1-F4E0=-EB52I-A701

CacheX 2.02 For IE : SpiritMaster, CHFJAJCD

CD Box Labeler Pro : N?v: Keldo K?d: GPS-283974-463962

Chesspartner 4.1 : 1234567890012345678900

ChromaPix 0.96 15b : TRPS 1998, 19334515

ClipCache 2.19a : E65FE577-DB7D6984

CompuPic 4.6, All Latest Builds : SpiritMaster, (phone) 6677558833, 3CSG02VWS5

Cookie Crusher 2.1 : SpiritMaster, 32235595

Cookie Crusher 2.5 : CZY, 19161693

Cookie Terminator 1.1 : SpiritMaster, 6784-8akX16

CookiePal 1.5c : SpiritMaster, 3591955

Copernic Plus99, 3.0 : 056-059999999

Copernic Plus99, 3.0.2 : 615-234427749

CPU Cool 3.07 : 14709990

Customizer 2000 for Win98 : 18121981

Disk Clean Up 3.5 : 3805489300

DNS Expert 1.3 : DXPW-4559-jr86-h969-zwiy

Draw4U 2.0 : SpiritMaster, 143-005735

Dreamveawer : DWW100-07785-53546-55079

Drive Copy Pro 2.0 : DC200ENCD-257435

Drive Image Pro 3.0 : DP300ENWSCD-101002

Easy CD Extractor 3 : SpiritMaster, 328478152967

Easy CD-DA Extractor 3.0.4 : N?v: Dexter K?d: EZCDDAX3-80686E88-6868B2B9-402

Easy CD-DA Extractor 3.6.0 Build 1556 : CZY, EZCDDAX3-E0F35BC1-C9EA2E08-261

Easy Tarot 1.11.22 : SpiritMaster, 328478152967

Easy Text 3.02 : ET*543122

File Chopper 2.8 : Tex, 92-90-22-08-00

File Protector 1.60 : Any Name/Comp.FP10-83-ZLB-0-D6743D484104A7-25

Fractal Design Poser 3.0 : FA300RAU0015692-YDAQ-001

Genesis VFX 1.0.4 : Serial number = 44444, Authorisation Code = 2077229778

GetRight 3.3.3 : 343556953905

GetRight 3.3.4 : 268554735020

GetRight 4.0 : 811910289477

Hardrive Mechanic : 65B10705

Headline Studio : HF01CNC-6966669-EYK

Image Converter 2.9.00 : 1535

Image Optimizer 1.02 : 976ciqui

Install Console Developer : N?v: L!M!T [TEX] Jelsz?: MOGYXGQRKHJ

Install Shield Pro 5.5 : 564673897

Installer Vise 3.01 : N?v: Kooky [HERiTAGE] K?d: IVR400W7921285

InstallShield 2000 6.10 : ISCSL8-0100-999000TEMP

InstallShield Express Professional 1.11a : Telep?t? jelsz?: avellini

InstallShield Professional 5.xx : Telep?t? jelsz?: 0000000000005~

InstallShield Professional 5.xx : Telep?t? jelsz?: 111111111111~)

InstallShield Professional 5.xx : Telep?t? jelsz?: AAAAAAAAAK

InstallShield Professional 5.xx : Telep?t? jelsz?: aaaaaaaL

InstallShield Professional 5.xx : Telep?t? jelsz?: bbbbbbbE

InstallShield Professional 5.xx : Telep?t? jelsz?: cccccch9

InstallShield Professional 5.xx : Telep?t? jelsz?: kllllll

Install-US 3.x (All) : N?v: The Cracking Answer K?d: 23075859p

Installwatch Basic 1.1a : N?v: The Exterminators K?d: 238611891

InstallWatch Pro 1.2 : N?v: K. Wayne Eubank K?d: 18042427

Intellihance 4.0 : IWE-201-301-043-888777

Intellihance 4.0.1 : IDE-400-200-502-000004

InternetPhone 5.01 : V1Q7-SC97-NNNN-LX-0000-3BFF/A2BE

Invisible Pro 3.0 : FFFAAA-BFBF-FFAA-FBFB

Jammer 1995, Build 0809 : Shaligar^Lash, 1234567-2D503C3951

Java Script It 2.0.2 : N?v: i2k = IMYke2000 - @ - 2001 K?d: 223c44js

Java Script It 2.0.0 : N?v: i2k = IMYke2000 - @ - 2001 K?d: 223c44js

Java Script It 2.0 : N?v: Shaligar^Lash K?d: 23325Cjs

JPG Optimizer 3.07 : AY8124

Kais Power Tools 5.0/5.0.1 Retail : KF50CCD-0027433-JEQ

Kais Power Tools 5.0/5.0.1 Retail : KPT-W500-DE-R-0478026350520

KPT Gel 1.0 : KG50WCD-0000642-NAY

Kremlin 2.21 : 4040053298

Lost & Found 1.01 : 0453-0000-0002-8279

Lost & Found : 0453-0000-0002-1462

Microsoft Office 2000 Premium : 16608-270-5737913-55596

Microsoft Office 2000 : MP4F9-W6C8V-HTCCT-T7M7R-Y7K3Y

MIRC 5.6 : SpiritMaster, 11170-1155048

MP3 CD Maker 1.31 : N?v: i2k = IMYke2000 - @ - 2001 K?d: 6876176569

NetBus Pro 2.01 : SpiritMaster, 1AAC6DD8

NeuroTran-2000 (2001 j?lius 22) : E6L-7LF8N-KCZHP

NewsGrabber 3.0.08 : Walhalla/oDT, 126299186206

Num. Star Reader 14.0 : LMs43Fu8/ (upgrade to v 15.0)

Offline Explorer 1.2.182 : CHENZY, 375864-436593125-XP

Painter 3D : FW100NAZ0010091-FPPJ-001

Painter 3D : VA100RAZ0000498-CELW-001

PanOpticum Fire : Siege vagy 1999, 68716

Partitition Magic 4.0 : PM400ENWDL-003380

Partitition Magic 4.1 : PM400DECD-024414

Password 2000 : Regisztr?ci?s k?d: magicpassword

Password 2000 2.51 : N?v: Sempai^LasH K?d: 257855921780524846

Password Administrator 1.01 : N?v: Cissie Goldstein K?d: 196852611-CBBDA

Password Administrator 1.01 : N?v: DzA kRAker K?d: 256325518-78547

Password Agent 1.1.1 : N?v: i2k = IMYke2000 - @ - 2001 K?d: 12686131

Password Assistant 1.5 : N?v: !User334 K?d: 1164398

Password Bank Pro 2000 4.4 : N?v: Azrael C?g: Phrozen Crew K?d: 631-187-725-13777

Password Bank Pro 2000 : N?v: n03l T?rsas?g: Faith2000 K?d: 333-107-814-42179

Password Keeper 5.4 : N?v: n03l C?g: Faith98 K?d: 205294993

Password Manager 2.5.91 : N?v: MANiFEST K?d: 265732

Password Power 2.0.3 : psk1

Password Protected LockUp 2.6 : 91027TNT!PPLF

Password Tracker Deluxe 3.53 : N?v: frenzy K?d: PT-947-293371

Password Tracker Deluxe 3.61 : N?v: i2k = IMYke2000 - @ - 2001 K?d: PT-126-023803

Photoanimator 1.0 : SpiritMaster, KundaliniRiders Inc., HCI-300-429-871-728372

PhotoFrame 1.0.1e : The Brabo, Brabo (comp.), BCE-100-440-990-654321

Photoframe 2.0 Final : BDE-200-150-456-000100

Photoframe 2.0 Final : BDI-200-150-237-000100

PhotoJazz 1.0 : SpiritMaster, Private, MDW2-A5RR-AF3ZJ

PhotoSee Pro 1.0 : SpiritMaster, 284313623126323

PhotoTools 3.0.2e : HCI-300-429-871-728372

Plugin Manager 2.0 : LOMAX, KGSI00223ICNET

Poser 4 : XF83WBD-8473803-USE

QuadSucker Web 1.5 : SpiritMaster, wfqbpqbu

Quick Time 4.x : N?v: i2k = IMYke2000 - @ - 2001 K?d: 0B51-3965-5305-E2F1-4F5A

Quick Time 4.0 : SpiritMaster, (Comp:) SeXBeeRAnDFuN.InC, 6F1D-3A09-3FBE-A0A2-2EF7

Quick Time 4.0 Pro : N?v ?s C?g: i2k = IMYke2000 - @ - 2001 K?d: 126C-D4EE-2418-121F-8BEA

Raydream 5.0 : SW-400-1-4268-6394

RAYflect Phototracer 1.0.x : PTP-W-01-abt07wk-pg0q051-h3a0ajw2

Reg.Studio 1.01 build 110 : Alfred-EXE, RS14-4656-1169-9093-0288-0

Saved Game Manager 1.0b : N?v: i2k = IMYke2000 - @ - 2001 K?d: OXv1-1L1r-ueZt-1316-eR6K

ScreenSaver Builder 2.2 : N?v: i2k = IMYke2000 - @ - 2001 K?d: 02084FF65ETNO90FCD155F1113

Serials 2000 : hackthis

Software Organizer Deluxe 1.2 : N?v: The Exterminators K?d: 636607654-731

StealthApp 1.0 : 1139-2463-0621

Teleport Pro 1.29.949 : SpiritMaster, Private, 2094255533

The Cleaner 2.1x : What you want, 999222999-1994

The Matrix ScreenSaver 1.4 : 77100491

Transparency : 3865-1-W-100-TLE-20150

TrayIcon Menu 1.0 : Site Licence N?v: Crudd [TeX] K?d: 386838-492661593-CN

TrayIcon Menu 1.0 : Single User License N?v: Crudd [TeX] K?d: 368867-492654942-BG

Tweaki for Power Users 2.2 : N?v: karpoff K?d: 92403063PES

Tweaki for Power Users 2.4.8 : N?v: i2k = IMYke2000 - @ - 2001 K?d: 198668106CED

Ulead Audio Editor 6.0 VE : 71102-36000-92123110

Ulead Video Capture 6.0 VE : 71102-36000-92123110

Ulead Video Editor 6.0 VE : 71102-36000-92123110

Ulead Video Studio SE : 78302-94000-99909925

Ultimate Game Cheating System 3.5 : CS2196

Ultra Edit 6.00c : N?v: i2k = IMYke2000 - @ - 2001 K?d: ZJTBBXUD96789442

Ultra Edit 6.10b : N?v: i2k = IMYke2000 - @ - 2001 K?d: ZJTBBXUD96789442

Universe 1.6.2 : draXXter, 1050267360

ViaVoice Millenium Edition 7.0 : RPA000049301

VirtuaGirl 1.18 : N?v: 20360 K?d: 43452

WebPhone 4.0.2 : Key: H925T842989AJ12D

WinAce 1.0 Final : N?v: i2k = IMYke2000 - @ - 2001 K?d: ACEFYWE6EEQ9K9AR493

WinAmp < 2.25 : N?v: i2k = IMYke2000 - @ - 2001 K?d: 52173981

WinAmp Skin Maker 1.05 : N?v: i2k = IMYke2000 - @ - 2001 K?d: 7193621

WinAmp Skin Maker 1.20 : N?v: i2k = IMYke2000 - @ - 2001 K?d: 7193621

WinAmp Skin Maker 2.0 : N?v: Szabby [SCT] K?d: 4811403

WinBoost2000 Gold Ed. : SpiritMaster, 7W5I4-R473-NV16-9R7Y-A41F

WinBoost2000 Standard Ed. : SpiritMaster, 757516487

WinBoost98 1.24/2000 : CoKeBoTtLe99, 685275290

Window Blinds 0.99.1 : N?v: i2k = IMYke2000 - @ - 2001 K?d: WB-1vtfj1

Window Blinds 1.0 Final : N?v: +DzA kRAker SPECIAL LICENCE FOR THE FANS OF WINDOW

BLINDS K?d: WB-dfj341

Window Blinds 1.0 Final : N?v: TOM&JERRY K?d: WB-bc1ecc90

Window Blinds 1.0 Final : N?v: THE TNT CRACK TEAM K?d: WB-3mc4a8n

Window Blinds 1.0 Final : N?v: +DzA kRAker K?d: WB-46b0935d

Window Blinds 1.0 Final : N?v: I HATE WINDOW BLINDS K?d: WB-3mbh239

Window Blinds 1.0 Final : N?v: FREE STARDOCK LICENCE K?d: WB-4encpd6

Window Blinds 1.0 Final : N?v: GIGEL K?d: WB-186d6044

Window Blinds 1.01 : N?v: Reanimator^LasH K?d: WB-j2e89f9

Window Blinds 1.06 : N?v: i2k = IMYke2000 - @ - 2001 K?d: WB-1vtfj1

Window Blinds 2.0 : WB-6730ef13

Window Blinds 2.01 : N?v: ChoRdLesS K?d: WB-3917e22c

Window Blinds 2.11 : WB-6730ef13

Window Blinds 2.1a : WB-1415976f

Window Blinds 2.21 : WB-d3091ca3

Window Blinds 1.3 Build 356 : N?v: SPeY K?d: WB-10d61a68d

Window Blinds 1.xx : N?v: Stony Crackers Team K?d: WB-723miah

WinRar 2.xx : N?v: sNeaKeR FiVe [4110] K?d: 5B68D2BEA44C92

WinHacker 2.03 : N?v: Predator C?g: Phrozen Crew K?d: 6050-6c8d75

Windows Logo Changer 2000.1 : N?v/N?v: L!M!T C?g: The Exterminators E-mail: tex99@gmx.net


WinRescue95 9.11,9.12 : msR3I8aUi9y2E84L

WinRescue98 4.12,4.14,4.15,5.00 : SvetCHRISTA

WOW AstrologyForLovers 2.0 : Mr_GReeN [WkT!], 1715215513

Xenofex 1.0 : JKGDDBEEKLCH

Nero 1500-0001-0037-0228-8708-9713

Nero Normal: 1504-0559-5667-1354-6206-4991

Nero OEM: 1509-1563-8001-0776-5221-9314

Nero MP3: 1503-0833-6873-5519-0487-5862

Nero Normal: 1507-2423-2043-2408-4342-3036

Nero OEM: 1503-1621-1064-0545-5435-0712

Nero MP3: 1502-0668-4004-2662-4182-0650

Nero 15018-87020-41576-84212-7184

Nero 15058-86731-79950-96654-7158

Nero 15067-28271-79486-69970-9889

Nero 15087-53891-79521-26918-5683

Nero 1508-2414-1079-0835-5986-5712

Nero 1502-0833-6087-6145-1428-9615

Nero 1501-0482-2086-6357-1225-9755

Nero 1506-2565-9001-8094-9941-3404

Nero 15079-47152-22387-66445-7066

Nero 15067-35192-82571-36328-9696

Nero 15067-13021-45689-34177-5404

Nero 15067-13022-16792-83634-7186

Ulead VideoStudio v6.0 serial:81102-86000-13939442


Adobe PhotoShop 7.0 - serial: 1045-1209-6738-4668-7696-2783

Adobe PhotoShop 6.0 - serial:PWW600R7105467-984

Adobe illustrator 10 Beta Build 76 - serial:1034-0021-7155-9289-4954-2867

Adobe Illustrator 10 SN:1034-1003-4400-0000-1115-2040 or 1045-1885-5682-6886-6690-4184

Audiograbber 1.81 Build 3 - s/n: 53BD0D818E

Acdsee 4.01 Sn: 031-388-495-509-847-541


BootXP V2.1 Name: Nitrogen[TSRh] Code: BXP-23189923250428232


Banner Maker Pro 1 Serial: 3122545210621


CDRWIN 5.02 Code: 5CC8R-DMF4B-53B54-FKDS8-9UG3A

CompuPic Pro 6.1 Name: Joep Meloen Photo: 1122334455 Code: 1BBMHWYU1BPRF

CloneCD Name: Randal Dudley Dudley s/n: 1619103-1-0045531653-3485491080




Eye Candy 4000 Full Serial #: BFNMMHPENCCI

Easy CD-DA Extractor 5.0 XP Regmail:TnM@LasH-JaZZ.org Code:MJH3BW66UN


Flash Catcher 2.6 Email: Kyr0N@zor.org s/n: yufuping99

Fast Browser Pro 5.1 name: ponz56 key: 432012

Fast Browser Pro 5.12 Name:Free User Code:415521140


GetRight 4.5d sn: 980464595368 - sn::339196003959


HyperSnap-DX SN:


HyperSnap-DX ve 4.50.02 SN:


HyperSnag DX 4.22.01 SN:











Mini Golf Mega World Serial: ACFFDB3E-14DD-4B24-3331-313E93BAFD22

Источник: [https://torrent-igruha.org/3551-portal.html]

What’s New in the 3D Special Effects 1.3 serial key or number?

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System Requirements for 3D Special Effects 1.3 serial key or number

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