The Sims 2: Open For Business 1.0 serial key or number

The Sims 2: Open For Business 1.0 serial key or number

The Sims 2: Open For Business 1.0 serial key or number

The Sims 2: Open For Business 1.0 serial key or number

View Full Version : Sims 2 Serial Key Printer

8th Sep 2006, 11:32 AM
I've created a program that does the leg work of going into your registry and finding your serial keys for your Sims 2 games, including the expansion and stuff packs.

I made it to combat "Lost Manual Syndrome" and also for people that have had their manuals destroyed by coffee or small children looking for something to draw on. ;)

It also has the ability to print off your serial numbers so you can keep all your numbers together in one place.

Don't worry, the program doesn't access the internet, so it won't be stealing your keys and sending them to web-pirates.

Also, you will need the Microsoft .NET Framework 2 ( to run it.
It will not work if you don't have that installed, instead you'll get an unfriendly error message.

Or if you really want, try Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 (")
It is essentially .NET Framework 2 + 1.5! Vista comes with v3 of the Framework, but that download works for XP too.
My program doesn't use the extra features, but if you want to be future proof for when programs do need the later version of the Framework, you might want to consider getting v3.5, rather than v2.

Whichever version you go for, don't forget to visit Microsoft Update to download the appropriate patches/Service Packs for those Frameworks.

You can also download the program from my Sims 2 Website (, which will sometimes be updated first.

For the program to work, the games need to be installed on your hard drive. If the game has been uninstalled, then the code has in all likelihood been removed from your hard drive. On rare occasions, the uninstaller doesn't remove the code for reasons unknown, so you may strike it lucky and the program may pick up the code anyway.

Hope you find this useful, constructive feedback is appreciated,

Updates:With the release of Sims 3 and a little nudging, I present a Beta version of the program that with find both your Sims 2 and your Sims 3 serials.

If brave people willing to give a Beta program a go could give it a whirl, that'd be great.
I'd especially like to hear back from 64bit and Windows 7 users if there are any out there. (Windows 7 made my six year old technology cry!)

Thank you. :)

8th Sep 2006, 6:41 PM
This is a great idea- I'm going to try it out! Thankyou.

Edit: I've tested this, and it works brilliantly. It is a very useful little utility, well done!

8th Sep 2006, 9:37 PM
Simple and useful. Thank you. I've brought it to Judhudson's Sims programs website ( attention

8th Sep 2006, 10:37 PM
This is wonderful :) I've updated about it on our sister sites news/info blog here:

8th Sep 2006, 10:59 PM
Glad you like it, and thank you for the linkification. :)

I didn't know about that website Pixelhate, I shall keep my eyes open, see if it pops up.

If you get any errors or crashes with it, let me know, and I'll try and hunt them down.

8th Sep 2006, 11:02 PM
this is fantastic, I seem to always misplace a case or 2

9th Sep 2006, 12:17 AM
That's wonderful! I'm sure many will find it very useful. I don't know what I would do if I were to lose my CDs, cases and manuals, especially since I tend to uninstall and reinstall quite often.

9th Sep 2006, 4:17 AM
What do you do if you lost your manual and had to do a destructive restore on your computer?

9th Sep 2006, 4:37 AM
Not something I'll ever need, but glad to see someone has made it for people who really need it. Good job! :)

9th Sep 2006, 9:35 PM
Oh thank goodness, I have moved at least three times since i've had sims2 and I just realized a few weeks ago that my jewel cases are gone. (I store all my CD's in a folder.) My game is fine now, but I was worried about having to reinstall.This will come in very handy, thank you!

10th Sep 2006, 5:29 PM
Thanks so much, I remember losing most of my sims2 downloads and when I needed to resinstall I had to go rebuy them (><).

10th Sep 2006, 6:14 PM
Brilliant idea!So extremely useful ! I have never lost a serial yet but you never know ;-) Thanks for this ,very innovative :-)

12th Sep 2006, 12:53 AM
Thank you Pixelhate, it's now added :)

12th Sep 2006, 8:41 PM
And a thank you to you Judhudson, it's great to see my program getting around.

Rikachic512 I think your best bet is retrieving your serial key from EA

Thanks for all the positive feedback too. :)

13th Sep 2006, 8:57 PM
Perfecto!!! I had this happen to me a few months ago... It was such a stressful time.

you should be awarded the noble peace prize or something. Believe me what you done is increible. careless simmers world wide will be thankful :D

20th Oct 2006, 3:28 AM

21st Oct 2006, 5:43 PM
Great idea and great program, should prove very usefull for people who have that "lost manual syndrome". :D

23rd Oct 2006, 8:23 AM
does this program need updating for pets? Its after Oct 20th and it doesn't list the pets serial key it just says "Due for release 20th Oct'"

23rd Oct 2006, 10:25 PM
Good idea - though I have to admit, I'm probably twice as bad as anyone else when it comes to misplacing things - and even lazier about entering serials - so I type them up in barcode, print them out and tape them to the wall behind my monitor. Since I have a barcode reader, it's a simple matter of just point and click ;-)

And seeing as how often I un/reinstall or F&R, this method comes in REALLY useful - though I wouldn't reccomend running out and buying a barcode reader - they're unnecessarilly expensive. I got mine free when the place I'd worked closed down.


24th Oct 2006, 7:08 AM
does this program need updating for pets? Its after Oct 20th and it doesn't list the pets serial key it just says "Due for release 20th Oct'"

Yeah, I was wondering this too. My pets serial code has already been thrown away.

28th Oct 2006, 1:23 PM
I'll be uploading an updated version that picks up your Pets code in just a few moments.

I've also added a couple of extra line breaks on the print-out to make reading it a little easier.

A word of warning though, my real printer has died recently, so I haven't been able to test if it physically works, although the Print Preview shows it up, so it should work.

Anyway, give it 10 minutes, and everything should be updated.
Just download the new version, extract it, then use it as you did the old one.
Enjoy. :)

P.S. I'm loving that bar-code technique. :up:

30th Oct 2006, 9:53 PM
LOL Me too - barcode is the best


9th Nov 2006, 12:12 AM
I can't begin to name how many cases I've lost. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

9th Nov 2006, 9:02 PM
Very interesting. Thank you, plenty! Works fine for me.

10th Nov 2006, 4:26 AM
hey guys im BRAND NEW here im just wondering how does this work..because i just figured out my little sister lost my jewel case and everything and all i have is just the game disk all i need is the key gen or w/e it is on the i downloaded your program but wen it opened up i put in the sims 2 disk and it didnt find anything it just said that not found or i do not have it?? am i doing something wrong?? ill appreciate any help thanks guys!!

10th Nov 2006, 12:50 PM
The program looks in your computer's registry and pulls out any keys that it finds in there. The Sims 2 disk is not required for my program to work - since there are no serial keys stored on the Sims 2 disk.

When you try and install the game, and it asks you to enter the serial key, it actually stores that key in your computer's registry, and it is free to be looked at by any passing person or program.
However, depending on the uninstallation method used, the key may be removed, so my program won't always find it if the game has been uninstalled.

My program just takes out the leg work of manually navigating through your registry with RegEdit - plus it lets you print them all off easily too.

Since your serial key doesn't seem to in your registry, I'd try this guide from SimSample on recovery your serial key

Good luck.

11th Nov 2006, 6:07 PM
:gjob: you have saved me! thanks for making this

21st Nov 2006, 3:53 AM
Thank-you SO much for this!! :)

1st Dec 2006, 8:43 PM
You are a god among men . . . thank you, because crusing the internet for a week hadn't turned up the code . . . now I don't need to worry anymore! I can do my uninstall/reinstall and play again!!

2nd Dec 2006, 12:09 PM
Thanks again for feedback. :-)

Just updated the first post to point you to the new .NET Framework that was released a while back.

My program only needs v2, so there is no need to upgrade for the sake of my program alone.

The next program update will probably be slightly before or after the next true expansion or stuff pack release.

13th Dec 2006, 10:02 PM
i just rebought OFB coz my dog eat the manual :D
thanx for saving me from the next such issue :D

30th Dec 2006, 8:41 AM
thanks much for this....i needed it badly! :D

31st Dec 2006, 5:06 AM
I have the Sims pet I have never previously installed it or anything it just didn't come with a code so will this program work or not?

I tried but it will never pull it up can you help me????

31st Dec 2006, 11:04 AM
stvn310, all expansion packs that are purchased should come with a code. If yours did not, you should contact the place where you bought it from.

6th Jan 2007, 7:19 PM
Thank you so much, I lost my Nightlife manual and when I got Windows Vista I thought I was utterly screwed.

You are the awesomes.

7th Jan 2007, 5:06 PM
this is FANTASTIC!!!!! thankyou so much!!!! keep up the good work :)

22nd Jan 2007, 3:11 AM
OMG! You just saved us a ton of time. We have the original game and all the expansions. I have to reinstall everything but couldn't find the slip of paper that comes with the DVD cases, the one that has the serial code on it. I figured I'd give this site a try since I am a loyal fan and visit daily. To my surprise, some very smart person wrote exactly the program we were in dire need of......THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!!!

23rd Jan 2007, 7:06 PM
Wow, thanks so useful. =]

28th Jan 2007, 12:41 AM
It's great to see my program being used and being found by the people that need it! :D

I've done the work on the program ready for Seasons, and I'll be uploading to the website and here once I hear people are opening up their pre-orders.

If I have time, I may even give the website a proper update!
Don't hold your breath though. :lol:

1st Feb 2007, 11:00 PM
This is wonderful! I don't understand how it works and probably wouldn't if you told me, but I do know this is one of the most universally useful tools made for the Sims ever. Thank you so much. :gjob:

6th Feb 2007, 7:11 PM
Thanks ever so much.. now I just have to stick it on my boyfriends laptop (where I had previously kept all the games) and recover my pets code.. For now I will Just put the ones I do have in a .doc file..
Thank You!

10th Feb 2007, 6:12 PM

10th Feb 2007, 9:36 PM
I have a small question :) I have all 4 EPs and GL installed on my computer and have never uninstalled any of them, why does the key printer not show the serial code for my copy of university? it shows all the others :) thanx S2P

11th Feb 2007, 1:07 PM
You could try finding the key manually - to see if its there at all:

If the serial is where it is meant to be, I'm not sure why it would just be University that it fails to pick up.
That said, the part of the installation procedure that deals with the serial key when installing the game is totally separate from the main installer.
If for some reason that program has been run again, it would have cleared your key, yet Uni would still work.

19th Feb 2007, 10:15 PM
I tried that process and all it showed was an empty registry for all 5 games!! :lol: Where else would the program be getting the codes from so I can check the university files? thanx S2P

27th Feb 2007, 12:17 PM
The program doesn't look anywhere else - so I have no idea where its picking it up from then - other than the places in that article.

I can only imagine there is some oddness happening between the .NET Framework and permissions - and that your Uni key has simply winked out of existence at some point! :blink:

I've just updated the program to pick up Seasons (or at least look where I assume Seasons will be found) so it'd be interesting to see if it picks that up.

7th Mar 2007, 7:13 PM
well i just tryed it with seasons an i have them all an it worked :) thanks

9th Mar 2007, 10:55 PM
My computer died on me and so I bought a new computer. I was able to load up The Sims 2 and all the EPs except for Nightlife since I couldn't find the booklet for it. I have salvaged the hard drive from my old computer and put it in an external drive. Is there any way to get your key program to work on it? Or any way to run Regedit on the external drive? Any guidance would be greatly appreciated!

P.S. I tried the program on my new computer and it works like a charm (except for the sad greyed out icon for Nightlife).

10th Mar 2007, 12:11 PM
Indeed you can run RegEdit on an external registry files - can be a little tricky though.

I haven't personally tried this, so no idea if it'll work or not, but playing around in the registry can seriously kill your Windows install, so make sure you backup everything you need before attempting this - who knows what it may do!

Fire up RegEdit, highlight one of the first main folders on the left.
From the File drop-down menu, hit "Load Hive"
Point it at your external hard drive:\WINDOWS\System32\Config\software
(I think it's the one without a file extension you want, maybe not, experiment if you dare)
Load that in, giving it an unusual name, so you don't overwrite anything in your current one.
Then you should be able to browse through it manually, as you would your own registry proper, though everything will appear under the name you gave it.
With any luck, you'll find your key in there.
Once found, or you've given up, don't forget to unload the hive too, just highlight the name you gave it on the left, and unload hive from the File drop down menu.

Good luck with that - but be careful, I really have no idea what those instructions I gave you will actually do, only what I think they do.

And a thanks to Knightguy82 for letting me know Seasons support works. :)

24th Mar 2007, 1:34 PM
Great!! Now the "Lost Manual Syndrome" it's gone (only for Sims 2).
Now that I have this tool, I can save the serial numbers from my lost serials (from the Sims 2 and nightlife) in a file and print them. :report:
Thank you. :up:

26th Mar 2007, 7:19 PM
Looks like quite a few people in here were expecting a Keygen that would generate a code for them. Piracy is bad, mmkay? Go buy the game people, don't download it from the internet! As for this handy little tool, thank you for your hard work. Sadly my 4-year-old niece was playing around with my case and took the paper off the box and actually chewed it right where the code was :(. Great work!

10th Apr 2007, 1:59 AM
whats the stuff pack 3? if its holiday items last i knew they didnt require a code least the cd i got for christmas didnt an i got the one with the oringal items an the mini holiday pack it just installed to the sims folder like it was part of the oringal game

i like the new layout i dont have Celebration so i cant test that at this time

10th Apr 2007, 11:48 AM
Stuff pack 3 is presumably "H & M Stuff" or whatever it ends up being called.
I've put Celebration into the SP4 position - because that is where Maxis have put it.

For instance, is a dead link, but takes you to the Celebration info.

Glad you like the layout, once I've got confirmed Celebration compatibility I can push the new version out fully.

@ Joe2209: Indeed piracy is bad - although I think you're right about people looking for free codes illegally, I get some interesting hits from search engines appearing in my site logs.

14th Apr 2007, 8:49 AM
i confirm that it reads out the key correct for celebration stuff.

17th Apr 2007, 5:46 AM
Thank you so much for this! My grandson tonight got my Pets and original Sims 2 booklets out of my CD cases. He took a pair of child scissors that normally can't cut a thing, well I now know they can chop up a Sims 2 registration. I started him to work on crafts and when I went to check on him, too late. Bottom half of the booklet is fine, top half looked like confetti in less than 5 minutes. I didn't even realize he could reach my CD's. Glad I remembered seeing this and could find it, thank you again!

PS I have all the EP's and stuff packs and it picked up everyone of of the codes for me, so printed plus print screened and saved jpg to external HD just in case my GS gets anymore bright idea's. lol

19th Apr 2007, 1:25 AM
Hello, excellent work, I have installed it in my computer and works of wonder, i want a question, I comment of your program in a forum which I attend in Spanish and they closed my post because foments the piracy, is this certain one?.

19th Apr 2007, 5:59 AM
They must have misunderstood your post. This program only takes the serial numbers you already have on your computer from installing your game, there is no piracy in that.

25th Apr 2007, 8:38 PM

6th Jun 2007, 11:32 AM
Glad to hear this is still saving a few people, and the time for updating has come around once again.

Sims 2 Deluxe has now been released and an icon added to SimPages. My question, to anybody who has it, is where about does the Activation Code get added to the registry? It'll be something like:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Electronic Arts\EA Games\The Sims 2 (something)\ergc
I ask, since it seems to have been released as a game in its own right, rather than Sims 2 Pets Edition, so it it would be useful to know - does it get its own registry entry?
Or does it just add the same key to both Sims 2 & Nightlife locations?

Also, where does H&M go? I'd expect to find it somewhere around:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Electronic Arts\EA Games\The Sims 2 H(&/and ?)M (something)\ergc
I ask this, because even the official site can't keep a consistent name for this pack. "Fashion" seems to drop in and out of the name at random.

So if some RegEdit wizard with the games could share the locations, that'd be very much appreciated. :D

Once I know where they are, I'll update the program to pick them up correctly.
Thank you. :)

9th Jun 2007, 2:57 PM

is what i got when i looked into regedit :-\

hope it helps

9th Jun 2007, 4:36 PM
Thanks Knightguy82, a new version going up in a few moments...

Edit: And the new version is up, as ever I avoid the "Stuff Packs",
so if anyone can confirm that H&M is picked up and can be printed correctly that'd be fab! :)

10th Jun 2007, 3:46 AM
Thanks Knightguy82, a new version going up in a few moments...

Edit: And the new version is up, as ever I avoid the "Stuff Packs",
so if anyone can confirm that H&M is picked up and can be printed correctly that'd be fab! :)

it picked up correctly tho i see you removed the happy holiday slot?

an you know you need help when your sims printer screen shows this :rofl:

(i cleaned up the pic i took incase you wanna use it) :deal:

10th Jun 2007, 12:37 PM
Excellent, good to see it working, thanks for confirming. :)
I may just have to nab that image at some point ;)

I don't think any version of the Holiday pack has a code, so little point trying to print it out. Besides, "Stuff Pack 3" still isn't on the offical website, as the holiday pack has its own numbering scheme.

Anyhow, anyone hits a problem, just drop me a line, I'll see if I can sort it. :)

14th Jun 2007, 1:16 AM
That doesn't work for me.. When i click on the application it tells that the file is corrupted...

(Sorry for my bad english...i'm french.. :jest: )

14th Jun 2007, 12:15 PM
Hmm, both download links are working fine for me.
I'd try downloading it again.

If that doesn't work, I think you may be missing the Microsoft .NET Framework version 2. My program will not work without it.
There are download links in the first post of this topic.

If you can't get it to work, post the exact error message you get, as that will help find what the problem is.

21st Jun 2007, 10:04 PM
Great program!! Small problem though, I had a meltdown last night. I was able to remove my whole game folder before the meltdown. My problem is my dog really did eat the insert to my H&M stuff pack :(. What am I gonna do?? Any help would be appreciated.

22nd Jun 2007, 2:56 PM
If my program is unable to retrieve it, and the key isn't in your computer's registry. -> Instructions for checking manually if you prefer.

You can get it back from your EA Account details, if you registered it.
Head to the next page of the above link, for instructions.

If it's not on your computer, and you didn't register it, you'll have to contact EA Support who should be able to give you a replacement serial number - depending on how long you've had the game, you may get charged around $10 for this.

19th Jul 2007, 3:41 AM
Deluxe is under EA GAMES in its own right as "The Sims 2 Deluxe", but for me the "Electronic Arts" folder doesn't even have subfolders, and I've lost my serial number! *end freakout* Assistance would be greatly appreciated.

UPDATE: The EA website didn't give me anything worth using, but the, for some reason, gave me everything, and I'm in the middle of a reinstall right now. I'm done freaking, but I will say that the information in the registry for deluxe seems nigh on impossible to find. It's going to be an interesting job of finding it, but I'll keep at it.

21st Aug 2007, 7:13 PM
This is such a great idea! I must now copy and paste somewhere safe so when my computer crashes again and dies and I lost the code to my game and EPs, I will look at it and say WHA LA! And the print preview says my name on there, WOO!

1st Sep 2007, 9:26 PM
This is really an excellent program. Kudos to you. If I ever lose my keys, I'll know where to find 'em. (Or how to find them as the case may be.)

5th Sep 2007, 8:16 AM
This didn't help, it seems that it has to be already installed. My computer crashed, and after I got it fixed I went to reinstall all my sims stuff, but I don't have the serial for pets any more. :( Is there a way to use this if you don't already have your game installed?

6th Sep 2007, 3:57 PM
Currently no - some people have some luck and when the game is uninstalled for whatever reason the key isn't and it is still hanging around in the registry waiting to be found.
It sounds like your computer was reformatted, so my program won't be able to help, since the serial number is only ever stored on your hard drive, it isn't actually on the disc.

I think your best bet would be to contact EA Support.

Also with Bon Voyage beginning to hit peoples' computers, I've updated the program to pick up the serial number.
Since EA have been consistent with the name they're giving the new expansion, I'm fairly confident it should be picked up correctly.

As ever, feedback is great, especially any unexpected bugs that may have surfaced.
Have fun, and hope this helps some people.

9th Sep 2007, 5:10 PM
I need help!!
I bought the sims bon voyage but i lost the booklet with the serial number!
can someone give it to me pleeeeeeeaaaaase????

9th Sep 2007, 5:30 PM
By the way i didnt install it yet!!

10th Sep 2007, 12:02 PM
If the game has never been installed, you've struck out of luck.
Get in contact with EA Support, they should be able to give you a replacement one, depending on where you live, you may get it for free if you show them your receipt - since it's so soon after purchase. Normally however, they'll be a small charge.

14th Sep 2007, 8:51 AM
wow that was fast ;) well i have bon voyage an i just wanted to say it works great as always

15th Sep 2007, 3:41 PM
this'll be good for me because i went to buy university and they were sold out except for one which was used. i bought it and the manual was ripped so this'll help alot.

16th Sep 2007, 1:46 PM
I don't know what language this is written in, but I think the about dialog took you more time than the key retriever part [/sarcasm] :P

Really, it's a sweet app, but maybe you should make it more advanced.. what about this?

When an pack comes out, you have to update every time. Why not list all the values in HKLM\Software\Electronic Arts\The Sims * (or whereever it's located, i'm on linux so no regedit for me atm :P) and put them into an array. There you will split them and make a sweet table with every pack including the name + serial, language, install dir etc.. oh well, you understand what i mean dontcha?

If you need any help, PM me, I'll be glad to help you developing this ;-)


16th Sep 2007, 10:08 PM
Bob, this is great. Simple but very useful. I'm going to print and file these away just in case something happens to my little instruction books. You're a genius!!!

19th Sep 2007, 5:41 PM
How do I do a hard drive install? :( I've copied and pasted all the data from the disk to my hard drive but whenever I try running the game it asks to put the disk in, also the Serial Key Printer doesn't work. :(

EDIT: NVM, got it working, however sadly the key doesn't work, I need a key to register to EA with, sadly my old key was lost and now I cant register to EA and gain access to :(
Any ideas why the key isn't working?

19th Sep 2007, 5:54 PM
That's because you don't have the registry keys. Try this.

Save this piece of text into sims.reg, and replace xxx with your serials. Then execute it.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


"DisplayName"="The Sims 2"
"Installed From"="G:\\"
"Registration"="SOFTWARE\\Electronic Arts\\EA GAMES\\The Sims 2\\ergc"
"Language"="English US"
"CD Drive"="G:\\"
"Install Dir"="F:\\PROGRA~1\\EAGAME~1\\THESIM~1\\"
"Product GUID"="{40C03514-89C3-41BA-0090-3B440256DB87}"
"Folder"="C:\\Profile\\All Users\\Start Menu\\Programs\\EA GAMES\\The Sims 2\\"
"Patch URL"=""
"Suppression Exe"=""

"DisplayName"="The Sims 2"
"LanguageName"="English US"

"DisplayName"="The Sims 2 Family Fun Stuff"
"Installed From"="G:\\"
"Registration"="SOFTWARE\\Electronic Arts\\EA GAMES\\The Sims 2 Family Fun Stuff\\ergc"
"Language"="English UK"
"CD Drive"="G:\\"
"Install Dir"="F:\\PROGRA~1\\EAGAME~1\\THB261~1\\"
"Product GUID"="{6BDD9CE6-D0A6-478A-BAD3-BA6945E89EB0}"
"Folder"="C:\\Profile\\All Users\\Start Menu\\Programs\\EA GAMES\\The Sims 2 Family Fun Stuff\\"
"Patch URL"=""
"Suppression Exe"="Sims2EP3.exe,Sims2EP2.exe,Sims2EP1.exe,Sims2.exe"

"DisplayName"="The Sims 2 Family Fun Stuff"
"LanguageName"="English UK"

"DisplayName"="The Sims 2 Glamour Life Stuff"
"Installed From"="H:\\"
"Registration"="SOFTWARE\\Electronic Arts\\EA GAMES\\The Sims 2 Glamour Life Stuff\\ergc"
"Language"="English UK"
"CD Drive"="H:\\"
"Install Dir"="F:\\PROGRA~1\\EAGAME~1\\TH98E7~1\\"
"Product GUID"="{9CDBC303-3EED-40b0-8E41-A7C65AA96C26}"
"Folder"="C:\\Profile\\All Users\\Start Menu\\Programs\\EA GAMES\\The Sims 2 Glamour Life Stuff\\"
"Patch URL"=""
"Suppression Exe"="Sims2SP1.exe,Sims2EP3.exe,Sims2EP2.exe,Sims2EP1.exe,Sims2.exe"

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\EA GAMES\The Sims 2 Glamour Life Stuff\1.0]
"DisplayName"="The Sims 2 Glamour Life Stuff"
"LanguageName"="English UK"

"DisplayName"="The Sims 2 Nightlife"
"Installed From"="H:\\"
"Registration"="SOFTWARE\\Electronic Arts\\EA GAMES\\The Sims 2 Nightlife\\ergc"
"Language"="English UK"
"CD Drive"="H:\\"
"Install Dir"="F:\\PROGRA~1\\EAGAME~1\\THESIM~3\\"
"Product GUID"="{F7529650-B9DB-481B-0089-A2AC3C2821C1}"
"Folder"="C:\\Profile\\All Users\\Start Menu\\Programs\\EA GAMES\\The Sims 2 Nightlife\\"
"Patch URL"=""
"Suppression Exe"="Sims2EP1.exe,Sims2.exe"

"DisplayName"="The Sims 2 Nightlife"
"LanguageName"="English UK"

"DisplayName"="The Sims 2 Open For Business"
"Installed From"="I:\\"
"Registration"="SOFTWARE\\Electronic Arts\\EA GAMES\\The Sims 2 Open For Business\\ergc"
"Language"="English UK"
"CD Drive"="I:\\"
"Install Dir"="F:\\PROGRA~1\\EAGAME~1\\THESIM~4\\"
"Product GUID"="{7B3577F5-1D82-4C9B-008B-69D026FD8BCA}"
"Folder"="C:\\Profile\\All Users\\Start Menu\\Programs\\EA GAMES\\The Sims 2 Open For Business\\"
"Patch URL"=""
"Suppression Exe"="Sims2EP2.exe,Sims2EP1.exe,Sims2.exe"

"DisplayName"="The Sims 2 Open For Business"
"LanguageName"="English UK"

"DisplayName"="The Sims 2 University"
"Installed From"="I:\\"
"Registration"="SOFTWARE\\Electronic Arts\\EA GAMES\\The Sims 2 University\\ergc"
"Language"="English US"
"CD Drive"="I:\\"
"Install Dir"="F:\\PROGRA~1\\EAGAME~1\\THESIM~2\\"
"Product GUID"="{8FD3F4BA-A4A6-4380-00A6-CC6853AB2DC2}"
"Folder"="C:\\Profile\\All Users\\Start Menu\\Programs\\EA GAMES\\The Sims 2 University\\"
"Patch URL"=""
"Suppression Exe"=""

"DisplayName"="The Sims 2 University"
"LanguageName"="English US"


[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Electronic Arts\EA Games\The Sims 2]

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Electronic Arts\EA Games\The Sims 2\ergc]

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Electronic Arts\EA Games\The Sims 2 Family Fun Stuff]

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Electronic Arts\EA Games\The Sims 2 Family Fun Stuff\ergc]

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Electronic Arts\EA Games\The Sims 2 Glamour Life Stuff]

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Electronic Arts\EA Games\The Sims 2 Glamour Life Stuff\ergc]

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Electronic Arts\EA Games\The Sims 2 Nightlife]

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Electronic Arts\EA Games\The Sims 2 Nightlife\ergc]

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Electronic Arts\EA Games\The Sims 2 Open For Business]

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Electronic Arts\EA Games\The Sims 2 Open For Business\ergc]

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Electronic Arts\EA Games\The Sims 2 University]

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Electronic Arts\EA Games\The Sims 2 University\ergc]

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\Sims2.exe]
"Game Registry"="SOFTWARE\\EA GAMES\\The Sims 2"
@="F:\\Programs(x86)\\EA GAMES\\The Sims 2\\TSBin\\Sims2.exe"
"Path"="F:\\Programs(x86)\\EA GAMES\\The Sims 2"

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\Sims2EP1.exe]
"Game Registry"="SOFTWARE\\EA GAMES\\The Sims 2 University"
@="F:\\Programs(x86)\\EA GAMES\\The Sims 2 University\\TSBin\\Sims2EP1.exe"
"Path"="F:\\Programs(x86)\\EA GAMES\\The Sims 2 University"

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\Sims2EP2.exe]
"Game Registry"="SOFTWARE\\EA GAMES\\The Sims 2 Nightlife"
@="F:\\Programs(x86)\\EA GAMES\\The Sims 2 Nightlife\\TSBin\\Sims2EP2.exe"
"Path"="F:\\Programs(x86)\\EA GAMES\\The Sims 2 Nightlife"

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\Sims2EP3.exe]
"Game Registry"="SOFTWARE\\EA GAMES\\The Sims 2 Open For Business"
@="F:\\Programs(x86)\\EA GAMES\\The Sims 2 Open For Business\\TSBin\\Sims2EP3.exe"
"Path"="F:\\Programs(x86)\\EA GAMES\\The Sims 2 Open For Business"

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\Sims2SP1.exe]
"Game Registry"="SOFTWARE\\EA GAMES\\The Sims 2 Family Fun Stuff"
@="F:\\Programs(x86)\\EA GAMES\\The Sims 2 Family Fun Stuff\\TSBin\\Sims2SP1.exe"
"Path"="F:\\Programs(x86)\\EA GAMES\\The Sims 2 Family Fun Stuff"

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\Sims2SP2.exe]
"Game Registry"="SOFTWARE\\EA GAMES\\The Sims 2 Glamour Life Stuff"
@="F:\\Programs(x86)\\EA GAMES\\The Sims 2 Glamour Life Stuff\\TSBin\\Sims2SP2.exe"
"Path"="F:\\Programs(x86)\\EA GAMES\\The Sims 2 Glamour Life Stuff"

19th Sep 2007, 7:05 PM
Thanks for your reply. :)
But, erm, wheres sims.reg? :(

20th Sep 2007, 2:38 PM
You have to create it... run notepad, paste the bunch of text i gave you, edit the paths and serials and save it as sims.reg on your desktop. Then run it.

20th Sep 2007, 3:56 PM
Gah, i've messed up. I made a mistake in the code and I added it to the product registry... and now whenever I try again the lost code program keeps generating the invalid code i entered by mistake.... is there any way to get the old original code back? :(

21st Sep 2007, 1:59 PM
Yes, edit the file and add it again, it will overwrite everything.

Or you can do it by hand using regedit.exe, but I won't explain that here..

21st Sep 2007, 8:26 PM
Yeah, but that's not the problem, the problem is the original code has been lost and now the lost code program isn't generating the valid code, it keeps generating the non-working one I added to product registry by mistake. How do I get the program to create the working code it originally generated? :(

22nd Sep 2007, 10:16 AM
You can't get your original code back since it has been overwritten, but i thought there wasnt any key in the registry at all?

6th Oct 2007, 1:27 AM
do we have to have the game installed to find it?

7th Oct 2007, 11:14 PM
I really love you for this! Thank you so much!

8th Oct 2007, 5:18 AM
heres the sims 2 deluxe info :)


10th Oct 2007, 12:44 PM
Been mad round here, so I haven't been able to check as often as I usually do.

Since Deluxe info is around, thanks to KnightGuy again! :)
I shall shortly upload an updated version, little bit more than two lines of code to add this time, so much appreciation to anyone with Deluxe who could confirm if the program works correctly - especially if the correct key gets printed.

@ EvilRex:
I know this is a bit late, but you could try a system restore, in theory if you go back to before you overwrote the key, it should be restored to the registry, but I've never tried this.

@ Cull_the_cool:
The game must have been successfully installed once, and preferably still installed. Depending on how the game is uninstalled, the key may linger in the registry and the program will pick it up.
However, if the game has never been installed, or you've reformatted your hard drive, my program won't work.

@ WeeJeWel:
When I get a spare weekend, I may have to take you up on that. :)

As always, keep the comments and suggestions coming,
till next time!

16th Oct 2007, 6:21 AM
i'll get my friend to test it as he has Deluxe ;)


ok he says it works an picks up the Serial numbers correctly :report:

16th Oct 2007, 9:19 PM
i'll get my friend to test it as he has Deluxe ;)


ok he says it works an picks up the Serial numbers correctly :report:Excellent! Thank you. :)

First post updated accordingly.

18th Oct 2007, 7:09 PM
Wow thanks now i can install Seasons! Yay!!!!!!!!!!!! But first i have to stay up till midnight to get free bandwith! boy am i going to be tired 2morrow! Oh well i geuss im taking the risk.

30th Oct 2007, 5:13 PM
yes to the Deluxe here also. ran it a minute ago & all is well :)

8th Nov 2007, 11:12 AM
omg you dont have the Teen Stuff update


there the info if you need it :)

8th Nov 2007, 2:07 PM
Thanks for the info - I suspected as much.

Once I get my hands on the Teen Stuff icons, I'll upload an updated version, when I finally get my projects out the way, I'll be able to try and implement WeeJeWel's suggestions.

9th Nov 2007, 2:08 AM
where are the Teen Stuff Icons at?

9th Nov 2007, 9:14 PM
Normally I grab them from the official website, but for whatever reason, Maxis/EA haven't uploaded them yet.
I could use the installed program icon if anyone would be able to send that to me. It'll either be where you installed the game to, embedded within the game executable, or the short-cut.

Since the list was getting a little long for two columns, I've expanded out into three. I'll upload a mockup of the new layout in a few moments. Not a huge change, but any suggestions you have, I'm all ears. :-)

10th Nov 2007, 8:16 AM
i'd wait the install icon isnt that great lol it must be embedded in the exectable :(

whats the slot up by the base game?

10th Nov 2007, 12:38 PM
i'd wait the install icon isnt that great lol it must be embedded in the exectable :(

whats the slot up by the base game?With the new layout I thought I'd separate the base game and Deluxe into different entities, so that if some reason you have both the stand alone game AND Deluxe, both codes will be picked up and displayed.

I'll upload the new executable alongside the older version for those who want a functioning program (as far as I can tell :P ) rather than waiting for a late icon.

12th Nov 2007, 5:55 AM
Fantastic. My friend lost all her key codes, so this is definitely going to cheer us both up. :) Thank you!

12th Nov 2007, 8:10 AM
Fantastic. My friend lost all her key codes, so this is definitely going to cheer us both up. :) Thank you!

aawww but just remember this program only works if your friend still has the games installed :mod:

12th Nov 2007, 5:58 PM
Oh, she does, thankfully!

24th Nov 2007, 2:25 AM
sweet works like a charm!

5th Dec 2007, 7:02 PM
This program is so great! I am sure it will be a huge help to alot of people. Brillant idea!

5th Dec 2007, 7:11 PM
This is so useful... So so so useful... Words can't describe it, thank you SO much! :D
BTW, I know it's really irrelevant, but I see you added the Teen Style Stuff icon, so you can remove the rollover text that says "Icon coming soon!" :P
This is such a great program... I'd hug you if you were here (in a completely friendly, non-stalkery way :P). Thank you! This will prevent the constant posts of people that lost their CD cases.

10th Dec 2007, 1:24 AM

21st Dec 2007, 1:58 PM
what a brilliant tool. Perfect for someone like me who is constantly losing CD Keys :P

Cheers x

25th Dec 2007, 6:51 PM

25th Dec 2007, 11:02 PM
would any one know of a program that reads the serial code from the disk? my charming little brother cleaned up the disks and cds and chucked pets book 'by accident'. Thought it'd be ok, until mum decided to totally wipe the computer! Even better, pets ISNT MINE, ITS MY COUSIN'S! AND HE WANTS IT BACK!

6th Jan 2008, 4:58 PM

14th Jan 2008, 7:14 PM
I had Sims 2 Pets installed a while ago, and unistalled it once.
Now the book seems to have been lost. Is there any way I can get the number?

14th Jan 2008, 7:55 PM
would any one know of a program that reads the serial code from the disk? my charming little brother cleaned up the disks and cds and chucked pets book 'by accident'. Thought it'd be ok, until mum decided to totally wipe the computer! Even better, pets ISNT MINE, ITS MY COUSIN'S! AND HE WANTS IT BACK!The serial code is not stored on the disk. Only a piece of maths that decides if your serial is valid or not. If you didn't register your serial number with EA, you'll have to contact EA Support directly and they should be able to sort you out with a new one - but it may set you back around $10.

I had Sims 2 Pets installed a while ago, and unistalled it once.
Now the book seems to have been lost. Is there any way I can get the number?Since Pets was uninstalled its very unlikely my program will work, but as above if you registered the game online with EA, you should be able to retrieve from your EA account info. Otherwise, you'll be getting a new one from EA Support I'm afraid.

<snip>BTW, I know it's really irrelevant, but I see you added the Teen Style Stuff icon, so you can remove the rollover text that says "Icon coming soon!" :P</snip>Whoops, it shall be sorted in the next version! Thanks for pointing it out.

Again, a big thank you for the feedback, and good to see this is still attracting a number of downloads and 'Thanks'. :)

Edit: Promised updated is up.
G.O.C. informed me that the program was failing to pick up the keys or print correctly on XP64. As far as I can tell, this should now be sorted. If my program fails to detect correctly what kind of operating system you are using (64bit or 32bit) you can change it with the new menu "Look Again".
A thanks to G.O.C. for testing my fixes :up: , and I hope everyone enjoys - and that I haven't broken anything else. :)

23rd Feb 2008, 12:12 PM
Thank you for this. I really love it because I'm always losing my manuals.

24th Feb 2008, 5:12 PM
It says I have to purchase some winRAR or something like that... HEEELP please. I've lost my bon voyage serial code. Heeelp :(

1st Mar 2008, 4:07 PM
It says I have to purchase some winRAR or something like that... HEEELP please. I've lost my bon voyage serial code. Heeelp :(

You need winRAR in order to view the files, without unzipping the folder. Just right click and select the "unzip" option and it should work. If you have Bon Voyage installed this will tell you your serial code. Otherwise if you registered the game online EA might have your serial code, but if not you'll have to request a new one from EA Support.

Hope it all works out! :D

7th Mar 2008, 7:33 PM

there the info if you need it

9th Mar 2008, 5:33 PM

there the info if you need itAh, just in time - thank you. :)

New version going up here in a few minutes with FreeTime support and a place-holder for Kitchen & Bath.

As ever, let me know if you run into any problems with this.

22nd Mar 2008, 2:11 PM
I Really need a CD Key-Code for Free Time!

22nd Mar 2008, 5:39 PM
I Really need a CD Key-Code for Free Time!

you shouldve been given a key code when you bought the game :wtf:

look at the back of the game manual :deal:

24th Mar 2008, 1:44 AM
Hm, I've been typing my serial numbers into notepad for ages now. I had no idea this was out. I guess I've never ventured to this section before. Anyway, great idea and excellent utility. :*)

1st May 2008, 8:55 PM
any chance this is gonna be updated for kitchen an bath?

here the key names if you need them

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\EA GAMES\The Sims 2 Kitchen & Bath Interior Design Stuff


2nd Jun 2008, 9:52 AM
I had Free Time installed on my computer But it crashed and i had to uninstall it but when i came to install it again couldn't fined the key code so i installed this programme and it doesn't work as i dont have free time on my computer!!
Does any one know how to get another one or find it on the disc?

2nd Jun 2008, 7:05 PM
If you registered the game with EA you can find it in your EA account:

8th Jun 2008, 1:16 PM
Will this program help if I lost my serial code for one of my Sims 2 Games?

8th Jun 2008, 8:19 PM
Yes, it will. It retrieves your serial key from the registry.

30th Jun 2008, 1:12 AM
Oh thank you SO MUCH! It's so easy to use, and I was freaking out when I lost my Seasons Proof of Purchase! THANK YOU SO MUCH! I can't stress that enough! :)

6th Jul 2008, 10:11 AM
This is absolutely amazing! Thank you so very much x3
Saved thirty dollars from going down the drain! *hugs* :lovestruc

6th Jul 2008, 5:49 PM
Thank you so much- finally somebody is thinkin'!
I lost two of my ex. pack manuals: teen style and bon voyage...I emailed EA because I was sure that these codes are recorded somwhere on my computer or else I couldn't very well be able to play them. They told me to re-register my game, which I did, then told me I'd have to send my disks to them with 10.00 to be "read".
I was thrilled when someone told me about your program and it's working...but coincidently, there are only 2 packs that aren't showing up...the very same two ex packs that I'm missing my codes for! Now I'm starting to wonder if EA didn't ask me to re-register and somehow remove those files so that they couldn't be read?! (Paranoia LOL) but really- that is odd. They must know about your program one would think, yet they never mentioned it to me, even though its found on their own websight. Is there a way to manually look for those games? They show up on my computer, and can play them etc.
Even if I can't get my own issue figured out, I'm still gratefull :)

7th Jul 2008, 1:33 AM
If they are on your computer then the key code is in your registry.

10th Jul 2008, 6:19 PM
U are an absolute genius, and my :new: favorite person for the day!! Thank you so much!! The Sims 2 Serial Key Printer is simple and fast. You saved me such a huge headache.

Thanks Again!

Tara R. :D

11th Jul 2008, 6:49 PM

16th Jul 2008, 4:00 AM
is it going to be able to pick up Double Deluxe

16th Jul 2008, 10:45 PM
I don't think so as that will be one key for the base plus EPs. You can still find it manually though:

17th Jul 2008, 4:58 PM
since OtherworldBob got it to work with Deluxe "maybe" it would work with Double Deluxe if it was ever updated but the creator hasn't been on in months

hope nothing bad happened to them :(

8th Aug 2008, 4:34 PM
since OtherworldBob got it to work with Deluxe "maybe" it would work with Double Deluxe if it was ever updated but the creator hasn't been on in months

hope nothing bad happened to them :(
Na, I'm okay just had plenty of things eating my time, but I've finally got myself a break from the craziness and found myself on a bit of a holiday.
Thanks for the concern though, with the speed the internet moves at I'd have thought I would have consigned to the internet achieve. :)

I've updated the regular version so that it should now pick up the three games it has been missing in my absence.

Also, I've been working on and have uploaded an experimental version for anyone to try out.
Theoretically, it should pick up any The Sims 2 serial number resident in the appropriate location of your registry - without the need to update with every new game that comes out.
It works at my end, but as ever, your mileage may vary, crash reports very much welcome. :D

I hope everyone else is well and ready to enjoy the Olympics!

8th Aug 2008, 10:08 PM
Wicked, thanks for that, Bob!

8th Aug 2008, 10:08 PM
i tryed Sims 2 Key Printer an it didnt pick up my Kitchen & Bath game an in the ballon for Ikea you have it listed as coming soon :-\

i tryed the experimental version it seems to have them all listed

tho i prefer the first version its more neat/colorful lol

8th Aug 2008, 11:06 PM
If they are on your computer then the key code is in your registry.

follwing this i guess i was mistaken its

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Electronic Arts\EA Games\The Sims 2 Kitchen & Bath Interior Design Stuff :blink:

Not "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\EA GAMES\The Sims 2 Kitchen & Bath Interior Design Stuff"


that was quick an it worked ;)

heres a pic you can use if you want since i noticed there wasnt one on the 1st page :report:

after Apartments you should be done updating this unless EA/Maxis does a Triple Deluxe :rolleyes: since they said in the FreeTime chat anymore objects will be posted at the Overpriced Sims Store

9th Aug 2008, 1:22 AM
Argh - I'm forever forgetting to update those balloons.

Oh, so Maxis/EA maintained the ampersand this time?
Quick update done for that one.

Good to know the experimental version is working for you guys. :)

9th Aug 2008, 12:33 PM
It's picking up all EPs and SPs for me too, Bob (the experimental version, that is). I'm curious- will it pick up the deluxe/ double deluxe keys? I don't have those packs myself to test.

9th Aug 2008, 6:59 PM
Both versions should pick up both the Deluxe/D.Deluxe keys now - I'm told that the Deluxe key is stored in precisely the same way as any other base-game/expansion/stuff key.
I reckon that Double Deluxe would follow suit.

13th Aug 2008, 12:00 AM
K so with this serial key thing or code or whatever. I need to be able to put it in when i put it in the first disc. So I get up to that part. And then I try clicking on the sim2keyprinter and it says i don't have the game or something. What should I do?? :alarm:

13th Aug 2008, 5:56 PM
That is correct- this program will only read the key once it exists in your registry. You need to manually type the key in from the code on the back of the leaflet that came with your disc.

20th Aug 2008, 12:52 PM

21st Aug 2008, 10:27 PM
Brilliant! Thanks for the update Bob :)

22nd Aug 2008, 1:35 AM
after Apartments you should be done updating this unless EA/Maxis does a Triple Deluxe since they said in the FreeTime chat anymore objects will be posted at the Overpriced Sims StoreWhilst I certainly be doing an update for Apartment Life, this is the reason for the experimental matter how many 'Deluxe' or 'Stuff' packs that appear in the future, it should pick them all up. I'd fully expect 'The Sims 2 Complete Collection' to turn up at some point.
It's looking more colourful now too, I've put the game icons back in and that's all working. Just some layout issues to work on now.

I haven't seen the GBP/SimPoint ratio yet, but I've always been suspicious of micro-transactions. :(
Thanks a lot!Brilliant! Thanks for the update Bob :)No problem! :)

28th Aug 2008, 9:01 AM
heres the code :)

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Electronic Arts\EA Games\The Sims 2 Apartment Life

28th Aug 2008, 9:47 AM
omg... Apartment life is out zomg OMG UPLOAD THT

29th Aug 2008, 11:59 AM
And we have updated programs people, both should pick up and print Apartment Life without issues.
I think I may have even got all of the balloon tooltips this time!

29th Aug 2008, 8:17 PM

29th Aug 2008, 10:20 PM
Works great! Thanks once again Bob :)

1st Sep 2008, 11:16 PM
May I just say that this program saves me every time I'm forced to reinstall everything. I lost my Nightlife manual and that's my favorite expansion pack. I wouldn't be able to handle not having the Matchmaker. :)) I went looking for a way to find the code and found this. A screenshot later and it's saved forever. So I must say thank you so much!

5th Sep 2008, 6:35 PM
I down loaded this program and others but the same keeps happening I get all the keys to all the sims2 and expansion packs and stuff packs except for the one I need which is FreesTime. Is it because it's not in the same directory as the others?

6th Sep 2008, 12:51 AM
Obxkim, that suggests that the FreeTime serial key is no longer in the registry, it should make no difference where the game is/was installed on the hard drive. If the game has been uninstalled, or the part of the installation process that deals with accepting your serial key rerun, then the key would have likely been removed.
If you are unable to find the key manually from the registry by using the instructions in the link above, you'll need to retrieve your serial key from your EA Account if you registered the game.

If you do find the FreeTime serial key in the registry when you look manually, I'd be interested to know where it is hiding. :)

6th Sep 2008, 1:27 AM
I did try to find the key manually but it did not work. I found freetime under EA games but it is not listed in the Electronic Arts under games like the rest of them are and no I did not register this one with EA like I normaly do this is the only one not registered boy I really screwed this one up lol.

14th Oct 2008, 12:05 AM
Thank you, I was getting worried when I couldn't find my OFB manuel :)

24th Nov 2008, 9:18 PM
Heys just wondering is this is gonna be upgaded to inculde Masions & Gardens?

24th Nov 2008, 9:46 PM
I was thinking about this only this afternoon!
Regular version has been updated and unless I've made a typo somewhere, all should be good.

28th Nov 2008, 10:58 AM
Hi Bob, it's not working for me with Mansions and Gardens I'm afraid says "Not found - or you don't have it" :(

ETA: I tried the experimental one and it showed up on that :)

28th Nov 2008, 7:54 PM
Ugh, Maxis/EA must have changed their ampersand inclusion again.
Would you mind taking a gander at your registry manually and posting back Mansion's registry location?
It should be found somewhere in here:
Thank you.

On the plus side, the Experimental version is doing precisely what it is meant to be doing!

30th Nov 2008, 6:51 PM
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Electronic Arts\EA Games\The Sims 2 Mansion and Garden Stuff

Hope that helps :)

30th Nov 2008, 10:59 PM
Thank you Cameronsnan, new version up, that should pick it up successfully now.
Maxis/EA do like to keep me guessing when it comes to these Stuff Pack names. :)

1st Dec 2008, 9:52 AM
Thanks very much Bob, works perfectly now :up:

3rd Dec 2008, 12:58 AM
This program worked great! The problem I have now is that after using my serial code extracted from the registry, ea games says that is was already registered and won't let me reuse it. Any suggestions? Thanks!

3rd Dec 2008, 1:55 AM
This program worked great! The problem I have now is that after using my serial code extracted from the registry, ea games says that is was already registered and won't let me reuse it. Any suggestions? Thanks!

you trying to re-register your game online when you reinstall? or what? :wtf:

4th Dec 2008, 6:24 AM
All I can say is thank you sooooooo much. You're the best!!!!!!! :rofl:

4th Dec 2008, 12:01 PM
This program worked great! The problem I have now is that after using my serial code extracted from the registry, ea games says that is was already registered and won't let me reuse it. Any suggestions? Thanks!EA will only let you register the game online once, but you can use the code to install the game on your PC as many times as you need to.

If you've already registered the game, I reckon the easiest thing to do is to skip the registration part of the install completely - the game will still show up as owned on the official Sims 2 site, under whichever account you registered the game to originally.

4th Dec 2008, 5:39 PM
Heres my story,
i bought the sims 2 a year ago and i constantly leave home as i have boarding school. I came back and opened my cd case and found to my dismay that though i had two manuals ( one for cd one and two installation) and one for cd three and four i could not download the first one as the front and back page of it went missing. I have no idea as to how this happened and i dont know anymeans to retrieve it! please help me!

i wanted to install it on my laptop but my laptop has never had it installed before! :cry:

5th Dec 2008, 5:12 PM
Dimo247, this program will only help if you have the programs installed already. Your other options are in this article:

20th Dec 2008, 8:40 PM
This is a great idea- I'm going to try it out! Thankyou.

Edit: I've tested this, and it works brilliantly. It is a very useful little utility, well done! Is the Microsoft .NET Framework 2 free? I don't have it, I need it, I want to get sims 2 seasons on, I lost my code and yea. I hope you get my point. Sorry simsample, I needed to get this at the top so I made this a reply to you. If it doesn't get to the top sorry. :bunny:

20th Dec 2008, 8:44 PM
Is the Microsoft .NET Framework 2 free? I don't have it, I need it, I want to get sims 2 seasons on, I lost my code and yea. I hope you get my point. Sorry simsample, I needed to get this at the top so I made this a reply to you. If it doesn't get to the top sorry. :bunny:Yes, the Microsoft .NET Framework 2 is totally free, the link in my original post will take you straight to the download page.

20th Dec 2008, 11:44 PM
You went straight to the top- a reply from the creator! :lol: Thanks, OtherworldBob.

27th Dec 2008, 10:55 PM
Thanks!!! It works wonders!! I have Nightlife and I swapped with my cousin who had Pets. Problem was we both lost our serial-numbers.

However, I am wondering about something. Your program found the Nightlife and Pet serial-numbers, but not for the main game (The Sims 2). I checked the manual way, and I noticed that it was not in Electronic Arts, but in EA Games. It is installed and working perfectly, but I got a new computer for christmas and wants to install them there. However, without the main game I can't do that, can I? So I was wondering if you had some suggestions or do I have to contact EA?

27th Dec 2008, 11:18 PM
MrsSara, do you have Vista? If so, is this the 32 or 64 bit edition? Which version of the key printer do you have? If you registered the game with EA then you should definitely be able to retrieve your key from them, but you should also be able to find the key on your PC too. Do you have a reg key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ Software\ WOW6432Node?

29th Dec 2008, 11:05 PM
This is great! You are made of awesome!

I just have one question. I understand that this program cannot find the code if the game is not installed. I have one stuff pack (Teen Style, so I can live without it) that I lost the serial code from and uninstalled before noticing it was missing. I did register it online. I followed all the instructions in that one article you referred people to, but EA must have changed their site or something. I couldn't find 'Games Tab' anywhere in 'My account'.

Sorry if this is too sort-of off topic. But you've rescued me from losing OFB, for which I am eternally grateful!

Thank you!

30th Dec 2008, 1:11 AM
On the EA Site, you need to go to and click on 'My Account' on the left; then you need to log in with your Sims 2 Persona. This is very important; EA have changed the site so that you now have to log in with an email account, so you need to link this email account with your Sims 2 username. Then when you log in with the Sims 2 username you get the 'My Games' link on the left of the screen; if you sign in with your email address instead it's not your Sims2 Persona, so your games are not shown. Confusing, eh?

30th Dec 2008, 2:23 PM
Yikes! Okay, I'll try again...

ETA:Okay, you guys were awesome before, but now you've outdone yourselves.

Thank You, Thank You, Thank You and a million times Thank You!

31st Dec 2008, 4:45 AM
Hi! Ok, I know I'm a little late to ask questions, and I may be missing the WHOLE point completely... but I'm having a lot of trouble and I really want to play my expansion packs, haha. All right. So, I'm on regedit, I pressed all the +'s I was supposed to, but there isn't an electronic arts section. I uninstalled my sims games long ago, and I lost my manual with it. Recently, I was given a new laptop for Christmas with The Sims 2 Double Deluxe pack and FreeTime. Originally, I had The Sims 2 with University, Night Life, Seasons, and Open for Business. When my desktop crashed I was forced to make space by deleting all of them. I need help getting my codes back so I can reinstall my old games on my new laptop! :(


31st Dec 2008, 7:24 AM
Mindy!, if the games are uninstalled then the reg keys will be erased. If they are not uninstalled then you can use this program to retrieve them. If you have uninstalled the game and lost the keys you can only retrieve them if you registered them with EA.

5th Jan 2009, 2:05 PM
MrsSara, do you have Vista? If so, is this the 32 or 64 bit edition? Which version of the key printer do you have? If you registered the game with EA then you should definitely be able to retrieve your key from them, but you should also be able to find the key on your PC too. Do you have a reg key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ Software\ WOW6432Node?

No, not on the one the game is installed on. However, I found the code on EA. :rofl: I din't think I was registered there :) Thanks for all your help!! :king:

17th Jun 2009, 10:43 AM
my gosh I've finnally found it!! :anime: Do have this program work for the Sims Triple Deluxe?

17th Jun 2009, 11:07 AM
my gosh I've finnally found it!! :anime: Do have this program work for the Sims Triple Deluxe?If you're talking about Sims 1 Triple Deluxe, unfortunately not; I've no idea where, or if, Sims 1 serials would be stored in the computer's Registry.

I'd hope you'd be able to retrieve Sims 1 serials from EA's site in the same manner as you can Sims 2 serials.

21st Jun 2009, 3:33 AM
I do know that the sims 1 codes were in the registry because that was part of the problem with having to install them in the proper order. (And was contributing to broken registry problems after the game was uninstalled and the codes were not properly removed.) But I can't tell you where. There used to be a program for sims 1 to recover them, but I don't remember the name.

7th Jul 2009, 4:14 AM
I just downloaded this program to find my Sims 2 Apartment Life code, but to my dismay, the program claims that I don't have it installed! I have also gone and manually checked in all the correct folders, yet there seems to be no folder for both Sims 2 Seasons and Apartment Life. :blink: So what can I do?

7th Jul 2009, 11:02 AM
Erac, if the serial numbers can not be found in your computer's Registry, you can try and retrieve them from your EA Account - assuming that you registered the games online.

You can try these instructions (, but I fear they may be out of date. You may need to scour the Official BBS looking for updated instructions as EA seem to have kindly moved the page you need.

Good luck!

8th Jul 2009, 5:39 AM
you gonna do a version for sims 3? :)

11th Jul 2009, 1:42 AM
you gonna do a version for sims 3? :)Yeah, go on then.
A combined Sims 2 and Sims 3 serial printer is going up in the lead post - see the update for details. :)

11th Jul 2009, 11:10 AM
mmm it says sims 3 isnt found on my system :(

heres where the key is stored

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Electronic Arts\Sims\The Sims 3

Источник: []
, The Sims 2: Open For Business 1.0 serial key or number

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Acesoft Tracks Eraser Pro
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Advanced Uninstaller Pro 2004
AltrixSoft Hard Drive Inspector
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Autodesk AutoCAD Electrical 2011
Autodesk AutoCAD LT 2000
Autodesk AutoCAD LT 2002
Autodesk AutoCAD LT 2002i
Autodesk AutoCAD LT 2004
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Autodesk AutoCAD LT 2007
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Autodesk AutoCAD
Mechanical 2000i
Autodesk AutoCAD Mechanical 2005
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Autodesk AutoCAD Mechanical 2008
Autodesk AutoCAD Mechanical 2009
Autodesk AutoCAD Mechanical 2010
Autodesk AutoCAD Mechanical 2011
Autodesk Building Systems 2005
Autodesk Building Systems 2006
Autodesk Building Systems 2007
Autodesk Building Systems 2008
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Autodesk Civil 3D - Land
Desktop Companion 2006
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Autodesk Inventor
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Autodesk VIZ 2007
Autodesk VIZ 2008
Autodesk VIZ 2009
Autodesk VIZ 2010
Autodesk VIZ 2011
Autodesk Volo View 2002
Autoplay Menu Builder
ACD Systems ACDSee 10
Photo Manager
ACD Systems ACDSee 3,5,6,7
ACD Systems ACDSee 8.0
ACD Systems ACDSee 8.0 Pro
ACD Systems ACDSee 9
ACD Systems ACDSee FotoAngelo
ACD Systems ACDSee FotoVac
ACD Systems ACDSee ImageFox
ACD Systems ACDSee
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ACD Systems ACDSee
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ACD Systems ACDSee
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ACD Systems ACDSee
Pro Photo Manager 2.5
ACD Systems ACDSee
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ACD Systems ACDSee
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ACD Systems FotoCanvas
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ACDSee Photo Manager
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ACDSee ImageFox
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Acala DVD 3gp Ripper
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Activision Call of Duty
Activision Call of Duty 2
ActiveXperts Network Monitor
Aha-Soft AhaView
Aha-Soft Any to Icon
Aha-Soft ArtCursors
Aha-Soft ArtIcons
Aha-Soft ArtIcons
Aha-Soft ArtIcons Pro
Aha-Soft Icon to Any
Aha-Soft IconLover
Aha-Soft IconXP
Ahead InCD
Ahead Nero 10 DTS Plug-in
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Ahead Nero 6 Dolby
Digital (5.1) Plugin
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Digital Encoding Plugin
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CD-Burning Plugin
Ahead Nero 6 HE-AAC Plugin
Ahead Nero 6 mp3PRO Plugin
Ahead Nero 6 MPEG2/DVD Plugin
Ahead Nero 6 MPEG2/SVCD Plugin
Ahead Nero 6 Multichannel Plugin
Ahead Nero 6 Nero
Digital Universal Plugin
Ahead Nero 6 PowerPack
Lame MP3 Plugin
Ahead Nero 7 Advanced
Audio Plugin
Ahead Nero 7 BlueRay &
HD-DVD Playback Plugin
Ahead Nero 7 DVD-Video
Multichannel Plugin
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Ahead Nero 7 Multichannel Plugin
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HD-DVD Video Plugin
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Ahead Nero 8 DVD-Video
Multi-Channel Plugin
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Encoder Plugin
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Ahead Nero 8 Media Markt Edition
Ahead Nero 8 Move-It
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Ahead Nero 8 Nero LiquidTV Plugin
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Ahead Nero BackItUp
Ahead Nero Burning Rom 10
Ahead Nero Burning Rom 5
Ahead Nero Burning Rom 6
Ahead Nero Burning Rom 7
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Ahead Nero Burning Rom 9
Ahead Nero Fast CD-Burning Plug-in
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AllNetic WorkingTimeTracker
Acon Digital Media
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Studio Necessities
Acoolsoft PPT2Video Converter
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ABF Screen Saver
ABF Slide Show
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ABF Wallpaper Changer
AlgoLab Raster to Vector
Conversion Toolkit
Altiris Software Virtualization Agent
Amabilis 3D Canvas
Amabilis 3D Canvas Plus
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Amadis Software Amadis DVD Ripper,
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Video Converter
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Atari Games
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Arts & Letters Express Office
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Ashampoo Burning Studio 2009
Ashampoo Burning Studio 2010
Ashampoo Burning Studio 2011
Ashampoo Burning Studio 5
Ashampoo Burning Studio 6
Ashampoo Burning Studio 7
Ashampoo Burning Studio 8
Ashampoo Burning Studio 9
Ashampoo Core Tuner
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Ashampoo Cover Studio 2
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Ashampoo Internet Accelerator 2
Ashampoo Magical Defrag 2
Ashampoo Magical Defrag 3
Ashampoo Magical Defrag 4
Ashampoo Magical Snap 2
Ashampoo Magical Snap 3
Ashampoo Movie Shrink & Burn 2
Ashampoo Movie Shrink & Burn 3
Ashampoo Photo Commander 3
Ashampoo Photo Commander 5
Ashampoo Photo Commander 6
Ashampoo Photo Commander 7
Ashampoo Photo Optimizer
Ashampoo Photo Optimizer 3
Ashampoo PowerUP 2009
Ashampoo PowerUP 2010
Ashampoo PowerUP 2011
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Ashampoo UnInstaller Platinum 2
Ashampoo WinOptimizer 2009
Ashampoo WinOptimizer 2010
Ashampoo WinOptimizer
2010 Advanced
Ashampoo WinOptimizer 2011
Ashampoo WinOptimizer 4
Ashampoo WinOptimizer 5
Ashampoo WinOptimizer 6
Ashampoo WinOptimizer Platinum 3
Ashampoo WinOptimizer
Platinum Suite
Ashampoo WinOptimizer
Platinum Suite 2
Ashampoo WinShampoo
Axailis Icon Workshop
Advanced Direct Remailer
Agnitum Outpost Firewall
Agent Ransack
Avanquest Fix-It and
Motorola Phone Tools
Avnex AV Voice
Changer Diamond 4.0
Avnex AV Voice
Changer Diamond 5.0
Avnex AV Voice Changer Gold 4.0
Avnex AV Voice Changer Gold 6.0
Avnex Back2Life 2.2
Avnex Back2Life 2.4
Avnex Back2Life 2.6
Avnex Back2Life for TC 2.1
Avnex Back2Life for TC 2.3
Avnex Back2Life for TC 2.6
Avery DesignPro
Axialis IconWorkshop
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Axialis Screen Saver Producer
Axailis Professional
Screen Saver Producer
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Backup Platinum
Bandwidth Monitor
BarnStormer Software
Directory Catalog
Bomers Restorator 2004
Bomers Restorator 2005
Bomers Restorator 2006
Bomers Restorator 2007
Bomers Restorator 2008
Bomers Restorator 2009
Borland C++ Builder 6
Borland C++ Builder 7
Borland Delphi 5
Borland Delphi 6
Borland Delphi 7
Borland Delphi 8
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PLEdit, Goldview
Beyond TV
Beyond Media
Belarc Advisor
BioVirtual 3DMeNow
BitComet Acceleration Patch
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Blazing Tools Keylogger Detector
Blazing Tools Personal Antispy
Blazing Tools Smart
Type Assistant
Block Website Buddy
Blue Coat Systems
Blue Sky Software
( eHelp ) Robo Help 5
Blue Sky Software
( eHelp ) Robo Help 6
Blue Sky Software
( eHelp ) Robo Help 7
Blue Sky Software
( eHelp ) Robo Help 8
Blue Sky Software
( eHelp ) Robo Help 9
BitComet Acceleration Patch
Business Objects Crystal Reports
Call of Duty 2
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support AVConverter iPod
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Century Software
Check It Utilities
Company of Heroes
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Red Alert 2
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Tiberian Sun
Companion Software
Metafile Companion
Convert X To DVD
Corel Designer
Corel Draw
Corel DRAW 10
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Corel DRAW 12
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Corel DRAW 8
Corel DRAW 9
Corel DRAW Graphics Suite X3
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Corel Paint Shop Pro 13
Corel Paint Shop Pro 6
Corel Paint Shop Pro 7
Corel Paint Shop Pro 8
Corel Paint Shop Pro 9
Corel Paint Shop Pro X
Corel Paint Shop Pro X3
Corel Paint Shop Pro XI
Corel Paint Shop Pro XII
Corel Painter 6
Corel Painter 7
Corel Painter Essentials 1
Corel Painter Essentials 2
Corel Painter Essentials 3
Corel Painter IX
Corel Painter X
Corel Painter XI
Corel PrintHouse 1.0
Corel Quattro Pro
Corel Ventura
Corel WordPerfect Office 2002
Corel WordPerfect Office 8
Corel WordPerfect Office 9
Corel WordPerfect Office X1
Corel WordPerfect Office X2
Corel WordPerfect Office X3
Corel WordPerfect Office X4
CoreCodec CoreAVC Pro
CFi ShellToys
Clean Disk Security
Creative Softworx
Capture Professional
Crystal Reports
Crytek FarCry
Cucusoft DVD to Zune Converter
Cucusoft iPod-Converter
Cucusoft Video Converter Suite
CitySoftware products
Cyberlink CDS
Cyberlink DVD Solution
Cyberlink LabelPrint
Cyberlink PCM4Everio
Cyberlink Power2Go
Cyberlink PowerBar
Cyberlink PowerDirector 6
Cyberlink PowerDirector Express 5.0
Cyberlink PowerDVD
Cyberlink PowerDVD 5.0
Cyberlink PowerDVD DX
Cyberlink PowerDVD Ultra
Cyberlink PowerProducer 3.0
Cyberlink PowerProducer
3.0 UniPlayer
Cyberlink PowerProducer Player
Cyberlink PowerStarter
Cyberlink QuickPlay MyMovie
CyberSpace HQ AddWeb
DataNumen Advanced Zip Repair
DaVinci Technologies AirplanePDQ
Dean Software Techfacts
DeLorme BlueLogger and SA 2009
Diffraction Limited MaxDSLR 2
Diffraction Limited MaxDSLR 3
Diffraction Limited MaxDSLR 4
Diffraction Limited MaxDSLR 5
Destineer FirstToFigh
Digital Minds Software
Future City 3D Screensaver
Digital Minds Earth 3D
Space Survey Screensaver
Digital Minds 3D Canyon
Flight Screensaver
Digital Minds Alchemy3D
Digital Minds Aqua 3D Screensaver
Digital Minds ElectriCalm
3D Screensaver
Digital Minds Software
SeaStorm 3D Screensaver
Digital Minds Software
WireWorld 3D Screensaver
Dart PowerTCP FTP Objects for .NET
Dart PowerTCP Mail for .NET
Dart PowerTCP PowerSNMP
for .NET
Dart PowerTCP Secure FTP for .NET
Dart PowerTCP SSL
Sockets for .NET
Dart PowerTCP Secure Mail for .NET
Dart PowerTCP Telnet for .NET
Dart PowerTCP Zip
Compression for .NET
Dart PowerTCP Sockets for .NET
Dart PowerTCP Emulation
for .NET for .NET
DVD Profiler
DVDFab Platinum
Dell Service Tag
DVD Profiler
DFX plugin
Dawn of War - Dark Crusade
Distinct Visual Internet Toolkit
Doblon PowerKaraoke
EO Video
ElcomSoft products
ElcomSoft Office password
recovery ( OPR )
ElcomSoft Advanced Access
Password Recovery
ElcomSoft Advanced
ACT! Password Recovery
ElcomSoft Advanced Archive
Password Recovery
ElcomSoft Advanced ART
Password Recovery
ElcomSoft Advanced Disk Catalog
ElcomSoft Advanced
eBook Inscriber
ElcomSoft Advanced
eBook Processor
ElcomSoft Advanced
EFS Data Recovery
ElcomSoft Advanced IE
Password Recovery
ElcomSoft Advanced IM
Password Recovery
ElcomSoft Advanced Intuit
Password Recovery
ElcomSoft Advanced Lotus
Password Recovery
ElcomSoft Advanced Mailbox
Password Recovery
ElcomSoft Advanced Office
2000 Password Recovery Pro
ElcomSoft Advanced Office
97 Password Recovery
ElcomSoft Advanced
Office Recovery
ElcomSoft Advanced Office
Password Breaker
ElcomSoft Advanced Office
Password Recovery
ElcomSoft Advanced Office
XP Password Recovery Pro
ElcomSoft Advanced Outlook
Express Password Recovery
ElcomSoft Advanced Outlook
Password Recovery
ElcomSoft Advanced PDF
Password Recovery
ElcomSoft Advanced PDF
Password Recovery Pro
ElcomSoft Advanced PDF
Password Recovery Pro
ElcomSoft Advanced RAR
Password Recovery
ElcomSoft Advanced SQL
Password Recovery
ElcomSoft Advanced VBA
Password Recovery
ElcomSoft Advanced Windows
Password Recovery
ElcomSoft Advanced Wireless
Security Auditor
ElcomSoft Advanced WordPerfect
Office Password Recovery
ElcomSoft Advanced ZIP
Password Recovery
ElcomSoft Distributed
Password Recovery
ElcomSoft Proactive
Password Auditor
ElcomSoft Proactive
Windows Security Explorer
Electronic Arts ( EA ) Games
Electronic Arts 1503
AD A New World
Electronic Arts 1503 AD
Treasures, Monsters and Pirates
Electronic Arts 2002 FIFA World Cup
Electronic Arts 2006 FIFA World Cup
Electronic Arts 2010 FIFA World Cup
Electronic Arts Adventure
Pinball Forgotten Island
Electronic Arts American
McGees Alice
Electronic Arts APB
Electronic Arts Armies of Exigo
Electronic Arts Battlefield
Electronic Arts Battlefield 1942
Electronic Arts Battlefield
1942 Secret Weapons Of WWII
Electronic Arts Battlefield
1942 The Road To Rome
Electronic Arts Battlefield 2
Electronic Arts Battlefield
2 Armored Fury
Electronic Arts Battlefield
2 Euro Force
Electronic Arts Battlefield
2 Special Forces
Electronic Arts Battlefield 2142
Electronic Arts Battlefield
2142 Northern Strike Booster
Electronic Arts Battlefield
2142 Northern Strike Booster Pack
Electronic Arts Battlefield
Bad Company 2
Electronic Arts Battlefield
Bad Company 2 (beta)
Electronic Arts Battlefield Heroes
Electronic Arts Battlefield Vietnam
Electronic Arts BattleForge
Electronic Arts Black and
White 2: Battle of the Gods
Electronic Arts Black and
White: Creature Isle
Electronic Arts Boulder Dash Rocks
Electronic Arts Bulletstorm
Electronic Arts Burnout Paradise
Electronic Arts Burnout
Paradise: The Ultimate Box
Electronic Arts Catwoman
Electronic Arts Championship Bass
Electronic Arts Clive
Barkers Undying
Electronic Arts Command
and Conquer 3
Electronic Arts Command
and Conquer 3: Kanes Wrath
Electronic Arts Command and
Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars
Electronic Arts Command and
Conquer 4: Tiberian Twilight
Electronic Arts Command and
Conquer Generals
Electronic Arts Command and
Conquer Generals: Zero Hour
Electronic Arts Command
and Conquer: Deluxe
Electronic Arts Command and
Conquer: Red Alert 3
Electronic Arts Command and
Conquer: Red Alert 3 (beta)
Electronic Arts Command and
Conquer: Red Alert 3: Uprising
Electronic Arts Command and
Conquer: The First Decade
Electronic Arts Cricket 2002
Electronic Arts Cricket 2004
Electronic Arts Cricket 2005
Electronic Arts Cricket 2007
Electronic Arts Cricket 2009
Electronic Arts Crysis
Electronic Arts Crysis 2
Electronic Arts Crysis Warhead
Electronic Arts Dead Space
Electronic Arts Dead Space 2
Electronic Arts Der Herr der Ringe:
Die Schlacht um Mittelerde II
Electronic Arts Die Sims 2
H&M Fashion-Accessoires
Electronic Arts Dragon Age
Electronic Arts Dragon Age: Origins
Electronic Arts Dragon Age:
Origins: Awakening
Electronic Arts Drome Racers
Electronic Arts F1 2000
Electronic Arts F1 2001
Electronic Arts F1 2002
Electronic Arts F1 Challenge 99-02
Electronic Arts F1
Championship 2000
Electronic Arts FA Premier
League Manager 2002
Electronic Arts Face Breaker
Electronic Arts FIFA 10
Electronic Arts FIFA 11
Electronic Arts FIFA 12
Electronic Arts FIFA 2001
Electronic Arts FIFA 2002
Electronic Arts FIFA 2003
Electronic Arts FIFA 2004
Electronic Arts FIFA 2005
Electronic Arts FIFA 2006
Electronic Arts FIFA 2007
Electronic Arts FIFA 2008
Electronic Arts FIFA 2009
Electronic Arts FIFA
2009 Ultimate Team

Electronic Arts FIFA Manager 06
Electronic Arts FIFA Manager 07
Electronic Arts FIFA Manager 08
Electronic Arts FIFA Manager 09
Electronic Arts FIFA Manager 10
Electronic Arts FIFA Manager 11
Electronic Arts FIFA Manager 12
Electronic Arts FIFA Street
Electronic Arts FIFA Street 2
Electronic Arts FIFA Street 3
Electronic Arts Football Mania
Electronic Arts Freedom Fighters
Electronic Arts Freedom Force
Electronic Arts Fussball Manager 06
Electronic Arts Global Operations
Electronic Arts Harry Potter and
the Chamber of Secrets
Electronic Arts Harry Potter
and the Deathly Hallows
Electronic Arts Harry Potter
and the Goblet of Fire
Electronic Arts Harry Potter
and the Half-Blood Prince
Electronic Arts Harry Potter
and the Order of the Phoenix
Electronic Arts Harry Potter
and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Electronic Arts Harry Potter
and the Sorcerers Stone
Electronic Arts Harry Potter
Quidditch World Cup
Electronic Arts Hellgate: London
Electronic Arts Island Xtreme Stunts
Electronic Arts James
Bond 007 Nightfire
Electronic Arts Left 4 Dead
Electronic Arts Left 4 Dead 2
Electronic Arts Littlest Pet Shop
Electronic Arts Madden NFL 2002
Electronic Arts Madden NFL 2003
Electronic Arts Madden NFL 2004
Electronic Arts Madden NFL 2005
Electronic Arts Madden NFL 2006
Electronic Arts Madden NFL 2007
Electronic Arts Madden NFL 2008
Electronic Arts Madden NFL 2009
Electronic Arts Madden NFL 2010
Electronic Arts Madden NFL 2011
Electronic Arts Madden NFL 2012
Electronic Arts Mass Effect
Electronic Arts Mass Effect 2
Electronic Arts Mass Effect:
Pinnacle Station
Electronic Arts Medal of Honor
Electronic Arts Medal of
Honor: Airborne
Electronic Arts Medal Of
Honor: Allied Assault
Electronic Arts Medal Of Honor:
Allied Assault: Breakthrough
Electronic Arts Medal Of Honor:
Allied Assault: Spearhead
Electronic Arts Medal Of
Honor: Pacific Assault
Electronic Arts Mercenaries
Electronic Arts Mirrors Edge
Electronic Arts MVP Baseball 2003
Electronic Arts MVP Baseball 2004
Electronic Arts MVP Baseball 2005
Electronic Arts MySims
Electronic Arts NASCAR 09
Electronic Arts Nascar Racing 2002
Electronic Arts Nascar Racing 2003
Electronic Arts NASCAR SimRacing
Electronic Arts NASCAR
Thunder 2003
Electronic Arts NASCAR
Thunder 2004
Electronic Arts NBA 2003
Electronic Arts NBA 2004
Electronic Arts NBA 2006
Electronic Arts NBA 2007
Electronic Arts NBA Live 08
Electronic Arts NBA Live 09
Electronic Arts NBA Live 10
Electronic Arts NBA Live 11
Electronic Arts NBA Live 12
Electronic Arts NBA Live 2001
Electronic Arts NBA Live 2002
Electronic Arts NBA Live 2005
Electronic Arts NCAA Basketball 09
Electronic Arts NCAA Football 09
Electronic Arts Need For
Speed Carbon
Electronic Arts Need For
Speed Hot Pursuit
Electronic Arts Need For
Speed Hot Pursuit 2
Electronic Arts Need For
Speed Most Wanted
Electronic Arts Need for
Speed Porsche Unleashed
Electronic Arts Need for
Speed ProStreet
Electronic Arts Need for Speed Shift
Electronic Arts Need for
Speed Undercover
Electronic Arts Need For
Speed Underground
Electronic Arts Need For
Speed Underground 2
Electronic Arts Need for
Speed World
Electronic Arts Need for
Speed World Online
Electronic Arts NFL Head Coach
Electronic Arts NFL Head Coach 09
Electronic Arts NFL Tour
Electronic Arts NHL 07
Electronic Arts NHL 08
Electronic Arts NHL 09
Electronic Arts NHL 10
Electronic Arts NHL 11
Electronic Arts NHL 12
Electronic Arts NHL 2001
Electronic Arts NHL 2002
Electronic Arts NHL 2003
Electronic Arts NHL 2004
Electronic Arts NHL 2005
Electronic Arts NHL 2006
Electronic Arts Rail Simulator
Electronic Arts Rugby 06
Electronic Arts Rugby 08
Electronic Arts Rugby 09
Electronic Arts Rugby 2004
Electronic Arts Rugby 2005
Electronic Arts Shogun: Total War
Electronic Arts Shogun: Total
War: Mongol Invasion
Electronic Arts Shogun: Total
War: Warlord Edition
Electronic Arts Sid Meiers SimGolf
Electronic Arts Sim City 4
Electronic Arts Sim City 4 Deluxe
Electronic Arts SimCity 3000
Electronic Arts SimCity
3000 Unlimite
Electronic Arts SimCity 4: Rush Hour
Electronic Arts SimCity Societies
Electronic Arts SimCity
Societies: Destinationsd
Electronic Arts SimCoaster
Electronic Arts Sims 2
Electronic Arts Spore
Electronic Arts Spore BP1
Electronic Arts Spore
Creature Creator
Electronic Arts Spore
Creepy & Cute Parts Pack
Electronic Arts Spore EP1
Electronic Arts Spore
Galactic Adventures
Electronic Arts Sub Command
Electronic Arts Superbikes 2001
Electronic Arts The Battle
for Middle-earth
Electronic Arts The Battle
for Middle-earth II
Electronic Arts The Godfather
Electronic Arts The Godfather II
Electronic Arts The
Lord of the Rings: Conquest
Electronic Arts The Lord of the
Rings: The Battle for Middle Eart
Electronic Arts The Lord of the
Rings: The Battle for Middle
Earth IIh
Electronic Arts The Lord of
the Rings: The Battle for
Middle Earth II (beta)
Electronic Arts The Lord
of the Rings: The Return
of the King
Electronic Arts The Lord of the
Rings: The Rise of the Witch King
Electronic Arts The Orange Box
Electronic Arts The Saboteur
Electronic Arts The Sims
Electronic Arts The Sims 2
Electronic Arts The
Sims 2 Apartment Life
Electronic Arts The Sims
2 Best of Business
Electronic Arts The
Sims 2 Bon Voyage
Electronic Arts The Sims
2 Celebration Stuff
Electronic Arts The
Sims 2 Christmas Party
Electronic Arts The
Sims 2 Double Deluxe
Electronic Arts The Sims
2 Family Fun Stuff
Electronic Arts The Sims
2 Festive Edition
Electronic Arts The Sims 2 FreeTime
Electronic Arts The Sims 2
Fun With Pets Collection
Electronic Arts The Sims 2
Glamour Life Stuff
Electronic Arts The Sims
2 H&M Fashion Stuff
Electronic Arts The
Sims 2 Holiday Stuff
Electronic Arts The
Sims 2 IKEA Home Stuff
Electronic Arts The Sims 2
Kitchen & Bath Interior Design Stuff
Electronic Arts The Sims 2
Mansion & Garden Stuff
Electronic Arts The Sims 2 Nightlife
Electronic Arts The Sims
2 Open For Business
Electronic Arts The Sims 2 Pets
Electronic Arts The Sims 2 Seasons
Electronic Arts The Sims
2 Teen Style Stu
Electronic Arts The Sims
2 University Life Collectionff
Electronic Arts The Sims 3
Electronic Arts The Sims 3 Ambitions
Electronic Arts The Sims
3 High-End Loft Stuff
Electronic Arts The Sims
3 Hollywood
Electronic Arts The
Sims 3 World Adventures
Electronic Arts The Sims 8 in 1
Electronic Arts The Sims
Carnival BumperBlas
Electronic Arts The Sims
Carnival SnapCityt
Electronic Arts The Sims
Castaway Stories
Electronic Arts The Sims Deluxe
Electronic Arts The Sims
Deluxe Edition
Electronic Arts The Sims Hot Date
Electronic Arts The
Sims House Party
Electronic Arts The Sims Life Stories
Electronic Arts The Sims Livin' Large
Electronic Arts The Sims
Makin Magic
Electronic Arts The Sims Nightlife
Electronic Arts The Sims On Holiday
Electronic Arts The Sims Online
Electronic Arts The Sims Pet Stories
Electronic Arts The Sims Superstar
Electronic Arts The Sims University
Electronic Arts The Sims Unleashed
Electronic Arts The Sims Vacation
Electronic Arts Theme Park Inc
Electronic Arts Tiger
Woods PGA TOUR 06
Electronic Arts Tiger
Woods PGA TOUR 07
Electronic Arts Tiger
Woods PGA TOUR 08
Electronic Arts Tiger
Woods PGA TOUR 09
Electronic Arts Tiger
Woods PGA TOUR 10
Electronic Arts Tiger
Woods PGA TOUR 11
Electronic Arts Tiger
Woods PGA TOUR 2001
Electronic Arts Tiger
Woods PGA TOUR 2002
Electronic Arts Tiger
Electronic Arts Tiger
Woods PGA TOUR 20042003
Electronic Arts Tiger
Woods PGA TOUR 2005
Electronic Arts Total
Club Manager 2002
Electronic Arts Total
Club Manager 2003
Electronic Arts Total
Club Manager 2004
Electronic Arts Total
Club Manager 2005
Electronic Arts Triple Play Baseball
Electronic Arts UEFA Champions
League 2004-2005
Electronic Arts UEFA Champions
League 2006-2007
Electronic Arts UEFA Euro 2004
Electronic Arts UEFA Euro 2008
Electronic Arts Ultima
Online Samurai Empire
Electronic Arts Ultimate
Hunt Challenge
Electronic Arts Warhammer
Online Age of Reckoning
Electronic Arts Wiz Bang
EA FIFA 2002,2003,2005...
EA NHL 2002,2003...
EA SimCity 4 Deluxe
EA James Bond 007 Nightfire
EnTech PowerStrip
Eugen Systems The Gladiators
EZ SoftMagic MP3 Joiner
Fengtao Software
DVD Region+CSS Free
Fengtao Software DVDFab Platinum
Fengtao Software DVDFab
HD Decrypter
Fengtao Software DVDIdle Pro
Fengtao Software DVDInfoPro
Flexiblesoft Absolute Time Corrector
Flexiblesoft Quick Backup
Flexiblesoft Backup Deluxe
Flexiblesoft Dialer XP
Flexiblesoft Launcher
Flexiblesoft Energy Spy
Futuremark 3DMark 2001
Futuremark 3DMark 2003
Futuremark 3DMark 2005
Futuremark 3DMark 2006
Futuremark PCMark 2005
Funatics Cultures2
Funatics Zanzarah
FTP Express
FinePrint Software
FineReader ABBYY
Freedom Scientific JAWS 10
Freedom Scientific JAWS 11
Freedom Scientific JAWS 12
Freedom Scientific JAWS 7
Freedom Scientific JAWS 8
Freedom Scientific JAWS 9
Freedom Scientific MAGic 10
Freedom Scientific MAGic 11
Freedom Scientific MAGic 8
Freedom Scientific MAGic 9
Fresh Devices Diagnose
Fresh Devices Download
Fresh Devices UI
Fresh Devices View
Antivirus for Windows
F-Secure products
Handy Recovery
HAI PC Access
HAI Dealer PC Access
Helmsman Frigate 2
Helmsman Frigate 3
Helmsman Frigate 4
HDD State Inspector
HDRsoft (MultimediaPhoto)
Hageltech DU Meter,
Honestech HT Video To DVD
IMSI TurboCAD 10
IMSI TurboCAD 11
IMSI TurboCAD 12
IMSI TurboCAD 13
IMSI TurboCAD 14
IMSI TurboCAD 15
IMSI TurboCAD 16
IMSI TurboCAD 17
Intuit Software Quickbooks
InterVideo DVD6
InterVideo WinDVD
Ipswitch WS_FTP
Iarsn AbpMon
Iarsn TaskInfo 10
Iarsn TaskInfo 6
Iarsn TaskInfo 7
Iarsn TaskInfo 8
Iarsn TaskInfo 9
Iron Lore Titan Quest
Legends of Might and Magic
Lionhead Studios Ltd TheMovies
LimeWire Acceleration Patch
Lovelysoft AdminToys
L0pht Crack LC5
LucasArts Games
Interapple 5 Clicks
Illusion Softworks Hidden &
Industry Giant 2
IGI 2: Covert Strike
James Bond 007 Nightfire
JKLNSoft Picture Finder Pro
JKLNSoft Pure CD Ripper
JKLNSoft Quick View Folder Size
JKLNSoft Batch Image Resizer
JSG Matrix Saver
3D Mark
Kingsoft Powerword 8.5
Kingsoft Powerword 9
KsL Software RFA -
Registry First Aid
KsL Software Registry
First Aid Platinum
Konami Pro Evolution Soccer 2008
Macromedia Dreamweaver
4, 5, 6, 7, 8, MX
Macromedia Fireworks 7
Macromedia Flash
Macromedia Flash 5
Macromedia Flash 6
Macromedia Fireworks
Macromedia FreeHand
Macromedia Contribute
Macromedia Captivate 1.0
Macromedia Director
Macromedia Homesite
Macromedia ColdFusion MX
Macromedia Flash
Communication Server
MailWasher Pro
Malwarebytes' Anti-
Malware support
Makivision Games
Medal Of Honor Allied Assault
Medal Of Honor Allied
Assault: Breakthrough
Medal Of Honor:Allied
Assault: Spearhead
Medal Of Honor Pacific Assault
Medieval II Total War
Magic Utilities
Magic Speed
Medieval II Total War
Mindjet MindManager
Micro Application
MPG 3DMomster
Mosaic Software Solutions AxMan
Monolith Productions
Aliens vs. Predator
Monolith Productions
Contract J.A.C.K.2
Monolith Productions F.E.A.R
Monolith Productions F.E.A.R:
Perseus Mandate
Monolith Productions
No One Lives Forever
Monolith Productions
No One Lives Forever 2
Monolith Productions Tron 2.0
Monolith Productions
Contract J.A.C.K
Nadeo TrackMania
Need For Speed: Most Wanted
Nek Computer nekLABORnt
Nitro PDF Professional
Neverwinter Nights
Network Associates
Nevis Systems CheckPop
NewsBin Pro
Norton Partition Magic 8
Norton System Works
Norton Internet Security
NuMega Bounds Checker
Naturally Speaking
Nitro PDF Professional
Njstar Word Processor
Oak Telecom products
Olympus DSS Player
O&O CleverCache
O&O Defrag
O&O Defrag Professional 8
O&O DriveLED
O&O DiskImage
O&O DiskRecovery
O&O SafeUnErase
O&O SafeErase
O&O BlueCon
Ositis WinProxy
On Time RTOS-32
Online TVPlayer
PC Icon Editor
PC Pitstop Optimize
Padus DiscJuggler
Parallels Workstation 2.1
Parallels Workstation 2.2
Parallels Workstation 2.2
Pegasys TMPGEnc Plus
Pegasus Imaging PICVideo
Persits Software AspUser
PGWARE PcMedik, GameGain,
GameBoost, PcBoost
Poikosoft Easy CD-DA Extractor
PopCap Games:
PopCap Alchemy
PopCap Alice Greenfingers
PopCap Amazing Adventures
PopCap AstroPop
PopCap Atomica
PopCap Bejeweled
PopCap Bejeweled 2
PopCap Big Kahuna Reef
PopCap BigMoney
PopCap Bonnies Bookstore Deluxe
PopCap BookWorm
PopCap Bookworm
Adventures Deluxe
PopCap BookWorm Deluxe
PopCap BreakQuest
PopCap Cake Mania
PopCap Cake Mania 2
PopCap Chuzzle
PopCap Cosmic Bugs
PopCap Diner Dash
PopCap Diner Dash 2
PopCap Dynomite
PopCap Eets
PopCap Family Feud
PopCap Farm Frenzy 2
PopCap Farm Frenzy 3
PopCap Farm Frenzy 4
PopCap Feeding Frenzy
PopCap Feeding Frenzy 2
PopCap Hammer Heads
PopCap Hammer Heads Deluxe
PopCap Heavy Weapon
PopCap Iggle Pop Deluxe
PopCap Insaniquarium
PopCap Magic Match
PopCap Mahjong Escape
PopCap Mahjong Escape:
Ancient Japan
PopCap Mosaic: Tomb of Mystery
PopCap Mummy Maze
PopCap MummyMaze
PopCap Mystery Case
Files: Huntsville
PopCap Mystery P.I.:
The Lottery Ticket
PopCap Mystery P.I.:
The Vegas Heist
PopCap Mystery Solitaire:
Secret Island
PopCap NoahsArk
PopCap Peggle
PopCap Peggle
PopCap Peggle Nights
PopCap Peggle: World of
Warcraft Edition
PopCap Pixelus
PopCap Pizza Frenzy
PopCap Plantasia
PopCap Plants vs Zombies
PopCap Platypus
PopCap Professor Fizzwizzle
PopCap QBeez
PopCap QBeez 2
PopCap RocketBowl Plus
PopCap RocketMania
PopCap SevenSeas
PopCap Super Collapse 3
PopCap Talismania
PopCap TipTop
PopCap Tradewinds Legends
PopCap TyperShark
PopCap Venice
PopCap Water Bugs
PopCap WinBAD
PopCap Word Harmony
PopCap Zone Bejeweled
PopCap Zuma Deluxe
Pinnacle Systems Studio
Pro Evolution Soccer 6
Protect-CD VOB Key
PowerQuest PartitionMagic 8.0
PowerQuest Partition Magic 6
PowerQuest Partition Magic 7
Power Karaoke
Pro Evolution Soccer 6
Quake 4
Quantum Tech Remote Backup
Quantitative Micro
Software EViews 6.0
Quattro Pro 11
Quickbooks 2003
Quickbooks 2004
Quickbooks 2005
Quickbooks 2006
QuickBooks 2007
QuickBooks 2008
QuickBooks 2009
QuickBooks 2010
QuickBooks 2011
Raxco PerfectDisk
Raxco PerfectDisk Home
Raxco PerfectDisk Professional
Rainbow Six III
Rapid Solution Tunebite
RealNetworks Games
Readiris Pro
Registry Mechanic
Register Suitcase
Replay Converter
Reflexive Entertainment
Big Kahuna Words
Reflexive Big Kahuna Reef
Reflexive Big Kahuna Reef 2
Reflexive Mosaic Tomb of Mystery
Reflexive Build in Time
Reflexive Ricochet
Reflexive Ricochet Infinity
Reflexive Ricochet Lost Worlds
Reflexive Ricochet Xtreme
Resonantsoft DupeWatcher
RollerCoaster Tycoon 3
Rose City Software Registry
First Aid ( RFA )
Roxio DiscGallery
Roxio Easy CD Creator 4.0
Roxio Easy CD Creator 5.0
Roxio Easy CD Creator 6.0
Roxio Easy CD Creator
Roxio My DVD
Roxio My DVD 10.0
Roxio My DVD 8 Premier
Roxio My DVD 9.0
Runtime Software GetDataBack
Runtime Software GetDataBackNT
Rudenco Software 3DWebButton
Rudenco Software AccelPad
GameHouse 10Talismans
GameHouse 4 Elements
GameHouse 5 Line Slots
GameHouse 7 Wonders
GameHouse 7 Wonders 2
GameHouse Abundante
GameHouse Academy of Magic
GameHouse Acropolis
GameHouse Adventure Ball
GameHouse Adventure Inlay
GameHouse Adventure Inlay
Safari Edition
GameHouse Air Strike 3D
GameHouse Airport Mania
GameHouse Alice Greenfingers
GameHouse Alice Greenfingers 2
GameHouse Alices Magical Mahjong
GameHouse Alien Sky
GameHouse Aloha Solitaire
GameHouse Aloha TriPeaks
GameHouse Amazing Adventures:
Around the World

Источник: []
The Sims 2: Open For Business 1.0 serial key or number

Electronic Arts Sims 3 Starter Pack (PC/Mac) (Digital Code)

Walmart+ is here to help make every day easier.
Electronic Arts
Average Rating:out of 5 stars34 ratings, based on34reviews
Madden NFL 21 Deluxe Edition, Electronic Arts, Xbox One - Walmart Exclusive Bonus
We aim to show you accurate product information. Manufacturers, suppliers and others provide what you see here, and we have not verified it.
The Sims 3 Starter Pack has everything you need to set you on your journey to creating unique Sims with personalities and controlling their lives. The Sims 3 lets you customize everything from your Sims' appearances to their homes. Fulfill their life destiny and make their wishes come true ? or not! This great bundle also contains The Sims 3 Late Night Expansion Pack to give your Sims an all-access pass to the hottest spots in town and The Sims 3 High-End Loft Stuff to transform your Sims' homes into sleek, modern lofts. With all this amazing content in one pack, you're ready to dive into the deepest, most satisfying and fun simulation experience ever! Email delivery with digital code.
If someone claims you should pay them in Walmart gift cards, please report it at  FTC Complaint Assistant. Read more at Gift Card Fraud Prevention
Sims 3 Starter Pack (PC/Mac) (Digital Code):
  • Platform: PC/Mac
  • Publisher: Electronic Arts
  • Format: digital code
  • Category: PC Games
  • Compatibility: Windows XP SP2, Windows Vista SP1 or Windows 7; Mac OS X 10.5.7 Leopard or higher

What is Electronic Software Download or Digital Code product?

Electronic Software Download or Delivered product is just like box software equivalent. This is a full version of the software, usually with the exact same End User License Agreement (license/use rights). The customer downloads the product directly to their computer from the Publisher site or a secure source endorsed by the Publisher rather than installing from a disk. The download link, instructions and license key are set to the customer via email; usually in 1-3 hours from purchase (deliveries can take up to 24 hours). Product keys are available if lost, and product can be re-installed if needed. For Services, the key that is sent is all that is needed to activate the service from the manufacturers site. Email communication will come from our service provider at (

Explore this item

Video Game Platform
Primary Distributor ID
Video Game Collection
Country of Origin - Components
ESRB Rating
Manufacturer Part Number
Country of Origin - Assembly
Assembled Product Dimensions (L x W x H)
  • Sims 3 Plus Seasons (PC/ Mac)
    Sims 3
    USA or Imported
    Social / Survival Simulation
    Social & Economic Simulation
    Electronic Arts
    USA or Imported
    7.5 x 5.5 x 0.5 Inches

Most helpful positive review
6 customers found this helpful
Average Rating:(5.0)out of 5 stars
Great price and loads of fun
The stipulation on Walmart clearly stated up to a 24 hr wait! I didn't have to wait that long but things done electronically take time! Heck it took hours to download a lot of add ons and then some for this game with super speed internet! Patience is a virtue! This game was well worth the wait!
Most helpful negative review
2 customers found this helpful
Average Rating:(1.0)out of 5 stars
Does not work on Mac Anymore!
This game does not work. You must download Origin to install, which does not work on the latest Mac operating system. This is unusable on Mac despite the system. There should be some sort of disclaimer!
Most helpful positive review
6 customers found this helpful
Источник: []

What’s New in the The Sims 2: Open For Business 1.0 serial key or number?

Screen Shot

System Requirements for The Sims 2: Open For Business 1.0 serial key or number

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