Graph Paper Print serial key or number

Graph Paper Print serial key or number

Graph Paper Print serial key or number

Graph Paper Print serial key or number

jgraph / drawio

23-SEP-2020: 13.7.5- Removes document.write for modern browsers22-SEP-2020: 13.7.4- Appends splash dialog libs to configured libs17-SEP-2020: 13.7.3- Moves viewer to Improves shape picker position- Uses mxGraph 4.2.1 beta 1716-SEP-2020: 13.7.2- Removes PWA on domains14-SEP-2020: 13.7.1- Improves Gliffy import14-SEP-2020: 13.7.0- Adds conf cloud change notifications for collab- Adds Cmd+Click for blue arrow on macOS- Uses mxGraph 4.2.1 beta 1711-SEP-2020: 13.6.10- Adds Shift+Delete/Backsapce to clear labels- Uses mxGraph 4.2.1 beta 1608-SEP-2020: 13.6.9- Fixes inline images in cell styles08-SEP-2020: 13.6.8- Fixes use of unsupported function in IE08-SEP-2020: 13.6.7- Normalizes spaces in uncompressed XML output- Adds context menu for shape search results- Minor fixes for custom fonts- Uses mxGraph 4.2.1 beta 1531-AUG-2020: 13.6.6- Removes PWA for Improves Gliffy import24-AUG-2020: 13.6.5- Corrects classpath for CacheFacade20-AUG-2020: 13.6.4- Adds Shift/Ctrl+Cursor to move/select pages- Fixes orientation of screen page formats- Adds allowZoomOut switch in GraphViewer18-AUG-2020: 13.6.3- Handles extra HTML content on Sharepoint- Fixes origin after folding in viewer08-AUG-2020: 13.6.2- Fixes origin for online PDF export07-AUG-2020: 13.6.1- Improves Lucidchart importer- GAE stub fixes05-AUG-2020: 13.6.0- Uses mxGraph 4.2.1 beta 14- Fixes mouse zoom bug03-AUG-2020: 13.5.9- Adds pinch to zoom on Windows and Android- Uses mxGraph 4.2.1 beta 1331-JUL-2020: 13.5.8- Fixes tooltip for rotation handle- Fixes edit as blank in lightbox- Lucidchart import improvements- Uses mxGraph 4.2.1 beta 12- Improves shape picker30-JUL-2020: 13.5.7- Faster autosave in Google Drive30-JUL-2020: 13.5.6- Uses mxGraph 4.2.1 beta 11- Performance improvements29-JUL-2020: 13.5.5- Uses mxGraph 4.2.1 beta 10- Enables links in tooltips- Adds layout JSON action28-JUL-2020: 13.5.4- Adds handle for cube and cylinder shape- Adds metadata to C4 shapes- Uses mxGraph 4.2.1 beta 924-JUL-2020: 13.5.3- Fixes print in static viewer24-JUL-2020: 13.5.2- Fixes viewer links- Uses mxGraph 4.2.1 beta 822-JUL-2020: 13.5.1- Removes official Azure icons for licensing reasons22-JUL-2020: 13.5.0- Restores cloning of rows with blue arrows- Fixes ungroup for multiple groups- Uses mxGraph 4.2.1 beta 720-JUL-2020: 13.4.9- Fixes handling of built-in plugins- Uses mxGraph 4.2.1 beta 619-JUL-2020: 13.4.8- Fixes SHA for inline script19-JUL-2020: 13.4.7- Improves target detection for blue arrows- Improves shape selection on touch devices- Uses mxGraph 4.2.1 beta 517-JUL-2020: 13.4.6- Simplified Start Screen16-JUL-2020: 13.4.5- Fixes ignored right meta key on macOS15-JUL-2020: 13.4.4- Fixes shape picker container insert- Adds diagram styles14-JUL-2020: 13.4.3- Adds shape selection on blue arrow click10-JUL-2020: 13.4.2- Adds shape selection on double click- Fixes browser storage dialog09-JUL-2020: 13.4.1- Disables eval in HTML embed code08-JUL-2020: 13.4.0- Adds border for lightbox export- Uses mxGraph 4.2.1 beta 4- Adds Diagram Style panel04-JUL-2020: 13.3.9- Fixes ignored autosave for native files03-JUL-2020: 13.3.8- Adds experimental file system support02-JUL-2020: 13.3.7- Fixes image export with sketch style- Uses mxGraph 4.2.1 beta 301-JUL-2020: 13.3.6- Fixes transparent background event handling for sketch style- Moves row for dragging selected table cell- Fixes inconsistent cursors for tables- Adds drag and drop for tables- Uses mxGraph 4.2.1 beta 2- Adds new basic templates- Adds rows in ER sidebar- Adds edit dialog style25-JUN-2020: 13.3.5- Fixes minor bugs24-JUN-2020: 13.3.4- Fixes minor bugs24-JUN-2020: 13.3.3- Fixes move for tables with selected rows- Fixes flex arrow custom handle preview
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, Graph Paper Print serial key or number

Sorry, this site's design is only visible in a graphical browser that supports web standards, but you should still be able to see the content below.

DataLoad is continually being developed to ensure it offers the best functionality for loading data into applications. This page shows the development history.

This section lists the new features and fixes included in each version of DataLoad.

Version (20 December 2010)

New Features

  • Added ability to resize columns in Setup Titles window
  • Added support for variables in Browser Control ID and Name attributes. Required where browser form elements name and/or ID are generated dynamically.
    {$RowNum} – Inserts the number of the spreadsheet row being loaded
    {$LoadRowNum} – Inserts the row number within this load
  • Improved Browser Control loads that use “Named Window” option so they wait for IE elements to be fully loaded if they are not initially available

Other Changes

  • Browser Control setup in Setup Titles window had multiple unused rows
  • Minor layout changes in most of the setup windows

Bug Fixes

  • Browser Control could report IE is not the active window if the active window is currently changing. Improved support where the active window changes during a load.
  • If DataLoad was started by double clicking on a DLD file and the file contained a DataLoad Script then the file would not open
  • Insert & Delete column options in the Setup Titles window should not have worked for Forms Playback loads or where these were disabled by the Protection functionality
  • Installer could fail to install to "program files" directory on Windows 7

Version (22 November 2010)

Other Changes

  • “Wait while hourglass” delay is now the time waited after cursor changes back to normal after being an hourglass
  • Progress Bar is always visible in Load Control but if it was disabled in Options then it did not display updates. Updates are now displayed whenever the Progress Bar is visible.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed occasional error with Browser Control 'Current IE Field Details' drop list - 'this->get_HWND((long*)&pHWND)': Unspecified error : c:\program files\embarcadero\rad studio\7.0\include\vcl\SHDocVw_TLB.h/776
  • “Wait while hourglass” was always enabled in V5.4 regardless of Options setting
  • “Wait while hourglass” could make target window briefly become unfocussed, causing screen flicker and potential loss of keystrokes

Version (1 November 2010)

New Features

  • Spreadsheet & load protection functionality added to lock & control what users can do in DataLoad
  • Added support for encrypting DataLoad files
  • Numeric keypad keys can be specified in Macro loads
  • Oracle Projects Budget Lines database load added to example loads
  • Excel Import now works in all 3 spreadsheets (header, main & footer) and the import occurs in the active spreadsheet
  • Data Import now works in all 3 spreadsheets (header, main & footer) and the import occurs in the active spreadsheet
  • Sorting now works in all 3 spreadsheets (header, main & footer) and the sort occurs in the active spreadsheet
  • Header and footer spreadsheets now support multiple rows
  • Right Ctrl key can be pressed in Macro loads using *. Left Ctrl is pressed using ^.

Other Changes

  • Improved support for Macro loads in to Citrix where Alt & Ctrl keys would not always work
  • Macro delay time accuracy improved - could previously sleep slightly longer than specified
  • msvcr71.dll file now included with DataLoad Scripting because this is required by Oracle Instant Client but is not available on all PCs
  • Script console now only stays on top of the DataLoad window rather than all windows
  • Hide button added to script console

Bug Fixes

  • Spreadsheet cells in the Command window grid could be randomly painted pink
  • When Cancel button pressed in the Commands window not all of the Commands configuration was restored
  • Wait on Hourglass did not function unless the Options form was opened and closed after opening a load file
  • *LOV() was not recognised as a command and added to the spreadsheet's title row as a command label
  • \{PRNTSCRN} keystroke caused load to wait interminably when Load Control was enabled
  • DataLoad could hang if *CW() used to repeatedly switch between Oracle and other windows in a load and Load Control was enabled
  • The mouse was not available to click “OK” button if an error occurred during Macro loads in Oracle E-Business Suite core forms and Load Control was enabled
  • Cell comments box was displayed too low on the spreadsheets
  • Installer attempts to ensure PHP script directory is writeable and DataLoad now gracefully any handles issues writing to this directory
  • If the last row in a spreadsheet was deleted any blank rows with not null validation breaches between it and the previous populated row were not reset and incorrectly remained marked invalid
  • Cell's row/col position label wasn't updated when Ctrl + arrow keys used for navigation
  • The Script menu was left visible if a file was opened or created while the Script tab was active

Version (1 October 2010)

New Features

  • Browser Control
    • Significant performance improvements - up to 4X speed improvement for finding and updating browser fields
    • Full support for dynamically changing between pop-up windows as they open and close and waiting for new windows to open, e.g. Lists of Values. No changes to the load required for this to work.
    • Full support for fields and buttons that have duplicate names within a browser page
    • Element details can now contain wildcards and sets - *, ?, []. Useful where element details may not be known in advance or the name changes.
    • New *LOV() command to select a value from an open Oracle List of Values
    • Error & exception handling improved to prevent user seeing HRCHECK error messages
  • DataLoad Scripting
    • ConnectAsApps() function added - Validates Oracle E-Business Suite username/password, decrypts the APPS password & creates a new APPS database connection
    • Database connection window enhanced - Save & manage database connection details; options to save Oracle E-Business Suite configuration; added Cancel button
    • Scripts can be edited in Notepad++ for improved editing and colour highlighting, etc
    • New toolbar icons available to quickly stop, start, reload and edit scripts
    • OraDBConnClass object may be passed to DataLoad Scripting's Oracle object's constructor and Connect() function
    • OraDBConnClass now supports additional variables specific to Oracle E-Business Suite
    • GetDBConn() now returns false if the user cancels the database connection window
    • SetConsoleData() now supports optional final parameter to change the progress window's caption
  • Load Control
    • If the new target window isn't found when *CW() is used DataLoad will wait for the window to be created. Avoids the need to use a delay before *CW().
  • Data Validation Min/Max enhanced for Alpha & Alpha Numeric data. Min/max validates data length as well as using alphabetic rules. For example, a Min of "aaaaa" allowed "z" in previous versions but now will not because the data must be at least 5 characters long.

Bug Fixes

  • Text boxes in the Delays window would not accept the ',' decimal separator after V5.2.1.0
  • Reset button in Delays window caused the '.' decimal to be used regardless of the PC's locale. The correct decimal separator is now always used.
  • DataLoad Scripting could truncate data that contained NULL characters
  • The SetDynamicCols(false) function didn't turn off dynamic columns or prevent users from inserting/deleting columns in spreadsheets

Version (1 June 2010)

New Features

  • Improved viewing and editing of spreadsheet cells that contain multiple lines
  • Multi line cell data can now be copied/pasted between Excel and DataLoad
  • Browser Control's handling of blank cells is now configurable (skip vs clearing corresponding browser field)
  • Load Control performance & reliability further improved, especially for pasted data
  • DataLoad updated to avoid Oracle bug which can cause the Oracle client to crash when data is rapidly pasted
  • Row heights can be made to automatically fit row data by double clicking the row divider or by using menus
  • Find/Replace can use special non-printing characters (carriage return, tab, etc)
  • Row heights are now saved in DataLoad files (Macro & Forms Playback)
  • Validation rules now automatically cause upper/lower case to be set as the user types
  • Forms Playback default file character set can be set at anytime, not just when a FLD file is open
  • Small updates to look & feel
  • Text boxes intended for numbers in Delay & Options now restricted to numbers (prev any text could be entered and an error was shown when window OK'ed)
  • Target window could become visible but not active on Windows Vista
  • Macro loads can now still be cancelled with Esc even if keyboard hook fails to start
  • Added directory path information to About window
  • Default log file location moved to user's application data directory instead of the location where DataLoad is installed (which many users can't write to)
  • Warning message now displayed if the Forms Playback character set does not support all the load's data
  • Changes in Windows OS meant DataLoad is not always activated at end of a Macro load. Changes made to ensure DataLoad is activated.
  • Documentation updates

Bug Fixes

  • UTF8 encoded Forms Playback files could fail to playback after V5.1
  • Title grid in Column Setup window didn't anchor to the window's right side
  • File character set was not always correctly identified when opening Forms Playback files
  • Column widths didn't get moved along with the data when columns were inserted or deleted
  • Load Control & Browser Control settings were not populated if file was opened at same time as DataLoad, e.g. by double clicking .dld file in Explorer
  • Load Control & Browser Control were not activated when -AUTO was used
  • Row heights were not correctly moved when rows were inserted or deleted
  • Browser Control *ml not treated as a command for cell colouring or column title creation
  • If a scripting load was opened, closed and then a macro load opened the progress window was placed in the middle of the screen
  • Scrolling the Titles grid in Column Setup window did not cause the Browser Control & Validation rows to scroll in sync
  • Tab order between fields on Advanced delays tab was wrong
  • The cell colour dialogue on the Options window opened behind the Options window
  • When the Find/Replace form was cancelled the DataLoad window minimized
  • Couldn't copy/paste/cut, etc, in to Find/replace window using standard shortcut keys
  • Existing Browser Control details were only overwritten where the new details were not blank - existing details could be incorrectly left in place

Version (1 March 2010)

New Features

  • Load Control added for high performance Macro loads
    • Integrates DataLoad with target application to monitor and control macro load progress
    • Significantly improves performance and reliability of Macro loads
    • Supports Java and native Windows applications
  • Alt + PgUp / PgDn moves the focus between the 3 DataLoad spreadsheets
  • Option for Professional users to turn off the startup screen
  • Improved handling of missing commands.dat file
  • Reduce display time of startup screen
  • Changed keystroke delays to be after the key and not between key down & key up
  • Checkbox added to the Run Load form to control whether Browser Control is enabled
  • Siebel support added to Macro loads

Bug Fixes

  • Internet Explorer OnChange event handlers were not always executed when fields updated via Browser Control
  • *SB didn't toggle checkboxes, etc, with new keystroke engine introduced in V5.1
  • DataLoad could fail to start and displayed the error "HRCHECK: this->get_HWND((long*)&pHWND): Unspecified error"
  • Startup form could show previous version as the latest version.
  • Macro recorder incorrectly added '\' before *ml, *mr & *dl
  • Mouse click coordinates capture didn't work for *DL()
  • Current cell coordinates did not always fit in space available
  • Cursor remained as hourglass when user requested news if no news available

Version (1 February 2010)

New Features

  • Full Unicode support
    • All languages now supported, including Japanese, Chinese, Arabic, Hebrew, Cyrillic, etc
    • Any mix of languages supported within the spreadsheet
    • Full language support across all DataLoad functions, e.g. entering data, copy/paste, importing data, Macro loads, Forms Playback, PHP Scripting, etc
    • Forms Playback encoding options expanded to include all characters sets supported in Oracle E-Business Suite
  • Browser Control
    • Internet Explorer no longer needs to be opened by DataLoad & DataLoad integrates with any open IE window
    • Loads are recorded while the user works in Internet Explorer
    • Drop list values are now set according to the visible value rather than any internal values, as was previously required
    • Checkboxes can be explicitly set to be checked or unchecked (previously could only toggle status)
    • Blank DataLoad fields now clear the target browser field rather than being skipped
    • Browser FRAMEs now supported, including recursively to any depth of recursion
    • Data & clicks now injected in to the active IE field even if no HTML tag details specified
    • New load option: send to active window or send to named IE window(s)
    • New load option: stop if window isn't IE or continue without using Browser Control
  • Macro load Keystroke sending engine re-written
    • New engine supports all languages and characters
    • New engine uses latest Windows technology
    • Fixed issue where some characters were not sent correctly with old engine
    • Old engine available for legacy compatibility if required
  • OS Support
    • Vista and Windows 7 compatibility issues fixed
    • Support added for 64 bit Vista
  • Excel-style navigation added when Ctrl key pressed, i.e. Ctrl + arrow keys + (optionally) Shift
  • Behaviour of mouse wheel changed so it scrolls the spreadsheet rather than changing the selected row(s)
  • User interface and look & feel updated
  • Improved handling if regkey.dat missing during Professional registration
  • Message prompts for loading default PHP script made more helpful

Bug Fixes

  • Keystroke recording could cause a \ to appear mid-way through data
  • Internet Explorer OnChange event handlers were not executed when fields updated via Browser Control
  • The -AUTO command line parameter caused an access violation after the load finished
  • A single Alt + Tab within DataLoad didn't switch to the next window
  • The Unregister menu entry sometimes appeared in DataLoad Classic
  • Buttons could temporarily disappear when Alt pressed in Vista

Version (1 December 2009)

Version is the most significant update yet to DataLoad and contains major enhancements and new features. Please click here for full details.

Version (21 August 2007)

New Features

  • Oracle E-Business R12 compatibility.

Bug Fixes

  • When a StepMode load was canceled no further StepMode loads ran beyond the first cell.
  • AutoTab didn't send a TAB when the DataLoad data cell was blank.

Version (13 Jan 2007)

New Features

  • Users can select row numbers X to Y to load in macro loads.
  • Macro load progress window now includes current command plus row & column counters.
  • Forms Playback WINDOW numbers can now be incremented by different amounts for different forms in the same load. This is required for certain Oracle E-Business Suite Forms.

Bug Fixes

  • Macro load progress bar was not always updated during loads.
  • HTML message window didn't always appear when DataLoad opened.
  • Exceptions could be raised when opening DataLoad if the user did not have appropriate permissions to read/write registry.
  • Username/password in FLD file could still be lower case after changes made in V4.3.7.0. Now always uppercase.

Version (11 Feb 2006)

New Features

  • {PRNTSCRN} command added to control Print Screen key in macro loads.
  • HTML message panel added to main DataLoad form.

Bug Fixes

  • Pasting more columns than exist in DataLoad caused the paste to fail rather than the spreadsheet to expand.
  • Sorting data didn't cause the Save button to become enabled.
  • When a cell containing a comment was copied to the clipboard the comment would remain on the clipboard and could be pasted with later copy & paste actions.
  • Radio buttons & check boxes selected as editable in forms playback loads would not appear after the first record in DataLoad.
  • Buttons & list fields with names containing spaces would not be handled correctly in forms playback loads.
  • An issue writing to droplists.dat when opening a forms playback file caused a generic error to be displayed. The problem is not handled properly.
  • If a username/password is contained in an FLD file it must be in uppercase but DataLoad did not enforce this.
  • A user reported MS Office's multi-clipboard functionality could interfere with DataLoad's macro loads. This could not be replicated but clipboard handling has been updated to avoid any such issue.

Version (1 March 2005)

New Features

  • Added \{NUMLOCK} keystroke to support pressing the NUMLOCK key in macro loads.
  • AutoStart macro loads no longer display a DataLoad window in DL Prof.

Version (3 Nov 2004)

New Features

  • Support added for Forms Playback extensions in Inventory Master Items load and other forms that exhibit the same sub-form behaviour.
  • Made the file type options in the File Open dialog more intuitive.

Version (2 Oct 2004)

New Features

  • Support added for forms to be closed and re-opened multiple times within a DataLoad record rather than just between records. Increases flexibility of DataLoad loads and resolves an issue with Date Track in Oracle HR. (Forms Playback).
  • Support added for closing Oracle by closing the Navigator with a keystroke. (Forms Playback).

Bug Fixes

  • An erroneous error could occur when opening Forms 4.5 fld files.

Version (9 July 2004)

New Features

  • DataLoad Professional users will be warned when their support period is due to expire.
  • The installer prevents users from attempting to install a version of DataLoad Professional not covered by their DataLoad Professional license. (This previously could happen and DataLoad reverted to Classic. Users can still install Classic but cannot unwittingly revert to Classic by selecting a version of Professional for which they are not licensed.)

Bug Fixes

  • Thai, Arabic, Greek and other characters would not always paste correctly into Oracle, and other target applications, in Macro loads.
  • The automatic download mechanism didn't always initiate the install when the download was complete.
  • "Failed to get data for ProxyEnable" could occur at startup.

Version (4 May 2004)

New Features

  • Improved language support and Unicode UTF-8 compatibility:
    • Increased range of languages supported without changes to PC setup required
    • EG Japanese & other multi byte languages
    • Read & write Unicode UTF-8 files for compatibility with UTF-8 databases
  • Font type and size can now be changed.
  • New installer:
    • Smaller distribution file
    • DataLoad Professional registration possible during the install
    • Fixes an issue where non-admin users may not be able to access DataLoad if it was installed by an admin user
  • Sort function added to allow grid data to be sorted (Professional Only)

Bug Fixes

  • Forms playback loads could fail where a sub window is repeatedly opened and closed.
  • When the "Wait while hourglass" option was used data may not be sent to the target.
  • Loads couldn't be terminated if "Wait while hourglass" option was used and DataLoad was waiting for the hourglass to disappear.
  • Data imported into a forms playback load could cause a "Grid index out of range" error.
  • Forms playback loads where data contained new lines would not work on playback.
  • The '%' in macro loads may not activate the Alt key or could cause the Alt Gr (right Alt) to be used.
  • If a click field, e.g. check box or radio button, in forms playback was editable and used multiple times in each record then the data would not display correctly.
  • If the form was closed at the end of a forms playback recording and the user clicked on a Navigator item the load may not work when edited and played back.

Version (15 Dec 2003)

  • DataLoad can now open incomplete forms playback files, which is useful for opening recorded logs of playbacks.
  • After V4.3.2.0 there could be a "shadow" to some text in cells.
  • A number of changes were made to help with usability.

Version (5 Dec 2003)

New Features

  • New Macro commands (Professional only):
    • PROMPT() - Prompts the user and pauses the load waiting for user action.
    • *DL() - Issue a double click with the left mouse button at the location specified.
  • Progress Bar is now always visible during a load if it is activated.
  • Improved support for mouse wheels.

Bug Fixes

  • Forms Playback - A load containing editable "Clicks" would become corrupt if such a click was blank in the first record.
  • Double clicking on the header row didn't open the Titles window.
  • The Command Group drop list was not always populated in the Run Load window.
  • Sending ESC from a DataLoad Macro load stopped the load.
  • When data was pasted into row 1 in a Macro load the column titles were not updated.
  • When the contents of a cell were accepted using the ENTER key the contents may not be visible until the user moved into another cell.
  • More error handling and meaningful error messages added to the Excel Import functionality.
  • AutoInsert no longer inserts data after the last row of data in the grid.
  • "Select All" would always select everything in the main grid even if another control had focus.

Version (6 Oct 2003)

  • Opening Forms 4.5 forms recordings could result in an error.


  • The Installer could crash on Windows NT after V4.3.0.
  • DataLoad could create forms playback files with incorrect record numbers on button clicks.
  • Sub forms can now be closed and re-opened in forms playback records (previously forms had to be left open).
  • Where 'clicks' were marked as editable the load could stop working (Forms Playback).
  • Some Forms Playback loads wouldn't work when the user clicked into the next record in multi line blocks during recording.
  • On some versions of Applications the Responsibility name wasn't picked up in the Forms Playback section of the Options form.
  • The installer now adds DataLoad to the Windows Add/Remove Programs list.
  • In V4.3.0.0 the Options form had the wrong tab page active when first opened
  • Changed the "Forms Event" tab in Options form to be called "Forms Playback".


Version contains a large number of enhancements and new features. Please click here for a full list.


  • The DataLoad grid was restricted to 200 rows after V4.2.5.5.


  • Some "basic" PC users wouldn't have enough security to open the registry key containing the DataLoad Professional license key. Therefore, Professional reverted to Classic for such users.


  • Various issues with Lists of Values in Forms Playback are fixed.
  • Double clicking on the right edge of the final column in the header row didn't always cause the column to resize.
  • When the target window is activated in Copy & Paste loads the DataLoad window could stay on top. The data was sent to the target window, since that is now active, but the user couldn’t see this because the DL window is on top. Fixed by hiding the DL window during loads.
  • Target windows that were already maximised could have their size and position changed when DataLoad activated the window.
  • When DataLoad automatically downloaded updates it did not always overwrite the previous update.
  • Forms playback documentation updated.


  • The News form was updated to support extra functionality that will be used at a later date.
  • Changes were made to the Installer to ensure install errors are better handled and reported.


  • DataLoad Professional registration could fail on PCs where the decimal character is a ',' rather than a '.'.
  • Load Control not working correctly after a previous update.


  • " and \ characters weren't properly handled in forms playback files.
  • A proper solution rather than a workaround was put in place for issues with the *PB, *NB and *ST commands.
  • Selecting Edit->Titles from the popup menu would cause an exception.


New Features

  • Text data can be imported into existing DataLoad spreadsheets.
  • Text data with any delimiter can be imported into, or opened in, DataLoad. Previously only tab delimited data was supported.
  • Data can be pasted into the target application using Shift+Insert instead of Ctrl+V.

Bug Fixes

  • Opening the Edit Titles form could cause an exception.
  • The command group list on the Selection form wasn't populated if the command group drop list on the main form hadn't been used.
  • If no command group had been selected from the main drop list and 11i was selected from the Selections drop list the NCA command group was used.
  • *PB, *NB and *ST may not work on Windows 2000 and above. A workaround has been put in place.


  • Num Lock could be incorrectly turned off, meaning some numeric keystrokes would not be sent correctly.


New Features

  • Column heading and width information is now saved for the header grid.
  • Comments are supported in header grid cells.
  • The status of the Caps Lock & Num Lock keys no longer affects keystrokes sent by Copy & Paste loads.

Bug Fixes

  • The shift key may not have always been pressed when required when keystrokes are sent in Copy & Paste loads.
  • Cell comments would sometimes be displayed when forms playback source code was being viewed.


New Features

  • DataLoad Installer added to make installing and maintaining DataLoad easier.

Bug Fixes

  • LOV commands used in the header section of forms playback loads could cause errors.
  • Proxy Enable error could occur when starting DataLoad.


USER_EXIT commands could cause an error when a file is saved.


  • Fixes compatibility issues with registry data types in some versions of Windows.
  • The DataLoad News information could be downloaded more often than necessary.


Version 4.2.3 contains a large number of enhancements and new features. Please click here for a full list.


New Features

  • List of value commands are supported and not converted to value commands.
  • Validation for List of value commands added.
  • Improved error checking and handling in forms playback files.
  • Unlimited number of command groups now supported.
  • Description field added to command definitions.
  • Playback equivalent information added to command records (required for future functionality).

Bug Fixes

  • '&' couldn't be sent using Copy & Paste if it is the first character in a cell.
  • Forms playback detail blocks were not always correctly identified.


  • Registration functionality for DataLoad Professional added.

Version 4.2

Version 4.2 contains a large number of enhancements and new features. Please click here for a full list.


  • Delays failed when used with decimal values.
  • *SB command was incorrectly defined.

Version 4.1

Version 4.1 contains a large number of enhancements and new features. Please click here for a full list.

Version 4.0.2

New Features

  • Automatically colour grid cells according to their contents:
    • Data Cells
    • Keystroke Cells
    • Command Cells
  • New load commands
    • *FI Find
    • *FA Find all
    • *CW(window) Change active window to window
    • *QE Query enter
    • *QR Query run
    • *CL Clear field
    • *IR Insert record
  • Fill command (right, left, up, down), like Excel.
  • Columns can be automatically sized to fit the cell text.
  • Column widths are now saved in the .dld file.

Bug Fixes

  • DataLoad failed to open .dld files which used a decimal point separator different to the current system default.
  • TprogressBar property out of range error occasionally occurred at the start of a load.
  • Couldn’t copy & Paste to Window Name box.
  • There were a number of problems when selecting cells using the keyboard, especially when adjusting a selection made using the mouse.
  • Deleting, inserting or clearing rows or columns didn't always turn on saving.


  • A file name passed on the command line to DataLoad didn't open and caused an error.
  • Hourglass option wasn't saved in the .dld file.
  • The "NEW" command didn't reset any changes in the Delays and Options forms.
  • The "NEW" command didn't reset columns & rows to their default sizes.

Version 4.0.1

New Features

  • Mobile progress bar indicates load progress.
  • Title form changed to allow editing of all titles in one go.
  • Double clicking on header row opens title editing.
  • DataLoad can wait for a user defined duration while the cursor is hourglass.
  • File save icon & menu item greyed out when there is nothing to save.
  • DataLoad prompts to save spreadsheet if it has changed and you are closing the spreadsheet.
  • Function to clear single, multiple or all titles.
  • Full Windows 98 compatibility.

Bug Fixes

  • Paste sometimes caused divide by zero errors.
  • Double clicking on the fixed row or column caused problems.
  • On NT the grid selection was lost after the load completed.
  • The load duration did not display correctly on all PCs.
  • Security rules demo spreadsheet failed to set include/exclude properly.
  • Multiple line pastes occasionally lost the final line.
  • Copy added an extraneous carriage return to the end of text copied to clipboard.

Version 4.0

  • DataLoad implemented as a standalone Windows 32 bit application.
    • Improved performance, reliability and stability.
    • Dedicated DataLoad interface.
    • No dependency on Excel.
    • Vastly increased scope of potential future functionality.
  • Control of delays increased and improved, including access to low level delays.
  • DataLoad file format introduced to save setup information as well as data.
  • Documentation re-written as Windows help file.
  • Control of keystrokes made easier and the keys available to the user increased.

DataLoad versions prior to V4.0 were all Excel macros.

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Graph Paper Print serial key or number

Geoff Fors
 Post subject: Dial Scale Software
Posted: Apr Sat 19, 2008 6:13 am 

Joined: Jan Thu 01, 1970 1:00 am
Posts: 3590
Location: Monterey California USA
Has anyone run across a good software program for creating a multiband dial scale? I have an RCA AR-8506-B Liberty Ship receiver which is missing the entire original dial scale and window.

The original scale was just a cardboard sheet but I haven't been able to find one to scan and re-print. I don't want to shell out serious money for Auto-Cad, and Microsoft Word, while offering a single arc type of shape, doesn't really have the capability for making five arcs with numbers and hash marks at appropriate spots. There are some free programs which make meter scales but that doesn't help when you need a set of five 180 degree arcs.

Barring the software idea, I guess it's back to a compass and protractor and some dry transfer lettering...

Posted: Apr Sat 19, 2008 7:23 am 

Joined: Apr Thu 17, 2008 4:04 am
Posts: 3
There are no doubt others but I use PaintShopPro so I'll plug it. PSP (JASC Software) was a great graphics program but they got bought out/sold out to Corel who has diminished the PSP reputation to an 'any-idiot-can-do-it" digital photo editing thing to get them out of the marketplace.

Google for version 7 or 8. Around ver 7? they started lettering on an arc as a feature. It takes some getting used to but will do exactly what you are asking. You should be able to find it free and unlocked on the web, I had to replace mine once and found a d/l site. Or go to ebay

Rich, W3HWJ
Posted: Apr Sat 19, 2008 3:59 pm 

Joined: May Tue 30, 2006 4:46 pm
Posts: 10134
Location: Santa Rosa, CA
I use GraphPaper; it's share-ware developed in France. I think it's a free download now.

Back in Sept. 2002, I wrote an article in Electric Radio (#160): "Creating Meter and Dial Faces." I made a nice multi-band dial for my function generator.

The program allows you to do circular scales of any number of degrees with as many tick marks as you would like.


Rich, W3HWJ
Posted: Apr Sat 19, 2008 4:01 pm 

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War Bird Radio
Posted: Apr Sat 19, 2008 6:28 pm 

Joined: Jan Thu 01, 1970 1:00 am
Posts: 1317
Location: On the Left Coast
Glad you brought this subject up as I will need to make a dial scale
for the five band superhet I'm gathering parts for. Will be using a National SCN dial. I know Big Nick made a nice dial for his superhet but I think he has access to AutoCad since he laser engraved the front panel too.

I remember your article and should dig it out. I'll down load the Graph Paper program and give it a try.


Geoff Fors
Posted: Apr Sat 19, 2008 10:18 pm 

Joined: Jan Thu 01, 1970 1:00 am
Posts: 3590
Location: Monterey California USA
Yes, quite, I will do the same. Thanks for the ideas! Obviously my best choice is to get an original scale and just scan it and clean it up , but the receiver is rather rare and it may take a very long time to locate a scrap set with a dial scale.

I forgot all about the ER article; this usually happens to me during income tax season and I don't recover mentally until May...

Last edited by Geoff Fors on Apr Sun 20, 2008 11:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Posted: Apr Sun 20, 2008 12:00 am 

Joined: Jan Thu 01, 1970 1:00 am
Posts: 178
Location: Collison, IL USA
You might try software intended to print CD/DVD labels. It's easy to find, to try free, and may be adaptable if you need that size scale or near it.

John Smith

"Every time I learn something new, it pushes some old stuff out of my brain!"
Homer Jay Simpson

Geoff Fors
Posted: Apr Sun 20, 2008 12:30 am 

Joined: Jan Thu 01, 1970 1:00 am
Posts: 3590
Location: Monterey California USA
I downloaded the "Graph Paper" software, and read Rich's article. However, version 4.03 of Graph Paper doesn't seem to have the function called "Dial." Am I missing something?

Rich, W3HWJ
Posted: Apr Sun 20, 2008 2:43 am 

Joined: May Tue 30, 2006 4:46 pm
Posts: 10134
Location: Santa Rosa, CA
My version says and it's from 2001.

Look for the box that says CHANGE. Click on that and you should get a menu. Click on MISCELLANEOUS. Another menu that includes DIAL.

Good luck.


Posted: Apr Sun 20, 2008 1:27 pm 

Joined: Jan Thu 01, 1970 1:00 am
Posts: 720
Location: Nova Scotia, Canada
Hi Rich,

Could you tell me where you got your version 5.4? I went to the website link from the help file, and the address that's listed,

constantly gives me "The Page Was Reset" message.

Thanks for now, Bob

Rich, W3HWJ
Posted: Apr Sun 20, 2008 4:12 pm 

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I got mine more than 5 yrs. ago directly from the creator, Dr. Marquis.

You might try e-mailing him for advice. His e-mail address is given on the download web site.

I remember that I had questions when I first used it and he was helpful.


Geoff Fors
Posted: Apr Sun 20, 2008 11:47 pm 

Joined: Jan Thu 01, 1970 1:00 am
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Location: Monterey California USA
The version the download site mentioned above gives you is 4.03. That version does not have the "dial" feature nor the other buttons mentioned. It can make a nice dial scale using the 1/2 polar paper but no tick marks or numbers.

Going out on the web and searching for the newer (last?) version brings a bunch of shareware sites which redirect you to a dead download link. The website, which he apparently once had for assorted software, is abandoned and redirects to a search engine. I suspect the mailbox is full because he's abandoned that address as well. Thus we seem to be back to the other options at this point...

Posted: Apr Mon 21, 2008 3:12 pm 

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Rich, W3HWJ
Posted: Apr Mon 21, 2008 5:25 pm 

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Location: Santa Rosa, CA
Couldn't find it at first, then typed "graph" in what looked like a SEARCH box.



Posted: Apr Mon 21, 2008 11:57 pm 

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Looks like you have to go back to version 5.0 for a non-restricted shareware version, but it doesn't have the dial layout. Anything newer does, but won't let you print it unless you register. At least in my limited playing around with it.

Mort Denison

Burnt Fingers
Posted: Apr Tue 22, 2008 12:27 am 

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Geoff Fors
Posted: Apr Tue 22, 2008 8:11 pm 

Joined: Jan Thu 01, 1970 1:00 am
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OK, here is what I have found regarding Graph Paper. You can download a bunch of versions from the Taiwanese educational site listed above, however almost all versions are either trial types which expire after a short period of time or have features locked out until a registration fee is paid. If you attempt to register them and pay, the registration link is dead, as apparently none of the software is supported anymore and has basically been abandoned by the creator. Funny thing is, most of the packages have no place to enter a user ID and a serial key anyway, even if you were able to register them.

However...if you download the older Version in the 786 kb size, dated 2001/03/13, you should get a screen with a wide red box saying "Register." Clicking on that should give you a registration screen with places to enter the necessary data.

If you then go to Google and enter "Graph Paper Printer" , you will find a link to which will give you a user name and a serial for this version.

This will then provide a "registered" version as far as the program knows, and everything should work.

Except that we are back to square one since the "Dial" feature only allows one arc, not the five I was looking for to make a multiband dial...

The "Meter" software on the site Carl mentions above looks more promising, and can do a fairly big print (120x180mm) but the maximum number of scales is four.

Rich, W3HWJ
Posted: Apr Tue 22, 2008 11:22 pm 

Joined: May Tue 30, 2006 4:46 pm
Posts: 10134
Location: Santa Rosa, CA
I made multiple arcs for my signal generator scale.

You simply make one arc the way you want it and set it up to print. I think I used WORD to print.

Then make another arc, smaller in diameter, and paste it on the first arc document. It automatically centers.

I did 3 concentric for my generator. The only downside is that now you have a WORD document which is not too useful for interaction with other programs, such as Corel or Adobe.


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