Cinema 4D R11.5 serial key or number

Cinema 4D R11.5 serial key or number

Cinema 4D R11.5 serial key or number

Cinema 4D R11.5 serial key or number

C4D serial digits not unique?

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Topic: C4D serial digits not unique?
Posted By: Klaus Heyne
Subject: C4D serial digits not unique?
Date Posted: 2009 Nov 04 at 8:54am

User Information:

Cinema 4D Version:   11.5 
Platform:   Windows  ;   Mac OSX  ; 
Language(s):     C++  ;  



within a few days I've got two customers with the same first 11 digits of the c4d r11 serial number. It attracted my attenstion, because both end with "12345"! Is that a curious coincidence or is that a kind of VIP number? I've read some times ago, that some of you uses these digits as an customer id! So it seems, that this is not a good idea...

Posted By: Katachi
Date Posted: 2009 Nov 04 at 9:12am
Hi Klaus,

yep, I also noticed this some months ago. That required me to rewrite my whole serial system routines as it was critical providing several users with the same serial number.

Posted By: Rick Barrett
Date Posted: 2009 Nov 04 at 9:37am
AFAIK, the first 11 digits are always unique. I know all licenses issued by the US office are unique. I hate to say it, but especially ending in 12345 I'd have to suspect a pirate keygen is involved. If it's a Western Hemisphere customer, you're welcome to PM me the first 11 digits and I'll confirm if it's a valid license.

Posted By: Katachi
Date Posted: 2009 Nov 04 at 11:02am
thanks for the info Rick!

Samir - NAVIÉ -

Posted By: tcastudios
Date Posted: 2009 Nov 04 at 3:03pm
I got that request just a couple of days ago and the person
"fully understood" I could not deliver.


Posted By: Matthias Bober
Date Posted: 2009 Nov 05 at 12:57am
It's most likely a pirated version. To the best of my knowledge there was only one legal customer with this number.


Posted By: Cactus Dan
Date Posted: 2009 Nov 08 at 8:28am

I received that same number twice (one from France and the other from Norway), in the guise of an upgrade from 11 to 11.5 (which normally shouldn't require a new 11.0 number).

Cactus Dan

Posted By: kuroyume0161
Date Posted: 2009 Nov 08 at 10:27am
I had one of those 'I need a new R11 number now that I've upgraded to R11.5' as well. My response was that the user's current R11 serial number for my plugin would work with R11.5, automatically even, and that was the end of it.

Robert - Kuroyume's DevelopmentZone

Posted By: Katachi
Date Posted: 2009 Nov 10 at 3:50am
Originally posted by kuroyume0161

I had one of those 'I need a new R11 number now that I've upgraded to R11.5' as well. My response was that the user's current R11 serial number for my plugin would work with R11.5, automatically even, and that was the end of it.

I also have these cases since 11.5! I also received a new R11 serial number myself from MAXON, so I was actually alright with providing new 11.5 serials. Any word on this by MAXON?

Samir - NAVIÉ -

Posted By: Klaus Heyne
Date Posted: 2009 Nov 10 at 3:59am
The only customer, that has requested a new license key due to an upgrade to R11.5 was this guy with the pirate number. So, for me it looks like a keygen, that has to be run again in order to get a 11.5 number what unfortunately also changed the core number, or it's a new keygen for 11.5.

I've just searched my database for these digits and I found a third one. So there is one from France, one from Sweden and one from the US.

I'm not sure at the moment what to do. These people are customers anyway, that have payed for the plugin...

Posted By: cineast2008
Date Posted: 2009 Nov 27 at 6:40am
i got two of these also, one from france and one from russia..

I see it like this: its obviously a pirate key, and if i give him a valid plugin serial for that key, what would prevent him from posting that plugin serial on the net, for all pirates to use ?

havent quite decided what to do, but i'll probably just refund the money..

Posted By: Kabe
Date Posted: 2009 Nov 27 at 9:25am
Actually giving out a serial for a pirated version means that the key we shell out works on all the pirated copies as well... so in my opinion we should all be very clear that we don't send out keys to pirated versions.


Posted By: c4dJack
Date Posted: 2009 Nov 28 at 3:46pm
Exactly. I've also had some requests from people with that number.
"12345" really doesn't seem very serious.

Maybe we should start including the User name from the C4D license info into our serial algorithms, too. That way, we could still charge those guys and prevent the plugins from running at the other pirates' machines (except if they all decided to use the very same username, which is rather unlikely, I think).


Posted By: Katachi
Date Posted: 2009 Nov 29 at 3:26am
Originally posted by c4dJack

(except if they all decided to use the very same username, which is rather unlikely, I think).

Rethink, it is rather likely unfortunately.

Samir - NAVIÉ -

Posted By: c4dJack
Date Posted: 2009 Nov 30 at 5:19am

Posted By: cineast2008
Date Posted: 2009 Nov 30 at 8:09am
yeah but fortunately, some rather like that ;-)

Posted By: tcastudios
Date Posted: 2010 Jan 09 at 9:05am
It's still popping up.......


Posted By: Katachi
Date Posted: 2010 Jan 09 at 11:04am
Originally posted by cineast2008

yeah but fortunately, some rather like that ;-)

so you like warez people fooling you with the same name?

Samir - NAVIÉ -

Posted By: cineast2008
Date Posted: 2010 Jan 10 at 9:14am
Originally posted by 3D Designer

so you like warez people fooling you with the same name?

actually what was meant is the opposite.
guess im not too good at making jokes by juggling words around.. ;-)

Posted By: c4dJack
Date Posted: 2010 Jan 24 at 4:22pm
Since I again got license requests with the very same "12345" serial number, what shall we do? Of course, giving out a license on that serial would be stupid. But on the other hand, that guy has already paid me for the license.

What would you do? Send the money back? I'm really no big fan of that :D

Posted By: tcastudios
Date Posted: 2010 Jan 24 at 4:54pm
Atm, I do refunds on the spot telling them straight
that this number is floating around the web and can not be accepted.

I add that if this is a mistake, from my side, they are welcome
to sort it out per mail. Never happened yet………

Usually (with other numbers) I simply answer that they are welcome
to send a valid number and the license is on "hold" since I state
that there is no refund at my shop. Also works, it's just sad to have to
do those mails.


Posted By: c4dJack
Date Posted: 2010 Jan 25 at 6:04am
Sounds reasonable. Did the same now ;-)
Thanks Lennart!


Posted By: cineast2008
Date Posted: 2010 Jan 25 at 9:16am
thats how i do it as well and nobody has ever complained yet ;-)

------------- -

Posted By: Klaus Heyne
Date Posted: 2010 Feb 03 at 8:15am
ok, that's a solution for the "12345" digits. But how can we detect other illegal digits? If we are intended by MAXON to deny plugin licenses for illegal C4D numbers, we need a database to validate the number.

A few moments ago, another customer has asked for a new plugin license, because his c4d base number has changed when upgrading to R11.5.So there is still the question, whether that is possible in a legal way.

@Maxon: How can it happen, that a customer gets a new base number when upgrading to X.5 (excluding the multi-license reason)?

Posted By: Cactus Dan
Date Posted: 2010 Feb 03 at 8:53am
Originally posted by Klaus Heyne

... But how can we detect other illegal digits? If we are intended by MAXON to deny plugin licenses for illegal C4D numbers, we need a database to validate the number....

Well, there could be illegal cracked serial numbers floating around out there of which Maxon may not be aware, not to mention those people who are pooling their money and sharing a serial number, so I doubt there is a completely accurate list of illegal copies of Cinema 4D.

Originally posted by Klaus Heyne

..,A few moments ago, another customer has asked for a new plugin license, because his c4d base number has changed when upgrading to R11.5.So there is still the question, whether that is possible in a legal way.

@Maxon: How can it happen, that a customer gets a new base number when upgrading to X.5 (excluding the multi-license reason)?

Well, if a user is upgrading an R11.0 educational version to an R11.5 full version, the base serial number would probably change. I believe that the 6th digit determines whether or not it's an educational version. If it is an educational to full upgrade, then you might want to offer a special upgrade price for the plugin.

Cactus Dan

Posted By: emberintherain
Date Posted: 2010 Feb 08 at 7:56am
Well..  I'm officially part of the club now.  I got a serial number with the last four digits 12345.    This must definitely be a number generator.   My response to this person was... 
"This is a serial number that has been flagged as pirated.  Please contact Maxon to resolve this matter.    I am unable to send you a serial number until you provide me with a valid Cinema 4D serial number.  "    
Does that seem like a fair statement?

Posted By: Klaus Heyne
Date Posted: 2010 Feb 24 at 5:22am
I've just checked my database for multiple c4d serial digits belonging to different customers. I countered only numbers, that occur more than 3 times. This is the result:

10002012978: 11
10032001069: 9
10100012345: 10
10100059094: 25

This shows, that sus**cious numbers are not always as obvious as the 12345 number. Fortunately there are only two R11 serials.

I'm thinking about a database for us to query and check for sus**cious numbers at least to handle the "new serial when upgrading to .5" issues...

Posted By: tcastudios
Date Posted: 2010 Feb 25 at 7:45am
Yeah, right now 10100059094 is pretty popular.....
I must say this is starting to get annoying but I guess there
is nothing much to do other than possible add the numbers
that are proven dizzy here at this thread.
Mean while double check my register for each new sale.


Posted By: tcastudios
Date Posted: 2010 Mar 01 at 7:24am
Ok, this is not funny anymore……….
What are the chances to make some sort of "data base".

I don't like this situation when almost I daily must respond
to customers explaining the situation.

I'd even go as far as paying for some sort of
"Maxon Qualified Serial Support".

What can be done?


Posted By: emberintherain
Date Posted: 2010 Mar 01 at 7:58am
I second that.  Let's start a database.  I would be happy to host it at my site.     Any thoughts on how we can do this?

Posted By: emberintherain
Date Posted: 2010 Mar 02 at 4:00pm
So does everyone that encounters this send the money back?    Is it legal to say that they are no refunds?

Posted By: tcastudios
Date Posted: 2010 Mar 02 at 4:28pm
Thinking out loud here….

No, I don't think it's wise just keeping the money
as no product is actually shipped.
If not only to to -not- get in trouble if the
person starts to complain at the money transfer partner (PayPal etc).

I -suppose- (I'm not a lawyer or anything) one could
construct a safe reclaimer at the shop that a license
will be shipped after payment -and- when a legit serial is sent.
Until then the delivery is "on hold".

Again, I can't tell if this is water tight internationally or not.
And the sad email conversations will still be a time waster...

Or in more layman terms, "Don't f''k with my time, or pay for it" … :)

Despite you offer Shawn, I also don't think it is safe to keep serials
outside Maxon.

If anything, maybe there could be a login site (at Maxon) with
a list of suspended numbers. That's all I can think of as possibly realistic.


Posted By: emberintherain
Date Posted: 2010 Mar 02 at 4:35pm
Yeah you are right,  a Maxon hosted serial database would be ideal.  And you're also right that keeping the money is probably bot a good idea.  Although I think I am going to refund the money minus paypal costs.  
It annoys me because it takes up my time to tell these people I can't send them a license for their invalid serial number.  LOL  GRRR.
Thanks for the response Lennart.

Posted By: Katachi
Date Posted: 2010 Mar 03 at 1:50am
Just to confirm here, it is definetly an illegal action to not refund the money if you do not provide the customer with the service he paid for. Also it is not legal to not refund the paypal costs, because paypal allows a full refund, which includes any paypal fees, within 90 days. So there is no groundtruth for keeping any money if this is not explicitly stated in your terms of use (and then afaik you cannot simply keep the paypal fees as they are dynamically changing. You´d need to set a fixed fee yourself). It doesn´t really matter if the serial is a valid and legal one in that case.

All I do is simply reject registration and I refund money.

I also agree that MAXON needs to come up with a support strategy here for official third parties. Maybe giving them login data for a database on the maxon server or similar and letting third parties sign an according NDA contract beforehand.

Samir - NAVIÉ -

Posted By: emberintherain
Date Posted: 2010 Mar 03 at 2:40am
Okay.. Thanks Katachi,   Seems like there's nothing we can do about the fact that our time is being wasted here.   It doesn't seem right to me.   :)

Posted By: Katachi
Date Posted: 2010 Mar 03 at 3:14am
yep :)

Samir - NAVIÉ -

Posted By: Klaus Heyne
Date Posted: 2010 Mar 03 at 6:54am
My plugin shop is fully automated, i.e. the customer is able to download the plugin right after a successful paypal transaction. So the only way for me would be, to validate the c4d serial digits during the ordering and deny the purchase from start up. I'm not willing for the extra work of additional e-mail communications and money refund. Furthermore, customers can also pay via bank transfer so it would be a non-acceptable afford to refund the money in this case.

A database hosted by MAXON, that can be accessed by a php script would be the only way for me to avoid illegal c4d users.

Posted By: semerkhet22
Date Posted: 2010 Mar 03 at 3:07pm
what about license depending on hardware like themida, no more worries about sn

Posted By: ello
Date Posted: 2010 Mar 04 at 10:42am
Originally posted by semerkhet22

what about license depending on hardware like themida, no more worries about sn

that would be hell i guess. just imagine you are using your cinema with an usb stick

i think a php accessable database on maxons side would be a good way

Posted By: c4dJack
Date Posted: 2010 Mar 05 at 3:25am

Well, it would be possible to lock a license to both, C4D serial and e.g. the network adapter's MAC address.

For people who want to use the license on multiple computer, one could let them pay an extra fee and use 00-00-00-00-00-00 als MAC address, signaling the plugin that the MAC should be ignored.

But still, it would not be a pleasant thing for developers and customers.

------------- - - My GitHub page

Posted By: emberintherain
Date Posted: 2010 Mar 10 at 4:49am
I've decided that I am going to build in to my registration code that if the last five digits of the serial number are 12345 then my plugin is going to tell the person that this serial number is PIRATED. 
in the unlikely event that one person in the world actually owns this license, and purchases my plugin,  I will find a way around it. 

Posted By: semerkhet22
Date Posted: 2010 Mar 17 at 4:44am

Is there a way to make activation via the net like with adobe, or maybe is it possible to make hardware id and then the client send it to me so i will send him serial?

please, any advice.


Posted By: emberintherain
Date Posted: 2010 Mar 17 at 12:10pm
Maybe we can require the users to supply Maxon order numbers with their purchase.  This is a unique number that people would have only received after purchasing C4D.  And in our plugins have a field for this number that they must enter and it must match what they provided us?  
How do people feel about that?  Would that be worth our time?

Posted By: Matthias Bober
Date Posted: 2010 Mar 17 at 12:27pm
MAXON can not share any information about their customers, that would be a breach of information privacy. I also don't see why you should be concerned about privated Cinema versions. The mechanism with the 11 digits of the Cinema serial is just an easy means to prohibit running more instances of your plugin at the same time than the customer owns. If the customer provides you with a pirated serial and it won't run, it is his own problem and I am pretty sure he has no legal rights to claim something. The use of pirated Cinema versions is MAXON's concern not yours.


developer support

Posted By: Klaus Heyne
Date Posted: 2010 Mar 18 at 3:48am
Originally posted by Matthias Bober

The use of pirated Cinema versions is MAXON's concern not yours.

I agree. Why should we do a stricter protection than MAXON does? My plugin serials base on the 11 digits and the user's name. So the plugin serial can only work with a pirated c4d license, when the user makes his name public to the pirates. You may use your customers email address instead of the name for validating the plugin serial, so it would be a further inhibition level for him to give it away.

Posted By: spedler
Date Posted: 2010 Mar 18 at 4:21am
Originally posted by Klaus Heyne

I agree. Why should we do a stricter protection than MAXON does? My plugin serials base on the 11 digits and the user's name. So the plugin serial can only work with a pirated c4d license, when the user makes his name public to the pirates.

Quoted for agreement. Software protection is always a trade-off between preventing someone pirating your app and inconveniencing the user to a point where they use someone else's app instead. TBH, for me the price I sold my first plugin at means it simply isn't worth the effort of trying to do anything more than a straightforward serial number check. I can understand that if you are selling a plugin costing hundreds of dollars you would feel very annoyed if someone gets it for free. I would probably feel the same. But if you lock your plugin to a particular machine, the user has to buy extra licenses to use on different machines - bearing in mind that it's legitimate under the Maxon license to use a single license of C4D on any machine (only one at a time, obviously!), so that you can - and people do - carry C4D around on an external drive and use it on different machines as their work requires. I think we should try to stick with that approach and lock plugin serials to C4D serials.

There's nothing to stop individual developers using something like Themida if they wish, as the developers of Vray for C4D have done. But this isn't problem-free; some users have found that antiviral software reports Themida as a virus. And forget dongles. They break or are lost or drop out at the worst moment.

Personally I think the current system works okay. I doubt that many sales have been lost due to people using pirated serial numbers. These people wouldn't have bought C4D or the plugin if they hadn't been able to get the knockoff version.

Posted By: emberintherain
Date Posted: 2010 Mar 18 at 4:42am
I definintely think these are good points and I agree with them.  I agree with Matthias that pirated C4D versions are Maxon's problem and not ours.  I even got confirmation from Maxon that there is no legal action that can come against us for selling our plugins to people with pirated C4D copies.  
The serial number approach has worked for me.  The most time consuming part for me has been to have to refund money to people with what I know is a pirated serial number.  I think at this point I am just selling my plugin to the people who buy it and if their serial number doesn't work properly because of their pirated version of c4d then that is their problem.

Posted By: spedler
Date Posted: 2010 Mar 18 at 5:00am
Shawn, I agree entirely. With regard to refunds, yes, they're annoying. I got caught with that '12345' serial before this discussion started and it didn't even occur to me (how naive is that?) that it might be a keygen number. It's difficult to make a refund after several months - in fact I'm not even sure it's possible with Paypal after a certain time interval.

Other than that, I agree that if someone has a problem with the plugin because they're using a pirated copy of C4D, it's their problem, not mine.


Posted By: Katachi
Date Posted: 2010 Mar 18 at 5:12am
In the end everybody should be aware of 2 universal facts concerning software piracy:

1. If someone has crack knowledge and is willing to crack a software, he will. period. There is no 100% safe way to lock a software.

2. People using pirated software are not the target customer of you in any case. They are less than 0.1% of real customers. So any energy you put in piracy prevention is mostly for your own conscience rather than real protection (see point 1 again).

That´s why serial number protection is fine. People that really want to buy your software won´t care about cracking it or downloading pirated versions of them. They try the demo and then buy (or not) and that´s it. You should rather concentrate and collect your energy for other things, for example customer´s services. ;-)

Samir - NAVIÉ -

Posted By: ello
Date Posted: 2010 Mar 18 at 5:24am
but selling to a well known pirated version would be not a good idea because in that case the provided serial for the plugin would spread as well. just my 2c


Posted By: Katachi
Date Posted: 2010 Mar 18 at 6:08am
you should read point 2 again. No matter if you give out that serial or not (of course I don´t encourage you giving it out, don´t get that wrong) the ones that would use it will not pay for your plugin anyway. It doesn´t matter if you give it out or not. That is the point. These facts were true 10 years ago, they are true now and they will probably be also true in 10 years. It won´t change how these people think so it won´t change the behavior of these people and you can´t do anything about it. It´s a battle you cannot win so you better concentrate on the "real" people instead.

(That´s why cars mostly use the same lock system they did 40 years ago. The manufacturers know there are people stealing cars and that they have their tricks to open a car, but these people are not the target customer anyway so there is no need to spend millions of dollars for researching new locking systems, these people will find a way to open these up again. That´s why the car industry doesn´t really car changing anything. They rather spend their money to improve the car for the real customers)

Samir - NAVIÉ -

Posted By: blackhat
Date Posted: 2010 Mar 18 at 10:20pm
My opinion is there are 3 kind of people, not only black and white.
1) People who will always buy a plugin, not pirate.
2) People who will always search and wait the pirated version, never buy. (for x reason)
3) People that are in the middle situation, if they like the plugin and they can they'll buy it, but if they first found it for "free" then they'll just use that. If they don't find the cracked version first in google, then they'll consider buying it after some time that the application doesnt appear and if they can they will. (Im talking about plugins, etc, not about 50000 euros applications, in that case this people are part of the point 2)

So, my opinion is: We shall still focus on a good protection/register system so we DELAY (a little at least)  a full version to be found, if our plugin becomes so popular :P

Just my feeling, i never did a stadistic about this, maybe im totally wrong and it really is black and white :P

Posted By: Katachi
Date Posted: 2010 Mar 19 at 12:44am
Nobody denies there are these type of people. It´s about how many do what.

I cannot say anything about the "plugin bought or pirated plugin downloaded" situation as I cannot know which of my customers does it which way. I can only make a probability assumption from customers using a probable (or definite) pirated C4D version and then buy my plugin.

And my statistic from the last 10 years tells me that the percentage of warez users who bought my plugins is less then 0.1%. All other customers have unique and plausible c4d serials. Therefore I must assume, and according to statistics probability rules one can be quite sure, all other warez users rather download my plugin than buying it.

I agree and am sure there are variations according to popularity, price and size of the plugin but I can of course only judge this from my own plugins (though I had small and big ones over the years but well, everyone may have their own statistics).

Samir - NAVIÉ -

Posted By: spedler
Date Posted: 2010 Mar 19 at 1:58am
Originally posted by 3D Designer

I can only make a probability assumption from customers using a probable (or definite) pirated C4D version and then buy my plugin.And my statistic from the last 10 years tells me that the percentage of warez users who bought my plugins is less then 0.1%. All other customers have unique and plausible c4d serials. Therefore I must assume, and according to statistics probability rules one can be quite sure, all other warez users rather download my plugin than buying it.

I think that's a very useful statistic and certainly supports my own feelings about this. The only question which needs to be answered is whether people who own a legit copy of C4D will go on to download cracked versions of plugins. I think that's highly unlikely (and to suggest otherwise, by introducing harsher and harsher protection schemes) is likely to alienate honest customers. Just look at the complaints over Microsoft's Windows 'Genuine Advantage' program, for example. Those people who run pirate C4D copies will almost never buy a legit plugin license. So really, vast numbers of sales are not being lost to pirates because such people would never have paid in the first place. Which means that the only point of any protection scheme is to ensure that there is some return for all the effort put in, and so that purchasers know that those who don't purchase don't get to use the plugin.

I just think we should not worry too much about this issue. Time spent on ever more elaborate protection schemes, which are unlikely to work anyway, is time spent on not developing the actual plugin.

Posted By: Katachi
Date Posted: 2010 Mar 19 at 2:52am
yep, I agree.

Samir - NAVIÉ -

Posted By: emberintherain
Date Posted: 2010 Mar 19 at 3:25am
ditto..  Well said!

Posted By: Kabe
Date Posted: 2010 Mar 19 at 7:00am
Originally posted by 3D Designer

No matter if you give out that serial or not (of course I don´t encourage you giving it out, don´t get that wrong) the ones that would use it will not pay for your plugin anyway. It doesn´t matter if you give it out or not.

Well, it does matter: Certainly you are right in that the loss in direct sales is insignificant.

However, pirates compete with your customers, reducing the payoff your solution has for potential customers.
So if your plugin set is available for "free" aka as "stolen", your customers have to compete to some of those people.


Posted By: Katachi
Date Posted: 2010 Mar 19 at 7:26am
Originally posted by Kabe

Well, it does matter: Certainly you are right in that the loss in direct sales is insignificant.

However, pirates compete with your customers, reducing the payoff your solution has for potential customers.
So if your plugin set is available for "free" aka as "stolen", your customers have to compete to some of those people.

Well, that is an unfair argument.

In that case I´d need to blame MAXON too for not making Cinema 4D cracksafe as all those warez people can therefore also use my plugin with a cracked c4d or even worse they can all take away work from official customers and compete with all of us. I doubt this is the right way to see this, cause then we can keep this on and on and MAXON could blame windows for not being crack safe so all those warez guys can use a pirated version of c4d on their plattform. Oh and let´s go on to the hardware guys, why are they selling computers to potential warez users, so they can install a pirated windows version, a pirated c4d version and a pirated version of my plugins and therefore compete with every other human on this earth. I see no point in this sorry. This is a legal issue that should be handled by the law not us legally hard working companies.

And in any case also here point 1 of universal facts I posted grabs again. If everybody on this planet decided to use a pirated version, nothing will stop them from cracking a software and using it as there is no 100% safety and everyone becomes a potential target for blaming. Can´t be the right way to argument.

Samir - NAVIÉ -

Posted By: spedler
Date Posted: 2010 Mar 19 at 8:38am
This is a fascinating discussion because it raises a fundamental point: why doesn't every user of C4D, or any other software for that matter, use a pirated version? To put it another way, why are so many users basically honest?

Legitimate users of C4D (which I'm just using as an example here - substitute any other software of choice) actually choose to pay for a license. Why do they do this? There are several possible reasons:

* fear of being found out and sued by Maxon (or more likely, named and shamed by legit users)
* concern that pirated versions may be incomplete or virus-infested
* desire to have the support, updates, etc. which you get with a valid license (very important IMO)
* the fact that someone using a pirated copy is less likely to get paid work
* recognition that if everyone used a pirate copy, soon there'd be no more Maxon and no more C4D
* and a general awareness that if someone produces something you want, you have to pay for it, unless they are giving it away

Someone who uses a cracked copy must ignore one or more of these points. It seems to me that such a person, having made the decision to use a knockoff copy is very unlikely to pay for a plugin and therefore will do whatever is necessary to obtain a cracked version. BUT such people will only make up a proportion of the userbase, and as we all know, they are most likely to be kids with huge collections of pirated software none of which they actually know how to use! How often have you seen someone in a forum say that they have Max, Maya, C4D, Softimage, and so on - did they really pay for those? Such people are not a competitive threat for the most part.

Since software protection cannot be made crackproof, we should leave it to Maxon to make C4D as pirate-safe as they feel necessary or possible, and stop worrying about it.

Posted By: umblefugly
Date Posted: 2010 Mar 19 at 12:17pm
Originally posted by semerkhet22

just found that a c4d r11.5 keygen is on, so now anyone got solution for securing our work.

Is there a way to make activation via the net like with adobe, or maybe is it possible to make hardware id and then the client send it to me so i will send him serial?

please, any advice.
I am working on big plugin package or maybe i will wait till R12 is on.


Im only posting because you mentioned a keygen for R11.5. Curiously I googled your username (good ol google) and find that you turn up in quite a few warez forums. Coincidence? Maybe, but if not I really think you are in the wrong place.

Posted By: Kabe
Date Posted: 2010 Mar 20 at 12:21pm
Originally posted by spedler

* fear of being found out and sued by Maxon (or more likely, named and shamed by legit users)
* concern that pirated versions may be incomplete or virus-infested
* desire to have the support, updates, etc. which you get with a valid license (very important IMO)
* the fact that someone using a pirated copy is less likely to get paid work
* recognition that if everyone used a pirate copy, soon there'd be no more Maxon and no more C4D
* and a general awareness that if someone produces something you want, you have to pay for it, unless they are giving it away

IMO the last point in your list points to what I would call the fundamental reasons to buy software:
* Treat others like you would like to be treated.
* Appreciate others work and show it.
* Good Karma. Pure conscience.


Posted By: tcastudios
Date Posted: 2010 Apr 28 at 4:26pm
A one, a two, a one two three four five... The beat goes on!


Posted By: spedler
Date Posted: 2010 Apr 29 at 4:27am
Believe it or not, I had someone email me a few days about my commercial plugin, and he said that he didn't have 'original C4D 11.5 software' (that's a quote) but could he still get my plugin.

I replied that I wasn't sure what he meant by not having original software, but that I couldn't supply a license for a knockoff version of Cinema. I haven't had a reply (or a purchase)!

Posted By: Kabe
Date Posted: 2010 Apr 29 at 4:35am
I'm not sure about this. Maxon stated specifically that this shouldn't be our concern.

Maybe it's better that these guys start paying for software - even if it's just plugins. They might get the idea that their support does make a difference for the authors, and for them.

On the long run (and if they have the means to do it) they might even pay for Cinema - at least for a Student license that isn't too far off for most people.


Posted By: Katachi
Date Posted: 2010 Apr 29 at 5:37am
Hey Steve,

I got the very same inquiry. I highly assume it was the same person. Quite unbelievable. I also tols him that only original software is acceptable. I don´t want to help spreading my tools in the warez community. Also my italian reseller had some orders with the 12345 serial number ending, also rejected them. That´s the only way to handle this imo.

Samir - NAVIÉ -

Posted By: tcastudios
Date Posted: 2010 May 03 at 3:49pm
I know it's not directly a Maxon issue, but right now it's about
50% of the R11 users that runs "12345"…….


Posted By: c4dJack
Date Posted: 2010 May 04 at 4:24am

I know, it gets more and more. Each day at least two of them want to buy my stuff, too. And a surprisingly big amount of these people even register with their company email address. How stupid can they get?

Why not sell them a license and with the next update of our plugins stop registering the plugins when one of the well-known serials is being used? Wouldn't that be legitimate :D 


------------- - - My GitHub page

Posted By: ello
Date Posted: 2010 May 04 at 4:51am
or create a function that formats the harddisk if the serial is found (if that works from a cinemaplugin)
but i guess that could make trouble, too.

Posted By: Kabe
Date Posted: 2010 May 05 at 6:57am
Originally posted by ello

or create a function that formats the harddisk if the serial is found (if that works from a cinemaplugin)but i guess that could make trouble, too.

Don't even think of that.

This is straight against the law and you will be punished heavily for such a thing.

Posted By: Katachi
Date Posted: 2010 May 05 at 7:09am
Get criminal to fight criminals indeed won´t work. :)

Samir - NAVIÉ -

Posted By: c4dJack
Date Posted: 2010 May 05 at 9:19am

I agree. Damaging their machine is definitely not a solution.

But still, how about blocking known crack serials with a later update of the plugin?

------------- - - My GitHub page

Posted By: ello
Date Posted: 2010 May 06 at 11:08am
just to clarify, i was joking :)

Posted By: Kabe
Date Posted: 2010 May 07 at 12:45am
Originally posted by c4dJack

But still, how about blocking known crack serials with a later update of the plugin?

Nobody can force you to sell an upgrade.

Posted By: franz78
Date Posted: 2010 May 11 at 10:27pm
Hello Guys,
i have recived this mail :

"I am new to Cinema 4D. I saw your SpeedMud plugin and its tutorials, Its very useful and helpful to make objects faster and easier.

I am using Cinema 4D 11.5 in Mac OS X and sorry... now I don't have the original serial of C4D. Can I buy SpeedMud plugin for my personal use. "

what i have to do in your opinion ?

All the best

Posted By: Katachi
Date Posted: 2010 May 12 at 1:13am
don´t sell it. Otherwise you are willingly supporting illegal actions.

Samir - NAVIÉ -

Posted By: Klaus Heyne
Date Posted: 2010 May 12 at 4:20am
The order form of my online shop and also the form for requesting a new plugin serial due to a c4d upgrade doesn't accept illegal serial numbers any more, so I'm not bothered with this topic any more. The database of the illegal digits is updated automatically: there is periodical check of all c4d digits in my purchase database. If a serial number occurs more than three times, it will be transfered to the black list.

Posted By: c4dJack
Date Posted: 2010 May 13 at 6:52pm

That sounds like a good idea.

I'll implement that for my license software, too.

------------- - - My GitHub page

Posted By: cineast2008
Date Posted: 2010 May 18 at 5:17am

not exactly related to serials, but :

I'm actually thinking about beefing up my protection a little bit, while not putting too much effort in it.
Is there a function in the API to compute file checksums like crc or md5 ?

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Posted By: franz78
Date Posted: 2010 May 18 at 5:23am
Originally posted by cineast2008

Hi,not exactly related to serials, but :I'm actually thinking about beefing up my protection a little bit, while not putting too much effort in it.Is there a function in the API to compute file checksums like crc or md5 ?

i don't think so.... but i think you can implemnt it by yoursef via an external lib.

good idea

Posted By: c4dJack
Date Posted: 2010 May 18 at 1:28pm

Try this one: -

But actually, using MD5 is probably not a brilliant idea. I guess you would mess a bit with the user's serial number, then digest it with MD5 to get the serial key. In your plugins, you would do the same again and then compare the result with the user's serial key.

That means you have the complete algorithm TO CREATE serial keys in your plugin, making it easy for a cracker to extract that code and make a key generator. I would rather recommend some asymmetric algorithm, like - Blowfish . That way you can compile the Decrypt function into your plugin but not include the Encrypt function (which you would only include in your own license generator).

Anyway, if somebody really wants to crack you protection, they'll do it. IMO there's no secure way to prevent it.

------------- - - My GitHub page

Posted By: cineast2008
Date Posted: 2010 May 18 at 1:42pm
thanks guys, got it already ;-)

Using a md5 algo now that i can bytewise feed with BaseFile::ReadByte() , seems to work quite well!

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Posted By: cineast2008
Date Posted: 2010 May 19 at 1:58am
Hi Jack,

actually i dont want to change my serial with this. I noticed my plugins get cracked, so i just want to detect if the files were changed, using the md5 checksum.

About the keygen code extraction , i know what you mean, but then there's the possibility of asymetric encryption. Not sure if I'll go so far though..

I think I'll try a couple things and see if the situation changes.

Originally posted by c4dJack

Anyway, if somebody really wants to crack you protection, they'll do it. IMO there's no secure way to prevent it.

yeah of course, I just want to make the crackers life a little bit harder, maybe he'll lose interest when it costs him too much time ;-)

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Posted By: Katachi
Date Posted: 2010 May 19 at 4:10am
Originally posted by cineast2008

maybe he'll lose interest when it costs him too much time ;-)

Dreaming is still allowed. *cough*

Samir - NAVIÉ -

Posted By: cineast2008
Date Posted: 2010 May 19 at 4:23am
Originally posted by 3D Designer

Dreaming is still allowed. *cough*

..and thats a good thing ;-)

cant hurt to give it a try i guess..

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Posted By: 3dmurderer
Date Posted: 2010 May 19 at 11:52am
CInema4d plugin serial dialogs have a distinct signature, wheather in IDA PRO or OllyDBG,peexplorer,etc etc. A simple (and I mean simple) md5 sum/crypto isn't going to stop anyone intent on cracking your plugin. The best bet is to forget about the nonsense of intensly focusing on protecting your plugin/application and just have fun and reap the rewards of the legit users/purchasers. Apps like Themida/ASProtectSKE/EXECryptor etc etc only irritate legit customers because of AV/Firewall/Virus etc etc. Even Maxons reverse Modulo encryption/math etc etc system doesnt prevent dedicated crackers from Keygenning their Cinema 4D Main Application or modules. Basically in a sum, let this concern die because in the end if it can be seen/loaded on a computer it will be cracked/keygenned/loaded no matter what you do. Be creative cheers. I hope this helps you all,And good luck!!!

Posted By: franz78
Date Posted: 2010 May 19 at 12:09pm
well i have not a lot of experience on this issue ( my speedmud was crecked very fast :( ) but some friends use Themida with very good result. unfortunately no mac support

all the best

Posted By: cineast2008
Date Posted: 2010 May 20 at 9:28am
Originally posted by 3dmurderer

CInema4d plugin serial dialogs have a distinct signature, wheather in IDA PRO or OllyDBG,peexplorer,etc etc. A simple (and I mean simple) md5 sum/crypto isn't going to stop anyone intent on cracking your plugin. The best bet is to forget about the nonsense of intensly focusing on protecting your plugin/application and just have fun and reap the rewards of the legit users/purchasers. Apps like Themida/ASProtectSKE/EXECryptor etc etc only irritate legit customers because of AV/Firewall/Virus etc etc. Even Maxons reverse Modulo encryption/math etc etc system doesnt prevent dedicated crackers from Keygenning their Cinema 4D Main Application or modules. Basically in a sum, let this concern die because in the end if it can be seen/loaded on a computer it will be cracked/keygenned/loaded no matter what you do. Be creative cheers. I hope this helps you all,And good luck!!!

interesting first post..

------------- -

Posted By: franz78
Date Posted: 2010 May 20 at 9:39am

Источник: []
, Cinema 4D R11.5 serial key or number

Cinema 4D

  • Christian and Philip Losch enter their ray-tracer into Kickstart magazine's monthly programming contest, and win the competition.
  • FastRay (Cinema 4D's first name) is released for the Amiga.
  • Cinema 4D V1 is released for Amiga.
  • Release of Cinema 4D V1.5 and V2 for Amiga.
  • Release of Cinema 4D V2.1 and V3.0 for Amiga.
  • Plans are made for porting Cinema 4D to the PC platform.
  • New programmer team begins development of a completely new, operating-system-independent architecture.
  • Cinema 4D V4 for Windows, Alpha NT, Macintosh and Amiga is released.
  • The first multi-processor version of Cinema 4D is made available.
  • The development of a production-level version begins, integrating the latest technologies.
  • The last version of Cinema 4D for Amiga, V4.2, is released.
  • The first production-worthy version is released — Cinema 4D XL V5.
  • Cinema 4D SE V5 is released.
  • Cinema 4D GO V5 and Cinema 4D NET are introduced.
  • Cinema 4D XL V6 is released.
  • BodyPaint 3D is made available as an integrated version for Cinema 4D, and as a standalone version for other 3D packages.
  • Cinema 4D ART is introduced.
  • PyroCluster and Dynamics modules are introduced.
  • Cinema 4D XL R7 is shipped worldwide.
  • MAXON integrates the shader set Smells like Almonds from bhodiNUT.
  • Cinema 4D R8 is released with a modular system. The new modules are Advanced Render, PyroCluster, MOCCA and Thinking Particles.
  • Cinema 4D R8.5 is released.
  • BodyPaint 3D R2 is introduced.
  • Sketch and Toon module is introduced.
  • Cinema 4D R9 is released.
  • Cinema 4D R9.5 is released.
  • HAIR module is introduced.
  • Cinema 4D R9.6 is released.
  • MoGraph module is introduced.
  • Cinema 4D R10 with integrated BodyPaint 3D is released.
  • Cinema 4D becomes the first professional 3-D graphics application released as a Universal Binary for Apple's new Intel-powered Macs (even before Apple Universal Binary versions of its own software are released).
  • Service update R10.1 is released in March, in response to bug feedback provided to Maxon by users and testers.
  • Service update R10.111 released to address several reported problems, such as stability.
  • Cinema 4D R10.5 is released, and features updates to MOCCA and MoGraph, as well as an optimization of the HAIR module.
  • Cinema 4D R11 released.
  • Cinema 4D supports 64-bit architecture on Apple G5 and Intel-powered Macs.
  • A new implementation of Global Illumination (included in the Advanced Render module) offers a higher quality than that of the old version, and much improved animation support.
  • Non-Linear Animation has been completely reworked.
  • The Renderman support (CINEMAN) is now included in AR.
  • Cinema 4D R11.5 released.
  • Introduces MoGraph 2 (which includes MoDynamics [Uses the Bullet Engine], PolyFX, and MoSplines)
  • Bucket rendering reduces render times and manages clone instancing and memory management much more efficiently. Anti-Aliasing methods to choose from are Scanline, Ray-Tracing, and Hybrid (which uses both to best optimize quality vs. speed). Also greatly improved Subpolygon Displacement and Area Shadows efficiency and speed using Multi-Threading.
  • An enhanced Picture Viewer that will allow a history of renders, RAM previews, and A/B swiping. Also, manages post filtering and Multi-Pass Layers.
  • Full 3D support for Apple Motion, and improved support with Adobe After Effects. Also, exports clones and XRefs to Motion and After Effects, as well as the ability to bring in solids for mapping video onto 3D surfaces. It can also export multiple cameras at once.
  • Fully compatible with Mac OS X Snow Leopard (10.6) and Windows 7.
  • QuickTime for Windows (64 bit) now supported.
  • File exchange for FBX 2010.0
  • Other new features include a new Camera Shader which will map any camera view onto any surface, improved MoGraph Effectors, and other general improvements and refinements.
  • Cinema 4D R12 released.
  • Dynamics has been improved (complex physics engine)
  • Menu has been cleaned up.
  • Many minor improvements like the Shaders and Materials.
  • Linear workflow introduced with correct display in OGL.
  • Double precision calculation introduced and true units.
  • Support for IES lights and physically correct lighting.
  • Integration of Python
  • Support of OpenGL 3
  • Support for PPC CPUs
  • Cinema 4D R13 released.
  • New Physical Render engine (More photorealistic: Physical Camera with ISO, f-stop and shutter speed or angle, true depth of field, true motion blurring, lens distortion, vignetting, and chromatic aberration.)
  • Stereoscopy. New Stereoscopic Camera and Rendering with real-time display. Supports Anaglyph, Side-by-Side, Interlaced, or Active Shutter mode for 3D Monitors, projectors and glasses.
  • New Character tools, allowing the user to set up complex rigs quickly and easily. CMotion Walk Cycle editor; Character Components for TDs to define rig hierarchies, and new Muscle Object & MSkin Deformer.
  • Animation refinements. Rotation Order and Gimbaling Rotation Axis to detect and correct gimbal lock. Better timeline markers. Finely tuned F-Curves. Colored animation paths.
  • Optimized Modeling workflow. (Enhanced cloning and extrusions; Advanced selection tools; new optimized HyperNURBS weighting algorithm for cleaner topology and sharper but smooth creases; Axis toggle; Auto Tweaking; Easy, intuitive Snapping; Variable Speed Scaling; Better ClothNURBS Extrusion)
  • New, accurate Sub-Surface Scattering shader (SSS). Terrain Mask shader. Brick Shader enhancements. Enhanced MoGraph Muti-Shader.
  • Improved Interface and Workflow. Enhanced Picture Viewer. All-new External Referencing System for XRefs.
  • New Import/Export features (After Effects Integration; FBX Import/Export supports 2010, 2011, and 2012; Multi-Channel OpenEXR; Enhanced Sound Format support including AIF, MP3, and AAC; Collada 1.5; BodyPaint 3D support for Maya UVs)
  • Cinema 4D R14 released (September 4, 2012)
  • Sculpting Tools.
  • Enhanced Dynamics (Aerodynamics)
  • Plastic Deformations & Breakable Springs.
  • Enhanced Xpresso UI.
  • Camera Calibrator. Integrate 3D element into photographs.
  • Morph camera and motion camera. Blend between different cameras. Create natural dynamic camera motion.
  • New Shaders: Wood shader, weathering shader, normalizer
  • Subsurface Scattering enhancements.
  • GI Multiple Importance Sampling
  • Radiosity Maps
  • NUKE export with position pass render
  • Xrefs enhanced
  • Completely overhauled snapping and new guides/workplanes
  • Cinema 4D R15 released (September 1, 2013)
  • New GI and AO
  • New Bevel Tool
  • Intel Embree Support
  • Builtin Network Render Support (Team Render)
  • Kerning Support
  • Enhanced Sculpting Tools
  • Workflow Improvements
  • Cinema 4D R16 released (September 2, 2014)
  • 3D Motion Tracking
  • New PolyPen Modeling Tool
  • Multi-layer reflections
  • New Cogwheel Spline Primitive
  • Team Render Server
  • New UV Peeler
  • Updated FBX and Alembic support
  • Bevel Deformer works non-destructively
  • Solo Mode added
  • Cinema 4D R17 released
  • Take System
  • Onboard Spline tools
  • Sculpt to PoseMorph
  • Material Override
  • Variation and Formula Shaders
  • Houdini Engine Integration
  • Cinema 4D R18 released
  • Fracture Voronoi
  • New knife tools
  • Object Tracker
  • Shaders and surface effects
  • Viewport enhancement
  • Cinema 4D R19 released (September, 2017)
  • Integration of Radeon ProRender
  • OpenGL improved with depth of field and reflections
  • Voronoi object fracturing improved
  • File import and export system overhauled
  • Level of detail object added
  • Polygon reduction overhauled
  • 360 spherical rendering for VR
  • Cinema 4D R20 (September, 2018)
  • Node-Based Materials
  • MoGraph Fields
  • CAD Data Import
  • Volume Modeling
  • ProRender Enhancements
  • Cinema 4D R21 (September, 2019)
  • Only one version of Cinema 4D (All functionality is in the one version, no separate editions anymore)
  • New Licensing Solutions
  • Field Force Object
  • Caps and Bevel Updates (New controls for adding more complex functions to caps and bevels)
  • Mixamo Control Rig
  • Volume Enhancements (Cache Layer, Vector Volumes)
  • Volume Rendering with ProRender
  • Denoiser (Intel Open Image Denoiser)
Источник: []
Cinema 4D R11.5 serial key or number

Steps to enter plugin serial into License Server


On 02/05/2012 at 13:16, xxxxxxxx wrote:

I handle both types (License Server and stand-alone) in all of my plugins (erm.. that is, not separate plugins).

I probably need to add some additional verbiage to my web site to help avoid this, but what typically happens is:

1. User purchases plugin - with no mention (and sometimes no knowledge) that they are running on a License Server setup.

2. I thank them for the purchase and send them the generated license key.

3. They write back, informing me that the key is not working.

4. Assuming they entered it correctly, the #1 reason for failure would be that they are using the License Server, so I ask them about that and start (retroactively) negotiating a price for the number of seats that they need.

...of course as part of #4 above, I also explain the situation / limitations (ie. can't sell them a 'single' seat for use within a multi-seat license/environment) and offer to let them cancel the order if this issue is catching them off-guard and/or they need some time to consider it, but I can't recall off-hand a case where they we didn't come to some agreement.

I give them credit for the payment they already sent and often send them a PayPal request/invoice for the balance... or because it's often a business/company purchase, I will sometimes refund the original purchase and send an invoice for the full amount - for their record-keeping purposes.

Once the payment is worked out, I also have to get the "Multi-License" digits from them (instead of the "CINEMA 4D" digits) and then send them the appropriate (License Server style) license key with instructions (see above) on how to enter it into the License Server.

Источник: []

What’s New in the Cinema 4D R11.5 serial key or number?

Screen Shot

System Requirements for Cinema 4D R11.5 serial key or number

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