Mouse and Key Recorder v3.1 serial key or number

Mouse and Key Recorder v3.1 serial key or number

Mouse and Key Recorder v3.1 serial key or number

Mouse and Key Recorder v3.1 serial key or number

USB1 - Mouse/keyboard capture recorder (MCR) apparatus and methodology - Google Patents

This application claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Application No. 60/,, filed Oct. 22,

1. Field of The Invention

Applicant's invention relates to a mouse and keyboard recording and/or reproducing apparatus that is capable of recording mouse actions and keyboard keystrokes. Such mouse actions can include mouse movements, mouse drags, and mouse button clicks. The apparatus is capable of playing back recorded mouse actions and keyboard keystrokes in the proper sequence. Again, such mouse actions can include mouse movements, mouse drags, and mouse button clicks. In addition, this invention relates to computer peripheral devices that store mouse and keyboard actions for future execution.

2. Background Information

The mouse invented by Douglas Engelbart of Stanford Research Center in is one of the great breakthroughs in computer ergonomics because it frees the user to a large extent from using the keyboard. In particular, the mouse is important for graphical user interfaces because you can simply point to options and objects and click a mouse button. Unfortunately, certain applications have become so complex that extensive training must be taken before becoming proficient in these programs. Many applications are point-and-click programs that require careful positioning of the pointer and some amount of skill. Computer technology has advanced so rapidly in recent years that people are often overwhelmed when using the computer and more sophisticated software programs. For novice users, this can become a very frustrating task. Although the expert user can easily utilize the powerful features of a windows-based application, the novice can just as easily get himself/herself into difficulties very quickly. Training is a very costly as well as tedious and time consuming process and unfortunately for the novice, different versions of the same applications must be learned which adds to the confusion. Errors in windows-based applications can be very costly especially in the business office environment. Because of the likelihood of serious errors as well as intimidation, many computer users never fully master the powerful capabilities of the personal computer or the mainframe computer. The MCR simplifies complex application maneuvers and makes computers more like operating a single dedicated machine with push buttons.

There is a need for devices in which complex computer operations can be simplified with a push of a button and in which the general public has experience operating. Most people have had exposure to the recording and playing of video tapes via a video cassette recorder (VCR) device. The MCR can be thought of as being similar to a VCR except that instead of video recordings applicants are storing mouse and keyboard actions and then replaying them. The control buttons are analogous to the play, record, pause, stop and rewind features of a VCR.

Many application programs have a facility for recording keystrokes made by a user in interacting with the particular application program. These keystrokes, stored in a macro file, may be later played back. This use of playback using a macro can allow a user to simply re-execute a complicated set of commands. Additionally, the user can run an often repeated task by running a single macro. These macros are software application dependent in that the software application must be running at least in background in order to be launched and be in standby mode.

Microsoft had a recorder tool in the early Microsoft Windows version which allows the user to record mouse movements relative to the screen or to the application. This particular software applied only to Microsoft Windows compatible programs and therefore was software dependent. To begin the recording, the user had to run a macro window application and learn how to define the macro, start and stop the macro without interfering with the actual recording itself. For example, to stop the macro, the user could press a key combination but then the user would have to make sure that the recording itself did not contain that particular key combination. The recorder tool is not offered in Microsoft Windows Since the Microsoft recorder is a software application in itself on the host computer, it is both software and hardware dependent. In addition, setting up the macros requires training.

Certain terms shall be used throughout this disclosure and are given the following definitions:

COMPUTER WORKSTATION is typically a multi-user computer system in which many users can run their own separate applications on the same workstation.

KEYBOARD COMMAND is a sequence of specific keystrokes that a computer user must enter at the keyboard in order to initiate an operation in, or elicit a specific response from the computer system.

HARDWARE INDEPENDENCE. When an ancillary machine is capable of performing its required tasks, regardless of the characteristics of the equipment to which it is connected, it is known as possessing HARDWARE INDEPENDENCE.

HOST COMPUTER SYSTEM. A computer system in which the MCR apparatus would be connected. The MCR operates as a peripheral device to a host computer system.

MCR. Mouse/keyboard Capture Recorder apparatus which is the name and subject of this invention.

MASS STORAGE. Refers to various techniques and devices for storing large amounts of data. Mass storage devices include floppy disks, hard disk drive, optical disks, zip type cartridges and tapes.

MEMORY. Internal storage areas in the computer. Identifies data storage that comes in the form of chips.

MACRO is defined as a keystroke function which represents or emulates a keyboard keystroke set or data set and is used to replace certain keyboard keystroke or data sets.

MOUSE. A device that controls the movement of the cursor or pointer on a display screen. A mouse contains at least one button and sometimes as many as three, which have different functions depending on what program is running. Examples of different types of mouse are serial mouse, PS/2 compatible mouse, mousepad, bus mouse, button mouse on laptops, and trackball mouse.

MEMORY-RESIDENT PROGRAMS. At times when a computer does not have enough memory to hold all the programs a user uses, the operating system may free some memory by copying data or programs from main memory to a disk. However, certain programs can be marked as being memory resident, which means that the operating system is not permitted to swap them out to a storage device; they will always remain in memory when the computer is on. Another name for memory-resident programs is TERMINATE AND STAY RESIDENT (TSR) programs.

MICROPROCESSOR. A silicon chip that contains a CPU (Central Processing Unit).

MACHINE DEPENDENT. Refers to a software application that runs only on a particular model of computer. Programs that run on a variety of computers are called machine independent.

NON-VOLATILE MEMORY is memory means which relates its internally stored data when all external electrical power is removed. The internally stored data becomes available for normal use when the external electrical power is restored.

PLAYING. In this invention's context, playing is the mode of the MCR apparatus in which electrical signals representing stored mouse actions and keyboard actions are transmitted from the MCR to a host computer system analogous to playing a tape.

RECORDING. In this invention's context, recording is the mode of the MCR apparatus in which electrical signals from a mouse and/or keyboard are being stored by the MCR apparatus analogous to a tape recording.

PC. PC's are families of computers that were developed by IBM in the early 's. Starting from the early XT computers to the modern day Pentium computers. In our references to the PC (Personal Computer), we are also referring to all types of personal computers that make use of keyboard and/or mouse devices including Apple computers and all their clones.

PORT. An interface on a computer to which a user can connect devices such as a mouse, a keyboard, disk drives, modems, and the like.

PORTABLE. When used to describe hardware, portable means small and lightweight.

PS/2. IBM mouse and keyboard interface standard.

SIMILARITY AND FAMILY. Computers are generally described as finite-state automata or, simply “machines”. Two or more separate machines are defined as being SIMILAR if they employ the same mouse/keyboard protocol, and the same mouse/keyboard codes. However, if these machines employ the same protocol but have different mouse/keyboard codes, they are said to be dissimilar but within the same FAMILY (of machines).

SOFTWARE INDEPENDENCE is the ability of an ancillary machine to perform a desired task, regardless of the operating system software or applications software being used in the host computer, and without the need to install any additional software in the computer system.

TRANSPARENCY. An ancillary machine or device is TRANSPARENT to the operation of a computer system if it can be installed and used on the computer system without requiring any additional installation or modification of computer software, and if the computer can be operated normally in all modes of operation should the user choose to ignore the presence of the ancillary device.

TSR. Terminate and Stay Resident programs are programs that are running or resident in background to be called immediately by the user.

UART. Universal Asynchronous Receiver-Transmitter is a computer component that handles asynchronous serial communication.

USB. Universal Serial Bus standard that allows up to devices to be connected in one serial line.

UNIX. A multitasking operating system developed at Bell Labs in the early 's.

The present invention relates to the recording and playback of keystrokes as well as mouse actions. Such mouse actions can include mouse movements, mouse drags, and mouse button clicks. Previous software programs have used preprinted keyboard keycaps or keyboard overlays (templates) onto the user's computer keyboard. In this case, the software program recognizes the specialized keystrokes and launches its application. Unfortunately, these applications are highly computer system dependent as well as software application dependent. The software must be written for specific computer operating systems such as Windows 95, Macintosh, and different versions of Unix operating systems.

Some Unix based systems have history log files that store UNIX type line commands in a reserved file to review in case of computer failure. Again these techniques are dependent on the hardware and software installed in these systems.

Previous methods for recording and replaying keystroke commands have been instigated on the host computer system via TSR programs or within a specific software application. Although storing keystrokes in macro files for playback is a useful practice, it is inadequate in many respects. For example, current schemes for storing keystrokes in macro files are application dependent. They are implemented by a particular application which has its own interface tools. Furthermore, such schemes operate syntactically, requiring a user to understand the syntax of a particular application in order to create a macro file which will operate correctly on that application.

This invention does not require syntactical understanding of any software application in that it is not dependent on the software itself rather it is merely recording the actions of the user at the basic level of entry via keyboard, mouse, trackball and the like.

The MCR paradigm is different than that of macro commands. In the macro paradigm, the user is utilizing the software on the host computer and the user must have knowledge of the application program. But in the MCR paradigm, the MCR acts like a virtual mouse and keyboard and will mimic exactly the user's keyboard and mouse actions. This is accomplished through the basic electrical signals transmitted by these devices. For example, in a word processor application, a user may have to learn the operating system of the host computer to logon and enter the correct directory to open a document file. The user needs to know the application program to open the file and save the data. In the MCR environment, one can record all the keystrokes and mouse actions needed to take the user to the data entry point of any application.

In addition, macros are available on many software applications, but are specific to that application and can not be run outside of that application. They are somewhat difficult to use in that one has to invoke the macro software, name the macro, define and remember hot keys (optional), and then run it. Many of these macros do not record mouse actions. Furthermore, many macro recorders are meant to be hot keys. Macros, in these cases, play too fast thus causing errant behavior when certain applications take too long to execute. The MCR seeks to alleviate the difficulties associated with macro use by providing system and software independence with ease of execution.

Detached keypads are available to supplement the standard keyboard and permits easy data entry but they are not recorder/player-like apparatus. Programmable macro keypads that can be attached to existing keyboards are available but can not record mouse movements or mouse actions. These keypads are limited in memory capability to record keystrokes but mouse recordings would require sufficiently more memory than keystrokes. The MCR provides the necessary recording capabilities.

In addition to its hardware and software independence and ease of execution, the MCR has great utility in that it may be also applied as a user pre-programmed replacement for a conventional mouse/keyboard application where only a predetermined, fixed set of commands are to be repeated on a daily basis. For example, in repetitive data acquisition operations, in machine tool applications, or in robotic control applications, the user may have access only to the MCR controls to prevent naive users from altering the internal program configuration or getting lost in a complex application.

Another advantage of the MCR is that a knowledgeable user in a particular application can setup the application so that a novice user will be able to get into a data entry mode, enter his/her data, save his/her work, and then exit the application with little knowledge of even a complex application.

The MCR can be used as a monitoring device in a monitoring mode to capture a computer user's entries to a computer system. The entries can be stored in a mass storage device for future retrieval of the user's activities. The mass storage media can be removable. This can be useful for security applications.

The MCR can be used for handicap people in which positioning of the mouse and clicking on an icon needs to be completed before specialized computer programs for handicap devices are operational. So effectively, the person could begin the programs with the press of a button.

In manufacturing processes, the MCR can be used to automate repetitive actions on a computer system such as bootup, initialization, login entries, initial input parameters, and the like before a manufacturing device can be functional.

The MCR can be used for training purposes and demonstration of a company's product thus salespersons do not necessarily need to know how to run a complex computer application. It can also be used for trade show demonstrations in which a salesperson or user can be able to push a button and initiate a demonstration and even stop the demonstration for explanations before continuing.

In production applications, the MCR can be isolated from the host computer system unit such that a user will not have access to the mouse and keyboard and therefore cannot alter computer programs or view proprietary information on the host computer thereby guarantying security. In other words, the user would not know how or what the interface is between the computer and the production machine thereby guarding proprietary processes. The MCR can be used in clandestine mode which facilitates security as well by staying hidden from the user. In such a mode, after a user completes his/her daily tasks, the MCR can be used to retrace the actions of the user to determine if the user is performing unauthorized transactions.

It is an object of the present invention to provide a novel mouse/keyboard capture device for recording and playing user actions.

It is a further object of the present invention to provide a novel mouse/keyboard capture device for recording and playing user actions which is software independent.

Another object of the present invention is to provide a novel mouse/keyboard capture device for recording and playing user actions which is capable of playing stored mouse and keyboard actions.

Yet another object of the present invention is to provide a novel mouse/keyboard capture device for recording and playing user actions which is independent of the user's level of computer skill or knowledge.

It is still an object of the present invention to provide a novel mouse/keyboard capture device for recording and playing user actions which simplifies complex computer application maneuvers.

Another object of the present invention is to provide a novel mouse/keyboard capture device for recording and playing user actions which is hardware independent.

Still another object of the present invention is to provide a novel mouse/keyboard capture device for recording and playing user actions which mimics user actions.

Yet another object of the present invention is to provide a novel mouse/keyboard capture device for recording and playing user actions which can operate outside a given application.

It is still an object of the present invention to provide a method for recording and playing user actions.

It is another object of the present invention to provide a method for recording and playing user actions which is software independent.

It is still an object of the present invention to provide a method for recording and playing user actions which is capable of playing stored mouse and keyboard actions.

Yet another object of the present invention is to provide a method for recording and playing user actions which is independent of the user's level of computer skills and knowledge.

Another object of the present invention is to provide a method for recording and playing user actions which simplifies complex computer application maneuvers.

Still an object of the present invention is to provide a method for recording and playing user actions which is hardware independent.

It is still an object of the present invention to provide a method for recording and playing user actions which mimics user actions.

And another object of the present invention is to provide a method for recording and playing user actions which can operate outside a given application.

In satisfaction of these and related objectives, Applicant's present invention provides for a mouse and keyboard recording and/or reproducing apparatus which is capable of recording both mouse movements/actions and keyboard keystrokes and playing back those recorded actions. The present invention also provides for the methodology for recording and playing back as well.

FIG. 1 is a block diagram of a typical computer installation.

FIG. 2 is a block diagram of the method of installation of the Mouse/keyboard Capture Recorder.

FIG. 3 is a electronic block diagram of the preferred embodiment of the invention.

FIG. 4 is a top view of the MCR's user controls.

FIG. 5 is a perspective view of the MCR apparatus.

FIG. 6a is a flowchart of the MCR with the principle operations of RECORD, REWIND, PLAY, and STOP.

FIG. 6b is a flowchart of the MCR's RECORD operation.

FIG. 6c is a flowchart of the MCR's PLAY operation.

FIG. 1 shows a typical computer installation consisting of keyboard , mouse , video display unit and host computer system unit . The figure also depicts a keyboard cable connecting the keyboard to the keyboard port on the host computer system unit by way of the keyboard cable connector . The mouse cable is typically connected to the mouse port on the host computer system unit , by way of the mouse connector . The host computer system unit is not limited to any particular system and may include not only IBM compatible computers but Apple computers as well.

FIG. 2 illustrates the method of installation of the Mouse/keyboard Capture Recorder (MCR) . The keyboard connects to the keyboard cable connector by way of the keyboard cable . The keyboard cable connector connects into the MCR . The mouse cable from the mouse by way of the mouse connector connects into the MCR . The MCR's output keyboard port connects to the host computer system unit's keyboard port via a first extension cable and first connector . The MCR's output mouse port connects to the host computer system unit's mouse port via a second extension cable and second connector . The MCR can be compatible with serial type mouse devices i.e. serial connectors and serial input/output pin configurations. It can also be compatible with PS/2 type mouse and keyboard devices as well as Universal Serial Bus (USB) standard i.e. USB connectors and protocol.

In the STOP (See FIG. 3) and RECORD (See FIG. 3) mode, the mouse and keyboard operate as if there is no intermediate device i.e. the mouse and keyboard signals pass through the MCR unhampered. The video display is illustrated. The host computer system unit is not limited to any particular system and may include not only IBM-compatible computers but Apple computers as well. Although obvious configuration of the electrical connectors would be required depending on the system utilized. Furthermore, in the present embodiment, the MCR may be installed directly inside the host computer system unit .

The MCR can be mounted as an integral part of the host computer system unit so that the user will not have to connect any of the external cables, such as the first extension cable and second extension cable . In this configuration, the first extension cable and the second extension cable from the MCR to the host computer system unit's keyboard port and mouse port respectively, would be already connected to the MCR inside the host computer system unit , but the mouse connector and keyboard connector would be attached to the host computer system unit . Then the MCR user controls could be directly mounted on the host computer system unit .

For security monitoring, the MCR would be completely inside the host computer system unit inline with the mouse cable and keyboard cable . Thus, the MCR could be completely hidden from any users and the user would not be able to determine if the MCR is recording unless the user opens the host computer system unit .

FIG. 3 is an electronic block diagram of the preferred embodiment of the invention. There are many different ways of constructing the MCR apparatus. The applicants herein describe one embodiment; but do not exclude other approaches that differ in detail, rather than in functionality. In record and stop mode mouse (See FIG. 2) and keyboard (See FIG. 2) signals travel to the MCR unhampered through the mouse cable and keyboard cable , respectively. These signals will flow through an input/output port(s) in such as a parallel port of the MCR and continue through to the mouse port of the host computer system unit via the second extension cable (See FIG. 2) and to the keyboard port via the first extension cable (See FIG. 2).

The microprocessor is used to control the operation of the MCR . The internal operating software system for the MCR is contained in the memory . The mouse/keyboard data code information contained in each mouse and keyboard data transmission format is stored in the Nonvolatile memory a. A battery supply (not shown) may be used to provide power for certain memory chips to retain their stored data. The ROM memory b and Nonvolatile memory a make the operation of the MCR totally independent of the software programs which may be resident in the host computer system unit . This makes the MCR compatible with all host computer software.

Any or all of the microprocessor , interface chips , ROM memory a and Nonvolatile memory b can be combined into a single integrated circuit known as a microcontroller or integrated into a PC board (a self contained PC computer on a board). The microprocessor will manage the control and timing functions of the MCR as well as the storage and transmission of the data and running of the internal programs. The Rewind Mode , Play Mode , Stop Mode , Record Mode , and Mass Storage Option of the MCR are illustrated.

FIG. 4 illustrates the invention's user controls. The controls to the MCR are designed to have functionality similar to a VCR tape recorder so that the user will be familiar with the controls as well as the concepts behind the controls. After installing the MCR as illustrated in FIG. 2, the user has the option of positioning the mouse (See FIG. 2) pointer at a specific video display (See FIG. 2) location before recording the mouse (See FIG. 2) actions and keyboard (See FIG. 2) keystrokes. The upper left hand corner of the video display (see FIG. 2) is easy to find and provides a good reference point to begin any mouse (See FIG. 2) movements. If the user has just turned on the host computer system unit (See FIG. 2), many computer applications will automatically position the mouse (See FIG. 2) cursor in the center of the video display (See FIG. 2) which also can be a starting point for a particular MCR recording.

After the host computer system unit (See FIG. 2) is turned on, the user can begin recording at any time by pressing the record button on the MCR control panel. Indicator lights can be used to indicate that a particular mode is in operation. For example, when the play button is depressed, a blinking red LED light would indicate that the user was in play mode (See FIG. 3). Alternatively, toggle buttons can also be used instead of the indicator lights . Optionally, a display panel could be installed to indicate the different controller modes (REWIND , PLAY , STOP , RECORD ). The display panel could also be used to indicate to the user the current time position of the recording relative to the total recorded time, somewhat like a scroll bar indicator.

FIG. 5 shows a 3-dimensional view of the MCR . The keyboard cable and the mouse cable are shown entering the MCR . In addition, the first extension cable and the second extension cable are shown exiting the MCR . The first extension cable will connect to the keyboard port (See FIG. 2) by way of the first connector (See FIG. 2). The second extension cable will connect to the mouse port (See FIG. 2) via the second connector (See FIG. 2). The rewind button , play button , stop button , record button , and display panel of the MCR shown can be mounted directly into a keyboard device with mouse capabilities.

To get into record mode (See FIG. 3), the user must press the record button and play buttons simultaneously to prevent accidental pressing of the record button . In another embodiment a sliding plastic cap (not shown) could be placed over the record button to prevent accidental pressing of the record button .

FIGS. 6(a,b,c) is a flowchart of the MCR with the principle operations of RECORD, REWIND, PLAY, and STOP. FIG. 6a shows the four primary operations. Once the MCR (See FIG. 2) is started at and the initialization and self test at is complete, a path at will determine whether the record button (See FIG. 4) is on. If the record button (See FIG. 4) is on, a routine will occur to turn on the record LED and turn the other LED's off at , get the current recording position at , perform preparatory functions to begin recording at , and then record at . If the record button (See FIG. 4) is not on but the rewind button (See FIG. 4) is on at , the requisite LED will display at and the MCR (See FIG. 2) will be reset to the beginning of the data file at . If neither the record button (See FIG. 4) nor the rewind button (See FIG. 4) is on at , but the play button (See FIG. 4) is on, the play LED will be displayed at and the MCR (See FIG. 2) will determine if there has been a recording at . If there has been a recording, then the MCR (See FIG. 2) will play, if there has not been a recording, then the MCR (See FIG. 2) will continue on to by way of the stop button sequence at . If the stop button (See FIG. 4) is on at , then the MCR (See FIG. 2) will save the current position of the recording at and close the data file at .

FIG. 6b shows the major features in the recording of keyboard (See FIG. 2) keystrokes at and mouse (See FIG. 2) actions or movements at in record mode (See FIG. 3). The check for RAM space at in the next step ensures that there is enough memory storage available to save the keyboard/mouse actions. If the RAM space is full, an indicator light (LED) at is turned on to inform the user that there is insufficient RAM to continue recording and the STOP button (See FIG. 4) is turned on at via . In other variations of the MCR (See FIG. 2), the keystrokes and/or mouse actions may be saved onto other storage media such as hard disk or magnetic tape at . Another important feature is obtaining the timing information at associated with each keystroke or mouse action. This will be used to properly synchronize the playback. If there are no keystrokes and/or mouse actions, the MCR (See FIG. 2) will determine if the stop button is on at and if so stop the system at via .

FIG. 6c is a flowchart of the PLAY mode portion of the MCR (See FIG. 2). In the PLAY mode, the stored data is read at and deciphered as to whether it is a keyboard (See FIG. 2) keystroke or mouse (See FIG. 2) action at and , respectively. The data is then processed and the appropriate signal is sent to host computer system unit at . In other variations of the MCR (See FIG. 2), there could be a display in which the keystrokes can be viewed by the user in realtime at .

To indicate that the MCR (See FIG. 2) is in record mode (See FIG. 3), the device could have an optional flashing LED indicator light (See FIG. 4) near or on the record button. In another variation to indicate that the MCR (See FIG. 2) is in record mode (See FIG. 3), the device could have a LCD display readout on a display panel (See FIG. 4) with “RECORDING”. When the memory is full, a “memory full” display might show on the display panel (See FIG. 4) or a special flashing light indicator.

The concept is that the host computer system unit (See FIG. 2) (IBM PC compatible, Macintosh, Sun Workstation, Silicon Graphics Inc Workstation, etc) would not be able to distinguish whether the received sequence of mouse/keyboard data (See FIG. 3) code pulses is being generated by the mouse (See FIG. 2), keyboard (See FIG. 2), or the MCR (See FIG. 2). This makes the MCR (See FIG. 2) transparent to the hardware as well as the software of the host computer system unit (See FIG. 2) being used. Since the memory means of the MCR (See FIG. 2) is non-volatile memory a (See FIG. 3), the recorded and stored mouse (See FIG. 2) keyboard (See FIG. 2) actions or acquired data (See FIG. 3) are available to the user to play on the host computer system unit (See FIG. 2) at any time in the future. Also, the host computer system unit (See FIG. 2) can be turned off without affecting the recorded mouse/keyboard data (See FIG. 3). The MCR (See FIG. 2) can be disconnected from the host computer system unit (See FIG. 2) and reconnected at a future date to the same or another similar host computer system unit (See FIG. 2) without affecting the recorded mouse/keyboard data (See FIG. 3). It would be the user's responsibility to ensure that the icons and menus on any of the host computer system units (See FIG. 2) be in the proper positions. In general, most users will setup a desktop with application icons and will have little need to constantly change the icon locations on the video display (See FIG. 2). The user can record over the current recording at any time by pressing the REWIND button (See FIG. 5) and then the RECORD button (See FIG. 5) on the MCR (See FIG. 2) control panel. Alternatively, the MCR (See FIG. 2) can be designed to be in record mode (See FIG. 3) only after pressing the RECORD button (See FIG. 5) and PLAY button (See FIG. 5) at the same time to prevent accidental recordings. To stop recording, the user would press the STOP button (See FIG. 5). Multiple record/play buttons can be included to perform multiple tasks i.e. have a multiple record/play channel within one MCR.

To start playing at the beginning of the recording, the user would press the REWIND button (See FIG. 5) and then the PLAY button (See FIG. 5) to start playing the mouse/keyboard actions at the beginning of the stored data. In normal speed, the MCR (See FIG. 2) will play back the recorded data in exactly the same chronological order with the same time pauses between data sequences so that certain mouse/keyboard actions are not lost during the launching of a computer application. But there are occasions in which the user may want to discard dead time on the MCR (See FIG. 2) especially for monitoring purposes. There could be optional software algorithms that could effectively fast forward through certain portions of the data without losing the continuity of the computer application. Again the analogy is similar to a VCR tape recording with a magnetic tape media. Instead of a tape media, stored data on memory chips would be used. These actions may be stored on a mass storage device such as a hard disk drive, floppy disk, optical disk, tape, or zip-type cartridge. Optionally, the data can be stored in a mass storage device, read into an editor, altered or modified, uploaded into the MCR (See FIG. 2) memory and then replayed. Interchangeable memory modules such as those used for game cartridges can be inserted into a modified MCR to run specialized recordings for specific machines.

It is also possible to process the stored data file at and extract a scripted form in which the user's keystrokes and mouse actions can be readable to humans. This is especially useful for security monitoring and computer trail auditing in case of computer error or computer failure. Another enhancement includes recording the user's keystrokes and mouse actions as pre-recorded scripts converting the MCR data into an editable form such as an ASCII file which can be modifiable and then reconverted to MCR data file format for loading back into the MCR (See FIG. 2), and played via the MCR (See FIG. 2).

The embodiment of the MCR (See FIG. 2) described herein is designed to record all mouse/keyboard codes or signals. Thus, the MCR (See FIG. 2) can be used within a FAMILY of computer systems that have different mouse/keyboard coding schemes. The MCR (See FIG. 2) operates without direct support from the hardware of the host computer system units (See FIG. 2) and mouse (See FIG. 2) and keyboard (See FIG. 2), independently of the software of the host computer system unit (See FIG. 2), and independently of the mouse/keyboard code convention of the host computer system unit (See FIG. 2). The MCR (See FIG. 2) is thus transportable between a plurality of computers in the same FAMILY. The internal operating system of the MCR (See FIG. 2) is reprogrammable in order to accommodate other mouse/keyboard codes. In addition, the MCR (See FIG. 2) can be capable of retaining the stored keyboard and mouse actions even when it is unplugged from the host computer system unit (See FIG. 2).

Another variation of the invention would be to save a scripted set of mouse/keyboard actions and commands in a form to be transferred to another MCR device for playback. The idea would be analogous to a VCR tape device which can record programs and be played back in another VCR unit. The stored media can be any of the multitude of storage media available such as cassette tape, floppy diskette, zip cartridges or the like, DAT tapes or similar magnetic tape media, mini-zip cartridges, or the like. The MCR can have an external hookup to a media device to store a script of mouse/keyboard actions which may be converted into a form in which a user may be able to read and understand a user's action and in which a user may be able to modify and store the revised script for later playback. This would be akin to editing a VCR tape for later playback. A scripted version which is understandable by a user is especially useful when an employer has a need to monitor its employee's actions for security reasons, for troubleshooting computer problems, or for accurate record keeping.

A different adaptation of the MCR can have mass storage devices such that if all computers are similarly configured, it is possible to use the same stored data sequences generically by downloading the MCR data into multiple MCR apparatuses and playing the data.

Although the invention has been described with reference to specific embodiments, this description is not meant to be construed in a limited sense. Various modifications of the disclosed embodiments, as well as alternative embodiments of the inventions will become apparent to persons skilled in the art upon the reference to the description of the invention. It is, therefore, contemplated that the appended claims will cover such modifications that fall within the scope of the invention.

Источник: []
, Mouse and Key Recorder v3.1 serial key or number

Computer keyboard

Computer keyboard hardware
This article is about keyboard technology, the hardware. For the software that controls the keyboard, see keyboard layout.
A traditional keyboard with bicolor keys

A computer keyboard is a typewriter-style device[1] which uses an arrangement of buttons or keys to act as mechanical levers or electronic switches. Replacing early punched cards and paper tape technology, interaction via teleprinter-style keyboards have been the main input method for computers since the s, supplemented by the computer mouse since the s.

Keyboard keys (buttons) typically have a set of characters engraved or printed on them, and each press of a key typically corresponds to a single written symbol. However, producing some symbols may require pressing and holding several keys simultaneously or in sequence.[2] While most keyboard keys produce letters, numbers or symbols (characters), other keys or simultaneous key presses can prompt the computer to execute system commands, such as such as the Control-Alt-Delete combination used with Microsoft Windows.[3][4]. In a modern computer, the interpretation of key presses is generally left to the software: the information sent to the computer, the scan code, tells it only which key (or keys) on which row and column, was pressed or released.[5]

In normal usage, the keyboard is used as a text entry interface for typing text, numbers, and symbols into application software such as a word processor, web browser or social media app.


While typewriters are the definitive ancestor of all key-based text entry devices, the computer keyboard as a device for electromechanical data entry and communication derives largely from the utility of two devices: teleprinters (or teletypes) and keypunches. It was through such devices that modern computer keyboards inherited their layouts.

As early as the s, teleprinter-like devices were used to simultaneously type and transmit stock market text data from the keyboard across telegraph lines to stock ticker machines to be immediately copied and displayed onto ticker tape.[6] The teleprinter, in its more contemporary form, was developed from to by American mechanical engineer Charles Krum and his son Howard, with early contributions by electrical engineer Frank Pearne. Earlier models were developed separately by individuals such as Royal Earl House and Frederick G. Creed.

Earlier, Herman Hollerith developed the first keypunch devices, which soon evolved to include keys for text and number entry akin to normal typewriters by the s.[7]

The keyboard on the teleprinter played a strong role in point-to-point and point-to-multipoint communication for most of the 20th century, while the keyboard on the keypunch device played a strong role in data entry and storage for just as long. The development of the earliest computers incorporated electric typewriter keyboards: the development of the ENIAC computer incorporated a keypunch device as both the input and paper-based output device, while the BINAC computer also made use of an electromechanically controlled typewriter for both data entry onto magnetic tape (instead of paper) and data output.[8]

The keyboard remained the primary, most integrated computer peripheral well into the era of personal computing until the introduction of the mouse as a consumer device in By this time, text-only user interfaces with sparse graphics gave way to comparatively graphics-rich icons on screen.[9] However, keyboards remain central to human-computer interaction to the present, even as mobile personal computing devices such as smartphones and tablets adapt the keyboard as an optional virtual, touchscreen-based means of data entry.

Types and standards[edit]

A wired computer keyboard for desktop use, by Lenovo

Different types of keyboards are available and each is designed with a focus on specific features that suit particular needs.[10] Today, most full-size keyboards use one of three different mechanical layouts, usually referred to as simply ISO (ISO/IEC ), ANSI (ANSI-INCITS ), and JIS (JIS X ), referring roughly to the organizations issuing the relevant worldwide, United States, and Japanese standards, respectively. (In fact, the mechanical layouts referred such as "ISO" and "ANSI" comply to the primary recommendations in the named standards, while each of these standards in fact also allows the other way.) ANSI standard alphanumeric keyboards have keys that are on three-quarter inch centers ( inches (19&#;mm)), and have a key travel of at least inches (&#;mm).[citation needed]

Modern keyboard models contain a set number of total keys according to their given standard, described as , , , etc. and sold as "Full-size" keyboards.[11] Modern keyboards matching US conventions typically have keys while the key layout is the norm in the rest of the world. This number is not always followed, and individual keys or whole sections are commonly skipped for the sake of compactness or user preference. The most common choice is to not include the numpad, which can usually be fully replaced by the alphanumeric section. Laptops and wireless peripherals often lack duplicate keys and ones seldom used. Function- and arrow keys are nearly always present.

Another factor determining the size of a keyboard is the size and spacing of the keys. The reduction is limited by the practical consideration that the keys must be large enough to be easily pressed by fingers. Alternatively, a tool is used for pressing small keys.

Desktop or full-size[edit]

Desktop computer keyboards include alphabetic characters and numerals, typographical symbols and punctuation marks, one or more currency symbols and other special characters, diacritics and a variety of function keys. The repertoire of glyphs engraved on the keys of a keyboard accords with national conventions and language needs. Computer keyboards are similar to electric-typewriter keyboards but contain additional keys, such as the command key or Windows keys.


Keyboards on laptops usually have a shorter travel distance and a reduced set of keys.

Keyboards on laptops and notebook computers usually have a shorter travel distance for the keystroke, shorter over travel distance, and a reduced set of keys. They may not have a numeric keypad, and the function keys may be placed in locations that differ from their placement on a standard, full-sized keyboard. The switch mechanism for a laptop keyboard is more likely to be a scissor switch than a rubber dome; this is opposite the trend for full-size keyboards.

Flexible keyboards[edit]

Flexible keyboards are a junction between normal type and laptop type keyboards: normal from the full arrangement of keys, and laptop from the short key distance. Additionally, the flexibility allows the user to fold/roll the keyboard for better storage and transfer. However, for typing the keyboard must be resting on a hard surface. The vast majority[12] of flexible keyboards in the market are made from silicone; this material makes them water- and dust-proof. This is useful in hospitals,[13] where keyboards are subjected to frequent washing, and other dirty or must-be-clean environments.


An AlphaGrip handheld keyboard

Handheld ergonomic keyboards[14][15] are designed to be held like a game controller, and can be used as such, instead of laid out flat on top of a table surface.

Typically handheld keyboards hold all the alphanumeric keys and symbols that a standard keyboard would have, yet only be accessed by pressing two sets of keys at once; one acting as a function key similar to a 'Shift' key that would allow for capital letters on a standard keyboard.[16] Handheld keyboards allow the user the ability to move around a room or to lean back on a chair while also being able to type in front or away from the computer.[17] Some variations of handheld ergonomic keyboards also include a trackball mouse that allow mouse movement and typing included in one handheld device.[18]


Smaller external keyboards have been introduced for devices without a built-in keyboard, such as PDAs, and smartphones. Small keyboards are also useful where there is a limited workspace.[19]

A thumb keyboard (thumb board) is used in some personal digital assistants such as the Palm Treo and BlackBerry and some Ultra-Mobile PCs such as the OQO.

Numeric keyboards contain only numbers, mathematical symbols for addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, a decimal point, and several function keys. They are often used to facilitate data entry with smaller keyboards that do not have a numeric keypad, commonly those of laptop computers.[20] These keys are collectively known as a numeric pad, numeric keys, or a numeric keypad, and it can consist of the following types of keys: Arithmetic operators, numbers, arrow keys, Navigation keys, Num Lock and Enter key.


Multifunction keyboard with LCD function keys

Multifunctional keyboards provide additional function beyond the standard keyboard. Many are programmable, configurable computer keyboards and some control multiple PCs, workstations and other information sources, usually in multi-screen work environments. Users have additional key functions as well as the standard functions and can typically use a single keyboard and mouse to access multiple sources.

Multifunction keyboard with touch

Multifunctional keyboards may feature customised keypads, fully programmable function or soft keys for macros/pre-sets, biometric or smart card readers, trackballs, etc. New generation multifunctional keyboards feature a touchscreen display to stream video, control audio visual media and alarms, execute application inputs, configure individual desktop environments, etc. Multifunctional keyboards may also permit users to share access to PCs and other information sources. Multiple interfaces (serial, USB, audio, Ethernet, etc.) are used to integrate external devices. Some multifunctional keyboards are also used to directly and intuitively control video walls.

Common environments for multifunctional keyboards are complex, high-performance workplaces for financial traders and control room operators (emergency services, security, air traffic management; industry, utilities management, etc.).

Non-standard layout and special-use types[edit]


While other keyboards generally associate one action with each key, chorded keyboards associate actions with combinations of key presses. Since there are many combinations available, chorded keyboards can effectively produce more actions on a board with fewer keys. Court reporters' stenotype machines use chorded keyboards to enable them to enter text much faster by typing a syllable with each stroke instead of one letter at a time. The fastest typists (as of ) use a stenograph, a kind of chorded keyboard used by most court reporters and closed-caption reporters. Some chorded keyboards are also made for use in situations where fewer keys are preferable, such as on devices that can be used with only one hand, and on small mobile devices that don't have room for larger keyboards. Chorded keyboards are less desirable in many cases because it usually takes practice and memorization of the combinations to become proficient.


Software keyboards or on-screen keyboards often take the form of computer programs that display an image of a keyboard on the screen. Another input device such as a mouse or a touchscreen can be used to operate each virtual key to enter text. Software keyboards have become very popular in touchscreen enabled cell phones, due to the additional cost and space requirements of other types of hardware keyboards. Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, and some varieties of Linux include on-screen keyboards that can be controlled with the mouse. In software keyboards, the mouse has to be maneuvered onto the on-screen letters given by the software. On the click of a letter, the software writes the respective letter on the respective spot.


Projection keyboards project an image of keys, usually with a laser, onto a flat surface. The device then uses a camera or infrared sensor to "watch" where the user's fingers move, and will count a key as being pressed when it "sees" the user's finger touch the projected image. Projection keyboards can simulate a full size keyboard from a very small projector. Because the "keys" are simply projected images, they cannot be felt when pressed. Users of projected keyboards often experience increased discomfort in their fingertips because of the lack of "give" when typing. A flat, non-reflective surface is also required for the keys to be projected. Most projection keyboards are made for use with PDAs and smartphones due to their small form factor.

Optical keyboard technology[edit]

Also known as photo-optical keyboard, light responsive keyboard, photo-electric keyboard and optical key actuation detection technology.

An optical keyboard technology[21] utilizes LEDs and photo sensors to optically detect actuated keys. Most commonly the emitters and sensors are located in the perimeter, mounted on a small PCB. The light is directed from side to side of the keyboard interior and it can only be blocked by the actuated keys. Most optical keyboards[22] require at least 2 beams (most commonly vertical beam and horizontal beam) to determine the actuated key. Some optical keyboards use a special key structure that blocks the light in a certain pattern, allowing only one beam per row of keys (most commonly horizontal beam).

Key types[edit]


Alphabetical, numeric, and punctuation keys are used in the same fashion as a typewriter keyboard to enter their respective symbol into a word processing program, text editor, data spreadsheet, or other program. Many of these keys will produce different symbols when modifier keys or shift keys are pressed. The alphabetic characters become uppercase when the shift key or Caps Lock key is depressed. The numeric characters become symbols or punctuation marks when the shift key is depressed. The alphabetical, numeric, and punctuation keys can also have other functions when they are pressed at the same time as some modifier keys. The Space bar is a horizontal bar in the lowermost row, which is significantly wider than other keys. Like the alphanumeric characters, it is also descended from the mechanical typewriter. Its main purpose is to enter the space between words during typing. It is large enough so that a thumb from either hand can use it easily. Depending on the operating system, when the space bar is used with a modifier key such as the control key, it may have functions such as resizing or closing the current window, half-spacing, or backspacing. In computer games and other applications the key has myriad uses in addition to its normal purpose in typing, such as jumping and adding marks to check boxes. In certain programs for playback of digital video, the space bar is used for pausing and resuming the playback.

Modifier keys[edit]

Modifier keys are special keys that modify the normal action of another key, when the two are pressed in combination. For example, + in Microsoft Windows will close the program in an active window. In contrast, pressing just will probably do nothing, unless assigned a specific function in a particular program. By themselves, modifier keys usually do nothing. The most widely used modifier keys include the Control key, Shift key and the Alt key. The AltGr key is used to access additional symbols for keys that have three symbols printed on them. On the Macintosh and Apple keyboards, the modifier keys are the Option key and Command key, respectively. On Sun Microsystems and Lisp machine keyboards, the Meta key is used as a modifier and for Windows keyboards, there is a Windows key. Compact keyboard layouts often use a Fn key. "Dead keys" allow placement of a diacritic mark, such as an accent, on the following letter (e.g., the Compose key). The Enter/Return key typically causes a command line, window form or dialog box to operate its default function, which is typically to finish an "entry" and begin the desired process. In word processing applications, pressing the enter key ends a paragraph and starts a new one.

Cursor keys[edit]

Navigation keys or cursor keys include a variety of keys which move the cursor to different positions on the screen.[23]Arrow keys are programmed to move the cursor in a specified direction; page scroll keys, such as the Page Up and Page Down keys, scroll the page up and down. The Home key is used to return the cursor to the beginning of the line where the cursor is located; the End key puts the cursor at the end of the line. The Tab key advances the cursor to the next tab stop. The Insert key is mainly used to switch between overtype mode, in which the cursor overwrites any text that is present on and after its current location, and insert mode, where the cursor inserts a character at its current position, forcing all characters past it one position further. The Delete key discards the character ahead of the cursor's position, moving all following characters one position "back" towards the freed place. On many notebook computer keyboards the key labeled Delete (sometimes Delete and Backspace are printed on the same key) serves the same purpose as a Backspace key. The Backspace key deletes the preceding character. Lock keys lock part of a keyboard, depending on the settings selected. The lock keys are scattered around the keyboard. Most styles of keyboards have three LEDs indicating which locks are enabled, in the upper right corner above the numeric pad. The lock keys include Scroll lock, Num lock (which allows the use of the numeric keypad), and Caps lock.[24]

System commands[edit]

mainframe / dumb terminal keyboard, circa mid s. Note the obscure configuration of modifier and arrow keys, line feed key, break key, blank keys, and repeat key.

The SysRq and Print screen commands often share the same key. SysRq was used in earlier computers as a "panic" button to recover from crashes (and it is still used in this sense to some extent by the Linux kernel; see Magic SysRq key). The Print screen command used to capture the entire screen and send it to the printer, but in the present it usually puts a screenshot in the clipboard.

Break key[edit]

The Break key/Pause key no longer has a well-defined purpose. Its origins go back to teleprinter users, who wanted a key that would temporarily interrupt the communications line. The Break key can be used by software in several different ways, such as to switch between multiple login sessions, to terminate a program, or to interrupt a modem connection. In programming, especially old DOS-style BASIC, Pascal and C, Break is used (in conjunction with Ctrl) to stop program execution. In addition to this, Linux and variants, as well as many DOS programs, treat this combination the same as Ctrl+C. On modern keyboards, the break key is usually labeled Pause/Break. In most Windows environments, the key combination Windows key+Pause brings up the system properties.

Escape key[edit]

The escape key (often abbreviated Esc) "nearly all of the time"[25] signals Stop -[26]QUIT -[27] let me "get out of a dialog"[25] (or pop-up window):[28] LET ME ESCAPE.

Another common application today of the Esc key is to trigger the Stop button in many web browsers.[29]

ESC origins[edit]

ESC was part of the standard keyboard of the Teletype Model 33 (introduced in and used with many early minicomputers).[30] The DECVT50, introduced July , also had an Esc key. The TECO text editor (ca ) and its descendant Emacs (ca ) use the Esc key extensively.

Historically it also served as a type of shift key, such that one or more following characters were interpreted differently, hence the term escape sequence, which refers to a series of characters, usually preceded by the escape character.[31][32]

On machines running Microsoft Windows, prior to the implementation of the Windows key on keyboards, the typical practice for invoking the "start" button was to hold down the control key and press escape. This process still works in Windows 95, 98, Me, NT 4, , XP, Vista, 7, 8, and [33]

Enter key[edit]

The Enter key is located: One in the alphanumeric keys and the other one is in the numeric keys. When one worked something on their computer and wanted to do something with their work, pressing the enter key would do the command they ordered. Another function is to create a space for next paragraph. When one typed and finished typing a paragraph and they wanted to have a second paragraph, they could press enter and it would do spacing.

Shift key[edit]

Shift key: when one presses shift and a letter, it will capitalize the letter pressed with the shift key. Another use is to type more symbols than appear to be available, for instance the apostrophe key is accompanied with a quotation mark on the top. If one wants to type the quotation mark but pressed that key alone, the symbol that would appear would be the apostrophe. The quotation mark will only appear if both the required key and the Shift key are pressed.

Menu key[edit]

The Menu key or Application key is a key found on Windows-oriented computer keyboards. It is used to launch a context menu with the keyboard rather than with the usual right mouse button. The key's symbol is usually a small icon depicting a cursor hovering above a menu. On some Samsung keyboards the cursor in the icon is not present, showing the menu only. This key was created at the same time as the Windows key. This key is normally used when the right mouse button is not present on the mouse. Some Windows public terminals do not have a Menu key on their keyboard to prevent users from right-clicking (however, in many Windows applications, a similar functionality can be invoked with the Shift+F10 keyboard shortcut).

Number pad[edit]

Many, but not all, computer keyboards have a numeric keypad to the right of the alphabetic keyboard, often separated from the other groups of keys such as the function keys and system command keys, which contains numbers, basic mathematical symbols (e.g., addition, subtraction, etc.), and a few function keys. In addition to the row of number keys above the top alphabetic row, most desktop keyboards have a number pad or accounting pad, on the right hand side of the keyboard. While num lock is set, the numbers on these keys duplicate the number row; if not, they have alternative functions as engraved. In addition to numbers, this pad has command symbols concerned with calculations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division symbols. The enter key in this keys indicate the equal sign.


Multimedia buttons on some keyboards give quick access to the Internet or control the volume of the speakers.

On Japanese/Korean keyboards, there may be Language input keys for changing the language to use. Some keyboards have power management keys (e.g., power key, sleep key and wake key); Internet keys to access a web browser or E-mail; and/or multimedia keys, such as volume controls; or keys that can be programmed by the user to launch a specified application or a command like minimizing all windows.

Multiple layouts[edit]

It is possible to install multiple keyboard layouts within an operating system and switch between them, either through features implemented within the OS, or through an external application. Microsoft Windows,[34] Linux,[35] and Mac[36] provide support to add keyboard layouts and choose from them.


Keyboards and keypads may be illuminated from inside, especially on equipment for mobile use. Both keyboards built into computers and external ones may support backlighting; external backlit keyboards may have a wired USB connection, or be connected wirelessly and powered by batteries. Illumination facilitates the use of the keyboard or keypad in dark environments.

For general productivity, only the keys may be uniformly backlit, without distracting light around the keys.

Keys with integrated LED indicator lights

Many gaming keyboards are designed to have an aesthetic as well as functional appeal, with multiple colours, and colour-coded keys to make it easier for gamers to find command keys while playing in a dark room.[37] Many keyboards not otherwise illuminated may have small LED indicator lights in a few important function keys, or elsewhere on the housing, if their function is activated (see photo).


Key switches[edit]

In the first electronic keyboards in the early s, the key switches were individual switches inserted into holes in metal frames. These keyboards cost from 80 to &#;USD and were used in mainframe data terminals. The most popular switch types were reed switches (contacts enclosed in a vacuum in a glass capsule, affected by a magnet mounted on the switch plunger).[citation needed]

In the mids, lower-cost direct-contact key switches were introduced, but their life in switch cycles was much shorter (rated ten million cycles) because they were open to the environment. This became more acceptable, however, for use in computer terminals at the time, which began to see increasingly shorter model lifespans as they advanced.[38]

In , Key Tronic Corporation introduced keyboards with capacitive-based switches, one of the first keyboard technologies not to use self-contained switches.[39] There was simply a sponge pad with a conductive-coated Mylar plastic sheet on the switch plunger, and two half-moon trace patterns on the printed circuit board below. As the key was depressed, the capacitance between the plunger pad and the patterns on the PCB below changed, which was detected by integrated circuits (IC). These keyboards were claimed to have the same reliability as the other "solid-state switch" keyboards such as inductive and Hall-effect, but competitive with direct-contact keyboards. Prices of $60 for keyboards were achieved, and Key Tronic rapidly became the largest independent keyboard manufacturer.

Meanwhile, IBM made their own keyboards, using their own patented technology: Keys on older IBM keyboards[40] were made with a "buckling spring" mechanism, in which a coil spring under the key buckles under pressure from the user's finger, triggering a hammer that presses two plastic sheets (membranes) with conductive traces together, completing a circuit. This produces a clicking sound and gives physical feedback for the typist, indicating that the key has been depressed.[41]

The first electronic keyboards had a typewriter key travel distance of &#;inches (&#;mm), keytops were a half-inch (&#;mm) high, and keyboards were about two inches (5&#;cm) thick. Over time, less key travel was accepted in the market, finally landing on &#;inches (&#;mm). Coincident with this, Key Tronic was the first company to introduce a keyboard that was only about one inch thick. And now keyboards measure only about a half-inch thick.

Keyboard with some keytops removed to show the Cherry MX "Black" switches it is based on. MX switches are a common choice for mechanical keyboards.
The tactile, non-clicky "brown" version of the Cherry MX switch shown in disassembled form (four parts, left and centre), with the top off (top right) and reassembled (bottom right).

Keytops are an important element of keyboards. In the beginning, keyboard keytops had a "dish shape" on top, like typewriters before them. Keyboard key legends must be extremely durable over tens of millions of depressions, since they are subjected to extreme mechanical wear from fingers and fingernails, and subject to hand oils and creams, so engraving and filling key legends with paint, as was done previously for individual switches, was never acceptable. So, for the first electronic keyboards, the key legends were produced by two-shot (or double-shot, or two-color) molding, where either the key shell or the inside of the key with the key legend was molded first, and then the other color molded second. But, to save cost, other methods were explored, such as sublimation printing and laser engraving, both methods which could be used to print a whole keyboard at the same time.

Initially, sublimation printing, where a special ink is printed onto the keycap surface and the application of heat causes the ink molecules to penetrate and commingle with the plastic modules, had a problem because finger oils caused the molecules to disperse, but then a necessarily very hard clear coating was applied to prevent this. Coincident with sublimation printing, which was first used in high volume by IBM on their keyboards, was the introduction by IBM of single-curved-dish keycaps to facilitate quality printing of key legends by having a consistently curved surface instead of a dish. But one problem with sublimation or laser printing was that the processes took too long and only dark legends could be printed on light-colored keys. On another note, IBM was unique in using separate shells, or "keycaps", on keytop bases. This might have made their manufacturing of different keyboard layouts more flexible, but the reason for doing this was that the plastic material that needed to be used for sublimation printing was different from standard ABS keytop plastic material.

Three final mechanical technologies brought keyboards to where they are today, driving the cost well under $

  1. "Monoblock" keyboard designs were developed where individual switch housings were eliminated and a one-piece "monoblock" housing used instead. This was possible because of molding techniques that could provide very tight tolerances for the switch-plunger holes and guides across the width of the keyboard so that the key plunger-to-housing clearances were not too tight or too loose, either of which could cause the keys to bind.
  2. The use of contact-switch membrane sheets under the monoblock. This technology came from flat-panel switch membranes, where the switch contacts are printed inside of a top and bottom layer, with a spacer layer in between, so that when pressure is applied to the area above, a direct electrical contact is made. The membrane layers can be printed by very-high volume, low-cost "reel-to-reel" printing machines, with each keyboard membrane cut and punched out afterwards.

Plastic materials played a very important part in the development and progress of electronic keyboards. Until "monoblocks" came along, GE's "self-lubricating" Delrin was the only plastic material for keyboard switch plungers that could withstand the beating over tens of millions of cycles of lifetime use. Greasing or oiling switch plungers was undesirable because it would attract dirt over time which would eventually affect the feel and even bind the key switches (although keyboard manufacturers would sometimes sneak this into their keyboards, especially if they could not control the tolerances of the key plungers and housings well enough to have a smooth key depression feel or prevent binding). But Delrin was only available in black and white, and was not suitable for keytops (too soft), so keytops use ABS plastic. However, as plastic molding advanced in maintaining tight tolerances, and as key travel length reduced from inch to inch (&#;mm to &#;mm), single-part keytop/plungers could be made of ABS, with the keyboard monoblocks also made of ABS.

In common use, the term "mechanical keyboard" refers to a keyboard with individual mechanical key switches, each of which contains a fully encased plunger with a spring below it and metallic electrical contacts on a side. The plunger sits on the spring and the key will often close the contacts when the plunger is pressed half-way. Other switches require the plunger to be fully pressed down. The depth at which the plunger must be pressed for the contacts to close is known as the activation distance. Analog keyboards with key switches whose activation distance can be reconfigured through software, optical switches that work by blocking laser beams, and Hall Effect keyboards that use key switches that use a magnet to activate a hall sensor, are also available.

Control processor[edit]

Computer keyboards include control circuitry to convert key presses into key codes[42] (usually scancodes) that the computer's electronics can understand. The key switches are connected via the printed circuit board in an electrical X-Y matrix where a voltage is provided sequentially to the Y lines and, when a key is depressed, detected sequentially by scanning the X lines.

The first computer keyboards were for mainframe computer data terminals and used discrete electronic parts. The first keyboard microprocessor was introduced in by General Instruments, but keyboards have been using the single-chip microcontroller variant since it became available in [43] The keyboard switch matrix is wired to its inputs, it converts the keystrokes to key codes, and, for a detached keyboard, sends the codes down a serial cable (the keyboard cord) to the main processor on the computer motherboard. This serial keyboard cable communication is only bi-directional to the extent that the computer's electronics controls the illumination of the caps lock, num lock and scroll lock lights.

One test for whether the computer has crashed is pressing the caps lock key. The keyboard sends the key code to the keyboard driver running in the main computer; if the main computer is operating, it commands the light to turn on. All the other indicator lights work in a similar way. The keyboard driver also tracks the Shift, alt and control state of the keyboard.

Some lower-quality keyboards have multiple or false key entries due to inadequate electrical designs. These are caused by inadequate keyswitch "debouncing" or inadequate keyswitch matrix layout that don't allow multiple keys to be depressed at the same time, both circumstances which are explained below:

When pressing a keyboard key, the key contacts may "bounce" against each other for several milliseconds before they settle into firm contact. When released, they bounce some more until they revert to the uncontacted state. If the computer were watching for each pulse, it would see many keystrokes for what the user thought was just one. To resolve this problem, the processor in a keyboard (or computer) "debounces" the keystrokes, by aggregating them across time to produce one "confirmed" keystroke.

Some low-quality keyboards also suffer problems with rollover (that is, when multiple keys pressed at the same time, or when keys are pressed so fast that multiple keys are down within the same milliseconds). Early "solid-state" keyswitch keyboards did not have this problem because the keyswitches are electrically isolated from each other, and early "direct-contact" keyswitch keyboards avoided this problem by having isolation diodes for every keyswitch. These early keyboards had "n-key" rollover, which means any number of keys can be depressed and the keyboard will still recognize the next key depressed. But when three keys are pressed (electrically closed) at the same time in a "direct contact" keyswitch matrix that doesn't have isolation diodes, the keyboard electronics can see a fourth "phantom" key which is the intersection of the X and Y lines of the three keys. Some types of keyboard circuitry will register a maximum number of keys at one time. "Three-key" rollover, also called "phantom key blocking" or "phantom key lockout", will only register three keys and ignore all others until one of the three keys is lifted. This is undesirable, especially for fast typing (hitting new keys before the fingers can release previous keys), and games (designed for multiple key presses).

As direct-contact membrane keyboards became popular, the available rollover of keys was optimized by analyzing the most common key sequences and placing these keys so that they do not potentially produce phantom keys in the electrical key matrix (for example, simply placing three or four keys that might be depressed simultaneously on the same X or same Y line, so that a phantom key intersection/short cannot happen), so that blocking a third key usually isn't a problem. But lower-quality keyboard designs and unknowledgeable engineers may not know these tricks, and it can still be a problem in games due to wildly different or configurable layouts in different games.

Connection types[edit]

There are several ways of connecting a keyboard to a system unit (more precisely, to its keyboard controller) using cables, including the standard AT connector commonly found on motherboards, which was eventually replaced by the PS/2 and the USB connection. Prior to the iMac line of systems, Apple used the proprietary Apple Desktop Bus for its keyboard connector.

Wireless keyboards have become popular. A wireless keyboard must have a transmitter built in, and a receiver connected to the computer's keyboard port; it communicates either by radio frequency (RF) or infrared (IR) signals. A wireless keyboard may use industry standard Bluetooth radio communication, in which case the receiver may be built into the computer. Wireless keyboards need batteries for power, and may be at risk of data eavesdropping. Wireless solar keyboards charge their batteries from small solar panels using natural or artificial light. The Apricot Portable is an early example of an IR keyboard.

Alternative text-entering methods[edit]

On-screen keyboard controlled with the mouse can be used by users with limited mobility

Optical character recognition (OCR) is preferable to rekeying for converting existing text that is already written down but not in machine-readable format (for example, a Linotype-composed book from the s). In other words, to convert the text from an image to editable text (that is, a string of character codes), a person could re-type it, or a computer could look at the image and deduce what each character is. OCR technology has already reached an impressive state (for example, Google Book Search) and promises more for the future.

Speech recognition converts speech into machine-readable text (that is, a string of character codes). This technology has also reached an advanced state and is implemented in various software products. For certain uses (e.g., transcription of medical or legal dictation; journalism; writing essays or novels) speech recognition is starting to replace the keyboard. However, the lack of privacy when issuing voice commands and dictation makes this kind of input unsuitable for many environments.

Pointing devices can be used to enter text or characters in contexts where using a physical keyboard would be inappropriate or impossible. These accessories typically present characters on a display, in a layout that provides fast access to the more frequently used characters or character combinations. Popular examples of this kind of input are Graffiti, Dasher and on-screen virtual keyboards.

Other issues[edit]

Keystroke logging[edit]

Unencrypted wireless Bluetooth keyboards are known to be vulnerable to signal theft by placing a covert listening device in the same room as the keyboard to sniff and record Bluetooth packets for the purpose of logging keys typed by the user. Microsoft wireless keyboards and earlier are documented to have this vulnerability.[44]

Keystroke logging (often called keylogging) is a method of capturing and recording user keystrokes. While it is used legally to measure employee productivity on certain clerical tasks, or by law enforcement agencies to find out about illegal activities, it is also used by hackers for various illegal or malicious acts. Hackers use keyloggers as a means to obtain passwords or encryption keys and thus bypass other security measures.

Keystroke logging can be achieved by both hardware and software means. Hardware key loggers are attached to the keyboard cable or installed inside standard keyboards. Software keyloggers work on the target computer's operating system and gain unauthorized access to the hardware, hook into the keyboard with functions provided by the OS, or use remote access software to transmit recorded data out of the target computer to a remote location. Some hackers also use wireless keylogger sniffers to collect packets of data being transferred from a wireless keyboard and its receiver, and then they crack the encryption key being used to secure wireless communications between the two devices.

Anti-spyware applications are able to detect many keyloggers and cleanse them. Responsible vendors of monitoring software support detection by anti-spyware programs, thus preventing abuse of the software. Enabling a firewall does not stop keyloggers per se, but can possibly prevent transmission of the logged material over the net if properly configured. Network monitors (also known as reverse-firewalls) can be used to alert the user whenever an application attempts to make a network connection. This gives the user the chance to prevent the keylogger from "

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Mouse and Key Recorder v3.1 serial key or number

Macro Recorder

Macro Recorder is not only a mouse recorder, keyboard recorder and player. It is also a very powerful automation software and even an EXE-compiler.

All recorded keystrokes and mouse activity can be saved to disk as a macro (script) for later use, bound to a hotkey, extended with custom commands or even compiled to an EXE file (a standalone Windows application). This macro recording program will save you a lot of time on repetitive tasks. You can use the Macro Recorder to automate ANY activity in ANY windows application, record on-screen tutorials.

Macro Recorder easily automates your routine tasks

This keyboard and mouse recorder can:

  • record macros of your routine tasks
  • or create macros from scratch using the macro editor and built-in commands like "open file", "shutdown", "launch website" and even for-loops and if-statements like in "big" programming languages.
Make your own programs and macros - no programming skills required.

Why Jitbit Macro Recorder?


  • Easy to try. If the trial period is too short for you - let us know and we'll extend it for you.
  • Extremely simple. Macro Recorder features an easy and straightforward user interface. Forget about hours wasted on reading manuals. Start using Macro Recorder in seconds. Just click "Record" with your mouse and perform some activity.
  • Flexible. Edit your macros with the built-in full-featured Visual Macro Maker, enjoy the Macro Recorder's full windows-shell integration and scheduling
  • Automation software. Insert custom commands and statements into your macros, like: "launch website", "open file", "wait for window", "goto", "shutdown" and many more. Add logic to your macros using the "IF - THEN" statement, "REPEAT X TIMES" statement.
  • C# scripting language - you can insert code snippets in C#
  • EXE-compiler. Convert your macro to an EXE-file which runs on any windows-compatible computer. To save space and improve performance the resulting EXE file is packed and compressed using the advanced optimization techniques.
  • Accessible. Assign your mouse & keyboard macros to hotkeys and run it from any application
  • Adjustable. Variable playback speed, macro recording filters, loop macro playback, "stealth-mode" macro recording and more.
  • Debug your macros: insert breakpoints, play partially or loop your playback.
  • Human-readable macro file format, plain text script easy for editing in external editors
  • SMART-Rec mouse recorder technology that optionally records your mouse in relative coordinates
  • Side-project from the creators of the awesome Jitbit Helpdesk Software

And all the features a macro recorder should have

By the way, if you're in need of a help desk software, be sure to consider JitBIt, we've been powering Fortune help desks for years, we're one of the most respected and user friendly solutions on the market.

Looking for a screen recorder?

We have one! Check out our free web-based screen recorder too.

Save time and let this macro program do all the work

  • Automate all kinds of repetitive tasks: auto-fill forms, generate reports etc.
  • Automate software testing
  • Perform system maintenance with Macro Recorder
  • Use Macro Recorder as a keyboard & mouse tracer
  • Auto-login to your online accounts (web-mail, forums), or use it as an auto-clicker.
  • Create tutorials and presentations with this macro program.
  • Any task, which requires you to record your keystrokes, including passwords and "system" keys (ctrl, alt, numlock, shift etc.), record key combinations, record mouse movements and clicks

Windows, OSX, iOS, AndroidMacro Recorder: ( ratings)

Источник: []

What’s New in the Mouse and Key Recorder v3.1 serial key or number?

Screen Shot

System Requirements for Mouse and Key Recorder v3.1 serial key or number

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