Malwarebytes [08 May 2017] serial key or number

Malwarebytes [08 May 2017] serial key or number

Malwarebytes [08 May 2017] serial key or number

Malwarebytes [08 May 2017] serial key or number

Business Products Release History

A complete history of product changes, updates, and fixes.

Malwarebytes Cloud Platform

New Features:

  • Malwarebytes cloud console now features new user experience improvements for the Exclusions page along with enhanced capabilities. This provides administrators with visibility into exclusion status and enables them to temporarily disable exclusions—saving the previous effort and time spent permanently deleting the exclusion for testing purposes.
    • In a single view, administrators can see whether an exclusion is enabled, the name, the exclusion type, the admin user who last updated it, when it was updated, and the protection technology layers applied to that exclusion.
    • Exclusions were globally applied across all of our layers of protection technology. Now, you can control which layers the exclusion will be applied to and visually see at a glance which layers have been affected via icons in the “Applied To” column on the Exclusions page. Additionally, you can add an optional comment or description for the exclusion.
  • Added ability to automatically exclude commonly detected potentially unwanted modifications(PUMs). Malwarebytes detects Windows registry changes caused by common Group Policy Objects as PUMs. Enabling this feature automatically excludes 18 registry keys. This ensures our protection capabilities do not interfere with common business applications or operating practices.
  • Added an endpoint interface option that, when enabled, places shortcuts in the Start Menu and on the Windows desktop of the end-user’s computer. This empowers your users with additional methods to run Threat Scans on their Windows device:
  • [For Malwarebytes Endpoint Protection and Response only]: Added an aggressive detection mode policy option for Suspicious Activity. This setting is ideal for businesses with an extremely conservative security posture. We recommend administrators only enable this setting for their most sensitive endpoints.


  • [For Malwarebytes Endpoint Protection and Response only] Customers with Syslog Logging enabled, Suspicious Activity detections will now be included in your syslog messages
  • Changed our unmonitored email address from to to reduce the chance of Malwarebytes cloud console emails being flagged as spam
  • Fixed: [For Malwarebytes Endpoint Protection and Response only] – When a Remediation action succeeds but Rollback action fails, the Suspicious Activity status is stuck and displays “Pending Remediation”
  • Fixed: The Deployment and Discovery tool would throw a error when importing Active Directory groups that contained a large number of endpoints
  • Fixed: Some temporary files were being left behind after installation or endpoint agent updates
  • Fixed: Customers with large number of endpoints were unable to sort by “Last Seen At” on the Manage Endpoints page
  • Fixed: In some cases, when a reboot prompt is shown, the reboot timer sometimes reset with a 1-minute countdown

Known Issues:

  • Exclusions that have been entered with short file name paths such as “c:\progra~2\” are not being applied
  • Modal windows are showing an unnecessary scroll bar
  • [For Malwarebytes Endpoint Protection for Mac only]: Scan History tab does not get information populated if Threat Scan does not detect any threats
  • [For Malwarebytes Endpoint Protection for Mac only]: Timestamps in Scan History tab for macOS endpoints are in GMT, and not the web browser’s locale
  • All Malwarebytes scans will inspect archived files regardless of the policy setting
  • When administrators reboot endpoints from the cloud console, if the initial reboot task has not completed subsequent reboot commands are queued rather than replacing the initial reboot command (this would result in multiple reboots executing)
  • When administrator chooses “Restart Immediately” option in the Restart Options dialog, end users are still allowed to postpone the reboot even though the “Allow user to postpone“ option is grayed out. Current workaround involves selecting the “Restart in ___ minutes” radio button, unchecking the “Allow user to postpone” checkbox, then select the “Restart Immediately” radio button and click the blue Restart button
  • Clicking on the Remediate button causes the Remediation Required indicator to lose its badge on hover and on click behavior—nothing happens on click (should give you the option to view details) and nothing happens on hover (should show “Remediation Pending”). This issue is resolved by refreshing the browser
  • Memory and storage objects in endpoint properties are not visible until the page is refreshed
  • The Endpoint Agent can fail to initialize when using the GROUP ID parameter that has an incorrect format
  • [For Malwarebytes Endpoint Protection for Mac only]: Check for Protection Updates action does not update “Last Refreshed” on first run

New Features:

  • Malwarebytes cloud console now features endpoint status icons in the Manage Endpoints page. This allows administrators to take immediate action by clicking directly on the icons. You can see when an endpoint restart is needed, if remediation is required, or if any suspicious activity is detected on that endpoint (for Malwarebytes Endpoint Protection and Response)
    • Hovering over an icon provides additional info, and clicking on the icon presents specific actions you can take
    • Endpoint status icons are also displayed when viewing the details of an individually selected endpoint


  • [For Malwarebytes Endpoint Protection and Response only]: Updated the Suspicious Activity Details page to display an expanded set of rules triggered when making cloud sandbox detections. This provides administrators with greater context of why a cloud sandbox detection was made on a suspicious file or process
  • [For Malwarebytes Endpoint Protection and Response only]: Updated the Process Graph details pane. This allows administrators to click on Activities links and see specific file operation details, including File Rename, File Write, Set Security, Registry Set Value, Net Connect Inbound, and Net Connect Outbound activities
  • [For Malwarebytes Endpoint Protection and Response only]: Granular Endpoint Isolation is now supported for Windows Server R2, Server R2, and Server allowing businesses to remotely isolate servers for further investigation
  • [For Malwarebytes Endpoint Protection and Response only]: Updated the Remove Endpoint Isolation notice to specify the endpoint name
  • Added capability for end users to enable/disable debug logging from the tray icon using ctrl + right click, and via command line
  • Updated endpoint agent to support macOS Mojave
  • Fixed: [For Malwarebytes Endpoint Protection and Response only] – BSOD with SamSam ramsomware variant on Windows10x86
  • Fixed: Not cleaning up all temp files in c:\Windows\Temp
  • Fixed: [For Malwarebytes Endpoint Protection and Response only] – Some suspicious activities viewed in Process Graph returned Error and other general improvements needed
  • Fixed: [For Malwarebytes Endpoint Protection for Mac only] – Error appearing in logs: ERROR WebServiceStore: remove:
  • Fixed: [For Malwarebytes Endpoint Protection and Response only] – Yes button in the dialog box for Lock icon status indicator doesn’t work
  • Fixed: [For Malwarebytes Endpoint Protection for Mac only] – Endpoint Agent does not report update_package_version on fresh Endpoint Protection install

Known Issues:

  • Exclusions that have been entered with short file name paths such as “c:\progra~2\” are not being applied
  • Modal windows are showing an unnecessary scroll bar
  • [For Malwarebytes Endpoint Protection and Response only]: When a Remediation action succeeds but Rollback action fails, the Suspicious Activity status is stuck and displays “Pending Remediation”
  • [For Malwarebytes Endpoint Protection for Mac only]: Scan History tab does not get information populated if Threat Scan does not detect any threats
  • [For Malwarebytes Endpoint Protection for Mac only]: Timestamps in Scan History tab for macOS endpoints are in GMT, and not the web browser’s locale
  • All Malwarebytes scans will inspect archived files regardless of the policy setting
  • In some cases, when a reboot prompt is shown, the reboot timer may reset with a 1-minute countdown
  • When administrators reboot endpoints from the cloud console, if the initial reboot task has not completed subsequent reboot commands are queued rather than replacing the initial reboot command (this would result in multiple reboots executing)
  • When administrator chooses “Restart Immediately” option in the Restart Options dialog, end users are still allowed to postpone the reboot even though the “Allow user to postpone” option is grayed out. Current workaround involves selecting the “Restart in ___ minutes” radio button, unchecking the “Allow user to postpone” checkbox, then select the “Restart Immediately” radio button and click the blue Restart button
  • Clicking on the Remediate button causes the Remediation Required indicator to lose its badge on hover and on click behavior— nothing happens on click (should give you the option to view details) and nothing happens on hover (should show “Remediation Pending”). This issue is resolved by refreshing the browser
  • Memory and storage objects in endpoint properties are not visible until the page is refreshed

New Features:


  • Malwarebytes Endpoint Protection and Response only] Added granular Endpoint Isolation options, enabling administrators to specify one or more isolation methods to be applied to the selected endpoint. By default, all three isolation types will be selected.
  • Added Malwarebytes AdwCleaner for use and download from the “Add Endpoints” page within the cloud console. Please note this is an unmanaged solution
  • Added capability to use shift key + mouse click to select ranges of items for tables that allow batch actions
  • Updated Malwarebytes tray icon so that end users who are permitted by policy to initiate scans can bring their minimized scan progress window back into focus by simply double-clicking on the Malwarebytes tray icon
  • Changed the Malwarebytes Self-Protection Module so it’s enabled by default for all new customer setting controls whether Malwarebytes creates a safe zone to prevent malicious manipulation of the program and its components. Enabling this setting introduces a one-time delay as the Self-Protection Module is enabled. While not a negative, the delay may be considered undesirable by some end users. We strongly recommend existing customers enable this setting in their security policies.
  • Added a loading spinner animation while paginating through large sets of data
  • Removed Anti-Exploit shield from Chrome due to Google’s new policy against code injection into Chrome. 
  • Extended the timeout toggle for “Remote Assistance” to 4 hours
  • Updated Syslog Communication feature so that the designated endpoint cannot be uninstalled using the Deployment & Discovery tool unless it’s first unselected within the Syslog Communication setting. This prevents administrators from inadvertently losing syslog messages. Before removing an endpoint, Malwarebytes cloud administrators will need to first disable Syslog Communication in the console or promote a different endpoint
  • Fixed: Malwarebytes Single Sign-On settings page styling and page scroll
  • Fixed: Read Only users can log into the Deployment & Discovery tool
  • Fixed: Could not edit a user’s email address if the user account has not been verified
  • Fixed: After Endpoint Agent upgrades, some .zip files under \windows\temp are not deleted
  • Fixed: Filter options on the Endpoints and Detections pages are sometimes cut off abruptly
  • Fixed: [For Malwarebytes Endpoint Protection and Response only] - Several bugs were impacting administrator’s experience interacting with the Process Graph feature
  • Fixed: [For Malwarebytes Endpoint Protection and Response only] – Reset the network adapter on the endpoint to enforce network isolation
  • Fixed: For Mac endpoints, the “Check for Protection Update” action does not update the “Last Refreshed” attribute on first run
  • Fixed: Endpoints could not be moved to a different group when selected using the “Select All” checkbox
  • Fixed: Windows Server scans can crash when scanning .lmk files
  • Fixed: User Verified account notifications are not getting emailed to administrators
  • Fixed: Within the Endpoint Properties page under the Detections tab, the Action Taken and Category dropdowns are cut off
  • Fixed: [For Malwarebytes Endpoint Protection for Mac only]: Scans are occurring every hour, regardless of what the scheduled scan interval is set to

Known Issues:

  • Exclusions that have been entered with short file name paths such as “c:\progra~2\” are not being applied
  • Modal windows are showing an unnecessary scroll bar
  • [For Malwarebytes Endpoint Protection and Response only]: When a Remediation action succeeds but Rollback action fails, the Suspicious Activity status is stuck and displays “Pending Remediation”
  • [For Malwarebytes Endpoint Protection for Mac only]: Scan History tab does not get information populated if Threat Scan does not detect any threats
  • [For Malwarebytes Endpoint Protection for Mac only]: Timestamps in Scan History tab for macOS endpoints are in GMT, and not the web browser’s locale
  • [For Malwarebytes Endpoint Protection for Mac only]: Endpoint Agent does not report update_package_version on fresh Endpoint Protection install

New Features:

  • Added role-based access control (RBAC).
  • Added support for single sign-on (SSO) with SAML identity providers (including Okta, OneLogin, and Azure).
  • Discovery and Deployment (D&D) Tool has been updated with Active Directory (AD)
  • Added New advanced deployment option: custom Group installation parameter.
  • Added Process Graph (For Malwarebytes Endpoint Protection and Response only)


  • Quarantined items for endpoints which have been deleted/uninstalled will no longer persist in the web console
  • Malwarebytes Endpoint Protection and Response now supports Windows 7 platforms
  • Added support for Mac end users to easily generate diagnostic logs by using Control + Click on the Malwarebytes icon
  • Updated Policy label format to be consistent
  • Some customer environments require additional time starting system services on boot
  • Fixed: Pagination would sometimes display negative counts
  • Fixed: Free memory is incorrectly reported for Mac endpoints
  • Fixed: The Deployment and Discovery tool shows installation success when the installation fails due to needed .NET upgrade
  • Fixed: Some users are not receiving all of their daily scheduled reports
  • Fixed: If the Endpoint Agent service has to wait too long for other system services to start, Windows kills it
  • Fixed: Discovery and Deployment tool doesn’t show more than results when AD scan is used

Known Issues:

  • Exclusions that have been entered with short file name paths such as “c:\progra~2\” are not being applied
  • User Verified account notifications are not getting emailed to administrators
  • Windows Server scans can crash when scanning .lmk files
  • Sysprep can fail to run with Self-Protection enabled in the policy
  • Within the Endpoint Properties page under the Detections tab, the Action Taken and Category dropdowns are cut off
  • Modal windows are showing an unnecessary scroll bar
  • Malwarebytes Endpoint Protection and Response: When a Remediation action succeeds but Rollback action fails, the Suspicious Activity status is stuck and displays “Pending Remediation”
  • Malwarebytes Endpoint Protection for Mac: Scan History tab does not get information populated if Threat Scan does not detect any threats
  • Malwarebytes Endpoint Protection for Mac: Timestamps in Scan History tab for macOS endpoints are in GMT, and not the web browser’s locale
  • Malwarebytes Endpoint Protection for Mac: Endpoint Agent does not report update_package_version on fresh Endpoint Protection install

New Features:

  • Added easy access to contextual threat information. When viewing detection details, an administrator can click on the detection name (which opens a new browser tab to a Malwarebytes Labs resource) to gain additional background and insights on the threat


  • Relocated the “Add Endpoints” link to a new dedicated page in the main navigation of cloud console
  • Added new link to the Malwarebytes Business Support webpage - administrators can access it by clicking on their logged-in user name in the top right corner of the cloud console
  • Renamed “My Account” page to “Profile” to reduce confusion with the Malwarebytes My Account customer account platform
  • Added the license key for subscribed products to the License Information tab within the user’s Profile page
  • Added capability for Endpoint Agent plugins to resume downloading if interrupted – beneficial for customers with very slow Internet connections
  • Added the administrator’s IP address within User Invited events when new users are added to the console
  • Added new event types for Endpoint Remediation Success and Endpoint Rollback Success for Malwarebytes Endpoint Protection and Response
  • Addressed anti-ransomware technology issues for Windows Server and will be enabled based on Policy setting
  • Updated Syslog Logging feature so that when an administrator adds, removes, disables, or enables the Syslog Communication Endpoint it will now create an Event
  • Table headers now remain visible when scrolling down on paginated pages
  • Improved header messaging that appears when selecting multiple items in a table (e.g., Manage Endpoints, Quarantine)
  • Improved validation for Policy form fields
  • Changed “Ransomware Protection” label in Policy Settings to “Behavior Protection”
  • Improved Detections page so that Location ellipses will truncate the middle portion of the path
  • Fixed: The Endpoint Agent emitted excessive errors to the Windows log when an excluded file path did not exist on an endpoint
  • Fixed: Endpoint Protection for Mac - If a scan was triggered imminently after endpoint agent installation but before the Endpoint Protection plugin was fully installed and loaded, the agent would be stuck in a “busy” state
  • Fixed: Endpoint Protection for Mac - Scheduled scans are no longer triggered incorrectly
  • Fixed: Endpoint Protection for Mac - Now sends up Agent Information
  • Fixed: Endpoint Protection for Mac - Protection Updates version was reporting SDK version instead of DB version in Scan History, was not reporting in Endpoint Details
  • Fixed: Endpoint Protection for Mac - Non-administrative users are now able to interact with the tray icon
  • Fixed: Endpoint Protection for Mac - User interface now stays minimized during on-demand scans if initiated from endpoint
  • Fixed: Endpoint Protection for Mac - Endpoint Protection plugin will no longer get stuck in "busy" state if a scan is triggered immediately after startup
  • Fixed: Endpoint Protection for Mac - Free Physical memory is being reported as “0” in the Overview tab of Endpoint Properties

Known Issues:

  • User Verified account notifications are not getting emailed to administrators
  • Windows Server scans can crash when scanning .lmk files
  • Sysprep can fail to run with Self-Protection enabled in the policy
  • Within the Endpoint Properties page under the Detections tab, the Action Taken and Category dropdowns are cut off
  • Modal windows are showing an unnecessary scroll bar
  • Endpoint Protection and Response: When a Remediation action succeeds but Rollback action fails, the Suspicious Activity status is stuck and displays “Pending Remediation”
  • Endpoint protection for Mac: Scan History tab does not get information populated if Threat Scan does not detect any threats
  • Endpoint Protection for Mac: Timestamps in Scan History tab for macOS endpoints are in GMT, and not the web browser’s locale
  • Endpoint Protection for Mac: Endpoint Agent does not report update_package_version on fresh Endpoint Protection install

New Product Announcement: Malwarebytes Endpoint Protection and Response

Endpoint Protection and Response is our new easy-to-use solution that allows you to extend your existing Malwarebytes Endpoint Protection with new endpoint detection and response (EDR) capabilities. Purchase of Endpoint Protection and Response enables the following features and changes within the cloud management console:

  • Flight Recorder – Continuously monitors and stores endpoint events in the cloud. Administrators can track file system events, network connections, process events and registry activities, and can view full command line details of executed processes on the endpoint. Automatically displays suspicious activity in cloud console. Flight Recorder is enabled via policy setting.
  • Endpoint Isolation – Provides administrators with the ability to isolate or remove isolation from one or more endpoints. Endpoint Isolation locks down the desktop, network activity, and process activity. When isolation is activated, a pre-defined message is displayed on the end-user’s machine until isolation is removed. Endpoint Isolation is enabled via policy setting.
  • Ransomware Rollback – Leverages just-in-time backups to provide administrators with the capability to roll back changes and restore files that were encrypted, deleted, or modified in an attack for up to 72 hours (default 48 hours). Administrators can expand protection by adjusting two options that trade off disk space for additional storage—rollback time and maximum file size. Ransomware Rollback is enabled via policy setting.
  • Added two new tiles to the cloud console Dashboard page:
    • Suspicious Activity detections over the past 24 hours
    • Top 10 Suspicious Activity rules that have been triggered in the past 24 hours
  • Added Suspicious Activity page to the cloud console which displays suspicious activities on endpoints across the network. Administrators can see the location, severity, affected endpoint, status, date and time, the detection rules that triggered for the detection verdict, and available actions—including the ability to view additional details, remediate/rollback an item, or mark an item as a false positive.
  • Added Suspicious Activity tab on the Endpoints Properties page which shows all suspicious activity detections specific to that endpoint with location, severity, status, date and time, detection rules that triggered, and available actions (view additional details, remediate/rollback, mark as a false positive).
  • Added Suspicious Activity Details page, allowing administrators to drill down to a specific detection to view additional details such as child processes and the detection rules triggered.
  • Added notifications for high severity Suspicious Activity detections
  • Added ability for administrators to manually mark a Suspicious Activity item as a false positive and add it to the exclusions list or reverse this and mark a false positive as a Suspicious Activity (and remove it from the exclusion list)
  • New status indicators in the cloud console Endpoints page show administrators which endpoints have suspicious activity and which endpoints are isolated
  • New Features:

    • Added capability for Endpoint Agent diagnostic logs to be easily generated from the endpoint. An end-user can hold the CTRL button while right-clicking on the Malwarebytes tray icon, producing a new menu to appear with an option to “Generate Diagnostic Logs”. The logs will be available as a zip file on the user’s desktop when complete.


    • Improved new Malwarebytes cloud accounts so their installers will be imminently available (prior to this, it could take up to 10 minutes for the installers to be available for a new Malwarebytes cloud account)
    • Added to the diagnostic log package
    • Added and to the diagnostic log package
    • Fixed: Some pagination drop-down elements were unnecessarily wide in appearance
    • Fixed: Sometimes users received multiple website Real-Time Protection block notifications when a block event occurred
    • Fixed: Some customers reported that upon boot, their users would be loaded into a temporary profile. This was due to opening with sharemode set to none

    Known Issues

    • Endpoint Protection for Mac: Scheduled scans could be triggered incorrectly
    • Endpoint Protection for Mac: Is not sending up Agent Information
    • Endpoint Protection for Mac: Protection Updates version is reporting SDK version instead of DB version in Scan History, not reporting in Endpoint Details
    • Endpoint Protection for Mac: User interface does not stay minimized during on-demand scans if initiated from endpoint
    • Endpoint Protection for Mac: Non-administrative users are unable to interact with the tray icon
    • Endpoint Protection for Mac: Free Physical memory is being reported as “0” in the Overview tab of Endpoint Properties
    • Endpoint protection for Mac: Scan History tab does not get information populated if Threat Scan does not detect any threats
    • Endpoint Protection for Mac: Timestamps in Scan History tab for macOS endpoints are in GMT, and not the web browser’s locale
    • Endpoint Protection for Mac: Endpoint Protection plugin stuck in "busy" state if a scan is triggered immediately after startup
    • Endpoint Protection for Mac: Endpoint Agent does not report update_package_version on fresh Endpoint Protection install

    New Features

    • Added Syslog support. Now the Malwarebytes cloud console can transmit detections with Syslog servers and SIEM solutions capable of receiving Syslog messages. This allows organizations to centralize Malwarebytes’ threat detections with their existing threat data. All of this is accomplished without the need to install any additional software. Administrators can enable Syslog support by clicking on the Settings tab in the cloud console, select Syslog Logging, and then pick an existing Windows endpoint to be the communication proxy. Syslog Settings include specifying the IP address/host, port, and protocol along with options for message severity and communication interval (default 5 minutes).


    • Updated and redesigned Policies page to improve usability and match ongoing UI improvements. Policy settings are now feature-based vs. product-based.
    • Updated Policies page to inform Malwarebytes Incident Response customers of features available with Malwarebytes Endpoint Protection.
    • Enhanced Detection notification emails to include additional information about detections
    • Events are now recorded for Scheduled Scans, regardless if the scans were successful or failed
    • Added text field validation (character count) in Policies for custom reboot messages
    • Improved pagination performance for organizations with thousands of paginated pages of data
    • Fixed: Tray icon would not appear for some users of Terminal Services
    • Fixed: When a modal dialogue was open and an automatic log-out occurred, the modal was still visible
    • Fixed: Some administrators were receiving their scheduled reports twice
    • Fixed: Advanced Anti-Exploit settings dialog was saving changes even when the dialog was dismissed or canceled
    • Fixed: Upon logging into the console, a large number of “Unable to retrieve one or more dashboard data summaries” errors were displayed
    • Malwarebytes Endpoint Protection for Mac: Not sending up Agent Information

    Known Issues

    • The tray icon is not visible for the builtin\Administrator user on Windows platforms
    • Malwarebytes Endpoint Protection for Mac: Non-administrative users are unable to interact with the tray icon
    • Malwarebytes Endpoint Protection for Mac: Scheduled scans can be triggered incorrectly
    • Malwarebytes Endpoint Protection for Mac: For scans initiated from the endpoint, the cancel button loses focus
    • Malwarebytes Endpoint protection for Mac: Scan History tab does not get information populated if threat scan does not detect any threats
    • Malwarebytes Endpoint Protection for Mac: Shows enabled/disabled notification even if tray icon is not present
    • Malwarebytes Endpoint Protection for Mac: Protection update version is reporting SDK version instead of DB version in Scan History, not reporting in Endpoint Details
    • Malwarebytes Endpoint Protection for Mac: Timestamps in Scan History tab for macOS endpoints is in GMT and not the web browser’s locale
    • Malwarebytes Endpoint Protection for Mac: Free Physical memory is being reported as “0” in the Overview tab of Endpoint Properties

    New Features

    • Added macOS support for Malwarebytes Endpoint Protection. Now businesses can centrally deploy and manage Malwarebytes Endpoint Protection across all of their Windows and macOS endpoints. Administrators can apply real-time protection via policy setting and perform manual on-demand scans and schedule automated threat scans of macOS endpoints — all from the cloud console
    • Added option within policy setting that allows Mac end users to initiate on-demand scans
    • Added a “Seats in Use” counter to the License Information tab of the My Account section of the cloud console. Together with Term type (Evaluation or Subscription), Seat Count, Status (Active, Grace, Expired), and Expiration Date — administrators now can see how many seats are being used toward their subscription license
    • Added hourly scan options for scheduled scans. This allows businesses to scan more often than just daily or weekly to detect threats and reduce potential threat dwell time


    • Updated the Endpoint Properties page and My Account section of the cloud console with horizontal tabs to match ongoing UI improvements
    • Added Endpoint Protection Protection Update version to the Asset reports
    • Updated Reboot Options in policy setting so they now apply to installation, updates, uninstallation, and detection removal
    • Updated Threat Cleaned email notification to include “Scan Type”, a deep link to the Scan Report, and a deep link to the Group that the endpoint belongs to
    • Updated and reorganized the Add Endpoint page (within Endpoints tab) to the new UI look and feel
    • Replaced scrolling records throughout the cloud console with pagination (default of 25 records)
    • Added audit event that is logged in the Events tab of the cloud console when a Scheduled Report is generated
    • Renamed “OS Platform” to “OS Version” (i.e., “Windows”) and renamed “OS Release Name” to “OS Friendly Name” (i.e., “Microsoft Windows 10 Pro”) within Endpoint Properties page and reports
    • Updated the Endpoint Properties page so that if an OS Version is not available, the UI will now display “Unknown”


    • Quarantine page displays old quarantined items on top of the list

    Known Issues

    • Endpoint Protection for Mac: Shows enabled/disabled notification even if tray icon is not present
    • Endpoint protection for Mac: Scan History tab does not get information populated if threat scan does not detect any threats
    • Endpoint Protection for Mac: Protection update version is reporting SDK version instead of DB version in Scan History, not reporting in Endpoint Details
    • Endpoint Protection for Mac: Timestamps in Scan History tab for macOS endpoints is in GMT and not the web browser’s locale
    • Endpoint Protection for Mac: Free Physical memory is being reported as “0” in the Overview tab of Endpoint Properties

    New Features

    • Added option for end users to perform context menu scans: Users can scan files on their Windows computer by right clicking on the desired file(s) and selecting “Scan with Malwarebytes”. This gives end users the power to scan any file they deem suspicious or out of an abundance of caution. Administrators must enable this optional feature in policy by toggling “Show Malwarebytes option in context menus (Windows only)” to ON
    • Added scheduled reporting: Administrators have the option to automatically receive an email for any desired report—providing them with daily, weekly, and monthly reports proactively in their inbox. Click on the Reports tab in the cloud console, click on Scheduled, select a single or multiple report(s), and click the Save Changes button. The CSV formatted report will be delivered once report generation is complete, based on the chosen frequency


    • Added “MD5” and “Affected Application” fields to Detection Summary report
    • Added product Version and Protection Update fields to Agent Info within Endpoint Overview
    • Endpoint name now deep links to its’ Endpoint Overview screen from the Detections, Quarantine, Events, and Tasks tabs
    • Updated Forgot Password page — now email address field is in focus when navigating there
    • Updated cloud console to display an event when an end user postpones a required reboot
    • Updated Quarantine page so that items identified by Real-Time Protection will no longer show zeros for the Scan ID


    • If an endpoint was powered down ungracefully (i.e., power outage) while a scan was running, a configuration file could become corrupted
    • % CPU spike if an endpoint administrative user forcefully kills the Malwarebytes tray process when the Self-Protection Module is enabled
    • Customers migrating from legacy Malwarebytes products (including Malwarebytes Anti-Malware v, Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit v, and Malwarebytes Management Console v) will require 2 reboots in a row to complete the installation
    • Some customers who have already migrated from legacy Malwarebytes products were stuck in a reboot loop during the last cloud update due to legacy products leaving behind orphaned registry keys
    • Running Sysprep with the Malwarebytes Endpoint Protection agent installed fails. The workaround is to stop the Endpoint Protection agent tray process before launching Sysprep
    • Detections that are found, but not quarantined, are not being counted in the Detection History tile on the Dashboard page—however the Number of Detections chart on the Dashboard page is counting them correctly
    • Exploit Protection doesn't start on Windows XP

    Known Issues

    • When attempting to scan a shortcut file, the scan is not following the shortcut to the root file. Users can work around this by scanning the actual file(s) rather than the file’s shortcut

    New Features

    • Added new data fields in the Detection Details dialog window: Administrators now can see the affected applications from Real-Time Protection events and an MD5 hash from Exploit Protection events. By adding the Process Name for Website Protection events, administrators can now see and better understand the exact process which was trying to access the malicious site
    • Added new on-demand reports for Asset, Event, and Task summaries: Administrators can request a CSV format export of endpoint asset details, events, and tasks for the previous 24 hours, 7 days, or 30 days. Click on the Reports tab in the cloud console, then click the “Generate Now” link for the desired report. The request is placed into a queue for processing. When the report is ready, an email with a link is sent to the requestor’s email address allowing them to download the desired report
    • Added new Websites Blocked tile in the cloud console dashboard: This provides administrators with visibility and a running tally of the malicious websites and IP addresses that were blocked during the past 24 hours. Simply log into the cloud console where you can view the Websites Blocked tile on the main Dashboard page


    • Updates for the Malwarebytes Endpoint Protection engine will be automatically metered by Malwarebytes to prevent overloading customer networks
    • Updated the title bar of Endpoints detail page to display the selected endpoint’s name
    • Added deep link to view Scan Reports in the Event Details dialog window for Threat Found and Threat Cleaned event types


    • Under certain conditions for some customers, the endpoint agent service would fail to start in a timely manner leaving the endpoint agent in a stopped state
    • The Malwarebytes Discovery & Deployment Tool would display an error if the download server couldn’t be reached
    • Tasks now show the correct quantity when filtered by Status
    • Using browser navigation from many pages required clicking the browser’s back button twice to navigate back
    • When installing the new Malwarebytes product, endpoints were stuck in a reboot loop when removing the legacy Malwarebytes Anti-Malware product

    Known Issues

    • Customers migrating from legacy Malwarebytes products (including Malwarebytes Anti-Malware v, Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit v, and Malwarebytes Management Console v) will require 2 reboots in a row to complete the installation
    • Running Sysprep with the Malwarebytes Endpoint Protection agent installed fails. The workaround is to stop the Endpoint Protection agent tray process before launching Sysprep
    • Detections that are found, but not quarantined, are not being counted in the Detection History tile on the Dashboard page—however the Number of Detections chart on the Dashboard page is counting them correctly

    New Features

    • Added exclusion support for Exploit Protection in Malwarebytes Endpoint Protection: This enables administrators to enter the MD5 hash of a file they’d like excluded from protection. Click on the Settings tab in the cloud console, choose Exclusions, select New, then scroll down and click the circle for “Exclude a file from Exploit Protection (Windows)” and type in the desired MD5 hash.
    • Added new on-demand reports for Quarantine and Endpoint summaries: Administrators can request a CSV format export of quarantined items and endpoint records for the previous 24 hours, 7 days, or 30 days. Click on the Reports tab in the cloud console, then click the “Generate Now” link for the desired report. The request is placed into a queue for processing. When the report is ready, an email with a link is sent to the requestor’s email address allowing them to download the desired report.
    • Added support for nested Groups: This provides administrators the flexibility to create an organizational structure in the cloud console that reflects their real-world environment (e.g., different businesses, business units, departments, locations). Click on the Settings tab in the cloud console, choose Groups, then click on the Add button. Type in the new Group Name, select the security policy for this group, and select the box to nest this group within an existing group.
    • Added a scan progress dialogue window for Malwarebytes Endpoint Protection: When a user initiates a Threat Scan, they will see the details of all scan phases, files being scanned, number of items being scanned, elapsed time, and threats identified on their endpoint. They also have the option to cancel their Threat Scan in this dialog window


    • Display selected Detection Details and Quarantine Details in their own modal dialog window
    • Added new detection data fields within Detection Details (where applicable) for the group name the endpoint belongs to, IP address, and port number
    • Enhanced cloud console Endpoint page by converting the list of Group names to a simple drop-down selector with filter capabilities
    • Updated Malwarebytes Discovery and Deployment Tool to warn if disk space is unavailable for installation on remote endpoint (To be released on 12/20 at PM PST)
    • Updated Malwarebytes Discovery and Deployment Tool to display an error if download server cannot be reached (To be released on 12/20 at PM PST)
    • Reduced Endpoint Agent error logging to only log unrecoverable errors


    • macOS tray icon tool tip doesn’t reflect policy setting
    • Inconsistent verbiage when no threats or infections are found in the console
    • Renamed “NebulaAgent” to “EndpointAgent” in macOS logs to maintain convention
    • Incorrectly formed exclusions prevent subsequent exclusions from being applied
    • Endpoint Agent Tray exceptions when switching between user accounts while an active scan is running
    • User-initiated scan UI Time Elapsed field resets when logging into a different user account
    • Visio uninstall string causes installed software list to not populate correctly
    • Malwarebytes Discovery & Deployment Tool would show a failure even if the agent was successfully installed
    • macOS handling of GMT (+) time
    • Web Protection will prevent web traffic for some customers who connected to a VPN. If you experience issues, please contact Malwarebytes Customer Success team with your VPN details for assistance
    • If an exclusion was entered incorrectly, the Endpoint Agent would ignore any subsequent exclusions

    Known Issues

    • We are not currently listing the MD5 hash for processes that Exploit Protection detects. In order to add an Exploit Protection exclusion, administrators must calculate their own MD5 hashes.

    New Features

    • Created new “Detections” page in the cloud console — combining the previous “Threats” and “Real-Time Protection” pages
    • Added on-demand reporting — beginning with Detection Summary reports — that are generated in CSV format (additional reports coming soon)


    • Completedmultiple improvements to the cloud console user interface
    • Enhanced the cloud console “Dashboard” page to include Real-Time Protection data
    • Added additional information to detection details (with more to come in the future)
    • Extended the download timeout period up to 30 minutes for software installations to assist with slow network connections
    • Updated the end-user license agreement


    • Addressed an issue discovered when moving large numbers of endpointsbetween groups
    • Localized the Timestamp on the Quarantine page
    • Unicode characters are now processed correctly in scan result data

    Known Issues

    • Web Protection will prevent web traffic for some customers who are connected to a VPN. For most customers, simply adding the VPN domain as an exception in the Malwarebytes cloud console resolves the issue. We are working on a resolution

    New Features

    • Added option for end users to run Threat Scans on Windows and macOS endpoints
    • Added option to display real-time protection notifications (Malwarebytes Endpoint Protection, Windows only)


    • Enhanced the console user interface (UI), reflecting direct user feedback — the first of two major updates for the UI
    • Added an audit event which appears on Event page to indicate when an end user postpones a required reboot
    • Enhanced the optional required reboot alerts to display upon threat removals, installations, updates, and uninstalls
    • Delivered ongoing platform performance and stability improvements
    • URLs now contain parameters so that you can share your working view with other console users
    • Incident Response updates will now be metered to prevent overloading a customer’s network
    • Running the installer on a system which already has the agent installed will no longer uninstall the agent

    Known Issues

    • Web protection will prevent web traffic for some customers who are connected to a VPN. For most customers, simply adding the VPN domain as an exception in the Malwarebytes cloud console resolves the issue. We are working on a resolution

    New Features

    • Added support for Mac endpoints in Discovery & Deployment Tool, enabling administrators to deploy, install and uninstall Malwarebytes Incident Response on Apple computers running macOS
    • Added policy option to display Malwarebytes tray icon on Windows and Mac endpoints (enabled by default) providing end-users with visibility of scan status when hovering over the Malwarebytes icon
    • Added policy option to alert users of required reboots for threat remediation with configurable display message in the associated policy and permits them to restart immediately or postpone viauser-selectable reminders


    • Added proxy support in Discovery & Deployment Tool, allowing the tool to propagate proxy settings to endpoints when the “Use Proxy” checkbox is selected


    New Features

    • Added Malwarebytes unmanaged (standalone) client for Malwarebytes Endpoint Protection customers, agreat option for smaller businesses that don't require central management or prefer to manage each endpoint manually
    • Added option to delay Real-Time Protection when Malwarebytes Endpoint Protection starts on an endpoint, helping eliminate potential conflicts with other applications or services
    • Added Self-Protection Module, controlling whether or not Malwarebytes Endpoint Protection creates a safe zone to prevent malicious manipulation of the program and its components
    • Added Self-Protection Module Early Start option, starting the Self-Protection Module earlier in the computer’s boot process—essentially changing the order of services and drivers associated with startup
    • Added Protection Updatessetting, defining how often Malwarebytes Endpoint Protection checks for protection updates—default setting checks for updates every 1 hour


    • Added ability to change scan impact priority, with “Low Priority” providing better multi-tasking response and “High Priority” enabling faster scan times (but may affect other application performance)
    • Added Quarantine tab notifications that appear when administrators Delete or Restore threats
    • Added new “Check for Protection Updates” action, enabling administrators to select endpoints and perform on-demand checks for the latest Malwarebytes updates
    • Added functionality so pressing the enter key has same effect as clicking the “OK” button within the cloud management console


    • Updated URL links in the new user verification email, pointing trial users and active subscription holders to the correct support webpages

    New Features

    • Added the option to manage Malwarebytes Anti-Ransomware endpoint agent from the Endpoint Security Management Console, including: 
      • Install & uninstall Anti-Ransomware from the Management Console 
      • Visualize ransomware detections on many areas of console, email alerts, and syslog 
      • Add and remove Anti-Ransomware Exclusions to/from Policies 
      • Restore Anti-Ransomware quarantine items 
    • Added unmanaged Breach Remediation, Mac Real-time protection, and Android clients 


    • Changed Sccomm logs for Adhelper to debug mode only

    Stability/Issues Fixed

    • Fixed: Sccomm service does not start on some clients running Windows 10
    • Fixed:  Issue creating temporary file when updating Policies in the Management Console 
    • Fixed: Issue with server memory spike in certain cases during login on Management Server upgraded from  
    • Fixed issue with Client tab and Home dashboard showing different number of online clients


    • Improved logic to show endpoints offline after missed check-ins in large environments


    • Addressed an issue where certain endpoints may fail to check-in due to duplicate key value
    • Fixed an issue where server was not receiving database updates depending on the update frequency set
    • Addressed an issue where certain Active Directory accounts could not log-in after upgrading

    New Features

    • Improved the scalability and stability of the management console when operating in larger environments
    • Added logic to optimize automatic check-in interval based on number of endpoints
    • Added the ability for Anti-Malware updates to be obtained via UNC path as primary location
    • Improved Anti-Exploit email alerts to include additional data from Anti-Exploit security log
    • Added the ability to configure email notification throttling settings
    • Added the ability to set console inactivity timer
    • Added the ability to force updated server contact information if the IP/hostname of the management server has changed
    • Added support for Windows Server for management server and managed clients


    • Addressed an issue where duplicate client names may appear as “Unregistered”
    • Addressed an issue where Active Directory synchronization may not function
    • Addressed an issue where Active Directory child OUs may fail to sync
    • Addressed an issue where some user accounts imported from Active Directory could not authenticate
    • Addressed an issue where domain query account could not be added
    • Fixed an issue where client status legend failed to display values greater than
    • Fixed an issue where client installer could be blocked by some third-party antivirus installers
    • Fixed an issue where email notifications may fail to work during evaluations

    Updated Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit for Business to version

    • Hardened and more secure API hooking framework
    • Added self-protection mechanisms
    • Added sandbox technique for Silverlight
    • Added Layer3 techniques against Macro exploits
    • Added Layer3 techniques against social engineering exploits
    • Added Java advanced configuration options for companies
    • Added dynamic configuration feature to manage conflicts
    • Added support for MS Play Ready
    • Changed balloon notification to off by default
    • Remove Run entry during uninstallation
    • Fixed conflict with Symantec DLP
    • Fixed conflict with Chinese banking software
    • Fixed conflict with Office TabLoader
    • Fixed conflict with Kobil mIdentity software
    • Fixed false positive with Adobe and .NET modules
    • Fixed issue when adding invalid custom shield

    New Features

    • Updated Malwarebytes Management Console to version
    • License subscription expiration date is now displayed
    • Local and global managed seat counts are now displayed
    • Implemented additional licensing improvements to clarify usage
    • Improved syslog compatibility by adding CEF data format support
    • Added the ability to export Client View and Threat View grid data to a CSV file
    • Added the ability to perform SQL database cleanup on-demand
    • Added percentage indicator to show SQL Express database disk usage
    • Added the ability to copy policy settings to a new policy
    • Added remote console support for Windows 10
    • Added under-the-hood logging improvements for better supportability


    • Fixed issue where client installer could be blocked by some third-party antivirus installers
    • Fixed issue where Data Backup and Restoration utility may not launch properly

    Updated Malwarebytes Anti-Malware for Business to version

    • Improved update handling by requiring SSL for downloads

    Updated Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit for Business to version

    • Added Layer0 Dynamic Anti-HeapSpraying mitigation
    • Added Layer0 Anti-Exploit fingerprinting mitigation
    • Added Layer0 fine-tuned VBScript mitigation for IE
    • Added Layer1 ROP-RET gadget detection mitigation
    • Added Layer3 Application Behavior rules
    • Added protection for Microsoft Edge
    • Added protection for LibreOffice
    • Added failover upgrade mechanism
    • Added auto-recovery for Anti-Exploit service
    • Fixed conflict with third-party products that use the same hooks
    • Fixed conflict with Office family profile
    • Fixed conflict with banking software plugin for browsers
    • Fixed conflict with Citrix when opening IE
    • Fixed conflict with components from Asus and Huawei
    • Fixed conflict with Kaspersky 16
    • Fixed conflict with Comodo
    • Fixed conflict with Imprivata OneSign
    • Fixed issue when custom shields were not kept after upgrade
    • Fixed issue with exclusions sometimes not applied to PDF profile
    • Fixed issue with Layer3 Application Behavior
    • Fixed issue with missing balloon notifications
    • Fixed false positive with Adobe Acrobat
    • Fixed false positive with certain .NET modules under IE
    • Fixed PhantomPDF crash when converting to doc

    New Features

    • Added the ability to send security events to Syslog server (in JSON format)
    • Added advanced configuration options for Anti-Exploit
    • Added support for SQL Server and


    • Fixed an issue where upgrades could fail if a password contained certain special-character patterns

    Updated Malwarebytes Anti-Malware for Business to version

    • Added substantial improvements to core detection and removal technology
    • Added support for Windows 10 (32/bit)
    • Added support for Windows Server (bit), Windows Server / R2 (32/bit), Windows Server / R2 operating system (Server Core excluded)
    • Enhanced safeguards to prevent false positives on legitimate files
    • Modified incremental database update process to allow 50 incremental updates before requiring a full database update
    • Fixed issue which caused managed clients to not download incremental updates via Internet
    • Fixed issue which caused BSOD when scanning a drive encrypted with BitLocker
    • Fixed various issues that could result in crashes or system hangs

    Updated Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit for Business to version

    • Added new Layer0 exploit mitigations for IE VB scripting
    • Added new Layer1 exploit mitigations for ROP detection
    • Added new Layer1 exploit mitigations for IE VB scripting
    • Added new Layer3 exploit mitigations for Powershell abuse
    • Added ability to automatically update software (applies to version and future releases)
    • Added telemetry from Firefox & Chrome
    • Added ability to edit custom shields
    • Added ability to log protection events to UI
    • Added ability to auto-upgrade corporate builds
    • Added support for Windows 10 (32/bit)
    • Improved Java shield in corporate environments
    • Improved exploit telemetry
    • Removed "shielded applications" counter from UI
    • Removed duplicate default shields for portable browsers
    • Fixed issue when printing to Adobe PDF
    • Fixed issue with Speedbit Download Accelerator
    • Fixed issue with plugins from PowerDVD and GAS Tecnologia
    • Fixed issue with certain exclusions not respected
    • Fixed issue with Knowledge Coach Office Add-In
    • Fixed issue with false positive from IE
    • Fixed issue with Foxit Reader startup
    • Fixed issue with Excel PowerQuery
    • Fixed issue with Excel DEP Enforcement
    • Fixed issue with nProtect GameGuard Anti-Cheat
    • Fixed issue with IE VB scripting block
    • Fixed issue with Chrome crashes
    • Fixed issue with Arcom Masterworks

    / March 9,

    New Features

    • Added the ability to send email notifications for malware and exploit detections
    • Added the ability to send email notifications if signatures on the management server are outdated
    • Added the ability to send email notifications if the SQL Express database is nearing capacity
    • Added support for Microsoft Server R2
    • Updated Anti-Exploit managed client to version , incorporating several new detection features and bug fixes (requires Anti-Exploit license)
    • Added ability to manage (add/delete) Anti-Exploit custom shields (requires Anti-Exploit license)
    • Added the ability to restrict administrative access to specific groups


    • Fixed issue that prevented Active Directory users from logging into the console after upgrade.
    • Fixed issue that prevented Active Directory users from logging into the console using DNS name.
    • Fixed issue to prevent SQL Express from installing if an external database is selected.
    • Fixed issue that prevented the Management Console reports from printing correctly.
    • Fixed error caused by syncing a domain user account that does not have a user principal name.
    • Fixed error caused by importing a user account that already belongs to an imported domain user group.
    • Set the page size to default in the client view to optimize performance during login.

    / October 20,

    New Features

    • Added version of Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit for Business
      • Added various new layer 1 and layer 2 detection techniques
      • Improved various aspects of installation and automatic upgrades
      • Improved threat information telemetry
      • Improved shields to prevent slowdowns and FPs in desktop-based applications
      • Fixed FP with Excel addon
      • Fixed bug executing Desktop shortcut after install
      • Updated hooking framework


    • Added capability to perform a day trial of Malwarebytes Business Products
    • Updated default policy for Malwarebytes Anti-Malware to enable the protection module
    • Fixed a bug that prevented organizational units (OU) from being imported to the management console using Active Directory
    • Fixed a bug that applied incorrect policy settings to the Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit endpoint after install
    • Fixed a bug that prevented the management console from filtering log events that contain the operation value of "none"

    / June 12,

    New Features

    • Integrated new Anti-Exploit for Business technology.
    • Added ability to independently deploy Anti-Malware for Business and Anti-Exploit for Business applications to endpoints on the network.
    • Added ability to export custom Anti-Exploit for Business installation packages for use with 3rd party deployment tools.
    • Added ability to detect the number of Anti-Exploit for Business installations across the network.
    • Added new Anti-exploit for Business Reports.
    • Added new Anti-exploit for Business policy settings.
    • Added new application protection status icons in the client pane.
    • Removed the default "Admin" password on new installations, signing on the management console for the first time will require the administrator to set a new password.
    • Updated end user license agreement.

    Malwarebytes Breach Remediation

    Источник: []
    , Malwarebytes [08 May 2017] serial key or number

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    Microsoft Defender

    Microsoft Defender (known as Windows Defender before Windows 10 May Update or Windows Defender Antivirus in Windows 10 Creators Update and later) is an anti-malware component of Microsoft Windows.[3] It was first released as a downloadable free anti-spyware program for Windows XP, and was later shipped with Windows Vista and Windows 7. It has evolved into a full antivirus program, replacing Microsoft Security Essentials as part of Windows 8 and later versions.[3]

    Basic features[edit]

    Before Windows 8, Windows Defender only protected users against spyware.[4] It includes a number of real-time security agents that monitor several common areas of Windows for changes which might have been caused by spyware. It also has the ability to remove installed ActiveX software.[5] Windows Defender featured an integrated support for Microsoft SpyNet that allows users to report to Microsoft what they consider to be spyware, and what applications and device drivers they allow to be installed on their systems. Protection against viruses was subsequently added in Windows 8; which resembles Microsoft Security Essentials (MSE). It also uses the same anti-malware engine and virus definitions from MSE.

    In Windows 10, Windows Defender settings are controlled in the Windows Defender Security Center. In the Windows 10 Anniversary Update, a new logo is introduced and a pop-up notification will appear to announce the results of a scan, even if no viruses are found.[6]



    Microsoft AntiSpyware Beta 1 (Version ) running on Windows XP

    Windows Defender was initially based on GIANT AntiSpyware, formerly developed by GIANT Company Software, Inc. The company's acquisition was announced by Microsoft on December 16, [7][8] While the original GIANT AntiSpyware officially supported older Windows versions, support for the Windows 9x line of operating systems was later dropped by Microsoft.

    The first beta release of Microsoft AntiSpyware from January 6, was a repackaged version of GIANT AntiSpyware[7] There were more builds released in , with the last Beta 1 refresh released on November 21,

    At the RSA Security conference, Bill Gates, the Chief Software Architect and co-founder of Microsoft, announced that Windows Defender (formerly Microsoft AntiSpyware prior to November 4, ) would be made available free-of-charge to users with validly licensed Windows , Windows XP, and Windows Server operating systems to secure their systems against the increasing malware threat.[9]

    Windows Defender (Beta 2) was released on February 13, It featured the program's new name and a redesigned user interface. The core engine was rewritten in C++, unlike the original GIANT-developed AntiSpyware, which was written in Visual Basic.[10] This improved the application's performance. Also, since beta 2, the program works as a Windows service, unlike earlier releases, which enables the application to protect the system even when a user is not logged on. Beta 2 also requires Windows Genuine Advantage (WGA) validation. However, Windows Defender (Beta 2) did not contain some of the tools found in Microsoft AntiSpyware (Beta 1). Microsoft removed the System Inoculation, Secure Shredder and System Explorer tools found in MSAS (Beta 1) as well as the Tracks Eraser tool, which allowed users to easily delete many different types of temporary files related to Internet Explorer 6, including HTTP cookies, web cache, and Windows Media Player playback history.[7] German and Japanese versions of Windows Defender (Beta 2) were later released by Microsoft.[11][12]

    General availability[edit]

    On October 24, , Microsoft released Windows Defender. It supports Windows XP and Windows Server ; however, unlike the betas, it does not run on Windows [13]

    Conversion to antivirus[edit]

    Windows Defender was released with Windows Vista and Windows 7, serving as their built-in anti-spyware component. In Windows Vista and Windows 7, Windows Defender was superseded by Microsoft Security Essentials, an antivirus product from Microsoft which provided protection against a wider range of malware. Upon installation, Microsoft Security Essentials disabled and replaced Windows Defender.[14][15][16] In Windows 8, Microsoft upgraded Windows Defender into an antivirus program very similar to Microsoft Security Essentials for Windows 7[17] and using the same virus definition updates. MSE itself does not run on Windows versions beyond 7. In Windows 8 and Windows 10, Windows Defender is on by default. It switches itself off upon installation of a third-party anti-virus package.[18]

    Starting with Windows 10, Microsoft began to transfer the control of Windows Defender out of its native client. Initially, its "Settings" dialog box was replaced by a dedicated page in the Settings app. In Windows 10 Creators Update, Windows Defender is renamed Windows Defender Antivirus to distinguish it from Windows Defender Security Center. The latter has become the default avenue to interface with Windows Defender.[19] While there was no shortcut on the Start menu for Windows Defender's native client, it could still run.[20][21] It was later removed in the Windows 10 April Update and transferred to Windows Defender Security Center.

    Advanced features[edit]

    Windows Defender notification toast in Windows 8, reporting taking action to clean detected malware.

    Real-time protection[edit]

    In the Windows Defender options, the user can configure real-time protection options. Windows 10's Anniversary Update introduced Limited Periodic Scanning, which optionally allows Windows Defender to scan a system periodically if another antivirus app is installed.[6] It also introduced Block at First Sight, which uses machine learning to predict whether a file is malicious.[22]

    Browser integration[edit]

    Integration with Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge enables files to be scanned as they are downloaded to detect malicious software inadvertently downloaded. As of April , Windows Defender is also available for Google Chrome via an extension and works in conjunction with Google Safe Browsing.

    Application Guard[edit]

    A feature released in early , Windows Defender Application Guard is a feature exclusive to Microsoft Edge that allows you to sandbox your current browsing session from your system. This prevents a malicious website or malware from affecting your system and your browser. Application Guard is a feature only available on Windows 10 Pro & Windows 10 Enterprise.

    Windows Vista-specific functionality[edit]

    Windows Defender had additional functionality in Windows Vista which was removed in subsequent versions of Windows:[23]

    Security agents[edit]

    Security agents which monitor the computer for malicious activities:

    • Auto Start – Monitors lists of programs that are allowed to automatically run when the user starts the computer
    • System Configuration (settings) – Monitors security-related settings in Windows
    • Internet Explorer Add-ons – Monitors programs that automatically run when the user starts Internet Explorer
    • Internet Explorer Configurations (settings) – Monitors browser security settings
    • Internet Explorer Downloads – Monitors files and programs that are designed to work with Internet Explorer
    • Services and Drivers – Monitors services and drivers as they interact with Windows and programs
    • Application Execution – Monitors when programs start and any operations they perform while running
    • Application Registration – Monitors tools and files in the operating system where programs can register to run at any time
    • Windows Add-ons – Monitors add-on programs for Windows

    Software Explorer[edit]

    The Advanced Tools section allows users to discover potential vulnerabilities with a series of Software Explorers. They provide views of startup programs, currently running software, network connected applications, and Winsock providers (Winsock LSPs). In each Explorer, every element is rated as either "Known", "Unknown" or "Potentially Unwanted". The first and last categories carry a link to learn more about the particular item, and the second category invites users to submit the program to Microsoft SpyNet for analysis by community members.[24][25] The Software Explorer feature has been removed from Windows Defender in Windows 7.[26]

    Notification of startup programs that run as an administrator[edit]

    Windows Defender in Windows Vista automatically blocks all startup items that require administrator privileges to run (this is considered suspicious behavior for a startup item). This automatic blocking is related to the User Account Control functionality in Windows Vista, and requires users to manually run each of these startup items each time they log in if they desire the item to run at startup.[27]

    User interface[edit]

    In Windows Vista, it is possible to close the window and have the program run in the system tray while a scan is running. However, in Windows 7, this functionality was removed and the window must remain open while a scan is running.

    Windows Defender Offline[edit]

    Windows Defender Offline (formerly known as Standalone System Sweeper)[28] is a stand-alone anti-malware program that runs from bootable removable media (e.g. CD or USB flash drive) designed to scan infected systems while the Windows operating system is offline.[29] Since Windows 10 Anniversary Update in , the option to boot into Windows Defender Offline can be initiated from within Windows itself, negating the need for the separate boot disk.

    Mitigated security vulnerability[edit]

    On May 5, , Tavis Ormandy, a vulnerability researcher from Google, discovered a security vulnerability in the JavaScript analysis module (NScript) of Microsoft Antimalware Engine (MsMpEngine) that impacted Windows Defender, Microsoft Security Essentials and System Center Endpoint Protection. By May 8, , Microsoft had released a patch to all affected systems. Ars Technica commended Microsoft for its unprecedented patching speed and said that the disaster had been averted.[30][31]


    During a December test of various anti-malware software carried out by AV-TEST on Windows 10, Windows Defender earned 6 out of 6 points in detection rate of various malware samples, earning its "AV-TEST Certified" seal.[32]

    During a February "Real-World Protection Test" performed by AV-Comparatives, Windows Defender achieved a % detection rate of malicious URL samples, along with 3 false positive results.[33]

    An AV-TEST test of Windows Defender in October demonstrated it provides excellent protection both against viruses and 0-day / malware attacks.[34]

    See also[edit]


    1. ^"KB". Retrieved 16 December
    2. ^"Windows Defender". Download Center. Microsoft. 23 May Archived from the original on 29 April
    3. ^ ab"What is Windows Defender?". Computer Hope. Retrieved 31 December
    4. ^Shultz, Greg. "Windows Defender: Past, present, and future". Retrieved 13 June
    5. ^"How to Remove an Active-X Control in Windows". Microsoft. Retrieved 31 December
    6. ^ ab"What's new in Windows Defender for Windows 10 Anniversary Update". Retrieved 27 March
    7. ^ abcThurrot, Paul (6 October ). "Microsoft Windows Anti-Spyware Preview: Paul Thurott's SuperSite for Windows". SuperSite for Windows. Retrieved 26 November
    8. ^"Microsoft Acquires Anti-Spyware Leader GIANT Company". PressPass. Microsoft. 16 December Retrieved 11 November
    9. ^"Gates Highlights Progress on Security, Outlines Next Steps for Continued Innovation". PressPass. Microsoft Corporation. 15 February Retrieved 11 November
    10. ^Thurrott, Paul (14 February ). "Windows Defender Beta 2 Review: Paul Thurrott's SuperSite for Windows". SuperSite for Windows. Retrieved 26 November
    11. ^"Windows Defender: Startseite" (in German). Microsoft Corporation. Archived from the original on 30 January Retrieved 8 May
    12. ^"マイクロソフト セキュリティ At Home" (in Japanese). Microsoft Corporation. Archived from the original on 18 January Retrieved 8 May
    13. ^Thurrott, Paul (24 October ). "Finally, Microsoft Ships Windows Defender". Windows IT Pro. Retrieved 8 May
    14. ^Thurrott, Paul (18 June ). "Microsoft Security Essentials Public Beta". Paul Thurrott's SuperSite for Windows. Retrieved 8 May
    15. ^Hau, Kevin (23 June ). "Windows Defender and Microsoft Security Essentials". Microsoft Answers. Microsoft Corporation. Retrieved 8 May
    16. ^Marius, Marius Oiaga (30 August ). "Microsoft Security Essentials and Disable Windows Defender". Softpedia. SoftNews NET SRL. Retrieved 8 May
    17. ^Windows 8 Consumer Preview: Set Up Windows 8 with the Web Installer
    18. ^"Protect your PC". Support (12 ed.). Microsoft. 8 September Retrieved 14 December
    19. ^Lich, Brian (18 May ). "Windows Defender Antivirus in the Windows Defender Security Center app". Microsoft.
    20. ^Popa, Bogdan (24 August ). "Quick Tip: Use the Old Windows Defender in Windows 10 Creators Update". Softpedia. SoftNews.
    21. ^Williams, Wayne (24 August ). "How to get the classic Windows Defender back on Windows 10 Creators Update". BetaNews.
    22. ^"How to enable Windows 10's Block at First Sight protection in Windows Defender". Retrieved 27 March
    23. ^"Protect Your PC with New Security Features in Windows Vista". Microsoft. November Retrieved 12 April
    24. ^"Using Software Explorer in Windows Defender". Support. Microsoft. Archived from the original on 14 October Retrieved 26 April
    25. ^O'Reilly, Dennis (22 April ). "Software Explorer keeps unneeded apps from auto-starting". CNET. CBS Interactive. Retrieved 9 May
    26. ^Thurrott, Paul (6 October ). "Windows 7 Annoyances". Supersite for Windows. Penton. Retrieved 9 May
    27. ^"Error message when you start a Windows Vista-based computer: 'Windows has blocked some startup programs'". Support. Microsoft. 23 September Archived from the original on 7 April Retrieved 26 April
    28. ^Whitney, Lance. "Utility Spotlight: Repair Your PC Infection". Retrieved 16 April
    29. ^"Help protect my PC with Windows Defender Offline". Retrieved 16 April
    30. ^Anthony, Sebastian (9 May ). "Massive vulnerability in Windows Defender leaves most Windows PCs vulnerable". Ars Technica. Condé Nast.
    31. ^"Microsoft Security Advisory ". TechNet. Microsoft. 8 May
    32. ^"The best antivirus software for Windows Home User". AV-TEST. Retrieved 12 April
    33. ^"Real-World Protection Test"(PDF). AV-Comparatives. Retrieved 12 April
    34. ^"Test Microsoft Windows Defender for Windows 10 ()". Retrieved

    External links[edit]

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