Kaspersky serial key or number

Kaspersky serial key or number

Kaspersky serial key or number

Kaspersky serial key or number

Coming soon! hacker:HUNTER: Ha(ck)c1ne - Healthcare on the Edge | Official Teaser

Launching September 25th ||| While the world went into Lockdown, cybercriminals and black-hat hackers looked at the opportunities of the situation. Attacks on hospitals, health organizations and researchers went on a steep rise. This episode of hacker:HUNTER examines how healthcare was attacked during COVID - and how solidarity formed to fight back.

Transatlantic Cable podcast, episode

Transatlantic Cable podcast, episode

Transatlantic Cable podcast, episode

Dave and I kick off this episode of the Transatlantic Cable podcast with one of our favorite topics: Facebook.

In this tale, the Silicon Valley titan is locked in a battle with Ireland’s Data Protection Commission about sharing European data with US servers. Facebook has threatened to pull out of the region entirely. Let’s hope we have enough popcorn to watch this one play out.

From there, it’s a sad story out of Germany. Over the past week, we followed the story of a patient who died after having to be redirected from a hospital because it was hit with ransomware.

From there, we take a few minutes to review the new documentary The Social Dilemma

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14 hours ago

Life of the Kaspersky Lab

Altai along the Argut, via the Karagem.

Altai along the Argut, via the Karagem.

Altai along the Argut, via the Karagem.

On today’s agenda on our ‘In for a Ruble, in for a Penny – Altai‘ expedition: further edging ever closer to the main course – white-water rafting. The final stretch of the drive, and then finally switching from 4×4 to 2×2 (trekking-booted feet). Then we got onto two ‘loaves of bread‘ to raft down the Argut.

These pics, in case you’re wondering, are of the ‘road’, not a path! Accordingly, since it’s so hairy and rubbly, at times we were let out to proceed on foot for a bit: the vehicles would have an easier – safer – time navigating it then…

We, of course, were only too happy to go al fresco: just look at these phenomenal vistas! ->

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14 hours ago

Kaspersky On The Road Again

Hello, friends!
We’d like to invite you to take part in our mini-quiz about Kaspersky Internet Security for Windows! You know that this top- rated product allows you not to worry about any malware! And this quiz helps you to find out more features in KIS!
Just 7 simple questions! You can download FREE trial version of KIS here: manicapital.com - and explore all answers directly in product!
And of course, First 10 participants who answer all questions correctly – will get 1-year activation code for Kaspersky Internet Security for 2 PC.


1 day ago

Quizzes (discussions and answers)

How PayPal users get scammed

How PayPal users get scammed

How PayPal users get scammed

You know how to use PayPal safely, but every day, scammers come up with new tricks to gain access to users’ accounts and empty their pockets digitally. Today we’re sharing some of fraudsters’ most popular schemes.

Advance payment fraud

It’s not unusual for online scammers to use so-called advance payment fraud, a classic Internet scam, to defraud PayPal users. Victims receive notifications that they are owed a certain amount of money — could be an inheritance, winning the lottery, or some other compensation.

The options are limitless, but whatever the story, the victim has to make a small advance payment (in this case, using PayPal), and maybe fill out a form

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2 days ago

Life of the Kaspersky Lab

A beautiful driving-day – on Altai’s R Highway.

A beautiful driving-day – on Altai’s R Highway.

A beautiful driving-day – on Altai’s R Highway.

The R Highway, aka – the Chuya Highway, aka – the Chuysky Trakt, really, truly, totally, is… an amazingly modern highway! So much so that it’s as if this road… is giving… the bird (pardon my Belgian) to any and all entrenched stereotypes held by folks living in Moscow and other ‘progressive’ Russian cities about the ‘provincial backwaters’ of Russia being backward, dirty, unkempt, and on the verge of collapse. Along the full length of the highway (apart from the stretches being repaired/resurfaced – but we’ll allow that:), there is: smooth asphalt; fresh, clean and clear signposting and road markings; sturdy modern crash barriers; and

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2 days ago

Kaspersky On The Road Again

Hello, friends!
We’d like to invite you to take part in our mini-quiz about Kaspersky Internet Security for Windows!
You know that this top- rated product allows you not to worry about any malware! And this quiz helps you to find out more features in KIS!
Just 7 simple questions!
You can download FREE trial version of KIS here: manicapital.com   - and explore all answers directly in product!
And of course, First 10 participants who answer all questions correctly – will get 1-year activation code for Kaspersky Internet Security for 2 PC.

Answer questions from Sep 23 until Oct 10
Correct answers we will publish within 5 days after quiz finishes in this Group: Quizzes

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2 days ago

Contests and quizzes

How to fight delayed phishing

How to fight delayed phishing

How to fight delayed phishing

Phishing has long been a major attack vector on corporate networks. It’s no surprise, then, that everyone and everything, from e-mail providers to mail gateways and even browsers, use antiphishing filters and malicious address scanners. Therefore, cybercriminals are constantly inventing new, and refining old, circumvention methods. One such method is delayed phishing.

What is delayed phishing?

Delayed phishing is an attempt to lure a victim to a malicious or fake site using a technique known as Post-Delivery Weaponized URL. As the name suggests, the technique essentially replaces online content with a malicious version after the delivery of an e-mail linking

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3 days ago

Life of the Kaspersky Lab

How identification, authentication, and authorization differ

How identification, authentication, and authorization differ

How identification, authentication, and authorization differ

It happens to every one of us every day. We are constantly identified, authenticated, and authorized by various systems. And yet, many people confuse the meanings of these words, often using the terms identification or authorization when, in fact, they are talking about authentication.

That’s no big deal as long as it is just an everyday conversation and both sides understand what they are talking about. It is always better to know the meaning of the words you use, though, and sooner or later, you will run into a geek who will drive you crazy with clarifications, whether it’s authorization versus authentication, fewer or less,

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4 days ago

Life of the Kaspersky Lab

The Martian landscapes of the Altai Mountains.

The Martian landscapes of the Altai Mountains.

The Martian landscapes of the Altai Mountains.

The main course of our Altai expedition was of course the rafting down the river Katun. However, the various hors d’oeuvres before it were rather special too. The rafting main dish came after a good long steady mosey from the northeast to near where the river starts out up in the mountains. The route: along the R highway up to the village Kosh Agach, and from there it wasn’t much further as we were already high up in the mountains.

Approaching the riverhead, we took one look at the super-high level of the water of the river Chuya and realized a spot of rafting upon its rapids was out of the question. Boo! We’d be missing the Behemoth

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4 days ago

Kaspersky On The Road Again

Transatlantic Cable podcast, episode

Transatlantic Cable podcast, episode

Transatlantic Cable podcast, episode

For the nd edition of the Transatlantic Cable podcast, Dave and Jeff take a break from the mike to welcome a special feature from our friends over at Tomorrow Unlocked. In this episode, Kaspersky security expert David Jacoby looks at the digitization of schooling for parents and educators during the COVID global pandemic.

Digitization is transforming all facets of society, not just work environments. The pandemic is driving digitization at an astonishing speed, showing that there is still a lot more to be done. The field of education is mainly reactive; other industries develop new disruptive technologies that existing educational cultures

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6 days ago

Life of the Kaspersky Lab

Home network monitoring with Kaspersky Security Cloud

Home network monitoring with Kaspersky Security Cloud

Home network monitoring with Kaspersky Security Cloud

Getting connected has never been so easy. In the not-so-distant past, you might’ve needed technical certification to get a home Wi-Fi network up and running, but that hasn’t been the case for quite a few years. These days, home networking is practically plug-and-play.

Note that we haven’t mentioned security anywhere yet. Of course, any reader of this blog knows that’s a trap. The challenge of home and external networking is to get connected reliably and safely.

When it comes to home networking, we really don’t recommend skipping the few steps needed to get and stay connected in a safe, secure way. That means changing the default

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7 days ago

Life of the Kaspersky Lab

Schrödinger’s kittens: How TikTok can help educate your kids

Schrödinger’s kittens: How TikTok can help educate your kids

Schrödinger’s kittens: How TikTok can help educate your kids

At first glance, TikTok, the fun and fresh social media platform doesn’t seem to offer much beyond addictive dance videos and risky challenges, but TikTok does host educational content as well, with more added every day. You just need to know how to find it.

The search for knowledge — on TikTok?

Social media feeds don’t come together randomly; they’re based on users’ interests. If you keep liking funny cat videos, more of them will appear in your recommendations. It’s that simple.

You can find more practical kinds of content on TikTok, however. For example, teachers from early childhood to higher education, scientists of all

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7 days ago

Life of the Kaspersky Lab

Transatlantic Cable podcast, episode

Transatlantic Cable podcast, episode

Transatlantic Cable podcast, episode

Episode of the Kaspersky podcast kicks off with something that should have been left in the past: Zoom-bombing. Turns out it’s still very much a nuisance and is now being used to attack schools and lessons.

From there, Dave and Jeff look at how “three middle-aged Dutch hackers” managed to break into Donald Trump’s Twitter account back in (credential stuffing and poor password management). They’ve since handed details over to the relevant US authorities. Moving on, the pair looks at how Portland, Oregon, is trying to take on facial recognition by banning its use in both private and public institutions. To wrap up, they look at an

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8 days ago

Life of the Kaspersky Lab

Dear Eugene,

Would you be so kind to add our website manicapital.com to the KSN please?

Best regards



8 days ago

Ask Eugene Kaspersky

Survey on industrial cybersecurity in

Survey on industrial cybersecurity in

Survey on industrial cybersecurity in

Every security officer views remote connections to corporate systems as a potential threat. For infosec experts at industrial enterprises, and especially at critical infrastructure facilities, the threat feels very real.
Every security officer views remote connections to corporate systems as a potential threat. For infosec experts at industrial enterprises, and especially at critical infrastructure facilities, the threat feels very real.

You can’t blame them for being cautious. Industrial enterprises, for which downtime can mean damage in the millions of dollars, are tempting targets for cybercriminals of all stripes. Ransomware operators are

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9 days ago

Life of the Kaspersky Lab

Altai Chulyshman -> Katu-Yarik -> Bashkaus.

Altai Chulyshman -> Katu-Yarik -> Bashkaus.

Altai Chulyshman -> Katu-Yarik -> Bashkaus.

In this post there’ll be a lot more photos than there are words. First up – photos of the route to Chulyshman ->

We got there in a small convoy of sturdy vehicles, supplied by the Altai-Guide tourist agency (which we helped with an expedition to Chukotka a while back; the stickers on the vehicles are those left over from then).

We turn into the Chulyshman valley…

The river was at low tide, but it was anything but calm ->

The views everywhere you look – oh my gracious!

The famed Chulyshman rapids:

Not that we’d be white-water rapid-riding here. This stretch is pro-level. Mere amateurs like us – who have a bit of a paddle once every

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9 days ago

Kaspersky On The Road Again

Zerologon vulnerability threatens domain controllers

Zerologon vulnerability threatens domain controllers

Zerologon vulnerability threatens domain controllers

On August’s Patch Tuesday, Microsoft closed several vulnerabilities, among them CVE The Netlogon protocol vulnerability was assigned a “critical” severity level (its CVSS score was the maximum, ). That it might pose a threat was never in doubt, but the other day, Secura researcher Tom Tervoort (who discovered it) published a detailed report explaining why the vulnerability, known as Zerologon, is so dangerous and how it can be used to hijack a domain controller.

What is Zerologon all about?

Essentially, CVE is a result of a flaw in the Netlogon Remote Protocol cryptographic authentication scheme. The protocol

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10 days ago

Life of the Kaspersky Lab

Ode to joy – on Lake Teletskoye.

Ode to joy – on Lake Teletskoye.

Ode to joy – on Lake Teletskoye.

Lake Teletskoye fills you with rapturous joy. Its vastness, its fiord-like vistas, and of course Altai’s mysterious… vibes. Bit more info re these mysterious vibes, btw: They’re not only magically calming-soothing and encourage you to go full-on meditative “we’re-all-one, there’s-only-now”; for some reason they also… keep you from sleeping! I reckon it must be that the part of the brain that’s responsible for all the deep and philosophically pensive activity simply doesn’t permit the rest of brain any room to maneuver: it kinda just hogs all the resources, much like a very old computer antivirus ).

The lake was calm and even-surfaced when we were there,

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10 days ago

Kaspersky On The Road Again

A modern take on the movie Hackers

A modern take on the movie Hackers

A modern take on the movie Hackers

Several common misconceptions hinder the widespread adoption of cybersecurity culture. One myth — hackers are really smart, so it’s pointless to fight them —was popularized in particular by the movie Hackers, released exactly a quarter of a century ago. The movie gave rise to a set of clichés still employed by the film industry.

Indeed, the movie’s misfit heroes and their adversary, Plague, an infosec expert at Ellingson Mineral, are portrayed as highly intelligent geeks able to find and exploit vulnerabilities in any information system.

For example, the main character is equally at ease breaking into a school database and a cable operator’s network

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11 days ago

Life of the Kaspersky Lab

Oh my, oh my: 24 days in Altai!

Oh my, oh my: 24 days in Altai!

Oh my, oh my: 24 days in Altai!

I think I’ve mentioned in passing recently – perhaps more than once – that I took my annual summer vacation this year in Altai. But it’s mid-September already – and still no Altai series of pics and tales? Eh? But don’t worry, it’s on its way – coming up soon. The thing is, there are soooo many photos this year, and so much video too that needs professional digital editing. Still, I am today able to at least give you my traditional taster, aka, starter course, aka aperitif, as a warm-up…

First, I can tell you – no, repeat to you, since I’ve been to Altai before, and even wrote a travelogue-book about the experience – that Altai is one of the most magically

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11 days ago

Kaspersky On The Road Again

Transatlantic Cable podcast, episode

Transatlantic Cable podcast, episode

Transatlantic Cable podcast, episode

We interrupt our regular Kaspersky Transatlantic Cable podcast programming for a look at a new documentary about the Kuril Islands.

The documentary, From Kurils with Love, is a new project from Kaspersky’s Tomorrow Unlocked that takes a look at the Kuril Islands. Check out the trailer here:

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, Kaspersky serial key or number

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