Intel LANdesk response for Windows serial key or number

Intel LANdesk response for Windows serial key or number

Intel LANdesk response for Windows serial key or number

Intel LANdesk response for Windows serial key or number

LANDesk System Manager 8.70 release notes

General System Manager issues

Popup blocker should be turned off
The first time you open the console, your browser may show a security alert related to blocking active content. You will need to allow the blocked content to be displayed. If you repeatedly see this warning, change your browser's Internet security settings to always allow blocked content. In Internet Explorer, click Tools | Internet Options | Advanced and check the box labeled Allow active content to run in files on My Computer.

LANDesk Inventory Service appears to not start after server is rebooted
On an installation that uses an MSDE database, a known issue with Microsoft SQL Server 2000 may create a situation in which it appears that the LANDesk Inventory Service does not start after the server is rebooted. During the boot process, multiple services are starting and in some cases the Server Manager service starts before the DBMS service has started. Because of this, Server Manager is temporarily unable to connect to the database server and so the Inventory Service generates a warning. However, Server Manager will retry establishing the connection, and when it does make the connection successfully it continues to run without further problems. If you see a warning after a reboot, the problem may be resolved after the service retries one or more times.

Perflib Collect Procedure generates an exception or invalid status when pushing agent to 2003
When pushing a full agent to a 2003 ASIC-enabled server, perflib generates several errors, all of which are registered in the application event log. These errors are not due to problems with LANDesk System Manager, and can happen at any time.

Core server displays incorrect product version number when System Manager runs for the first time
If you install version 8.70 of LANDesk Management Suite, Server Manager, or System Manager on a core server that previously had Server Manager version 8.5 installed, some registry entries from the 8.5 installation may not have been removed when it was uninstalled. If this is the case, when the core server is listed in My devices it may show 8.5 as the version number. This only occurs before you have deployed the version 8.70 agent to the core server. After the agent has been deployed, the correct version number will display. (The registry keys that were not removed during the 8.5 uninstall include HKLM\Software\LANDesk\ServerManager\InstalledPath, HKLM\Software\LANDesk\ServerManager\ProductDisplayVersion, and HKLM\Software\LANDesk\ServerManager\ProductName.)

WWWpublishing service must be running
If the WWWpublishing service is disabled, the core home page along with any other internal web pages will not load, although external pages will still load.

A reboot is required after pushing an agent to the core server
In some situations, you may want the core server to also be a managed server. Because there may be critical tasks running on the core at the time the agent is pushed, a reboot is not included as part of the process. You will need to manually reboot the core at a convenient time in order to start the agent services.

Monitoring dependencies
On Windows, some monitoring is dependant on performance libraries and databases provided by Microsoft and other third parties. The interface to these libraries is described in the registry database. If these libraries are missing, non-functional or if the registry database is corrupted our dependant monitoring functionality will be non-functional. This situation is described along with a fix in msdn article 300956.

Managing IPMI OOB devices
If you want to manage an IPMI OOB device, you must create an IPMI BMC-only agent configuration for the device, and install the configuration on the device. A BMC-only configuration does not install any agents on the device, but populates the database with the device's information, making it able to be managed. To create a BMC-only configuration, in the help click Device agent installation > Configuring agents. When you get to step 5, select IPMI BMC-only configuration. Follow the remainder of the instructions to create a task to install the configuration.

Intel® AMT configuration and troubleshooting

To configure Intel AMT device for use with LANDesk System Manager, do the following:

A. Configure LANDesk services:

  1. Install the Intel AMT Operating System drivers from the NIC driver package under "Platform."
  2. On the Core server open �LANDesk configuration Service� and navigate to �Intel AMT Configuration�.
  3. Enter the credentials information for user name and password. The user name is �admin�. Enter a strong password you will later manually configure for the Intel AMT device.
  4. If desired, enter a new user name and password into the �Provision with the new Intel AMT credentials� if you would like LANDesk System Manager to change the initial user name and password.
  5. If your Intel AMT device will use the "Enterprise" provisioning model, select "Provision in TLS mode"; otherwise, select "Provision in non-TLS mode."
  6. Select OK to exit the configuration utility.

B. Configure Intel AMT device

  1. Boot the Intel AMT system and enter the System BIOS.
  2. Navigate to the �system management� tab and change �Enter AMTBx setup� to �Enabled".
  3. Select F10 to save the configuration and exit.
  4. System will boot to the Intel AMT Setup page.
  5. Login using credentials (default password is �admin�).
  6. Select �6. Un-Provision� to reset the device to the default settings.
  7. Login with default password �admin�.
  8. Select �1. Change Password� and set a new strong password (same as entered in phase 1 step 2 in Configuration services).
  9. Select "3. TCP/IP" and modify the settings to fit your network requirements. Intel recommends choosing DHCP for both the Operating System and the Intel AMT device.
  10. Select �5. Provisioning Model� and set to �Enterprise� or "Small Business" as desired.
  11. Select �4. Provisioning Server� and enter the IP address of the LANDesk System Manager core server.
  12. Enter port number 9982.
  13. Select �9. Exit� to save and exit.

C. Push agent configuration.

  1. From the core server, Launch LANDesk System Manager.
  2. Navigate to device discover and edit your discovery to ensure �Discover Intel AMT 1.0 Devices� is selected.
  3. Save and run the discovery. (Note: Intel AMT devices will not always be discovered as �AMT� enabled until an agent is pushed.
  4. Once the discovery is complete, target and push an agent configuration to the Intel AMT device similar to any other device.


If you have already pushed the LANDesk agents to the Intel AMT system before you correctly configured the Intel AMT parameters, you should do the following:

  1. Uninstall the monitoring agents from the Intel AMT device (for Windows, you should use the command \\core_admin_server_name\ldmain\uninstallwinclient.exe
  2. Follow the steps in steps A and B.

For more information please see the LSM users guide

Intel AMT 2.0 functionality
At the time this product was released, Intel* AMT 2.0 hardware and firmware was not released in its final form. While we have documented this functionality as accurately as possible, there may be differences in the final version of Intel AMT 2.0 that can affect your use of this product with Intel AMT hardware. We recommend that you check for software updates and updated support information before you begin managing Intel AMT 2.0 devices.

Web console won't work if Microsoft's .NET Framework 2.0 is installed before .NET Framework 1.1
If the .NET Framework 2.0 is installed before .NET 1.1 on your Web console server, the Web console won't work. It can also get into this same state if IIS is uninstalled, reinstalled, and then .NET Framework 2.0 is installed. Since ASP.NET 2.0 becomes the default for the 'Default Web Site', the LDMS/LDSM virtual directories get created and versioned as ASP.NET 2.0. The characteristics of this behavior is when the Web consoles launches, either it can't get pass the license check action (just hangs with error) or it displays a permission issue error. Below are different ways of fixing the situation:

  • To fix before the install, change the ASP.NET version of the Default Web Site to 1.1.
  • To fix after the install, change the ASP.NET version of the Default Web Site to 1.1. Validate that the other virtual directories were changed to use version 1.1. If LANDesk Process Manager Server is installed or if any other .NET 2.0 applications are on the server, the remaining virtual directories should remain at ASP.NET 2.0.
  • To fix after the install, uninstall ASP.NET 2.0. If Process Manager Server or any other .NET 2.0 applications are installed, you must reinstall ASP.NET 2.0 and manually change their virtual directories back to 2.0.

Pushing Agents on Dual-Core Intel� Xeon� processor-based systems

When LANDesk System Manager discovers a Dual-Core Intel� Xeon� processor-based system, it will show two devices: the Operating System and IPMI (BMC) devices. Do not add the IPMI device to My Devices. If it is already present in My Devices, remove the IPMI device before pushing agents.

Placing the device with the IP address of the Operating System in My Devices folder will correctly configure both in-band and out-of-band management when the agents are pushed to it.

Intel® Server Board S3000AH BIOS Event Log is not displayed correctly in Intel Remote System Console

The BIOS Event log in the Intel Remote System Console for this server board will not be displayed correctly. To view the correct BIOS Event Log, use the BIOS Event tab in the System BIOS Setup.

Setup, installation, and upgrade

Upgrading Intel� System Management Software from v1.0 to v1.5

Existing installations of Intel� System Management Software version 1.0 can upgrade to version 1.5 using the following steps:

  1. On the server with the current version 1.0 Administrator core software, insert CD1 of Intel� System Management Software v1.5 and select the option to install LANDesk System Manager.
  2. A screen will be displayed to confirm that an update is ready. Click OK to confirm and continue
  3. You do not need to uninstall version 1.0 prior to installing version 1.5. The SQL database will remain intact. Most of the previous settings defined in LANDesk Configure Services are retained, however the settings for Scheduler Credentials need to be confirmed and reapplied as needed
  4. The new core must be activated in the same fashion as the original installation. It will be automatically activated if the server is on the internet. Otherwise, follow the instructions in the LANDesk System Manager Installation and Deployment Guide to activate the upgraded installation.
  5. Once the Administrator core is functional, push or pull the previously created management agents to the servers in the My Devices list. By pushing or pulling the same agent configuration as defined in version 1.0, the software updates from version 1.5 will be installed on each managed node and no configuration settings will be lost. Using the same agent configuration keeps the same rulesets and setup for the managed nodes and reduces the need to configure the new agent packages.

Upgrading Intel� Active System Console (local installation)

  1. Insert CD2 of Intel® System Management Software and select the option to install Intel� Active System Console.
  2. A screen will be displayed to confirm that an upgrade is ready. Click OK to confirm and continue. No reboot is required at the completion of the upgrade.

Do not enable Windows 2003 R2 Hardware Management
When installing on Microsoft Windows 2003 R2, do not enable Hardware Management found under Add/Remove Programs | Windows Components | Management and Monitoring Tools. This component will cause a driver conflict with the Intel IPMI driver. For further information, see the Intel Server Management Software Application Note "Resolving IPMI Driver Conflicts in Windows Server 2003 R2" located in the Utilities folder on CD 2 (look for App_Note_Windows_2003_R2_IPMI_Driver.pdf).

Setup: If you cancel setup, the Windows users and groups setup may have created could be left behind
When setup is interrupted and does a rollback, it won't remove any Windows users and groups that it created. You can delete these manually.

Setup: Setup reports error 1317 during install
If you see this error, setup needs more disk space. Free more space, even if you have more space than setup said it needed for the components you selected.

Installation: The core server name must only use ASCII characters
Core server activation and some portions of Server Manager won't work correctly if your core server name includes non-ASCII or double-byte characters.

Installation: Windows Journal Viewer creates installation problems
In the unlikely event you have the Windows Journal Viewer on your core machine at the time of installation, the installation may fail. The viewer may be included in Microsoft updates, and may be installed by the update, thwarting subsequent installations. To uninstall it, click Start | Control Panel | Add or Remove Programs | Windows Journal Viewer.

Uninstallation: Removing LANDesk software from managed servers (i.e. non-core servers)
To remove all LANDesk agents from a managed server, run UninstallWinClient.exe (found in the \\LDMAIN share on the core server). This application should be run as follows:

"UninstallWinClient.exe /NOREBOOT"

The /NOREBOOT parameter ensures that no messages will appear on the remote server indicating that a reboot is required, nor will it be rebooted automatically. A few files and settings will remain until you reboot the server at your next scheduled down time.

System Manager 6.x Administrator console must be uninstalled manually
If you are upgrading from System Manager 6.x to Server Manager, you must uninstall LSM 6.x manually through the Windows Control Panel | Add or Remove Programs.

Additional reboot may be required after upgrade is complete
After you run an upgrade to Server Manager version 8.70, it may be necessary to restart the core server again due to timing issues with various services. After the upgrade, which includes a reboot, check to see that all services are running. If any services have not restarted you can resolve the issue by rebooting the server again.

Client push from System Manager 8.6.1 core does not remove previous OEM client
When pushing an 8.6.1 client to a device on which an OEM version of a previous LSM client has been installed, manually uninstall the OEM version.

Driver signing should be set to ignore
Unsigned drivers, such as the Intel EM64T version of the "Intel(R) SMBus 2.0 Driver", can cause failure when pushing an agent configuration to a Windows 2003 server if the unsigned driver installation policy is set to "Do not allow installation" or "Warn but allow installation". This problem may also happen during a configuration push when no user is logged on to the machine's console. This problem exists on both the 32-bit and Intel EM64T editions of Windows.

On Windows 2003 and Windows XP, from the server you want to configure, select Start | Control Panel | System. From the System Properties screen, select Hardware | Driver Signing. Click Ignore to ignore any unsigned driver messages.

You can use one of the methods below to work around this problem:

  • From the server you want to configure, run ServerConfig.exe and then click Yes when asked whether or not to install the unsigned driver.
  • From the server you want to configure, select Start | Control Panel | System. From the System Properties screen, select Hardware | Driver Signing. Click Ignore to ignore any unsigned driver messages.
  • Temporarily change the unsigned driver installation policy to "Silently Succeed", push a configuration to the server, and then restore the original policy setting. The policy can be accessed by running gpedit.msc, then choosing Computer Configuration | Windows Settings | Security Settings | Local Policies | Security Options. The policy is called Devices: unsigned driver installation behavior.

Restoring the core server in the event of hardware failure
In the event of core server hardware failure, there are two options for recovery:

A) If a backup of the original installation is available,

  1. Use the backup data to restore the installation to the new core server.

    If no IPMI-enabled devices have been added since the backup was made, the core server can now manage all previously managed devices.

    If IPMI-enabled devices have been added since the backup was made, you will need to reconfigure them in order to enable out-of-band management functionality:

  2. Follow the IPMI configuration instructions in online help to set the BMC password on the core server.
  3. Run Program Files\LANDesk\ldclient\bmcconfig.exe CORE=nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn where nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn is the IP address of the core server. This will repopulate the IPMI out-of-band credentials table and set the BMC password.

B) If a backup of the original installation is not available,

  1. Follow the instructions in the Installation and deployment guide (lsmdeploy.pdf) to install the product on the new hardware.
  2. Follow the instructions in the Getting started topic in online help to discover and install agents on the devices you want to manage. The new agent software will install over the old agent software.

    Note: If the machine name of the new core server is the same as that of the failed core server, managed machines will repopulate the core database with information during the next inventory scan. However, because the required certificate is not available on the new core, you will be unable to manage those devices until you complete step 2 to install new agents on them.

Installing an Intel Active System Console agent from LSM over an existing Intel Active System Console standalone installation
When installing an Intel Active System Console agent from the LSM core server to a device that already has a standalone Intel Active System Console installation, it is not necessary to uninstall the standalone agent first; it is uninstalled as part of the new installation process.

Core Activate says �cannot activate core �
When activating the core after installation and reboot, if not all required services have had time to start you may receive a message stating "cannot activate the core". If this occurs, simply try again.

Mixed language installations are not allowed on the core server
If you have installed LSM, LDMS, or LDSM to a core server and then attempt to install one of the other products to the same server and specify a different language, you will received an error. The products do not support mixed language installation on the core. For example, you cannot install the Russian version of LSM and the English version of LDMS.

Uninstallation leaves log files and registry changes on the server
After uninstalling LANDesk Server Manager, folders containing log files and other supporting files are left on the hard drive to be used in the event of reinstallation. If you are not interested in reinstalling the product, you may delete the files contained in the following directories:

  • Program Files\LANDesk
  • Documents and Settings\username\Local Settings\Temp (Note: This folder may also contain temporary files in use by other applications.)
  • InetPub\wwwroot\LANDesk
In addition, you may delete any registry settings contained in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\LANDesk.

Repairing an LDMS/LDSM/LSM installation won't restore files in the C:\Program Files\LANDesk\Shared Files\cbaroot\services folder
If you need to repair/restore files in this folder, run cba8inst.msi from the core server's LDLogon folder.

LDSM .CAB file not being created
When Executing Builder.exe,an error is generated: Could not find C:\Program Files\LANDesk\ManagementSuite\ldlogon\onefile\LDHM Client Setup.exe

This is a result of the LDHM cab file is not being created. The workaround for this issue is to run buildcab manually.

Intel Server Management 8.x must be uninstalled manually before using this software
If you have any previous version of Intel Server Manager software on a system, be sure to uninstall that software before installing this Software or any agents. Managed servers containing previous agents should only be managed with an 8.x Administrator Console or Out-of-band using Intel CLI, SOL, Intel ARSC, or the advanced features on the Intel Management Module�Advanced Edition.

If you do not uninstall ISM 8.x, managed servers with ISM 8.x agents may be managed out-of-band using Intel CLI and Serial Over LAN (SOL) launched from a Windows command prompt. Additionally, for managed servers with the Intel Management Module�Advanced Edition, you may use the embedded CLI or HTTP server or Intel ARSC. To use Intel CLI, open a command window on the LSM core server and type �telnet localhost 623�. A SOL session may be launched from Intel CLI. To use Intel ARSC, log on to the LSM core server as Administrator and open C:/inetpub/wwwroot/landesk/ldsm/arsc/index.html. For information on using the embedded CLI or HTTP features in the Intel Management Module�Advanced Edition, refer to the Intel Management Module documentation provided with your Intel server board.

Rerunning setup after a canceled install generates an error message: "An error was encountered during the database configuration: CoreUpgradeDB"
This error will appear if you cancel setup and then reinstall. If you ignore the error and continue installing, you won't be able to log into the console when setup finishes. The problem is that the database has been created, but tables have not been added (that all happens at end of install). So, if you cancel and/or rollback at this time of the install, then you need to select NEW database instead of EXISTING database when prompted.

When upgrading a core, setup generates an error that you don't have rights to the \upl folder and fails
This error occurs when the uninstall portion of the upgrade couldn't fully delete a file that needed upgrading. If you see this error, cancel setup and let it roll back the upgrade. Reboot your server. This should release the lock on the affected file. Rerun setup again.

If you installed after installing IIS, register with IIS before installing Management Suite
If you have IIS installed and then install 2.0, it doesn't get registered with IIS. To fix this, run the following from a command prompt:

aspnet_regiis /i

The aspnet_regiis application is usually found in C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\<Version>.

When installing/upgrading LANDesk products on a VMWare workstation, don't run setup from USB media
When installing/upgrading LDMS/LDSM/LSM/GSM/ISM on a VMWare guest, don't use USB media since VMWare's virtualized controller is limited to USB 1.1 bandwidth and that may cause problems during the install. As a work-around, the install can be copied locally or to a network share.

Repairing an LDMS/LDSM/LSM installation won't restore files in the C:\Program Files\LANDesk\Shared Files\cbaroot\services folder
If you need to repair/restore files in this folder, run cba8inst.msi from the core server's LDLogon folder.

After upgrading to 8.7, the core or Web console server has an error in the Windows Event Log
If you see these errors in the Windows Event Viewer after an upgrade, you can ignore them: "The server certificate for instance "1" does not chain up to a trusted root certificate...." and "The source (MSSQL$LDMSDATA) cannot be found...." If there isn't a certificate installed for the web server we will install our default self-signed certificate, but because it doesn't have a trusted chain IIS will issue the warning.

If several LANDesk services fail to load after upgrading, rerun the instams.exe component
If there's a problem with the AMS install, these services may fail to load: Intel QIP Server Service, LANDesk Device Monitor and LANDesk Inventory Server. Fix this problem by running "instasm.exe UNINSTALL CORE CONSOLE" and then after the reboot, run "instams.exe Core". The instasm.exe program is in the core server's LDLogon folder.

When upgrading, you must provide the same database credentials that you used for the original installation
If you use different database credentials on an upgrade, some tables will be tied to the original user and others tied to the new user. LANDesk products won't work correctly if this happens.


Intel AMT Boot Manager may not work if unmanaged device discovery retrieves incorrect DNS information
If the IP address assigned to an Intel AMT device has changed but the DNS information about that device has not been updated, unmanaged device discovery will return the incorrect machine name for the device. If this happens and the device is moved to the list of managed devices, the Intel AMT boot manager will report incorrect information. It may show the device as being powered off even if it is powered on, and boot manager features (such as rebooting) may not function properly. If this occurs, your network's DNS information needs to be updated for the device and the device needs to be discovered again for this issue to be resolved.

The wrong OS may be reported after a discovery
In some situations, a discovery may return inaccurate OS information for a device.

After discovery, the administrative core may be listed twice
Occasionally, the administrative core is listed twice. This occurs because the same machine is found via different discovery mechanisms (for example, CBA, IPMI, CMM, PDS1, and PDS2) and the machine's information is added to the database under that mechanism.

When unmanaged device discovery detects a device running Windows XP x64 Edition, the OS description is Win 98SE
There is no workaround at this time.

Networks scans with IP fingerprinting identify network printers as UNIX computers
You can configure UDD to identify printers by using certain keywords to compare to the OS Description returned from an IP Fingerprint/Network scan. The keywords used for the comparison are non-case sensitive and are found in the registry in the LocalMachine\Software\LANDesk\ManagementSuite\Core\PrinterDesignators REG_SZ variable. This registry key must be loaded with all the key words, separated by commas, that will discern a printer from a computer. The registry used for the keyword storage is on the core, so the registry entry LocalMachine\Software\LANDesk\ManagementSuite\CoreServer must be set on all machines (core or remote) to the appropriate core server name.

To make printer identification work, do the following:

1) Modify the registry as follows:
Add the following REG_SZ registry entry: LocalMachine\Software\LANDesk\ManagementSuite\Core\PrinterDesignators.
Assign a value to PrinterDesignators = "HP,JETDIRECT" and/or any other comma-delimited printer designator words you wish to use to designate printers on your network.
Be sure that the registry entry LocalMachine\Software\LANDesk\ManagementSuite\CoreServer variable is set to the current core.

2) Run the UDD with the NetworkScan and the IP FingerPrint options selected. These options will insure that the new OS Description printer recognition logic will run.

If any printer still shows up as a computer verify that the PrinterDesignators has any appropriate key word that's found in the OS Description of that printer. Check to see if the keywords in the registry key are separated by commas. Also check to see if the CoreServer registry key exists and is pointing to the appropriate core server.

Note: if a computer is found in the printer node, check to see if any key words in the PrinterDesignators registry key match any of the words in the OS Description for that computer, if there are, delete them. Then delete that computer from the printer node and re-run the UDD scan with the settings selected as mentioned above.


Web console does not open
To view the Server Manager console, Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) support for ASP.NET must be installed on your computer. In some instances the console may not display when you attempt to open the Server Manager console (or the Web console in Management Suite). If this occurs you may need to change the permissions to the Network Service group for the Temporary ASP.NET Files folder on your computer using the Microsoft ASP.NET IIS Registration Tool (Aspnet_regiis.exe). Run this executable with the �i or �ir option to resolve problems with ASP.NET and IIS. Instructions for doing this are found in Knowledge Base article #823379 on the Microsoft support Web site (

When managing an Intel AMT device, timeout error message appears
When an Intel AMT device has been discovered and you add it to the managed devices list, in some cases a timeout error message may appear while the device is being added to the list. This error does not mean the device will not be managed. You can close the error message and when the process for adding the device is complete, the device will be listed in the All devices list.

Power options do not work if the selected or targeted device has no agents
If you try to use power options on a targeted or selected device (in the console, Actions tab | Power options), but the device does not yet have agents installed, the interface will allow you to complete the steps but the action fails to complete and the targeted device is removed from the Target list.

Console Redirection from Power Options requires the managed server to have console redirection enabled in BIOS Setup
The BIOS on the managed server must have console redirection enabled in BIOS Setup before invoking console redirection from the Intel Remote System Console. If console redirection is not enabled, you will see a blank screen when you invoke console redirection. Refer to your platform product guide for information on enabling console redirection in BIOS Setup.

Console redirection not supported on Mozilla Firefox browser
Features that include console redirection with a Serial over LAN connection are not supported on the Mozilla Firefox browser. If you are using the console or the server information console and want to enable console redirection, you must be using Internet Explorer.

Console redirection fails if Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration is installed
When you attempt to reboot or power on a managed device with the console redirection option enabled (select the device in the list of managed devices, click the Actions tab, click Power options, and check Show console redirection window), an ActiveX control is installed that enables the console redirection. However, if you have Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration installed on the device running the management console, the ActiveX control is not installed and console redirection will not work.

To work around this issue, you can change the Trusted Sites security setting in Internet Explorer on the device running the management console. (The following steps describe the Windows 2003 Server interface; on other versions of Windows the steps may vary slightly.)

  1. Open Internet Explorer and click Tools | Internet Options.
  2. Click the Security tab and select Trusted Sites.
  3. Click Custom Level.
  4. Under Automatic prompting for ActiveX controls, select Enable.
  5. Click OK twice.

Application Log may not be adjusted for Daylight Saving Time
For Intel Server S5000VCL, the time shown for events in the System and Application logs in the Intel Remote System Console will be one hour behind the actual local time when Daylight Saving Time is in effect and the user has selected the option to �Automatically adjust clock for daylight saving changes� in the Windows Date and Time applet.

Configuration of chassis management module fails
After a chassis management module (MM) has been discovered and added to the list of managed devices, when you configure the MM using the System Manager console you may receive a message that the configuration failed. You may need to enable the SNMP agent correctly to verify or configure the MM. To do this:

  1. Select the MM that will not configure, and from the bottom pane select Launch chassis web console. Log in to the MM with username and password.
  2. Click MM Control in the left navigation pane, then click Network Protocols.
  3. Ensure that SNMPv1 agent is enabled
  4. Ensure that SNMP traps is enabled.
  5. Ensure that there is at least one SNMPv1 community name available, or that one is set to LSM with the IP address of the core server.
  6. Click Save at the bottom of the page.
  7. Reboot the MM by clicking MM Control | Restart MM, then clicking the Restart button.

Intel� Remote System Console
Launching the Intel� Remote Management Module - Web Console (Intel� RMM - Web Console) from the Intel� Remote System Console will fail and display only a blank web page if the IP address for the Intel RMM NIC is misreported. To launch the Intel� RMM - Web Console, type the correct IP address for the Intel RMM NIC in the Address bar of your browser. For static IP addresses, use the Intel RMM configuration utility to determine the IP Address; for dynamic IP addresses, determine the IP address assigned to the system from the DHCP server console. The IP Address reported by Intel CLI cannot be used because this address is for a different management LAN Channel.

Remote control

Remote control from Mozilla-based browser requires .CAB file
When the Remote control viewer is not already installed on your workstation and the Dashboard is running in a Mozilla-based browser, you cannot remote control the selected server. Mozilla cannot open and run the necessary .CAB file. To remote control servers when running the Dashboard in Mozilla, run Server Manager in Internet Explorer first. Right-click a computer, then click Remote control. This downloads and installs the necessary viewer.

The Intel Advanced Remote Server Control applet does not work from the browser on a Linux console
Launching the Intel Advanced Remote Server Control applet when working from the browser on a Linux console will not work as expected. To use this applet from your Linux console, do the following:

  1. Copy the contents of the C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\LANDesk\LDSM\ARSC to removable USB media and place it in the Linux console machine.
  2. Install Java 2 runtime 1.4.2 or later on the Linux system (available from Follow the JRE installation instructions provided on the Sun website to install the browser plug-in and create a link in the Mozilla plug-in directory.
  3. Open your browser on the Linux console, click File > Open File, and open index.html from the ARSC folder on this mounted removable media. This will launch the Intel� Advanced Remote Server Control applet.


If you are using an 840 or 850 JBOD, the console may not display all drive information on the Storage page
No 840 or 850 JBOD individual drive information will appear in the tables under Hardware | Storage. However, information should still appear in the logical drive tables.

Device inventory may incorrectly list floppy disk drive
In some situations, when a device does not have a floppy disk drive installed, a floppy drive my be incorrectly listed under System information | Hardware | Storage. However, the list of logical drives will correctly state that there is no media for drive A.

Display of USB drive data may be inconsistent
When a USB storage device is connected to a managed device, it is displayed In the Storage section of system information (Server information console | System information | Hardware | Storage). The storage size reported for the device may be different between the drive summary (under Logical drives) and the USB device details (under Removable media). This size may also vary slightly from the size reported by the operating system�s disk management features. This size varies because of the calculations and methods used to access the capacity of the drives; logical and physical sizes of drives are determined in different manners which are not necessarily consistent. Figures reported by operating systems can be slightly different due to the use of rounding, floor, or ceiling functions in these calculations.

Intel AMT Web console displays GUID differently than in inventory summary
A GUID is composed of one four-byte value, two two-byte values and eight single-byte values (16 bytes total). When represented as a string a GUID is typically written as 8 hexadecimal digits representing the first value, 4 hexadecimal digits representing the second value, 4 hexadecimal digits representing the third value, 4 hexadecimal digits representing the first two single byte values and 12 hexadecimal digits representing the last 6 hexadecimal values, with each group of digits separated by a hyphen (for example, 3F2504E0-4F89-11D3-9A0C-0305E82C3301).

When a GUID is displayed in the Intel AMT Web console, the first three components of the number are displayed in a different order than when the same GUID is displayed in the device's inventory summary. On Intel CPUs, binary values are represented in memory in host byte order, with the least significant byte first and the most significant byte last ("little-endian"). On most non-Intel CPUs, binary values are represented in network byte order, with the most significant byte first and the least significant byte last ("big-endian"). In this product's inventory display, the GUID is shown in network byte order, while the Intel AMT Web console shows it in host byte order. For example, if the sample GUID shown above was displayed by the Intel AMT Web Console it would appear as E004253F-894F-D311-9A0C-0305E82C3301. Note how the pairs of digits in the first three components have been reversed. In both cases the GUID is the same, it is simply displayed using different methods in these two places.

Repairing an off-core inventory server install won't fix the inventory service startup state if it was manually set to disabled
If you've manually set the inventory service startup state to disabled, set it to automatic before repairing or reinstalling the off-core inventory server.

If the off-core inventory server is installed on an additional console or a Web console server, uninstalling the console or server will break the off-core inventory server
After uninstalling the additional console or Web console server, rerun the off-core inventory server setup to repair the off-core inventory server installation.

LANDesk Inventory Server service generates Windows Data Execution Prevented message
If you see this message, change the Windows Data Execution Prevention settings. To do this, right-click My Computer, click Properties, Performance Settings, and the Data Execution Prevention tab. Either turn on DEP for essential Windows programs and services only, or select the LANDesk Inventory Server service as an exception.

The following error appears in the event log on the core: "Row cannot be located for updating. Some values may have been changed since it was last read."
This problem can be caused when vulscan writes data to the database while an inventory scan is still in process; this prevents the inventory scan from writing data to the database. The problem usually resolves itself the next time an inventory scan runs. To manually resolve the problem, copy the SCN file for the failed scan (located in the ErrorScan folder) and place it in the ldscan folder.

Field Replaceable Units and sensor data not available for some third-party components
Field Replaceable Unit inventory information and sensor data for third party components may not be displayed in system management software. Depending on the capabilities of the specific non-Intel chassis, power supply, backplane, front panel, and associated sensors, these third-party components may not be able to communicate with server management drivers and agents and therefore the inventory and sensor data will not be displayed in the user interface.

Intel� Remote Management Console
For Dual-Core Intel� Xeon� processor based servers with Hot-Swap Controller backplanes, the Drive Slot Presence sensor listed under IPMI Sensors in the Hardware section will display incorrect values. This sensor will display OK if a drive has been removed or is absent; it will display Removed/Device Absent if a drive is actually present.


Configuring an alert ruleset
Use only the �Sensor Threshold (IPMI)� alert type when creating or modifying an alert ruleset for threshold-based sensors such as fan speed, temperature, or voltage. Other alert types such as �Fans (IPMI)�, �Temperature (IPMI)� or �Voltage (IPMI)� are not implemented and should not be used.


Russian characters may display as garbage characters in CSV exports
If you open a CSV export and find that Russian characters display as garbage characters, you can save the file to the hard drive and open it in Notepad. To display the file correctly in Microsoft Excel, switch the file encoding from UTF-8 to either ANSI or no encoding.

Reports on the rollup core web console not returning data
Remote control and SLM reports on the Rollup core web console don't return any data. Remote control will never return any data on the rollup core because whenever you remote control a machine from the rollup core, the client will report back to its managed core not the rollup core.


Credentials for Intel AMT device may need to be re-entered when devices cannot be managed
If you reset the database using the coredbutil.exe utility, you may find that you cannot connect to the Intel AMT devices you manage. When this occurs, you need to re-enter the Intel AMT credentials using the Configure Services utility.

If your core server uses an MSDE database and is firewalled, make sure you add the SQL service executable to the exceptions list
MSDE doesn't add itself to the exceptions list automatically after it's installed. If you don't do this, additional consoles won't be able to connect to the core server. The service executable is called sqlservr.exe. To find the path to the executable, check the properties for the MSSQLDATA$LDMSDATA service in Control Panel's Services applet. The default path is below:

C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\Mssql$LDMSDATA\Binn\MSSQL$LDMSDATA\Binn\sqlservr.exe

When adding a rollup core to another rollup core's source cores list, attaching a certificate will cause the add to fail
If you're adding a rollup server to another rollup server, don't check the add certificate option.

Task Scheduler

Custom script names can only consist of alphabetic and underscore characters
If your script name includes other characters, such as a hyphen, the script may not complete successfully.

Windows-specific issues

The system requirements checker does not block core server installation on Windows 2003 Server x64 Editions
The system requirements checker that runs during installation does not block installation of the core server on Windows 2003 x64 Editions, even though they are not supported platforms. If the core server is installed on a Windows 2003 Server x64 Edition, it will not function properly.

Windows Trusted Sites setting may block System Manager
After installing System Manager on a server running Windows, depending on the Internet Security settings in effect, you may see an Internet Explorer message reporting that access to the server is blocked. The solution is to open the Trusted Sites settings dialog (Control Panel | Internet Options | Security | Trusted Sites) and clear the checkbox labeled Require server verification (https:) for all sites in this zone. This will allow the server to be added to the list of trusted sites.

System information not available on Windows Server 2003 servers
When you use the administrator console to manage a server running Windows Server 2003, you may see a message that information is not available for some system inventory items. This can be due to problems in the WMI repository (also called the CIM repository) for that machine. In this case the problem cannot be resolved in Server Manager because the ability to manage the machine depends on the presence of an existing CIMV2 schema in the repository. This can only be resolved by restoring the WMI repository (refer to Windows Server 2003 support documentation for details).

Microsoft hotfixes for WMI in Windows 2000 SP4
The Microsoft Security Rollup does incorporate some of the list of patches below. If you call your local Microsoft support office, you should be able to request the hotfixes without charge. You need to state that you only want hotfixes and do not require further support. If the local office charges up front, you should be reimbursed for the cost of the call if you only want the hotfixes and no further support.

    891071 A memory leak may occur in the Winmgmt process in Windows 2000

      07-Jan-2006 06:23 5.0.2195.7019 16,656 Version.dll

    822849 A Windows 2000-based domain controller has a memory leak in the Wmiw
    * in the SRP

      10-Feb-2004 19:47 5.0.2195.6897 30,160 Mountmgr.sys

      14-Sep-2004 13:00 5.0.2195.6974 1,704,128 Ntkrnlmp.exe

      14-Sep-2004 13?00 5.0.2195.6974 1,703,808 Ntkrnlpa.exe

      14-Sep-2004 13:00 5.0.2195.6974 1,725,568 Ntkrpamp.exe

      14-Sep-2004 13:00 5.0.2195.6974 1,680,896 Ntoskrnl.exe

    843186 The Winmgmt.exe process stops responding when you run a custom WMI

      31-Jul-2004 03:36 5.2.3790.1227 245,248 Wmidcad.dll

      31-Jul-2004 03:35 5.2.3790.1227 31,232 Wbemdc.dll

      31-Jul-2004 06:28 5.2.3790.1227 94,720 Wmiutils.dll

    828047 The Winmgmt.exe process quits unexpectedly with an access violation

      03-Sep-2003 00:18 5.0.2195.6815 11,024 Pschdprf.dll

    819536 Roaming profiles are not saved when a user logs off a Microsoft Windows

      24-Apr-2003 15:18 1.50.1085.105 180,312 Stdprov.dll

    890558 A WMI event notification query does not detect file permission changes

      30-Nov-2004 00:28 5.1.2600.2572 1,351,680 Cimwin32.dll

      * this has been superseded by the fix below.

    892294 A WMI event notification query does not detect a user permissions change

      10-Jan-2006 05:26 1.50.1085.7019 1,093,727 Cimwin32.dll

Linux-specific issues

Discovered devices appear with the wrong name or with no name
On a Red Hat Linux network, if you use DHCP to manage IP addresses, you must configure the network settings correctly so that DHCP sends machine host names to the DNS server. If this is not done, Server Manager will discover devices, but they will appear with either wrong names or no names and you will not be able to manage them. You will receive a communication error when attempting to connect to those devices.

You can change this setting when you configure each device�s network settings using the Red Hat network configuration tool. In the �Configure Network Settings� dialog box, specify the device�s host name so it is sent to the DNS server via DHCP. You must also make sure the DHCP server supports DNS update so that changes are maintained in the DNS server.

Power options "Show console redirection window"option not supported on Mozilla browser
The "Show console redirection window" option on the Power options page (click the Actions tab when viewing managed devices) can only be used with Internet Explorer. This option is not supported on Mozilla browsers.

Not all tasks appear in the My tasks list when using Firefox on SUSE 9.1.
In some situations, not all tasks that have been created are displayed in the My tasks list. This is a resolution issue that can be resolved by either changing to a higher display resolution or by resizing the affected UI frames.

Missing parameter in email alerts for vmemory thresholds
When a vmemory threshold email alert is sent, the %D parameter is not included and the description for memory usage will be blank. The alert name will be displayed in the alert log.

After pushing a full agent to an IPMI device and editing the BMC username, you may be unable to save the username
After pushing an agent to an IPMI-enabled device, if you launch that device�s console and edit the BMC username, clicking the Apply button may not save the username change. If this occurs, you will need to use the POST method to change the username.

Sync issues can cause incorrect alert status
If you delete a managed device, then rediscover it and push a new agent to it, you may create a sync issue with the alertservice daemon and the database. This can cause alert status to be incorrect (such as displaying as informational or unknown in situations that would normally have a critical status).

To avoid the problem, you must restart the alertservice daemon after deleting a managed device. After you have restarted the daemon, you may rediscover and re-push.

Gnome-panel error occurs during install
If you receive an error stating �An error occurred while loading or saving configuration information for gnome-panel. Some of your configuration settings may not work properly,� you will need to log out and then log back in. The menu panel will then function correctly and the Active System console menu will appear.

Setting up Linux Sensors on �entry-level� systems using RHEL3.0 (32 and X86-64)
Please see README.TXT located in \Utilities\LMSensors for step-by-step instructions.

Pulling a Linux agent configuration

  1. Create a temporary directory on your Linux machine (for example, /tmp/ldcfg), and copy the following into the directory:
    1. All files from the LDLOGON\unix\linux directory.
    2. Copy the shell script named after the configuration (<configuration name>.sh) into the temporary directory.
    3. Copy the *.0 file named after the configuration into the temporary directory. The * represents eight characters (0-9, a-f).
    4. Copy all files listed in the <configuration name>.ini file into the temporary directory. To identify these files, search the .INI file for "FILExx", where xx is a number. Most of the entries you find will have been copied to the client in step 1, but you will find .XML files that must be copied. The filenames should be left intact, with the following exceptions:
      • alertrules\<any text>.ruleset.xml should be renamed to internal.ruleset.xml
      • monitorrules\<any text>.ruleset.monitor.xml should be renamed to masterconfig.ruleset.monitor.xml

  2. If the machine is an IPMI/BMC machine (with Monitoring included in the installation), type the following on a command line:

      export BMCPW="(bmc password)"

  3. Running as root, execute the shell script for the configuration. For example, if you named the script "pull," use the full path used below:
  4. Remove the temporary directory and all its contents.

Note: Please be aware that if you push or pull an agent out to a Linux machine, then run ./ -f ALL to clean it and then push or pull again, the file with the GUID is the only file left on the machine after this operation is completed.

The -f option deletes all directories owned by the product. Please see the Linux uninstall documentation for additional information.

Intel Platform Extensions

Intel SNMP Subagent

  • SNMP Set request on settable OIDs managed by Intel SNMP Subagent fails intermittently on SuSE Linux Enterprise Server (32-bit) systems.

Intel Advanced Remote Server Control
Minimum Configuration Requirements to run Intel ARSC on Managed System:

  • An installed Intel Management Module--Advanced Edition (add in option for SE7520AF2, SE7520BD2, SE7520JR2, and SE8500HW4 only)
  • Windows or Linux installed
  • 2 button Mouse with acceleration turned off. See the Intel ARSC help for more details under �How to Disable Mouse Acceleration� section. Mouse with scroll wheel or 3 button mouse is not supported.
  • Keyboard and Mouse connections must match (either all USB or all PS/2 or headless).

Minimum Configuration Requirements to run Intel ARSC on Management Console:

  • 512 MB RAM
  • Intel� Pentium� M, Pentium� 4 or Xeon Processor � 1 GHz +.
  • Resolution of 1024x768 (except when remote system is running DOS)
  • Video refresh rate of 75 Hz or higher if using a CRT monitor on viewing system.
  • Port 623 for UDP open throughout the network between the 2 systems.
  • Browser with JRE plug-ins support (Internet Explorer and Mozilla based browsers). JRE with plug-in support can be downloaded from the following site:

Intel Advanced Remote Server Control Issues

  • Currently JREs available for Windows and Linux systems support Java plug-ins for 32 bit Browsers only and plug-ins for 64 bit browsers are not supported. Internet Explorer (32 bit) can be used in Windows 2003 EM64T systems.
  • The Mozilla browser (32 bit) for Linux may be used as the Intel ARSC viewer if JRE is installed and Java Plug-ins are registered. To register the plug in, create a soft link from /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins to using the following command ln �s /usr/java/j2re1.4.2_10/plugin/i386/ns610-gcc32/ .
  • Keyboard and mouse on the managed server given priority. When the mouse and keyboard used on managed server are PS/2 peripherals the Intel ARSC alerts the remote console of local activity while USB equivalents will not.
  • Never use the Browser Refresh to refresh video within the Viewer.
  • For lost focus or full control, try Video Refresh in the left menu. Using the F6, F8, or F10 keys will cause a loss of focus. Allow up to 15 seconds after local use. Re-launch Intel ARSC if the menu is missing.
  • Use Macro links in the menu to transmit �Ctrl-Alt-Del�. New macros created using Intel ARSC are not saved if launched from the Admin Console. But macros created using standalone Intel ARSC will be saved. Standalone Intel ARSC console can be launched on Admin console by opening index.html from Inetpub\wwwroot\LANDesk\LDSM\ARSC folder in Internet Explorer in Administrative core it self.
  • Saving a screenshot will not check for room on the drive. Filenames may not include a backslash (\).
  • When using Intel ARSC to run SCW, select 800x600 to match the DOS User Interface.
  • Localization � Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, and Japanese languge version of the Intel ARSC Viewer may not display correctly on SuSE Enterprise Linux 9 or 10.

Intel Command Line Interface

BIOS Setup Configuration for Serial Over LAN

  • Reboot the system and enter BIOS Setup (press F2 during POST).
  • Choose Server Menu | Serial Console
  • Set BIOS Redirection Port to Serial B
  • Set Baud Rate to 19.2K.
  • Set Flow Control to CTS/RTS
  • Set Terminal Type to VT100+
  • Set ACPI Redirection Port to Disabled
  • Save the changes and reboot the system

Intel Command Line Interface Issues

  • �Console� command only works over CLI or Telnet if Serial redirection is enabled in the BIOS. CLI commands are best entered one per line.
  • To avoid @ symbols, use only �power �on �console� or �reset �console� or let the system boot past the redirection screen before issuing the console command.
  • The CLI command to a Linux system to perform a graceful power action will instead show a false error that the Bridge Agent is not installed
  • The CLI shutdown command to a managed server with Windows can not perform a graceful shutdown action because Bridge Agent is not installed on manages server.
  • Launch point for CLI from a Linux management console is not available. In order to launch CLI from Linux, you can open a terminal window and execute telnet <ip-address-of-core> 623.
  • The Set LANAlert Configuration command set �T BMC/lanAlert will only set 1 alert destination. If multiple destinations are required, an alternate method of configuring is using the Server Configuration Wizard (SCW) utility.
  • The Enable User command set �T BMC/userEnable will not disable subsequent users even though command does not return an error. If disabling a user is required, an alternate method of configuring is using the Server Configuration Wizard (SCW) utility.
  • Characters appear garbled on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3.0 for Japanese and Chinese languages. By default in RHEL 3.0, the character encoding for Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, and Japanese is not set to UTF-8. The UTF-8 encoding is required for all languages. To fix this problem, set the terminal window character encoding to UTF-8. To change this setting, go to the Terminal menu in the Terminal window, select Character Coding, then choose the �Unicode (UTF-8)� option. If the Unicode (UTF-8) option does not appear in the list, add the option using the Add or Remove option on the Character Coding menu.

LANDesk System Manager 8.7 Installation
If you cancel the installation of the Intel Platform Extensions, you must restart your system before you can activate LANDesk System Manager.

Under certain conditions, Intel CLI cannot be launched from the Intel� Remote System Console. Intel CLI reports the following error: "Trying to connect..." but never connects to the proxy server
To work around this issue on a remote Windows system, install the DPCCLI proxy on the remote system and then launch Intel CLI from the Windows command line. (The Intel CLI proxy cannot be installed on a Linux system.)

To install Intel CLI on a Windows system:

  1. Copy the files dpccli.exe and dpcproxy.exe from the LANDesk* Core system running the proxy to the remote system running Microsoft Windows.
  2. Change directory to the location of the dpcproxy.exe file on the remote system.
  3. Use the following dpcproxy command to manually install the network proxy as a Windows service: dpcproxy -install
  4. Start the proxy service.

From Windows, you can start, stop, and check on the network proxy using any of the following methods:

  • Use the Control Panel to access the Administrative Tools window. From that window double-click on Services.
  • From a command prompt you can use the net start command with no argument to list the services currently running. To start and stop the service use the following commands (note that you cannot supply dpcproxy command line arguments as part of the net start commands below):

      net start dpcproxy
      net stop dpcproxy
  • To launch Intel CLI from the remote system, open a command prompt window and type:

      �telnet localhost 623 <Enter>�.
Источник: []
, Intel LANdesk response for Windows serial key or number

IBM Netfinity Director with UM Services v2.12 — Leading PC/Server Management Software for Windows 2000

 ENUS200-084.PDF (43KB)

At a Glance

Netfinity Director with UM Services v2.12, now supports Windows 2000 and SCO UnixWare. It provides a comprehensive entry-level workgroup hardware manager:

  • Designed for IBM and non-IBM server, desktop, workstation, and laptop systems.
  • Supports system management industry standards.
  • Integrates into leading workgroup and enterprise systems management environments.
  • Easy to learn, setup, and use.

For ordering, contact:

Your IBM representative, an IBM Business Partner, or IBM Americas Call Centers at 800-IBM-CALL (Reference: YE001).


This powerful, highly-integrated, systems management software solution is built upon industry standards and designed for ease-of-use. With an intuitive, Java™-based GUI, an administrator can centrally manage individual or large groups of IBM and non-IBM PC-based servers, desktops, workstations, and notebooks on a variety of platforms.

Netfinity® Director with Universal Manageability (UM) Services v2.12 has been updated to support Windows™ 2000 and SCO UnixWare operating systems. In v2.12, the following functions have been added:

  • Windows 2000 server, console, and agent
  • SCO UnixWare agent
  • Alert on LAN™ (AOL) configuration enhancements
  • Wired for Management- (WfM)-compliant CIM to DMI Mapper
  • SNMP device listener for Netfinity hardware

Netfinity Director with UM Services v2.12 is the latest update to IBM world-class systems manageability solutions. Version 2.12 replaces all earlier versions of Netfinity Director and UM Services and adds support for Windows 2000, SCO UnixWare, and new IBM hardware systems.

It represents industry-leading management technology that can upwardly integrate into multiple management frameworks. This includes enterprise and workgroup management systems from the following vendors:

  • Tivoli®
  • Computer Associates
  • Microsoft™
  • Intel

For more information about the base Netfinity Director with UM Services, refer to Software Announcement 299-323 , dated October 26, 1999.

Key Prerequisites

Supported servers and client systems running supported operating systems

Planned Availability Date

May 12, 2000


Netfinity Director with UM Services is the new client/server workgroup manager from IBM built on the successes of its top-rated1 Netfinity Manager™. Netfinity Director can be used as stand-alone or with existing enterprise or workgroup management environments and can leverage the Internet to securely access and manage physically dispersed IT assets more efficiently. With Netfinity Director, IT administrators can view the hardware configuration of remote systems in detail and monitor the usage and performance of critical components, such as processors, disks and memory.

Netfinity Manager had the top satisfaction marks, ranking first or tied for first in functionality, ease of use and integration with the respondent's enterprise systems management and desktop management according to the 1998 User Ratings Survey of PC Servers performed by Datapro as part of GartnerGroup. Contact GartnerGroup for additional information.

Netfinity Director with UM Services Provides:

  • Single-click management GUI — A convenient user interface delivers the ability to drag and drop tasks to specific systems or groups of systems.
  • Integrated, centralized SQL database — An internal database makes system-related data available, even when the specific system is not directly available.
  • Single, powerful agent — UM Services provides the client services to manage your systems intelligently.
  • Innovative use of industry standards — Supports systems management standards from DMI to emerging CIM.
  • Multiple operating system support — Netfinity Director smoothly handles a variety of operating systems, including:
    • Windows 2000
    • Windows NT™
    • Windows 98
    • Windows 95
    • NetWare
    • OS/2®
    • UnixWare
  • Multiple protocol support &nd. Netfinity Director supports an assortment of protocols including TCP/IP, IPX, SNA, NetBIOS, SLIP, and HTTP.

Netfinity Director Operates Using Three Main Components

  • Netfinity Director Management Server is installed on a Windows 2000 or Windows NT 4.0 system in the managed environment. As the heart of the Netfinity Director product, it provides the management application logic and persistent data store of management information via an SQL database.
  • Netfinity Director Management Console is a Java application that serves as the user interface to the Netfinity Director-managed environment. Designed for ease-of-use, setup, and learning, the console provides comprehensive hardware management based on a single click or drag-and-drop operation.
  • UM Services is a Tivoli Ready set of services that is the agent for Netfinity Director. UM Services provide valuable information to Netfinity Director management server and other supported management applications. It provides point-to-point remote management of client systems through a Web browser window, in addition to its native interface with the Netfinity Director Management Console.

Enhancements in v2.12: Netfinity Director v2.12 now includes support for new operating systems and enhancements to existing functions. Together, these updates provide significantly broader systems management coverage. Key enhancements include:

  • Server, Console, and Agent Support for Windows 2000 — Systems management is a key deliverable in Windows 2000. Netfinity Director works natively with Windows 2000 components such as Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI), Microsoft Management Console (MMC), and others to provide robust systems management functionality. Integration with Microsoft SMS 2.0 is extremely efficient, due to an enhanced MMC snap-in which provides additional hardware manageability.
  • Agent Support for SCO UnixWare — UM Services can be installed and used to manage PCs running SCO UnixWare, to provide basic management capabilities.
  • Support for New IBM Hardware — adds support for new hardware that announced since Netfinity Director with UM Services 2.11 to continue the tradition of providing the most manageable systems in the industry.

Key Features of Netfinity Director with UM Services: Netfinity Director provides basic systems management functionality for all managed systems. Netfinity Director, in combination with other UM offerings, provides specialized value-added function when used to manage supported IBM:

  • Netfinity servers
  • IntelliStation® professional workstations
  • PC 300® desktops
  • ThinkPad® notebooks

Netfinity Director with UM Services is designed to integrate with workgroup or enterprise systems management applications, including:

  • Tivoli Enterprise Framework
  • Tivoli Netview NT
  • Computer Associates Unicenter TNG Framework
  • Microsoft SMS
  • Intel LANDesk™ Management Suite

Netfinity Director provides an extensible platform that supports Life Cycle Tools (LCTs). These are designed to lower the total cost of deploying, managing, supporting, and disposing of supported PC systems. By deploying Netfinity Director and related UM offerings, reductions to the total cost of ownership (TCO) can be achieved through:

  • Reduced down time
  • Increased productivity of IT personnel and end users
  • Reduced service and support costs

UM Server Extensions: UM Server Extensions are powerful, comprehensive LCTs for selected Netfinity Servers that extend the manageability of Netfinity Servers. Tools included:

  • Advanced Systems Management — Through the service processor, gives you exceptional control of remote systems even if the targeted system is not powered on.
  • Capacity Manager — Tracks resource utilization, identifies multiple levels of existing or potential bottlenecks, and makes recommendations to improve performance.
  • Cluster Systems Management — Enhances reliability of MSCS clusters by helping you control and manage clustered servers and alerting administrators to any event in the cluster.
  • Netfinity Fibre Channel RAID Manager — Provides SNMP alerts for Fibre Channel devices attached to Netfinity servers.
  • Netfinity SP™ Switch Administration — Monitors the operating status of SP switch components, providing proactive alert notification of problems.
  • RAID Manager — Configures, monitors, and manages the ServeRAID™ Controller through a graphical display.
  • Software Rejuvenation — Allows intelligent refreshing of the software on your MSCS clustered nodes.

The UM Server Extensions v2.12 are available from our Web site at:

Note: UM Server Extensions v2.12 requires Netfinity Director v2.12 or Tivoli IT Director 2.12.

UM Desktop Extensions: UM Desktop Extensions are a set of Life Cycle Tools for selected IBM NetVista™ and PC 300 and IntelliStation workstations. They expand the functions of Netfinity Director and UM Services. Tools included:

  • CMOS Configurator — Allows remote access to CMOS while the PC is up and running/
  • ConfigSafe — Provides quick restoration of a computer to a working configuration.
  • EZ-Admin — Allows administrators to maintain control of which operating system functions and programs a user can access.
  • PC-Doctor for UM Services — Runs diagnostic tests against major computer components locally or remotely.
  • SMART Reaction™ II — Enables rapid data recovery via several technologies in the event of a hard disk drive failure.

The UM Desktop Extensions are available from our Web site at:

Tivoli IT Director: Netfinity Director can be upgraded with a "software key" to the Tivoli IT Director. For more information on Tivoli IT Director and Tivoli IT Director remarketers, visit:

Year 2000

These products are Year 2000 ready. When used in accordance with their associated documentation, they are capable of correctly processing, providing, and/or receiving date data within and between the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, provided that all products (for example, hardware, software, and firmware) used with the products properly exchange accurate date data with them.

The service end date for these Year 2000 ready products is April 18, 2002.

Euro Currency

These programs are not impacted by euro currency.

Product Positioning

Netfinity Director with UM Services v2.12 is a leading workgroup management application for Intel-based systems in the enterprise. Netfinity Director, along with IBM's other UM offerings, provides an impressive suite of systems management tools making IBM a leading provider of middleware for Windows 2000 platforms. Netfinity Director is designed to create the most manageable systems in the industry and to help reduce the Total Cost of Ownership throughout the life cycle of your PC desktops, IntelliStation workstations, ThinkPad notebooks, and Netfinity servers.

Netfinity Director is uniquely positioned as the leading systems management solution for Windows 2000. Netfinity Director operates in a variety of environments. As the sole systems management application in an environment, it can provide a complete management solution for inventorying hardware features and settings, general system information, invoking proactive systems management functions, and a direct link to IBM service and support Web pages. The extensible architecture provided by leveraging industry standards, allows for easy integration with other systems management tools and applications.

Netfinity Director with UM Services v2.12 will replace Netfinity Manager 5.2 and Netfinity Director with UM Services 2.11.


Alert on LAN, Netfinity Manager, SP, ServeRAID, NetVista, and SMART Reaction are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States or other countries or both.
Netfinity, OS/2, IntelliStation, PC 300, and ThinkPad are registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States or other countries or both.
LANDesk is a trademark of Intel Corporation.
Windows, Microsoft, and Windows NT are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
Java is a trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Tivoli is a registered trademark of Tivoli Systems, Inc. in the United States or other countries or both. In Denmark, Tivoli is a trademark licensed from Kjobenhavns Sommer -- Tivoli A/S.
Other company, product, and service names may be trademarks or service marks of others.

Offering Information

Product information is available through Offering Information (OITOOL) at:


The following publications are shipped with the program products and cannot be ordered separately:

  • Netfinity® Director Quick Beginnings (multilingual — hardcopy and softcopy)
  • Netfinity Director User's Guide (softcopy)
  • UM Services User's Guide (softcopy)
  • Tivoli® IT Director User's Guide (softcopy)
  • Netfinity Manager™ to Netfinity Director transition document (softcopy)

Displayable Softcopy Publications: Not available

Source File Publications: Not available

Technical Information

Hardware Requirements

Supported IBM Systems

  • Netfinity Servers
    • Netfinity 1000
    • Netfinity 3000
    • Netfinity 3500
    • Netfinity 3500 M10
    • Netfinity 4000R
    • Netfinity 4500R
    • Netfinity 5000
    • Netfinity 5100
    • Netfinity 5500
    • Netfinity 5500 M10
    • Netfinity 5500 M20
    • Netfinity 5600
    • Netfinity 7000 M10
    • Netfinity 7100
    • Netfinity 7600
    • Netfinity 8500R
  • IntelliStation® workstations
    • E-Pro — 6867, 6893
    • M-Pro — 6868, 6889, 6898
    • Z-Pro — 6865, 6866
  • IBM PC desktops
    • PC 300GL — 6268, 6272, 6275, 6277, 6278, 6282, 6284, 6285, 6287, 6288, 6561, 6563, 6564, 6574, 6591
    • PC 300PL — 6562, 6565, 6584, 6592, 6594, 6871, 6862, 6892
    • PC 300XL — 6588
    • PC 710 — 6870
  • ThinkPad® notebooks
    • 240
    • 380XD, 380Z
    • 390, 390X, 390E
    • 560X, 560Z
    • 570, 570E
    • 600, 600E, 600X
    • 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z

Note: Some models may not be available in your area.

For the latest list of systems supported, refer to the UM Services Web site at:

Netfinity Director Management Server is supported on the IBM systems listed above with the following recommended configuration:

  • Pentium™ II 300 MHz or faster
  • 128 MB system memory
  • 150 MB virtual memory
  • 300 MB free disk space

Netfinity Director Management Console is supported on the IBM systems listed above and on systems running a supported Microsoft™ Windows™ operating system with the following a recommended configuration:

  • Pentium II 300 MHz processor or faster
  • 64 MB RAM
  • 60 MB free disk
  • TCP/IP networking protocol

UM Services is supported on the IBM systems listed above and on systems with SMBIOS 2.0, or greater, meeting Intel WfM 2.0 specification. Recommended configuration is as follows:

  • Pentium class processor
  • 64 MB RAM
  • 16 MB
  • Free disk space (default configuration)

Note: Additional memory and disk space are required if additional options are selected.

Software Requirements

Netfinity Director Management Server requires:

  • Windows 2000 or Windows NT™ 4.0 with Service Pack 4, or later
  • TCP/IP networking protocol
  • Microsoft Peer Web Server of Microsoft Internet Information Server 3.0 or Netscape FastTrack or Enterprise Web servers (optional)

One of the following supported databases:

  • Microsoft JET 4.0 (included)
  • Microsoft SQL Server 6.5 and 7.0
  • DB2 Universal Database® Version 5.2

Netfinity Director Management Console requires:

  • One of the following Operating Systems:
    • Windows 2000 Advanced Server
    • Windows 2000 Server
    • Windows 2000 Professional
    • Windows NT 4.0, with Service Pack 4, or later
    • Windows 95, with OEM Service Release 2
    • Windows 98
  • TCP/IP networking protocol

UM Services requires:

  • One of the following Operating Systems:
    • Windows 2000 Advanced Server
    • Windows 2000 Server
    • Windows 2000 Professional
    • Windows NT 4.0, with Service Pack 4, or later
    • Windows 95, with OEM Service Release 2
    • Windows 98
    • OS/2® 4.0 with Service Pack 5
    • OS/2 Warp Server for e-business
    • Novell NetWare 4.x with Service Pack 5, or later
    • Novell NetWare 5.x
    • SCO UnixWare 7.1, or later
  • One of the following Network Protocols:
    • TCP/IP
    • NetBIOS
    • IPX
    • SNA
    • SLIP
    • HTTP

Upward Integration Modules are provided for the following workgroup or enterprise managers:

  • Tivoli Management Framework Version 3.6.x
  • Tivoli Software Distribution Version 3.6
  • Tivoli Enterprise Console Version 3.6
  • Tivoli NetView® Version 5.1.1 and 6.0 for Windows NT
  • Computer Associates Unicenter TNG Framework Version 2.2, AIM IT Workgroup Edition Version 3.0, and SHIPIT Workgroup Edition Version 2.0
  • Microsoft SMS Version 2.0
  • Microsoft SMS Version 1.2
  • Intel LANDesk™ Management Suite Version 6.2

Optionally, one of the following Web browsers for direct access to a client running UM Services:

  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.01 or later
  • Netscape Communicator 4.5 or later
  • Netscape Navigator 4.5 or later

Compatibility: Netfinity Director with UM Services v2.12 now supports Windows 2000. It is the next generation of Netfinity System Management software. It can coexist with existing Netfinity Manager and Netfinity Services products. Limited integration of Netfinity Manager into Netfinity Director is provided for discovery, alerts, and inventory from Netfinity Services clients.

Limitations: Netfinity Director with UM Services can manage up to 1,500 licensed clients with one management server. There are no limitations to the number of consoles that can be installed and supported with one management server.

Performance Considerations: The number of clients that can be efficiently managed by Netfinity Director with UM Services can vary according to existing network load and the functions being performed. System discovery, frequent presence checks, and alert usage will increase network traffic. Precise performance information must be ascertained in each individual environment.

When installing the default configuration for UM Services on the client, 32 MB of system memory is sufficient. However, if more UM Services options are selected, 64 MB of system memory is recommended.

Planning Information

Customer Support

Web Forum Support: IBM support includes a Forum Topic accessible from the IBM Enterprise Support Web page at:

This support, monitored by IBM personnel, includes a search facility to quickly locate previous postings on Netfinity Director and UM Services related topics. IBM will respond to your posting within one business day (response and resolution times can vary). Web Forum Support monitoring hours of operation are 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. eastern time.

Web e-mail-Based Support: Technical support is available from the IBM Enterprise Support Web page. To obtain access to electronic technical support, have the following information ready:

  • Your e-mail address
  • Your IBM machine type and serial number

IBM will respond to your request via e-mail within one business day (response times may vary). Resolution times will vary. Web e-mail support hours of operation: U.S. and Canada — 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., eastern standard time

The Web Forum and e-mail Support will be available for Netfinity Director with UM Services v2.12 until December 30, 2001.

Direct Customer Support: Direct customer support is provided by Networking and Systems Management Support Line. This fee service can enhance customer productivity by providing voice and electronic access into the IBM support organization. Networking and Systems Management Support Line will ehop answer questions pertaining to usage and suspected software defects for eligible products. For more information, visit our Web site at:

Installation and technical support is also provided by IBM Global Services. For more information call, 800-IBM4YOU (426-4968).

Packaging: The Netfinity Director with UM Services v2.12 program package includes:

  • One CD-ROM containing:
    • Netfinity Director Management Server (multilingual)
    • Netfinity Director Management Console (multilingual)
    • UM Services (multilingual)
    • Softcopy publications (U.S. English)
    • Language versions when available
  • Netfinity Director Quick Beginnings (multilingual hardcopy and softcopy)
  • Netfinity Director License
  • Netfinity Director License Key (1 Management Server and 20 Clients)

Note: Netfinity Director Upgrade package does not include a license key.

Security, Auditability, and Control

Netfinity Director with UM Services uses the security and audit capability features of the systems in which it is installed.

The customer is responsible for evaluation, selection, and implementation of security features, administrative procedures, and appropriate controls in application systems and communication facilities.

Ordering Information

Part Program Name Number Netfinity Director with UM 41L2940 Services v2.12 Netfinity Director with UM 41L2941 Services v2.12 Upgrade

Note: Netfinity Director v2.12 is a client/server product that has two entitlements.

  1. Management Server that grants the entitlement to install and use one management server and 20 non-IBM clients.
  2. Client licenses that grant the entitlement to manage additional client licenses in the quantities specified below:
Number of Part Licenses Number 20 11K6314 100 11K6315 1,000 11K6316

Additional client licenses are only required to manage non-IBM client systems. Client licenses are not required to manage supported IBM systems up to a limit of 1,500 clients from an individual server.

Terms and Conditions

Licensing: IBM International Program License Agreement. Proofs of Entitlement (PoE) are required for all authorized use.

License Information Form Number: NDLI-2120-00

Limited Warranty Applies: Yes

Program Services: Program services will be available until May 12, 2002.

Money-Back Guarantee: 30-day, money-back guarantee

Copy and Use on Home/Portable Computer: No

Volume Orders (IVO): No

Passport Advantage Applies: No

Passport Advantage Subscription Applies: No

Support Line: Yes

AIX®/UNIX® Upgrade Protection Applies: No

Entitled Upgrade for Current AIX/UNIX Upgrade Protection Licensees: No

AS/400® Software Subscription Applies: No

Variable Charges Applies: No


The charges provided in this announcement are suggested retail prices for the U.S. only and are provided for your information only. Dealer prices may vary, and prices may also vary by country. Prices are subject to change without notice. For additional information and current prices, contact your local IBM representative.

Part Description Number OTC* Netfinity Director with 41L2940 $1,795 UM Service v2.12 Netfinity Director with 41L2941 56 UM Service v2.12 Upgrade
One-Time Charge

Upgrades: Contact your sales channel for Support Line pricing information.

Customer Financing: IBM Global Financing offers attractive financing to credit-qualified commercial and government customers and Business Partners in more than 40 countries around the world. IBM Global Financing is provided by the IBM Credit Corporation in the United States. Offerings, rates, terms, and availability may vary by country. Contact your local IBM Global Financing organization. Country organizations are listed on the Web at:

Order Now

Use Priority/Reference Code: YE001 Phone: 800-IBM-CALL Fax: 800-2IBM-FAX Internet: Mail: IBM Atlanta Sales Center Dept. YE001 P.O. Box 2690 Atlanta, GA 30301-2690

You can also contact your local IBM Business Partner or IBM representative. To identify them, call 800-IBM-4YOU.

Note: Shipments will begin after the planned availability date.


Netfinity Manager is a trademark of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States or other countries or both.
Netfinity, IntelliStation, ThinkPad, DB2 Universal Database, OS/2, NetView, AIX, and AS/400 are registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States or other countries or both.
Pentium and LANDesk are trademarks of Intel Corporation.
Microsoft, Windows, and Windows NT are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States and other countries exclusively through X/Open Company Limited.
Tivoli is a registered trademark of Tivoli Systems, Inc. in the United States or other countries or both. In Denmark, Tivoli is a trademark licensed from Kjobenhavns Sommer -- Tivoli A/S.
Other company, product, and service names may be trademarks or service marks of others.

Источник: []
Intel LANdesk response for Windows serial key or number

HD Tune Pro V4.61 (en) Serial Key

HD Tune Pro V4.61 (en) Serial Key >

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Источник: []

What’s New in the Intel LANdesk response for Windows serial key or number?

Screen Shot

System Requirements for Intel LANdesk response for Windows serial key or number

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