Game show presenter 3.0 keygen

Game show presenter 3.0 keygen

Game show presenter 3.0 keygen

Game show presenter 3.0 keygen

【予告★8/1 20時から4時間限定最大P27倍★8/3までCM放送記念プレゼント付!】《関東·関西送料無料》アルベルト L型 27インチ 年モデル シティサイクル















そして、あまり知られていませんが、「野生の野草」の中には、野菜の何十倍、何百倍の栄養素や成分を持っている ものがあるのです。




【予告★8/1 20時から4時間限定最大P27倍【予告★8/1★8/3までCM放送記念プレゼント付! L型 27インチ】《関東·関西送料無料》アルベルト L型 27インチ 年モデル シティサイクル:自転車通販サイマ(cyma)小釣陽代






発酵と野草の学校では、本で学ぶような野草の捉え方とは違った視点 で、あなたに必要な野草を取り入れる方法をお伝えしています。

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【野草】【野菜】 でも同じことが言えるのです。







今そこにある、自然のものをいただくということは、とても意味がある大切なことではないでしょうか 。




【予告★8/1 20時から4時間限定最大P27倍★8/3までCM放送記念プレゼント付!】《関東·関西送料無料》アルベルト L型 27インチ 年モデル シティサイクルあまりにも身近にありすぎて、気づきにくいけれど、野草は、自然が作った宝物なのです。





【予告★8/1 20時から4時間限定最大P27倍★8/3までCM放送記念プレゼント付!】《関東·関西送料無料》アルベルト L型 27インチ 年モデル シティサイクル都会育ちの人と、田舎育ちの人では、生活環境が全く違うので、性格なども違ってくるかと思います。


















【予告★8/1 20時から4時間限定最大P27倍★8/3までCM放送記念プレゼント付!】《関東·関西送料無料》アルベルト L型 27インチ 年モデル シティサイクル 

【予告★8/1 20時から4時間限定最大P27倍【予告★8/1★8/3までCM放送記念プレゼント付! L型 27インチ】《関東·関西送料無料》アルベルト L型 27インチ 年モデル シティサイクル:自転車通販サイマ(cyma)どの健康法が正しいのでしょうか?






散歩しながら、あなたの体に必要な野草を集めて、美味しく、楽しくいただき、無料で健康になれる としたら、とても素晴らしいと思いませんか?



  • 究極のオーガニックの野草とは?
  • 野草のパワーの秘密とは?
  • どうして野草が良いのか?
  • 効果効能ばかり気にしても意味がない理由とは?
  • 実はこんなに使える●●の野草とは?
  • どんなことにポイントにして摘めば良いのか?
  • あなたに必要な野草を摘むことができるようになる秘訣は?
  • 身近にあるところで野草を探す方法とは?
  • 野草のパワーを何倍にもするものとは?









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Wolfram Mathematica

Computational software program
Mathematica Linux frontend
Developer(s)Wolfram Research
Initial releaseJune&#;23, ; 32&#;years ago&#;()[1]
Stable release (June&#;17, ; 3&#;months ago&#;()) [±][2]
Written inWolfram Language,[3]C/C++, Java[4]
PlatformWindows (7, 8, 10), macOS, Linux, Raspbian, online service.[5] All platforms support bit implementations.[6](list)
Available inEnglish, Chinese, Japanese
TypeComputer algebra, numerical computations, information visualization, statistics, user interface creation

Wolfram Mathematica (usually termed Mathematica) is a modern technical computing system spanning most areas of technical computing — including neural networks, machine learning, image processing, geometry, data science, visualizations, and others. The system is used in many technical, scientific, engineering, mathematical, and computing fields. It was conceived by Stephen Wolfram and is developed by Wolfram Research of Champaign, Illinois.[7][8] The Wolfram Language is the programming language used in Mathematica.[9]

The Notebook interface[edit]

Wolfram Mathematica is split into two parts, the kernel and the front end. The kernel interprets expressions (Wolfram Language code) and returns result expressions, which can then be displayed by the front end.

The front end, designed by Theodore Gray[10] in , provides a graphical user interface (GUI), which allows the creation and editing of Notebook documents[11] containing program code with Syntax highlighting, formatted text together with results including typeset mathematics, graphics, GUI components, tables, and sounds. All content and formatting can be generated algorithmically or edited interactively. Standard word processing capabilities are supported, including real-time multi-lingual spell-checking.

Documents can be structured using a hierarchy of cells, which allow for outlining and sectioning of a document and support automatic numbering index creation. Documents can be presented in a slideshow environment for presentations. Notebooks and their contents are represented as Mathematica expressions that can be created, modified or analyzed by Mathematica programs or converted to other formats.

Presenter tools support the creation of slide-show style presentations that support interactive elements and code execution during the presentation.

Among the alternative front ends is the Wolfram Workbench, an Eclipse based integrated development environment (IDE), introduced in It provides project-based code development tools for Mathematica, including revision management, debugging, profiling, and testing.[12] There is a plugin for IntelliJ IDEA based IDEs to work with Wolfram Language code which in addition to syntax highlighting can analyse and auto-complete local variables and defined functions.[13] The Mathematica Kernel also includes a command line front end.[14] Other interfaces include JMath,[15] based on GNU readline and WolframScript[16] which runs self-contained Mathematica programs (with arguments) from the UNIX command line.

High-performance computing[edit]

Capabilities for high-performance computing were extended with the introduction of packed arrays in version 4 ()[17] and sparse matrices (version 5, ),[18] and by adopting the GNU Multi-Precision Library to evaluate high-precision arithmetic.

Version () added automatic multi-threading when computations are performed on multi-core computers.[19] This release included CPU-specific optimized libraries.[20] In addition Mathematica is supported by third party specialist acceleration hardware such as ClearSpeed.[21]

In , gridMathematica was introduced to allow user level parallel programming on heterogeneous clusters and multiprocessor systems[22] and in parallel computing technology was included in all Mathematica licenses including support for grid technology such as Windows HPC Server , Microsoft Compute Cluster Server and Sun Grid.

Support for CUDA and OpenCLGPU hardware was added in [23] Also, since version 8 it can generate C code, which is automatically compiled by a system C compiler, such as GCC or Microsoft Visual Studio.

In support was added for compiling Wolfram Language code to LLVM.[24]


Features of Wolfram Mathematica include:[25]

  • Libraries of mathematical elementary functions and special functions including Number theory function and combinatoric functions
  • Support for complex number, arbitrary precision arithmetic, interval arithmetic, numbers with uncertainty censored data, temporal data, time series, and unit based data, and symbolic computation
  • Matrix and data manipulation tools including support for sparse arrays and associative arrays
  • 2D and 3D data, function and geo visualization and animation tools
  • Solvers for systems of equations, diophantine equations, ordinary differential equations (ODEs), non-linear partial differential equations (PDEs), differential algebraic equations (DAEs), delay differential equations (DDEs), stochastic differential equations (SDEs), and recurrence relations
  • Finite element analysis including 2D and 3D adaptive mesh generation
  • Numeric and symbolic tools for discrete and continuous calculus including continuous and discrete integral transforms
  • Constrained and unconstrained local and global optimization
  • Multivariate statistics libraries including fitting, hypothesis testing, and probability and expectation calculations on over distributions.
  • Calculations and simulations on random processes and queues
  • Supervised and unsupervisedmachine learning tools for data, images and sounds including artificial neural networks
  • Tools for text mining including regular expressions, semantic analysis, sentiment analysis and fact extraction
  • Data mining tools such as cluster analysis, sequence alignment and pattern matching
  • Computational geometry in 2D, 3D and higher dimensions and Euclid-style 2D geometry
  • Libraries for signal processing including wavelet analysis on sounds, images and data
  • Audio processing filters and measures including audio recognition
  • Tools for 2D and 3D image processing[26] and morphological image processing including image recognition
  • Tools for visualizing and analysing directed and undirected graphs
  • Tools for cryptography including symmetric and asymmetric keys, hashing and elliptic curve cryptography
  • Tools for financial calculations including bonds, annuities, derivatives, options etc.
  • Group theory and symbolic tensor functions
  • Tools for Automated theorem proving
  • Linear and non-linear control system libraries
  • Microcontroller kit for giving symbolic specifications from which it automatically generates and deploys code to run autonomously in microcontrollers.
  • Tools for computational chemistry including bond length and angle calculations and databases of chemical properties
  • Programming language supporting procedural, functional, object-oriented constructs and parallel programming
  • Toolkit for adding user interfaces to calculations and applications
  • Tools for creating and deploying cloud based computational applications and services
  • Tools to connect to dynamic-link library (DLL), Java, .NET, C++, Fortran, CUDA, OpenCL, and Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) based systems
  • Using both "free-form linguistic input" (a natural language user interface)[27][28] and Wolfram Language in notebook when connected to the Internet


There are several ways to deploy applications written in Wolfram Mathematica:

  • Mathematica Player Pro is a runtime version of Mathematica that will run any Mathematica application but does not allow editing or creation of the code.[29]
  • A free-of-charge version, Wolfram CDF Player, is provided for running Mathematica programs that have been saved in the Computable Document Format (CDF).[30] It can also view standard Mathematica files, but not run them. It includes plugins for common web browsers on Windows and Macintosh.
  • webMathematica allows a web browser to act as a front end to a remote Mathematica server. It is designed to allow a user-written application to be remotely accessed via a browser on any platform. It may not be used to give full access to Mathematica. Due to bandwidth limitations interactive 3D graphics is not fully supported within a web browser.
  • Wolfram Language code can be converted to C code or to an automatically generated DLL.
  • Wolfram Language code can be run on a Wolfram cloud service as a web-app or as an API either on Wolfram-hosted servers or in a private installation of the Wolfram Enterprise Private Cloud.

Connections to other applications, programming languages, and services[edit]

Communication with other applications occurs through a protocol called Wolfram Symbolic Transfer Protocol (WSTP). It allows communication between the Wolfram Mathematica kernel and front-end, and also provides a general interface between the kernel and other applications.[31] Wolfram Research freely distributes a developer kit for linking applications written in the programming language C to the Mathematica kernel through WSTP. Using J/Link.,[32] a Java program can ask Mathematica to perform computations; likewise, a Mathematica program can load Java classes, manipulate Java objects, and perform method calls. Similar functionality is achieved with .NET /Link,[33] but with .NET programs instead of Java programs. Other languages that connect to Mathematica include Haskell,[34]AppleScript,[35]Racket,[36]Visual Basic,[37]Python,[38][39] and Clojure.[40]

Mathematica supports the generation and execution of Modelica models for Systems modeling and connects with Wolfram System Modeler.

Links are available to many third party software packages including Calc,[41]Microsoft Excel,[42]MATLAB,[43][44][45]R,[46]SageMath (which can also pull up Mathematica),[47][48][49][50]Singular,[51]Wolfram SystemModeler, and Origin.[52] It also links to the Unity game engine and the OpenAI Gym. Mathematical equations can be exchanged with other computational or typesetting software via MathML.

Mathematica includes interfaces to SQL databases (via Java Database Connectivity JDBC),[53]MongoDB, and it can access RDF graph databases via SPARQL. Mathematica can also install web services from a Web Services Description Language (WSDL) description.[54][55] It can access HDFS data via Hadoop.[56].

Mathematica can call a variety of cloud services to retrieve or send data including ArXiv, Bing, ChemSpider, CrossRef, Dropbox, Facebook, Federal Reserve, Fitbit, Flickr, Google (Analytics, Calendar, Contacts, Custom search, Plus, search, translate), Instagram, LinkedIn, MailChimp, Microsoft Translator, Mixpanel, OpenLibrary, OpenPHACTS, PubChem, PubMed, Reddit, RunKeeper, SeatGeek, SurveyMonkey, Twilio, Twitter, Wikipedia, and Yelp.[57]

Mathematica can capture real-time data via a link to LabVIEW,[58] from financial data feeds,[59] and directly from hardware devices via GPIB (IEEE ),[60]USB,[61] and serial interfaces.[62] It automatically detects and reads from devices following the HID USB protocol. It can read directly from a range of Vernier sensors that are Go!Link-compatible.[63]

Mathematica can read and write to public blockchains (Bitcoin, Ethereum, and ARK).[64]

It supports import and export of over data, image, video, sound, computer-aided design (CAD), geographic information systems (GIS),[65] document, and biomedical formats

Computable data[edit]

A stream plot of live weather data

Wolfram Mathematica includes collections of curated data provided for use in computations. Mathematica is also integrated with Wolfram Alpha, an online computational knowledge answer engine which provides additional data, some of which is kept updated in real time. Some of the data sets include astronomical, chemical, geopolitical, language, biomedical and weather data, in addition to mathematical data (such as knots and polyhedra).[66]


BYTE in listed Mathematica as among the "Distinction" winners of the BYTE Awards, stating that it "is another breakthrough Macintosh application it could enable you to absorb the algebra and calculus that seemed impossible to comprehend from a textbook".[67]

Learning and Adopting Mathematica[edit]

Compare to the early years, a vast amount of resources are now available to learn the application. Wolfram Cloud provides anyone a free account and access to the latest version of Mathematica and provides a place and tutorial to start learning independent of platforms.

The Documentation are now available online, in the Wolfram Cloud and in the application itself, filled with easy copy and paste examples. Not only are the functions and its multitude of options explained, but workflows and guidelines are also provided.

An Elementary Introduction to Wolfram Language provides a quick tutorial on the basics. While Fast Introduction for Math Students and Fast Introduction for Programmers goes into details for respective users.

Finally but not least, Wolfram U also provide free and paid tutorials on using the application in more depth.

Version history[edit]

Mathematica version history

Wolfram Mathematica built on the ideas in Cole and Wolfram's earlier Symbolic Manipulation Program (SMP).[68][69] The name of the program "Mathematica" was suggested to Stephen Wolfram by Apple cofounder Steve Jobs although Wolfram had thought about it earlier and rejected it.[70]

Wolfram Research has released the following versions of Mathematica:[71]

  • – June 23, [72][73][74][75]
  • – October 31,
  • – August 1, [75][76]
  • – January 15, [75][77]
  • – June 15, [75]
  • – June 1, [75][78]
  • – September 3, [79]
  • – May 19, [75][80]
  • – November 2, [75]
  • – November 1, [75]
  • – June 12, [75][81]
  • – October 25, [75][82]
  • – June 20, [75][83]
  • – May 1, [84][85]
  • – November 18, [86]
  • – November 15, [87]
  • – November 28, [88]
  • – July 9, [89]
  • – March 30, [90]
  • – July 14, [91]
  • – October 15,
  • – March 2,
  • – August 8, [92]
  • – September 28,
  • – March 16, [93]
  • – April 25,
  • – September 14, [94]
  • – March 8, [95]
  • – April 16, [96]
  • - March 18, [97]
  • – June 17, [98]

See also[edit]


  1. ^Wolfram, Stephen (23 Jun ), Mathematica Turns 20 Today, Wolfram, retrieved 16 May
  2. ^"Mathematica Quick Revision History". Retrieved
  3. ^"Celebrating Mathematica's First Quarter Century". Retrieved 11 August
  4. ^The Software Engineering of Mathematica—Wolfram Mathematica 9 Documentation. Retrieved on
  5. ^Raspberry Pi Includes Mathematica for Free The Verge
  6. ^"Wolfram Mathematica". Retrieved 11 August
  7. ^Stephen Wolfram: Simple Solutions; The iconoclastic physicist's Mathematica software nails complex puzzles, BusinessWeek, October 3,
  8. ^"Contact Wolfram Research". Retrieved 11 August
  9. ^"Stephen Wolfram's new programming language: Can he make the world computable?". Slate Magazine. Retrieved 11 August
  10. ^Patent US Google Patent Search
  11. ^Hayes, Brian (). "Thoughts on Mathematica"(PDF). Pixel.
  12. ^"Wolfram intros Workbench IDE for Mathematica". Macworld. 21 June Retrieved 11 August
  13. ^Mathematica plugin for IntelliJ IDEA
  14. ^Using a Text-Based Interface documentation at
  15. ^"JMath: A GNU Readline based frontend for Mathematica". Retrieved 11 August
  16. ^"Directory listing:". Retrieved 18 April
  17. ^Math software packs new power; new programs automate such tedious processes as solving nonlinear differential equations and converting units by Agnes Shanley, Chemical Engineering, March 1,
  18. ^Mathematica additional features make software well-suited for operations research professionals by ManMohan S. Sodhi, OR/MS Today, December 1,
  19. ^The 21st annual Editors' Choice Awards, Macworld, February 1,
  20. ^"Mathematica is tuned to take advantage of CPU features when available". Retrieved 13 April
  21. ^"ClearSpeed Advance Accelerator Boards Certified by Wolfram Research; Math Coprocessors Enable Mathematica Users to Quadruple Performance". Retrieved 11 August
  22. ^gridMathematica offers parallel computing solution by Dennis Sellers, MacWorld, November 20,
  23. ^"CUDA and OpenCL support added in Mathematica 8". Retrieved 13 April
  24. ^"Create LLVM code". Retrieved 13 April
  25. ^"Wolfram Language & System Documentation Center". Retrieved 11 August
  26. ^Review: Mathematica 7. Technical computing powerhouse gets more oomph Macworld, Jan
  27. ^"The Free-Form Linguistics Revolution in Mathematica". Retrieved 11 August
  28. ^"Free-Form Linguistic Input". Retrieved 11 August
  29. ^Mathematica Player Pro - new Application Delivery System for Mathematica
  30. ^"Computable Document Format (CDF) for Interactive Content". Retrieved 11 August
  31. ^Wolfram Symbolic Transfer Protocol (WSTP)
  32. ^Mathematica Archived at the Wayback Machine by Charles Seiter, Macworld, November 1,
  33. ^.NET/Link: .NET/Link is a toolkit that integrates Mathematica and the Microsoft .NET Framework.
  34. ^"mathlink: Write Mathematica packages in Haskell - Hackage". Retrieved 11 August
  35. ^ "MathLink for AppleScript". Retrieved 11 August
  36. ^"MrMathematica: Calling Mathematica from Scheme". Retrieved 11 August
  37. ^"Mathematica for ActiveX - from Wolfram Library Archive". Retrieved 11 August
  38. ^"erocarrera/pythonika". GitHub. Retrieved 11 August
  39. ^"PYML (Python Mathematica interface) - from Wolfram Library Archive". Retrieved 11 August
  40. ^"Clojuratica - Home". Retrieved
  41. ^CalcLink Lauschke Consulting
  42. ^"Mathematica Link for Excel: Bringing the Power of Mathematica to Excel". Retrieved 11 August
  43. ^R. Menon, Sz. Horvát. "MATLink". Retrieved 11 August
  44. ^Ben Barrowes (10 June ). "Mathematica Symbolic Toolbox for MATLAB–Version ". Retrieved 11 August
  45. ^"MaMa: Calling MATLAB from Mathematica with MathLink - from Wolfram Library Archive". Retrieved 11 August
  46. ^RLink Mathematica Documentation
  47. ^Gourgoulhon, Eric; Bejger, Michal; Mancini, Marco (21 Dec ). "Tensor calculus with open-source software: the SageManifolds project". Journal of Physics: Conference Series. : arXiv BibcodeJPhCSaG. doi///1/
  48. ^"Interface to Mathematica - Sage Reference Manual v Interpreter Interfaces". Retrieved
  49. ^"Using Mathematica within Sagemath | LSUMath". Retrieved
  50. ^Pruim, Randall (5 May ). "Can Sage replace Maple and Mathematica?"(PDF). Calvin College. Retrieved 8 Jan
  51. ^Manuel Kauers and Viktor Levandovskyy of the Johannes Kepler University Linz, in Austria
  52. ^* Interface Links Origin And Mathematica SoftwareArchived at the Wayback Machine Electronic Design
  53. ^Mathematica Available, Database Journal, Jan 3,
  54. ^Mathematical Web Services: W3C Note 1 August
  55. ^Introduction to Web Services, Mathematica Web Services Tutorial
  56. ^"shadanan/HadoopLink". GitHub. Retrieved 11 August
  57. ^Wolfram Language Documentation Yelp service Cconnection
  58. ^Mathematica Link to Labview BetterView Consulting
  59. ^DDFLink Lauschke Consulting
  60. ^GITM SourceForge. Note that the GITM project currently (as of ) has no downloadable artefacts and appears to be inactive so GPIB support for Mathematica may not actually exist.
  61. ^BTopTools A commercial interface to USB devices
  62. ^"Interfacing Hardware with Mathematica - from Wolfram Library Archive". Retrieved 11 August
  63. ^Vernier and Mathematica
  64. ^"Working with blockchains". Retrieved 15 April
  65. ^Mathematica 6 Labs Review Cadalyst Feb 1,
  66. ^"Scientific and Technical Data", Mathematic Guide, Wolfram Research, archived from the original on 10 May , retrieved 16 May
  67. ^"The BYTE Awards". BYTE. January p.&#;
  68. ^Math, the universe, and Stephen: the author of Mathematica created a whirlwind of scientific controversy this year when, after more than 10 years of research, he published his treatise on the ability of simple structures to create unpredictable complex patterns. ( Scientist Of The Year).(Stephen Wolfram) by Tim Studt, R&D, November 1,
  69. ^A Top Scientist's Latest: Math Software by Andrew Pollack, The New York Times, June 24,
  70. ^Wolfram, Stephen (6 Oct ), Steve Jobs: A Few Memories, Wolfram Alpha, retrieved 16 May
  71. ^"Mathematica Latest Version and Quick Revision History". Retrieved 11 August
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