Disk Monitor Pro keygen

Disk Monitor Pro keygen

Disk Monitor Pro keygen

Disk Monitor Pro keygen

Active @ Hard Disk Monitor Pro - HDD Management

Home &#; Utility &#; Active @ Hard Disk Monitor Pro - HDD Management

Thursday, March 28,

Active Hard Disk Monitor Pro  | MB
Active@ Hard Disk Monitor is a disk utility that checks and monitors the status of your hard drives to help prevent data loss. The system is based on the Self-Monitoring Analysis and Reporting Technology (S.M.A.R.T.). This software monitors hard disk parameters such as Temperature, Head Flying Height and Spin-Up Time and notifies a user when a critical condition occurs. Disk Monitor also displays hard disk information, current S.M.A.R.T. attributes and the overall status of the hard disk&#;s health.

Advanced disk scan allows you to detect bad sectors on a disk surface. The software can be launched automatically at Windows startup and monitor the system in the background. A very useful feature of this program is that it displays the temperature of your hard disk drive as an icon from the taskbar.
Here are some key features of &#;Active@ Hard Disk Monitor&#;:
Performance Monitoring and Control:
&#; Provides background hard disk performance monitoring and control over the disk&#;s state.
S.M.A.R.T. Technology:
&#; Based on Self Monitoring Analysis and Reporting Technology (S.M.A.R.T.).
Scanning Disks for Bad Sectors:
&#; Able to scan and display bad sectors on a disk&#;s surface.
System Tray Icon:
&#; Shows current disk temperature in the System Tray
E-mail and Popup notifications:
&#; Sends an e-mail or a popup notification automatically if critical conditions appear.
S.M.A.R.T. Attributes:
&#; Displays current values of S.M.A.R.T. attributes, giving the extensive information about your hard disk&#;s state.
Disk Information:
&#; Provides detailed hard disk information such as Serial/Model Number, Number of cylinders, and so on.
Launch at Windows startup:
&#; Can be launched automatically at Windows startup and monitor the HDD(s) in the background.
Event logs and reports:
&#; Generates event log and S.M.A.R.T. reports with detailed information about disk(s) activity over the period of time.
Remote Administration and Monitoring:
&#; Shows disks status and information and receives notifications from remote computers in local or global network.
Simple and intuitive UI:
&#; Easy to use user interface makes a hard disk monitoring a straightforward task.
DOWNLOAD the size of 11 MB with serial

Zip file password: Softir (type the password)

Источник: [manicapital.com]
, Disk Monitor Pro keygen

Software cracking

Modification of software, often to use it for free

Software cracking (known as "breaking" in the s[1]) is the modification of software to remove or disable features which are considered undesirable by the person cracking the software, especially copy protection features (including protection against the manipulation of software, serial number, hardware key, date checks and disc check) or software annoyances like nag screens and adware.

A crack refers to the means of achieving, for example a stolen serial number or a tool that performs that act of cracking.[2] Some of these tools are called keygen, patch, or loader. A keygen is a handmade product serial number generator that often offers the ability to generate working serial numbers in your own name. A patch is a small computer program that modifies the machine code of another program. This has the advantage for a cracker to not include a large executable in a release when only a few bytes are changed.[3] A loader modifies the startup flow of a program and does not remove the protection but circumvents it.[4][5] A well-known example of a loader is a trainer used to cheat in games.[6]Fairlight pointed out in one of their .nfo files that these type of cracks are not allowed for warez scene game releases.[7][4][8] A nukewar has shown that the protection may not kick in at any point for it to be a valid crack.[9]

The distribution of cracked copies is illegal in most countries. There have been lawsuits over cracking software.[10] It might be legal to use cracked software in certain circumstances.[11] Educational resources for reverse engineering and software cracking are, however, legal and available in the form of Crackme programs.


The first software copy protection was applied to software for the Apple II,[12]Atari , and Commodore 64 computers.[citation needed]. Software publishers have implemented increasingly complex methods in an effort to stop unauthorized copying of software.

On the Apple II, unlike modern computers that use standardized device drivers to manage device communications, the operating system directly controlled the step motor that moves the floppy drive head, and also directly interpreted the raw data, called nibbles, read from each track to identify the data sectors. This allowed complex disk-based software copy protection, by storing data on half tracks (0, 1, , , 5, ), quarter tracks (0, 1, , , 5, ), and any combination thereof. In addition, tracks did not need to be perfect rings, but could be sectioned so that sectors could be staggered across overlapping offset tracks, the most extreme version being known as spiral tracking. It was also discovered that many floppy drives did not have a fixed upper limit to head movement, and it was sometimes possible to write an additional 36th track above the normal 35 tracks. The standard Apple II copy programs could not read such protected floppy disks, since the standard DOS assumed that all disks had a uniform track, or sector layout. Special nibble-copy programs such as Locksmith and Copy II Plus could sometimes duplicate these disks by using a reference library of known protection methods; when protected programs were cracked they would be completely stripped of the copy protection system, and transferred onto a standard format disk that any normal Apple II copy program could read.

One of the primary routes to hacking these early copy protections was to run a program that simulates the normal CPU operation. The CPU simulator provides a number of extra features to the hacker, such as the ability to single-step through each processor instruction and to examine the CPU registers and modified memory spaces as the simulation runs (any modern disassembler/debugger can do this). The Apple II provided a built-in opcode disassembler, allowing raw memory to be decoded into CPU opcodes, and this would be utilized to examine what the copy-protection was about to do next. Generally there was little to no defense available to the copy protection system, since all its secrets are made visible through the simulation. However, because the simulation itself must run on the original CPU, in addition to the software being hacked, the simulation would often run extremely slowly even at maximum speed.

On Atari 8-bit computers, the most common protection method was via "bad sectors". These were sectors on the disk that were intentionally unreadable by the disk drive. The software would look for these sectors when the program was loading and would stop loading if an error code was not returned when accessing these sectors. Special copy programs were available that would copy the disk and remember any bad sectors. The user could then use an application to spin the drive by constantly reading a single sector and display the drive RPM. With the disk drive top removed a small screwdriver could be used to slow the drive RPM below a certain point. Once the drive was slowed down the application could then go and write "bad sectors" where needed. When done the drive RPM was sped up back to normal and an uncracked copy was made. Of course cracking the software to expect good sectors made for readily copied disks without the need to meddle with the disk drive. As time went on more sophisticated methods were developed, but almost all involved some form of malformed disk data, such as a sector that might return different data on separate accesses due to bad data alignment. Products became available (from companies such as Happy Computers) which replaced the controller BIOS in Atari's "smart" drives. These upgraded drives allowed the user to make exact copies of the original program with copy protections in place on the new disk.

On the Commodore 64, several methods were used to protect software. For software distributed on ROM cartridges, subroutines were included which attempted to write over the program code. If the software was on ROM, nothing would happen, but if the software had been moved to RAM, the software would be disabled. Because of the operation of Commodore floppy drives, one write protection scheme would cause the floppy drive head to bang against the end of its rail, which could cause the drive head to become misaligned. In some cases, cracked versions of software were desirable to avoid this result. A misaligned drive head was rare usually fixing itself by smashing against the rail stops. Another brutal protection scheme was grinding from track 1 to 40 and back a few times.

Most of the early software crackers were computer hobbyists who often formed groups that competed against each other in the cracking and spreading of software. Breaking a new copy protection scheme as quickly as possible was often regarded as an opportunity to demonstrate one's technical superiority rather than a possibility of money-making. Some low skilled hobbyists would take already cracked software and edit various unencrypted strings of text in it to change messages a game would tell a game player, often something considered vulgar. Uploading the altered copies on file sharing networks provided a source of laughs for adult users. The cracker groups of the s started to advertise themselves and their skills by attaching animated screens known as crack intros in the software programs they cracked and released. Once the technical competition had expanded from the challenges of cracking to the challenges of creating visually stunning intros, the foundations for a new subculture known as demoscene were established. Demoscene started to separate itself from the illegal "warez scene" during the s and is now regarded as a completely different subculture. Many software crackers have later grown into extremely capable software reverse engineers; the deep knowledge of assembly required in order to crack protections enables them to reverse engineerdrivers in order to port them from binary-only drivers for Windows to drivers with source code for Linux and other free operating systems. Also because music and game intro was such an integral part of gaming the music format and graphics became very popular when hardware became affordable for the home user.

With the rise of the Internet, software crackers developed secretive online organizations. In the latter half of the nineties, one of the most respected sources of information about "software protection reversing" was Fravia's website.

Most of the well-known or "elite" cracking groups make software cracks entirely for respect in the "Scene", not profit. From there, the cracks are eventually leaked onto public Internet sites by people/crackers who use well-protected/secure FTP release archives, which are made into full copies and sometimes sold illegally by other parties.

The Scene today is formed of small groups of skilled people, who informally compete to have the best crackers, methods of cracking, and reverse engineering.


The High Cracking University (+HCU), was founded by Old Red Cracker (+ORC), considered a genius of reverse engineering and a legendary figure in RCE, to advance research into Reverse Code Engineering (RCE). He had also taught and authored many papers on the subject, and his texts are considered classics in the field and are mandatory reading for students of RCE.[13]

The addition of the "+" sign in front of the nickname of a reverser signified membership in the +HCU. Amongst the students of +HCU were the top of the elite Windows reversers worldwide.[13] +HCU published a new reverse engineering problem annually and a small number of respondents with the best replies qualified for an undergraduate position at the university.[13]

+Fravia was a professor at +HCU. Fravia's website was known as "+Fravia's Pages of Reverse Engineering" and he used it to challenge programmers as well as the wider society to "reverse engineer" the "brainwashing of a corrupt and rampant materialism". In its heyday, his website received millions of visitors per year and its influence was "widespread".[13]

Nowadays most of the graduates of +HCU have migrated to Linux and few have remained as Windows reversers. The information at the university has been rediscovered by a new generation of researchers and practitioners of RCE who have started new research projects in the field.[13]


The most common software crack is the modification of an application's binary to cause or prevent a specific key branch in the program's execution. This is accomplished by reverse engineering the compiled program code using a debugger such as SoftICE,[14]x64dbg, OllyDbg,[15]GDB, or MacsBug until the software cracker reaches the subroutine that contains the primary method of protecting the software (or by disassembling an executable file with a program such as IDA). The binary is then modified using the debugger or a hex editor or monitor in a manner that replaces a prior branching opcode with its complement or a NOPopcode so the key branch will either always execute a specific subroutine or skip over it. Almost all common software cracks are a variation of this type. Proprietary software developers are constantly developing techniques such as code obfuscation, encryption, and self-modifying code to make this modification increasingly difficult. Even with these measures being taken, developers struggle to combat software cracking. This is because it is very common for a professional to publicly release a simple cracked EXE or Retrium Installer for public download, eliminating the need for inexperienced users to crack the software themselves.

A specific example of this technique is a crack that removes the expiration period from a time-limited trial of an application. These cracks are usually programs that alter the program executable and sometimes the .dll or .so linked to the application. Similar cracks are available for software that requires a hardware dongle. A company can also break the copy protection of programs that they have legally purchased but that are licensed to particular hardware, so that there is no risk of downtime due to hardware failure (and, of course, no need to restrict oneself to running the software on bought hardware only).

Another method is the use of special software such as CloneCD to scan for the use of a commercial copy protection application. After discovering the software used to protect the application, another tool may be used to remove the copy protection from the software on the CD or DVD. This may enable another program such as Alcohol %, CloneDVD, Game Jackal, or Daemon Tools to copy the protected software to a user's hard disk. Popular commercial copy protection applications which may be scanned for include SafeDisc and StarForce.[16]

In other cases, it might be possible to decompile a program in order to get access to the original source code or code on a level higher than machine code. This is often possible with scripting languages and languages utilizing JIT compilation. An example is cracking (or debugging) on the .NET platform where one might consider manipulating CIL to achieve one's needs. Java'sbytecode also works in a similar fashion in which there is an intermediate language before the program is compiled to run on the platform dependent machine code.

Advanced reverse engineering for protections such as SecuROM, SafeDisc, StarForce, or Denuvo requires a cracker, or many crackers to spend much time studying the protection, eventually finding every flaw within the protection code, and then coding their own tools to "unwrap" the protection automatically from executable (.EXE) and library (.DLL) files.

There are a number of sites on the Internet that let users download cracks produced by warez groups for popular games and applications (although at the danger of acquiring malicious software that is sometimes distributed via such sites).[17] Although these cracks are used by legal buyers of software, they can also be used by people who have downloaded or otherwise obtained unauthorized copies (often through P2P networks).

Trial reset[edit]

Many commercial programs that can be downloaded from the Internet have a trial period (often 30 days) and must be registered (i.e. be bought) after its expiration if the user wants to continue to use them. To reset the trial period, registry entries and/or hidden files that contain information about the trial period are modified and/or deleted. For this purpose, crackers develop "trial resetters" for a particular program or sometimes also for a group of programs by the same manufacturer.
A method to make trial resets less attractive is the limitation of the software during the trial period (e.g., some features are only available in the registered version; pictures/videos/hardcopies created with the program get a watermark; the program runs for only 10–20 minutes and then closes automatically). Some programs have an unlimited trial period, but are limited until their registration.

See also[edit]


  1. ^Kevelson, Morton (October ). "Isepic". Ahoy!. pp.&#;71– Retrieved June 27,
  2. ^Tulloch, Mitch (). Microsoft Encyclopedia of Security(PDF). Redmond, Washington: Microsoft Press. p.&#; ISBN&#;.
  3. ^Craig, Paul; Ron, Mark (April ). "Chapter 4: Crackers". In Burnett, Mark (ed.). Software Piracy Exposed - Secrets from the Dark Side Revealed. Publisher: Andrew Williams, Page Layout and Art: Patricia Lupien, Acquisitions Editor: Jaime Quigley, Copy Editor: Judy Eby, Technical Editor: Mark Burnett, Indexer: Nara Wood, Cover Designer: Michael Kavish. United States of America: Syngress Publishing. pp.&#;75– doi/B/ ISBN&#;.
  4. ^ abFLT (January 22, ). "The_Sims_3_70s_80s_and_90s_Stuff-FLT".
  5. ^Shub-Nigurrath [ARTeam]; ThunderPwr [ARTeam] (January ). "Cracking with Loaders: Theory, General Approach, and a Framework". CodeBreakers Magazine. Universitas-Virtualis Research Project. 1 (1).
  6. ^Nigurrath, Shub (May ). "Guide on how to play with processes memory, writing loaders, and Oraculumns". CodeBreakers Magazine. Universitas-Virtualis Research Project. 1 (2).
  7. ^FLT (September 29, ). "Test_Drive_Ferrari_Legends_PROPER-FLT".
  8. ^SKIDROW (January 21, ). "manicapital.com-SKIDROW".
  9. ^"manicapital.com-FiGHTCLUB nukewar". December 2, Archived from the original on September 13,
  10. ^Cheng, Jacqui (September 27, ). "Microsoft files lawsuit over DRM crack". Ars Technica.
  11. ^Fravia (November ). "Is reverse engineering legal?".
  12. ^Pearson, Jordan (July 24, ). "Programmers Are Racing to Save Apple II Software Before It Goes Extinct". Motherboard. Archived from the original on September 27, Retrieved January 27,
  13. ^ abcdeCyrus Peikari; Anton Chuvakin (January 12, ). Security Warrior. "O'Reilly Media, Inc.". p.&#; ISBN&#;.
  14. ^Ankit, Jain; Jason, Kuo; Jordan, Soet; Brian, Tse (April ). "Software Cracking (April )"(PDF). The University of British Columbia - Electrical and Computer Engineering. Retrieved January 27, Cite journal requires (help)
  15. ^Wójcik, Bartosz. "Reverse engineering tools review". manicapital.com. PELock. Archived from the original on September 13, Retrieved February 16,
  16. ^Gamecopyworld Howto
  17. ^McCandless, David (April 1, ). "Warez Wars". Wired. ISSN&#; Retrieved February 4,
Источник: [manicapital.com]
Disk Monitor Pro keygen

CPUID - System & hardware benchmark, monitoring, reporting

Extended version of HWMonitor

HWMonitor PRO is the extended version of HWMonitor. In comparison to its classic counterpart, HWMonitor PRO adds the following features :

  • Remote Monitoring :
    Watch the sensors of one or several distant PCs or Android devices using a simple TCP/IP connection.

  • Graph Generator :
    Save monitoring data and generate logging graphs as bitmap files.

  • Improved Interface :
    Sensors in system tray, editable sensors labels …
CPUID HWMonitor Pro is available as a setup version (that does automatically install the bit or the bit binaries depending on your Windows version, creates the application entries in start menu and on desktop) and as a .zip file that contains the two binaries.

Run the setup executable file, and let it guide you for the installation process. The setup installs a service, that is started the first time that you run HWMonitor Pro.

If you already have a registration key, you can either copy the pvk file in the installation directory (typically c:\Program Files\CPUID), or run the register process again from the program with the key sent in the registration e-mail.
You can remove the program either from the Add or Remove Programs window (from Settings, Control Panel), or choose Uninstall HWMonitor Pro from Start menu, Programs, CPUID. Please note that the directory CPUID won\'t be deleted since it contains the ini file and possibly your registration key.
Interface customization
Editable labels
Sensor labels can be manually edited. To achieve that, select the sensor line, then press F2 to activate the edition. You can also select View in the main menu, then Edit Selection Label.
System tray
To add a sensor in the system tray, select it and right-click to make the floating menu appear, then choose Add to tray. You can also select View in the main menu, then Add Selection to Tray.

Tray icons are colored depending on the sensor type :
- Voltages
- Temperature
- Fan
- Fan PWM
- Power
- Clock Speed
- Utilization
- Bandwidth
If all icons are not visible, you can setup Windows in order it does always display all icons in the system tray :
- Windows 7 : right-click on the task bar, choose Properties. Click on the Customize button in the Notification Area group. Then check Always show all icons and notifications in the taskbar.
- Windows 10 : right-click on the task bar, choose Properties. Click on the Customize button in the Notification Area group. Select Notification and actions, then Select which icons appear on the taskbar, and turn on Always show all icons in the notification area.
Sensors tray icons can be individually removed by right clicking on each of them and choose Remove in the popup menu. Choose Remove All to remove all sensors icons from tray.
HWMonitor Pro can be minimized to tray by choosing View menu, Minimize to Tray. If you check "Minimize to Tray" in the option dialog, the program will be minimized to tray everytime it is minimized. Once minimized to tray, double-click on the program tray icon to restore the interface.
Display Mode by Sensor Type
By default, HWMonitor PRO groups the sensors by device, but you can also choose to group them by type. That display mode is the one used in the Android version of HWMonitor PRO.
Remote Monitoring
The remote monitoring feature in HWMonitor Pro stands in the ability to monitor one or several distant PCs with a simple TCP/IP connection, as shown on this picture. PCs can be monitored from another PC, or from an Android mobile device thanks to the dedicated application.
Firewall considerations
The instances of HWMonitor Pro exchange data through port . In order to keep your system secure, firewalls programs are detecting non declared port accesses, henceforth, before using the remote features of HWmonitor Pro, you need to declare the program to your custom firewall, or by default to Windows XP and Vista integrated firewalls. Depending on how your firewall is configured, you may be prompted to grant access to the program once the firewall requires it (typically as soon as you run a command related to remote monitoring).
If a popup like this one appears, unblock HWMonitor Pro. You can also manually configure a firewall exception, in order it grants access to HWMonitor Pro. As an example, here are the steps to follow for Windows integrated firewall :
Open Windows Firewall (Settings, then Control Panel), then click on the tab Exceptions. Choose Add Port, then enter CPUID Hardware Monitor Pro as name, as port number, and check TCP
Click on OK to go back to the Firewall Exceptions tab. The name associated with the port must appear in the programs and ports list.
Click on OK to confirm and close the Firewall dialog box.

In no case you have to disable or stop your firewall in order to make HWMonitor Pro remote feature work. Doing this would make your system vulnerable. If the unblocking process does not work, please make sure you followed all steps correctly.
Remote a PC from another PC
The steps to display the monitoring data of PC2 on PC1 are as following :
  • Start HWMonitor Pro on PC1 and PC2. Please make sure that the firewalls are correctly configured on the two machines, as explained in the previous paragraph.
  • Switch to "listening mode" to ON on PC2 : open menu Network, then check Listening Mode if it is not already checked. You\'ll be notify with a message in the status bar.
    When in listening mode, the program instance sends its data to all other instances connected to it. You can force the program to start in listening mode : open the option dialog (menu Tools, Options), then check Enter in listening mode at startup.
  • We can now connect PC1 on PC2. On PC1, open menu Network, Connect and Enum Network to display a list of the network neighborhood of PC1.
  • Select the machine you want to connect to, then click on Connect. Note that you can select multiple lines and therefore connect to several machines in one click.
    If you know the IP address of the machine you want to connect to, select Network, Connect and IP Address.
  • Once the connection is established, you will be prompted in the status bar. After a moment, the remote machine appears in the list with all monitoring data. If the network connection is slow or you want to reduce traffic, open the options dialog on PC2 (menu Tools, Options) and increase the data broadcast frequency (available options are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15 and 20 seconds).
  • A right click on the network machine root node causes a floating menu to appear, that allows to:
    - close the connection
    - open or reopen the connection
    - remove the machine from the view
By default, when a machine is disconnected, the associated monitoring tree is deleted. You can optionnaly prevent the tree to be deleted, if you for example need to have a look at the latest values of the sensors returned by the machine that has been deconnected. In order to achieve that, open the options dialog (Tools, Options), then uncheck Clear disconnected machines.
Remote a PC from the Android application
The Android add-on for HWMonitor PRO was introduced with version However, please note that the use of the add-on does not require version and can be used with the previous versions as well.
  • Start HWMonitor PRO on the PC, and switch to "listening mode" (menu Network, check Listening Mode).
  • Install HWMonitor PRO for Android on your mobile device, then start it. If you wish to monitor a system on a local network, make sure to activate WiFi on your Android device, so it will be able to access to the systems by the local IPs.
  • Add a Computer by clicking on the Computer icon in the action bar or from the application menu. Enter machine name or IP, then click OK. If you enter both machine name and IP, the program will 1st use the IP address to connect to the machine. If you enter only one of the two data, the other one will be automatically filled once the connection will be done. Click on the machine in the list in order to connect.
  • In order to remove a machine from the list, do a long click on it. You will be prompted to ask if you really want to remove the machine from the list.
Data logging
CPUID HWMonitor Pro includes a graph generator that displays sensor data in as many graphs as there are sensors in the machine. Each graph is saved as a bitmap file.
Recording Options (requires version +)
Select Tools in the main menu, then Options to display recording options.
The graph generator can create two sets of graphs, in two different sizes. The program can also create .csv files, that you will easily open with a spreadsheet program. In order to avoid memory overflow, data are saved automatically every , , , or samples.
From version , HWMonitor PRO generates multi-curves graphs : for devices that contain more than one temperature, power, voltage, utilization or fan sensor, a graph is generated that displays all sensors.
Start Recording
Select Tools in the main menu, then Logs and Start Recording, or press F5 key. The Log Status indicator in the status bar changes to ON to indicate that the recording is in progress.
The graphs are saved in the Logs directory. This directory is automatically created in the directory that contains HWMonitor Pro. In the Logs directory, each recording session is saved in a dedicated directory, named as following :
[DAY MONTH YEAR - HOUR MINUTE]. For example : [7 JUN - 15h10]
In case of several machines are monitored (remote), the data for all the machines are recorded. They are stored in a folder that has the same name as the machine. By default, graphs are sized x pixels. You can optionally change the size through the Options dialog box (menu Tools, then Options). You can also change the curve thickness (version and above).
Finally, check Automatically open folder after generation if you want that the folder opens by itself after the graphs are saved.

PWM Control (for ESA compliant devices)
HWMonitor Pro includes PWM Control capabilities. When a PWM type sensor appears in the program, you can change its current value by right-clicking on the sensor and select "Control".
In case of troubleshooting, please first read the FAQ for known problem or issues. If you don't find the answer to your question please click here to contact us.

Does the Pro version of Hardware Monitor report more monitoring information than the classic and free version ?

No, the two programs have the exact same monitoring capabilities.
Hardware Monitor Pro reports inconsistent monitoring values. What can I do ?

Please save a dump as a txt file (menu File, then Save), then send back the file to us via the bug report form.
I've downloaded the latest version of Hardware Monitor Pro, but the programs tells me that the update period has expired. What can I do ?

You can download a previous version from the versions history. Choose the one where the release date is in the update period your license (that is the puchasing date plus one year for the standard version, and plus two years for the extended version). If you want to continue using the latest update, you need to renew your license
Hardware Monitor Pro does not work under Windows 98 or Me !

The support for unicode prevents the program from working on Windows 98/Me. A non-unicode version is available, please contact us to get your copy.
I updated HWMonitor Pro and the remote connections does not work anymore.

Please make sure that you use the same version of HWMonitor Pro on all machines.
HWMonitor Pro causes my PC to reboot or to freeze.
Edit manicapital.com, then replace:
Run HWMonitor Pro again. If the program works, restore every "1" one by one, until the program causes the problem again. Then please contact us
How do I change Tjmax value for my Intel processor ?

Edit manicapital.com, then change the Tjmax value at that line:
My license does not work anymore after I upgraded the version.

This happens because the directory of the upgrade version has changed. In order to solve that, you can either:
- enter your key again (select Help in the main menu, then Register).
- copy your pvk file from the previous directory (typically, C:\Program Files\CPUID for setup version) to the new one (typically C:\Program Files\CPUID\HWMonitorPro for the setup version).
When I try to connect to a PC on my local network from my Android phone, I get an error message.

The connection from an Android device requires to connect it to the local Wifi.


  • Added CPU and GPU utilization.
  • Added DRAM power (Haswell processors).
  • New multi-curves graphs.
  • AMD Athlon & , Sempron & (Kabini), AK, A, AK, A, AK, A (Kaveri), AK, A, A (Richland).
  • Intel X99 platform (DDR4, Haswell-E) and Devil's Canyon processors.
  • Automatic graphs saving feature (options dialog).
  • Intel CPUs : Ivy Bridge-E/EP/EX, Core i5 and Core ixxx (including Haswell refresh : i, i, i, i), Celeron Haswell (G, G), Bay Trail (Atom, Celeron, Pentium).
  • AMD Kaveri APUs.
  • Fan speed report on ATI GPUs.
  • ITE IT and IT SIOs (Asus FM2+ mainboards).
  • Nuvoton NCT and SMSC SCH SIOs (Fujitsu mainboards).
  • Microsoft Windows
  • AMD Opteron X and X, and series, FX and FX processors.
  • Intel Core ixxx, Core ix-4xxxHQ "Crystalwell", Pentium "Haswell" G, G, G, Core iK processors.
  • Intel 8-series chipset.
  • ITE IT, IT, IT SIOs.
  • Microsoft Windows (Windows Blue) support improved.
  • Fixed package temperature on AMD FX (Zambezi and Vishera).
  • Report real-time power on AMD FX (Zambezi and Vishera).
  • Support complete telemetry on AMD APU (Trinity).
  • Fixed package power on multi-CPU Intel platforms.
  • Added support of Nuvoton NCTD chip.
  • Added option "Minimize to tray".
  • Support for Antec CC watercoolers. That support is preliminary, it requires the use of the bit version of HWMonitorPRO, and requires that the ChilControl application does NOT run in the same time.
Источник: [manicapital.com]

What’s New in the Disk Monitor Pro keygen?

Screen Shot

System Requirements for Disk Monitor Pro keygen

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