Amazon DVD Shrink 2.4.0 serial key or number

Amazon DVD Shrink 2.4.0 serial key or number

Amazon DVD Shrink 2.4.0 serial key or number

Amazon DVD Shrink 2.4.0 serial key or number

Software Packages in "sid", Subsection doc

3dldf-doc (+ndfsg-4) [non-free]
3D drawing with MetaPost output -- documentation
4ti2-doc (+ds-2)
mathematical tool suite for problems on linear spaces -- user guide
abigail-doc ()
ABI Generic Analysis and Instrumentation Library (documentation)
abinit-data ()
package for electronic structure calculations (Data files)
abinit-doc ()
package for electronic structure calculations (Documentation)
abs-guide ()
The Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide
acl2-doc (dfsg-1)
Computational Logic for Applicative Common Lisp: documentation
ada-reference-manual ()
Ada language standard
ada-reference-manual ()
Ada language standard
adacontrol-doc (r6b-5)
Ada rules controller (documentation)
adql-java-doc ()
Parse, manipulate and translate ADQL queries (API doc)
afdko-doc (+dfsg)
Adobe Font Development Kit for OpenType (common documentation)
afl++-doc (c-1)
instrumentation-driven fuzzer for binary formats - documentation
afnix-doc ()
Compiler and run-time for the AFNIX programming language (documentation)
agda-stdlib-doc ()
standard library for Agda — documentation
allegro4-doc ()
documentation for the Allegro library
allegro5-doc ()
documentation for the Allegro 5 library
alot-doc ()
Text mode MUA using notmuch mail - documentation
alpine-doc (+dfsg)
Text-based email client's documentation
alure-doc ()
AL Utilities REtooled (documentation)
am-utils-doc (+rc)
automounter utilities documentation
anarchism ()
Exhaustive exploration of Anarchist theory and practice
angelscript-doc (+ds)
game-oriented interpreted compiled scripting language (documentation)
ansible-doc (+dfsg-1)
Ansible documentation and examples
ansible-tower-cli-doc ()
documentation for tower-cli command line tool and library
ant-doc ()
Java based build tool like make - API documentation and manual
antlr-doc (+dfsg)
language tool for constructing recognizers, compilers etc
antlr3-doc ()
language tool for constructing compilers etc - documentation
antlr4-doc ()
ANTLR Parser Generator (documentation)
anyremote-doc ()
Documentation for anyremote
aodh-doc ()
OpenStack Telemetry (Ceilometer) Alarming - doc
apache2-doc ()
Apache HTTP Server (on-site documentation)
apcupsd-doc ()
APC UPS Power Management (documentation/examples)
aplus-fsf-doc ()
A+ programming language documentation
apophenia-doc (+ds-8)
Apophenia Statistical C Library -- reference manual
appstream-doc ()
Developer documentation for AppStream
appstream-glib-doc ()
Developer documentation for the libappstream-glib library
apt-doc ()
documentation for APT
apt-dpkg-ref ()
APT, Dpkg Quick Reference sheet
aptitude-doc-cs ()
Czech manual for aptitude, a terminal-based package manager
aptitude-doc-en ()
English manual for aptitude, a terminal-based package manager
aptitude-doc-es ()
Spanish manual for aptitude, a terminal-based package manager
aptitude-doc-fi ()
Finnish manual for aptitude, a terminal-based package manager
aptitude-doc-fr ()
French manual for aptitude, a terminal-based package manager
aptitude-doc-it ()
Italian manual for aptitude, a terminal-based package manager
aptitude-doc-ja ()
Japanese manual for aptitude, a terminal-based package manager
aptitude-doc-nl ()
Dutch manual for aptitude, a terminal-based package manager
aptitude-doc-ru ()
Russian manual for aptitude, a terminal-based package manager
arb-doc () [non-free]
phylogenetic sequence analysis suite - documentation
argagg-dev-doc ()
Argument Aggregator - Simple C++11 command line argument parser - source doc
argyll-doc (+repack-1)
Color Management System, calibrator and profiler (documentation)
aroarfw-doc (~beta)
framework to build hardware with RoarAudio protocol support (documentation)
artfastqgenerator-doc ()
outputs artificial FASTQ files derived from a reference genome (doc)
asciidoc-doc (~rc)
Examples and documentation for asciidoc
asciidoctor-doc ()
AsciiDoc to HTML rendering for Ruby (documentation)
asis-doc ()
Ada Semantic Interface Specification (ASIS) documentation
asl-doc ()
documentation for ASL
asn1c-doc (+dfsg-3)
Documentation for asn1c
aspectj-doc ()
aspect-oriented extension for Java - documentation
aspell-doc ()
Documentation for GNU Aspell spell-checker
asterisk-doc (~dfsg-1)
Source code documentation for Asterisk
asymptote-doc ()
documentation and examples for asymptote
at-spi2-doc ()
Assistive Technology Service Provider Interface (Documentation)
ats-lang-anairiats-doc ()
Documentation for the ATS compiler Anairiats
augeas-doc ()
Augeas lenses documentation
augustus-doc (+dfsg-3)
documentation files for AUGUSTUS
auto-multiple-choice-doc ()
Auto Multiple Choice - HTML documentation
auto-multiple-choice-doc-pdf ()
Auto Multiple Choice - PDF documentation
autobahn-cpp-doc (+git7cc5d)
WAMP in C++ for Boost/Asio - examples
autoconf-doc ()
automatic configure script builder documentation
autogen-doc ()
automated text file generator - documentation
avrdude-doc (+svn)
documentation for avrdude
awesome-doc ()
highly configurable X window manager - documentation
awl-doc ()
Andrew's Web Libraries - API documentation
axiom-doc ()
General purpose computer algebra system: documentation
backup-manager-doc ()
documentation package for Backup Manager
bacula-doc ()
Documentation for Bacula
barbican-doc ()
OpenStack Key Management Service - doc
bash-doc ()
Documentation and examples for the GNU Bourne Again SHell
bcbio-doc () [contrib]
Documentation for RNAseq-workflows of bcbio(-nextgen)
bcolz-doc (+ds)
high performant compressed data container (documentation)
beagle-doc (+dfsg-1)
Documentation for Beagle
beast-mcmc-examples (+dfsg-2)
Bayesian MCMC phylogenetic inference - example data
beast2-mcmc-doc (+dfsg-1)
Bayesian MCMC phylogenetic inference - documentation
beast2-mcmc-examples (+dfsg-1)
Bayesian MCMC phylogenetic inference - example data
bedops-doc (+dfsg-1)
high-performance genomic feature operations (documentation)
beets-doc ()
music tagger and library organizer - documentation
berkeley-express-doc (+dfsg-1)
Documentation for RNA-Seq tool eXpress
bible-kjv (+b1)
King James Version of the Bible: user interface program.
bible-kjv-text ()
King James Version of the Bible - text and concordance
bind9-doc ()
Documentation for BIND 9
binoculars-doc ()
Surface X-ray diffraction 2D detector data reduction - Documentation
binutils-doc ()
Documentation for the GNU assembler, linker and binary utilities
bird-doc ()
Internet Routing Daemon - documentation
bird2-doc ()
Internet Routing Daemon - documentation
bison-doc (+repack-1) [non-free]
Documentation for the Bison parser generator
bisonc++-doc ()
Bison-style parser generator for C++ documentation
blends-doc ()
Debian Pure Blends documentation
bliss-doc ()
suite to compute graph automorphisms and labelings -- doc
bochs-doc (+dfsg-3)
Bochs upstream documentation
borgbackup-doc ()
deduplicating and compressing backup program (documentation)
botch-doc ()
Bootstrapping helper - documentation
brailleutils ()
command-line interface for the brailleutils library
breathe-doc ()
Sphinx autodox support for languages with doxygen support (documentation)
brickos-doc (dfsg)
documentation for brickOS an Alternative OS for the RCX
brz-doc ()
easy to use distributed version control system (documentation)
bsh-doc (b)
Documentation for bsh
budgie-desktop-doc (+git)
documentation files for the budgie-desktop
buildbot-doc ()
System to automate the compile/test cycle (documentation)
bup-doc ()
highly efficient file backup system based on git (documentation)
bzip2-doc ()
high-quality block-sorting file compressor - documentation
bzr-doc (+bzr+brz)
transitional dummy package for brz-doc
c++-annotations ()
Extensive tutorial and documentation about C++
c++-annotations-contrib ()
Extensive tutorial and documentation about C++ - contributed files
c++-annotations-dvi ()
Extensive tutorial and documentation about C++ - DVI output
c++-annotations-html ()
Extensive tutorial and documentation about C++ - html output
c++-annotations-latex ()
Extensive tutorial and documentation about C++ - LaTeX output
c++-annotations-pdf ()
Extensive tutorial and documentation about C++ - PDF output
c++-annotations-ps ()
Extensive tutorial and documentation about C++ - Postscript output
c++-annotations-txt ()
Extensive tutorial and documentation about C++ - text output
c2hs-doc ()
C->Haskell Interface Generator -- Documentation package
caffe-doc (+gitbd)
Caffe's doxygen docs and examples
calculix-ccx-doc ()
Three-Dimensional Structural Finite Element Program (documentation files)
calculix-ccx-test ()
Three-Dimensional Structural Finite Element Program (documentation files)
calculix-cgx-examples (+dfsg-2)
Example files for Calculix GraphiX
camlidl-doc ()
Documentation for CamlIDL in PS, PDF and HTML formats
cargo-doc ()
Rust package manager, documentation
casacore-doc ()
CASA core library (documentation)
caspar-doc ()
documentation for caspar
castle-game-engine-doc (+dfsg)
Castle Game Engine - Developer's Documentation
castle-game-engine-src (+dfsg)
Castle Game Engine - Source code for Lazarus integration
cbflib-doc (+dfsg)
documentation for CBFlib
ccdoc ()
cc65 documentation
cdist-doc ()
Usable Configuration Management System (html documentation)
cdrkit-doc ()
Documentation for the cdrkit package suite
cedar-backup3-doc ()
local and remote backups to CD/DVD media or Amazon S3 storage (documentation)
ceilometer-doc ()
OpenStack efficient metering counters system - doc
ceres-solver-doc ()
documentation for ceres-solver
cfi-en ()
Copyright does not exist, book about hacker culture
cfi-sv ()
Copyright finns inte, book about hacker culture
cflow-doc ()
control flow analyzer for C source files (documentation)
charliecloud-doc ()
user-defined software stacks (UDSS) for HPC centers (documentation)
checkstyle-doc ()
Documentation for Checkstyle
chemps2-doc ()
Documentation of the libchemps package
chezscheme-doc (+dfsg-3)
Reliable, high performance Scheme compiler (documentation)
chezschemedoc (+dfsg-6)
Reliable, high performance Scheme compiler (documentation)
chromhmm-example (+dfsg-1)
Chromatin state discovery and characterization (example)
cider-doc (+dfsg)
Clojure IDE for Emacs - documentation
cimg-doc (+dfsg-1)
documentation of cimg-dev imaging library
cimg-examples (+dfsg-1)
examples for cimg-dev imaging library
cinder-doc ()
OpenStack block storage system - doc
cinnamon-doc ()
Innovative and comfortable desktop (Documentation)
citadel-doc ()
complete and feature-rich groupware server (documentation)
clamav-docs (+dfsg-1)
anti-virus utility for Unix - documentation
clangdoc ()
C, C++ and Objective-C compiler - Documentation
clangexamples ( [amd64, ppc64el, sx], [arm64, armel, armhf, i, mips64el, mipsel, ppc64, riscv64, sparc64])
Clang examples
clangdoc (~+rc)
C, C++ and Objective-C compiler - Documentation
clangexamples (~+rc [amd64, arm64, i, ppc64, ppc64el, sx, sparc64], ~+rc [armel, armhf, mips64el, riscv64])
Clang examples
clangdoc ()
C, C++ and Objective-C compiler - Documentation
clangexamples ( [amd64, arm64, armel, armhf, i, mips64el, mipsel, ppc64el, sx, sparc64], [ppc64])
Clang examples
clangdoc ()
C, C++ and Objective-C compiler - Documentation
clangexamples ()
Clang examples
clanlib-doc (~svn)
Reference documentation and tutorials for ClanLib
claws-mail-doc ()
User documentation for Claws Mail mailer
clhep-doc (+dfsg-1)
Documentation of CLHEP
clips-doc ()
"C" Language Integrated Production System Documentation
clisp-doc (+really)
GNU CLISP, a Common Lisp implementation (documentation)
cloudkitty-doc ()
OpenStack Rating as a Service - Documentation
cltl () [contrib]
Common Lisp the Language, second edition, book (Pre-ANSI)
cmake-doc ()
extended documentation in various formats for CMake
cminpack-doc ()
Nonlinear equations and nonlinear least squares problems (doc)
cmocka-doc ()
documentation for the CMocka unit testing framework
coccinelle-doc (deb-5)
documentation for coccinelle
cockpit-doc ()
Cockpit deployment and developer guide
coco-doc ()
Documentation for the Coco/R Compiler Generator
coffeescript-doc (~dfsg-4)
documentation for the CoffeeScript language
coinor-csdp-doc ()
Software package for semidefinite programming (documentation)
coinor-libcbc-doc (+ds)
Coin-or branch-and-cut mixed integer programming solver (documentation)
coinor-libcgl-doc (+repack)
COIN-OR Cut Generation Library (documentation)
coinor-libclp-doc (+repack)
Coin-or linear programming solver (documentation)
coinor-libcoinutils-doc (+repack)
Coin-or collection of utility classes (documentation)
coinor-libdylp-doc ()
Linear programming solver using of the dynamic simplex algorithm
coinor-libflopc++-doc ()
Formulation of Linear Optimization Problems in C++
coinor-libipopt-doc ()
Interior-Point Optimizer - documentation
coinor-libosi-doc (+repack)
COIN-OR Open Solver Interface (documentation)
coinor-libsymphony-doc (+repack)
COIN-OR solver for mixed-integer linear programs (documentation)
coinor-libvol-doc ()
Coin-or linear programming solver
colobot-dev-doc ()
educational programming strategy game - source doc
complexity-doc (+dfsg)
tool for analyzing the complexity of C program (documentation)
connman-doc ()
ConnMan documentation
coop-computing-tools-doc ()
documentation for coop-computing-tools
copyq-doc ()
Documentation and examples for CopyQ - HTML format
coq-doc () [non-free]
documentation for Coq
coq-doc-html () [non-free]
documentation for Coq in html format
coq-doc-pdf () [non-free]
documentation for Coq in pdf format
corosync-doc ()
cluster engine HTML documentation
courier-doc ()
Courier mail server - additional documentation
covered-doc ()
Verilog code coverage analysis tool - documentation
cpio-doc () [non-free]
Documentation for the cpio package
cpl-plugin-amber-doc (+dfsg-1)
ESO data reduction pipeline documentation for AMBER
cpl-plugin-fors-doc (+dfsg-1)
ESO data reduction pipeline documentation for FORS
cpl-plugin-giraf-doc (+dfsg-1)
ESO data reduction pipeline documentation for GIRAFFE
cpl-plugin-hawki-doc (+dfsg-1)
ESO data reduction pipeline documentation for HAWK-I
cpl-plugin-muse-doc (+dfsg-1)
ESO data reduction pipeline documentation for MUSE
cpl-plugin-naco-doc (+dfsg-1)
ESO data reduction pipeline documentation for NaCo
cpl-plugin-uves-doc (+dfsg-2)
ESO data reduction pipeline documentation for UVES
cpl-plugin-vimos-doc (+dfsg-1)
ESO data reduction pipeline documentation for VIMOS
cpl-plugin-visir-doc (+dfsg-2)
ESO data reduction pipeline documentation for the VISIR instrument
cpl-plugin-xshoo-doc (+dfsg-1)
ESO data reduction pipeline documentation for XSHOOTER
cppdoc () [non-free]
documentation for the GNU C preprocessor (cpp)
cppdoc () [non-free]
documentation for the GNU C preprocessor (cpp)
cppdoc () [non-free]
documentation for the GNU C preprocessor (cpp)
cpp-doc () [contrib]
documentation for the GNU C preprocessor (cpp)
cppreference-doc-en-html ()
C and C++ standard library reference (English, Devhelp variant)
cppreference-doc-en-qch ()
C and C++ standard library reference (English, Qt Help variant)
crmsh-doc ()
crmsh HTML Documentation
crossfire-doc (+dfsg)
Documentation for Crossfire
crrcsim-doc ()
Documentation for crrcsim package
crystal-lang-doc (+dfsg-1)
API documentation for the Crystal object-oriented programming language
csound-doc (~dfsg-1)
documentation for csound
csvkit-doc ()
documentation for csvkit
ctsim-doc ()
Documentation for ctsim package
cxref-doc (e-3)
Generates LaTeX and HTML documentation for C programs
cyrus-sasl2-doc (+dfsg-2)
Cyrus SASL - documentation
cython-doc ()
C-Extensions for Python - documentation
dar-docs ()
Disk ARchive: Backup directory tree and files
dart-doc ()
Dynamic Animation and Robotics Toolkit - Documentation
davical-doc ()
PHP CalDAV and CardDAV Server - technical documentation
davix-doc ()
Documentation for davix
dbdoc (+dfsg)
Berkeley v Database Documentation [html]
dblatex-doc (py)
Documentation for dblatex
dbusdoc ()
simple interprocess messaging system (documentation)
dcl-fdocs ()
GFD-DENNOU Club Library (DCL) - documents
dcmtk-doc ()
OFFIS DICOM toolkit documentation
ddd-doc ()
Additional documentation for the Data Display Debugger
deap-doc ()
Distributed Evolutionary Algorithms in Python (docs)
debconf-doc ()
debconf documentation
debdelta-doc ()
diff and patch utilities which work with Debian packages
debian-edu-doc-da ()
Danish documentation from the Debian Edu project
debian-edu-doc-de ()
German documentation from the Debian Edu project
debian-edu-doc-en ()
English documentation from the Debian Edu project
debian-edu-doc-es ()
Spanish documentation from the Debian Edu project
debian-edu-doc-fr ()
French documentation from the Debian Edu project
debian-edu-doc-it ()
Italian documentation from the Debian Edu project
debian-edu-doc-ja ()
Japanese documentation from the Debian Edu project
debian-edu-doc-nb ()
Bokmål documentation from the Debian Edu project
debian-edu-doc-nl ()
Dutch documentation from the Debian Edu project
debian-edu-doc-zh ()
Chinese documentation from the Debian Edu project
debian-faq ()
Debian Frequently Asked Questions
debian-faq-de ()
Debian Frequently Asked Questions, in German
debian-faq-fr ()
Debian Frequently Asked Questions, in French
debian-faq-it ()
Debian Frequently Asked Questions, in Italian
debian-faq-ja ()
Debian Frequently Asked Questions, in Japanese
debian-faq-nl ()
Debian Frequently Asked Questions, in Dutch
debian-faq-ru ()
Debian Frequently Asked Questions, in Russian
debian-faq-zh-cn ()
Debian Frequently Asked Questions, in Simplified Chinese
debian-handbook ()
reference book for Debian users and system administrators
debian-history ()
Short History of the Debian Project
debian-kernel-handbook ()
reference to Debian Linux kernel packages and development
debian-kernel-handbook-ja ()
reference to Debian Linux kernel packages and development (Japanese)
debian-paketmanagement-buch (0~)
book about Debian package management written in German
debian-policy ()
Debian Policy Manual and related documents
debian-policy-ja ()
Debian Policy Manual and related documents (Japanese)
debian-refcard ()
printable reference card for the Debian system
debian-reference ()
metapackage to install (all) translations of Debian Reference
debian-reference-common ()
Debian system administration guide, common files
debian-reference-de ()
Debian system administration guide, German translation
debian-reference-en ()
Debian system administration guide, English original
debian-reference-es ()
Debian system administration guide, Spanish translation
debian-reference-fr ()
Debian system administration guide, French translation
debian-reference-it ()
Debian system administration guide, Italian translation
debian-reference-ja ()
Debian system administration guide, Japanese translation
debian-reference-pt ()
Debian system administration guide, Portuguese translation
debian-reference-zh-cn ()
Debian system administration guide, Chinese (Simplified) translation
debian-reference-zh-tw ()
Debian system administration guide, Chinese (Traditional) translation
debiandoc-sgml-doc ()
Documentation for DebianDoc-SGML
debiandoc-sgml-doc-pt-br ()
Documentation for DebianDoc-SGML in Brazilian Portuguese
debmake-doc ()
Guide for Debian Maintainers
default-jdk-doc ( [alpha, amd64, arm64, armel, armhf, i, m68k, mips64el, mipsel, ppc64, ppc64el, riscv64, sx, sh4, sparc64, x32], [hppa])
Standard Java or Java compatible Development Kit (documentation)
denemo-doc ()
documentation and examples for denemo
derby-doc ()
Apache Derby API documentation and examples
derivations ()
book: Derivations of Applied Mathematics
designate-doc ()
OpenStack DNS as a Service - doc
developers-reference ()
guidelines and information for Debian developers
developers-reference-de ()
guidelines and information for Debian developers, in German
developers-reference-fr ()
guidelines and information for Debian developers, in French
developers-reference-it ()
guidelines and information for Debian developers, in Italian
developers-reference-ja ()
guidelines and information for Debian developers, in Japanese
developers-reference-ru ()
guidelines and information for Debian developers, in Russian
dhelp ()
online help system
dibbler-doc ()
documentation for Dibbler
diceware-doc ()
Create memorizable passphrases from wordlists and various sources of randomness
dico-doc ()
RFC compliant modular dictionary server (documentation)
dicomscope-doc ()
OFFIS DICOM Viewer - documentation
dietlibc-doc (~cvs)
diet libc documentation - a libc optimized for small size
diffutils-doc ()
Documentation for GNU diffutils in HTML format
diploma ()
Write scientific papers with Debian
diskimage-builder-doc ()
image building tools for Openstack - doc
dita-ot-doc (+dfsg-1)
DITA Open Toolkit (documentation)
dms-doc ()
bind9 DNS Management System, HTML documentation
doc-base ()
utilities to manage online documentation
doc-debian ()
Debian Project documentation and other documents
doc-linux-fr-html ()
Linux docs in French: HOWTOs, MetaFAQs in HTML format
doc-linux-fr-pdf ()
Linux docs in French: HOWTOs, MetaFAQs in PDF format
doc-linux-fr-ps ()
Linux docs in French: HOWTOs, MetaFAQs in PostScript format
doc-linux-fr-text ()
Linux docs in French: HOWTOs, MetaFAQs in text format
doc-rfc-experimental () [non-free]
Experimental RFCs
doc-rfc-fyi-bcp () [non-free]
doc-rfc-informational () [non-free]
Informational RFCs
doc-rfc-misc () [non-free]
Historic and draft RFCs
doc-rfc-old-std () [non-free]
Old Standard RFCs
doc-rfc-others () [non-free]
Old experimental and unclassified RFCs
doc-rfc-std () [non-free]
Standard RFCs
doc-rfc-std-proposed () [non-free]
Proposed Standard RFCs
docbook-defguide (+svn)
DocBook: The Definitive Guide - HTML version
docbook-dsssl-doc ()
documentation for the DocBook DSSSL stylesheets
docbook-slides-demo ()
Demo presentation slides for the docbook-slides package
docbook-xsl-doc-html ()
stylesheets for processing DocBook XML files (HTML documentation)
docbook-xsl-doc-pdf ()
stylesheets for processing DocBook XML files (PDF documentation)
docbook-xsl-doc-text ()
stylesheets for processing DocBook XML files (ASCII documentation)
dochelp (+b5 [alpha, hppa, m68k, mipsel, riscv64, sh4, sparc64, x32], +b4 [armel, mips64el], +b3 [amd64, arm64, armhf, i, ppc64, ppc64el, sx])
Utility to browse system documentation
docker-doc (+dfsg)
Linux container runtime -- documentation
docutils-doc (+dfsg-3)
text processing system for reStructuredText - documentation
dolfin-doc (~gitdbd)
Documentation and demo programs for DOLFIN
dolfinx-doc (~gitfbc)
Documentation and demo programs for DOLFIN
dose-doc ()
Documentation for dose tools and libraries.
doublecmd-help-en ()
Documentation for Double Commander (English)
doublecmd-help-ru ()
Documentation for Double Commander (Russian)
doublecmd-help-uk ()
Documentation for Double Commander (Ukrainian)
doxygen-doc ()
Documentation for doxygen
dpdk-doc ()
Data Plane Development Kit (documentation)
dpkg-www ()
Debian package management web interface
dpuser-doc (+dfsg-2)
Documentation for DPUSER and QFitsView
dput-ng-doc ()
next generation Debian package upload tool (documentation)
drbd-doc (~)
RAID 1 over TCP/IP for Linux (user documentation)
drgeo-doc ()
Dr. Geo online user manual
dsdp-doc ()
Software for Semidefinite Programming
dvdisaster-doc ()
data loss/scratch/aging protection for CD/DVD media (documentation)
dwww ()
Read all on-line documentation with a WWW browser
dx-doc ()
OpenDX (IBM Visualization Data Explorer) - documentation
dynare-doc ()
documentation for Dynare
eag-healpix-java-doc ()
Handling of HEALPix sky pixellization (API docs)
eb-doc ()
C library for accessing electronic books (documents)
ebook-dev-alp () [non-free]
Advanced Linux Programming
ebumeter-doc ()
loudness measurement EBU-R - documentation
ecasound-doc ()
documentation files for Ecasound
editorconfig-doc ()
coding style indenter across editors - documentation
efl-doc ()
Documentation for the Enlightenment Foundation Libraries
elastalert-doc ()
easy and flexible alerting with Elasticsearch (documentation)
elastix-doc ()
toolbox for rigid and nonrigid registration of images - docs
elektra-doc ()
elektra configuration store, API documentation
elinks-doc ()
advanced text-mode WWW browser - documentation
elkdoc ()
documentation for the Extension Language Kit
emboss-doc (+dfsg-8)
documentation for EMBOSS
emscripten-doc ()
LLVM-to-JavaScript Compiler
engauge-digitizer-doc (+ds)
engauge-digitizer user manual and tutorial
enigma-doc (dfsg)
Documentation for the game enigma
epigrass-doc (+dfsg-1)
Documentation for EpiGrass, a network epidemiology tool
eqonomize-doc ()
documentation for the Eqonomize! accounting software
erlang-cowboy-doc (~pre.1+dfsg)
Documentation files for erlang-cowboy
erlang-doc (+dfsg-1)
Erlang/OTP HTML/PDF documentation
erlang-esdl-doc ()
Erlang bindings to the SDL (documentation)
erlang-manpages (+dfsg-1)
Erlang/OTP manual pages
erlang-proper-doc (+gitea0ed9f+dfsg-2)
QuickCheck-inspired property-based testing tool for Erlang - document files
erlang-ranch-doc ()
Documentation of erlang-ranch
esnacc-doc ()
ASN.1 to C or C++ or IDL compiler, documentation
etoys-doc () [non-free]
documentation for Etoys
euler-doc ()
documentation for the mathematical programming environment Euler
euslisp-doc (+dfsg-7)
Manuals and Documentations of EusLisp programming system
evolution-data-server-doc ()
Documentation files for the Evolution Data Server libraries
evolver-doc (+ds-4)
Surface Evolver - doc
execline-doc ()
small and non-interactive scripting language (documentation)
execnet-doc ()
rapid multi-Python deployment (docs)
exim4-doc-html ()
documentation for the Exim MTA (v4) in html format
exim4-doc-info ()
documentation for the Exim MTA (v4) in info format
expeyes-doc-common ()
Common files related to the User manual for expeyes library
expeyes-doc-en ()
User manual for expeyes library, in English language
expeyes-doc-fr ()
User manual for expeyes library, French translation
fai-doc ()
Documentation for FAI
fasta3-doc (h)
user guide for FASTA tools
fastd-doc ()
Fast and Secure Tunneling Daemon (documentation)
fastjet-doc (+dfsg-3)
Documentation of FastJet
fastlink-doc (P-fix+dfsg-2)
Some papers about fastlink
fastqtl-doc (+dfsg-7)
QTL mapper in cis for molecular phenotypes - documentation
feed2exec-doc ()
programmable feed reader - documentation files
festival-doc ()
Documentation for Festival
fflas-ffpack-dev-doc ()
FFLAS-FFPACK Developer Documentation
fflas-ffpack-user-doc ()
FFLAS-FFPACK User Documentation
ffmpeg-doc ()
Documentation of the FFmpeg multimedia framework
field3d-doc ()
documentation for Field3D
fiona-doc ()
Python API for reading/writing vector geospatial data (docs)
firebirdcommon-doc (ds)
copyright, licensing and changelogs of firebird
firebirddoc (ds)
Documentation files for firebird database version
firebirdexamples (ds)
Examples for Firebird database
firehol-doc (+ds)
easy to use but powerful iptables stateful firewall (docs)
firehol-tools-doc (+ds)
easy to use but powerful traffic suite (extra tools docs)
fireqos-doc (+ds)
easy to use but powerful traffic shaping tool (docs)
firmware-microbit-micropython-doc ()
MicroPython runtime for the BBC micro:bit (documentation)
flann-doc (+dfsg-9)
Fast Library for Approximate Nearest Neighbors - documentation
flex-doc ()
Documentation for flex (a fast lexical analyzer generator)
flex-old-doc (a)
Documentation for an old flex (a fast lexical analyzer generator)
flickcurl-doc ()
utilities to call the Flickr API from command line - documentation
fltkdoc ()
Fast Light Toolkit - documentation
fltkdoc ()
Fast Light Toolkit - documentation
flycheck-doc (31+gita)
modern on-the-fly syntax checking for Emacs - documentation
focalinux-html ()
A full GNU/Linux Portuguese guide (html format)
focalinux-text ()
A full GNU/Linux Portuguese guide (text format)
fontforge-doc (~dfsg-5)
documentation for fontforge
fonts-cwtex-docs ()
TrueType Font from cwTeX - example documents
fop-doc ()
XML formatter driven by XSL Formatting Objects (doc) - doc
forge-doc ()
documentation for forge
form-doc (+git)
Documentation for symbolic manipulation system
fp-docs (+dfsg-8)
Free Pascal - documentation dependency package
virtual package provided by fp-docs, fp-docs
fp-docs (+dfsg)
Free Pascal - documentation
fp-docs (+dfsg-8)
Free Pascal - documentation
fprintd-doc ()
development documentation for fprintd
freebsd-manpages ()
Manual pages for a GNU/kFreeBSD system
freedombox-doc-en ()
easy to manage, privacy oriented home server - user manual (English)
freedombox-doc-es ()
easy to manage, privacy oriented home server - user manual (Spanish)
freefem++-doc (+dfsg)
Provides the documentation of the FreeFem++ FE suite
freefem-doc ()
Documentation for FreeFEM (html and pdf)
freeplane-scripting-api ()
Java program for working with Mind Maps (groovy scripting API)
freetype2-doc (+dfsg-3)
FreeType 2 font engine, development documentation
freezer-api-doc ()
OpenStack backup restore and disaster recovery service - Documentation
freezer-doc ()
OpenStack backup restore and disaster recovery service - Documentation
frei0r-plugins-doc ()
minimalistic plugin API for video effects, API documentation
frr-doc ()
FRRouting suite - user manual
fstrcmp-doc (D)
fuzzy string compare library - documentation
fte-docs (b)
Documentation and examples for the FTE editor
ftp-proxy-doc ()
documentation for ftp-proxy
funnelweb-doc (d-4)
Documentation for funnelweb
funny-manpages ()
more funny manpages
fwbuilder-doc ()
Firewall administration tool GUI documentation
fweb-doc ()
Documentation for literate-programming tool Fweb
fwupd-doc ()
Firmware update daemon documentation (HTML format)
galax-doc ()
XQuery implementation with static typing - documentation
gambc-doc ()
documentation for the Gambit interpreter and compiler
gamgi-doc ()
General Atomistic Modelling Graphic Interface (documentation)
gammu-doc ()
Gammu Manual
ganeti-doc (~rc)
cluster virtualization manager - documentation
gap-doc ()
GAP computer algebra system, documentation
garlic-doc ()
[Chemistry] a molecular visualization program - documents
gauche-doc ()
Reference manual of Gauche
gawk-doc () [non-free]
Documentation for GNU awk
gazebo-doc (+dfsg)
Open Source Robotics Simulator - Documentation
gazebo9-doc (+dfsg)
transitional package
gccdoc () [non-free]
documentation for the GNU compilers (gcc, gobjc, g++)
gccdoc () [non-free]
documentation for the GNU compilers (gcc, gobjc, g++)
gccdoc () [non-free]
documentation for the GNU compilers (gcc, gobjc, g++)
gcc-doc () [contrib]
documentation for the GNU compilers (gcc, gobjc, g++)
gcc-doc-base () [contrib]
several GNU manual pages
gcc-python-plugin-doc ()
plugin for GCC to invoke Python scripts from inside the compiler
gccgodoc () [non-free]
documentation for the GNU Go compiler (gccgo)
gccgodoc () [non-free]
documentation for the GNU Go compiler (gccgo)
gccgodoc () [non-free]
documentation for the GNU Go compiler (gccgo)
gccgo-doc () [contrib]
documentation for the GNU Go compiler (gccgo)
gccintro () [non-free]
Introduction to GCC by Brian J. Gough
gcl-doc ()
Documentation for GNU Common Lisp
gdb-doc () [non-free]
The GNU Debugger Documentation
gdcm-doc ()
Grassroots DICOM documentation
gdspy-doc ()
Documentation for gdspy (Python library for GDSII handling)
geantdoc (dfsg)
[Physics] Documentation for GEANT
geda-doc ()
GPL EDA -- Electronics design software (documentation)
gem-doc ()
Graphics Environment for Multimedia (documentation)
gemrb-doc () [contrib]
Documentation for GemRB
genometools-doc (+ds-3)
documentation for GenomeTools
geoclue-doc ()
geoinformation service (D-Bus API documentation)
geographiclib-doc ()
C++ library to solve some geodesic problems -- documentation
geotranz-doc ()
GEOgraphic coordinates TRANslator (documentation)
geotranz-help ()
GEOgraphic coordinates TRANslator (help files)
gettext-doc ()
Documentation for GNU gettext
gfal2-doc ()
Documentation for gfal2
gfarm-doc (+dfsg-1)
Gfarm file system documentation
gfortrandoc () [non-free]
documentation for the GNU Fortran Compiler (gfortran)
gfortrandoc () [non-free]
documentation for the GNU Fortran Compiler (gfortran)
gfortrandoc () [non-free]
documentation for the GNU Fortran Compiler (gfortran)
gfortran-doc () [contrib]
documentation for the GNU Fortran Compiler (gfortran)
ghc-doc ()
Documentation for the Glasgow Haskell Compilation system
ghostscript-doc (~dfsg-2)
interpreter for the PostScript language and for PDF - Documentation
giac-doc (+dfsg)
Computer Algebra System - documentation
gimp-help-ca ()
Documentation for the GIMP (Catalan)
gimp-help-common ()
Data files for the GIMP documentation
gimp-help-de ()
Documentation for the GIMP (German)
gimp-help-el ()
Documentation for the GIMP (Greek)
gimp-help-en ()
Documentation for the GIMP (English)
gimp-help-es ()
Documentation for the GIMP (Spanish)
gimp-help-fr ()
Documentation for the GIMP (French)
gimp-help-it ()
Documentation for the GIMP (Italian)
gimp-help-ja ()
Documentation for the GIMP (Japanese)
gimp-help-ko ()
Documentation for the GIMP (Korean)
gimp-help-nl ()
Documentation for the GIMP (Dutch)
gimp-help-nn ()
Documentation for the GIMP (Norwegian)
gimp-help-pt ()
Documentation for the GIMP (Portuguese)
gimp-help-ru ()
Documentation for the GIMP (Russian)
gimp-help-sl ()
Documentation for the GIMP (Slovenian)
gimp-help-sv ()
Documentation for the GIMP (Swedish)
git-doc ()
fast, scalable, distributed revision control system (documentation)
git-man ()
fast, scalable, distributed revision control system (manual pages)
gitmagic ()
guide about Git version control system
givaro-dev-doc ()
Developer Documentation for Givaro (obsolete)
givaro-user-doc ()
User Documentation for Givaro (obsolete)
glance-doc ()
OpenStack Image Registry and Delivery Service - Documentation
glances-doc ()
Documentation for glances Curses-based monitoring tool
glbinding-doc ()
documentation for glbinding
gle-doc ()
OpenGL tubing and extrusion library documentation
glibc-doc ()
GNU C Library: Documentation
glibc-doc-reference () [non-free]
GNU C Library: Documentation
globjects-doc ()
documentation for globjects
globus-gram-job-manager-scripts-doc ()
Grid Community Toolkit - GRAM Job ManagerScripts Documentation Files
glom-doc ()
database designer and user interface - documentation
glpk-doc ()
linear programming kit - documentation files
gman ()
small man(1) front-end for X
gmp-doc (+ndfsg-1) [non-free]
GMP (MultiPrecision arithmetic library) reference manual
gmsh-doc (+ds)
Three-dimensional finite element mesh generator documentation
gnatdoc () [non-free]
documentation for the GNU Ada Compiler (gnat)
gnatdoc () [non-free]
documentation for the GNU Ada Compiler (gnat)
gnatdoc () [non-free]
documentation for the GNU Ada Compiler (gnat)
gnat-doc () [contrib]
documentation for the GNU Ada Compiler (gnat)
gnat-gps-doc ()
integrated development environment for C and Ada (documentation)
gnome-api-docs (+3)
API reference documentation for the GNOME libraries
gnome-devel-docs ()
GNOME developer documentation
gnome-getting-started-docs ()
Help a new user get started in GNOME
gnome-software-doc ()
Software Center for GNOME - documentation
gnome-user-docs ()
GNOME user docs
gnome-user-guide ()
GNOME user's guide (transitional package)
gnu-smalltalk-doc ()
GNU Smalltalk info documentation
gnu-standards ()
GNU coding and package maintenance standards
gnucash-docs ()
Documentation for gnucash, a personal finance tracking program
gnuift-doc (+ds-1)
Documentation for gnuift
gnumed-doc (+dfsg-1)
medical practice management - Documentation
gnumeric-doc ()
spreadsheet application for GNOME - documentation
gnuplot-data (+dfsg)
Command-line driven interactive plotting program. Data-files
gnuplot-doc (+dfsg)
Command-line driven interactive plotting program. Doc-package
gnuradio-doc ()
GNU Software Defined Radio toolkit documentation
gnustep-base-doc ()
Documentation for the GNUstep Base Library
gnustep-core-doc ()
GNUstep Development Environment -- core documentation
gnustep-gui-doc ()
Documentation for the GNUstep GUI Library
gnustep-make-doc ()
Documentation for GNUstep Make
gnutls-doc ()
GNU TLS library - documentation and examples
go-md2man (+ds-1+b1 [riscv64], +ds-1 [alpha, amd64, arm64, armel, armhf, i, mips64el, mipsel, ppc64, ppc64el, sx], +ds-1 [sparc64])
utility to create manpages from markdown
goiardi-doc ()
Documentation for Goiardi
golangdoc ()
Go programming language - documentation
golangdoc ()
Go programming language - documentation
golang-doc (~1)
Go programming language - documentation
gprolog-doc ()
documentation for the GNU Prolog compiler
gpsbabel-doc (+ds-5)
GPS file conversion plus transfer to/from GPS units - documentation
gpsim-doc ()
Documentation for gpsim
gputils-doc ()
documentation for gputils
gr-radar-doc ()
GNU Radio Radar Toolbox - Documentation
gradle-doc ()
Powerful build system for the JVM - Documentations
granule-docs (+dfsg-3)
flashcard program for learning new words -- documentation
graphviz-doc ()
additional documentation for graphviz
grass-dev-doc ()
GRASS GIS Programmers' Manual
grass-doc ()
GRASS GIS user documentation
gretl-doc (d-1)
GNU Regression, Econometric & Time-Series Library -- doc package
gri-html-doc ()
HTML manual for gri, a language for scientific graphics
gri-pdf-doc ()
PostScript manual for gri, a language for scientific graphics
gridsite-doc (~git2fdbc6f-3)
Developers Documentation for gridsite
groonga-doc ()
Documentation of Groonga
groovy-doc ()
Agile dynamic language for the Java Virtual Machine (documentation)
grub-doc ()
Documentation for GRand Unified Bootloader (dummy package)
grub-legacy-doc ()
Documentation for GRUB Legacy
gsequencer-doc ()
documentation for Advanced Gtk+ Sequencer
gsl-doc-info () [non-free]
GNU Scientific Library (GSL) Reference Manual in info
gsl-doc-pdf () [non-free]
GNU Scientific Library (GSL) Reference Manual in pdf
gsl-ref-html () [non-free]
GNU Scientific Library (GSL) Reference Manual in html
gsl-ref-psdoc () [non-free]
GNU Scientific Library (GSL) Reference Manual in postscript
gsoap-doc ()
gSOAP documentation
gss-doc ()
Documentation for GSS (except man pages)
gss-man ()
Man pages for GSS
gstreamerdoc ()
GStreamer core documentation and manuals
gstreamerplugins-bad-doc ()
GStreamer documentation for plugins from the "bad" set
gstreamerplugins-base-doc ()
GStreamer documentation for plugins from the "base" set
gstreamerplugins-good-doc ()
GStreamer documentation for plugins from the "good" set
gstreamerplugins-ugly-doc ()
GStreamer documentation for plugins from the "ugly" set
gstreamervaapi-doc ()
GStreamer VA-API documentation and manuals
gtk-layer-shell-doc ()
documentation for the Wayland Layer Shell protocol desktop component library
gtkmm-documentation ()
Documentation of C++ wrappers for GLib/GTK+
guiledoc (+)
Documentation for Guile
guiledoc (+)
Documentation for Guile
guiledoc ()
Documentation for Guile
guitarix-doc (+dfsg)
Guitarix - Development documentation
gutenprint-doc ()
users' guide for Gutenprint and CUPS
gxemul-doc ()
gxemul documentation
gyoto-doc ()
documentation for the Gyoto library
h2o-doc (+dfsg)
optimized HTTP/1.x, HTTP/2 server - documentation
hamradio-maintguide ()
Debian Hamradio Maintainers Guide
haproxy-doc ()
fast and reliable load balancing reverse proxy (HTML documentation)
harden-doc ()
useful documentation to secure a Debian system
haskell-doc ()
Assorted Haskell language documentation
haskell-platform-doc (debian8)
Standard Haskell libraries and tools; documentation
haskell-platform-prof (debian8)
Standard Haskell libraries and tools; profiling libraries
haskell-relational-record-doc ()
metapackage of Relational Record; documentation
haskellreport ()
The Haskell 98 Language and Libraries Revised Report & addenda
haskelltutorial ()
A Gentle Introduction to Haskell 98
hdf-compass-doc (~b)
documentation and examples for the HDF Compass
heat-doc ()
OpenStack orchestration service - Documentation
heimdal-docs (+dfsg-2)
Heimdal Kerberos - documentation
hepmc-reference-manual ()
Event Record for Monte Carlo Generators - reference manual
hepmc-user-manual ()
Event Record for Monte Carlo Generators - user manual
hepmc3-doc ()
Event Record for Monte Carlo Generators (docs)
hevea-doc () [non-free]
HeVeA documentation
hibiscus-doc (+dfsg-1)
Java online banking client using the HBCI standard - documentation package (+dfsg)
JavaScript library for syntax highlighting - documentation
hmmer-doc (+dfsg)
profile hidden Markov models for protein sequence analysis (docs)
hmmer-examples (+dfsg)
profile hidden Markov models for protein sequence analysis (examples)
hmmer2-doc (+dfsg-7)
profile hidden Markov models for protein sequence analysis (docs)
holdoc ()
Documentation for hol88
horizon-doc ()
web application to control an OpenStack cloud - doc
hplip-doc (+dfsg)
HP Linux Printing and Imaging - documentation
htcondor-doc (~dfsg)
distributed workload management system - documentation
htdig-doc (b)
web search and indexing system - documentation
httrack-doc ()
Httrack website copier additional documentation
hurd-doc (git)
GNU Hurd manual
hwb () [non-free]
Hardware Book ()
documentation for
hyperspec () [contrib]
Common Lisp ANSI-standard Hyperspec
i2p-doc ()
Invisible Internet Project (I2P) - developer documentation
ibus-doc ()
Intelligent Input Bus - development documentation
icinga2-doc ()
host and network monitoring system - documentation
icingaweb2-module-doc ()
simple and responsive web interface for Icinga - documentation module
icmake-doc ()
Documentation files for icmake
icu-doc ()
API documentation for ICU classes and functions
idzebradoc ()
IDZebra documentation
igdiscover-doc ()
analyzes antibody repertoires to find new V genes - doc
iipimage-doc ()
Web-based streamed viewing and zooming of ultra high-resolution images - doc
ilisp-doc (+cvs)
Documentation for ILISP package
imagemagickdoc (+dfsg-1)
document files of ImageMagick
imagemagick-doc (+dfsg-1)
document files of ImageMagick -- dummy package
virtual package provided by imagemagickdoc
indent-doc ()
Documentation for GNU indent
infernal-doc ()
inference of RNA secondary structural alignments – documentation
info (dfsg)
Standalone GNU Info documentation browser
info2man ()
Convert GNU info files to POD or man pages
info2www ()
Read info files with a WWW browser
inform-docs (+dfsg-2) [non-free]
documentation for the Inform interactive fiction language (v6)
ino-headers-doc ()
C API to execute JavaScript code - documentation
install-info (dfsg)
Manage installed documentation in info format
installation-guide-amd64 ()
Debian installation guide for amd64
installation-guide-arm64 ()
Debian installation guide for arm64
installation-guide-armel ()
Debian installation guide for armel
installation-guide-armhf ()
Debian installation guide for armhf
installation-guide-i ()
Debian installation guide for i
installation-guide-mips (+rebuild1)
Debian installation guide for mips
installation-guide-mips64el ()
Debian installation guide for mips64el
installation-guide-mipsel ()
Debian installation guide for mipsel
installation-guide-ppc64el ()
Debian installation guide for powerpc
installation-guide-sx ()
Debian installation guide for sx
instead-doc-common ()
Common documentation for INSTEAD
instead-doc-en ()
English documentation for INSTEAD
instead-doc-ru ()
Russian documentation for INSTEAD
intel-mkl-doc () [non-free]
Intel® Math Kernel Library (Intel® MKL) (Doc)
inventor-doc ()
Open Inventor documentation
ion-doc (+dfsg)
Interplanetary Overlay Network - examples and documentation
iproute2-doc ()
networking and traffic control tools - documentation
iptables-converter-doc ()
convert iptables-commands from a file to iptables-save format - doc
itcl3-doc ()
[incr Tcl] OOP extension for Tcl - manual pages
itk3-doc ()
[incr Tk] OOP extension for Tk - manual pages
ivar-doc (+dfsg-3)
functions broadly useful for viral amplicon-based sequencing (documentation)
ivy-doc ()
agile dependency manager (documentation)
iwidgets4-doc ()
[incr Widgets] Tk-based widget collection - man pages
jameica-doc (+dfsg-3)
Run-time system for Java applications - documentation package
janus-doc ()
general purpose WebRTC server/gateway - documentation
jargon ()
the definitive compendium of hacker slang
jargon-text ()
definitive compendium of hacker slang
javacc-doc ()
Documentation for the JavaCC Parser Generator
javacc4-doc ()
Documentation for the JavaCC Parser Generator
javahelp2-doc (ds)
Java based help system - contains Javadoc API documentation
jblas-doc ()
fast linear algebra library for Java --documentation
jeepney-doc ()
pure Python D-Bus interface — documentation
jel-java-doc ()
Java Expressions Library (documentation)
jenkins-job-builder-doc ()
Configure Jenkins using YAML files - doc
jglobus-doc ()
Javadocs for jglobus
jing-trang-doc (+dfsg)
Jing Trang and dtdinst documentation
jmagick6-docs (~svn)
Java interface to ImageMagick (documentation)
jmeter-apidoc ()
Load testing and performance measurement application (API doc)
jmeter-help ()
Load testing and performance measurement application (user manual)
jquery-alternative-doc (+dfsg-1)
Alternative jQuery Documentation
jskeus-doc (+dfsg-2)
Manuals and Documentations of jskeus programming system
julia-doc (+dfsg-1)
high-performance programming language for technical computing (documentation)
junior-doc ()
Debian Jr. Documentation
junit-doc ()
Document for JUnit
junit4-doc ()
JUnit regression test framework for Java - documentation
jupyter-sphinx-theme-doc (+ds)
Jupyter Sphinx Theme -- documentation
jython-doc (+repack)
Jython documentation including API docs
kdepim-doc ()
transitional package for kmail
kdiff3-doc ()
documentation for KDiff3
kdoctools5 ( [alpha, amd64, arm64, armel, armhf, hppa, i, m68k, mips64el, mipsel, ppc64, ppc64el, riscv64, sx, sh4, x32], [sparc64])
Tools to generate documentation in various formats from DocBook
kea-doc ()
Documentation for Kea DHCP server
keepass2-doc (+dfsg-1)
Password manager - Documentation
keybinderdoc ()
registers global key bindings for applications - Gtk+3 - documentation
keybinder-doc ()
registers global key bindings for applications - documentation
keystone-doc ()
OpenStack identity service - documentation
khal-doc ()
Standards based CLI and terminal calendar program - documentation
khelpcenter ( [alpha, amd64, arm64, armel, armhf, hppa, i, m68k, mips64el, mipsel, ppc64, ppc64el, riscv64, sx, sh4, x32], [sparc64])
KDE documentation viewer
kicad-doc-ca (+dfsg)
Kicad help files (Catalan)
kicad-doc-id (+dfsg)
Kicad help files (Indonesian)
kicad-doc-it (+dfsg)
Kicad help files (Italian)
kicad-doc-pl (+dfsg)
Kicad help files (Polish)
kicad-doc-ru (+dfsg)
Kicad help files (Russian)
kicad-doc-zh (+dfsg)
Kicad help files (Chinese)
kildclient-doc ()
powerful MUD client with a built-in Perl interpreter - manual
kile-doc ()
KDE Integrated LaTeX Environment (documentation)
kitty-doc ()
fast, featureful, GPU based terminal emulator (documentation)
knot-doc ()
Documentation for Knot DNS
knot-resolver-doc ()
Documentation for Knot Resolver
krb5-doc ()
documentation for MIT Kerberos
kst-doc ()
set of tutorials for kst
kyotocabinet-doc ()
Straightforward implementation of DBM - docs
lam-mpidoc ()
Documentation for the Message Passing Interface standard
lame-doc ()
MP3 encoding library (documentation)
lammps-data (+dfsg)
Molecular Dynamics Simulator. Data (potentials)
Источник: []
, Amazon DVD Shrink 2.4.0 serial key or number


Supports .mod | .xm | .s3m | .it formats.
Thanks to for the music packs.
There is no illegal content. Just music from keygens

Contact me:{at}
Changes Log
- β10 - mod title, search by mod titles
- update to September pack (
- β9
- update to July pack (
- β8 - now playing in playlist
- upd to April pack (
- β7
- β6 - spectrum
- β5 - favorites, link to song
- β4 - optimizations
- β2 - Shuffle on/off, song search
- β1 - February music pack from
dev. by Mikhailo Onikiienko
music from
#libs, tools etc#, libopenmpt, emscripten, jsTabs, baron, Sergio Camalich,, thanks to Darcula color scheme, Shuffle on/off switcher

Contact me:{at}
Total played: Tracks played:
Your browser do not support AudioContext. Use modern browsers like Chrome, FireFox, Opera
Источник: []
Amazon DVD Shrink 2.4.0 serial key or number

Precise tools and that your device clean. All of malware or any deleted for free antivirus. Due to fix these functions of free licence key, what the avg. pdivИсточник: [https:torrent-igruha. org3551-portal.


What’s New in the Amazon DVD Shrink 2.4.0 serial key or number?

Screen Shot

System Requirements for Amazon DVD Shrink 2.4.0 serial key or number

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