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ILO-CIS Bulletin 2002/01

CIS 02-1 --- CIS 02-500

Laws, regulations, directives
Chemical data sheets and criteria documents
Training materials and practical information
Periodicals, books, databases, audiovisuals
   001 General safety, health and conditions of work
   002 Occupational medicine, epidemiology
   003 Industries and occupations
   004 New technologies
   005 Chemical safety
   006 Fires, explosions and major hazards
   007 Electrical safety
   008 Physical hazards
   009 Mechanical hazards, transport
   010 Biological hazards
   011 Physiology, ergonomics
   012 Stress, psychosocial factors

Laws, regulations, directives

CIS 02-1 Workplaces - Ordinance and directives on workplaces [Germany]. (German: Arbeitsstätten: Arbeitsstättenverordnung - ArbStättV - und Arbeitsstätten-Richtlinien - ASR - Stand: November 2001) Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin, Wirtschaftsverlag NW, Postfach 10 11 10, 27511 Bremerhaven, Germany, 34th ed., 2001. 204p. Illus. Index + Diskette., ISBN 3-89701-785-7 (In German)


This documents consists of an update of the ordinance on workplaces (CIS 75-1494) and the corresponding directives (status as of November 2001). It replaces the document analysed under CIS 98-1555. (78239)


CIS 02-2 Consolidated text No.367/2001 of Act No.330/1996 on occupational safety and health protection at work [Slovak Republik]. (Slovak: Zákon Národnej rady Slovenskej republiky o bezpečnosti a ochrane zdravia pri práci) Zbierka zákonov slovenskej republiky, 15 Sep. 2001, No.147, p.3642-3652. (In Slovak)


This is a consolidated version of the basic 1996 law on OSH (see CIS 97-1065), as modified since. The law regulates the obligations of employers concerning occupational safety and health protection, as well as modalities of collaboration between employers and workers in order to diminish risk of work accidents. It also enumerates the duties and rights of workers concerning the prevention of hazardous situations. (78360)


CIS 02-3 Ordinance respecting instructions for the Work Environment Authority [Sweden]. (Swedish: Förordning med instruktion för Arbetsmiljöverket) Svensk författningssamling, 15 Dec. 2000, Vol.29, No.50, p.1-4. (In Swedish)


This Ordinance contains 26 sections covering the scope of authority and the assigned tasks (such as supervising legislation on work environments and working hours, following-up the evolution of work environments, circulating information, promoting collaboration between employers and workers) of Arbetsmiljöverket (Work Environment Authority), the applicability of Ordinance (No.1322 of 1955) governing public administration, the management of the Authority, the role of the Working Hours Council and its competence to handle cases under different Acts concerning working hours, handling of cases, employment rules and miscellaneous provisions. (78253)


CIS 02-4 Ordinance No.608 of 26 June 1998 concerning the use of work equipment [Norway]. (Norwegian: Forskrift om bruk av arbeidsustyr) Norsk Lovtidend, 13 July 1998, No.11, p.781-794 + modifications. (In Norwegian)


This Ordinance brings Norwegian legislation into conformity with Directive 89/655/EEC (see CIS 90-357), as modified by 95/63/EC (see CIS 96-395). This version of the Ordinance includes the original 1998 version (CIS 99-711), with modifications introduced by Ordinance No.1421 of 14 Dec. 2000 (Norsk Lovtidend, 26 Jan. 2001, p.3237-3239). Contents of the Ordinance: introductory provisions (scope [not valid in Svalbard], definitions, delayed entry into force of certain provisions); general provisions; technical requirements of fixed and mobile work equipment; technical requirements of lifting equipment; special provisions relating to the use of work equipment; safety training; workplace inspection by qualified inspectors. (78254)


CIS 02-5 Royal Decree No.707/2002 of 19.7.2002 approving the Regulations on the special administrative procedures leading to the setting up of the Labour and Social Security Inspectorate and for the institution of corrective measures for non-compliance with measures of prevention of ocupational hazards within the scope of State administration [Spain]. (Spanish: Real Decreto 707/2002, de 19 de julio, por el que se aprueba el Reglamento sobre el procedimiento administrativo especial de actuación de la Inspección de Trabajo y Seguridad Social y para la imposición de medidas correctoras de incumplimientos en materia de prevención de riesgos laborales en el ámbito de la Administración General del Estado [España]) Boletín Oficial del Estado, 31 July 2002, Vol.342, No.182, p.28246-28248. (In Spanish)


This decree approves the regulations for the application of the provisions of Law No.31/1995 (see CIS 95-1921) to cases of non-compliance with OSH regulations in the Spanish public service. Contents: scope (public services, except for state-owned businesses and the military); initiation of proceedings; visits from the labour inspectorate; communication of corrective orders; immediate suspension of activities in case of imminent danger. (78312)


CIS 02-6 Regulations No.156 relating to the health and safety of employees at work [Namibia]. Government Gazette of the Republic of Namibia, 1 Aug. 1997, No.1617, p.1-520 (1 vol.). (In English)


These are the basic safety and health regulations for Namibia, issued under the authority of the Labour Act, 1992 (see CIS 98-355). Contents: rights and duties of employers; administration (incorporation of OSH standards, OSH procedures, inspection, keeping of documents); welfare and facilities of workplaces (incl. floor space, ventilation, lighting, welfare facilities, ergonomic requirements, heating and cooling, fire precautions); safety of machinery; hazardous substances (incl. a list of occupational exposure limits, and specific regulations on asbestos, lead and silica); physical hazards; medical examinations and emergency arrangements (incl. first aid); construction safety; electrical safety. Annexes. (78353)


CIS 02-7 Safety and Health at Work - Grand-Ducal Regulations of 4 Nov. 1994 [Luxembourg]. (French: Sécurité et santé au travail - Règlements grand-ducaux du 4 novembre 1994 [Luxembourg]) Mémorial - Journal officiel du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg, 17 Nov. 1994, No.A-96, p.1816-1914. Illus. (In French)


These 10 Regulations implement in Luxembourg the provisions of Framework Directive 89/391/EEC (see CIS 89-1401) on OSH in general, and of several other, more specific directives dealing with OSH matters. Subjects covered include: work equipment; personal protective equipment; manual loading and handling; VDU work; carcinogens; biological hazards; temporary and mobile construction sites; mineral extraction through drilling; surface and underground mining. (78357)


CIS 02-8 Regulations of 17 Apr. 2002 concerning work tasks requiring health certification [Croatia]. (Croatian: Pravilnik o poslovima na kojima radnik može raditi samo nakon prethodnog utvrđivanja zdravstvene sposobnosti) Narodne Novine, 22 May 2002, Vol.164, No.59, p.2824-2825. (In Croatian)


This regulation lists work tasks requiring health certificates, and those that are considered particularly difficult and/or hazardous to health. In annex: sample certificate forms. (78313)


CIS 02-9 Order of 28 Rajab 1422 (16 Oct. 2001) establishing the means of implementing the provisions of Art.30 of Executive Decree No.93-120 of 15 May 1993 concerning the organization of occupational medicine [Algeria]. (French: Arrêté du 28 Rajab 1422 correspondant au 16.10.2001 fixant les modalités d'application des dispositions de l'article 30 du décret exécutif n°93-120 du 15.5.1993 relatif à l'organisation de la médecine du travail [Algérie]) Journal officiel de la République algérienne démocratique et populaire, 27 Mar. 2002, 41st Year, No.21, p.22. (In French)


This Order implements certain provisions of Executive Decree No.93-120 (see CIS 97-1418). It specifies the minimum number of nurses that an enterprise is obliged to employ in function of the number of their workers and the level of occupational risk their workers are exposed to. (78316)


CIS 02-10 Order of 28 Rajab 1422 (16 Oct. 2001) fixing the standards of human resources, locales and equipment of occupational medical services [Algeria]. (French: Arrêté du 28 Rajab 1422 correspondant au 16.10.2001 fixant les normes en matière de moyens humains, de locaux et d'équipement des services de médecine du travail [Algérie]) Journal officiel de la République algérienne démocratique et populaire, 27 Mar. 2002, 41st Year, No.21, p.20-21. (In French)


This Order implements certain provisions of Executive Decree No.93-120 (see CIS 97-1418). It specifies the minimum number of occupational physicians an enterprise must employ in function of the number of its workers. It also provides basic standards in connection with nursing personnel, the nature of the locale used by industrial health services and the kind of equipment they must dispose of. (78317)


CIS 02-11 Order of 21.12.2001 modifying the Order of 17.10.1995 concerning the evaluation of the risk of occupational accidents and diseases, and establishing the corresponding insurance premiums within the general social security scheme [France]. (French: Arrêté du 21.12.2001 modifiant l'arrêté du 17.10.1995 relatif à la tarification des risques ... et fixant les tarifs des cotisations d'accidents du travail et de maladies professionnelles des activités professionnelles relevant du régime général de la Sécurité sociale [France]) Journal officiel de la République française, 28 Dec. 2001, 133rd Year, No.301, p.20911-20932. (In French)


This Order establishes hazard codes in French industry by very narrow activity classification, and assigns the corresponding basic rates for workers' compensation premiums. (78359)


CIS 02-12 Law on Industry [Austria]. (German: Gewerbeordnung 1994 (GewO 1994)) Internet document, 1994-. 116p. 4 ref. (In German)


This is the framework law for the regulation of industrial activities, agriculture, forestry, mining, transportation and white-collar activities being mostly excluded from its scope. The principles of providing for obligations with regards to the safety and welfare of employees are included. The CIS copy includes all modifications till 2001. (78255)


CIS 02-13 Diving Regulations, 2001; Incorporation of the Health and Safety Standards in the Diving Regulation, 2001 [South Africa]. Government Gazette - Staatskoerant, 11 Jan. 2002, Vol.439, No.22991, p.3-27. (In English)


Both sets of Regulations were issued under the Occupational Health and Safety Act, 1993 (see CIS 94-1451). Contents of the Diving Regulations: definitions; scope; training of divers; designated medical practitioners, medical examinations and medical certificates of fitness; diving supervisors; operations manuals; control of diving operations; decompression; compression chambers and bells; plant and equipment; the Council for Diving; registration as a learner diver, a diver and a diving supervisor; withdrawal of certificates. The Incorporation of the Health and Safety Standards in the Diving Regulation includes certain South African, US, UK, German and Norwegian standards in the applicable diving safety regulations of South Africa. (78315)


CIS 02-14 Ordinance No.2001-175 of 22.2.2001 on the transposition of Council Directive 89/391/EEC of 12.6.1989 concerning the implementation of measures aimed at the improvement of the safety and health of workers at work [France]. (French: Ordonnance n°2001-175 du 22.2.2001 relative à la transposition de la directive 89/391/CEE du Conseil du 12.6.1989 concernant la mise en œuvre des mesures visant à promouvoir l'amélioration de la sécurité et de la santé des travailleurs au travail [France]) Journal officiel de la République française, 24 Feb. 2001, 133rd Year, No.47, p.3022. (In French)


This Ordinance modifies the French Labour Code, introducing measures obliging employers to consult workers and/or their representatives in connection with the safety and health implications of the introduction of new technologies. The Ordinance implements into French legislation certain aspects of Directive 89/391/EEC (see CIS 89-1401). (78320)


CIS 02-15 Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants [UNEP]. (French: Convention de Stockholm sur les polluants organiques persistants [PNUE]) United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), International Legal Materials, May 2001, Vol.40, No.3, p.531-563 (English only). (In English, French)


Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) are defined as organic substances with toxic properties that resist degradation, bioaccumulate and may be transported through air, water and migratory animals. This Convention, adopted at the Stockholm Conference held 22-23 May 2001, requires signatory States to prohibit, eliminate and/or restrict the production, use, import and export of POPs falling under its scope. Stockpiles and wastes containing POPs are to be managed safely and appropriately. Signatory States also have to implement a plan to carry out its obligations under the Convention, to exchange relevant information with other States, and to promote awareness and training activities among people involved with POPs, including workers, scientists and managers. Timely and appropriate technical assistance is to be provided to developing and "transition economy" countries. In annexes: list of substances to be eliminated if possible (aldrin, chlordane, dieldrin, endrin, heptachlor, hexachlorobenzene, mirex, toxaphene, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs)); restricted substance (DDT); special provisions related to unintentional production of certain substances (PCDD/PCDF, hexachlorobenzene, PCBs); information and screening requirements; information on socio-economic considerations. (77939)


CIS 02-16 Final Rule - Toxic Substances Control Test Guidelines [USA]. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Federal Register, 15 Dec. 2000, Vol.65, No.242, p.78746-78819. Illus. Bibl.ref. (In English)


This rule establishes 17 new Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA, see CIS 89-23) health effects test guidelines. Establishment of these guidelines provides a series of standardized test procedures and is necessary to ensure enforceable test standards in test rules promulgated under section 4 of the TSCA. (78256)


CIS 02-17 Decision (No.1232 of 2000) of the Ministry of Social and Health Care to amend the Decision of the Ministry of Labour on carcinogenic substances (No.838 of 1993) [Finland]. (Finnish: Asetus syöpäsairauden vaaraa aiheuttavista tekijöistä annetun työministeriön päätöksen 1 §:n ja liitteen muuttamisesta; Swedish: Förordning om ändring av samt bilagan till beslutet arbetsministeriets beslut om cancerframkallande agenser) Finlands författningssamling - Suomen säädöskokoelma, 29 Dec. 2000, No.174, p.3283-3285. (In Finnish, Swedish)


This decision amends the 1993 decision concerning the obligation of employers to notify workers of the presence of working methods and substances that may expose them to carcinogenic risk. In annex: updated list of carcinogenic substances, with their CAS and EC numbers. (78259)


CIS 02-18 Decree No.2001-97 of 1 Feb. 2001 setting up the particular rules of prevention of the hazards of carcinogenicity, mutagenicity and reproductive toxicity and modifying the Labour Code [France]. (French: Décret n°2001-97 du 1er février 2001 établissant les règles particulières de prévention des risques cancérogènes, mutagènes ou toxiques pour la reproduction et modifiant le Code du travail [France]) Journal officiel de la République française, 3 Feb. 2001, Year 133, No.29, p.1866-1868. (In French)


This Decree takes into consideration the provisions of Directives 97/42/EC (see CIS 99-17) and 1999/38/EC (see CIS 00-1516), both modifications of the main Directive 90/394/EEC concerning carcinogenic agents in the workplace (see CIS 90-1758). Essentially, the provisions of the Labour Code relating to carcinogenic substances are extended to those related to mutagenic substances and to substances that are toxic to reproduction. Some administrative procedures are also modified. The employment of pregnant and lactating women in workplaces where they may be exposed to substances toxic to reproduction is prohibited. Exposure limits are provided for the airborne concentration of benzene (3.25mg/m3 = 1ppm) and vinyl chloride monomer (2.59mg/m3 = 1ppm) in the workplace, and the specific Decrees related to protection measures against these two substances (86-269 [see CIS 86-1021] and 80-203 [see CIS 80-1315], respectively) are repealed. (78260)


CIS 02-19 Official Mexican Standard - Welding and cutting: Safety and health conditions [Mexico]. (Spanish: Norma Oficial Mexicana - Soldadura y corte: Condiciones de seguridad e higiene [México]) Secretaría del Trabajo y Previsión Social, Diario Oficial de la Federación, 8 Mar. 2001, Vol.DLXX, No.6, p.44-53. 5 ref. (In Spanish)


Contents of this standard (effective: 7 May 2001): scope (all workplaces in Mexico where welding and cutting operations take place); definitions; responsibilities of employers and workers; hazard analysis; specific safety and health programmes. In annex: guide to the use of personal protective equipment. (78319)


CIS 02-20 Decree No.2-98-975 of 28 Shawwal 1421 (23 Jan. 2001) concerning the protection of workers exposed to asbestos dust [Morocco]. (French: Décret n°2-98-975 du 28 chaoual 1421 (23 janv. 2001) relatif à la protection des travailleurs exposés aux poussières d'amiante [Maroc]) Bulletin Officiel du Royaume du Maroc, 1 Feb. 2001, 90th Year, No.4870, p.192-194. (In French)


Contents of this Decree (effective: 22 July 2001): definitions; prohibited use (amphiboles in all work involving asbestos products; use of asbestos in spraying operations); provision for the future establishment of an exposure limit for asbestos; obligation of employers to provide protection against asbestos where there is danger of exposure; provisions concerning work clothes where asbestos is present; role of laboratories engaged in monitoring asbestos exposure levels; medical supervision; the exposure register. (78351)


CIS 02-21 Royal Decree No.786/2001 of 6 July 2001 approving the safety regulations on fire precautions in industrial establishments [Spain]. (Spanish: Real Decreto 786/2001, de 6 de julio, por el que se aprueba el Reglamento de Seguridad contra incendios en los establecimientos industriales [España]) Boletín Oficial del Estado, 30 July 2001, Year 341, No.181. Illus. (In Spanish)


This decree implements fire safety regulations for industry, including those covering industrial storage establishments and vehicle repair shops and parking facilities. Contents: new site preparation, construction and start-up of new industries; periodic inspections; reporting of fires; minimum fire safety standards; responsibilities and penalties for non-compliance. In annex: classification of industrial establishments from the viewpoint of fire safety; safety codes for buildings in relation to their layout, location and level of intrinsic risk; general fire safety requirements of industrial establishments; list of relevant Spanish (UNE) standards. (78354)


CIS 02-22 Act 470/2000 amending Act 272/1994 on the protection of the health of person, Act 152/1995, Act 130/1998 regarding the peaceful use of nuclear energy and Acts 174/1968 and 256/1994 regarding state control over work safety [Slovak Republik]. (Slovak: Zákon z 5.12.2000, ktorým sa mení a doplňa zákon ... č.272/1994 Z.z. o ochrane zdravia l'udi v znení neskorších predpisov, ...č.130/1998 Z.z. mierovom využívaní jadrovej energie ...) Zbierka zákonov slovenskej republiky, 29 Dec. 2000, No.470, p.5050-5071. (In Slovak)


This Law (effective: 1 Jan. 2001) defines the concept of "workplace with ionizing radiation", as well as different categories of workers working with sources of radiation. It fixes the basic health conditions and professional qualifications required of such workers. It also provides for the duties of employers and the role of government bodies concerning places with natural ionizing radiation. (78258)


CIS 02-23 Ordinance No.2001-270 of 28 March 2001 concerning the transposition of community directives in the field of protection against ionizing radiation [France]. (French: Ordonnance n°2001-270 du 28 mars 2001 relative à la transposition de directives communautaires dans le domaine de la protection contre les rayonnements ionisants [France]) Journal officiel de la République française, 31 Mar. 2001, 133rd Year, No.77, p.5057-5061. (In French)


This Ordinance integrates into French legislation certain provisions of directives 90/641/EURATOM (see CIS 94-18), 96/29/EURATOM (see CIS 96-1953) and 97/43/EURATOM. The changes are to the French Public Health Code and the Labour Code. The modifications involve definitions of exposure to ionizing radiation, responsibilities of employers and suppliers in connection with such exposure, notification and authorization procedures, training requirements, provisions for the protection of workers. (78257)


CIS 02-24 Directive 2002/44/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 June 2002 on the minimum health and safety requirements regarding the exposure of workers to the risks arising from physical agents (vibration) [European Union]. (French: Directive 2002/44/CE du Parlement européen et du Conseil du 25 juin 2002 concernant les prescriptions minimales de sécurité et de santé relatives à l'exposition des travailleurs aux risques dus aux agents physiques (vibrations) [Union européenne]) Official Journal of the European Communities - Journal officiel des Communautés européennes, 6 July 2002, Vol.45, No.L 177, p.13-19. (In English, French)


This is the basic vibration directive brought in under the European framework directive concerning OSH (see CIS 89-1401). Contents: scope (all activities where workers may be exposed to vibration); definitions of hand-arm and whole-body vibration; exposure limits (hand-arm vibration: 5m/s2 for 8h daily exposure limit and 2.5m/s2 for 8h daily exposure action value; whole-body vibration: 1.15 and 0.5m/s2, respectively; at the choice of the Member States, the latter can also be given as 21 and 9.1m/s1.75, respectively); obligations of employers (risk determination and asessment, provisions aimed at avoiding and reducing exposure, information and training of workers, worker consultation and participation); miscellaneous provisions (health surveillance, derogations). (78311)


CIS 02-25 Royal Order of 2 Apr. 2002 modifying Royal Order of 25.4.1997 concerning the protection of workers against the hazards of ionizing radiation [Belgium]. (Dutch: Koninklijk besluit tot wijziging van het koninklijk besluit van 25.4.1997 betreffende de bescherming van de werknemers tegen de risico's voortkomende uit ioniserende straling; French: Arrêté royal du 2 avril 2002 modifiant l'arrêté royal du 25.4.1997 concernant la protection des travailleurs contre les risques résultant des rayonnements ionisants [Belgique]) Moniteur belge - Belgisch Staatsblad, 20 June 2002, 172nd Year, No.207, p.28382-28393. Illus. (In Dutch, French)


This Order modifies the basic 1997 Order related to radiation protection (see CIS 97-1427). It transposes into Belgian legislation those provisions of Directive 90/641/Euratom (see CIS 94-18) on radiation protection in controlled areas that have not been transposed before. It includes matters related to: certified occupational physicians (definition, role); obligations of outside contractors; role of the Federal Agency for Nuclear Control; creation of a central dose registry for Belgium; roles of various other organisms concerning radiation safety. In annex: particulars of the Belgian Radiological Passport for Outside Workers. (78318)


CIS 02-26 Ordinance of 31 Jan. 2001 concerning radiation protection applicable to non-medical installations that produce ionizing radiation [Switzerland]. (French: Ordonnance concernant la radioprotection applicable aux installations non médicales de production de radiations ionisantes (Ordonnance sur la radioprotection dans l'utilisation d'installations) [Suisse]; German: Verordnung über den Strahlenschutz bei nichtmedizinischen Anlagen zur Erzeugung ionisierender Strahlung; Italian: Ordinanza del 31 gennaio 2001 sulla radioprotezione applicata agli impianti generatori di radiazioni ionizzanti utilizzati a scopi non medici (Ordinanza sulla radioprotezione degli impianti)) Amtliche Sammlung des Bundesrechts - Recueil officiel des lois fédérales, 27 Mar. 2001, No.12, p.922-933. (In French, German, Italian)


This ordinance (effective: 1 Apr. 2001) is issued in accordance with the provisions of the 1994 Ordinance on Radiation protection (see CIS 95-1573). Contents: scope of application (all non-medical installations capable of producing radiation with energy levels > 5keV, and equipment emitting parasitic radiation producing a dose of 1µSv/h at a distance of 10cm from the surface); measures concerning the safe operation of installations; layout and screening of installations; personal protection; maintenance and control. In annex: definitions; analyses of micro- and macro-structures; welding installations using electron beams. (78352)


CIS 02-27 Council of Ministers Regulation No.384/2000 on Dangerous Equipment [Latvia]. (Latvian: Ministru kabineta noteikumi Nr. 384/2000 - Noteikumi par bīstamajām iekārtām) Latvijas Republikas Saeimas un Ministru Kabineta Ziņotājs, 21 Dec. 2000, No.24, p.15-17. (In Latvian)


This regulation specifies the kinds of dangerous equipment to which the Law on the monitoring of dangerous equipment applies. (78252)


CIS 02-28 Order No.434 of 24 Aug. 1994 of the President of the Council of Ministers concerning the introduction and use of extraction machines, equipment, materials, tools and devices in coal mines [Poland]. (Polish: Rozporządzenie Prezesa Rady Ministrów z dnia 24 sierpnia 1994 r. w sprawie dopuszczania do stosowania w zakładach górniczych maszyn, urządzeń i materiałów oraz środków strzałowych i sprzętu strzałowego) Dziennik Ustaw, 31 Aug. 1994, No.92, p.1734-1737. (In Polish)


Regulation implementing provisions of the Geological and Mining Code (1994, Law No.96) relating to the safe introduction and use of machinery and equipment in coal mines. (78358)


CIS 02-29 Regulations for Hazardous Biological Agents [South Africa]. Government Gazette - Staatskoerant, 27 Dec. 2001, Vol.438, No.22956, p.3-67. Illus. (In English)


Regulations issued under the Occupational Health and Safety Act, 1993 (see CIS 94-1451). Contents: definitions; scope; classification of biological agents; information and training; duties of persons who might be exposed to hazardous biological agents (HBAs); risk assessment by employers or self-employed persons; monitoring exposure; medical surveillance; records; control of exposure to HBAs; personal protective equipment and facilities; maintenance of control measures, equipment and facilities; prohibitions; labelling, packaging, transporting and storage; special measures for health and veterinary isolation facilities; special measures for laboratories, animal rooms and industrial processes; disposal of HBAs. In annex: indicative list of incidents; hazardous biological agent guidelines (incl. list of bacteria, viruses and parasites with their hazard classification); precautions for workplaces (incl. table of precaution codes connected with specific infections or conditions; table presenting clinical syndromes or conditions warranting additional precautions aimed at the prevention of infection pending conformation of diagnosis); containment rules. (78314)


[ Top of page ]

Chemical data sheets and criteria documents

CIS 02-30 Magnesium (pellets). (Spanish: Magnesio (virutas)) Instituto Nacional de Seguridad e Higiene en el Trabajo, Ediciones y Publicaciones, c/Torrelaguna 73, 28027 Madrid, Spain, 1991. 2p. Illus. (In Spanish)


Spanish version of IPCS ICSC 0701 (English version: CIS 93-386). International Chemical Safety Card. Exposure route: inhalation. Symptoms: eye irritation; cough. (77861)


CIS 02-31 Mancozeb. (Spanish: Mancozeb) Instituto Nacional de Seguridad e Higiene en el Trabajo, Ediciones y Publicaciones, c/Torrelaguna 73, 28027 Madrid, Spain, 1991. 2p. Illus. (In Spanish)


Spanish version of IPCS ICSC 0754. International Chemical Safety Card. Exposure routes: inhalation and skin absorption. Short-term exposure effects: irritation of the respiratory tract. Long-term exposure effects: prolonged or repeated contact may induce skin sensitization. (77862)


CIS 02-32 Maneb. (Spanish: Maneb) Instituto Nacional de Seguridad e Higiene en el Trabajo, Ediciones y Publicaciones, c/Torrelaguna 73, 28027 Madrid, Spain, 1991. 2p. Illus. (In Spanish)


Spanish version of IPCS ICSC 0173 (English version: CIS 92-760). International Chemical Safety Card. Exposure routes: inhalation and ingestion. Short-term exposure effects: irritation of the skin, eyes and respiratory tract. Long-term exposure effects: effects on the central nervous system; prolonged or repeated contact may induce skin sensitisation. Threshold limit value: 0.2mg/m3 (as Mn) (ACGIH 1998). (77863)


CIS 02-33 Mecrylate. (Spanish: Mecrilato) Instituto Nacional de Seguridad e Higiene en el Trabajo, Ediciones y Publicaciones, c/Torrelaguna 73, 28027 Madrid, Spain, 1991. 2p. (In Spanish)


Spanish version of IPCS ICSC 1272. International Chemical Safety Card. Exposure route: inhalation. Short-term exposure effects: irritation of the eyes and respiratory tract; inhalation of vapours may cause asthmatic reactions; effects may be delayed. Long-term exposure effects: prolonged or repeated contact may induce skin sensitization. Threshold limit value: 0.2ppm (ACGIH 1998). (77864)


CIS 02-34 Melamine. (Spanish: Melamina) Instituto Nacional de Seguridad e Higiene en el Trabajo, Ediciones y Publicaciones, c/Torrelaguna 73, 28027 Madrid, Spain, 1991. 2p. (In Spanish)


Spanish version of IPCS ICSC 1154. International Chemical Safety Card. Exposure route: inhalation. Long-term exposure effects: effects on the kidneys. (77865)


CIS 02-35 2-Mercaptoethanol. (Spanish: 2-Mercaptoetanol) Instituto Nacional de Seguridad e Higiene en el Trabajo, Ediciones y Publicaciones, c/Torrelaguna 73, 28027 Madrid, Spain, 1991. 2p. Illus. (In Spanish)


Spanish version of IPCS ICSC 0916. International Chemical Safety Card. Exposure routes: inhalation, skin absorption and ingestion. Short-term exposure effects: irritation of the skin, eyes and respiratory tract; effects on the nervous system (convulsions, respiratory failure). (77866)


CIS 02-36 Mercury. (Spanish: Mercurio) Instituto Nacional de Seguridad e Higiene en el Trabajo, Ediciones y Publicaciones, c/Torrelaguna 73, 28027 Madrid, Spain, 1991. 2p. Illus. (In Spanish)


Spanish version of IPCS ICSC 0056 (English version: CIS 91-767; multilingual version: CIS 94-95). International Chemical Safety Card. Exposure routes: inhalation and skin absorption (also as vapour). Short-term exposure effects: inhalation may cause pneumonia; effects on the kidneys and the central nervous system; effects may be delayed. Long-term exposure effects: effects on the central nervous system and kidneys, resulting in emotional and psychic instability, tremor mercurialis, cognitive disturbances, speech disorders. Danger of cumulative effects. Animal tests show that this substance possibly causes toxic effects upon human reproduction. Threshold limit value: 0.025mg/m3 A4 (skin) (ACGIH 1998). (77867)


CIS 02-37 Mesitylene. (Spanish: Mesitileno) Instituto Nacional de Seguridad e Higiene en el Trabajo, Ediciones y Publicaciones, c/Torrelaguna 73, 28027 Madrid, Spain, 1991. 2p. Illus. (In Spanish)


Spanish version of IPCS ICSC 1155. International Chemical Safety Card. Exposure routes: inhalation and skin absorption. Short-term exposure effects: irritation of the respiratory tract; swallowing the liquid may cause aspiration into the lungs with the risk of chemical pneumonia; depression of the central nervous system. Long-term exposure effects: defats the skin; effects on the liver and blood, resulting in lesions of blood cells, anaemia, and impaired functions. Threshold limit value: 25ppm (isomer mixture) (ACGIH 1998). (77868)


CIS 02-38 Methacrylaldehyde. (Spanish: Metacrilaldehído) Instituto Nacional de Seguridad e Higiene en el Trabajo, Ediciones y Publicaciones, c/Torrelaguna 73, 28027 Madrid, Spain, 1991. 2p. Illus. (In Spanish)


Spanish version of IPCS ICSC 1259. International Chemical Safety Card. Exposure routes: inhalation and ingestion. Short-term exposure effects: irritation of the skin, eyes and respiratory tract. (77869)


CIS 02-39 Methyl methacrylate monomer inhibited. (Spanish: Metacrilato de metilo (inhibido)) Instituto Nacional de Seguridad e Higiene en el Trabajo, Ediciones y Publicaciones, c/Torrelaguna 73, 28027 Madrid, Spain, 1991. 2p. Illus. (In Spanish)


Spanish version of IPCS ICSC 0300 (English version: CIS 93-44). International Chemical Safety Card. Exposure routes: inhalation, skin absorption and ingestion. Short-term exposure effects: irritation of the skin, eyes and respiratory tract. Long-term exposure effects: prolonged or repeated contact may induce skin sensitisation; repeated or prolonged inhalation exposure may cause asthma; neurological effects. Threshold limit value: 100ppm A4 (ACGIH 1998). (77870)


CIS 02-40 Hydroquinone. (French: Hydroquinone) Institut national de recherche et de sécurité, 30 rue Olivier-Noyer, 75680 Paris Cedex 14, France, Rev.ed., CD-ROM CD 613, 2000. 4p. Illus. 21 ref. (In French)


Chemical safety information sheet. Update of data sheet already summarized in CIS 89-1470. Synonyms: 1,4-benzenediol; p-dihydroxybenzene. Acute toxicity: digestive disorders due to the caustic effect; systemic damage with neuromuscular disorders; methaemoglobinaemia sometimes giving rise to haemolysis with jaundice, oliguria and anuria; caustic skin and eyes lesions. Chronic toxicity: ocular effects (irritation, photophobia; brown-greenish colouring of the conjunctive membranes and cornea, changes in the cornea thickness and curvature, astigmatism, diminution visual acuity) whose severity is correlated to exposure; irritative skin diseases or allergic reactions which may induce sensitization; depigmentation of the skin; dyspnoea and bronchoconstriction. Exposure limits (France): TWA = 2mg/m3. EEC number and mandatory labelling codes: No.604-005-00-4; Xn, R20/22, S2, S24/25, S39. Complete datasheet collection on CD-ROM analysed under CIS 01-201. (77871)


CIS 02-41 Bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate. (French: Phtalate de bis(2-éthylhexyle)) Clavel T., Falcy M., Hesbert A., Jargot D., Protois J.C., Reynier M., Schneider O., Institut national de recherche et de sécurité, 30 rue Olivier-Noyer, 75680 Paris Cedex 14, France, Rev.ed., CD-ROM CD 613, 2000. 4p. Illus. 19 ref. (In French)


Chemical safety information sheet. Update of data sheet already summarized in CIS 81-1932. Synonyms: di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate; di-sec-octyl phthalate; DEHP, DOP. Acute toxicity: minor digestive disorders. Chronic toxicity: central, peripheral or autonomous neuropathy; haematological changes; carcinogen (excess lung cancer risk). Exposure limits (France): TWA = 5mg/m3. EEC number: No.204-211-0. Complete datasheet collection on CD-ROM analysed under CIS 01-201. (77872)


CIS 02-42 Methyl isocyanate. (French: Isocyanate de méthyle) Institut national de recherche et de sécurité, 30 rue Olivier-Noyer, 75680 Paris Cedex 14, France, Rev.ed., CD-ROM CD 613, 2000. 4p. 9 ref. (In French)


Chemical safety information sheet. Update of data sheet already summarized in CIS 81-1933. Toxicity: extremely irritating to skin and ocular and respiratory mucous membranes; skin burns which can evolve into severe necrotic lesions; pulmonary oedema; lipothymic syndrome with convulsions, with rapid recovery (inhalation over a flask). Exposure limits (France): TWA = 0.05mg/m3 (0.02ppm). EEC number: No.615-001-00-7. Complete datasheet collection on CD-ROM analysed under CIS 01-201. (77873)


CIS 02-43 Hexamethylene 1,6-diisocyanate. (French: 1,6-Diisocyanate d'hexaméthylène) Institut national de recherche et de sécurité, 30 rue Olivier-Noyer, 75680 Paris Cedex 14, France, Rev.ed., CD-ROM CD 613, 2000. 4p. Illus. 23 ref. (In French)


Chemical safety information sheet. Update of data sheet already summarized in CIS 82-412. Synonyms: HDI, 1,6-diisocyanatohexane. Acute toxicity: strong irritation of the skin and ocular and respiratory mucous membranes. Chronic toxicity: contact eczema; allergic asthma with cross-sensitization to other isocyanates; hypersensitivity pneumopathia which may induce fibrosis. Exposure limits (France): TWA = 0.075mg/m3 or 0.01ppm; ceiling value (over 5 minutes) = 0.15mg/m3 or 0.02ppm. EEC number and mandatory labelling codes: No.615-011-00-1; T, R23, R36/37/38, R42/43, S26, S28, S38, S45. Complete datasheet collection on CD-ROM analysed under CIS 01-201. (77874)


CIS 02-44 Isophorone diisocyanate. (French: Diisocyanate d'isophorone) Institut national de recherche et de sécurité, 30 rue Olivier-Noyer, 75680 Paris Cedex 14, France, Rev.ed., CD-ROM CD 613, 2000. 4p. Illus. 14 ref. (In French)


Chemical safety information sheet. Update of data sheet already summarized in CIS 87-828. Synonyms: IPDI; 3-isocyanatomethyl-3,5,5-trimethylcyclohexyl isocyanate; 5-isocyanato-1-(isocyanatomethyl)-1,3,3-trimethylcyclohexane. Acute toxicity: strong irritation of the skin and ocular and respiratory mucous membranes. Chronic toxicity: contact eczema; allergic asthma; hypersensitivity pneumopathia; chronic bronchopulmonary diseases. Exposure limits (France): TWA = 0.09mg/m3 or 0.01ppm; ceiling value (over 5 minutes) = 0.18mg/m3 or 0.02ppm. EEC number and mandatory labelling codes: No.615-008-00-5; T, R23, R36/37/38, R42/43, S26, S28, S38, S45. Complete datasheet collection on CD-ROM analysed under CIS 01-201. (77875)


CIS 02-45 2-Methyl-2,4-pentanediol. (French: 2-Méthyl-2,4-pentanediol) Institut national de recherche et de sécurité, 30 rue Olivier-Noyer, 75680 Paris Cedex 14, France, Rev.ed., CD-ROM CD 613, 2000. 4p. Illus. 12 ref. (In French)


Chemical safety information sheet. Update of data sheet already summarized in CIS 87-842. Synonyms: hexylene glycol; 2,4-dihydroxy-2-methyl pentane. Toxicity: irritation of the eyes, nose, pharynx and larynx and respiratory discomfort. Exposure limits (France): TWA = 125mg/m3 or 25ppm. EEC number and mandatory labelling codes: No.603-053-00-3; Xi, R36/38. Complete datasheet collection on CD-ROM analysed under CIS 01-201. (77876)


CIS 02-46 Sodium nitrite. (French: Nitrite de sodium) Institut national de recherche et de sécurité, 30 rue Olivier-Noyer, 75680 Paris Cedex 14, France, Rev.ed., CD-ROM CD 613, 2000. 3p. 10 ref. (In French)


Chemical safety information sheet. Update of data sheet already summarized in CIS 82-1323. Acute toxicity: headache; redness of the face; vertigo; hypotension; unconsciousness; methaemoglobinaemia; digestive disorders; possible liver and kidney damage. Chronic toxicity: hypotension; disorders of cardiac rhythm; headache; yellow colouring of teguments; in the presence of amines, gives rise to cancer-inducing nitrosamines. Complete datasheet collection on CD-ROM analysed under CIS 01-201. (77877)


CIS 02-47 Benzyl alcohol. (French: Alcool benzylique) Institut national de recherche et de sécurité, 30 rue Olivier-Noyer, 75680 Paris Cedex 14, France, Rev.ed., CD-ROM CD 613, 2000. 4p. Illus. 15 ref. (In French)


Chemical safety information sheet. Update of data sheet already summarized in CIS 91-33. Synonyms: phenylmethanol; α-hydroxytoluene. Acute toxicity: digestive signs; central nervous system damage; irritation of the eyes, skin and mucous membranes. Chronic toxicity: headache; vertigo; gastrointestinal disorders; irritation skin diseases. EEC number and mandatory labelling codes: No.603-057-00-5; Xn, R20/22, S26. Complete datasheet collection on CD-ROM analysed under CIS 01-201. (77878)


CIS 02-48 Glutaraldehyde. (French: Glutaraldéhyde) Institut national de recherche et de sécurité, 30 rue Olivier-Noyer, 75680 Paris Cedex 14, France, Rev.ed., CD-ROM CD 613, 2000. 4p. 22 ref. (In French)


Chemical safety information sheet. Update of data sheet already summarized in CIS 87-822. Synonyms: 1,5-pentanedial; glutaric aldehyde. Toxicity: splashes may cause caustic lesions of the skin and eyes; allergic eczema; headache; irritative or allergic respiratory disorders; sensitization. Exposure limits (France): TWA = 0.8mg/m3 or 0.2ppm. Complete datasheet collection on CD-ROM analysed under CIS 01-201. (77879)


CIS 02-49 Bis(tributyltin) oxide. (French: Oxyde de bis(tributylétain)) Jargot D., Pillière F., Protois J.C., Reynier M., Serre P., De Ceaurriz J., Institut national de recherche et de sécurité, 30 rue Olivier-Noyer, 75680 Paris Cedex 14, France, Rev.ed., CD-ROM CD 613, 2000. 5p. Illus. 27 ref. (In French)


Chemical safety information sheet. Update of data sheet already summarized in CIS 82-1608. Synonyms: TBTO; hexabutyldistannoxane. Acute toxicity: irritation of the eyes, nose and upper respiratory tract; neurological effects; in the case of skin contact, burn lesions may appear within 8 to 24 hours. Chronic toxicity: no systemic effect reported for humans. Exposure limits (France): TWA = 0.1mg Sn/m3; ceiling value = 0.2mg Sn/m3. EEC number and mandatory labelling codes: No.050-008-00-3; T, R25, R48/23/25, R21, R36/38, S35, S36/37/39, S45, 200-268-0. Complete datasheet collection on CD-ROM analysed under CIS 01-201. (77880)


CIS 02-50 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloro-2,2-difluoroethane. (Spanish: 1,1,1,2-Tetracloro-2,2-difluoroetano) Noticias de seguridad, Jan. 2002, Vol.64, No.1, 4p. Insert. (In Spanish)


Chemical safety information sheet published by the Consejo Interamericano de Seguridad, 33 Park Place, Englewood, NJ 07631, USA. Exposure limit: TWA 4170mg/m3 or 500ppm (OSHA). Exposure routes: inhalation and ingestion. Toxicity: narcotic effect; drowsiness; breathing difficulties; irritation of the skin and eyes in the case of contact. (78013)


CIS 02-51 Hexachloroethane. (Spanish: Hexacloroetano) Noticias de seguridad, Jan. 2002, Vol.64, No.1, 4p. Insert. (In Spanish)


Chemical safety information sheet published by the Consejo Interamericano de Seguridad, 33 Park Place, Englewood, NJ 07631, USA. Exposure limits: 10mg/m3 or 1ppm (OSHA); 1-10ppm (ACGIH, skin). Exposure routes: inhalation, ingestion and skin absorption. Toxicity: eye irritation; blepharospasm; photophobia; watering of the eyes; redness of the conjunctiva. (78014)


CIS 02-52 Isobutylmethylcarbinol. (Spanish: Carbinol isobutílico de metilo) Noticias de seguridad, Feb. 2002, Vol.64, No.2, 4p. Insert. (In Spanish)


Chemical safety information sheet published by the Consejo Interamericano de Seguridad, 33 Park Place, Englewood, NJ 07631, USA. Exposure limit: TWA 100mg/m3 or 25ppm (OSHA). Exposure routes: inhalation and ingestion. Toxicity: irritation of the skin and eyes; drowsiness; headache. (78015)


CIS 02-53 p-Nitrochlorobenzene. (Spanish: p-Nitroclorobenceno) Noticias de seguridad, Feb. 2002, Vol.64, No.2, 4p. Insert. (In Spanish)


Chemical safety information sheet published by the Consejo Interamericano de Seguridad, 33 Park Place, Englewood, NJ 07631, USA. Exposure limit: TWA 1mg/m3 (OSHA). Exposure routes: inhalation, ingestion and skin absorption. Toxicity: skin absorption; cyanosis; irritability; vertigo; weakness; nausea; vomiting; breathlessness; somnolence; unconsciousness. Effects may be delayed. Repeated or prolonged exposure may cause anaemia and skin rashes. (78016)


CIS 02-54 N-Nitrosodimethylamine. (Spanish: N-Nitrosodimetilamina) Noticias de seguridad, Mar. 2002, Vol.64, No.3, 5p. Insert. (In Spanish)


Chemical safety information sheet published by the Consejo Interamericano de Seguridad, 33 Park Place, Englewood, NJ 07631, USA. Exposure routes: inhalation and ingestion. Toxicity: probable carcinogenic effect in humans (A3) in case of contact with skin or mucous membranes; hepatic damage. (78017)


CIS 02-55 2-Pentanone. (Spanish: 2-Pentanona) Noticias de seguridad, Mar. 2002, Vol.64, No.3, 4p. Insert. (In Spanish)


Chemical safety information sheet published by the Consejo Interamericano de Seguridad, 33 Park Place, Englewood, NJ 07631, USA. Exposure limits: 700mg/m3 or 200ppm (OSHA); TWA 530mg/m3 or 150ppm (NIOSH); 700mg/m3 or 200ppm and short-term exposure 875mg/m3 or 250ppm (ACGIH). Exposure routes: inhalation and ingestion. Toxicity: irritation of the eyes and respiratory tract; dermatitis; headache; nausea; vertigo; disturbances of coordination and eyes. (78018)


CIS 02-56 β-Propiolactone. (Spanish: Betapropiolactona) Noticias de seguridad, Apr. 2002, Vol.64, No.4, 5p. Insert. (In Spanish)


Chemical safety information sheet published by the Consejo Interamericano de Seguridad, 33 Park Place, Englewood, NJ 07631, USA. Exposure limit: 1.5mg/m3 or 0.5ppm (ACGIH). Exposure routes: inhalation and ingestion. Toxicity: probable carcinogenic effect in humans (A3); irritation of the skin or blisters; possible permanent corneal opacity in case of eye contact. (78019)


CIS 02-57 n-Propyl nitrate. (Spanish: Nitrato de n-propilo) Noticias de seguridad, Apr. 2002, Vol.64, No.4, 4p. Insert. (In Spanish)


Chemical safety information sheet published by the Consejo Interamericano de Seguridad, 33 Park Place, Englewood, NJ 07631, USA. Exposure limit: TWA 1000mg/m3 or 25ppm (OSHA). Exposure routes: inhalation and ingestion. Toxicity: cyanosis; methaemoglobinaemia; anaemia; headache; weakness; irritability; nausea; increase of pulse rate; skin irritation and thickening. (78020)


CIS 02-58 1-Chloro-2,3-epoxypropane. (French: 1-Chloro-2,3-époxypropane) Institut national de recherche et de sécurité, 30 rue Olivier-Noyer, 75680 Paris Cedex 14, France, Rev.ed., CD-ROM CD 613, 2001. 4p. 18 ref. (In French)


Chemical safety information sheet. Synonym: chloromethyloxirane. Acute toxicity: depression of the nervous system; severe skin irritation which can give rise to skin burns; liver damage. Chronic toxicity: carcinogen (bronchial cancer, leukaemia); skin allergies. Exposure limit (France): ceiling value = 10mg/m3 (2ppm). Complete datasheet collection on CD-ROM analysed under CIS 01-201. (78151)


CIS 02-59 Boranes. (French: Boranes) Institut national de recherche et de sécurité, 30 rue Olivier-Noyer, 75680 Paris Cedex 14, France, Rev.ed., CD-ROM CD 613, 2001. 4p. 15 ref. (In French)


Chemical safety information sheet. Update of data sheet already summarized in CIS 83-1646. Acute toxicity: irritation of the ocular and respiratory mucous membranes; metal fume fever (diborane); neurological effects (asthenia, headache, symptoms similar to those of alcohol intoxication, muscular spasms) which may appear after 48 hours (pentaborane); reversible neurological effects (coma) (decaborane). Chronic toxicity: chronic pneumopathy (diborane); headache, asthenia, corneal opacities (pentaborane, decaborane). Exposure limits (France): TWA = diborane: 0.1mg/m3 (0.1ppm); pentaborane: 0.01mg/m3 (0.005ppm); decaborane: 0.3mg/m3 (0.05ppm). Complete datasheet collection on CD-ROM analysed under CIS 01-201. (78152)


CIS 02-60 Dieldrin. (French: Dieldrine) Institut national de recherche et de sécurité, 30 rue Olivier-Noyer, 75680 Paris Cedex 14, France, Rev.ed., CD-ROM CD 613, 2001. 4p. Illus. 19 ref. (In French)


Chemical safety information sheet. Update of data sheet already summarized in CIS 83-1936. Acute toxicity: muscular spasms, followed by convulsive coma, which appear after a latency of 20min to 24 hours, with possible recurrence due to the release of the substance from substance stored in fatty tissues; hepatic and renal damage. Chronic toxicity: syndrome similar to idiopathic epilepsy; peripheral nervous system disorders; hepatic and renal damage; bronchial irritation; contact dermatitis. Exposure limit (France): TWA = 0.25mg/m3. EEC number and mandatory labelling codes: No.602-049-00-9; T, R25, R27, R40, R48/25, S22, S36/37, S45. Complete datasheet collection on CD-ROM analysed under CIS 01-201. (78153)


CIS 02-61 Methanethiol; Ethanethiol; 1-Butanethiol. (French: Méthanethiol; éthanethiol; 1-butanethiol) Institut national de recherche et de sécurité, 30 rue Olivier-Noyer, 75680 Paris Cedex 14, France, Rev.ed., CD-ROM CD 613, 2001. 4p. Illus. 27 ref. (In French)


Chemical safety information sheet. Update of data sheet already summarized in CIS 83-1937. Synonyms: methylmercaptan, ethylmercaptan, n-butylmercaptan. Acute toxicity: pulmonary irritation; nausea; diarrhoea; unconsciousness; respiratory impairment; methaemoglobinaemia or sulfhaemoglobinaemia; pulmonary oedema; transient renal damage. Chronic toxicity: irritation of the skin and of ocular and respiratory mucous membranes. Exposure limits (France): TWA = 1mg/m3 (0.5ppm) for methanethiol and ethanethiol; 1.5mg/m3 (0.5ppm) for all butanethiol isomers. EEC numbers and mandatory labelling codes: No.016-021-00-3 (methanethiol), No.016-022-00-9 (ethanethiol); F, Xn, R13, R20, S16, S25. Complete datasheet collection on CD-ROM analysed under CIS 01-201. (78154)


CIS 02-62 Alkali metal and alkaline-earth fluorides. (French: Fluorures alcalins et alcalino-terreux) Institut national de recherche et de sécurité, 30 rue Olivier-Noyer, 75680 Paris Cedex 14, France, Rev.ed., CD-ROM CD 613, 2001. 4p. Illus. 14 ref. (In French)


Chemical safety information sheet. Update of data sheet already summarized in CIS 83-1938. Acute toxicity: digestive, neurological, cardiovascular and renal signs (inhalation); irritation of the respiratory tract; pulmonary oedema; severe skin irritation which may be delayed; ocular lesions. Chronic toxicity: skeletal fluorosis; respiratory impairment chronic bronchial impairment. Exposure limits (France): TWA = 2mgF/m3 for sodium fluoride; 2,5mgF/m3 for other fluorides. EEC number and mandatory labelling codes: No.009-004-00-7 (sodium fluoride), No.009-005-00-2 (potassium fluoride), No.056-002-00-7 (barium salts); T, R25, R32, R36/38, S22, S36, S44. Complete datasheet collection on CD-ROM analysed under CIS 01-201. (78155)


CIS 02-63 Arsenic and its inorganic compounds. (French: Arsenic et composés minéraux) Institut national de recherche et de sécurité, 30 rue Olivier-Noyer, 75680 Paris Cedex 14, France, Rev.ed., CD-ROM CD 613, 2001. 6p. Illus. 21 ref. (In French)


Chemical safety information sheet. Update of data sheet already summarized in CIS 83-1939. Acute toxicity: digestive disorders, blood pressure drop and death (ingestion, severe form); encephalopathy, cardiovascular disorders, hepatonephritis, coagulation disorders, alopecia; polyneuritis, skin disorders (ingestion, less severe forms); irritation of the skin and respiratory tract; ocular burns. Chronic toxicity: carcinogen (lung and skin cancer); skin disorders; mucous membrane damage; alopecia; sensorimotor polyneuritis; haematological effects; digestive, renal, hepatic and cardiovascular disorders. Exposure limits. TWA = USA, ACGIH 1991, arsenic and its soluble compounds: 0.2mgAs/m3; France, lead arseniate: 0.15mgPb/m3. EEC number and mandatory labelling codes: No.033-001-00-x (arsenic), No.033-002-00 (arsenic compounds except diarsenic trioxide); T, R23/25, S1/2, S20/21, S28, S44. Complete datasheet collection on CD-ROM analysed under CIS 01-201. (78156)


CIS 02-64 Deltamethrin. (French: Deltaméthrine) Institut national de recherche et de sécurité, 30 rue Olivier-Noyer, 75680 Paris Cedex 14, France, Rev.ed., CD-ROM CD 613, 2001. 4p. 15 ref. (In French)


Chemical safety information sheet. Update of data sheet already summarized in CIS 84-405. Synonyms: (S)-α-cyano-3-phenoxybenzyl-(1R,3R)-3-(2,2-dibromovinyl)-2,2- dimethyl-cyclopropane carboxylate. Acute toxicity: digestive disorders; neurological disorders; irritation of the upper respiratory tact; skin projections may cause facial paresthaesia which disappears after a few hours. Chronic toxicity: neurological effects (facial paresthaesia); irritation of the upper respiratory tract. Complete datasheet collection on CD-ROM analysed under CIS 01-201. (78157)


CIS 02-65 Polychlorinated biphenyls. (French: Polychlorobiphényles) Institut national de recherche et de sécurité, 30 rue Olivier-Noyer, 75680 Paris Cedex 14, France, Rev.ed., CD-ROM CD 613, 2001. 5p. Illus. 23 ref. (In French)


Chemical safety information sheet. Update of data sheet already summarized in CIS 84-406. Synonyms: chlorinated biphenyls. Toxicity: irritation; skin disorders (chloracne, pigmentation, nail discoloration, eczema); neurological disorders, hepatic disorders, skin, digestive and liver tumors; leukaemia. Exposure limits (France): TWA = 1mg/m3 (mixtures containing 42% chlorine); 0.5mg/m3 mixtures (containing 54% chlorine). EEC number and mandatory labelling codes: No.602-039-00-4; Xn, R33, S35. Complete datasheet collection on CD-ROM analysed under CIS 01-201. (78158)


CIS 02-66 Potassium hexacyanoferrate(3-) and hexacyanoferrate(4-). (French: Hexacyanoferrate(3-) et hexacyanoferrate(4-) de potassium) Institut national de recherche et de sécurité, 30 rue Olivier-Noyer, 75680 Paris Cedex 14, France, Rev.ed., CD-ROM CD 613, 2001. 3p. 8 ref. (In French)


Chemical safety information sheet. Update of data sheet already summarized in CIS 84-407. Synonyms: potassium hexacyanoferrate(III), potassium ferricyanide; potassium hexacyanoferrate(II) trihydrate, potassium ferrocyanide trihydrate. Acute toxicity: digestive disorders; headache. Chronic toxicity: no specific pathologies have been observed. Complete datasheet collection on CD-ROM analysed under CIS 01-201. (78159)


CIS 02-67 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol; 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol. (French: 2,4,5-Trichlorophénol; 2,4,6-Trichlorophénol) Institut national de recherche et de sécurité, 30 rue Olivier-Noyer, 75680 Paris Cedex 14, France, Rev.ed., CD-ROM CD 613, 2001. 4p. 22 ref. (In French)


Chemical safety information sheet. Update of data sheet already summarized in CIS 84-408. Acute toxicity: irritation of the skin and conjunctival irritation in the case of eye splashes. Chronic toxicity: chloracne; disturbances of the hepatic functions; neuromuscular weakness; porphyria cutanea tardiva; psychological disorders; respiratory impairment; suspected carcinogenicity. Complete datasheet collection on CD-ROM analysed under CIS 01-201. (78160)


CIS 02-68 Principles and methods for the assessment of risk from essential trace elements. International Programme on Chemical Safety (IPCS), World Health Organization, Distribution and Sales Service, 1211 Genève 27, Switzerland, 2002. xviii, 60p. Illus. 133 ref. Price: CHF 26,00 (CHF 18,20 in developing countries)., ISBN 92-4-157228-0 (In English)


The risk assessment approach described in this monograph applies only to essential trace elements (ETEs) involved in human health. It gives methods for analysing the boundaries between deficient and excess oral intakes of ETEs. It focuses on the concept of acceptable range of oral intake (AROI). Contents: introduction (purpose, criteria for essentiality of trace elements, definitions); acceptable range of oral intake; variability of human populations; effects of deficiency and excess; application of homeostatic model in human risk assessment to exposure of ETEs. (78166)


CIS 02-69 Peracetic acid and its equilibrium solutions. European Centre for Ecotoxicology and Toxicology of Chemicals, Avenue E. Van Nieuwenhuyse 4, Bte. 6, 1160 Bruxelles, Belgium, Jan. 2001. 146p. Illus. Approx. 330 ref. (In English)


Conclusions of this criteria document: peracetic acid (PAA) (alternate name: peroxyacetic acid) and its solutions cause irritation of the skin, eyes and respiratory tract. PAA solutions are acutely toxic to aquatic organisms. Effects in experimental animals are consistent with information on human exposure effects. (78167)


CIS 02-70 Principles for evaluating health risks to reproduction associated with exposure to chemicals. International Programme on Chemical Safety (IPCS), World Health Organization, Distribution and Sales Service, 1211 Genève 27, Switzerland, 2001. xxi, 187p. Illus. Approx. 325 ref. Price: CHF 42.00 (CHF 29.40 in developing countries)., ISBN 92-4-157225-6 (In English)


Following a summary of human reproductive physiology, this criteria document describes the in vitro and in vivo methods used for evaluating the sexual function, fertility and developmental effects of toxic substances, and proposes strategies for evaluating the risk of reproductive toxicity. It also presents recommendations in the form of 13 points aimed at improving basic understanding of reproductive and developmental toxicity. (78211)


CIS 02-71 Arsenic and arsenic compounds. International Programme on Chemical Safety (IPCS), World Health Organization, Distribution and Sales Service, 1211 Genève 27, Switzerland, 2nd ed., 2001. xxviii, 521p. Illus. Approx. 1200 ref. Price: CHF 108.00 (CHF 75.60 in developing countries)., ISBN 92-4-157224-8 (In English)


Conclusions of this criteria document: arsenic and its compounds are highly toxic; the ingestion of large doses gives rise to gastro-intestinal symptoms and cardiovascular and neurological disorders that can lead to death. There is a causal relationship between exposure to arsenic, primarily by inhalation, and lung cancer. Chronic exposure to arsenic can cause severe peripheral vascular disease (blackfoot disease). Long-term exposure to arsenic in drinking water increases the risk of skin, lung and bladder cancer as well as other skin anomalies. (78212)


CIS 02-72 N,N-Dimethylformamide. Inter-Organization Programme for the Sound Management of Chemicals (IOMC), World Health Organization, Distribution and Sales Service, 1211 Genève 27, Switzerland, 2001. iv, 56p. Illus. 262 ref. Price: CHF 17.00 (CHF 11.90 in developing countries)., ISBN 92-4-153031-6 (In English)


Conclusions of this criteria document: dimethyformamide is slightly irritant and corrosive to the eyes and skin. Occupational exposure results from dermal absorption and inhalation. The primary target is the liver, giving rise to digestive disorders and changes in hepatic enzymes. Data on carcinogenicity and genotoxicity are not convincing; available data are insufficient for the assessment of neurological and immunological effects. (78161)


CIS 02-73 Barium and barium compounds. Inter-Organization Programme for the Sound Management of Chemicals (IOMC), World Health Organization, Distribution and Sales Service, 1211 Genève 27, Switzerland, 2001. iv, 52p. 153 ref. Price: CHF 21.00 (CHF 14.70 in developing countries)., ISBN 92-4-153033-2 (In English)


Conclusions of this criteria document: exposure to barium and barium compounds causes effects on blood pressure (hypertension) and on the renal function. Inhalation of insoluble forms results in radiographic findings of baritosis. Data from animal studies on inhalation exposure show respiratory effects (bronchitis) and inflammatory response and granuloma formation in the lungs. (78162)


CIS 02-74 Chlorinated naphthalenes. Inter-Organization Programme for the Sound Management of Chemicals (IOMC), World Health Organization, Distribution and Sales Service, 1211 Genève 27, Switzerland, 2001. iv, 57p. Illus. 230 ref. Price: CHF 21.00 (CHF 14.70 in developing countries)., ISBN 92-4-153034-0 (In English)


Conclusions of this criteria document: there are 75 possible congeners of chlorinated naphthalenes. In the general population, these products accumulate in adipose tissue, liver, blood and breast milk. Occupational exposure causes severe skin reactions (chloracne) and liver damage. Other effects are: eye irritation, fatigue, headache, anaemia, haematuria, anorexia, impotence, nausea, vomiting and sometimes severe abdominal pain. Mortality studies show an excess of deaths from cirrhosis of the liver and a significantly increased mortality from all cancers, and in particular for cancer of the oesophagus. (78163)


CIS 02-75 N-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone. Inter-Organization Programme for the Sound Management of Chemicals (IOMC), World Health Organization, Distribution and Sales Service, 1211 Genève 27, Switzerland, 2001. iv, 34p. Illus. 102 ref. Price: CHF 21,00 (CHF 14,70 in developing countries)., ISBN 92-4-153035-9 (In English)


Conclusions of this criteria document: methylpyrrolidone is irritant to the eyes and skin and causes headache. Acute toxicity studies in rodents show low toxicity. The mutagenic potential is low. (78164)


CIS 02-76 Methyl cyanoacrylate and ethyl cyanoacrylate. Inter-Organization Programme for the Sound Management of Chemicals (IOMC), World Health Organization, Distribution and Sales Service, 1211 Genève 27, Switzerland, 2001. iv, 28p. Illus. 49 ref. Price: CHF 21.00 (CHF 14.70 in developing countries)., ISBN 92-4-153036-7 (In English)


Conclusions of this criteria document: methyl cyanoacrylate (MCA) and ethyl-2-cyanoacrylate (ECA) are irritant to the skin, eyes and respiratory tract and may induce asthma. (78165)


CIS 02-77 Beryllium and beryllium compounds. Inter-Organization Programme for the Sound Management of Chemicals (IOMC), World Health Organization, Distribution and Sales Service, 1211 Genève 27, Switzerland, 2001. iv, 71p. 249 ref. Price: CHF 16.00 (CHF 11.20 in developing countries)., ISBN 92-4-153032-4 (In English)


Conclusions of this criteria document: There is insufficient data concerning oral toxicity; the lung is the primary target of inhalation exposure to beryllium, giving rise to acute or chronic pulmonary diseases (berylliosis, chemical pneumonitis) that cause sensitization. Exposure to soluble beryllium compounds causes skin and eye irritation and can give rise to cell-mediated hypersensitivity responses. (78213)


CIS 02-78 Toxicological profile for arsenic (Update). Agency for Toxic Substances and Diseases Registry (ATSDR), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, Division of Toxicology/Toxicology Information Branch, 1600 Clifton Road NE, E-29, Atlanta, GA 30333, USA, Sep. 2000. xx, 428p. Illus. Approx. 1440 ref. (In English)


This profile was prepared in accordance with guidelines set by the US Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry and the EPA. The key literature related to the toxic effects of arsenic is identified and reviewed. Contents: public health statement; health effects; chemical and physical information; production, import, use and disposal; potential for human exposure; analytical methods; regulations and advisories; glossary. Health hazards include: irritation of the skin, eyes and respiratory tract; skin disorders (hyperkeratosis); gastrointestinal effects; haematotoxic effects (blood-cell anomalies); cardiovascular disorders; arrhythmia; neurotoxic effects; carcinogenic effects (skin, gastrointestinal, liver, bladder, renal and lung cancer); effects on reproduction (stillbirth); genotoxic effects. (Update of CIS 96-2217). (78323)


CIS 02-79 Toxicological profile for chromium (Update). Agency for Toxic Substances and Diseases Registry (ATSDR), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, Division of Toxicology/Toxicology Information Branch, 1600 Clifton Road NE, E-29, Atlanta, GA 30333, USA, Sep. 2000. xix, 419p. Illus. Approx. 1160 ref. (In English)


This profile was prepared in accordance with guidelines set by the US Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry and the EPA. The key literature related to the toxic effects of chromium is identified and reviewed. Contents: public health statement; health effects; chemical and physical information; production, import, use and disposal; potential for human exposure; analytical methods; regulations and advisories; glossary. Health hazards include: irritation of the respiratory tract and gastrointestinal mucosa; respiratory disorders; skin diseases (ulcers); sensitization; perforation of the nasal septum; lung cancer; haematological effects (leukocytosis, haemolytic anaemia); effects on reproduction. (Update of CIS 96-2223). (78324)


CIS 02-80 Toxicological profile for endosulfan (Update). Agency for Toxic Substances and Diseases Registry (ATSDR), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, Division of Toxicology/Toxicology Information Branch, 1600 Clifton Road NE, E-29, Atlanta, GA 30333, USA, Sep. 2000. xix, 284p. Illus. Approx. 680 ref. (In English)


This profile was prepared in accordance with guidelines set by the US Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry and the EPA. The key literature related to the toxic effects of endosulfan is identified and reviewed. Contents: public health statement; health effects; chemical and physical information; production, import, use and disposal; potential for human exposure; analytical methods; regulations and advisories; glossary. Health hazards include: neurotoxic effects (convulsions, tremor), respiratory effects (dyspnoea); genotoxic effects induced in animals. (Update of CIS 96-2214). (78325)


CIS 02-81 Toxicological profile for ethion. Agency for Toxic Substances and Diseases Registry (ATSDR), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, Division of Toxicology/Toxicology Information Branch, 1600 Clifton Road NE, E-29, Atlanta, GA 30333, USA, Sep. 2000. xix, 175p. Illus. Approx. 270 ref. (In English)


This profile was prepared in accordance with guidelines set by the US Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry and the EPA. The key literature related to the toxic effects of ethion is identified and reviewed. Contents: public health statement; health effects; chemical and physical information; production, import, use and disposal; potential for human exposure; analytical methods; regulations and advisories; glossary. Health hazards include: acetylcholinesterase inhibition; overstimulation of the parasympathetic autonomous nerve system; effects on the central nervous system. (78326)


CIS 02-82 Toxicological profile for manganese (Update). Agency for Toxic Substances and Diseases Registry (ATSDR), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, Division of Toxicology/Toxicology Information Branch, 1600 Clifton Road NE, E-29, Atlanta, GA 30333, USA, Sep. 2000. xix, 466p. Illus. Approx. 920 ref. (In English)


This profile was prepared in accordance with guidelines set by the US Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry and the EPA. The key literature related to the toxic effects of manganese is identified and reviewed. Contents: public health statement; health effects; chemical and physical information; production, import, use and disposal; potential for human exposure; analytical methods; regulations and advisories; glossary. Health hazards include: irritation of the respiratory tract, which can lead to pneumonia; neurological effects (manganism); impairment of fertility in men. (78327)


CIS 02-83 Toxicological profile for methylene chloride (Update). Agency for Toxic Substances and Diseases Registry (ATSDR), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, Division of Toxicology/Toxicology Information Branch, 1600 Clifton Road NE, E-29, Atlanta, GA 30333, USA, Sep. 2000. xix, 271p. Illus. Approx. 810 ref. (In English)


Источник: [https://torrent-igruha.org/3551-portal.html]
, 2nd Speech Center 1.00 Build 020131 serial key or number
1. !Easy ScreenSaver Studio 3.0 reg
2. !Easy ScreenSaver Studio 3.4 activation key
3. !xSpeed.net 2.0 Registration
4. "new star soccer" 2 Serial
5. #1 CD Ripper 1.72.27 S/N
6. #1 CD Ripper 1.72.30 ser/num
7. #1 CD Ripper 1.72.31 Activation Code
8. #1 CD Ripper 1.72.34 Registration
9. #1 CD Ripper 1.72.35 key
10. #1 CD Ripper 1.72.36 serial key
11. #1 CD Ripper 1.72.36 Activation Code
12. #1 CD Ripper 1.72.38 Serial Number
13. #1 CD Ripper 1.72.39 Registration
14. #1 CD Ripper 1.72.40 Activation Code
15. #1 CD Ripper 1.72.41 ser/num
16. #1 CD Ripper 1.72.42 serial number
17. #1 CD Ripper 1.72.42 Serial
18. #1 CD Ripper 1.72.43 reg
19. #1 CD Ripper 1.72.46 Registration
20. #1 CD Ripper 1.72.48 Activation Code
21. #1 CD Ripper 1.72.52 reg. code
22. #1 CD Ripper 1.72.67 Serial
23. #1 CD Ripper 1.72.68 reg. code
24. #1 CD Ripper 1.72.69 s/n
25. #1 CD Ripper 1.8 serial
26. #1 DVD Audio Ripper 1.0 serial key
27. #1 DVD Audio Ripper 1.0.1 serial
28. #1 DVD Audio Ripper 1.0.13 serz
29. #1 DVD Audio Ripper 1.0.24 serial
30. #1 DVD Audio Ripper 1.0.26 Registration
31. #1 DVD Audio Ripper 1.0.5 Activation Code
32. #1 DVD Audio Ripper 1.0.7 ser/num
33. #1 DVD Audio Ripper 1.0.9 code
34. #1 DVD Ripper 1.3.08 key
35. #1 DVD Ripper 1.2 serial
36. #1 DVD Ripper 1.2.06 Reg Code
37. #1 DVD Ripper 1.2.07 Serial Number
38. #1 DVD Ripper reg. code
39. #1 DVD Ripper 1.3.08 serial number
40. #1 DVD Ripper 1.3.11 s/n
41. #1 DVD Ripper 1.3.11 Registration
42. #1 DVD Ripper 1.3.13 ser/num
43. #1 DVD Ripper 1.3.14 serial number
44. #1 DVD Ripper 1.3.16 reg. code
45. #1 DVD Ripper 1.3.17 reg. code
46. #1 DVD Ripper 1.3.17 activation key
47. #1 DVD Ripper 1.3.19 serial
48. #1 DVD Ripper 1.3.21 serial
49. #1 DVD Ripper 1.3.24 key
50. #1 DVD Ripper 1.3.25 reg. code
51. #1 DVD Ripper 1.3.26 S/N
52. #1 DVD Ripper 1.3.31 reg. code
53. #1 DVD Ripper 1.3.32 ser/num
54. #1 DVD Ripper 1.3.38 serial number
55. #1 DVD Ripper 2.7.0 Reg Code
56. #1 DVD Ripper 2.7.0 Serial Number
57. #1 DVD Ripper ALL Reg Code
58. #1 Popup Blocker 2.0 serial number
59. #1 Screen Capture reg
60. #1 Screen Capture 3.1 s/n
61. #1 Screen Capture 3.1.1 reg
62. #1 Video Converter 3.1.2 Serial Number
63. #1 Video Converter 3.1.4 key
64. #1 Video Converter 3.2.2 s/n
65. #1 Video Converter 3.3.5 Key
66. #1 Video Converter 3.4.7 registration key
67. #1 Video Converter 3.4.9 serial
68. #1 Video Converter 3.5.2 activation key
69. #1 Video Converter 3.5.3 serial key
70. #1 Video Converter 3.6.2 activation key
71. #1 Video Converter 3.6.3 Activation Code
72. #1 Video Converter 4.1.7 Serial
73. #1 Video Converter v. 4.1.8 Serial Number
74. $tock Exchange 2.0 reg
75. معتصم بالله s/n
76. Śmieciarek NxG v.1.1.0 serial
77. .mobile for Desktop PC 1.0.40603.0 s/n
78. .smart movie 2.72 Reg Code
79. 0.98.15 beta Serial Number
80. 00 Defrag Professional Edition 4.0 key
81. 00 Defrag Professional Edition 4.0.508 Activation Code
82. 001 MP3 Encoder 1.0 reg. code
83. 007 Customer Search Expert 3.0 serial number
84. 007 DVD Copy 5.1 code
85. 007 MP3 Sound Recorder 1.2 Registration
86. 007 NightFire 1.1 registration code
87. 007 Spy Software 2.50 reg
88. 007 Spy Software 3.0 Pro key
89. 007 Spy Software 3.03 Activation Code
90. 007 Spy Software 3.04 Serial
91. 007 Spy Software 3.12 serial key
92. 007 Spy Software 3.13 serial number
93. 007 Spy Software 3.14 serial
94. 007 Spy Software 3.17 Serial Number
95. 007 Spy Software 3.18 reg. code
96. 007 Spy Software 3.18 serial key
97. 007 Spy Software 3.19 reg
98. 007 Spy Software 3.20 activation key
99. 007 Spy Software 3.20 activation key
100. 007 Spy Software 3.32 s/n
101. 007 STARR Internet & PC Ueberwachung (STARR) 1.3 Registration
102. 007 STARR Internet & PC Ueberwachung 1.34 Activation Code
103. 007 STARR PC & Internet Monitor 3.0 Home Edition Serial
104. 007 STARR PC & Internet Monitor 3.01 Pro Edition Key
105. 007 STARR PC & Internet Monitor 3.02 s/n
106. 007 STARR PC & Internet Monitor 3.03 Reg Code
107. 007 STARR PC & Internet Monitor 3.06 Pro serial number
108. 007 STARR PC and Internet Monitor Pro Edition 3.14 key
109. 007 Stealth Activity Monitor 4.2 Activation Code
110. 007 Stealth Activity Recoder and Reporter 1.34 Serial Number
111. 007 Stealth Activity Recorder & Reporter 1.1 ser/num
112. 007 Stealth Activity Recorder & Reporter 1.22 registration code
113. 007 Stealth Activity Recorder & Reporter 1.3 serial key
114. 007 Stealth Activity Recorder & Reporter 2.21 serz
115. 007 Stealth Activity Reporter 1.23 reg
116. 007 Submitter Pro 1.5.41 reg. code
117. 007th Zig-Zag 2.3 code
118. 010 Editor 1.0.1 reg
119. 010 Editor 1.1 serial number
120. 010 Editor 1.2 registration code
121. 010 Editor 1.2 serial key
122. 010 Editor 1.3 serial
123. 010 Memorizer 1.1 serial
124. 0190Killer 1.X s/n
125. 0190Killer 1.x serial key
126. 01W Editor for Win95 1 serz
127. 024h Lucky Reminder 1.4 s/n
128. 024h Lucky Reminder 1.41 reg
129. 024h Lucky Reminder 1.41 Activation Code
130. 024h Lucky Reminder 1.5 serial
131. 024h Lucky Reminder 1.5 serz
132. 0S Non-Proxy Atomic Sync 2.6 reg
133. 1 ACE Search Engine Submission 1.0.0 serz
134. 1 Animation Builder 1.0 serial
135. 1 CD Ripper 1.5 Key
136. 1 CD Ripper 1.5 serz
137. 1 CD Ripper 1.61 Registration
138. 1 CD Ripper 1.61 registration code
139. 1 CD Ripper 1.72.24 Serial Number
140. 1 Click & Go 1.2 reg. code
141. 1 Click & Lock 1.5 serz
142. 1 Click & Lock 1.50 Serial Number
143. 1 Click & Lock 2.7 Serial
144. 1 Click & Lock 2.72 reg
145. 1 Click & Lock 2.72 S/N
146. 1 Click & Lock 2.72 Reg Code
147. 1 Click Runner 2.0 serial
148. 1 Click Unzip 2.0.0 Registration
149. 1 Click Unzip 2.1.0 s/n
150. 1 Click Unzip! 3.0.0 registration code
151. 1 Click Wallpaper 1.2 Key
152. 1 Click& Lock 1.44 serz
153. 1 Cool Button Tool 2.01 s/n
154. 1 Cool Button Tool 4.0 registration code
155. 1 Cool Button Tool 4.1 ser/num
156. 1 DVD Ripper 1.2.05 serial
157. 1 Form Proposal - Invoice 1.4 Serial
158. 1 Form Proposal - Invoice 1.5 serial number
159. 1 Form Proposal-Invoice 1.0 Reg Code
160. 1 Form Proposal-Invoice 1.2 reg
161. 1 Form Proposal-Invoice 1.3 reg. code
162. 1 Form Proposal-Invoice 1.31 serial
163. 1 Great Craps Game 1.3.6 serial number
164. 1 Moon Above 4.3 Mar 10 2006 activation key
165. 1 More Photo Calender 1.0 reg
166. 1 More PhotoCalendar 1.0 German serial number
167. 1 More PhotoCalendar 1.21 S/N
168. 1 More Scanner 1.06 S/N
169. 1 More Watermaker 1.00 Reg Code
170. 1 Screen Capture reg
171. 1 st Mass Mailer 2.3 registration code
172. 1 Step MP3 to Audio CD Maker 2.0 serial key
173. 1 Step UnZip 2.0 key
174. 1- More PhotoCalendar 1.20 serial number
175. 1-2-3 Key serial
176. 1-2-3 SuperPairs Registration
177. 1-2-Remote 1.1 serial
178. 1-4-All 2.10 key
179. 1-4-All HTML editor 1.0 code
180. 1-calc 3.0.3 activation key
181. 1-Click Quotes/Stock Watch 2.1 Serial
182. 1-Click-Quotes/Stock Watch 1.0.0 Activation Code
183. 1-Clik Calendar 1.2 serial
184. 1-More PhotoCalendar serial number
185. 1-More PhotoCalendar 1.1 key
186. 1-More PhotoCalendar 1.10 serz
187. 1-More PhotoCalendar 1.20 serial
188. 1-More PhotoCalendar 1.30 activation key
189. 1-More PhotoCalendar 1.50 serz
190. 1-More PhotoCalendar 1.71 german serial
191. 1-More PhotoCalendar 1.80 registration code
192. 1-More PhotoCalender 1.0 Serial
193. 1-More PhotoManager 1.20 S/N
194. 1-More PhotoManager 1.20 reg
195. 1-More Scanner Registration
196. 1-More Scanner 1.05 serial
197. 1-More Scanner 1.06 activation key
198. 1-More Scanner 1.06 Reg Code
199. 1-More Scanner 1.10 serial number
200. 1-More Watermaker ser/num
201. 1-More WaterMark 1.10 reg
202. 1-More Watermarker 1.00 German serial
203. 1-More Watermarker 1.02 serial number
204. 1-More Watermarker 1.02 code
205. 1-More Watermarker 1.11 Reg Code
206. 1-more-scanner 1.06 Registration
207. 1-Net Pal 1.1b Reg Code
208. 1-PhotoCalendar Activation Code
209. 1-Pro-File S/N
210. 1-Step Audio Publisher 2.22 code
211. 1-Stop Organizer 1.4 serial key
212. 1.0 Reg Code
213. 1.1.7 reg
214. 1.6 Name: anything you want Registration
215. 100 Happy Dollars 3D Screen Saver 1.6 s/n
216. 100 Percent Word Search 2.2 s/n
217. 1000 Lots Of Happiness In The Game 1.1 serial number
218. 1001 Killer Internet Marketing Tacticts 1.2 serial
219. 100XCD 2.4 Retail serial
220. 10DRemote 1.1 reg
221. 10DRemote 1.1 serial key
222. 10DRemote 1.1 activation key
223. 111 Quick Installer 2.1 Registration
224. 111 Quick Installer 2.2 activation key
225. 111 Quick Reinstaller 1.0 s/n
226. 111 Quick Reinstaller 1.1 S/N
227. 111 Quick Reinstaller 2.01 Key
228. 111 Quick Reinstaller 2.2 registration code
229. 111 Quick Reinstaller 2.2 Key
230. 111 Quick Reinstaller 2.21 Serial
231. 111 Zondulux 1.0 reg
232. 12 Ghosts HiSpirit XP 15 serial key
233. 12! The Series: Pyramid Memory Dominoes 1.8 serial
234. 123 avi to gif any version Registration
235. 123 Avi to Gif Converter 1.0 s/n
236. 123 AVI to GIF Converter 3.0 registration code
237. 123 AVI to GIF Converter v. 3.0 serial key
238. 123 Bulk Email Direct Sender 2003 3.40 serial key
239. 123 Bulk Email Direct Sender 2003 3.40 reg
240. 123 CD Ripper 1.80 registration code
241. 123 Cleaner 3.20 s/n
242. 123 Flash Menu 1.02 serial number
243. 123 Flash Menu 1.02 Activation Code
244. 123 Flash Menu V reg
245. 123 Flash Screensaver Maker Professional Plus Editor s/n
246. 123 GIF&JPG Optimizer 3.0 serial key
247. 123 Hidden Sender 2.41 serial key
248. 123 Hidden Sender 2.41 serz
249. 123 MP3 Wav Converter & Player 3.0 serz
250. 123 MP3 Wav Converter&Player 3.1 s/n
251. 123 Outlook Express Backup 1.02 serial number
252. 123 Outlook Express Backup 1.20 registration code
253. 123 Outlook Express Backup Enterprise Edition 1.10.052604 s/n
254. 123 Outlook Express Backup Enterprise Edition 1.10.052604 serial number
255. 123 Photo Screensaver Builder Professional Plus serial number
256. 123 Screensaver Maker 2.2 serial number
257. 123 Screensaver Maker 3.0 key
258. 123 Screensaver Maker 3.0 reg. code
259. 123 Slide Master 1.0.56 Serial
260. 123 Slide Master 1.0.61 key
261. 123 Sound Recorder v1.60 s/n
262. 123-Project Management 1.1a serial
263. 123ColorPicker 1.2 registration code
264. 123IconHunter 1.0 Registration
265. 123Pe 4.2.7 serz
266. 123Pet 4.2.7 serial
267. 123Pet 4.2.8 serial
268. 123Tag 1.1.13 Reg Code
269. 123Tag 1.11 Activation Code
270. 123Tag 1.11 activation key
271. 123Violino German 1.01 serial number
272. 123WashAll Professional 3.15 s/n
273. 125% Service-Providers Marketing Software Key
274. 128Gamma Encryption 3.5 serial
275. 12Ghost SuperGee 6.0.10 reg. code
276. 12Ghost SuperGee 6.0.10 reg. code
277. 12Ghost SuperGee v6.0.10 s/n
278. 12Ghosts 21.50f serial
279. 12Ghosts 21.51a registration key
280. 12Ghosts HiSpirits XP Key
281. 12Ghosts HiSpirts XP 5.05 Registration
282. 12Ghosts Pro 21.01c serial number
283. 12Ghosts Pro 21.01d Halloween Edition reg. code
284. 12Ghosts Pro 21.02 serial
285. 12Ghosts Pro 21.02a s/n
286. 12Ghosts Pro 21.02g serial key
287. 12Ghosts Pro 21.04a serial number
288. 12Ghosts Pro 21.05b reg
289. 12Ghosts PRO 21.50d key
290. 12Ghosts Pro 21.50e Reg Code
291. 12Ghosts PRO 21.50f ser/num
292. 12Ghosts Pro 21.52 Key
293. 12Ghosts Pro 21.53 reg
294. 12Ghosts Pro 21.54 s/n
295. 12Ghosts Pro 21.60 Activation Code
296. 12Ghosts SuperGee 6.0 activation key
297. 12Ghosts SuperGee 6.1.1 code
298. 12Ghosts SuperGee 6.15 s/n
299. 12Ghosts SuperGee Reg Code
300. 12Ghosts SuperGee Key
301. 12Ghosts SuperGee Backup 7.02.3738 S/N
302. 12Ghosts SuperGee Backup 7.02.3738 Activation Code
303. 12Ghosts SuperGee Shredder 7.02.3738 ser/num
304. 12Ghosts SuperGee Shredder 7.02.3738 Serial Number
305. 12Ghosts Wash XP 6.0 serz
306. 12Ghots SuperGee 6.16 registration key
307. 13 Out Card Game 4.0 s/n
308. 1475 Leonardo da Vinci Calculator 1.23 serial
309. 15-Pack 1.25 Registration
310. 15-Pack 1.x Key
311. 1503 A.D : A New World S/N
312. 1503 A.D: The New Word ser/num
313. 1602 A.D. Unknown s/n
314. 1930 Ford Screen Saver Retail Serial Number
315. 1939 BattleFleet activation key
316. 1939 BattleFleet 1.20.7 serz
317. 1939 BattleFleet 1.5 serial key
318. 1999 Fractal Calender registration key
319. 1999 New Year Slots 1.1 registration code
320. 1999 The World Book Encyclopedia s/n
321. 1Click DVD Copy Serial
322. 1Click DVD Copy Pro activation key
323. 1click DVD Ripper 2.03 Serial
324. 1Click DVD to DivX AVI 1.21 key
325. 1Click DVD to Divx Avi 1.21 serial key
326. 1Click DVD to VCD 2.08 Registration
327. 1Click DVD to VCD 2.08 Key
328. 1ClickUnzip 3.00 Reg Code
329. 1ClickWebSlideShow serial
330. 1ClickWebSlideShow reg. code
331. 1ClickWebSlideShow serial
332. 1st Account 1.1 serial number
333. 1st Account 1.3 serial
334. 1st Aid v2.0 serial
335. 1st Audio MP3 Maker 1.13 Registration
336. 1st Audio Splitter Extractor 1.25 serz
337. 1st Bulk Email Direct Sender 1.59 serial number
338. 1st Bulk Email Direct Sender 2.10 Activation Code
339. 1st Bulk Email Direct Sender 2.15 Key
340. 1st Bulk Email Direct Sender 2002 1.55 code
341. 1st Bulk Email Direct Sender 2002 1.59 serial key
342. 1st Choice Browse 2000 5.03 S/N
343. 1st Choice Browse 2000 5.22 serial key
344. 1st Choice Browse 98 4.0 ser/num
345. 1st Choice FTP Pro 2000 7.03 activation key
346. 1st Choice FTP Pro 2000 7.50 Serial
347. 1st Choice FTP Pro 2000 7.60 reg
348. 1st Choice FTP Pro 2000 7.70 serial
349. 1st Choice FTP Pro 2000 8.20 serial
350. 1st Choice FTP Pro 8.30 reg
351. 1st Choice Zip 4.30 Key
352. 1st Choice Zip 4.40 serz
353. 1st Choics Browse 98 4.0 s/n
354. 1st Class Image Viewer 6.01 registration code
355. 1st Contact 3.00.0 registration key
356. 1st Desktop Guard 1.4 ser/num
357. 1st Desktop Guard 1.5 S/N
358. 1st Desktop Guard 1.5 registration key
359. 1st Directory Email Spider 2002 1.18 reg
360. 1st Email Address Harvester 1.46 serial
361. 1st Email Address Harvester 2.02 activation key
362. 1st Email Address Spider 2.83 serz
363. 1st Email Address Spider 2.94 S/N
364. 1st Email Address Verifier 1.10 code
365. 1st Email Address Verifier 1.17 s/n
366. 1st Evidence Remover 1.6 Registration
367. 1st Evidence Remover 1.7 key
368. 1st Go Warkanoid II 2.80 WildLife registration key
369. 1st Go Warkanoid II Total 2.8.0 activation key
370. 1st Go Warkanoid II Total 2.8.0 serial
371. 1st Go Warkanoid II Total Edition 2.89 serial
372. 1st Go Warkanoid II Total Multilingual 2.7.7 Serial Number
373. 1st Go Warkanoid II Total v2.8.0 serial key
374. 1st Go Warkanoid II WildLife 2.7.8 s/n
375. 1st Go Warkanoid II WildLife 2.8.0 Key
376. 1st Go Warkanoid II WildLife 2.8.0 Serial
377. 1st Go Warkanoid II Wildlife 2.8.1 Registration
378. 1st Go Warkanoid II Wildlife Multilingual 2.7.7 s/n
379. 1st Go Warkanoid II WildLife v2.8.0 Registration
380. 1st Go Warkanoid II: Total 2.4.1 serial
381. 1st Go Warkanoid II: Total 2.75 registration code
382. 1st Go Warkanoid II: WildLife 2.7 serial number
383. 1st Go Warkanoid II: WildLife 2.75 activation key
384. 1st Go Warkanoid II: WildLife 2.75 Key
385. 1st Go Warkanoid II: WildLife 2.8.3 S/N
386. 1st Go Warkanoid II: WildLife 2.8.3 serial key
387. 1st HTML Editor 2.03 activation key
388. 1st Journal 1.1 s/n
389. 1st Jump 2.0.4 Reg Code
390. 1st Look 2.0 serial
391. 1st Look 2.0 activation key
392. 1st Look 2.0.1 s/n
393. 1st Mail Bomber 9.0 Serial
394. 1st Mail Bomber Pro serial
395. 1st Mail Bomber Pro reg
396. 1st Mail Bomber Pro 9.1 registration key
397. 1st Mail Sender 2.5 Registration
398. 1st Mass Mailer 1.8 Serial
399. 1st Mass Mailer 2.4 Serial
400. 1st Mass Mailer 2.5 serial
401. 1st Mass Mailer 2.6 s/n
402. 1st mass mailer 3.1 Key
403. 1st MP3 Wav Converter 2.60 S/N
404. 1st Note 1.13 key
405. 1st Note 2.0 Key
406. 1st Note 3.0 Key
407. 1st Position 2.05 serial
408. 1st Riada Billboard 1.11.6 serial key
409. 1st Riada Headline 1.12.2 serz
410. 1st Riada Headline 1.12.5 reg
411. 1st Riada Headline 1.12.5 Registration
412. 1st Riada Melt 1.10.9 Activation Code
413. 1st Riada Melt 1.10.9 serial
414. 1st Screen Lock 6.0 activation key
415. 1st Screen Lock 6.0 reg. code
416. 1st Screensaver PHOTO Studio Pro Plus 2.02.177 serz
417. 1st Screensaver PowerPoint Studio Pro Plus serial number
418. 1st Security Administrator Pro s/n
419. 1st Security Administrator Pro s/n
420. 1st Security Agent 1.2 Key
421. 1st Security Agent 1.3 reg. code
422. 1st Security Agent 2.1 s/n
423. 1st Security Agent 3.3 Serial Number
424. 1st Security Agent 4.1 serial number
425. 1st Security Agent 4.2 Serial
426. 1st Security Agent 4.6 Key
427. 1st Security Agent 4.7 registration key
428. 1st Security Agent 4.7 s/n
429. 1st Security Agent 4.8 Serial
430. 1st Security Agent 5.2 serial number
431. 1st Security Agent 5.3 serial
432. 1st Security Agent 5.3 Key
433. 1st Security Agent 6.0 key
434. 1st Security Agent 6.0 Serial Number
435. 1st Security Agent 6.0 s/n
436. 1st Security Agent 6.1 serial key
437. 1st Security Agent 6.1 Serial
438. 1st Security Agent v4.6 serial number
439. 1st Security Center Pro 4.2 activation key
440. 1st Simple HTML Editor 2.0.3 serz
441. 1st Simple HTML Editor 2.0.3 ser/num
442. 1st Simple HTML Editor 2.1 Build 5 Activation Code
443. 1st SMTP Server 2.2 s/n
444. 1st SMTP Server 2.2 serz
445. 1st SMTP Server 2.3 ser/num
446. 1st SMTP Server 2.4 registration code
447. 1st SMTP Server 2.5 S/N
448. 1st Sound Recorder 2.5 key
449. 1st Sound Recorder 4.1.63 s/n
450. 1st Sound Recorder 4.1.71 reg. code
451. 1st Sound Recorder 4.1.75 key
452. 1st Sound Recorder 4.1.75 S/N
453. 1st Sound Recorder 4.1.75 Activation Code
454. 1st Source 1.0 Key
455. 1st STMP Server 2.5 Reg Code
456. 1st There 1.1 s/n
457. 1st There 1.1 Key
458. 1st Up Mail Server 5.0.3 serial key
459. 1st video converter 6.0.1 Reg Code
460. 1st Warkanoid II : Total 2.8.2 s/n
461. 1st Warkanoid II : Total 2.8.2 ser/num
462. 1st Warkanoid II : WildLife 2.8.1 code
463. 1st Warkanoid II : WildLife 2.8.1 s/n
464. 1st Warkanoid II : WildLife 2.9.0 Reg Code
465. 1st Webcollector 1.28 serial key
466. 1st Webcollector 1.68 activation key
467. 1stClass 1.0 Pre Release 1 Serial Number
468. 1stClass 1.01 Activation Code
469. 1stClass 3000.5 serial key
470. 1stClass Professional 2000 S/N
471. 1stClass Professional 2000.5 Key
472. 1stclass Professional 4000 code
473. 1step MP to CD.maker 1.2.2 S/N
474. 1Step MP3 To Audio CD Maker 2.0.0 s/n
475. 1stRiadaBillboard 1.12.2 registration code
476. 1stRiadaBillboard 1.13 serial
477. 1stSource 1.0 registration code
478. 1toX 1.51 serz
479. 1toX 1.61 reg. code
480. 1toX 1.63 S/N
481. 1toX 1.64 S/N
482. 1toX 1.70 activation key
483. 1toX 2.01 ser/num
484. 1toX 2.03 code
485. 1toX 2.04 serial
486. 1toX 2.5 Registration
487. 1toX 2.53 key
488. 1toX 2.54 Activation Code
489. 1toX 2.56 Key
490. 1toX 2.57 Key
491. 1toX 2.57 serial key
492. 1toX 2.58 serial
493. 1toX 2.59 ser/num
494. 1toX 2.62 activation key
495. 1toX 2.63 registration key
496. 2 Circuits 1.2 Activation Code
497. 2 Clear? code
498. 2 Dozen Roses 1.1 key
499. 2 Hooked 1.1 serial
500. 2 Plus Block Buster 1.0 s/n
501. 2 Power 1.1 reg. code
502. 2 Power 1.1 reg. code
503. 2 Power 1.1 registration code
504. 2 Power v1.1 serial
505. 2 Thumbs Up 2.0 reg
506. 2 Thumbs Up! 1.0 serial
507. 2 way radio 2 way radio reg. code
508. 2+ Block Buster reg
509. 2. Head2Head Street Racing 1.0 Activation Code
510. 2.0 serial
511. 20 20 Vision 1.0 code
512. 20/20 Install Creator Activation Code
513. 20/20 PC Install DOS S/N
514. 20/20 PC-Install Pro 5.08 Key
515. 20/200 2.2 Registration
516. 2000 Firestorm 1.3 Reg Code
517. 2000th FireStorm 1.xx Reg Code
518. 2000th Firestorm screen saver serz
519. 2000th FireStorm Screen Saver 2.0 reg
520. 2000th FireStorm Screensaver 2.0 Serial Number
521. 2000th HellFire Screen Saver 2.20 Reg Code
522. 2001 Life Explosions screen saver 7.0 Activation Code
523. 2001 TetRize 2.14 registration key
524. 2001 TetRize 2.14 key
525. 21 And Fast 1.26.1 reg
526. 21 Dic 5.0 serial number
527. 21 Flying Images 2.0 serial number
528. 21 Flying Images Screen Saver registration key
529. 21 Hearts 1.0 code
530. 21 Media 1.2 key
531. 21 Run Game Suite 4.1 reg
532. 21 Run Game Suite 6.0 serz
533. 21Dic 5.0 Activation Code
534. 21st Century Lawyer 3.0 Serial Number
535. 21st Century Lawyer 3.0 s/n
536. 21st Media 1.2 Activation Code
537. 232Analyzer 4.2 serial
538. 24x7 Automation Suite 3.4.13 Registration
539. 24x7 Automation Suite 3.4.16 serial number
540. 24x7 Automation Suite 3.4.17 s/n
541. 24x7 Automation Suite 3.4.21 key
542. 24x7 Automation Suite 3.4.5 Registration
543. 24x7 Automation Suite 3.4.6 s/n
544. 24x7 Automation Suite 3.4.7 serial key
545. 24x7 Automation Suite 3.4.7 s/n
546. 24x7 Automation Suite 3.4.8 code
547. 24x7 Scheduler 1.0 reg
548. 24x7 Scheduler 1.5.0 code
549. 24x7 Scheduler 1.6.0 serial
550. 24x7 Scheduler 1.6.3 reg
551. 24x7 Scheduler 1.61 registration code
552. 24x7 Scheduler 2.4.0 Activation Code
553. 25 Number Game 1.4 serial
554. 2D 3D Puzzle Dreamy Kiss 1.0 Registration
555. 2D 3D Puzzle Dreamy Kiss 1.0 activation key
556. 2D 3D Puzzle Dreamy Kiss v1.0 registration key
557. 2D 3D Puzzle Flowers No1 1.0 serial key
558. 2D 3D Puzzle Flowers No1 1.0 serial number
559. 2D 3D Puzzle Flowers No1 v1.0 reg. code
560. 2D 3D Puzzle Say I Do 1.0 serial
561. 2D 3D Puzzle Say I Do 1.0 serial number
562. 2D 3D Puzzle War Craft No1 1.0 S/N
563. 2D 3D Puzzle War Craft No1 1.0 activation key
564. 2D and 3D Animator Deluxe 1.4 serial
565. 2D and 3D Animator Deluxe 1.4 registration code
566. 2D and 3D Animator Deluxe v1.4 Serial Number
567. 2D Dwarf Digger 1.0 Key
568. 2D Magic Square 1.0 serial number
569. 2D Vector Pak for ACDSee 1.0 Activation Code
570. 2D&3D Animator 1.5 code
571. 2Flyer Screensaver Builder (standard - Profesional) 6.2.2 s/n
572. 2Flyer Screensaver Builder (standard - Profesional) 6.2.2 code
573. 2Flyer Screensaver Builder 3.0 key
574. 2Flyer Screensaver Builder 6.0.1 ser/num
575. 2Flyer Screensaver Builder 6.0.1 Reg Code
576. 2Flyer Screensaver Builder Pro 4.8.2 reg. code
577. 2Flyer Screensaver Builder Pro 5.0.2 reg. code
578. 2Flyer Screensaver Builder Pro 5.2.1 s/n
579. 2Flyer Screensaver Builder Pro 5.2.1 Key
580. 2Flyer Screensaver Builder Pro 6.0.1 s/n
581. 2Flyer Screensaver Builder Pro 6.1 registration code
582. 2Flyer Screensaver Builder Pro 6.2.1 Serial
583. 2Flyer Screensaver Builder Pro 6.2.1 reg
584. 2Flyer Screensaver Builder Pro 6.2.2 Reg Code
585. 2Flyer Screensaver Builder Pro 7.4 Serial Number
586. 2Flyer Screensaver Builder Professional 4.71 activation key
587. 2Flyer Screensaver Builder Standard 5.0.2 key
588. 2JPEG 4.0 Registration
589. 2M Arcade Bubbles 1.2 key
590. 2M Arcade Bubbles 1.4 Reg Code
591. 2M Arcade Bubbles 1.4a code
592. 2M Arcade Bubbles 1.6 serial number
593. 2M Arcade Bubbles 1.7 Key
594. 2M Arcade Bubbles 1.8 serial number
595. 2M Blocks Swapper 1.4 serial
596. 2M Blocks Swapper 1.5 serial
597. 2M Blocks Swapper 1.6 serial
598. 2M Blocks Swapper 1.7a code
599. 2M Blocks Swapper 1.8 S/N
600. 2M Blocks Swapper 1.8 Key
601. 2M Blocks Swapper 2.0 Activation Code
602. 2M Blocks Swapper 2.1 key
603. 2M Blocks Swapper 2.1a Registration
604. 2M Blocks Swapper 2.2 S/N
605. 2M Blocks Swapper 2.3 Serial
606. 2M Blocks Swapper 2.4 code
607. 2M Blocks Swapper 2.4a s/n
608. 2M Bubble Lines 1.0a serial
609. 2M Flower Garden 1.1a Reg Code
610. 2M Flower Garden 1.2 key
611. 2M Flower Garden 1.4 S/N
612. 2M Puzzles Letters 1.0 serial
613. 2M Puzzles Letters 1.0a Reg Code
614. 2M Puzzles Letters 1.2 ser/num
615. 2M Puzzles Letters 1.3 s/n
616. 2m Puzzles Letters 1.3 ser/num
617. 2M Solitaires 1.3 serial number
618. 2M Solitaires Collection 1.10 Registration
619. 2M Solitaires Collection 1.12 code
620. 2M Solitaires Collection 1.3 activation key
621. 2M Solitaires Collection 1.3 registration code
622. 2M Solitaires Collection 1.4 serial
623. 2M Solitaires Collection 1.5 Serial
624. 2M Solitaires Collection 1.6 activation key
625. 2M Solitaires Collection 1.7 registration code
626. 2M Solitaires Collection 1.7 serz
627. 2M Solitaires Collection 1.9 Activation Code
628. 2M Solitaires Collection 2.0 registration key
629. 2M Solitaires Collection 2.0 Serial Number
630. 2M Solitaires Collection 2.0a reg
631. 2M SolitairesCollection 1.1 Activation Code
632. 2M Tetrix Collection 1.4 serial number
633. 2M Tetrix Collection 1.5 Key
634. 2M Tetrix Collection 1.6 registration key
635. 2M Tetrix Collection 1.7 registration key
636. 2M Tetrix Collection 1.8 code
637. 2M Tetrix Collection 2.1 s/n
638. 2M Tetrix Collection 2.1a serial
639. 2M Tetrix Collection 2.1a reg
640. 2M Tetrix Collection 2.2 s/n
641. 2M Tetrix Collection 2.3 Key
642. 2M Tetrix Collection 2.4 s/n
643. 2M Tetrix Collection 2.5 Registration
644. 2M Words Collection 1.0 ser/num
645. 2M Words Collection 1.1 reg
646. 2M Words Collection 1.2 serial number
647. 2M Words Collection 1.2a s/n
648. 2nd Speech Center 1.30 reg
649. 2nd Speech Center 1.00 s/n
650. 2nd Speech Center 1.00 Build 020131 Activation Code
651. 2nd Speech Center 1.10 serial
652. 2nd Speech Center 1.10 build 020415 key
653. 2nd Speech Center 1.21 serz
654. 2nd Speech Center 1.21.020904 s/n
655. 2nd Speech Center 1.3 Serial
656. 2nd Speech Center 1.30 serz
657. 2nd Speech Center 1.30 Key
658. 2nd Speech Center 1.30 serial number
659. 2nd Speech Center 1.30 Key
660. 2nd Speech Center 1.5 registration key
661. 2nd Speech Center 1.50 s/n
662. 2nd Speech Center 1.50.040216 reg
663. 2nd Speech Center 1.50.040216 key
664. 2nd Speech Center 3.00.050830 s/n
665. 2Remember 1.01 build 1016 reg. code
666. 2Remember 1.02 key
667. 2ServerService 1.01 Activation Code
668. 2Split 1.0 serial
669. 2Split 2.0 ser/num
670. 2Spy 1.41 Registration
671. 2X Cherries 1.2 s/n
672. 2X Cherry Slots 1.2 key
673. 2X Dynamite Slots 1.1 serz
674. 2x Dynamite Slots 2.0 activation key
675. 2X Sevens Slots 3.0 serial
676. 2x Spicy Slots s/n
677. 2X Spicy Slots 1.1 Activation Code
678. 2X Wild Stars 1.1 S/N
679. 3 Blaster 1.1 code
680. 3 Blaster 1.1 activation key
681. 3 Blaster v1.1 serial
682. 3 Card Rummy Drop 1.1 activation key
683. 3 Card Rummy Drop 2.0 reg. code
684. 3 d studio max 7 7 s/n
685. 3 ds max 5 serial key
686. 3 Peak Space Cards 2.1 Key
687. 3 Peak Space Cards 2.5 registration code
688. 3-D GraphSaver 2.0 s/n
689. 3-IN-A-BED 2.01 Registration
690. 3-IN-A-BED 2.01 Registration
691. 3.0h s/n
692. 30 Happy Easter Riddles 5.00 Reg Code
693. 30 Happy Easter Riddles Screen Saver 5.0 serial number
694. 30 Happy Easter Riddles Screen Saver 5.0 s/n
695. 30 Happy Easter Riddles Screen Saver 5.00 Us serial key
696. 30 Happy Easter Riddles Screensaver 5.0 Serial Number
697. 30 Wildlife Scenes Screen Saver 5.00 s/n
698. 3001 Space Oddities 1.1.x serial number
699. 3001 Space Oddities Screen Saver 1.1.1 serz
700. 32 Card Bridge 1.6 serial
701. 32 Card Bridge 1.6 registration key
702. 321 Studios DVD Copy Plus 4.2 serial
703. 321 Studios DVD Copy Plus 4.2 code
704. 324324234 324234 serial number
705. 32bit Convert It 9.65.14 serial
706. 32bit Convert It 9.33.01 Reg Code
707. 32bit Convert It 9.34.01 s/n
708. 32bit Convert It 9.36.18 Registration
709. 32bit Convert It 9.36.18 serial number
710. 32bit Convert It 9.39.01 key
711. 32bit Convert it 9.40.01 serial key
712. 32bit Convert It 9.42.01 ser/num
713. 32bit Convert it 9.42.22 s/n
714. 32bit Convert It 9.43.01 s/n
715. 32bit Convert IT 9.45.01 Reg Code
716. 32Bit Convert It 9.45.11 Key
717. 32bit Convert IT 9.45.11 Activation Code
718. 32bit Convert It 9.47.14 code
719. 32bit Convert It 9.48.01 serial number
720. 32bit Convert It 9.48.01 s/n
721. 32bit Convert It 9.49.01 code
722. 32bit Convert It 9.49.01 Reg Code
723. 32bit Convert it 9.50.01 registration code
724. 32bit Convert It 9.51.01 reg. code
725. 32bit Convert It 9.56.01 serial
726. 32bit Convert It 9.57.23 ser/num
727. 32bit Convert It 9.60.01 key
728. 32bit Convert It 9.62.01 s/n
729. 32bit Convert It 9.65.14 s/n
730. 32bit Convert It 9.66.01 Serial Number
731. 32bit Convert It 9.66.01 ser/num
732. 32bit Convert It 9.66.01 Registration
733. 32bit Convert It 9.66.19 Reg Code
734. 32bit Convert It 9.66.19 registration code
735. 32bit Convert It 9.67.01 activation key
736. 32bit Convert It 9.67.01 ser/num
737. 32bit Convert It 9.69.01 serial
738. 32bit Convert It 9.70.01 serial number
739. 32bit Convert It c9.69.01 activation key
740. 32bit Convert It v9.47.14 serial
741. 32bit Convert It vc9.48.01 key
742. 32bit Email Broadcaster 9.18.01 registration code
743. 32bit Email Broadcaster 9.19.01 S/N
744. 32bit Email Broadcaster 9.20.01 Serial Number
745. 32bit Email Broadcaster 9.21.01 s/n
746. 32bit Email Broadcaster 9.22.01 key
747. 32bit Email Broadcaster 9.23.01 serial key
748. 32bit Email Broadcaster 9.24.01 s/n
749. 32bit Email Broadcaster 9.25.01 activation key
750. 32bit Email Broadcaster 9.25.23 Serial Number
751. 32bit Email Broadcaster 9.28.01 S/N
752. 32bit Email Broadcaster 9.28.17 key
753. 32bit Email Broadcaster 9.32.01 code
754. 32bit Email Broadcaster 9.33.01 serial
755. 32bit Email Broadcaster 9.34.01 serial
756. 32bit Email Broadcaster 9.35.01 activation key
757. 32bit Email Broadcaster 9.35.18 s/n
758. 32bit Email Broadcaster 9.37.01 Activation Code
759. 32bit Email Broadcaster 9.40.01 serz
760. 32bit Email Broadcaster 9.42.01 reg
761. 32BIT Email Broadcaster 9.43.01 s/n
762. 32BIT Email Broadcaster 9.44.01 key
763. 32BIT Email Broadcaster 9.44.06 S/N
764. 32bit Email Broadcaster 9.45.01 key
765. 32Bit Email Broadcaster 9.45.11 Registration
766. 32bit Email Broadcaster 9.46.01 ser/num
767. 32bit Email Broadcaster 9.47.14 Registration
768. 32bit Email Broadcaster 9.48.01 key
769. 32bit Email Broadcaster 9.48.01 activation key
770. 32bit Email Broadcaster 9.49.01 Key
771. 32bit Email Broadcaster 9.49.01 Registration
772. 32bit Email Broadcaster 9.50.01 activation key
773. 32bit Email Broadcaster 9.51.01 registration code
774. 32bit Email Broadcaster 9.56.01 serial key
775. 32bit Email Broadcaster 9.57.23 serial
776. 32bit Email Broadcaster 9.60.01 code
777. 32bit Email Broadcaster 9.65.14 registration code
778. 32bit Email Broadcaster 9.65.14 activation key
779. 32bit Email Broadcaster 9.66.01 Serial
780. 32bit Email Broadcaster 9.66.01 serial number
781. 32bit Email Broadcaster 9.66.01 serial
782. 32bit Email Broadcaster 9.66.19 Serial Number
783. 32bit Email Broadcaster 9.69.01 registration key
784. 32bit Email Broadcaster 9.70.01 serial
785. 32bit Email Broadcaster e9.51.01 registration code
786. 32bit Email Broadcaster e9.69.01 Registration
787. 32bit Email Broadcaster v9.47.14 registration code
788. 32bit Email Broadcaster v9.48.01 serial key
789. 32bit Fax 9.09.01 reg
790. 32bit Fax 9.11.01 serial key
791. 32bit Fax 9.12.01 Serial
792. 32bit Fax 9.12.08 Registration
793. 32bit Fax 9.13.01 s/n
794. 32bit Fax 9.16.01 Serial
795. 32bit Fax 9.17.01 Serial Number
796. 32bit Fax 9.21.01 reg. code
797. 32bit Fax 9.25.01 code
798. 32bit Fax 9.25.23 registration key
799. 32Bit Fax 9.28.01 registration code
800. 32bit Fax 9.33.01 serial key
801. 32Bit Fax 9.34.01 activation key
802. 32BIT Fax 9.35.01 key
803. 32bit Fax 9.36.01 reg
804. 32bit Fax 9.42.01 s/n
805. 32bit FAX 9.42.22 serial number
806. 32bit Fax 9.43 serial
807. 32BIT Fax 9.43.01 Serial
808. 32BIT Fax 9.44.01 s/n
809. 32BIT Fax 9.44.06 serial
810. 32bit Fax 9.45.01 serial key
811. 32Bit Fax 9.45.11 code
812. 32bit Fax 9.46.01 key
813. 32bit Fax 9.47.14 registration key
814. 32bit Fax 9.48.01 reg. code
815. 32bit Fax 9.48.01 serial key
816. 32bit Fax 9.49.01 Registration
817. 32bit Fax 9.49.01 serial
818. 32bit Fax 9.50.01 s/n
819. 32bit Fax 9.51.01 code
820. 32bit Fax 9.56.01 serial
821. 32bit Fax 9.56.01 reg
822. 32bit Fax 9.57.23 registration key
823. 32bit Fax 9.60.01 key
824. 32bit Fax 9.65.14 serial
825. 32bit Fax 9.65.14 S/N
826. 32bit Fax 9.66.01 Reg Code
827. 32bit Fax 9.66.01 reg
828. 32bit Fax 9.66.01 Serial Number
829. 32bit Fax 9.66.19 serial key
830. 32bit Fax 9.69.01 ser/num
831. 32bit Fax 9.70.01 serial number
832. 32bit Fax v9.47.14 activation key
833. 32bit Fax v9.48.01 serz
834. 32bit Fax x9.57.01 key
835. 32bit Fax x9.58.01 s/n
836. 32bit Fax x9.58.01 key
837. 32bit Fax x9.69.01 Key
838. 32Bit FaxAmatic 9.40.01 serial number
839. 32bit FaxAmatic 9.45.01 Reg Code
840. 32bit FaxAmatic 9.45.11 serial
841. 32bit FaxAmatic 9.46.01 code
842. 32bit FaxAmatic 9.49.01 serial
843. 32bit FaxAmatic 9.49.01 registration code
844. 32bit FaxAmatic 9.50.01 Key
845. 32Bit FaxAmatic 9.56.01 serz
846. 32bit FaxAmatic 9.57.23 serial
847. 32bit FaxAmatic 9.60.01 Activation Code
848. 32bit FaxAmatic 9.65.01 code
849. 32bit FaxAmatic 9.65.14 serial
850. 32bit FaxAmatic 9.66.01 Serial Number
851. 32bit FaxAmatic 9.69.01 serial key
852. 32bit FaxAmatic 9.70.01 registration code
853. 32bit FaxMail for Win 9.50.01 Registration
854. 32bit FaxMail for Windows 9.45.01 s/n
855. 32bit FaxMail for Windows 9.45.11 activation key
856. 32bit FaxMail for Windows 9.46.01 Reg Code
857. 32bit FaxMail for Windows 9.49.01 Serial
858. 32bit FaxMail for Windows 9.49.01 serial number
859. 32bit FaxMail for Windows 9.56.01 S/N
860. 32bit FaxMail for Windows 9.60.01 Reg Code
861. 32bit FaxMail for Windows 9.65.14 registration key
862. 32bit FaxMail for Windows 9.66.01 key
863. 32bit FaxMail for Windows 9.69.01 Reg Code
864. 32bit FaxMail for Windows 9.70.01 Serial
865. 32Bit Faxmail Network 9.40.01 Reg Code
866. 32bit FaxMail Network 9.43.01 ser/num
867. 32bit FaxMail Network for Win 9.50.01 Registration
868. 32bit FaxMail Network for Windows 9.45.01 S/N
869. 32bit FaxMail Network for Windows 9.45.11 Activation Code
870. 32bit FaxMail Network for Windows 9.46.01 serial key
871. 32bit FaxMail Network for Windows 9.49.01 key
872. 32bit FaxMail Network for Windows 9.49.01 key
873. 32bit FaxMail Network for Windows 9.56.01 activation key
874. 32bit FaxMail Network for Windows 9.60.01 registration key
875. 32bit FaxMail Network for Windows 9.65.14 key
876. 32bit FaxMail Network for Windows 9.66.01 activation key
877. 32bit FaxMail Network for Windows 9.69.01 S/N
878. 32bit FaxMail Network for Windows 9.70.01 ser/num
879. 32bit FTP 9.08.01 serial key
880. 32bit FTP 9.11.01 activation key
881. 32bit FTP 9.14.01 serial
882. 32bit FTP 9.15.01 serial
883. 32bit FTP 9.16.01 s/n
884. 32bit FTP 9.21.01 reg
885. 32bit FTP 9.25.09 code
886. 32bit FTP 9.25.16 serial
887. 32bit FTP 9.26.15 Reg Code
888. 32bit FTP 9.27.01 ser/num
889. 32bit FTP 9.28.01 s/n
890. 32bit FTP 9.33.01 registration key
891. 32BIT FTP 9.35.01 serial key
892. 32Bit FTP 9.40.01 serial number
893. 32bit FTP 9.42.01 serz
894. 32bit FTP 9.42.22 ser/num
895. 32BIT FTP 9.43.01 serial number
896. 32BIT FTP 9.44.01 ser/num
897. 32BIT FTP 9.44.06 Reg Code
898. 32bit FTP 9.45.01 serial
899. 32Bit FTP 9.45.11 reg
900. 32bit FTP 9.46.01 serial
901. 32bit FTP 9.47.22 Serial
902. 32bit FTP 9.48.01 serz
903. 32bit FTP 9.48.01 reg. code
904. 32bit FTP 9.49.01 serial
905. 32bit FTP 9.49.01 serial number
906. 32bit FTP 9.50.01 s/n
907. 32bit FTP 9.51.01 s/n
908. 32bit FTP 9.54.01 serial number
909. 32bit FTP 9.56.01 serial number
910. 32bit FTP 9.60.01 registration code
911. 32bit FTP 9.65.14 s/n
912. 32bit FTP 9.65.14 registration code
913. 32bit FTP 9.66.01 s/n
914. 32bit FTP 9.66.01 serial number
915. 32bit FTP 9.66.01 code
916. 32bit FTP 9.66.19 serz
917. 32bit FTP 9.69.01 s/n
918. 32bit FTP 9.70.01 Key
919. 32bit FTP p9.51 serial number
920. 32bit FTP p9.54.01 activation key
921. 32bit FTP p9.60.01 Key
922. 32bit FTP p9.69.01 serial number
923. 32bit FTP v9.47.22 code
924. 32bit FTP v9.48.01 S/N
925. 32bit Internet Fax 9.51.01 Serial
926. 32bit Internet Fax 9.56.01 registration key
927. 32bit Internet Fax 9.57.23 key
928. 32bit Internet Fax 9.60.01 code
929. 32bit Internet Fax 9.65.14 reg. code
930. 32bit Internet Fax 9.65.14 activation key
931. 32bit Internet Fax 9.66.01 serial
932. 32bit Internet Fax 9.66.01 key
933. 32bit Internet Fax 9.66.19 Activation Code
934. 32bit Internet Fax 9.69.01 Key
935. 32bit Internet Fax 9.70.01 s/n
936. 32bit Internet Fax i9.69.01 code
937. 32bit Multi Clipboard 9.39.01 ser/num
938. 32Bit Multi Clipboard 9.40.01 serial number
939. 32bit Multi Clipboard 9.45.01 key
940. 32bit Multi clipboard 9.45.11 reg
941. 32bit Multi Clipboard 9.49.01 registration key
942. 32bit Multi Clipboard 9.49.01 Reg Code
943. 32bit Multi clipboard 9.50.01 reg
944. 32Bit Multi Clipboard 9.56.01 Key
945. 32Bit Multi Clipboard 9.57.19 s/n
946. 32bit Multi Clipboard 9.60.01 Registration
947. 32bit Multi Clipboard 9.65.01 S/N
948. 32bit Multi Clipboard 9.65.14 registration key
949. 32bit Multi Clipboard 9.66.01 activation key
950. 32bit Multi Clipboard 9.69.01 serial key
951. 32bit Multi Clipboard 9.70.01 key
952. 32bit MultiClipboard 9.42.22 s/n
953. 32bit Service Monitor 9.35.01 serial number
954. 32bit Service Monitor 9.38.01 Registration
955. 32bit Service Monitor 9.39.01 Key
956. 32bit Service Monitor 9.42.01 Serial
957. 32bit Service Monitor 9.42.22 S/N
958. 32bit Service Monitor 9.43.01 Key
959. 32bit Service Monitor 9.45.01 reg
960. 32Bit Service Monitor 9.45.11 code
961. 32bit Service Monitor 9.46.01 Registration
962. 32bit Service Monitor 9.47.14 serial key
963. 32bit Service Monitor 9.48.01 Serial
964. 32bit Service Monitor 9.48.01 serial
965. 32bit Service Monitor 9.49.01 Activation Code
966. 32bit Service Monitor 9.49.01 code
967. 32bit Service Monitor 9.50.01 Key
968. 32bit Service Monitor 9.51.01 Activation Code
969. 32bit Service Monitor 9.56.01 Activation Code
970. 32bit Service Monitor 9.57.23 code
971. 32bit Service Monitor 9.60.01 Serial
972. 32bit Service Monitor 9.65.14 Serial
973. 32bit Service Monitor 9.65.14 key
974. 32bit Service Monitor 9.66.01 activation key
975. 32bit Service Monitor 9.66.01 key
976. 32bit Service Monitor 9.66.01 ser/num
977. 32bit Service Monitor 9.66.19 serial key
978. 32bit Service Monitor 9.69.01 reg
979. 32bit Service Monitor 9.70.01 serial
980. 32bit Service Monitor s9.69.01 serial key
981. 32bit Service Monitor v9.47.14 ser/num
982. 32bit Service Monitor v9.48.01 serial
983. 32bit Web Browser 9.24.01 Registration
984. 32Bit Web Browser 9.25.23 s/n
985. 32bit Web Browser 9.27.01 Serial
986. 32bit Web Browser 9.28.01 serial key
987. 32bit Web Browser 9.33.01 key
988. 32bit Web Browser 9.34.01 serz
989. 32BIT Web Browser 9.35.01 serial
990. 32bit Web Browser 9.42.01 registration code
991. 32bit Web Browser 9.42.22 serial number
992. 32BIT Web Browser 9.43.01 serial
993. 32BIT Web Browser 9.44.01 Serial
994. 32BIT Web Browser 9.44.06 Serial
995. 32bit Web browser 9.45.01 Serial Number
996. 32Bit Web Browser 9.45.11 Activation Code
997. 32bit Web Browser 9.47.14 code
998. 32bit Web Browser 9.48.01 Serial
999. 32bit Web Browser 9.48.01 Reg Code
1000. 32bit Web Browser 9.49.01 Key
Источник: [https://torrent-igruha.org/3551-portal.html]
2nd Speech Center 1.00 Build 020131 serial key or number

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What’s New in the 2nd Speech Center 1.00 Build 020131 serial key or number?

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